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Jane Eyre

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Chapters 1-3 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. How is Jane related to the Reeds?

2. What book does Jane choose to read?
3. Why does John hit Jane?
4. Why is Jane afraid of the red-room?
5. What causes Jane to faint?
6. How does Bessie treat Jane after her punishment in the red-room?
7. Who is Mr. Lloyd?
8. Why does Jane want to go to school?
9. What does Jane overhear about her parents?
10. What do Bessie and Miss Abbot say about Jane’s appearance?

Quiz Answers

1. Jane is Mrs. Reed’s niece and a cousin to John, Eliza, and Georgiana.
2. Jane reads Bewick’s History of British Birds.
3. John hits Jane for touching and reading “his” books.
4. Mr. Reed (Jane’s uncle) died in the red-room and it has rarely been used since.
5. Jane imagines that Mr. Reed’s ghost is about to appear, causing her to faint in terror.
6. Bessie is unusually kind to Jane, singing her a song, giving her a special treat, and
bringing Jane her favorite book.
7. Mr. Lloyd is the local apothecary who is called in to examine Jane after she faints.
8. Jane is excited about all the skills she would learn at school but is even more excited to
get away from Gateshead.
9. Jane overhears that her mother was disinherited for marrying her father, who was a poor
clergyman. They both died of typhus when Jane was an infant.
10. Bessie and Miss Abbot say that Jane would garner more sympathy if she were a
beautiful child like her cousin Georgiana.

Chapters 4-6 Questions and Answers

1. Who is Mr. Brocklehurst?

2. Why does Jane get upset with Mrs. Reed?
3. How does Bessie react to Jane’s imminent departure for school?
4. Why can’t Helen wash her fingernails?
5. What does Jane learn from Helen about Lowood School?
6. What does Miss Temple do that makes the students happy?
7. Who is Miss Scatcherd?
8. What prompts Jane to start up a conversation with Helen?
9. What is Helen’s attitude toward Miss Scatcherd?
10. Does Jane agree with Helen’s beliefs?

Quiz Answers

1. Mr. Brocklehurst runs Lowood, a school for girls.

2. Jane is offended that Mrs. Reed told Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane is deceitful; Jane is
actually honest.
3. Bessie becomes kinder to Jane and says that though she knows Jane’s life is difficult, she
wishes Jane would be a little bolder and stand up for herself more.
4. Helen cannot wash properly because the water in the wash bin in the dormitory froze
5. Jane learns that Lowood is a charitable institution for orphans rather than a regular
6. Around midday, Miss Temple orders that the girls get bread and cheese to make up for
their inedible breakfast of burnt porridge.
7. Miss Scatcherd is one of the teachers at Lowood. She is cruel and strict, often singling
Helen out for punishment.
8. Jane is encouraged when she sees Helen reading a book, as reading is also an activity that
Jane enjoys.
9. Helen does not hate Miss Scatcherd, despite Miss Scatcherd’s cruel treatment of her.
Helen tells Jane that she believes one should endure suffering without complaint and try
to love and forgive one’s enemies.
10. Jane does not agree with Helen’s attitude of Christian forgiveness and tells her that one
should strike back against someone who unjustly abuses them.

Quiz Questions

1. What does Mr. Brocklehurst say to Miss Temple about the burnt porridge?
2. What does Helen say to comfort Jane after Mr. Brocklehurst makes her stand on the
3. What contributes to the outbreak of typhus at Lowood?
4. Why isn’t Jane worried when she learns that Helen has consumption?
5. What does Helen believe about death?
6. What changes are made at Lowood after the typhoid epidemic?
7. How has Jane’s personality changed in her eight years at Lowood?
8. What prompts Jane to want to leave Lowood?
9. Who from Gateshead visits Jane at Lowood?
10. Who is John Eyre?

