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A survey on graph embedding techniques for biomedical data: Methods

and applications

Yaozu Wu, Yankai Chen, Zhishuai Yin, Weiping Ding, Irwin King

PII: S1566-2535(23)00225-7
Reference: INFFUS 101909

To appear in: Information Fusion

Received date : 24 February 2023

Revised date : 11 June 2023
Accepted date : 2 July 2023

Please cite this article as: Y. Wu, Y. Chen, Z. Yin et al., A survey on graph embedding techniques
for biomedical data: Methods and applications, Information Fusion (2023), doi:

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A Survey on Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data:

Methods and Applications
Yaozu Wua,1 , Yankai Chenb,∗,1 , Zhishuai Yinc,∗ , Weiping Dingd and Irwin Kingb
a Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory, Foshan, China

b Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
c School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
d School of Information Science and Technology, Nantong University, Nantong 226019 China


Keywords: As a result of the expeditious advancement of biomedical technologies, a plethora of relational data
Biomedical data linking biomedical entities such as genes, proteins, and drugs have been collected for modern biomed-
Biomedical graph ical research. Biomedical graphs, one of the most popular ways to represent relational data, can
Graph embedding easily describe different complex biomedical systems, including molecular-level, multi-omics-level,
Graph neural network therapeutics-level, and healthcare-level interactions. However, traditional graph analysis methods
Graph contrastive learning still suffer from two difficulties (i.e., heterogeneities and dynamic properties of biomedical graphs)
Healthcare when handling high-dimensional, multi-modal, and sparsely interconnected biomedical data. To ad-
dress these issues, graph embedding methods that can effectively analyze biomedical graphs have
received a significant amount of attention recently. Generally, graph-based data is converted into a
low-dimensional vector space with its structural properties and well-reserved information. These vec-
torized representations are used for further computation in various downstream biomedical tasks, such
as gene function prediction and drug-target interaction prediction. In this article, we focus on the ap-
plication of graph data in the biomedical domain and mainly introduce recent developments of graph
embedding techniques (homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic graph embedding techniques), in-
cluding methodologies and related biomedical tasks. We also summarize relevant biomedical datasets
and open-source implementations. We further discuss existing limitations and potential solutions. We
hope this survey can provide useful directions for researchers who are interested in using graph em-
bedding methods to solve problems in the biomedical field.
1. Introduction provides a deeper understanding of interconnected knowl-
edge behind the graph topology, which ultimately facilitates
Recent developments in biomedical technology have led better clinical treatment for human healthcare. For better
to a significant rise in relational data interconnecting biomed- learning of biomedical graphs, we divided biomedical graphs
ical entities, from molecular interactions (e.g., drugs and into three types: homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic
proteins, etc.) to healthcare systems (e.g., diseases and med- graphs, mainly by following the conventional graph-based
ical concepts, etc.). As shown in Figure 1, the relational
methodologies [161, 210, 97] in academia to focus on their

biomedical data at different scales [97] (e.g., molecular-level

fundamental graph properties. However, due to the graph
data, multi-omics-level data, therapeutics-level data, and hu- heterogeneity (i.e., graphs contain multiple types of nodes
man healthcare-level data) can be naturally represented by and edges) and dynamic property (i.e., graph information is
the graph format, as graphs can well capture the relations evolving over time) of biomedical graphs, early traditional
(i.e., edges) between biomedical objects (i.e., nodes). For methods usually require designing complicated mechanisms
instance, based on the physical interactions of atoms, molec-
across various-typed and sparsely distributed data compo-
ular structures (e.g., the structure of proteins and chemical
nents, which may lead to the high dimensionality of data per-
compounds) can be presented in a molecular-level graph con- mutation and insufficient information retrieval. Thus, these
sisting of nodes (i.e., atoms or amino acids) and edges (i.e.,

methods in the biomedical domain suffer from expensive

chemical bonds or peptide bonds) [117]. To introduce an- computation costs and unsatisfactory performance, making
other example, as the most common bio-entities, multi-omics them hard to deploy for realistic large-scale biomedical data.
data (including genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics)
Taking protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis as an exam-
are usually represented as biomedical graphs to study life
ple, early algorithms have an exponential time complexity
mechanisms, such as gene-gene interactions graphs, protein- and a fast performance deterioration after they are applied
protein interactions graphs, and miRNA-disease associations in large-scale PPI graphs with millions of nodes [66].
graphs, etc [25, 168, 209]. Analyzing biomedical graphs To address these issues, graph embedding methods have
∗ Corresponding author. 1 Equal contribution. received much attention recently [181, 12, 27, 6]. Specifi-
The main content of this work was done at CUHK. cally, graph embedding methods map graph nodes into low- (Y. Wu); (Y. Chen); dimensional embedding spaces while preserving structural (Z. Yin); (W. Ding); (I. King)
properties. These learned embeddings can be further input
ORCID (s): 0000-0001-8106-6447 (I. King) as condensed features into the downstream machine learn-

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

(d) Healthcare-level data

(a) Molecular-level data disease



Homogeneous Biomedical Graph Heterogeneous Biomedical Graph

(e) Proteins Disease

disease Drugs Symptom

Abstract Gene Side-effect
Muscle ligament Biological Process
Methods Dynamic Biomedical Graph
DNA Non-coding RNAs Drugs disease

(b) Multi-omics-level data (c) Therapeutics-level data (f) A category of different biomedical graphs

Figure 1: An overview of different biomedical data varying from molecular level to healthcare level, and a category of biomedical
graphs. (a) Molecular-level data. (b) Multi-omics-level data. (c) Therapeutics-level data. (d) Healthcare-level data. (e) Generally,
there are two ways to construct biomedical graphs. The first approach involves manually curated databases where the data is
usually derived from experimentally measured physical interactions, such as PPI and DrugBank, etc (as shown in Section 6). In
addition, natural language processing techniques are applied to extract knowledge from diverse medical texts for constructing
biomedical graphs [136]. (f) A category of different biomedical graphs. Based on the properties of nodes and edges, biomedical
graphs can be categorized into three categories: homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic biomedical graphs.

1. Introduction
Recent developments in biomedical technology have led to a significant rise in relational data interconnecting biomedical
entities, from molecular interactions (e.g., drugs and proteins, etc.) to healthcare systems (e.g., diseases and medical concepts,
etc.). As shown in Figure 1, the relational biomedical data at different scales [107] (e.g., molecular-level data, multi-omics-
level data, therapeutics-level data, and human healthcare-level data) can be naturally represented by the graph format, as
graphs can well capture the relations (i.e., edges) between biomedical objects (i.e., nodes). For example, the structure of
molecules such as proteins and chemical compounds can be represented through molecular-level graphs, which capture
the physical interactions between atoms. In these biomedical graphs, nodes represent atoms or amino acids, while edges
depict chemical bonds or peptide bonds [128]. To provide another example, as the most common bio-entities, multi-
omics data (including genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics) are often represented as biomedical graphs to study life
mechanisms, such as gene-gene interactions graphs, protein-protein interactions graphs, and miRNA-disease associations

graphs, etc [33, 180, 224]. Analyzing biomedical graphs enables a profound comprehension of the interconnected knowledge
embedded with the graph topology, which ultimately facilitates improved clinical treatment for human healthcare. For better
learning of biomedical graphs, we have divided them into three types: homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic graphs,
following conventional graph-based methodologies [172, 225, 107] in academia that focus on their fundamental properties.
However, traditional methods face challenges when dealing with the heterogeneity (i.e., graphs comprising multiple node
and edge types) and dynamic nature (i.e., evolving graph information) of biomedical graphs. Early traditional approaches
often necessitate complex mechanisms to handle diverse and sparsely distributed data components. Consequently, these
approaches result in high-dimensional data permutations and limited information retrieval. Thus, methods in the biomedical
field are computationally expensive and exhibit suboptimal performance, making them impractical for large-scale biomedical

data scenarios. Taking protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis as an example, early algorithms have an exponential time
complexity and rapidly deteriorating performance when applied to large-scale PPI graphs with millions of nodes [75].
To address these issues, graph embedding methods have received much attention recently [193, 12, 35, 6]. Specifically,
graph embedding methods map graph nodes into low-dimensional embedding spaces while preserving structural properties.
These learned embeddings can then serve as condensed features for downstream machine learning tasks, e.g., node
classification, clustering, link prediction, and visualization, enabling enormous opportunities for biomedical data science (as
shown in Figure 2). For example, graph embeddings can naturally be used for biological entity clustering, grouping objects
with similar properties, and narrowing the search space for biological information exploration [204]. By leveraging these
low-dimensional embeddings, downstream algorithms are usually more efficient than their counterparts that operate on the
raw relational data. As a result, a reduction of holistic computational overhead can be well achieved when solving biological
computation problems. Moreover, compared to traditional algorithms focusing on local information, graph embedding-based
algorithms are better able to explore high-order relational information across different biomedical entities. This greatly
contributes to intelligent clinical decision making [255].

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Biomedical Datasets Graph Embedding Models Downstream Tasks

Visualization Clustering
Traditional Graph Analysis
(1) High dimensionality and sparsity
(2) High heterogeneity
(3) High computational cost

Link Prediction Node Classification


Graph Embedding Models Low-dimensional Class2

Biomedical Graph (1) Low dimensional representation
(1)Biomedical relational data (2) Graph information well preserved Representation

(2)Electronic medical data (3) Inputs for downstream tasks
(3)Biomedical knowledge graphs

Figure 2: Comparison between traditional graph analysis methods and graph embedding methods.

Table 1
Existing work summary, where and – denote whether the technique is thoroughly or briefly introduced, N/A means that there
is not much description).
Papers [172][136][237] [26] [139][134][225][107]

Graph types

2018 2019 201920202020 2020 2021 2022

– N/A
– N/A –

N/A N/A N/A – N/A N/A N/A –

Clustering N/A N/A N/A N/A
Applications prediction
Visualization N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Graph level

Related work. Several other related reviews on the topic of graph embedding in the biomedical domain are summarized

in Table 1. Su et al. [172], Chen et al. [26] and Yi et al. [225] mainly elaborate graph embedding methods and graph neural
networks for homogeneous and heterogeneous biomedical graphs. Other existing reviews [136, 237] explore the applications
of graph embedding methods in the biomedical fields. Nicholson and Greene [139] and Mohamed et al. [134] investigate
biomedical knowledge graph embedding methods in various related tasks. Additionally, Li et al. [107] primarily discuss
future directions of graph embedding methods for biomedical tasks. However, existing reviews are not comprehensive and
systematic due to the complexity of biomedical graphs (heterogeneity and dynamic nature). In this study, our contribution
consists of three main parts:
• Comprehensive review. We comprehensively review existing graph embedding models for different graph types, including
homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic gr-

aphs. We also investigate graph contrastive learning techniques, which are advantageous for addressing data quality issues
in the biomedical field. In addition, we introduce related tasks in the biomedical domain from the perspective of common
graph applications.
• Accessible resources. We organize state-of-the-art models and collect their open-source implementations, along with
relevant benchmarks from diverse real-life biomedical applications.
• Discussion. We discuss the major limitations of existing methods and several possible solutions.

