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Emr 2411 Lecture Notes 1

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EMR 2411: Marine Transportation (45 Lecture Hours)

Prerequisites: None
The aim of this course is to enable the student to;
1. Understand the factors that influence the location and types of harbors
2. Understand marine transportation systems and operations
3. Understand the queuing theory and its application to ports and harbors
Course objectives
At the end of this course, the student should be able to;
1. Explain the factors that influence the location, type and size of harbours
2. Explain marine transport systems
3. Apply the queuing theory in port operations
Course description
Introduction: Sea port and its importance in the national and international communication systems,
location of harbour, natural and artificial harbours, accessibility and size, trade, winds, waves and their
action on marine structures.
Transport: Functions, modal characteristics. System elements. Freight unitization, standardization and
through transport. Inter modal terminals. Marine transport operations; carriers (including Ro-Ro), cargoes
and their characteristics.
Materials handling: Principles and systems. Traffic forecasting; ship types, tonnage and frequency calls.
Queuing theory and its application at ports and harbours.

Course text books

1 Alan E. Branch. Elements of Shipping Sixth ed. Chapman and Hall LONDON, NEW YORK, 1989.
2 Alan E. Branch. Elements of Port Operation and Management. Published in the USA by Chapman
and Hall, 1986.
3 C. Barnhart and G. Laporte (Eds.), Handbook in Operation research & Marine Transportation,
Elsevier Vol. 14. 2007.
4 Thoresen, C A (2003). Port Designer's Handbook, Thomas Telford

1. Lundgren, H A H, Korsgard and Keng Chi; Planning and Design of Ports and Marine Terminals;
2. Cornick, H F; Dock and Harbour Engineering
3. Journal of Maritime Transportation

Teaching methodology:
2 hour lectures and 1 hour tutorial per week

Instruction materials/equipment
1. Mechanical Engineering laboratories and workshops;
2. Overhead projectors.
10%Class Projects/Presentations/ Assignments
20% CATS
70% Exams

1 Introduction to Shipping
Maritime transport is the shipment of goods (cargo) and people by sea and other waterways. Port
operations are a necessary tool to enable maritime trade between trading partners. To ensure smooth port
operations and to avoid congestion in the harbor it is inevitable to permanently upgrade the port’s physical
infrastructure, invest in human capital, foster connectivity of the port and upgrade the port operations to
prevailing standards.
Hence, port operations can be defined as all policies, reforms and regulations that influence the
infrastructure and operations of port facilities including shipping services.
1.1 Overview
More than 80% of world trade is carried by sea, constituting by far the most important means of transport
of goods.
Maritime transport has been growing annually by around 3.1% for the past three decades.
Even though the largest shipping companies are located in developed economies their fleets are by large
registered in developing countries. Panama and Liberia, the two leading registries account for one third of
the world’s deadweight tonnage.
International maritime transport costs tend to be on average between two to three times as high as custom
duties of importing countries. Still it is the cheapest way of transporting large amounts of goods compared
to other transport methods. For example, the rental rate for a 20 foot container was as low as USD 0.70
per day in the beginning of 2008.

The price of shipping a container depends largely on the route and the current economic situation.
However, besides costs, available services to traders and ships as well as service quality concerning speed,
reliability, frequencies, safety and security are of increasing significance in the context of globalized
production processes and just in time deliveries.

The increasing globalization of trade and high complexity of port operations requires the application of a
sophisticated ICT system. In recent years the size of ships has doubled and has added to the difficulty in
managing port operations and demanded an even larger logistical effort. The trend towards just-in-time
manufacture requires a permanent improvement of the information flow and integration of the transport
business in the production process.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) has long experience in providing
technical assistance in the commercial aspects of shipping and port management. This includes port
pricing and maritime transport policies and practices. The goal is to improve competitiveness, in particular
of developing economies, and ultimately promoting and facilitating world trade.
1.2 Factors that have fueled the growth of maritime transport
The systematic growth of maritime freight traffic has been fueled by:
i. Increase in energy and mineral cargoes. Conventionally energy and mineral cargo flows
concern developed countries. The flow of petroleum from the Middle East to Europe, North
America and Asia. The flow coal, mineral ores, etc are very important in fuelling freight
ii. Globalization. The international division of production and trade liberalization has incited
a large amount of parts and finished goods to be carried over long distances especially by
sea transport.
iii. Technical improvements. Ships and maritime terminals have become more efficient in
terms of their throughput and their ability to handle several types of goods (e.g. containers,
natural gas, refrigerated goods), enabling long distance sourcing.
iv. Economies of scale. The growth in the size of ships has permitted maritime transportation
to become increasingly cost effective, a trend which has been strengthened by

1.3 Major Technological Innovations in Shipping (20th Century)

Maritime shipping has seen several major technical innovations aiming at improving the performance of
ships or their access to port facilities, notably in the 20th century. They include:

i. Size. The last century has seen a growth of the number of ships as well as their average
sizes. Each time the size of a ship is doubled, its capacity is cubed (tripled). The largest
tankers (ULCC) are around 500,000 dwt (dominant size between 250,000 and 350,000
dwt), while the largest dry bulk carriers are around 350,000 dwt (dominant size between
100,000 and 150,000 dwt). The only remaining constraints on ship size are the capacity of
ports, harbors and canals to accommodate them.
ii. Speed. The average speed of ships is about 15 knots (1 knot = 1 marine mile = 1,853
meters), which is 28 km per hour. Under such circumstances, a ship would travel about 575
km per day. More recent ships can travel at speeds between 25 to 30 knots (45 to 55 km
per hour), but it is uncommon that a commercial ship will travel faster than 25 knots due
to energy requirements. The propulsion and engine technology has improved from sailing
to steam, to diesel, to gas turbines and to nuclear (only for military ships; civilian attempts
were abandoned in the early 1980s.
iii. Specialization of ships. Economies of scales are often linked with specialization since
many ships are designed to carry only one type of cargo. Ships have became increasingly
specialized to include general cargo ships, tankers, grain carriers, barges, mineral carriers,
bulk carriers, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers, RO-RO ships (roll-on roll off; for
vehicles) and container ships.
iv. Ship design. Ship design has significantly improved from wood hulls, to wood hulls with
steel armatures, to steel hulls (the first were warships) and to steel, aluminum and
composite materials hulls. The hulls of today’s ships are the result of considerable efforts
to minimize energy consumption, construction costs and improve safety.
v. Automation. Different automation technologies are possible including self-unloading
ships, computer assisted navigation (crew needs are reduced and safety is increased) and
global positioning systems.
A harbour or haven is a body of water where ships, boats, and barges can seek shelter from stormy
weather, or are stored for future use. Harbors can be natural or artificial.

An artificial harbor has deliberately constructed breakwaters, seawalls, or jetties, or otherwise, they could
have been constructed by dredging, and these require maintenance by further periodic dredging.
1.4.1 Natural and Artificial Harbors
A natural harbor is a landform where a part of a body of water is protected from the main sea body and
deep enough to allow for anchorage. Natural harbours, typically in bays, estuaries, and river mouths,
occur where land and water converges in such a way as to protect ships from wind and waves as they
enter and dock. Natural harbors have long been of great strategic naval and economic importance, and
many great cities of the world are located on them.

