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DLP Math Iv

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Date: APRIL 18, 2023

A .Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the concept of time, perimeter, area,
and volume.
B. Performance is able to apply the concepts of time, perimeter, area, and volume to
Standards mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Differentiates perimeter from area M4ME-IIIj-53
Competencies/ Objectives
Write the LC code for each

Write for the LC code for M4ME-IIIj-53

Differentiating Perimeter from Area

III. LEARNING Powerpoint presentation, pictures, real- life objects

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages Soaring High with Mathematics 4 pp. 225- 227
4.Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Charts, video presentation
A. Reviewing previous Review:
lesson or presenting the Read and solve: (PROPEL)
new lesson
The perimeter of a square backyard is 36 m. What is the the measure
of one side?

B. Establishing a purpose Motivation:

for the lesson Let us have a game. I will grou you into two and you have to form the
shape of what will I say. Some of your groupmates will be forming the
shapes and the others will be inside the shape. Do not forget that the
one who weill be forming the shape shall hold hand in hand. (P.E

C. Presenting examples / Explaining the Student What to Do?

instances of the new Say: Class our lesson for today is about differentiating perimeter from
lesson area

D. Discussing new Modeling

concepts and practicing Say: As you knew already what perimeter is sum of the of all the
new skills #1 sides of an object right? This time let us study area.

What did you do a while ago? You form a shape. The pupils who are
holding hand in hand are the perimeter. While the pupils who are
inside the shape is the area. Therefor area is the measure of the
region or surface a figure encloses.

Let us watch this video.

Let us have here and example on how to differentiate perimeter from

10 m

4m 4m

10 m

Look at graph, can you tell the perimeter?

P= 2 (10) + 2 (4)
= 20 + 8
= 28 m

Now the square inside the perimeter is the area. Le us cout the
suares inside the perimeter. There are 18 squares inside the
perimeter. The area is express in square units. So its, 18 sq. m or 18

E. Discussing new Guided Practice

concepts and practicing Say: Now, I will call someonE and let him pick a door and answer the
new skills #2 question behind it. (ICT Integration)

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity

(Leads to Formative Say: Now, let us have group activities. Do not start yet, I will just say
Assessment) start. After you have done your activity post in on the board and
report it. We will do this activity within 5 minutes. And take note we
have our rubrics for our group activity. Can you read the rubrics.
Group 1: Who Am I?
Group 2: Find My Area!
Group 3: Draw my Area!

G. Finding practical Application:

application of concepts Let us have a game. Tell me if it is an area or a perimeter.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations What is the difference between perimter and area?
and abstractions about
the lesson Perimeter is sum of the of all the sides of an object while area is the
measure of the region or surface a figure encloses
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following statements best describes the difference

between perimeter and area?
a. Area is the measurement of the surface enclosed within a closed
figure while perimeter is the distance around the closed figure.
b. Area is the distance around a closed figure while perimeter is the
measure of the surface enclosed within the closed figure.
c. Area is measured by counting the linear units along the outline of a
closed figure while perimeter is measured by counting the number of
square units enclosed in the figure.
d. Area and perimeter have the same measurement.

2. For a closed figure, what do we look at when we want to know its

a. its corners
b. its sides
c. its inside/surface
d. either outside or inside the closed figure

3. Mang Ramon wants to surround his rectangular flower garden with

a wooden fence. What does he need to measure to find how much
wooden fence he needs?
a. area b. perimeter c. volume d. side

4. The shape shown has an area of 35 square units. What is its


a. 30 units b. 20 units c. 25 units d. 24 units

5. What is the area of a square with a perimeter of 20 units?

a. 20 sq units b. 25 sq units c. 30 sq units d. 35 sq units

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on this
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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