2. Preliminaries
In this section, we introduce important concepts that are widely used in graph embedding methods.
Notations. In this paper, we use bold lowercase characters, bold uppercase characters, and calligraphy characters to denote
the vectors, matrices, and sets, respectively. Non-bold characters are used to denote graph nodes and edges. We introduce
several important concepts as follows:

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

1. Graph. A graph 𝐺 is represented as 𝐺 = (, ), where  is a set of nodes (or vertices), i.e.,  = {𝑣1 , … , 𝑣|𝑉 | }, and 
denotes a set of edges connecting nodes, i.e.,  = {𝑒1 , … , 𝑒|𝐸| }. Each edge 𝐸𝑘 is a pair of nodes (𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 ) with 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 ∈ .
A graph is undirected means that, for each edge (𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 ) ∈ , (𝑣𝑗 , 𝑣𝑖 ) ∈ . Otherwise, if the existence of edge 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑣𝑗 ∈ 
does not necessarily imply (𝑣𝑗 , 𝑣𝑖 ) ∈ , the graph is directed.
In addition, let  denote the set of node types. There exists a mapping function Φ: →  associates each node with its
corresponding node type.  denotes the set of edge types. Similarly, there is a function Ψ: →  that maps each edge
with the corresponding edge type.
2. Homogeneous Graph. A homogeneous graph 𝐺 = (, ) is a graph with only one type of nodes and one type of edges,

i.e., || = || = 1.
3. Heterogeneous Graph. A heterogeneous graph 𝐺 = (, ) is graph that nodes or edges belong to different types, i.e.,
|| + || > 2.
4. Dynamic Graph. In a dynamic graph, each node 𝑣 ∈  is associated with the tuple (𝑡𝑣1 , 𝑡𝑣2 ) where 𝑡𝑣1 , 𝑡𝑣2 are the start
and end timestamps for the existence of 𝑣 ( 𝑡𝑣1 ≤ 𝑡𝑣2 ). Each edge 𝑒 ∈  is associated with the tuple (𝑡𝑒1 , 𝑡𝑒2 ) that 𝑡𝑒1 , 𝑡𝑒2 are

respectively the start and end timestamps for the existence of the edge 𝑒 (𝑡𝑒1 ≤ 𝑡𝑒2 ).
5. Adjacency Matrix. Adjacency matrix 𝑨 is a 𝑛 × 𝑛 matrix with 𝐴𝑖𝑗 = 1 or 𝐴𝑖𝑗 = 0 based on whether node 𝑖 and node 𝑗
are connected or not.
6. Graph Laplacian Matrix. An unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix is a |𝑉 |×|𝑉 | matrix given by 𝑳 = 𝑫 −𝑾 , where 𝑫
is the diagonal matrix denoting node degrees, i.e., 𝐷𝑖𝑖 is the degree of node 𝑣𝑖 and 𝐷𝑖𝑗 = 0 for any 𝑣𝑗 ≠ 𝑣𝑖 . The normalized
graph Laplacian matrix is given by 𝑳 ̃ = 𝑫 −1∕2 𝑳𝑫 −1∕2 , where 𝑳 is the unnormalized graph Laplacian matrix.
7. First Order Proximity. The first order proximity between nodes 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣𝑗 is the local pairwise proximity measure
indicated by edge weight 𝑤𝑖𝑗 . Two nodes are more similar if they are connected with a larger 𝑤𝑖𝑗 .
8. Second Order Proximity. The second order proximity between nodes 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣𝑗 is determined by the similarity of 𝑣𝑖 ’s
neighbourhood and 𝑣𝑗 ’s neighbourhood. If 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑣𝑗 have many similar neighbors, the two nodes will have a high second-
order proximity.
9. Meta-path. A meta-path is an ordered path that consists of node types that connects via edge types defined on the graph
schema, which describes a composite relation between the types of nodes and edges involved. The usual format of a
ℎ-length meta-path is 𝑣1 ⟶ 𝑎2 ⋯ ⟶ 𝑣ℎ , where 𝑣𝑖 and 𝑟𝑖 are node type and edge type.
𝑟1 𝑟ℎ−1
Problem 1 (Graph Embedding). Given a graph 𝐺 = (, ), and a predefined embedding dimensionality 𝑑 where 𝑑 ≪ |𝑉 |.
As shown in Figure 3, graph embeddings map objects 𝑜 in the graph into a 𝑑-dimensional space, where objects close to each
other in the graph have similar latent representations. The objects can be nodes, edges and subgraphs in the graph.

3. Survey Methodology
In this section, we detail the steps used to collect the list of reference articles for this literature review. This includes
collecting relevant keywords, querying multiple databases, removing duplicate entries, manual filtering, and analysis.
Defining Keywords. First, we follow the traditional academic definition of graph embedding models and their biom-
edical applications [35, 197]. We organize an initial list of keywords to be used for querying articles. We further enrich this
list to comprehensively cover existing graph embedding models for different graph types. Furthermore, by supplementing
this list, we encompass some important tasks in the biomedical field from the perspective of general graph applications. We
show the full list of keywords in Table 2.
Querying Databases. We use all possible key groups to query multiple databases, such as Google Scholar1 , Semantic

Scholar2 , Web of Science3 and Connected Papers4 . For example, "graph convolutional networks" AND "electronic health
records." Considering the breadth of biomedical data, we focus on articles published between January 2014 and February
Filtering Related Work. At this stage, we first screen out duplicate papers (i.e., papers with the same title author). In
addition, we manually examine the abstracts of the collected papers to exclude those irrelevant to graph embedding approaches
and biomedical data (e.g., papers researching yeast). Finally, we end up with 425 interested papers. We carefully analyze these
papers so that they contain significant or recent advances in the field, and summarize and discuss them systematically.

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

v5 e6
v4 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6
0.1 0.1 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.2
v2 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3

e3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
e1 e2 e4
0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.7 0.7

v1 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4
(a) Node embeddings
e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 g1 g2 g3
0.3 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.6
re- 0.5
0.9 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.5
0.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9
(b) Edge embeddings (c) Subgraph embeddings

Figure 3: Node, edge and subgraph embeddings.


Table 2
The list of keywords.
Graph Embedding, Biomedicine, Biological
Homogeneous Graph, Heterogeneous Graph,
Knowledge Graph, Dynamic Graph,
Molecular-level Data, Multi-omics-level Data,
Therapeutics-level Data, Healthcare-level Data

Node Proximity Matrix Factorization, Graph

Laplacian Matrix Factorization, Meta-Paths,
Graph Autoencoders, Graph Generative
Networks, Graph Convolutional Networks, Graph
Additional Attention Networks, Graph Contrastive Learning,
Keywords Meta-Graphs, Translational Distance Model,
Semantic Matching Model, Discrete-time
Manner, Continuous-Time Manner, Gene,
Protein, Drug, Disease, Electronic Healteh

4. Taxonomy of Graph Embedding Models

Different biomedical systems contain complex bio-entit-
ies and multiplex interactions from the molecular level to the clinical level, which could use multi-level biomedical graphs
to describe. Complex bio-entities and multiple interactions across molecular to clinical levels in various biomedical systems
can be described using multi-level biomedical graphs. Following the conventional graph-based methodology [172, 225, 107],

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Graph embedding-based

Homogeneous graphs Heterogeneous graphs Dynamic graphs

Node proximity matrix Matrix factorization on
factorization Proximity preserving- snapshots
Matrix factorization-based Path-based Matrix factorization-based
based Matrix factorization on
Graph laplacian matrix
factorization functions of !"#$


Translational distance Random walks on

models snapshots
Random walk-based Relation learning-based Random walk-based
Semantic matching Temporal random walk
Graph autoencoders
Dynamic graph
Graph convolutional Graph convolutional autoencoders
networks networks

Deep learning-based Discrete dynamic graph
Message passing-based Deep learning-based
Graph generative neural network
networks Attention mechanism
Continuous dynamic
Graph contrastive graph neural network

Figure 4: Taxonomy of graph embedding models.

we organize biomedical graphs into three categories: homogeneous, heterogeneous, and dynamic gra-
phs. Furthermore, based on different biomedical graphs, we review three streams of corresponding graph embedding methods
(as shown in Figure 4).

4.1. Homogeneous Graph Embedding Models

Generally, homogeneous graph embedding methods can be categorized into: (1) matrix factorization-based, (2) random
walk-based, and (3) deep graph learning-based.

4.1.1. Matrix Factorization-based Methods

Inspired by the classical dimensionality reduction techniques, matrix factorization-based methods typically represent
graph characteristics (e.g., node pairwise similarity) in matrix form and decompose this matrix to obtain the node
embeddings [35]. The target of matrix factorization is to preserve embedded graph characteristics as much as possible. There
are two main types of matrix factorization methods for graph embeddings: Node proximity matrix factorization and Graph
laplacian matrix factorization.
Node proximity matrix factorization. Node proximity matrix factorization-based methods usually approximate the
node proximity into a low-dimensional embedding space. The objective of preserving the node proximity is to minimize
the difference between the node proximity matrix and the approximation matrix as follows:
min ||𝑾 − 𝑿𝑪 𝑇 ||, (1)

where 𝑾 ∈ ℝ|𝑉 |×|𝑉 | is the node proximity matrix, 𝑿 ∈ ℝ|𝑉 |×𝑑 is the node embedding matrix and 𝑪 ∈ ℝ|𝑉 |×𝑑 is the
embedding for the context nodes [13]. Following this objective, one classical solution is to use Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) [56] on 𝑾 . Recently, some other methods solve the objective in Equation (1), such as GF [3] and TADW [218].
Different from these methods that focus on undirected graphs, some other models, such as GrapRep [13] and Hope [147], are
proposed to solve the matrix factorization on directed homogeneous graphs.
Graph laplacian matrix factorization. The fundamental assumption of graph Laplacian matrix factorization is that
nodes close in the graph, as measured by certain similarity functions, remain close in the embedding space as measured by a
predefined distance function. Thus to obtain high-quality node embeddings, the common approach is to give a penalty in the

learning formulation if two nodes with higher similarity are erroneously embedded far apart.
Formally, the optimal embedding 𝒛∗ can be computed by using the objective function:
𝒛∗ = arg min 𝒛𝑇 𝑳𝒛, (2)
where 𝑳 = 𝑫 − 𝑾 is the graph Laplacian matrix as we have introduced in Section 2. Usually, a constraint 𝒛𝑇 𝑫𝒛 = 1 is given
on Equation (2) to remove an arbitrary scaling factor in the embeddings [12]. Then Equation (2) is reduced to Equation (3)
as follows:

∗ 𝒛𝑇 𝑳𝒛 𝒛𝑇 𝑾 𝒛
𝒛 = arg min 𝒛 𝑳𝒛 = arg min 𝑇 = arg max 𝑇 , 𝑇
𝒛𝑇 𝑫𝒛=1 𝒛 𝑫𝒛 𝒛 𝑫𝒛
where the optimal 𝒛∗ can be computed by finding the eigenvector that corresponds to the maximum eigenvalue of the
eigenproblem 𝑾 𝒛 = 𝜆𝑫𝒛 [12].

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

3 4 6 5

1 2 3 5

1 2 3 4

2 3 5 6

Graph Random walks

Figure 5: Random walk sampling process.

There are many models based on graph Laplacian matrix factorization. The initial work multi-dimensional scaling
(MDS) [71] sets the Euclidean distance of two nodes’ feature vectors as the similarity and minimizes the objective function in
Equation (3) to learn the optimal embeddings. However, MDS mainly deals with linearly structured data in Euclidean space,
whereas much real-world data is nonlinearly structured (i.e., graph data, tree-like data). To handle non-linear data, earlier
models like IsoMAP [5], LE [4], and LLE [157] were proposed. Generally, they are non-linear dimensionality reduction
techniques focusing on global geometry or local topology to find the best non-linear embeddings. AgLPP [85] introduces
the concept of anchor graphs to significantly improve the efficiency of the previous matrix factorization model LPP [66].
In recent work, Yang et al. [220] define a new Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) proximity matrix to capture the data dependence
between edges and attributes. Based on the WL proximity matrix, BANE [220] formulates the matrix factorization for binary
embedding learning, achieving good informativeness of learned embeddings and computational efficiency from embedding
binarization. Additionally, DMCL [211], which hierarchically captures the semantic structures in the matrix factorization
framework, performs non-negative factorization of data.