Artificial harbours are frequently built for use as ports. Harbours can also be constructed using jetties
and breakwaters to provide protection for ships.
Harbors include entrance channels, interior channels (to allow movement to anchoring areas or turning
basins), and support facilities for refueling and repairing vessels. Harbors can be located either on the
coast (such as the harbor at Long Beach, California, located on the coast of the Pacific Ocean) or on inland
water bodies (such as the harbor at Chicago, Illinois, located on Lake Michigan).

1.4.2 Types of Artificial harbours

• Coastal natural. Represents a sheltered site the outcome of a natural profile of the coast, creating
a natural barrier such as a cape, a reef or an island. About 2,100 (46.0%) ports are in this category,
underlining that the selection of a port site is dominantly influenced by the quality of the harbour.
• Coastal breakwater. A harbor lying behind an artificial breakwater construction built from
scratch or built to add to an existing natural shelter. It is particularly the case for harbors exposed
to dominant winds, waves or the sea currents. About 810 ports (17.6%) are in this category.
• Coastal tide gates. A harbour behind a set of locks or other mechanical devices built to insure
sufficient water levels in the harbor for all tide levels. In many cases ships can enter or exit the
port only at certain times of the day when water levels are adequate. Only 39 (0.8%) such ports
exist, such as Mumbai, India.
• Open roadstead. A harbour with no natural or artificial protection. They are often built to
accommodate very large ships (such as oil tankers) or are in a setting where there are limited tides,
implying that sheltering infrastructure are much less required (Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of
Mexico). 580 (12.5%) ports are in this category
• River natural. A harbour located along a river where water is not retained in any artificial means.
The harbour often consists of quays or wharves parallel to the river banks. Piers may also extend
into the river. About 850 (18.5%) such ports exist, such as Jacksonville or Montreal.
• River basins. A river harbour where basins have been excavated to accommodate ships, often
parallel to the flow of the river. This confers the advantage of additional berth space without
impeding navigation. 77 (1.6%) such ports exist.
• River tide gates. A river harbour behind a set of locks or other mechanical devices built to insure
sufficient water levels in the harbor for all tide levels. Such harbors tend to be located close to the
ocean, such as in a river delta or estuary. Only 47 (1.0%) such ports exist.
• Canal or lake. A harbour located along an artificial canal or by a river accessible through a
navigable waterway. 67 (1.4%) such ports exist, including Balboa in Panama and Brugge in

Harbor Types of the World's Large Sized Ports There are eight major types of harbors and the above map
depicts only large-sized ports

1.4.3 Factors that influence the location and types of harbours

i. Population centers
Except harbours for refuge only, harbours generally should be near large centers of population. This is
particularly important for commercial harbors where a nearby outlet for consumer goods results in lower
transshipment costs. The costs of both imports and exports are affected by the overland shipping distances
involved. Large population centers also provide manufactured products for export and a labor market of
dock and ship workers.
The basic protection for an artificial harbor is so expensive that it is warranted only if a large number of
boats use the harbor. These boats can only be provided by a large tributary population.
ii. Tributary areas
The tributary area to any harbour is primarily determined by the access routes to that harbour as compared
with those to other adjacent harbours. Other factors, such as labour or through rates, may sometimes be
of more importance.

iii. Access roads

Access roads, both rail and highway, are important considerations in determining the extent of a tributary
area and the most favorable location for a harbor.
Every effort is made to select that location where the greatest benefit would result to the greatest number
of people and where the use of existing facilities would not be adversely affected.

iv. Size requirements

Harbours must be larger and farther apart to be economically justified. Size is sometimes a decisive factor
in determining the location of a harbor.
Important considerations in the work of planning and designing a harbor include selecting the location of
the entrance and determining its size. A harbor entrance should be of sufficient width to accommodate
anticipated traffic with ease and safety. It should not be so wide as to induce shoaling between the jetties
and the attendant development of a meandering channel. Accordingly, the wider the entrance, the longer
must be the entrance jetties to prevent shoaling.

v. Surge
Surge is generally a major factor in determining the location of the integral parts of a harbor rather than
in determining the location of the harbor itself. The causes of surge are quite complex and individually
may have some bearing in determining the location of a harbor. Short-period waves seldom cause surge.
They could only do so if the basin were of such shape and size as to develop a period of resonance that
would combine a damping and amplifying effect on waves of certain short periods. Generally, the surge
results from a convergence of long-period waves. In determining the location of a harbour entrance, areas
of concentrated long-period waves are carefully avoided if possible.

vi. Physical features

The importance of physical features in determining the best location for a harbour is readily apparent.
These features, which include natural protection, availability of land for service areas, natural sloughs for
harbour development, streams, and drainage, outweigh all other considerations.
This is reasonable because the physical features of a coast line affect the many other factors that must be
considered before a harbour is constructed.
The planner and designer must fully utilize all natural protection that would help to provide a less
expensive and a safer harbour. Use of natural sloughs would reduce costs of rights-of-way and of dredging.

vii. Wave exposure

Wave exposure is always considered in determining the location of a harbour and of the integral parts of
a harbour, especially the entrance channel. By the use of refraction diagrams, zones of convergence and
divergence may be readily determined.
With these zones established, the harbour entrance can be so located as to provide optimum safe navigating
conditions. A slight shift in location often will result in lowering the design wave several feet. Thus, the
size of protective structures may be safely reduced with resultant savings in cost.

viii. National defense

National defense is also an important consideration where a choice exists between two sites. It may even
be the deciding factor in determining whether a harbour will be justified. The fact that one site was
militarily more important than the second site would lead to either the elimination of the site with less
military importance or to the construction of both harbors, should such action be found necessary and

With the exception of national defense, all factors discussed and all solutions of the problems they present
are related to the cost of the project. They may affect costs of construction, rights-of-way, and maintenance.
Where a choice exists between sites, the site that would provide adequate facilities and that would be
economically the most feasible probably would be the site selected. A comparison of costs for various
sites is made by reducing costs including amortization, interest on investment, operation, and maintenance
to an annual basis.


Ports/seaports are transfer hubs for trade and are usually built near natural harbours, but they can also be
located hundreds of miles up rivers or lakes.
Ports are land facilities constructed to transfer goods between water and land. They consist of major
features such as:
• Docks or berths where vessels moor;
• Equipment and personnel to load and unload vessels;
• Connections to land transportation (such as highways, railways, and pipelines); and
• Cargo storage areas.
Ports are actually intermodal facilities, a place where rail, truck, barge, ship, and other transport methods
converge. In this way, ports play a key role in moving products both to other countries and to the interior
of the country.

The port's terminal makes possible the docking and the handling, storage and transfer of cargo. Ports are
designed to handle a wide variety of cargo types: bulk or loose, break-bulk in packages (bundles, crates,
barrels, pallets etc).

1.5.1 Roles of Ports

Ports exist as an important and fundamental part of the overall pattern of trade and transport. The four
principal roles of a port can be summarized as follows:

(a) Provision of shelter from the sea elements. This arises when, due to heavy seas and storm conditions
prevailing, ships take shelter in the environs of a port and thereby seek safe anchorage.