Quiz Answers
1. He chastises her for giving the girls bread and cheese instead of forcing them to eat the
burnt porridge.
2. Helen tells Jane that Mr. Brocklehurst is disliked by the girls and that they would only
have disliked Jane if he had given her special preference.
3. The unsanitary conditions at the school coupled with its damp and swampy location
prove to be a breeding ground for disease. That the girls are unhealthy and
undernourished makes them especially susceptible to getting sick.
4. Jane, being a child, doesn’t understand what consumption is and thinks it is a much less
serious illness than typhus.
5. Helen believes that death will bring the end of worldly suffering and deliver her home to
God. As a result, she does not fear her impending death.
6. Mr. Brocklehurst is demoted once people learn about the way he ran Lowood. The school
is then relocated and managed by a committee, providing a much better standard of
living for the girls.
7. Jane has learned to control her inner passion and now appears quiet and subdued to
8. After Miss Temple marries and leaves the school, Jane realizes that she, too, wants to
9. Bessie comes to see Jane before she leaves Lowood. Jane reveals that she has not had any
contact with anyone else from Gateshead during her time at the school.
10. Bessie believes John Eyre to be Jane’s uncle on her father’s side. He came to Gateshead
looking for Jane, and they speculate that he may be a wine merchant.

Chapters 11-15 Questions and Answers

Quiz Questions

1. Who is Mrs. Fairfax and what does Jane misunderstand about her?
2. Who is Adèle?
3. Describe Jane’s life at Thornfield before the arrival of Mr. Rochester.
4. When does Jane first encounter Mr. Rochester?
5. How does Jane reply when Mr. Rochester asks whether she finds him handsome?
6. Who is Céline Varens?
7. How does Jane feel about Thornfield after Mr. Rochester’s arrival?
8. What causes Jane to awaken in the middle of the night?
9. Who does Jane suspect may be responsible for the fire?
10. What is Mr. Rochester’s response to the fire?

Quiz Answers

1. Mrs. Fairfax is the housekeeper at Thornfield, and Jane initially mistakes her for the
owner of Thornfield.
2. Adèle Varens is Jane’s young pupil and Mr. Rochester’s ward. She is under ten years old
and speaks primarily French. Jane later learns that Adèle’s mother was Mr. Rochester’s
former lover.
3. Jane feels comfortable at Thornfield and enjoys her routine and the company of Mrs.
Fairfax and Adèle. Despite her comfort, Jane begins to feel bored and restless.
4. Jane first encounters Mr. Rochester when she witnesses him fall off his horse on her way
to deliver a letter.
5. Jane replies quickly and honestly that she does not think Mr. Rochester is handsome.
6. Céline Varens is Adèle’s mother and Mr. Rochester’s former lover. He reveals that she
did not truly care about him and was only deceiving him so that he would pay for her
extravagant lifestyle.
7. With the arrival of Mr. Rochester, life at Thornfield is no longer boring for Jane. She
greatly appreciates and enjoys his presence.
8. Jane hears sounds from the hallway and then hears a vague scratching on her door as if
someone is feeling their way down the hallway.
9. Having heard her distinctive laugh in the hallway, Jane suspects that Grace Poole may be
involved in the fire.
10. Mr. Rochester commands Jane not to tell anyone about what she saw or heard and then
sincerely thanks her for saving his life.

Chapters 16-19 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Who does Jane draw portraits of?

2. What is the purpose of the two portraits?
3. Describe Blanche Ingram.
4. Why isn’t Jane jealous of Blanche?
5. How does Blanche treat Adèle?
6. How do the guests treat Jane?
7. What game do Mr. Rochester and the guests play?
8. What is Blanche’s reaction after hearing her fortune?
9. Who is the gipsy woman?
10. What is Mr. Rochester’s reaction to hearing that Mr. Mason has arrived?

Quiz Answers

1. Jane draws one portrait of herself and one of what she imagines Miss Ingram to look like.
2. Jane draws two portraits to remind herself that Mr. Rochester would never be interested
in her—not when the beautiful Miss Ingram is available.
3. Blanche Ingram is very beautiful, though Jane observes that she is not very genuine.
4. Jane is not jealous of Blanche because she sees that Mr. Rochester does not actually love
5. Blanche is quite cruel toward Adèle and often disparages her or orders her from the room.
6. The guests largely ignore Jane, though Blanche and her mother are often quite rude to
her, such as when they loudly criticize governesses in front of her.
7. The guests and Mr. Rochester play charades.
8. Blanche returns from hearing her fortune in a noticeably bad mood and suggests that the
gipsy woman should be put in the stocks.
9. Jane discovers that the gipsy woman is really Mr. Rochester in disguise.
10. Mr. Rochester turns white and appears extremely frightened when Jane mentions Mr.
Mason’s arrival.

Chapters 20-22 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Who screamed and woke up Thornfield Hall?