4.1.2. Random Walk-based Methods

Compared to matrix factorization-based methods, random walk-based methods are better suited when the graph is partially

observed. They can capture higher-order proximity between nodes. As illustrated in Figure 5, random walk-based methods
sample from the original graph, transforming it into lists of random walked paths. Methods are then applied to these sampled
paths to learning node embeddings by maximizing occurrence probability.
One classical method is DeepWalk [154], which models a stream of short random walks and then invokes the Skip-Gram
model to learn the node embeddings. The Skip-Gram model maximizes the probability of predicting context nodes for each
target node in a graph, namely the probability of the target node’s neighbourhoods [12]. It is achieved by the optimization
({ } )

min − log 𝑃 𝑟 𝑣𝑖−𝑘 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖−1 , 𝑣𝑖+1 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖+𝑘 ∣ 𝒙𝑖 ,

{ }
where 𝑣𝑖−𝑘 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖−1 , 𝑣𝑖+1 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖+𝑘 are the observed nodes around node 𝑣𝑖 within 𝑘 window size, and 𝒙𝑖 is the embedding
of 𝑣𝑖 [154]. Moreover, after making conditional independence assumption, the equation is further refined as:
∑ ( )
min − log 𝑃 𝑟 𝑣𝑗 ∣ 𝒙𝑖 . (5)

By computing truncated random walks on the graph, nodes that share similar context nodes in the random walk paths will
be as close as possible in the learned embedding space. DeepWalk [154] can well capture second-order (even higher-order)
node proximity by modeling context nodes that co-occur in short random walks.
Some other methods, such as node2vec [60] and AWE
[79], extend the sampling strategies to boost the performance further. Node2vec [60], for example, combines graph exploration
via breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS) to perform the biased random walk on the graph. By doing

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

f g X̂

Graph Encoder Decoder Output

Figure 6: Architecture of autoencoder.

so, node2vec can capture both local and global graph topology information for effective embedding learning. Instead of
alternating the sampling strategies, another research is to consider preserving additional proximity as well as the internal
graph structures. For instance, DeepCas [104] uses recurrent neural networks to embed information cascade paths. Moreover,
considering node structure, node content, and node labels, TriDNR [149] uses a coupled neural network architecture to learn
graph information. To avoid local minima caused by non-convex functions in both node2vec and DeepWalk, HARP [16]
proposes an effective multi-level graph representation learning paradigm. By recursively coalescing the input graph into
smaller but structurally similar graphs, HARP learns a good initialization scheme from these small graphs. This equips
HARP with a better initialization for node embeddings and thus provides more stable training and convergence for embedding

4.1.3. Deep Graph Learning-based Methods

Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in a wide variety of applications, ranging from acoustics, image
processing to natural language processing [101]. Various deep architectures have been proposed to advance graph analysis
techniques significantly.
Graph autoencoders. As shown in Figure 6, graph autoencoders learn embeddings using an encoder to map nodes into
a latent feature space and a decoder to decode these latent embeddings and reconstruct graph topological information. The
idea of adopting the autoencoder for graph embedding is similar to node proximity matrix factorization, which minimizes the
reconstruction error of the output and input.

Early work SDNE [191] applies a deep autoencoder to preserve the first and second-order node proximity, aiming to
capture local and global graph structure. Specifically, the encoder maps the input adjacency matrix to an embedding space
to produce node embeddings, and the decoder maps these embeddings to a reconstruction space to recover the original
adjacency matrix. Another work DNGR [14] stacks a denoising autoencoder to encode embeddings and further decodes the
node similarity matrix via a probabilistic method named random surfing. Unlike SDNE [191] and DNGR [14], which only
consider pairwise node connectivity information, GAE, VGAE [93] and GC-MC [7] leverage graph convolutional networks
(GCNs) to encode feature information and structural information of graph nodes. Details of GCN will be introduced later. As
for the recent models, G2G [8] and DVNE [263] propose encoding graph nodes with a Gaussian distribution, producing better
embedding learning for downstream tasks. Unlike previous work using Kullback-Leibler divergence [97] as the similarity

measurement, DVNE uses Wasserstein distance, which can simultaneously preserve the graph structure and model the
uncertainty of nodes.
Graph generative networks. Graph generative network models aim to generate graphs based on the given observed
subgraphs. In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have become an emerging stream for graph learning.
Many studies incorporate generative adversarial methodology in graph embedding problems. For example, authors in
ARVGA [148] not only minimize the reconstruction errors of the graph structure but also enforce the latent representations
to match a prior distribution. DGMG [112] implements a deep generative model to express the probabilistic dependencies
between graph nodes and attributes. Another model NetRA [235] circumvents the requirement of an explicit prior distribution
via encapsulating joint inference in the adversarial training process. They learn node embeddings by jointly considering both
the locality-preserving and global reconstruction constraints.
Graph convolutional networks. Recently, graph convolutional networks (GCNs) and variants have become popular.
Generally, there are two types of GCNs models, i.e., spectral-based GCNs and spatial-based GCNs. On one side, spectral
GCNs first introduced by Bruna et al. [11], extend CNN algorithms from image processing to the graph domain. They

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

  aggregator1
 x2   x 
  1
 ..    aggregator2
 .   x2 
 . 
  xm  ..   
x1 xm x1
 x2   x2 
     
 .. 

 .   ..  x1
 .   x2 
xm  
xm  .. 
   . 
x1 xm Label
 x2 
 
     .. 
x1  . 

 x2   x2    xm
    x1
 ..   ..   x2 
 .   .   
xm  .. 
k=2 xm  . 
k=1 xm

1.Sample neighborhood 2.Aggregate feature information 3.Predict graph context and label
from neighbor using aggregated information

Figure 7: Illustration of GraphSAGE [61].

investigate the graph Laplacian matrix and the main idea is similar to Fourier basis for signal processing [206]. On the
other hand, spatial GCNs focus on local graph topologies and learn node embeddings by exploring the nodes’ multi-hop
neighborhoods. Unlike spectral GCNs that load the whole graph matrices into the computation, often leading to high
computational overhead, spatial GCNs are usually simple and easier to train.
Representative spectral GCNs [11, 92, 68, 41] adopt similar formulations. For example, method [92] introduces a well-
behaved layer-wise propagation rule as follow:
( −1 1 )
𝑯 (𝑙+1) = 𝜎 𝑫 ̂ − 2 𝑯 (𝑙) 𝑾 (𝑙) ,
̂ 2 𝑨̂ 𝑫 (6)

with 𝑨̂ = 𝑨 + 𝑰, where 𝑰 is the identity matrix and 𝑫 ̂ is the diagonal node degree matrix of 𝑨. ̂ 𝑾 (𝑙) is a weight matrix for
the 𝑙-th neural network layer and 𝜎 ⟨⋅⟩ is a non-linear activation function, e.g., ReLU. 𝑯 (𝑙) is the input for layer 𝑙 and 𝑯 (𝑙+1)
is the corresponding output. Then a GCN model with 𝐿 layers can be constructed by inputing 𝑯 (0) = 𝑿 and applying the

convolutional operations for 𝐿 times.

Instead of considering graph convolutions from a spectral domain perspective, spatial-based methods define graph
convolutions based on local graph structures. Concretely, spatial-based GCNs typically use neighbor sampling and attention
mechanism. For instance, as shown in Figure 7, Grap-hSAGE [61] samples fixed-size neighboring nodes and then conducts
message passing via the connections with these sampled nodes. Concretely, the message propagation strategies can be
described as:

([ ])
, (7)

𝑯 (𝑙+1)
𝑥 =𝜎 𝑯 (𝑙)
𝑥 ||AGG({𝑯 𝑖 ∀𝑖 ∈ (𝑥)}) ,

where 𝑯 (𝑙+1) is the embedding of node 𝑥 in the (𝑙 + 1)-th layer of model learning. AGG is the aggregation function proposed
in [61] and [⋅||⋅] is the concatenation operation between two embeddings.  (𝑥) is the sampled neighbors of node 𝑥 with the

size | (𝑥)|.
To improve model efficiency and apply it to large-scale graphs, researchers have proposed a number of improved models.
StoGCN [18] uses historical node representations as a control variate to reduce the receptive field size of a graph convolution
to an arbitrarily small scale. LGCN [53] designs the GCN model architecture specifically for large-scale graphs. Generally,
LGCN learns the node information by effectively sampling subgraphs. FastGCN [18] interprets graph convolutions as
integral transforms of node embedding functions under the probability measures. The method then applies the Monte Carlo
approximation and variance reduction techniques to facilitate the efficient training process for large dense graphs. Cluster-
GCN [31] samples node blocks from dense subgraphs by using a graph clustering algorithm. Via restricting the neighborhood
search over the sampled subgraph, Cluster-GCN can significantly improve the computational efficiency for handling larger

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Table 3
Homogeneous graph embedding models.
Catagory Sub-catagory Methods Description
Minimizing the difference between the
Node proximity
[56, 3, 13, 218, 147] node proximity matrix and the
matrix factorization
Matrix factorization-based approximation matrix for reconstruction.
methods Graph Laplacian Applying matrix factorization methods
[4, 71, 157, 5, 66, 85, 220, 211]
matrix factorization based on the graph Laplacian theory.

Maximizing the probability of observing
Random walk based
[154, 60, 149, 104, 79, 16] a node’s neighborhood conditional on
the node’s embedding.
Using an encoder to map nodes into a
latent feature space, and a decoder
Graph autoencoders [191, 14, 93, 7, 8, 263] decodes these latent embeddings to

reconstruct the graph’s topological
Graph generative Incorporating generative methodology in
[148, 112, 235]
networks graph embedding problems.
Applying a series of graph convolutional
Deep learning-based Graph convolutional [11, 92, 68, 41, 61, 61, 53, 21, 31, 188, layers to aggregate information from
methods networks 2, 245] neighboring nodes and updates the
feature representations of each node.
Comparing and updating node
representations and encourage the
Graph contrastive [189, 153, 64, 155, 270, 271, 229, 228, network to produce representations that
re- 184, 226, 87, 207, 102, 219] are similar for nodes that are close to
each other in the graph and dissimilar
for nodes that are far apart.

α̂ 1

H !1
H ! 1′
α̂ 1
rna α̂1

H !6
Figure 8: Illustration of GAT [188].