(b) Cargo and passenger handling. A place where ships can load or discharge their cargo, and/or
passengers. This is the prime function of a port.

(c) Support services for ships. This embraces victualling, stores, bunkering, ship repair and so on. In the
larger ports such as Dunkerque ship yard/dry docking facilities are available for ship survey and overhaul
(d) A base for industrial development. This involves the provision of industry and its infrastructure to
facilitate the development of trade passing through the port. It may be a steel plant.

(e) A terminal forming part of a transport chain. Such an interchange point links the shipping service with
other transport modes to provide an overall international trade distribution network, often under the
combined transport operation concept. It may involve rail, road or inland waterways/canal transport.
1.5.2 Ports Classification criteria
The types of classification in this class will be based on the different features in each facility that allows
them to meet their business needs.

• “Deepwater Seaport”: A deepwater seaport is a port whose draft (draft measured by the vertical
distance from the water surface to the sea floor) in both the entrance channel and in the terminal
area, exceeds 13.72 m.
• “River Port”: All ports that are located in one of the banks of a river, whatever its depth.
• “Harbour”: This classification encompasses installations which, although not strictly considered
port, are used for loading and unloading goods and are sheltered.
• Ports on a lake, river, or canal have access to a sea or ocean, and are sometimes called "inland
• A "fishing port" is a type of port or harbor facility particularly suitable for landing and distributing
• A "dry port" is a term sometimes used to describe a yard used to place containers or conventional
bulk cargo, usually connected to a seaport by rail or road.
• A "warm water port" is a port where the water does not freeze in winter.
Because they are available year-round, warm water ports can be of great geopolitical or economic
interest, with the ports of Saint Petersburg and Valdez being notable examples.
• A "port of call" is an intermediate stop, for example to collect supplies or fuel.
• “Pier, jetty or wharf”: in this category are those facilities that are no more than a simple dock or
pier, that not always have to be sheltered.
• “Port Terminal”: Although it is strictly a classification that should be encompassed by any of the
above, the large number of such facilities in the world makes it necessary to establish this
subdivision. It is also known as "dedicated terminals". In the strict sense, it is not about ports but
rather simple terminals whose materials that are uploaded or downloaded is always the same and
consequently, their facilities are accessible only to the type of goods they manage.

The most common dedicated terminals are those that move soybeans, coal and other minerals. The
vast majority are solid bulk, although there are also specialized in liquid bulk terminals as oils,
certain types of gas, etc.
• “Off-shore terminal”: They are installations which are not in the coast and its entire surface is set
in the sea. Terminals are completely artificial whose area has been built specifically to house the
equipment for the management of merchandise.
• “Canal”: There are certain port facilities that cannot be said to be strictly river. This is the case of
those located inside marine waterways can be long to several kilometers.
In all cases, these facilities communicate with the sea or ocean by a single point.
This classification does not cover artificially constructed installations or whose activities are mere
passage of ships (like the Panama Canal or the Suez Canal).
• Both "River Ports" and "Channels" fall under a category called "Waterway Systems
• Size is another classification and groups are formed as follows:
Very small
Very Large
This classification of ports is not trivial and applies multi-criteria analysis that takes into account
• TEU managed throughout the year
• Tons of cargo handled during the year. There are ports like Barcelona or Rotterdam that move both
containers and bulk cargo. Consequently, these ports add the two types of goods in their total load

For classification of ports by size, is important to identify whether their management entity is public or
private, because this character will greatly influence how investments arise. Another important aspect
about the ownership is the scope within the influence area (hinterland) is often higher for public terminals,
where most of its facilities are concessioned to private operators.
Currently, many of the ports are subject to privatization, a result of the new global trend that aims to
achieve improvements in operational efficiency and requires a new investment management system.
Accordingly, the associated parameter value in analyzing its ownership may be multi fluctuating over time.

1.5.3 Busiest Ports

The world's busiest port is contested by several ports around the world, as there is as yet no standard means
of evaluating port performance and traffic. For the past decade the distinction has been claimed by both
the Port of Rotterdam and the Port of Singapore. The former based its measurement on cargo tonnage
handled (total weight of goods loaded and discharged), while the latter ranks in terms of shipping tonnage
handled (total volume of ships handled).

Since 2005, the Port of Shanghai has exceeded both ports to take the title in terms of total cargo tonnage.
The following ports have variously made claims to be largest world port:

Port of Shanghai
Port of Singapore
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Hong Kong
Port of New York/New Jersey

A harbour is a place of security and comfort, a small bay or other sheltered part of an area of water,
usually well protected against high waves and strong currents, and deep enough to provide anchorage
for ships and other craft. It is also a place where port facilities are provided, e.g. accommodation for
ships and cargo handling facilities.
The term port or seaport normally includes the harbour and the adjacent town or city suitable for loading
goods and embarking men.
1.5.4 Port structures
Port structures includes; Wharf, berth, quay, pier, jetty, dock, breakwater, dock basin etc.

Ships are accommodated and handled, i.e. loaded and unloaded, at such port structures as; wharfs or quays,
piers and jetties, and sometimes alongside moles or breakwaters.
Any place where a ship can safely lie alongside a quay, pier or dock, at anchor or a buoy, and where she
can carry out loading/discharge operations or embark and disembark passengers is called a berth.
A dry dock is a type of dock consisting of a rectangular basin dug into the shore of a body of water and
provided with a removable enclosure wall or gate on the side toward the water, used for major repairs and
overhaul of vessels.

When a ship is to be docked, the dry dock is flooded, and the gate removed.

Layout of a port (Scrabster Harbour): port structures

Wharf denotes any structure of timber, masonry, cement, or other material built along or at an angle to the
navigable waterway, with sufficient depth of water to accommodate vessels and receive and discharge
cargo or passengers. The term can be substituted for quay when applied to great solid structures in large
ports. The area between the quay wall (made of solid masonry) and the nearby warehouse or storage
facility is called the quay apron.
A pier is a construction work extending into the harbour with sufficient depth of water alongside to
accommodate vessels, also used as a promenade or landing place for passengers.
A jetty is a small pier, usually made of timbers for boats, yachts or fishing boats (fisherman jetty), but it
also refers to large ships (tanker jetty, T-jetty).

