Terraco Tex Primer
Terraco Tex Primer
Terraco Tex Primer
Tex Primer is a highly developed product in liquid form, which is absorbed deeply into the substrate of
cementitious materials, plasters and limes. It binds the substrate and the surface, to give a solid, textured profile
base for decorative finishing coats, such as TERRACO Textured Coatings, paints and thin-layer mortars. It is
supplied as white or tinted as per finish colour.
TERRACO offers a comprehensive range of products and services for most concrete and finishing needs.
Please contact the TERRACO Technical Service Department or your local TERRACO agent for further
information, samples, demonstrations and instructor services. The information given in this leaflet is based
upon laboratory research, as well as extensive field work and application. All products are sold subject to
standard conditions of sale which are available on request. This information is based on TERRACO’s present
state of knowledge and is intended to provide general information on TERRACO’s products and their
methods of use. The prospective user is recommended to determine the suitability of TERRACO’s suggestions
and products before adopting them on a commercial scale.
For further details visit: www.terraco.com V. 03.2016 - Issued by Terraco Technical Centre Ltd., Ireland for Terraco UAE Ltd.
Product Exterior masonry primer.
Viscosity at 23 Degree 6,000-10,000cps
pH Value 8 – 9
Specific Gravity 1.45 + 0.05
Coverage 8-10m2 /litre depending on substrate conditions.
Packaging 1 US Gallon and 5 US Gallon pails.
Storage 12 months in original unopened containers.
For further details visit: www.terraco.com V. 03.2016 - Issued by Terraco Technical Centre Ltd., Ireland for Terraco UAE Ltd.