Another feature of spatial-based GCNs is attention mechanism. As shown in Figure 8, the representative method Graph
Attention Network (GAT) [188] automatically determines the weights of the node’s neighbors when contributing information

to that node. Consequently, GAT utilizes masked self-attentional layers to alleviate the disadvantages of prior methods.
Specifically, as shown in Equation (8), GAT computes normalized coefficients, e.g., 𝛼̂ 𝑖𝑗 , using the softmax function across
different neighbors as follows:
exp(𝑒𝑖𝑗 )
𝛼̂ 𝑖𝑗 = ∑ , (8)
𝑘∈ (𝑖) exp(𝑒𝑖𝑘 )

where 𝑒𝑖𝑗 = 𝑓 (𝑯 𝑖 , 𝑯 𝑗 ), 𝑓 is the function to measure the attention between node embedding 𝑯 𝑖 and 𝑯 𝑗 . To stabilize
the learning process of self-attention, GAT uses multi-head attention to replicate 𝐾 times of learning phases [188]. Then
GAT outputs the feature-wise aggregation (typically by concatenating or adding), as shown in Equation (9), where 𝛼̂ 𝑖𝑗𝑘 and
𝑾 𝑘 are the attention coefficient and the weight matrix specifying the linear transformation of the 𝑘-th replica, || represents
( ∑ )
𝑯 𝑖 = || 𝜎 𝛼̂ 𝑾 𝑘𝑯 𝑗 . (9)
||𝑘=1 𝑖𝑗
𝑗∈ (𝑗)

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(X, A) (H, A)

!xi !hi D +

C →


E →

x !
hj D −

! A)
(X, ! ! A)
(H, !
Figure 9: An overview of Deep Graph Infomax [189]. , , and  denote the corruption function, the encoder and the readout

Recent work WYS [2] adopts graph neural networks and random walks to use differentiable attention weights when
factorizing the co-occurrence matrix [206]. GaAN [245] introduces a multi-head attention mechanism and adopts a specific
self-attention mechanism that computes different weights for different heads.
Graph contrastive learning. Recent researchers have been attracted by the success of contrastive learning in tackling real-
world problems such as data sparsity [252, 253]. Introducing deep Infomax-based methods [70] into graph learning, DGI [189]
maximizes the mutual information (MI) between node embeddings and a graph-level embedding for node classification
(as shown in Figure 9). Inspired by the DGI [189] model, some other recent works follow such a strategy and try to
get the agreement between different instances. InfoGraph [174] takes into account the mutual information between graph
representations and substructures like nodes and subgraphs. Without explicit data augmentation, GMI [153] focuses on the
MI between the input graph and embeddings of nodes and edges, respectively. To achieve a similar goal, MVGRL [64] uses
graph diffusion kernels [94] to generate augmented graphs, which supplements the input graph with more global information.
GCC [155] extracts different sub-graphs from different input graphs and leverages contrastive learning to learn the intrinsic
and transferable structural representations. GRACE [270] randomly removes edges and uses node features masking to generate
augmented views of the input graph. GCA [271] samples sub-graph with the structure priors with node attributes randomly

masked to generate the mutual information pairs. In addition, GraphCL [229], JOAO [228] and DAGA [184] explore different
types of graph augmentation methods in different scenes, such as node dropping, edge perturbation, attribute masking and
subgraph. AutoGCL [226] employs an auto augmentation strategy to get a set of learnable graph view generators. Moreover,
AutoSSL [87] investigates how to automatically leverage multiple pretext tasks effectively. SimGRACE [207] uses the input
graph and a GNN model with its perturbed version as two encoders to obtain two correlated views. Furthermore, AF-
GRL [102] focuses on nodes sharing local structural information and the global semantics with the graph to generate an
alternative graph view.

4.2. Heterogeneous Graph Embedding Models


Heterogeneous graphs with different types of nodes and edges appropriately model rich semantics in real-world
interrelated data. In fact, heterogeneous graphs are ubiquitous in many real-world scenarios, including bibliographic
graphs [121], knowledge graphs [28, 27], and biomedical graphs [197]. However, the heterogeneity of graphs makes it
challenging to preserve heterogeneous semantics in their low-dimensional graph embeddings. Different approaches that
utilize graph structures and attributes have been proposed to deal with this issue. Generally, heterogeneous graph embedding
methods can be organized into three subcategories: (1) proximity preserving-based, (2) relation learning-based, and (3)
message passing-based.

4.2.1. Proximity Preserving Methods

Proximity preserving methodology has been extended to the field of heterogeneous graphs. By focusing on different graph
structures, researchers [197] divide proximity preserving methods into: link-based, path-based, and subgraph-based methods.
We introduce them as follows:

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Sampler A T V relation


Generater A T V

Gradient updating

Figure 10: Architecture of HeGAN [74].

Link-based methods. Considering edges as the structure information to preserve, the PTE [178] model partitions the
heterogeneous graph into multiple bipartite graphs and then employs LINE [179] to learn node embeddings for each bipartite

∑ ∑ exp 𝒆𝑇𝑖 𝒆𝑗
graph. Node embeddings can be inferred by jointly optimizing the objective function:

Loss = 𝑤(𝑘)
𝑖𝑗 log ∑ ( ),
𝑟∈ 𝑖,𝑗∈ ′
𝑖 ∈𝜙(𝑖) exp 𝒆 𝑇𝒆
𝑖′ 𝑗
( 𝑇 ) (10)
∑ exp 𝒆𝑖 𝒆𝑗
= 𝑤𝑖𝑗 log ∑ ( ),
𝑖′ ∈𝜙(𝑖) exp 𝒆𝑖′ 𝒆𝑗
𝑖,𝑗∈ 𝑇

where  is the set of edge types, 𝑤(𝑘)

∑ (𝑘)
𝑖𝑗 is the type-𝑘 edge weight of (𝑖, 𝑗) and 𝑤𝑖𝑗 = 𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑗 is the total edge weight.
Similar to PTE [178], authors in [212] propose a model called Embedding of Embedding (EOE) to learn embeddings
for coupled heterogeneous graphs consisting of two different but related sub-graphs. EOE encodes both intra-graph and
inter-graph edges. In addition, EOE also incorporates a harmonious embedding matrix for embedding learning. PME [17]

introduces a relation-specific embedding matrix to project nodes and relations into different latent spaces and then calculates
the proximity between projected nodes to learn latent embeddings. MVE [156] preserves the view-specific proximity of
nodes, then combines node representations in different views. To be more specific, MVE designs an attention mechanism to
infer the weights of views for different nodes and then votes for robust node representations. Inspired by the methodology of
GAN, HeGAN [74] captures rich semantics on heterogeneous graphs and further trains a discriminator and a generator in a
minimax formulation to generate robust latent representations, which is illustrated in Figure 10.
Recent models such as HEER [164] and AspEM [163] embed heterogeneous graphs via link representations. Concretely,
HEER [164] builds edge embeddings atop node embeddings, which are equipped with inferred heterogeneous metrics

for each edge type. The inferred metrics indicate embedding dimensionality with important edge semantics. As a result,
HEER updates node and edge embeddings by emphasizing different type-specific manifolds. AspEm [163] decomposes
heterogeneous graphs into multiple pieces, where each piece is defined as a subgraph of the network schema. Then they
propose an incompatibility measure to learn embeddings independently.
Path-based methods. Path-based methods using the concept of meta-paths can preserve high-order relations of
heterogeneous graphs and thus capture more complex structural and semantic information. The definition of meth-paths
can be found in Section 2. As shown in Figure 11, in a bibliographic graph with authors, papers, venues and topics, Author-
Paper-Author (or APA) and Paper-Topic-Paper (or PTP) are two meta-paths that describe two relational paths with different
semantic meanings between authors and papers. Thus, meta-paths can be defined to measure the high-order node proximity
with specific semantics.
One representative work Metapath2vec [42] computes node embeddings by feeding meta-path-guided random walks to
the Skip-Gram [132] model. Inspired by Metapath2vec, a series of meta-paths-based methods have been proposed to carry
out data mining tasks on the heterogeneous graphs. For example, HIN2vec [50] uses an approach based on the random walk
and negative sampling to prepare training data in accordance with targeted relations specified in forms of meta-paths. It

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Author h



Topic A-P-A

A Heterogeneous Graph Meta-Path

Figure 11: Example of meta-paths.

trains a neural network by maximizing the likelihood of predicting relations to jointly learn the embeddings of nodes and
edges. Recent work HeteSpaceyWalk [67] introduces a heterogeneous spacey personalized random walk by leveraging a non-
Markovian spacey strategy. After getting the personalized random walk, it incorporates them into a Skip-Gram [132] model
to learn targeted embeddings. Authors in BHIN2vec [103] treat heterogeneous graph embedding as multiple relation-based
tasks and use an extended skip-gram technique to balance the various types of relations. BHIN2vec can balance the influence
of different relations on node embeddings by adjusting the training ratio of different tasks. Moreover, HHNE [201] extends
metapath2vec [42] by conducting meta-path-guided random walk in hyperbolic spaces, where node similarity is measured
by the hyperbolic geometry.
Subgraph-based methods. Compared to the single path, subgraphs have a more complex structure and can thus contain
more structural and semantic information. Incorporating subgraphs into graph embedding algorithms can significantly
improve the ability to capture rich semantics between nodes in graph analysis learning. As shown in Figure 12, Meta-

Graph2Vec [242] proposes a new meta-graph concept, which contains multiple paths between nodes, to guide random walk
generation in a heterogeneous graph. It then utilizes the Skip-Gram model to learn latent representations of nodes and develops
a heterogeneous negative sampling-based method that facilitates efficient and accurate prediction of the node’s heterogeneous
In addition, mg2vec [249] maps meta-graphs to the same embedding space as nodes do and constrain node representations
in a relationship-preserving manner. The method uses both first- and second-order meta-graph embeddings to model not only
pairwise interactions among graph nodes, but also the individual node preference to further improve the model capability.

4.2.2. Relation Learning Methods


Translational distance models. To model graph heterogeneity, relation learning models view a heterogeneous graph
(a.k.a knowledge graphs) as a set of triplets (ℎ, 𝑟, 𝑡). Each triplet is represented as a head entity (a.k.a graph node in geometric
form) ℎ having a relation 𝑟 with tail entity 𝑡, e.g., (Jeff Bezos, Founder of, Amazon). Relation learning models generally face
three questions to consider [38]: (1) how to define the representation form of entities and relations, (2) how to define the
scoring function that measures the triplet plausibility, and (3) how to solve the optimization problem that maximizes global
plausibility of existing triplets.
Motivated by translation invariance phenomena [133] in the word embedding space, i.e., 𝒉𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 - 𝒕𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛 ≈ 𝒉𝑚𝑎𝑛 - 𝒕𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 ,
model TransE [10] assumes that for each triplet (ℎ, 𝑟, 𝑡), the embeddings of entities 𝒉 and 𝒕 are connected by the translation
embedding vector 𝒓. In other word, when both entities and relations are projected to the same low-dimensional embedding
space ℝ𝑑 , TransE follows a geometric principle: 𝒉 + 𝒓 ≈ 𝒕. The triplet plausibility is computed via a score function as follow:

𝑓𝑟 (ℎ, 𝑡) = ||𝒉 + 𝒓 − 𝒕||22 . (11)

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Author A
publish publish

write write
Paper P A P P A

write write
Venue V A

Figure 12: illustration of meta-graph [242].

h r h
re- h


t r
t hr r Mr

Entity and Relation Space Entity and Relation Space Entity Space Relation Space
(a) TransE (b) TransH (c) TransR

Figure 13: Illustration of TransE [10], TransH [202], TransR [116].

TransE minimizes a margin-based ranking loss function as.