Oil jetty – Oil terminal

The term dock has a number of meanings. It is an artificially enclosed basin into which vessels are brought
for inspection and repair.
A dock is a place, usually man-made area of enclosed water, where ships are loaded, unloaded or repaired.
Originally, it denotes an area of water that can accommodate a ship and can be closed off by locks to allow
regulation of the water level. It also means a space between two wharves or piers for the mooring of ships,
i.e. a dock basin. Often it can be interchanged with the terms wharf or pier.


i. General world demand for a particular product in a particular region.
ii. The quality of the overall international trade transport service.
If the port is subjected to frequent industrial disputes, low port efficiency particularly in terms of
dock labour, sluggish turn-round of ships, absence of modern technology in the port, and so on,
the result is likely to be a declining volume of business through the port.
iii. The overall competitiveness of the port. This includes all the aspects of port operation and
commercial practice such as tariffs, clearance of cargo, distribution arrangements, hours of
working, cargo-handling equipment, port development, and so on.
iv. The port tariff structure in so far as the shipper is concerned. Some port authorities are very
marketing orientated and offer negotiated discount rates to volume shippers. Hence a ship-owner
or shipper generating say 100 000 tons of a particular commodity through a particular berth
annually may have a 5% discount on the published port tariff.
v. The extent of any political or statutory influence relative to port users. Regulations may exist
regarding the routing of particular commodities through a particular port thereby giving no choice
to the shipper. A further example arises whereby an increasing number of ports, usually by
government decree, give berth preference and more favourable tariffs to the national flag. Hence
a vessel of country A about to enter a port in country A will be given priority of berth allocation
over ships with other national flags, and likewise lower port tariffs. This practice is called 'flag
vi. The overall transit cost. A situation could exist with parity on port tariffs at two ports situated some
100 km apart, but where the overall distance from the port to the shipper's premises favours port
A rather than port B. Hence port A is more likely to obtain the business unless port B is willing
and able to reduce the port B tariff to a level which will equate to or better the overall transit cost
compared with port A.
vii. Climatic conditions. Many ports are affected by climatic conditions. For example, during the
winter months a port may be closed owing to ice formation. Other situations include tidal variations
imposing draft restrictions, and fog limiting access to and from the port. With regard to the latter,
this has largely been overcome in many ports by radar technology.
viii. The nature of the commodity and the volume. Specific cargoes are dealt with at specific ports -
which require specific cargo-handling equipment and berths.
ix. Mode of transport. It may be road, rail or canal. If the goods are essentially rail-borne traffic,
obviously a rail-link port is required.
x. Bunkering cost and other port charges to the ship-owner. This will influence considerably which
port a ship-owner uses when he is examining the port options to start a new service, or reviewing
an existing shipping service and the ports served. A further example arises where some ports offer
discounted bunker tariffs to their national flag, thereby practicing flag discrimination.
xi. The range of port facilities available to the shipper and shipowner. This includes agents, bunkering,
stores, ship repair, tugs, lighterage, forwarding agents, cargo-handling equipment, customs, port
access both seaward and landward, and so on.

Generally, the basic considerations tend to be the cost, the nature of the traffic, the adequacy of port
facilities and the overall efficiency together with the industrial relations record.
Transport refers to the activity that facilitates physical movement of goods as well as individuals from one
place to another. In business, it is considered as an auxiliary to trade, that means, it supports trade and
industry in carrying raw materials to the place of production and distributing finished products for
The means of transport are classified on the basis of the way, the vehicle, the motive power used and
I. Land Transport


• Road transport,
• Rail transport
• Ropeway transport
• Pipeline transport.
II. Air transport:
Includes the use of planes
It is the fastest mode of transport.

III. Water transport/Maritime transport

2.2 Maritime Transport
Maritime transport refers to movement of goods and passengers on waterways by various means like boats,
steamers, launches, ships, etc.
Marine Transportation System (MTS) consists of waterways, ports and their intermodal connections,
vessels, vehicles, and system users. Each component is a complex system within itself and is closely linked
with the other components. It is primarily an aggregation of State, local or privately owned facilities and
private companies.
The main elements/ components of maritime transportation include;
Ports and harbours, Ships, cargoes, cargo handling equipment, and system users
With the help of these means, goods and passengers are carried to different places, both within as well as
across nations.

2.2.1 Different Means of Maritime Transport:

a. Inland water transport uses boats, launches, barges, streamers, etc., to carry goods and
passengers on rivers and canal routes.
b. Ocean transport- movement of goods and passengers with the help of ships through sea or ocean
waterways. It plays an important role in the development of international trade. Ocean transport
has its fixed route, which links almost all the countries of the world.
Sea transport may be of the following two types.
i. Coastal Shipping - In this transport, ships ply between the main ports of a country.
ii. Overseas shipping - In this transport, ships ply between different countries
separated by sea or ocean. It is mainly used for promotion and development of
international trade. It is economical means of transport to carry heavy machines and
goods in bulk.
In ocean transport, different types of ships are used to carry passengers and goods. These may be classified
as under.
a. Liners - A liner is a passenger or cargo vessel, which belongs to a regular shipping company. These
ships ply over a fixed route according to a prescribed schedule or timetable.
b. Tramps - A tramp is a cargo ship, which does not make regular trips but plies whenever cargo is offered
to it. It does not follow a fixed route or a prescribed timetable like that of liners.

The ship

Main features of hull and machinery

There are two main parts to a ship: the hull and the machinery. The hull is the actual shell of the ship
including the superstructure, while the machinery includes not only the engines required to drive it, but
also the ancillary equipment serving the electrical installations, winches and refrigerated accommodation.

The hull is virtually the shell of the ship and usually designed for a particular trade in accordance with a
ship-owner’s specification. A vessel is constructed of a series of transverse frames, which extend from the
fore to aft of the vessel, rising at right angles to the keel. In reality they form the ribs of the ship. Statutory
regulations exist regarding the distance between each frame.
Each vessel, depending on its classification – passenger, container, tanker, bulk carrier – must have a
number of bulkheads which are virtually steel walls isolating various parts of the vessel. This is necessary
in the interests of containing a fire or flooding following a collision. Ocean-going vessels must have at the
fore end a collision bulkhead installed at a distance of not less than 5% of the ship’s length from its bow.
The obligatory after-peak bulkhead function is to seal off the stern tubes through which run the tailshaft
driving the propeller.

The rear portion of the ship is termed the after end or stern. When moving stern first, the vessel is said to
be moving astern. The front portion of the ship is termed the fore end, whilst the extreme forward end is
called the bows. When moving bow first, the vessel is said to be moving ahead. Fore and aft are generally
used for directional purposes.
The area between the forward and aft portions of the vessel is called amidships. The maximum breadth of
the vessel, which is found in the amidships body, is known as the beam.

The engine room houses both the machinery required to drive the vessel and the generators required for
lighting, refrigeration and other auxiliary loads. Engines are usually situated aft, thus releasing the
amidships space –at the broadest part of the vessel – for cargo and passenger accommodation.

Today a new era of the electric ship is being developed. The ship’s funnel, painted in the shipping line
colours, is situated above the engine room. In modern passenger liners, it is specially designed to keep
fumes and smuts clear of the passenger accommodation. The propeller shaft, linking the propeller with
the engines, passes through a shaft tunnel and is usually a single controllable pitch specification. The
ship’s anchors and the windlasses used to lower and raise them are found in the bow section. Additional
anchors might also be provided on a large ship. All tankers and bulk carriers are constructed of a double
hull formation.
Modern tonnages, particularly tankers, container ships and passenger liners, have transverse propulsion
units in the bows termed bow thrusters. A number of vessels have side thrusters situated at the stern of the
ship. Both bow and side thrusters are situated on the port and starboard sides. Their purpose is to give
greater manoeuvrability in confined waters, e.g. ports, and so reduce or eliminate the need for tugs. The
rudder which enables the vessel to maintain its course is situated aft. Some ships have an additional rudder
in the bows for easier manoeuvrability in port.