2. Why does Jane not believe Mr. Rochester’s story about the servant having a nightmare?
3. Why doesn’t Mr. Rochester want to give Jane her full wages before she leaves?
4. What caused Mrs. Reed to fall ill?
5. How are Georgiana and Eliza different from one another?
6. How does Jane feel about Mrs. Reed now?
7. What does Mrs. Reed reveal to Jane?
8. Why was Mrs. Reed so hard on Jane?
9. Why is it significant that Mr. Rochester has bought a carriage?
10. What does Jane recommend Mr. Rochester do about Adèle when he is married?

Quiz Answers

1. Mr. Mason was stabbed and bit, causing him to yell out.
2. Jane’s room is directly below Mr. Mason’s, and she heard a scuffle and voices that she
knows could not have been caused by a nightmare.
3. Mr. Rochester says, somewhat jokingly, that Jane will be forced to come back soon
because she will need the rest of her money.
4. Mrs. Reed had a stroke after hearing of the death of her son, John Reed.
5. Georgiana is beautiful, outgoing, and vain, while Eliza is plain, religious, and prefers to
remain isolated.
6. Jane has forgiven her aunt for all of the terrible things she has done and genuinely wants
to reconcile with her before she dies.
7. Mrs. Reed reveals that Jane’s uncle John Eyre asked to adopt Jane three years ago, and
she told him Jane died at Lowood.
8. Mrs. Reed reveals that she was always bothered by the favoritism her husband showed
9. Mr. Rochester’s purchase of a carriage signals his intent to marry soon.
10. Jane tells Mr. Rochester that Adèle should be sent away to school.

Chapters 23-25 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Where is the position that Mr. Rochester has found Jane?

2. Why does Jane initially reject Mr. Rochester's proposal?
3. What happens to the tree that Mr. Rochester proposed under?
4. Why is Mrs. Fairfax treating Jane coldly?
5. What about Mr. Rochester's behavior after their engagement makes Jane nervous?
6. What did Jane dream about?
7. How does Jane know that the strange woman in her room was real?
8. How does Mr. Rochester explain the woman in Jane's room?
9. When does Mr. Rochester promise to explain his decision to keep Grace Poole at
10. Why does Jane write to her uncle?

Quiz Answers

1. He claims to have found her a governess position at Bitternut Lodge in Ireland.

2. Jane initially rejects Mr. Rochester because she believes he is only teasing her.
3. During the night, the tree is struck by lightning and split in two.
4. Mrs. Fairfax saw Jane and Mr. Rochester kissing and embracing but did not realize that
they were engaged.
5. Mr. Rochester insists on bringing Jane fine jewels and expensive dresses, both of which
make her very uncomfortable.
6. Jane dreams that she is holding an infant while watching Mr. Rochester travel away from
7. Jane knows that a woman really came into her room because her veil is still ripped on the
floor in the morning.
8. Mr. Rochester says that the woman must have been Grace Poole and that Jane, being half
asleep, must not have recognized her.
9. Mr. Rochester vows to explain his decision regarding Grace Poole after he and Jane have
been married for one year and one day.
10. Jane writes to her uncle in the hope of securing a small inheritance, which she thinks
might make her feel more equal to Mr. Rochester.

Chapters 26-27 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Why doesn't Mr. Rochester notice the strangers outside the church?
2. Who is Mr. Briggs?
3. Who is Bertha Mason?
4. Why did no one in town know that Mr. Rochester had a wife?
5. What is Grace Poole's real job?
6. How did Mr. Mason know about the wedding?
7. What does Mr. Rochester urge Jane to do?
8. Why doesn't Mr. Rochester consider Bertha his wife?
9. Why does Jane decide to leave Thornfield?
10. What does Jane dream about, and what does it prompt her to do?

Quiz Answers

1. Mr. Rochester is hurrying Jane into the church, which is why he doesn't notice the two
men outside.
2. Mr. Briggs is Mr. Mason's solicitor and the one who stops the wedding to reveal that Mr.
Rochester is already married.
3. Bertha Mason is Mr. Rochester's wife. They married in Jamaica, and after she lost her
mind, Mr. Rochester confined her to Thornfield.
4. Mr. Rochester only told a doctor and Grace Poole that Bertha was his wife when he
moved to Thornfield. Many of the servants believed Bertha to be a half-sister or former
5. Grace Poole's actual job is to take care of Bertha and make sure she does not escape the
6. Mr. Mason is an acquaintance of John Eyre's. When John Eyre mentioned Jane's
forthcoming marriage, Mr. Mason quickly intervened.
7. Mr. Rochester begs Jane to come with him to the south of France and live as his wife.
8. Mr. Rochester feels he was tricked into the marriage because no one told him that
Bertha's family was predisposed to mental illness. Shortly after they were married,
Bertha's condition began to worsen until she became fully mad.
9. Jane decides that she must respect herself and therefore cannot stay and become Mr.
Rochester's mistress.
10. Jane has a dream in which her mother warns her to flee temptation, which prompts her
to leave Thornfield immediately.