∑ ∑
max(0, 𝑓𝑟 (ℎ, 𝑡) − 𝑓𝑟 (ℎ′ , 𝑡′ ) + 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛), (12)
(ℎ,𝑟,𝑡)∈ (ℎ′ ,𝑟,𝑡′ )∈ ′

where  is the positive set containing the true fact, i.e., (ℎ, 𝑟, 𝑡), and  ′ is the negative set of false triplets, i.e., (ℎ′ , 𝑟, 𝑡′ ), that
are not observed yet in the existing knowledge graphs.
Despite the good performance of TransE in prediction, it may not work well in dealing with mapping certain properties

of relations, such as reflexive, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many [202]. To address these issues, authors in [202]
develop the TransH model. TransH enables an entity to play different roles in different relations by allowing each relation 𝑟
to correspond to its relation-specific hyperplane. In other words, an entity would have different embedding after projecting
into different relation-specific hyperplanes. For example, given the triplet (ℎ, 𝑟, 𝑡), the entity embeddings 𝒉 and 𝒕 are firstly
projected to the relation-specific hyperplane as follows:
𝒉⟂ = 𝒉 − 𝑾 ⊤
𝑟 𝒉𝑾 𝑟 , 𝒕⟂ = 𝒕 − 𝑾 ⊤
𝑟 𝒕𝑾 𝑟 , (13)
where 𝑾 𝑟 is a relation-specific matrix and 𝒉⟂ , 𝒕⟂ are the embedding projection of 𝒉 and 𝒕. Then the projections are connected
by translation vector 𝒓 which is the same as TransE. The score function of transH is defined as follows:
𝑓𝒓 (ℎ, 𝑡) = ‖ ‖2
‖𝒉⟂ + 𝒅 𝑟 − 𝒕⟂ ‖2 . (14)
Following the TransE architecture, there are many extensions proposed. TransR [116] improves TransH algorithm by
adapting original relation-specific hyperplane spaces to relation-specific spaces. TransD [82] actually simplifies learning de-
sign by substituting the projection matrix with a dynamic mapping matrix. To overcome heterogeneity, model TranSparse [83]

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Imaginary ij=-1
ii=-1 i Axis h ji=-k i
Real j

-1 1 -1 1
-j k
-i t -i

(a) Complex plane (b) relation rotation in RotatE (c) Quaternion units product
Figure 14: Illustration of RotatE and QuatE [176, 248].

proposes two models, i.e., TranSparse (share) and TranSparse (separate). The former uses adaptive sparse matrices to replace
dense projection matrices for each relation 𝑟. The latter employs two separate spaces mapping matrices for each relation.
Semantic matching models. In contrast to translational distance models that measure fact plausibility as the distance
between two entities, semantic matching models measure plausibility by matching latent semantics of entities and relations
in the embedding space [251, 141]. The representative model RESCAL [141] embeds each entity with a vector to capture

function is defined as follows:

𝑓𝑟 (ℎ, 𝑡) = 𝒉𝑇 𝑴𝒓 𝒕,
its latent semantics and each relation with a matrix to model pairwise interactions between latent embeddings. The score


where 𝒉, 𝒕 are embeddings of the entities and 𝑴𝒓 is a matrix associated with the relation. Later model HolE [140] composes
head and tail entities by their circular correlation, achieving advanced performance accordingly. There are several attempts
to extend or simplify RESCAL. For instance, DistMult [217] restricts 𝐌𝑟 as diagonal matrices to reduce the computation
complexity. Authors in ComplEx [187] introduce complex-valued embeddings to better deal with anti-symmetric relations.
ANALOGY [118] focuses on analogical properties of entities and relations to optimize latent representations. SimplE [91]
presents an enhancement of Canonical Polyadic (CP) decomposition method [69], which enables entity embedding to be
learned dependently by considering relation reversals and calculates the average CP score of (ℎ, 𝑟, 𝑡) and (𝑡, 𝑟−1 , ℎ) accordingly.
Recent work RotatE [176] defines each relation as a rotation (instead of a translation) from the source entity to the target
entity in the complex vector space. RotatE can describe more complex relation patterns, including symmetry/asymmetry,

inversion, and composition. Different from the standard complex space with a single real component and imaginary
component, QuatE [248] computes node embedding vectors in the hypercomplex space with three imaginary components.
It introduces the quaternion inner product and further proposes a new scoring function using the Hamilton product. The
illustration of models RotatE and QuatE can be found in Figure 14. Another representative semantic matching method SME [9]
first inputs embeddings of entities and relations in the input layer. As shown in Equation (16), the relation 𝒓 is then combined
with the head entity embedding 𝒉 to obtain 𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑓 𝑡 (ℎ, 𝑟), and with the tail entity 𝒕 to compute 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑡, 𝑟) in the hidden layer.

𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑓 𝑡 (ℎ, 𝑟) = 𝑴 1 𝒉 + 𝑴 2 𝒓 + 𝑏ℎ ,

𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑡, 𝑟) = 𝑴 3 𝒕 + 𝑴 4 𝒓 + 𝑏𝑡 .

The score function is then defined to match 𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑓 𝑡 (ℎ, 𝑟) and 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑡, 𝑟) by their dot product as follows:

𝑓𝑟 (ℎ, 𝑡) = 𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑓 𝑡 (ℎ, 𝑟)𝑇 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑡, 𝑟). (17)

Inspired by contrastive learning, HaLE [192] designs a new learning objective based on query sampling to improve the
performance and training speed of knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models.

4.2.3. Message Passing Methods

Heterogeneous graph neural networks have been propos-
ed to learn latent representations of heterogeneous graphs.
R-GCN [160] models relational data by using the graph convolutional network (GCN) framework. Concretely, R-GCN
uses multiple weight matrices 𝑾 to project node embeddings into different relation spaces. The propagation rule to update

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of the node 𝑣𝑖 is defined as:

(∑ ∑ )
𝑣𝑖 = 𝜎 𝑾 (𝑙) (𝑙)
𝑟 𝑗𝒉 + 𝑾 (𝑙) (𝑙)
0 𝑣
𝒉 , (18)
𝑟 𝑣,𝑟

where 𝑣𝑟 denotes the neighbor set of node 𝑣 under relation 𝑟 ∈ . This indicates that R-GCN iteratively aggregates the
neighbor information connected by the same edge type. 𝑐𝑣,𝑟 is a problem-specific normalization constant that can either be

learned or pre-defined.
HetGNN [241] applies a neighbors sampling strategy ba-
sed on random walk with restart (RWR) to sample fixed-size node sets. It incorporates a graph neural network framework
with two modules: (1) content aggregation and (2) neighbor aggregation. Concretely, content aggregation module extracts
heterogeneous content (e.g., text or image) and computes the content embedding of 𝑣𝑖 as follows:

∑ [ { ( )} { ( )}]
⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃗ 𝐅𝐂 𝒉𝑖 ⊕ ⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖
𝑓1 (𝑣) = , (19)
|𝐶𝑣 |
| |
where 𝑣 is the heterogeneous contents of node 𝑣. 𝒉𝑖 is the feature representation of 𝑖 th content in 𝑣 .

denotes the

∑ [
concatenation operation. HetGNN uses a Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) model to fuse the embeddings
learned by the feature transformer 𝐅𝐂. The neighbor aggregation module aggregates content embeddings of a neighboring
node group as:
{ ( ′ )} { ( ′ )}]
𝐿𝑆𝑇 𝑀⃗ 𝑓1 𝑣 ⊕ ⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖⃖
𝐿𝑆𝑇 𝑀 𝑓1 𝑣
𝑣′ ∈𝑟 (𝑣)
|𝑟 (𝑣)|
𝑓2𝑟 (𝑣) = , (20)
| |
here 𝑟 (𝑣) is the first-order neighbors of node 𝑣 with relation 𝑟. 𝑓1 𝑣′ is the content embedding of 𝑣′ generated by content
( )
aggregation module. Then HetGNN further combines these embeddings with 𝑣’s content embedding by considering the
attention mechanism.
Recent work MV-ACM [258] characterizes each relation in a single viewpoint and utilizes the adversarial learning
framework to learn the reciprocity between different relations. Authors in GTN [238] use a graph transformation layer to

learn a soft selection of edge types and composite relations. This method generates new graph structures using multiple
candidate adjacency matrices and learns node representations on the new graphs in an end-to-end fashion. MAGNN [51]
comprehensively considered three main components to achieve state-of-the-art performance: (1) the node content transfor-
mation to encapsulate node attributes, (2) the intra-metapath aggregation to incorporate intermediate semantic nodes, and (3)
the inter-meta path aggregation to combine messages from multiple meta-paths.
The methods described above usually partition the heterogeneous graph into multiple homogeneous subgraphs before
learning their topological information. However, these approaches are ineffective in exploiting rich semantic associations
with different types of edges in large-scale multi-relational graphs. For example, Cen et al. [15] propose a novel approach,

GATNE, to capture the rich attributed information and utilize multiplex topological structures from different node types.
RSHN [268] uses the original heterogeneous graph and defines coarsened line graphs to learn embeddings of nodes and
edges without requiring any prior knowledge, such as meta-paths. Similarly, to get rid of the influence of meta-path selection
on model learning, authors in NSHE [257] incorporate the network schema that comprehensively embraces the high-order
structure to generate subgraphs. NSHE then builds multi-task learning tasks to preserve the heterogeneous structure of each
schema instance.
The great potential of the attention mechanism has been well demonstrated in recent work for heterogeneous graph
embeddings. As shown in Figure 15, HAN [199] learns meta-path-oriented node embeddings from the different meta-path-
based graphs that are converted from the original heterogeneous graph. Moreover, it leverages the attention mechanism to
combine them into each node’s representation. Authors in HetSANN [73] project node embeddings into low-dimensional
entity spaces to model the transformation between heterogeneous nodes and apply graph neural networks to aggregate
multi-relational information of node neighbors by means of the attention mechanism. The state-of-the-art model HGT [76]
introduces an attention mechanism that designs node- and edge-type dependent parameters to characterize the heterogeneous
attention over each edge.

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Table 4
Heterogeneous graph embedding models.
Catagory Sub-catagory Methods Description
Considering the edge as the structure
[178, 212, 156, 17, 163, 163, 164, 74] information of heterogeneous graphs to
be saved.
Using the concept of meta-paths to
preserve high-order relations of

Proximity preserving [42, 50, 103, 201, 67] heterogeneous graphs and thus capture
methods more complex structural and semantic
Incorporating the subgraph into graph
Subgraph-based embedding algorithms to improve the
[242, 249]
methods ability of capturing rich semantics

between nodes.
Representing entities and relationships as
vectors, and modeling the relationships
Translational between entities by using translations in
[10, 202, 116, 82, 83]
distance models vector space. If two entities are related,
their representations should be
Relation learning
translated versions of each other.
Measuring the plausibility by matching
Semantic [141, 217, 140, 187, 118, 91, 176, 248,
latent semantics of entities and relations
matching models 9, 192]
in the embedding space.
Passing information along the edges of

Message passing

[160, 15, 241, 268, 238, 51, 258]

[199, 73, 76]

the graph, and updating the node
representations based on the
relationships and node features.
Using attention mechanism to capture
the most important relationships and
nodes in the heterogeneous graph.
methods Minimizing a contrastive loss function
that measures the difference between
positive and negative examples. Positive
[167, 166, 200] examples are pairs of nodes that are
connected by an edge in the graph, while
negative examples are pairs of nodes
that are not connected by an edge.

For model interpretability, JKT [167] proposes a joint GCN-based deep knowledge tracing framework to help capture
high-level semantic information. Furthermore, Models Bi-CLKT [166] and HeCo [200] introduce a self-supervised learning
framework into heterogeneous graph learning. Bi-CLKT [166] involves node-level contrastive learning and gr-
aph-level contrastive learning to obtain discriminative node representations and concept representations. Heco [200] employs

cross-view contrastive learning and a view mask mechanism to learn high-level node embeddings.

4.3. Dynamic Graph Embedding Models

In the real world, graphs (including nodes, edges, and graph properties) evolve over time. For dynamic graph embedding
problems, the latent representations need to maintain the structural relationships between nodes in the embedding space and
capture temporal information of graphs as graphs evolve. Typically, dynamic graph embedding methods can be categorized
into: (1) matrix factorization-based, (2) random walk-based, and (3) deep learning-based. Generally, there are two main
manners to model temporal information: discrete-time manner and continuous-time manner. The discrete-time manner
represents a dynamic graph 𝐺 as a sequence of graph snapshots 𝐺 = {𝐺1 , … , 𝐺𝑇 } within a given time interval, where

𝐺𝑘 is a static graph with timestamp 𝑡𝑘 . The continuous-time manner uses multiple timestamps to mark each edge. When an
edge changes, new edges are created and annotated with timestamps. All nodes update their own timestamps when they are
created or their properties are changed.