A recent development is the Azipull propeller. Stabilizers are in appearance similar to the fins of a fish,
and are fitted to modern passenger liners and container ships to reduce rolling in heavy seas. They are
fitted in pairs, and when in use protrude at right angles from the hull, deep below the water line. Their
number depends on the size of the vessel. The provision of a bulbous bow can also improve passenger
comfort, as it can reduce pitching in heavy seas and has also been provided in tankers, bulk carriers and
modern cargo liners to increase speed when in ballast.
The modern tendency is to have large unobstructed holds with electrically operated hatch covers, for the
speedy handling of cargo, and to reduce turn-round time to a minimum.
Their actual design and the number of decks will depend on the trade in which the ship plies. A vessel
comprises various decks with the uppermost decks being called the navigational, boat and promenade
decks. A continuous deck in a ship would run throughout the length of the vessel from fore to aft.
The transverse bulkheads run from the tank tops or floors of the hold to the deck. The longitudinal framing
consists of steel sections running the length of the ship into which are fixed the skin plates forming the
Nowadays, with the development of the welded construction, vessels are constructed on the combined
system which uses the longitudinal system in the double bottom, and at deck level uses transverse framing
for the sides.
Basically the combined system is better for welded construction. Scantlings basically are the dimensions
of the structural parts of the ship embracing size of frames, beams, steel plating, bulkheads and decks. A
vessel built to the full scantlings would be based on the maximum draught when the freeboard measured
from the loadline to the deckline (the upper side of the continuous main-deck or freeboard deck which is
equipped with permanent means of closing all openings to the elements) is at its minimum. Single deck
vessels fall within this category such as an ore carrier which needs the strongest type of ship construction
to convey such heavy deadweight cargoes with low stowage factors. Such vessels are built to the highest
specification of the classification societies such as Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, American Bureau of
Shipping, Bureau Veritas, etc., as regards strength of the component parts of the structure.
To give access to cargo holds, openings are cut into the deck of the vessel which are termed hatchways
and are surrounded by coamings which are like steel walls rising from the deck. The height of these
coamings is regulated by statute or classification society regulations.
Each mercantile type vessel has a certain number of various types of tanks for a variety of purposes and
the following are the more salient ones:
(a) The forepeak tank is situated in the bows of the vessel between the bows and the collision bulkhead.
(b) Conversely the aft peak tank is situated in the stern of the vessel. It forms the aftermost watertight
(c) The wing tank is located at the side of the holds designed for carrying water ballast. These are found
particularly in specialized bulk carriers.
(d) The deep tanks are situated one in each of the holds at the two ends of the ship. Such tanks are used
for carrying water ballast and can be used to carry dry cargo. In modern vessels they are constructed to
convey oil, either as bunkers, or wood or palm oil.

A tramp, carrying shipments of coal or ore, will be a single-deck vessel with large unobstructed hatches
to facilitate loading and discharge.
The handling of cargo will be mechanized as far as possible with the use of conveyor belts, pallets and
containers. The holds of a modern cargo liner are designed to facilitate dealing with such modern methods
of cargo handling.
The derricks are the ship’s cranes, and are electrically operated. Their lifting capacity can vary from 3 to
50 tonnes. If heavy items such as locomotives or boilers are commonly carried, jumbo derricks capable of
lifting up to 120 tonnes are provided (see Fig. 4.4). The decks are strengthened to accommodate such
heavy lift cargoes.
A modern vessel called a Combi carrier (see Fig. 4.4) has superseded the ‘tween-deck tonnage in trades
unable to invest in container tonnage and its infrastructure of port facilities and distribution overland
The bridge of a vessel is the navigating centre of the ship where its course is determined. Most modern
tonnage today has the navigating bridge and machinery situated aft thereby facilitating the naval
architect’s designing the vessel of the maximum cargo capacity. The engines are bridge controlled and the
navigating officer on watch makes use of a bridge computer to steer the vessel, to work out its course, and
give position reports etc. In an era of high-tech it is mandatory for all vessels to have Global Navigation
Satellite system (GNSS) receivers, Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponders, voyage data
recorders (VDRs) and optionally Electronic Chart Display Information Systems (ECDIS) in lieu of paper
charts. The bridge is in direct communication with all parts of the vessel.
It is also mandatory for a continuous synopsis record to be provided on board of the history of the ship
under the ISPS code (p. 214) together with a ship security alert system. In regard to radio communication,
as from
February 1999 the SOLAS Chapter IV 1974 was revised in 1988 to embrace amendments to introduce the
GMDSS (p. 38) which became operative from February 1999. A key area was all passenger and cargo
ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards on international voyages are required to carry equipment designed
to improve the chances of rescue following an accident, including satellite emergency position indicating
radio beacons (EPIRBs) and search and rescue transponders (SARTs) for the location of the ship or
survival craft. Chapter IV has been renamed Radio Communications, deleting the previous title
Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony.
Many vessels today have an Integrated Bridge System (IBS)/Integrated Navigational System (INS) and a
global electronic chart service to plan their voyages. The system is distinct from a manual updating, is
electronic and suppliers are able to offer a real time updating service also embracing the official ENC via
internet or e-mail.
Crew accommodation on modern cargo ships and tankers is situated aft in close proximity to the
machinery. Standards of accommodation are high, and are controlled by various statutory regulations.
In the late 1960s the development of the container ship became evident in many cargo liner trades. Such
vessels are usually free of derricks and the seventh generation have a capacity in excess of 10,000 high
capacity ISO container TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). Their speed is between 16 and 22 knots
and the more sophisticated type of container vessel is called a cellular ship. Such a vessel is built in the
form of a series of cells into which the containers are placed, usually by sophisticated shore-based cranes.
The most recent container vessel tends to be multi-purpose in design with ramp facilities for transshipping
vehicle cargo. This improves the general cargo mix flexibility of the vessel.
Passenger accommodation will be either one-class with different grades of cabin comfort, as on a hotel
basis, or two-class, incorporating first class and tourist. This ensures that the most economical use is made
of the cubic capacity of the ship. In a cruise passenger liner, it is common to find a swimming pool, cinema,
shops, hospital, nursery and numerous other amenities and recreational facilities.
There are various statutory provisions concerning the quantity and type of life-saving apparatus carried
on a vessel. Broadly, it is determined by the type of vessel, crew establishment and passenger certificate
(authorized number of passengers permitted to be carried). Life-saving apparatus includes lifeboats,
inflatable rubber liferafts, lifebuoys and individual lifejackets. Freeboard is the distance measured
amidships from the waterline to the main deck of

2.3 Types and methods of tonnage measurement

There are five main kinds of tonnage in use in shipping business. These are deadweight, cargo,
displacement, gross and net tonnages, now superseded by the International Convention on Tonnage
Measurement of Ships 1969 (2.4).

Deadweight tonnage (dwt) expresses the number of tons (of 2,240 lb) a vessel can transport of cargo,
stores and bunker fuel. It is the difference between the number of tons of water a vessel displaces ‘light’
and the number of tons of water a vessel displaces when submerged to her load line.
Deadweight tonnage is used interchangeably with deadweight carrying capacity. A vessel’s capacity for
weight cargo is less than its total deadweight tonnage.