Chapters 28-29 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Why must Jane exit the coach?

2. Why doesn’t Jane have any food or money?
3. What does Jane try to use in place of money?
4. Why are people suspicious of Jane when she tries to beg?
5. What are the occupations of Diana, Mary, and St. John Rivers?
6. Why is the Rivers family staying at Moor House?
7. Why is Jane upset with Hannah?
8. Why must the Rivers children work for a living?
9. What does Jane tell the Rivers family her name is?
10. What does Jane ask St. John for?

Quiz Answers

1. Jane had to exit the coach because she did not have the money to go farther.
2. Jane spent all her money paying the coach driver and then accidentally left her sack of
provisions in the coach.
3. Jane attempts to sell her gloves and handkerchief to a woman for some bread, but they
are not accepted.
4. People find Jane’s begging suspicious because she is wearing fine clothes and is clearly
5. Diana and Mary are governesses, while St. John Rivers is a parson.
6. The Rivers family is staying at Moor House temporarily because it was the home of their
father, who very recently died.
7. Jane is upset that Hannah acted so uncharitably toward Jane when she thought she was a
beggar. Jane tells Hannah that her behavior was unchristian, and Hannah agrees.
8. The Rivers must work for a living because their father lost his fortune on a bad business
deal and left nothing for them to inherit.
9. Jane introduces herself as “Jane Elliott.” Though she refuses to tell them her real name,
she does admit that “Jane Elliott” is an alias.
10. Jane asks St. John to help her find work so that she can support herself.
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Chapters 30-31 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. What does Diana teach Jane?

2. Why is it difficult for Jane to befriend St. John?
3. What prompts Jane to ask whether St. John has found a position?
4. Why does St. John think Jane will dislike the position he has to offer?
5. Who is Miss Oliver?
6. Why are Mary and Diana so sad to part with St. John?
7. Why were the Rivers disappointed when they learned that their uncle John had died?
8. Why is Jane disappointed in herself at her new job?
9. What does St. John reveal about his past?
10. What does Jane suspect after hearing Miss Oliver and St. John’s conversation?

Quiz Answers

1. Diana teaches Jane German.

2. St. John is rarely home, and Jane observes that when he is around, he is very quiet and
3. Diana and Mary are about to return to their old governess positions, which prompts Jane
to ask St. John about a position for herself.
4. St. John worries that Jane will not like the position because it is humble and she will not
be able to use a great deal of her higher learning.
5. Miss Oliver is the daughter of the wealthy Mr. Oliver, who owns the needle factory in
town. She is the benefactress of the girls’ school at which Jane teaches.
6. Mary and Diana suspect that St. John will go into missionary work and are upset to think
that this may be the last time they will see him for several years—or possibly ever.
7. The Rivers had hoped that their uncle John would leave them a portion of his inheritance,
but he gave the bulk away to an unknown relation and left them only enough to buy
mourning rings.
8. Jane admits that she feels degraded in her new position. She knows that this is wrong of
her, and she is disappointed that she feels this way.
9. St. John reveals that he was once desperately unhappy because he felt he had chosen the
wrong profession.
10. Jane suspects that St. John and Miss Oliver have feelings for one another after watching
them interact.
Chapter 32-33 Questions and Answers
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Quiz Questions

1. Why is Jane invited to the Olivers’ house?

2. Why is Mr. Oliver supportive of a match between his daughter and St. John?
3. Why doesn’t St. John want to marry Miss Oliver?
4. What odd thing does St. John do before leaving Jane’s cottage?
5. Who has been looking for Jane Eyre?
6. How much money does Jane inherit?
7. How is Jane related to the Rivers family?
8. Why didn’t St. John want to reveal why he was contacted by Mr. Briggs?
9. How did St. John discover Jane’s true identity?
10. What does Jane insist upon doing with her inheritance?