4.3.1. Matrix Factorization-based Methods

Dynamic graph embedding methods based on matrix factorization express the evolutionary structure of graphs in the
form of matrices, and differ in how to insert temporal dependencies in the matrix factorization process.
Authors in [105] propose a dynamic attributed graph embedding framework, namely DANE. Technically, it first applies
the graph Laplacian eigenmaps factorization method to get the initial embedding 𝒛𝑡 of the graph at the time 𝑡 = 1. To
capture temporal information, DANE uses matrix perturbation theory [169] to update the graph embedding at the following
snapshot 𝑡. Similar to DANE [105], DHPE [264] performs generalized singular value decomposition (SVD) to get the initial
graph embedding at time 𝑡 and uses matrix perturbation to update embedding results at later time 𝑡 + 𝛿𝑡. However, these
perturbation methods will accumulate errors and may not be very effective if the graph evolves intensely over time. To solve

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Meta-path Φ0
ZΦ 0

.. ′
hi . hi Attention


Meta-path ΦP
Attention MLP !i


.. ′ Node
hi . hi Attention


(a) Node-Level Attention re- (b) Semantic-Level Attention

Figure 15: Overview of the HAN [199] model.
(c) Prediction

G1 G2 G3 G4
New nodes
New links

t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8

A 1
8 G 2
B Timestamps
C 3 Nodes 1!- t1 2 - t2 3 - t3 4 - t4 5 - t5 6 - t6 7 - t7 8 - t8

6 D H Edges A - t1 B - t2 C - t3 D - t4 E - t5 F - t6 G - t7 H - t8
E 5

Figure 16: Illustration of a dynamic graph model [216].

this issue, TIMERS [254] optimally sets a restart time of SVD to reduce error accumulation. By setting a threshold, the SVD
model restarts automatically when the residual exceeds the rated threshold. In addition, instead of using first-order matrix
perturbation theory to update the temporal properties of the dynamic graph, authors in [265, 48] assume the embedding
space is time-smoothing. In other words, for each node, the embeddings of two consecutive snapshots are similar, and the loss
function term is used to obtain the best low-dimensional representations by minimizing the differences between information
learned from two consecutive snapshots.
Instead of considering the topological and temporal properties of dynamic graphs separately, another research direction
obtains embeddings by characterizing the structure of the graph as a function of time. TMF [233] proposes a time-dependent

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paper F: 2016
paper E: 2015 paper B: 2010
1 !2 2 3 2 4 2 3 5 5 6 6 7
paper F: 2016 7 paper D: 2013
3 (b) The neighborhood formation sequence
1 paper A: 2009
paper B: 2010 node 5
4 2 node 3

paper C: 2011 node 2
5 paper D: 2013 node 6
paper C: 2011
paper D: 2013
paper E: 2014

(a) The ego co-author temporal network (c) The arrival rate of several target neighbors
in the sequence

Figure 17: Neighborhood formation sequence [275].

similarity matrix 𝑺 𝑡 and decomposes it to learn the low-dimensional representations. The whole process can be abstracted
with the following formulation:

( )
𝑺 𝑡 = 𝑓 𝑿𝑪(𝑡)𝑇 , re-
where 𝑿 is a constant matrix and 𝑪(𝑡) is a time-dependent matrix and 𝑓 (⋅) is an element-wise function.

4.3.2. Random Walk-based Methods


To generalize random walk-based methods for dynamic graphs, models need to not only generate sequences that capture
topological structures but also capture temporal information. Based on the strategy of extracting temporal information from
dynamic graphs, random walk-based methods can be divided into two different subcategories: (1) Random walks on snapshots
and (2) Temporal random walk methods.
Random walks on snapshots. Considering a dynamic graph as the discrete-time manner, models perform random walk-
based methods on each snapshot of dynamic graphs and then use certain operations to combine time dependencies or update
evolving nodes to obtain embeddings. Related work [40, 165, 262] applies node2vec [60] on each graph snapshot to get
node embeddings at different time points. To fully grasp dynamic graph properties, [40] apply vector concatenation to
node representations over time. tNodeEmbed [165] optimizes LSTM for specific tasks to get a final embedding of nodes.

Furthermore, DynSEM [262] projects node embeddings into a common space using orthogonal procrustes and designs a
joint loss function to learn temporal embeddings for all time snapshots.
In the case that only a few nodes and edges change over time, computing node embeddings for each snapshot can be
computationally expensive. To address this, authors in Dynnode2vec [127] first generate embeddings for the initial timestamp
by using the node2vec [60] model and only update the evolved node embeddings instead of considering all nodes at the current
timestamps. DNE [43] extends the LINE [179] to the dynamic graph embedding framework, where only a part of nodes are
iteratively updated, and the embeddings in each iteration have strong stability compared to retraining the whole graphs.
Temporal random walk methods. Different from the above methods based on discrete graph snapshots, Authors in
CTDNE [137] model the dynamic graph in a continuous-time manner. They first perform a temporal random walk on the

dynamic graph and then regard the task of learning the time-preserving node embeddings as an optimization problem:

( { } ( ))
max log Pr 𝑊𝑇 = 𝑣𝑖−𝑞 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖+𝑞 ∖𝑣𝑖 ∣ 𝑓𝑑 𝑣𝑖 , (22)
{ }
where 𝑓𝑑 is the node embedding function, 𝑞 is the context window size for optimization, and 𝑊𝑇 = 𝑣𝑖−𝑞 , ⋯ , 𝑣𝑖+𝑞 is an
arbitrary temporal context window 𝑊𝑇 ⊆ 𝑆𝑡 . Following CTDNE’s paradigm, T-EDGE [114] incorporates both temporal
and weighted information of graphs to get latent graph embeddings. Moreover, HTNE [275] introduces the concept of
neighborhood formation sequence (as shown in Figure 17) to describe node evolution for embedding learning. Then it applies
the Hawkes Process [65] to model the neighborhood formation, with the assumption that the nodes with new arriving edges
are impacted by historical events.

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t2 ··· tT timestamps
Node-level 7
3 2 6 3 2 9 3 2
Attention 7
hri 1 t1 hri 2 t1 hri 1 t2 hir2 t2 hri 1 tr hri 2 tr

1 4 8
4 4 1 4

hti1 hti2 ··· htir


Figure 18: Overview of the DyHAN [222] model.

4.3.3. Deep Learning-based Methods

Deep learning methodology can also be applied for the dynamic graphs. Similarly, we categorize the deep learning-based
methods into three subcategories: (1) dynamic graph autoencoders, (2) discrete dynamic graph neural network (discrete
DGNN) and (3) continuous dynamic graph neural network (continuous DGNN).
Dynamic graph autoencoders. For graph autoencoder-based approaches, Early work DynGEM [59] applies a deep
autoencoder to generate highly nonlinear embeddings. In particular, to learn the embedding for the snapshot at time 𝑡, it uses a
transfer learning paradigm that shares parameters between the two autoencoders for the snapshots at time 𝑡−1 and 𝑡. It proposes
a heuristic method to widen the neural network layers at each time step and insert new layers which handle the problem of
a growing number of graph nodes. Following DynGEM [59] architecture, LDANE [203] adds a margin-based ranking loss
term in the loss function to regularize node’s attributes information in dynamic graphs. In addition, to learn longer-term
historical information, unlike DynGEM [59] framework, which only captures information from the previous step and ignores
rich historical information, dyngraph2vec [58] takes the last 𝑙 snapshots in the encoding as input to predict the following
(𝑡+𝑙 +1) graph embeddings. They implement three different architectures: (1) dyngraph2vecAE, (2) dyngraph2vecRNN, and
(3) dyngraph2vecAERNN, to embed historical information. Another work E-LSTM-D [20] runs the stacked LSTM module
on the encoded hidden vectors to learn temporal dependencies. Instead of considering graphs as input, model NetWalk [234]

first extracts a number of random walks from the dynamic graph to learn the node representations. By hybridizing local walks
with a hidden layer of a deep autoencoder, this model is able to reconstruct the original graph with a less loss. The learning
process utilizes a reservoir sampling strategy [234] to apply dynamic changes.
Discrete dynamic graph neural network. Discrete dynamic graph neural networks capture each graph snapshot and
combine it with certain (deep) time series modules to jointly learn node embeddings. For example, RgCNN [135] and
DyGGNN [177] use a standard LSTM module to get the time dynamics of the underlying graphs. The former model applies
the PATCHY-SAN solution [142] to learn the spatial structure of graphs, and the latter one employs Gated Graph Neural
Networks (GGNNs) for each snapshot to preserve the topology of dynamic graphs. Furthermore, EvolveGCN [150] applies
a recurrent mechanism to capture the graph dynamic information and GC-LSTM model [19] learns the temporal features of

the dynamic graphs also by integrating the LSTM module. In addition, Attention Mechanism is another useful mechanism for
discrete DGNN to boost performance. The representative method is DySAT [158]. It applies GAT [188] for each snapshot
to generate a sequence of node embeddings and uses the temporal attention block to learn the final representation. Instead of
using self-attention, DyHAN [222] uses hierarchical attention to learn node embeddings, which leads to better performance
in the link prediction task accordingly, as shown in Figure 18.
Continuous dynamic graph neural network. Modeling dynamic graphs in the continuous-time manner, Know-
Evolve [185] proposes a deep recurrent framework to model the knowledge evolving processes in the form of interaction
graphs. Via modifying an RNN model, it models the occurrence of a fact as a multidimensional temporal point process
whose conditional intensity function is modulated by the relationship score for that fact [185]. Authors in DyRep [186]
propose a recurrent deep representation learning framework that bridges two observed processes, namely the association
process and communication process. The association process is used to deal with the change of graph topology, and the
communication process is used to handle the other graph dynamics. As illustrated in Figure 19, JODIE [98] builds up a
coupled RNN architecture and adds an attention layer to get final representations for graph nodes. Recent work DyGNN [126]

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Table 5
Dynamic graph embedding models.
Catagory Sub-catagory Methods Description
Applying matrix factorization-based
Matrix factorization methods to get the initial embedding
[265, 105, 233, 264]
on snapshots and using matrix perturbation to update
Matrix factorization-based embedding.
methods Characterizing the structure of the graph

Temporal matrix as a function of time and decomposing
[254, 48]
factorization the matrix to learn the low-dimensional
Considering a dynamic graph as the
discrete-time manner, models perform
random walk-based methods on each

Random walks on
[40, 43, 127, 262, 165] snapshot of dynamic graphs and then
use certain operations to combine time
Random walk-based dependencies or update evolving nodes
methods to obtain embeddings.
Performing a temporal random walk on
Temporal random the dynamic graph, and then regard the
[137, 114, 275]
walk methods task of learning the time-preserving node
embeddings as an optimization problem.
Using a transfer learning paradigm that
Dynamic graph shares parameters between the two
[59, 203, 20, 234, 58]
autoencoders autoencoders for the snapshots at

Deep learning-based
Discrete dynamic
graph neural
[135, 19, 158, 177, 150, 150, 222]
different times.
Capturing each graph snapshot and
combine it with certain (deep) time
series modules to jointly learn node
Using RNNs to maintain node
embeddings in a continuous manner. A
Continuous common characteristic of these models
dynamic graph [185, 98, 186, 126] is that as soon as an event occurs or
neural networks there is a change to the network, the
embeddings of the interacting nodes are

consists of two components: (1) the update component and (2) the propagation component. The former component updates
new interaction information of graph nodes, and the latter one propagates the updated information to the involved nodes’
neighbors. DyGNN captures the sequential information of edges and the time intervals between edges coherently to keep the
node information updated.

! "
i t−
RN NI i (t) ∆
i ! "
u t−
f= Attention
! " !(t + ∆)

− Layer
i t
! " RN NU
u t − u (t)
Update Project
operation operation
Figure 19: The JODIE model illustration [98].

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Node 1 0.49 0.02

Node 2 0.09 0.56

Node 3 0.42 0.01
Node 4 0.47 0.01

Node 5 0.52 0.07

Interaction re-
Figure 20: Node classification application. Given the gene-gene interaction (protein-protein interaction) network and other
complementary information, researchers use the graph embedding model to get the low-dimensional representation of gene
nodes (protein nodes), which can be used to learn the properties of genes or proteins.