Cargo tonnage is expressed in terms of a weight or measurement. The weight ton in the United States
and sometimes in the UK is the American short ton of 2,000 lb, or the English long ton of 2,240 lb. A
measurement ton is usually 40 ft3, but in some instances a larger number of cubic feet is taken for a ton.
Most ocean package freight is taken at weight or measurement (W/M) ship’s option. With the growth in
use of the metric system the metric tonne of 1,000 kg or cubic metre is becoming more widely used. The
freight ton is a mixture of weight and measurement tons and can lead to confusion in the collection and
analysis of statistics.
Displacement of a vessel is the weight in tons of 2,240 lb of the ship and its contents. It is the weight of
water the ship displaces. Displacement light is the weight of the vessel without stores, bunker fuel or
cargo. Displacement loaded is the weight of the vessel plus cargo, passengers, fuel and stores.

Gross tonnage applies to vessels, not to cargo. It is determined by dividing by 100 the volume in cubic
feet of the vessel’s closed-in spaces, and is usually referred to as the gross registered tonnage (GRT). The
spaces exempt from the measurement include light and air spaces; wheelhouse; galley; lavatories;
stairways; houses enclosing deck machinery; hatchways to a maximum of 0.5% of the gross tonnage and
open shelter deck. A vessel ton is 100 ft3. It is used as a basis for pilotage and dry-dock dues, and
sometimes tonnage dues. Additionally, it is employed for official statistical purposes, when comparing
ships’ sizes, and as a basis for Protection and Indemnity Club entries.

Net tonnage is a vessel’s gross tonnage after deducting space occupied by crew accommodation,
including facilities for the Master and officers; spaces used for navigation; boatswain’s store room; water
ballast and fresh water spaces, including forward and aft peak tanks, deep tanks provided only fitted with
manholds and not employable for carriage of liquid cargo; propelling and machinery space which does
not represent earning capacity of the ship. A vessel’s net tonnage expresses the space available for the
accommodation of passengers and stowage of cargo, and is usually referred to as net registered
tonnage (NRT). A ton of cargo in most instances occupies less than 100 ft3: hence the vessel’s cargo
tonnage may exceed its net tonnage, and indeed the tonnage of cargo carried is almost always greater than
the gross tonnage. It is the cubic capacity of all earning space, and it is on this tonnage figure that most
harbour dues and other charges are calculated.
The aim of the average shipowner is to achieve a low net tonnage consistent with a maximum cubic
capacity for cargo and/or passengers.
The Suez and Panama tonnage regulations make it obligatory for vessels to be measured for tonnage if
they require use of the canals.

2.4 Types of ships

The type of merchant vessel employed on a trade route is determined basically by the traffic carried.
Broadly speaking there are three main divisions:
Specialized vessels such as tankers

On occasion, and in particular when merchant vessels in one division are underemployed, a number may
be transferred to another division. For example, a tramp may be put on a liner berth to compete for liner
cargoes. Conversely, liners may at times carry tramp cargoes, either as full or part cargoes.
During the past decade there has been a trend towards the development of the multi-purpose vessel and
the combined transport system. The need for the multi-purpose vessel has arisen to combat trade
fluctuations and enable the vessel to become more flexible in her operation. Not only can the vessel vary
the cargo mixture capacity on a particular voyage, but also she can switch from one trade to another. Such
tonnage, although more expensive to build, should enable the volume of laid-up tonnage to fall. Examples
of multi-purpose tonnage are found particularly in the vehicular ferry and container vessel plus an
increasing number of combination bulk cargo vessels including the tramp vessels.

2.4.1 Liners
These are vessels that ply on a regular scheduled service between groups of ports. It is this function, and
not the size or speed, which defines the liner. Liner services offer cargo space to all shippers who require
them. They sail on scheduled dates, irrespective of whether they are full or not. Hence in liner operation
the regular scheduled service is the basis of this particular division, and it is vitally important to the ship-
owner that everything is done to have punctual sailing and arrival dates, otherwise his prestige will quickly
Liner operation involves an adequately sized fleet, and a fairly large shore establishment. Today the
modern liner cargo service is multi-modal and very sophisticated in terms of its logistics and computerized
operations. Such companies are continuously striving to improve efficiency and overall transit times,
thereby stimulating trade development and improvement in market share.

The cargo liner operation today falls into several distinct divisions but is characterized by a regular service
all year round on a fixed route to a group of ports situated in different countries and conveying general
cargo in a container or trailer/truck or as break bulk (loose cargo). The vessel sails whether she is full or

2.4.2 Tramps
The tramp, or general trader as she is often called, does not operate on a fixed sailing schedule, but merely
trades in all parts of the world in search of cargo, primarily bulk cargo. Such cargoes include coal, grain,
timber, sugar, ores, fertilizers, etc., which are carried in complete shiploads.
Many of the cargoes are seasonal. The tramp companies are much smaller than their liner cargo
counterparts, and their business demands an intimate knowledge of market conditions.
Many tramp businesses are adopting a third party ship management, especially in manning, ship survey,
bunkering and insurance.
Tramps are an unspecialized type of vessel with two to six holds, each with large unobstructed hatches,
and are primarily designed for the conveyance of bulk cargoes. Some ships are built with special facilities
particularly suitable to the five main tramp trades: grain, coal, bauxite, phosphates and iron ore.
The modern tramp vessel has a speed of 14/15 knots. The bulk carrier is designed with a single deck hull
which includes an arrangement of topside ballast tanks and holds specially designed for the bulk carriage
of various types of loose dry cargo of a homogeneous nature. This includes grain, coal and iron ore. The
cargo handling mode may be lift on/lift off to and from the holds by way of weather deck hatches or,
alternatively, by way of specialized shore-based equipment.

Various features may include

i. Hopper tanks – which may be combined with topside tanks
ii. Strengthening for the carriage of heavy cargo (including ore)
iii. Holds equipped for the carriage of containers – container securing arrangements – or for
the carriage of vehicles – hoistable vehicle decks accessed by way of sheet side doors.
iv. Weather deck equipped with stanchions for the carriage of logs.
v. Self discharging apparatus including hopper-shaped holds and in-hold conveyer belts.
vi. Design restraints and service restrictions pertaining to operations on the Great Lake North
Further types of bulk carrier include the cement carrier with no weather deck hatches but pumping and
piping arrangements for the loading and unloading of cement. This type of vessel is in decline as the
containerized shipment is displacing it. The ore carrier has two longitudinal bulkheads, side tanks, with
one being carried in the centre holds only.

An example of a modern flexible container/bulk carrier ship is found in Fig. 4.2. It has eight holds and a
deadweight tonnage of 45 500 with a draught of 12.2 m (freeboard is the distance from the waterline to
the deck, the service speed is 14 knots and the ship’s overall length is 194.30 m. The cargo hold grain
capacity is 58 700 m3. Container capacity totals 2,127 TEUs of which 1,069 TEUs are above deck. It has
one single 25 tonnes and two twin 25 tonnes electro-hydraulic deck cranes all of which are fitted with
grabs. The crew accommodation complement is 25 of which nine are officers. The vessel is suitable for
worldwide trading in the bulk carriage of grain, coal, ore, bauxite, phosphates, packaged timber, standard
pipe lengths and containers. The vessel is called the Combi King 45 flexible container/bulk carrier.

