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Salesforce Dev Notes
Uploaded by Vasu Vasu on Jan 30, 2021

Salesforce devleoper practise notes Full description

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Salesforce Development:
Apex is a strongly typed object-oriented programming language.
It allows the developers to execute ows and transacon control statements
Apex enables developers to add business logic
When should I use Apex:
To create email service
Create webservices
Perform complex validaon over mulple objects
To create complex business processes that are not supported by workow
Create custom transacon logic
Aach custom logic to another operaon
How does apex work:
All apex programs run enrely on-demand on plaorm

Developer Plaorm

Uncompiled Apex

App Server Compiled Apex

Meta data
Request Apex Request

Apex Runme

Result Compiled Apex

End User

First, app server compiles the code into set of instrucons that can be understood by the runme
The complete code is stored to meta data.
When the end user triggers the execuon of apex by clicking the buon or VF page, the app server
retrieves the compiled instrucons from the metadata and send them to run me interpreter before
returning the result.

In oops, programs are organized around objects and data rather than logic and acons.
OOPS is a methodology that provides a way of modularizing a program by creang paroned
memory area for both data and methods that can be used as template for creang copies of such
modules(objects) on demand
The main oops principles are:
1.Encapsulaon: The wrapping up of data and methods together is called encapsulaon.
2.Inheritance: It creates new classes from exisng classes, so that the new classes will acquire all the
features of the exisng classes.
3.Polymorphism: It represents one form in mulple forms

Apex Fundamentals:

of 25 type of data can be stored.

Data types: Data types in apex tells about what
  There are 3 types:
i)Primive data types
iii) Enums
i)Primive data types: These are the data types which are predened by the apex.
All primive data types are passed by value, not by reference
Apex primive data types include:
Boolean Date Time Dateme
Integer Long Double Decimal
#All Apex variables are inialized to null.

Sobjects are short for “Salesforce Objects”.
An Sobject can be generic sobject or be a specic sobjects such as Account,Contact or
Sobjects are standard or custom objects that stores record data in the database.
Developers refer to sobjects and their elds by their API Names.
Class: Class is a collecon of data members and methods.

Class student
Integer no; Data members of class
String name;
Public void getdetails ()
System. Debug (‘Roll no’ +no); Method of class
System. Debug (‘Name’ +name);

 How to dene an apex class specify the following:

i)Access Modiers:
-We must use one of the access modiers for top level class (public or global).
-We should not have to use access modiers in the declaraon of inner classes.
ii)Oponal denion modiers such as virtual and abstract
iii)Required are the keyword ‘Class’ followed by class name
iv)Oponal extensions include AND/OR implementaons.


Private|public|global [virtual|abstract|with sharing|(none)] class className [implements

interfaceNameList|(none)] [extends className|(none)]
The body of the class
Access Modifers:

Private: If a class is declared private it is only known to the block in which it is declared.

###### By default, all the inner classes are private.

Public: If a class is declared public, it is visible throughout the applicaon and you can access the app.
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Global: If a class is declared global, this apex class is visible to all the apex applicaons in the applicaon or
outside the applicaon.
###### If the method or inner class is declared a s global then the top-level class also must be declared as
With Sharing: If the class is declared as a with sharing, sharing rules given to the current user will be taken
into the consideraon and the user can access and perform the operaons based on the permissions given
to him on objects and elds (eld level security, sharing rules).
Without sharing: If a class is declared as a without sharing then this apex class runs in system mode which
means apex code has access to all the objects and elds irrespecve of current users sharing rule, eld
level security, object permissions.

Points to be noted:
-If a class is not declared as with sharing or without sharing then by default the class is executed in system
mode i.e., without sharing.
-Both inner classes and outer classes can be declared as with sharing
-If the inner class is with sharing and top-level class is without sharing then by default enre context will
run in with sharing context.
- If a class in not declared as with/without sharing and if this class is called by another class in which
sharing is enforced then both the classes run with ‘with sharing’.
-If outer class is with sharing and inner class is without sharing then the enre class runs in without sharing
context only.
##Inner classes don’t take the sharing properes from outer class
-Virtual: If a class is declared with keyword- virtual then this class can be extended (Inherited) or this class
methods can be overridden by using a class called overridden
-Abstract: This class contains abstract methods

Class Variables: The variables in the class should specify the following properes when they are dened.
i)Oponal: modiers such as public or nal or stac
ii)Required: the data types of the variable
iii)Required: the value of the variable
iv)oponal: the name of the variable

SYNTAX: [public|private|protected|global|nal] [stac] data_type variable_name

Private stac nal Integer My_Int;
Private nal integer i=1;
Class Methods: To dene the methods specify the following
i)Oponal: Modiers such as public or protected
ii)Required: The data type of the value returned by the method such as string or integer. Use void if no
value is returned.
iii)Required: a list of input parameters for the method separated by commas, each preceded by its data
type and enclosed in parentheses (). If no parameters use a set of empty parentheses.
##A method can only have 32 input parameters
iv)Required: The body of the method, enclosed in braces {}. All the code for the method including any local
variable declaraons is contained here.

(public|private|protected|global) [override] [stac] data_type method_name (input parameters)

//body of the method

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Public stac integer getInt ()
Return my_Int;
Public class example
Public integer show (Integer age)
System. Debug(‘My age is ’ +age);

Object: Object is an instance of the class. This has both state and behavior.
#Memory for the data members are allocated only when an object is created.
ClassName objectname = new ClassName ();

Name of the Keyword which

class for which It is a reference we are
we are creang variable allocang the   Constructor
an object memory

  Class Example

Example e = new Example ();

Constructor: Constructor is a special method which have the following properes

i) Method name will be the same as the class name
ii) Access speciers will be public
iii) This method will be invoked once only at the me of object creaon
iv) This is used to instanate the data members of the class
Public class TestObject
//The no argument constructor
Public TestObject ()

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There are 3 types of constructors… 
1)Default constructor
2)Non parameterized constructor
3) Parameterized Constructor

1)Default Constructor:
Is an apex class does not contain any constructor then apex compiler by default creates a
dummy constructor on the name of the class when we create an object for the class.
Public class Example

Example e = new Example ();

In the above example the apex class does not contain any constructor. So when we create object
for Example class the apex compiler creates a default constructor as…

Public example ()

2)Non parameterized constructor and parameterized constructor:

It is a constructor that doesn’t have any parameters or constructor that has parameters.
Public class Example
Integer rno;
String name;
Public Example (Integer x, string myname)
rno = x; parameterized
name = myname;
Public Example ()
rno = 10; Non-parameterized
name = vasu;

Usage of Apex program in visual force page:

1) When we want to call Apex class in VF page, we have to declare in the following format.
<Apex: page controller = “classname”>

Whenever we call a vf page in which controller aribute is dened

It will rst create an object for the apex class which is dened in controller.
2) When object is created for the apex class rst it invokes the constructor.
 Referring to the apex class members in VF:
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