5. Applications in Biomedical Domain

Graph embedding techniques can be applied to biomedical tasks, including Pharmaceutical data analysis, Multi-omics
data analysis, and Clinical data analysis [172]. For instance, graph embeddings are optimized for specific biomedical link
prediction tasks, such as drug-target interaction, drug-disease interaction, and drug-drug interaction prediction [181, 236,
272]. On the other hand, node classification is a crucial application used for intelligent diagnosis and triage in clinical data
analysis [205]. In this section, we review some important tasks in the biomedical field from the perspective of common graph
applications, including node classification, clustering, link prediction, visualization, graph level applications, and graph
information summarization.

5.1. Node Classification

There is a large gap between the number of discovered biomedical entities and the number of functionally annotated ones,
so the annotation of biomedical information is a major challenge for bioinformatics. Nevertheless, exhaustively functional
annotation of genes and proteins via large-scale experiments is often expensive and time-consuming [109]. Therefore, node
classification, which predicts the attributes of unlabelled nodes, has become a crucial graph application to address this gap.
Gene function prediction. Inferring gene functions has become a representative work in biological graph analysis.
ClusDCA [194] applies DCA to gene-gene interactions and gene ontology to learn low-dimensional representations for gene
function prediction. In addition, model NMFGO [231] conducts a non-negative matrix factorization method on a gene-term

association matrix and then employs a semantic similarity-based nearest neighbor classifier to predict gene functions. In
recent works, DeepMNE-CNN [152] designs a novel semi-supervised autoencoder method to integrate multiple graphs and
generate low-dimensional feature representations. Then based on these integrated feature embeddings, it utilizes convolutional
neural networks to annotate unlabeled gene functions. Li et al. [109] design a multi-view graph embedding method to learn
low-dimensional representations among multiple interaction networks for the gene function prediction task.
Protein function prediction. Protein function prediction is another area that has received increasing attention in recent
years. Having a comprehensive understanding of protein function can aid in solving a variety of biological problems, such as
understanding disease mechanisms or finding drug targets.
Yu et al. [232] apply downward random walks with restart on the gene ontology-directed acyclic graph to estimate the
probability of missing functions. It is worth noting that the precise function of proteins often depends on their tissue, and
different proteins will have disparate functions resulting from diverse tissues. Thus OhmNet [273] incorporates knowledge
of a wide range of human tissues into PPI graphs. It proposes a hierarchical-aware node feature learning method based
on node2vec [60] to represent the embeddings of proteins as low-dimensional vectors for protein function prediction.

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DeepNF [54] constructs low-dimensional representations based on a multi-modal deep autoencoder. DeepGraphGO [227]
proposes an end-to-end, multispecies graph neural network-based method that allows one single model to be trained for all
species, making the most of both protein sequence and high-order protein graph information for protein function prediction.
Diseases classification. Because electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) contain rich
realistic clinical information, the EHRs or EMRs analysis is expected to promote clinical research and significantly assist
doctors in making better clinical decisions, eventually benefiting both patients and caregivers.
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) can improve the quality of medication and patient care by extracting
information from clinical data [255]. Early work uses deep learning to boost CDSS systems. However, due to the scarcity of

available biomedical data, CDSS systems using classical methods usually do not produce a good performance in the existence
of rare diseases. To solve this problem, researchers pay attention to graph-based methods for performance improvement.
For example, Choi et al. [32] propose a graph attention-based framework that infuses information from external medical
hierarchical ontologies to learn EHR representations. And ME2Vec [205] uses word2vec, GAT [188], and LINE [179] to

learn better vectorized representations of the medical services, doctors and patients for diagnosis.
Recent works [120, 57] use heterogeneous information graphs or knowledge graphs that preserve the semantics of different
types of associations between entities for modeling clinical data and disease diagnosis. HSGNN [120] firstly normalizes the
edges and divides a heterogeneous EHR graph into multiple homogeneous graphs and then uses an end-to-end model based
on GNN to help human experts make medical decisions. SMR [57] embeds diseases, medicines, patients, and relations into
a shared low-dimensional space to learn node embeddings jointly.

5.2. Clustering
Identifying similarities and differences of data is another important task for large biomedical datasets. Clustering
algorithms, which group similar objects into clusters so objects in the same set are more similar to each other than those
in other groups, are particularly useful in biomedical graph analysis. The great potential of graph embeddings has been well
demonstrated on clustering problems. Latent representations learned by graph embedding methods can show the relational
knowledge of the biomedical graph in a low-dimensional space. It is more convenient to apply generic clustering algorithms by
using these learned node embeddings (e.g., k-means), providing an open-ended alternative to traditional community detection
techniques [29, 23, 46].
For example, document clustering, which extracts and visualizes complex relations inherent to scientific literature, has
been a powerful approach to find and retrieve documents from rapidly growing datasets. Oniani et al. [146] construct a co-
occurrence graph based on the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) and get the representation of the derived co-
occurrence graph using node2vec [60]. They further utilize the t-SNE algorithm to group nodes with similar embeddings into
several discrete clusters. Similarly, Wise et al. [204] retrieve similar articles by encoding them into 𝑑-dimensional embeddings
with the R-GCN [160] framework.
Furthermore, grouping cells is the focal of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis, which significantly
deepens the understanding of heterogeneity between cells and cell states. For example, GraphSCC [240] employs graph

convolutional networks and a denoising autoencoder network to capture high-order structural relations between cells. It uses
a dual self-supervised module to get clusters of scRNA-seq data.

5.3. Link Prediction

Link prediction, aiming to predict missing links that may appear in graphs, has been widely deployed in many graph
applications [223, 269, 30, 63, 25, 221, 24]. Due to its great prediction capability, it has been developed for biomedical graph
analysis, e.g., finding possible links between two drug molecules that may appear in the future. In addition, link prediction
can also help identify spurious links and understand the graph evolution mechanism.

5.3.1. Pharmaceutical Data Analysis

The design and manufacture of drugs are well known to be expensive and time-consuming [77]. Therefore, researchers
require more advanced computation technologies for more accurate predictions of interactions. To name a few, drug-target
interaction prediction studies, drug-disease interaction prediction studies, and drug-drug interaction prediction studies can
help researchers understand the mechanism of current drugs. Researchers can save drug development costs and increase
productivity by exploring their possible unknown off-target activities and possible side effects of combining multiple
drugs [269].
Drug-target interaction prediction. Drug-target interactions (DTIs) prediction, as a key task in genomic drug discovery,
aims to discover unknown interactions between drugs and protein targets in human bodies. Authors in [34, 63] develop matrix
factorization-based models to predict potential DTIs. Cobanoglu et al. [34] use the probabilistic matrix factorization method
for predicting potential drug-target interactions, which is particularly useful for analyzing large interaction graphs. Hao et al.
[63] consider a logistic matrix factorization algorithm to predict potential drug-target interactions. Ezzat et al. [45] apply
LE [4], SVD [56], and PLS [39] techniques to get embeddings of the DTIs graph. The final predictions are derived by further

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Graph Embedding

Biomedical Graph
re- Clusters
Figure 21: Clustering applications, where similar low-dimensional representations learned from biomedical graphs are grouped
into clusters, play an essential role in biomedical graph analysis, such as single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data analysis,
biomedical articles clustering, etc.
using the decision tree and kernel ridge regression. DDR [144] inputs different graph-based features extracted from the DTIs
heterogeneous graph into a random forest model for more accurate drug target prediction.
Recently, to further improve the model capability of DTIs prediction, DTiGEMS+ [181] augments the known drug–ta-
rget interactions graph with a drug–drug similarity graph and a target–target similarity graph, and uses node2vec [60] to learn
representations of drugs and targets for drugs-target interaction prediction. To initiatively learn topology-prese-
rving embeddings of drugs and targets for DTIs prediction, model NeoDTI [190] develops a new nonlinear end-to-end learning
model that integrates diverse information from heterogeneous graph data. Similar to NeoDTI [190], (EEG)-DTI [151] uses

graph convolutional networks to predict DTIs based on the low-dimensional feature representation of drugs and targets from a
heterogeneous graph containing multiple types of biological entities. GraphDTA [138] uses graph neural networks to predict
drug-target affinity, and Zhao et al. [259] utilize the GCN to learn latent representations of drug-protein pairs for drugs-target
interaction prediction.
Drug-disease interaction prediction. Identifying potential drug-disease interactions is an integral part of the drug
discovery process. By investigating the complex relationships between drugs and diseases, we can discover new target diseases
for existing drugs and explore the application of newly identified drugs in treatment. CI-PMF [221] constructs three causal
graphs for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and neoplasms, respectively. It uses an infere-

nce-probabilistic matrix factorization method to make accurate drug-disease predictions. Dai et al. [37] integrate drug-
gene interactions, disease-gene interactions, and gene-gene interactions to predict novel drug indications. In addition,
SCMFDD [250] incorporates known drug–disease associations, drug features, and disease semantic information and proposes
a similarity-constrained matrix factorization method to predict drug-disease associations. LAGCN [236] uses heterogeneous
graph convolutions to learn the embeddings of drugs and diseases for the drug-disease association prediction.
Drug-drug interaction prediction. When drug combinations are used to treat complex or coexisting diseases, the
pharmacological activity of one drug may change due to interaction with other drugs, leading to unanticipated drug-drug
interactions (DDIs). Furthermore, DDIs may lead to preventable Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) that significantly burden
patient health or increase risks of morbidity.
Zitnik and Zupan [274] work on multiplex drug data to predict connections between clinical manifestations of diseases
and their underlying molecular signatures. Abdelaziz et al. [1] embed a drug knowledge graph using a large-scale logistic
regression model to predict potential drug-drug interactions. Later, Decagon [272] proposes a deep autoencoder method to
predict labeled drug-drug interactions. Inspired by Decagon, Nováček and Mohamed [143] follow the multi-phase procedure
to predict polypharmacy side-effects. Recently, KGNN [115] proposes a spatial-based GNN method to aggregate topological

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Drug Protein interaction
Figure 22: Link prediction. The goal of link prediction tasks in the biomedical field is to predict missing links (e.g., Drug-related
tasks, Gene-related tasks, etc.). In addition, link prediction can also help identify spurious links in biomedical graphs and understand
the graph evolution mechanism.

neighborhood information from dr-

ugs’ local receptive fields to get informative embeddings for predicting potential DDIs. Authors in [90] propose various

To avoid introducing false negatives, KG2ECapsule

knowledge graph-based embedding methods and classic machine learning classifiers for predicting drug–drug interactions.

[173] introduce a probability-based negative sampling strategy for generating high-quality negative samples and develop
a capsule graph neural networks based model to deal with multi-relational data in biomedical KGs. In addition, some
attention-based methods such as [125, 22] design attention mechanisms to automatically highlight the deterministic factors
in biomedical knowledge learning, providing an attentive capability to estimate the interactions between drugs.
5.3.2. Multi-omics Data Analysis
With the advancement of sequencing technologies, researchers could obtain information on different levels of bio-
molecules. Therefore, biomedical research relies on data generated at different levels, which are referred to multi-omics
data. Multi-omics data analysis can guide the discovery of potential associations among RNA, genes, and proteins and thus
revolutionize the field of medicine and biology.
Gene-disease association prediction. Understanding the role of genes in human disease provides essential information
for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The gene-disease association associations, coupled with the existing

gene-related and disease-related databases, enable the prediction of unknown associations by computational approaches. To
achieve this, Zhu et al. [266] construct a heterogeneous gene-disease association graph via integrating multiple biomedical
knowledge bases. They define a novel cluster loss function and a dropout mechanism to improve the generalization ability.
Wang et al. [198] considers six types of graph embedding methods to extract the information from the heterogeneous graphs
with gene-disease associations, gene-chemical associations, and disease-chemical associations. GCN-MF [62] combines the
GCN and matrix factorization and defines a margin control loss function that captures non-linear interactions and reduces
the effect of sparsity to solve the gene-disease association prediction task. KGED [33] applies a biological knowledge graph
with entity descriptions to infer gene-disease relationships.
RNA-disease association prediction. RNAs have a significant role in identifying various complex human diseases.