2.4.3 Specialized vessels and their trades

A number of cargo ships are designed for carrying a particular commodity, or group of commodities. Such
specialization is the result of demand, but its provision may also create a new demand depending on the
extent of the market. Examples of such specialized vessels are ore carriers and sugar carriers. A description
follows of the more usual types of ship, and in view of the preponderance of tankers in this group, these
will be examined first.

(a) Oil tanker tonnage

The growth of oil tanker tonnage continues to increase
This is due to the mandatory requirement of all ‘Category 1’ tankers are now required to be double hull
structured, thereby displacing the single hull tonnage.
The phasing out of single hull oil tankers banning the carriage of heavy grade oil in such tonnage was
adopted in December 2003 as amendments to Annex I of the MARPOL Convention following the
November 2002 sinking of the oil tanker Prestige off the Spanish coast.
The double hull requirements for oil tankers are principally designed to reduce the risk of oil spills from
tankers involved in low energy collisions or groundings.
Category 1 oil tankers – commonly known as PREMARPOL tankers –include oil tankers of 20,000 dwt
and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo and tankers of 30,000
dwt and above carrying other oils, which do not comply with the requirements of protectively located
segregated ballast tanks.
Category 2 oil tankers – commonly known as MARPOL tankers – feature oil tankers of 20,000 dwt and
above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo and oil tankers of 30,000 dwt
and above carrying other oils which comply with the protectively located segregated ballast tank
Finally, Category 3 tankers are oil tankers of 5,000 dwt and above, but less than category 1 and 2 tankers.
Exemptions are permitted under categories 2 and 3 under special circumstances, subject to a condition
assessment scheme, but the phase-out date must not go beyond 2015 or the date on which the ship reaches
25 years of age.
In more recent years the oil-producing countries have tended both to own and operate their own tanker
fleet thereby having complete control over the distribution arrangements and costs. Moreover, they are
shipping it as refined oil and not, as they previously did, allowing major importing industrial nations to
refine it and re-export it. Their income is thus improved. A significant proportion of the world tanker fleet
is under charter often on a long-term charter to the oil companies. Hitherto the oil companies owned and
managed the tanker, but that era has ceased.

Crude oil is transported from the oilfields to refineries and petroleum and fuel oil from refineries to
distribution centers and bunkering ports, so that there is a worldwide network of tanker routes. Investment
in pipeline distribution continues globally and this is resulting in a reduction in the short haul business.
This strategy together with other considerations has resulted in increased productivity measured in ton-
miles per deadweight ton from an increase in the long haul business, notably crude oil. Productivity in
terms of tons carried per deadweight ton for oil tanker was 6.7 in 2003 compared with 4.8 in 1980. This
improvement will continue as the double hull tonnage investment programme nears completion in 2010.
We will now examine the range of oil tankers.

(b) Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCC)

Vessels in this category range from 300,000 dwt to 500,000 dwt and this category is being phased out and
replacement tonnage is almost nil. The reason is the inflexibility of the tonnage as few ports could
accommodate them and some have adopted a multi-port operation calling/discharging at two ports.

(c) Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC)

Tankers in this category range from 150,000 dwt to 299,999 dwt capacity. The tanker size exploits the
economies of scale and the new build programme is very buoyant. The vessel is very popular in the
Arabian Gulf export trade, which represents 80% of demand and West African crude trade to Asia.
The future of Arabian Gulf exports and hence VLCC prospects lies in Asia. The bulk of Asian incremental
oil needs will be satisfied by imports from the Arabian Gulf or from West Africa.

(d) Suezmax tanker

This embraces a capacity range from 120,000 dwt to 149,999 dwt. Historically, the name applied to the
largest vessels that could transit the Suez Canal.
Today the Suezmax vessels are primarily associated with crude exports from West Africa.

(e) Aframax tanker

Aframax tankers are between 80,000 dwt and 119,999 dwt. The fleet has expanded dramatically in recent
years in response to growing demand, including clean product trading. Clean products are refined products
such as aviation spirit and motor spirit, as compared with dirty products which are crude oils such as heavy
fuel oils. With the exception of the North Sea Aframax crude carriers have exhibited growth on all their
trade routes, especially the Caribbean basin and east coast of North America

(f) Panamax tanker

Tankers in this category range from 50,000 dwt to 80,000 dwt. These tankers are presumed to be able to
pass through the Panama Canal, but a number of vessels in this size category are too beamy to pass through
the locks.
Panamax tanker trades are mainly identified with fuel oil cargoes. Long-term fuel oil trading will be under
pressure as refinery upgrades cut the yield on fuel oil in favour of higher-valued products such as gasoline,
gas oil and natural gas. Panamax fleet remains small and likely to remain so as tanker profitability depends
on the volatility in the expanding natural gas prices.

(g) Parcel tanker

Parcel tankers are designed to carry chemicals, petroleum products, edible oils and molasses. Vessels of
this range vary in size, but have a capacity range between 30,000 dwt and 80,000 dwt. The tanker would
have a double hull structure embracing double bottom, double skin sides and other structural features
which reflect the nature and hazard of the cargo carried.

(h) FPSO and FSU

A growth development in recent years is the provision of offshore floating production, storage and off
loading facilities (FPSOs) and floating storage units (FSUs). Such facilities are for bulk liquids and
gases. The FSU is a vessel of hull form structure similar to the FPSO, but without any oil processing
capacity; the processing being accomplished at nearby platforms.
MARPOL Annex 1 regulations were introduced in January 2007 relative to the prevention of pollution by
oil. Both FPSO and FSU have been developed to reduce oil production costs.

(i) Bulk carrier types

The bulk carrier and oil tanker world fleets represent over 70% of the dwt tonnage – each having about
37% of the tonnage. It is a growth market and represents single commodity shipments usually under
charter. It represents a leading industry in the world and subject to continuous change and possible
innovation is the shuttle oil tanker. The four main commodities are steel, iron ore, coal and grain.
i. The Panamax tonnage range is between 50,000 dwt and 79,999 dwt. They are deployed on several
routes, from east North America, Canada, South Africa, China, India, Sweden and Indonesia. The
vessels convey primarily coal and iron ore.
ii. The Capesize dry bulk carrier has a carrying capacity between 80,000 dwt to 170,000 dwt. Such
vessels are too large for the Panama Canal and fertilizer/grain berths. The Capesize vessels convey
coal and iron ore, and are not economical for fertilizer and grain shipments. Many of the ships
were built in Japan and China.
iii. The Handymax ship has a capacity range from 35,000 dwt to 49,999 dwt. The vessels are popular
with smaller shipments and ideal for smaller ports such as those in Brazil with restrictions on
draught, length and storage. Cargoes include coal, iron ore, fertilizer grain, steel slabs, bauxite,
alumina, rock-phosphate and grain. The major routes are Black Sea to the Far East, the US Gulf
to Ncsa/Skaw Passero, the Far East to the Atlantic and Australia to India.
iv. The Handysize bulk carrier has a capacity range from 20,000 dwt to 34,999 dwt. It is ideal for
smaller shipments of a range of bulk cargo types and serving ports of limited draught and berth
length. An example is grain shipments through the Black Sea from the Ukraine and Russia to the
Middle East countries.