Quiz Answers

1. Jane is invited to the Olivers’ house after she draws a beautiful portrait of Miss Oliver.
2. Though the Rivers family has no money, Mr. Oliver considers them a great and
respectable family since they used to own most of the town.
3. St. John admits that he loves Miss Oliver, but he tells Jane that she would make a terrible
missionary’s wife.
4. St. John tears a tiny piece off a spare scrap of paper after appearing very interested in it.
Jane thinks this behavior is very odd.
5. It turns out that Mr. Briggs has been searching for Jane Eyre to inform her that her uncle
has died and left her his fortune.
6. Jane inherits twenty thousand pounds—making her a wealthy heiress.
7. Jane’s father is the brother of the Rivers’ mother, making Jane their cousin.
8. St. John is reluctant to reveal that Mr. Briggs contacted him because that means
explaining to Jane that they are cousins, a task he feels is better suited to his sisters.
9. St. John was already suspicious that Jane Elliot might be Jane Eyre, and his suspicions
were confirmed when he spied “Jane Eyre” written on a scrap of paper in her cottage.
10. Jane insists that her inheritance be split between the cousins. Each of them eventually
receives five thousand pounds.

Chapter 34-35 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. What does Jane learn about Miss Oliver from St. John?
2. Why does St. John ask Jane to stop studying German?
3. What is St. John like to study with?
4. Why does Jane break down and cry during one of her lessons with St. John?
5. Why does St. John propose to Jane?
6. Under what conditions will Jane go to India?
7. Why does Jane not want to marry St. John?
8. Why does St. John not accept Jane’s conditions?
9. What does Diana think about St. John’s proposal?
10. What causes Jane to reject St. John’s final proposal?

Quiz Answers

1. St. John tells Jane that Miss Oliver is engaged to be married to another man.
2. St. John asks Jane to abandon German and study “Hindostanee” with him instead in order
to help prepare him for his journey to India.
3. Jane finds St. John to be a very stern and exacting person to study with.
4. Jane was excited to receive a letter in the mail—thinking it would have information on
Mr. Rochester’s well-being—and when it turns out to be a business letter, she cries in
5. St. John does not love Jane but feels that she has the proper personality for a missionary’s
6. Jane agrees to go to India with St. John only if she can go as his sister, not his wife.
7. Jane does not want to marry St. John because she knows it will be a loveless marriage.
8. St. John claims that he cannot take an unmarried young woman with him to India, as
people will know he is not her real brother.
9. Diana is glad that Jane rejected St. John’s proposal and tells Jane that it would be
dangerous for her to go to India.
10. Jane almost gives in to St. John but is stopped from accepting when she thinks she hears
Mr. Rochester’s voice calling her name.

Chapters 36-38 Questions and Answers

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Quiz Questions

1. Why is Jane shocked when she sees Thornfield?

2. How did the fire start?
3. What happened to Mr. Rochester in the fire?
4. What happened to Bertha Rochester?
5. What is Mr. Rochester’s reaction to Jane’s arrival?
6. How does Mr. Rochester react to hearing about St. John?
7. Why doesn’t Jane tell Mr. Rochester that she also heard his voice?
8. What becomes of Adèle?
9. What becomes of St. John, Diana, and Mary?
10. From when has Jane been narrating the story?

Quiz Answers

1. Jane is shocked to see that Thornfield has been destroyed by a great fire.
2. The fire was started by Bertha, who snuck out of the attic while Grace Poole was drunk.
3. Mr. Rochester was struck by a beam as the house collapsed. This caused him to lose a
hand as well as his eyesight.
4. After starting the fire, Bertha Rochester went up to the roof and leapt to her death.
5. Mr. Rochester is overjoyed that Jane has returned but also fears that it is merely a dream.
6. Mr. Rochester is quite jealous when Jane describes St. John, and he even accuses Jane of
being in love with him.
7. Jane keeps the mysterious voice to herself because she fears that Mr. Rochester can’t
handle that information in his fragile mental state.
8. Jane retrieves Adèle from her school because she feels it is too harsh for her. Adèle is
resettled in a much more lenient and nearby school, which she enjoys. She grows up to
be a good companion to Jane.
9. Diana and Mary make good marriages and visit Jane regularly. St. John never marries
and stays in India, where it is suggested he will soon die.
10. It is revealed in the epilogue that Jane is telling the story after having been married to
Mr. Rochester for ten happy years.

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