(j) Coaster
These are all-purpose cargo carriers, operating around our coasts. They are normally provided with two
holds, each supplied with derricks to handle a variety of cargoes, Machinery and crew accommodation are
aft. Coasters are subject to severe competition from inland transport.

(k) Combi carrier

To cater for the need to improve ship turn-round time, to increase the versatility of vessel employment
and to contain operating cost, an increasing number of vessels are now being introduced called Combi
carriers as illustrated in Fig. 4.4. Such vessels are a unitized type of cargo carrier combining container and
vehicular shipments including ro/ro.

Advantages of the Combi carrier can be summarized as follows:

o It has a versatile cargo mixture permitting a variation of unitized cargo to be conveyed plus
awkward shaped cargo. This is a major advantage in the cargo liner field where more
consignments are indivisible loads.
o The range of cargo transshipment facilities on the vessel, i.e. derricks, stern ramp, side
doors etc., aid quick transshipment and is virtually independent of quay transshipment
facilities. This improves the ship’s versatility particularly in ports where cargo
transshipment facilities are virtually non-existent. It also reduces the cost of using port
o Good shipboard cargo transshipment facilities quicken the ship turn-round time and
improve ship utilization/efficiency.
o The vessel specification, i.e. draught, beam, length, is an optimum ideal for a wide range
of ports and thereby generates versatility of ship employment and operation worldwide.
o The vessel is able to convey a wide variety of cargo at economical cost including
particularly ease of handling.
o The ship’s specification facilities reduce port congestion as the vessel is independent with
its own handling equipment. Furthermore, for example, the 200 ton capacity stern ramp
requires only 30 m of quay space.

(l) Container vessel

These are becoming increasingly predominant in many cargo liner trades.
The merits of containerization are described later.

(m) Fruit carrier

These are similar in design to refrigerated vessels. Cool air systems are installed in the holds to keep the
fruit from over-ripening. Such vessels convey apples, oranges and bananas, and may be owned by the
cargo owners. Fast voyage times are essential; otherwise the fruit over-ripens and deteriorates.
This type of vessel is in decline as many shipments are containerized.

(n) General cargo ship

The general cargo ship represents 11% of the world fleet size and is designed with a single deck hull which
includes a single holder arrangement of holds and ’tween decks, especially for the carriage of diverse
forms of dry cargo.
The cargo handling mode is lift on/lift off to and from the holds (and ’tween decks) by way of weather
deck (and ’tween deck) hatches.
Various features may include
i. A single deck, double skin sides and wide deck openings (box shape holds). Vessels of this type
may be intended specifically for the carriage of forest products cargo handling of which may be
by use of a gantry crane.
ii. Strengthening for the carriage of heavy cargoes (including ore).
iii. Certain holds equipped with container securing arrangements, hoistable or movable vehicle decks,
or other facilities pertaining to the carriage of a particular type of cargo.
iv. The weather deck equipped with container securing arrangements or arrangements for the
shipment of timber.
v. Carriage of liquid cargo specially designed tanks, (f) a refrigerated cargo space for the carriage of
perishable cargoes.
vi. Additional cargo handling to and from the cargo spaces by way of a slide-loading/unloading
system (for the carriage of cargo in pallet form and other unitized cargo) and finally additional
cargo handling to and from a ’tween deck by way of a stern, side, or bow door/ramp situated below
the weather deck, or where additional cargo segregation is provided by hinged ’tween-deck
openings or a hinged movable bulk head.
(o) OBO
Ore/bulk/oil ships are multi-purpose bulk carriers designed for switching between bulk shipments of oil,
bulk grain, and fertilizer and ore trades. A typical vessel would have an overall length of 280 m, draught
of 17 m and 270,000 dwt. Its dry cargo capacity would be 170,000 m3 whilst its oil capacity totals 224,000
m3. Cargo space is provided in 11 holds to carry oil of which seven can ship dry cargo or ore as an
alternative shipment. Crew accommodation and machinery – much automated – is situated aft. Such
vessels although of high initial cost are very flexible in their use, keeping ballast voyages to a minimum
and are of course ideal for modern-day requirements in international trade, which demand high capacity
(optimum-sized) vessels to move world bulk shipments at a very low cost per ton.
Overall, OBO tonnage represents less than 1% of the world fleet and is in decline, with virtually no new
build. The reason is to find a balanced or triangle trade, coupled with the cost of cleaning the vessel
holds/tank structures which is time consuming. Also maintenance costs are high and new tonnage
expensive to build.

(p) Passenger vessel

These fall into two distinct divisions. There are those which operate in the short sea trade and have limited
cabin accommodation. They also convey motorist and ro/ro (roll-on/roll-off) units. The passenger ship is
designed with a multi-deck hull and superstructure specifically for the carriage of passengers for when
cabin accommodation is provided for 12 or more. The trade may be that of cruising or excursions.
Additional features may include forward hold or holds for the carriage of cargo, access to which is by lift
on/lift off. Related types include the ferry, which is a vessel designed to carry passengers, cabin
accommodation for 12 or less when provided on a short haul service. The passenger/ro-ro cargo vessel is
provided with passenger facilities with additional decks in the hull for the carriage of laden vehicles access
to which is by stern or bow door/ramps (fig 4.7, p. 203). The passenger/ro-ro cargo/ferry has a passenger
certificate to carry more passengers than for whom cabin accommodation is provided.

(q) Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC)

This type of tonnage is designed for the conveyance of cars, lorries/trucks and other wheeled units. A
modern PCTC has thirteen decks and can convey between 5,500 and 5,800 cars or a permutation of 3,200
cars and 600 trucks.
Such tonnage can also convey containers on 20 ft (6.10 m) or 40 ft (12.2m) long Mafi trailers.
The new generation of PCTCs is contributing to reducing the cost of car distribution globally.

(r) Refrigerated vessel

This type of tonnage is in decline as such shipments are containerized in many trades. The ship is designed
with a multi-deck hull which includes an arrangement of refrigerated holds and ’tween decks specifically
for the carriage of perishable cargoes. The cargo handling mode is lift on/lift off to and from the holds
(and ’tween decks) by way of weather deck (and ’tween deck) hatches. Various features include (a)
additional side loading by way of side elevators for the specific loading of perishable cargoes on pallets,
and (b) the alternative carriage of other forms of cargo including facilities for the carriage of road vehicles
(by way of special side elevators or side doors).

(s) Ro/ro vessel

A ro/ro type of vessel was designed for the conveyance of road haulage vehicles and private cars. Ro/ro
combination is now found in the container vessel field as shown in
The future of ro/ro tonnage lies in the short sea trade markets. It is unlikely any further deep sea ro/ro
tonnage will be built as the new generation of PCTC develops.

(t) Timber carrier

These are provided with large unobstructed holds and large hatches to facilitate cargo handling. They are
frequently called three-island vessels and incorporate a raised forecastle, bridge and poop, thereby
facilitating stowage of deck cargo which is now packaged.

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