Identifying the potential associations between RNAs and diseases is critical to reveal the mechanism of biological processes
and complicated diseases to help disease diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, and monitoring [81]. However, the number of known
disease-related RNAs is still very limited, and many experimental identifications are time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Therefore, researchers have focused on developing useful methods to predict such associations. In the non-coding RNA family,
microRNA (miRNA) is closely associated with a variety of human diseases. The methods in [81, 80] learn a heterogeneous
biomedical graph to predict potential miRNA-disease associations using Random Forest (RF) classifier. Recently, Zhang et al.
[246] present a novel multiple meta-paths fusion graph embedding model that extracts all meta-path instances connecting
miRNAs with diseases to predict unidentified miRNA-disease associations.
Similarly, Liu et al. [117] combine the gate recurrent unit (GRU) model and the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) model,
achieving advancing performance in the miRNA-disease association prediction. In addition, some other attempts fuse
different effective techniques to predict miRNA-disease associations. For instance, Authors in [215] apply the Structural Deep
Network Embedding [191] (SDNE) on the observed bipartite association graph for embedding learning; and CNNMDA [215]
integrates the similarity information of miRNAs and diseases, miRNA-disease associations to predict disease miRNAs by

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Source of infection

Close contacts of people
Figure 23: A representative work on dynamic link prediction in biomedicine is infectious disease prediction. The yellow icon
represents the infectious source (patient) and the blue and green icons represent close contacts. Dynamic linkage prediction can
be used to predict the probability of close contact suffering from an infectious disease.

applying the convolutional neural network architecture. MMGCN [180] employs a GCN encoder to obtain the features of
miRNA and disease in different similarity views and utilizes multi-channel attention, which adaptively learns the importance
of different features, to enhance the learned latent representations for potential miRNA-disease associations prediction.
In many aspects, diseases’ physiological and pathological processes are associated with Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA).
To predict candidate disease-related lncRNAs, Xun et al.[213] adapt the autoencoder to learn the topological information
within the heterogeneous lncRNA-disease-miRNA network; and the author [214] also fuses convolutional neural networks
with the attention mechanisms to learn the embeddings of the lncRNA–disease pairs. Besides, to learn better embeddings
for lncRNAs, GCAN [243] operates the computation process from the global structure of disease-RNAs graph and Zhang
et al.[244] use adversarial regularization to discover feature representation distribution of the latent nodes in disease-RNA
graphs. Zhao et al. [256] adopt several graph embedding methods to enrich the informativeness of latent representations for
lncRNAs and miRNAs.
Protein-protein interaction prediction. Based on the observed protein-protein interactions (PPIs) graphs, authors in [96]
utilize the MDS [71] model to evaluate the confidence of existing PPIs and further predict new ones. You et al. [230] use
the Isomap [5] model to embed the PPI graph into a low-dimensional metric space by preserving geodesic distances among
protein nodes. PPI prediction is then made by measuring the similarity among proteins in the embedding space. Later work
NCSE [267] adaptively learns Euclidean embeddings under the simple geometric assumption of PPI graphs to assess the

reliability of PPIs. Recently, Zhong and Rajapakse [260] learn representations from the new knowledge sources, i.e., Gene
Ontology Annotation (GOA) graphs, to estimate missing and spurious protein-protein interactions. Authors in [224] stack
GCNs to embed a protein interaction graph into a vector space to remove less credible PPIs.

5.3.3. Protection and Prediction against Infectious Diseases

Outbreaks of infectious diseases have huge impacts on public health and social economy. For example, COVID-19
Pandemic has caused heavy human casualties and economic damage globally. In states with pandemics, the major challenge is
tracking and tracing infected individuals and predicting the outbreaks’ extent and duration. Accurate analysis and prediction of
corresponding data improve the efficiency of decision-making, such as the reasonable allocation of limited medical resources.

Graph embedding methods they used prove the great potential for reasoning these related problems, such as contact
tracking and disease prediction. Holme [72] construct a static graph for graph epidemiology from temporal contact data.
SIGN [106] puts forward a GCN-based framework for the problem of source identification in a given graph with different
infection rates. However, classic graph analysis methods do not consider contact data’s temporal properties. Instead of
neglecting temporal information modeling, Koher et al. [95] focus on the temporal graphs to predict disease outbreaks.
Kapoor et al.[89] use GNN methodology for mobility data to predict COVID-19 cases. In addition, La Gatta et al. [99]
jointly use the LSTM and GCN models to analyze the graph series. They predict the spread of infection and how different
lock-down strategies influence epidemic diffusion.

5.4. Visualization
Biomedical graphs are usually multi-relational and complex, and graph visualization techniques play a crucial role in the
mechanistic understanding of biomedical relations. In a similar vein as clustering, recent developments in graph embedding
methods provide a new, potent paradigm for graph visualization problems. This allows researchers to understand relationships

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between nodes and visualize multi-relati-

onal node clusters.
For instance, in clinical studies, diseases caused by multiple etiologies are usually difficult to be diagnosed. Graph-based
methods have become a powerful and popular approach for analyzing brain diseases, such as schizophrenia and mild traumatic
brain injury [145]. In these methods, different brain regions are replaced by graph nodes and edges that denote the structural
connectivity and functional connections in white matter. Li et al. [111] propose a graph encoder-decoder framework as well
as a multi-objective loss function to jointly learn low-dimensional node representations, which integrates information from
both nodes attributes and brain graph topology. Liu et al. [119] use graph convolutions to learn the structural and functional

joint embeddings. It preserves the community structure of brain graphs and uses Siamese architecture to guide the learning
process. Similar to the model SCP-GCN [119], researchers in [124] propose a Siamese GCN framework consisting of two
twin graph convolutional networks to learn the brain graph representations. In addition, Hi-GCN [84] proposes a hierarchical
GCN framework to learn the graph feature embedding of brain graphs by considering the graph topology information and

biological associations. After getting node embeddings, researchers can combine low-dimensional representations with well-
known techniques such as t-SNE or PCA to generate information visualizations. Graph visualization makes it easier for
researchers to analyze the causal mechanisms of diseases, thus assisting physicians in decision-making.
The proper tools to visualize biomedical datasets can help researchers discover critical findings from complex information.
Authors in [131, 168] visualize the citation dataset as a knowledge graph for COVID-19 analysis. It [131] develops a tool
named Covid Linked Data Visualizer that encompasses a set of specialized visualization techniques, such as node-edge
diagrams, cluster-based visualization, etc.

5.5. Graph Level Applications

The majority of studies have concentrated on extracting topological information from the neighborhoods of nodes
and edges. However, kernel graphs can provide more features beyond a single node neighborhood, introducing additional
information for downstream tasks.

5.5.1. Drug and Protein Structure Generation

The discovery of new molecular structures with desired properties has been a fundamental problem in drug discovery.
However, the design and manufacture of the new molecular structures require not only the generation of chemically valid
molecular structures but also the optimization of their chemical combinatorial complexity. As a result, domain experts are
motivated to develop more advanced models for generating molecular structures, producing a promising way to accelerate
the drug discovery process.
Early work such as JT-VAE [86] uses a VAE-based me-
thod to generate the junction tree-structured chemical substructures and then combine them into a molecule with desirable
properties by a graph message passing network. Then authors in [162, 239, 123] come up with flow-based generative
models for the molecular graph generation. Concretely, GraphAF [162] combines the advantages of both autoregressive

and flow-based approaches for generating new molecular graphs. The method formulates graph generation as a sequential
decision process, generating a new atom in each step and then determining the bonds between generated and existing atoms.
MoFlow [239] proposes an invertible flow-based generative model which first generates bonds (edges) and atoms (nodes)
through a Glow-based model and a novel graph conditional flow. Moreover, the model assembles bonds and atoms into
a chemically valid molecular graph with a posthoc validity correction mechanism. And GF-VAE [123] equips VAE with
a lightweight flow model as its decoder to accelerate the training process. Furthermore, GraphDF [122] proposes a novel
discrete latent variable model for the molecular graph generation. The method uses invertible modulo shift transforms to map
discrete latent variables to graph nodes and edges. MGM [128] develops a masked graph model for molecule generation, which
learns a distribution over graphs by capturing conditional distributions over unobserved graph components. On the other hand,

protein structure generation is another critical direction in the biomedical field. Ingraham et al.[78] modify the GAT model
to efficiently capture the complex dependencies in proteins for rapid and targeted biomolecular design. ProteinSolver [170]
phrases protein design challenge as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), akin to Sudoku puzzles, and presents a deep
graph neural network-based method to precisely design sequences that fold into a predetermined shape.

5.5.2. Protein Properties Prediction

Martino et al. [130] use the theory of topological data analysis to extract a set of features from protein contact networks to
predict proteins’ physiological function. Model ProteinGCN [159] uses GCN to learn the atom embeddings from the protein
structure graph. Then the method pools the atom embeddings to generate residue level embeddings and a global protein
embedding to estimate the quality of protein models. GeomGCL [108] proposes a novel graph contrastive learning-based
method utilizing the dual-view geometric message of the molecule to predict molecule function. In addition, DeepFRI [55] and
GAT-GO [100] provide a graph convolutional network and a graph attention network method for protein function prediction
by leveraging sequence features and structure information of protein.

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Graph !"#$%&'()'**+,-&

Ligand Protein


Receptor Protein
Figure 24: Graph-level applications utilize structural information extracted from biomolecules to provide additional features
beyond the neighborhood of a single node, which is helpful for downstream tasks [49].
5.5.3. Molecule Interaction Prediction
Recent advances in modeling molecular structural information have enabled accurate prediction of the properties of most
molecules, such as drugs and proteins. However, the functions of molecules are intrinsically linked to their interactions.
For example, protein-protein interactions play a vital role in the mechanistic understanding of cells. Therefore, determining
the structure of protein complexes to understand the molecular mechanisms of interaction can provide key insights for
understanding molecule properties. Fout et al. [49] learn effective latent representations that represent the three-dimensional

structure of a protein of interest by performing convolution over a local node neighborhood and then consider the prediction
of interfaces between proteins. MASIF [52] develops a geometric deep learning-based framework to capture important
fingerprints for specific biomolecular interactions. PInet [36] develops a unified Geometric Deep Neural Network, which
leverages the properties of both data- and physics-driven methods to improve performance in predicting protein interaction
Furthermore, accurate prediction of target-ligand interactions is the most important step in the drug discovery process.
Lim et al. [113] introduce a distance-aware graph attention algorithm to differentiate various types of inter-mole-
cular interactions and extract the graph feature of inter-mole-
cular interactions directly from the 3D structural information on the protein-ligand binding pose for accurate predictions

of drug-target interaction. Graph-CNN [183] uses an unsupervised graph-autoencoder to learn fixed-size representations of
protein pockets from a set of representative druggable protein binding sites and trains two Graph-CNNs to automatically
extract features from pocket graphs and 2D ligand graphs for drug-target interactions prediction.

5.5.4. Biomedical Graph Classification

The classification of biomedical graphs modeling different tissue structures is of great importance for diagnostic studies
and disease prevention. For example, Studer et al. [171] use a GNN-based approach on cell-graphs to classify intestinal
glands as normal or dysplastic, which may help prevent colorectal cancer. Netpro2vec [129] proposes a neural embedding
framework based on probability distribution representations of graphs for biomedical graph classification. Zhou et al. [261]
develop an interpretable GCN framework and utilize a modified Gradient Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) technique
for the identification and classification of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In addition, model MS-GWNN [247] leverages a novel
graph convolutional neural network on histopathological images for breast cancer classification. It encodes the multi-scale
contextual interactions in the whole pathological slide by aggregating features at different scales.

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Table 6
Open source implementations.
Graph Type Catagory Methods
GF [3], GraRep [13], TADW [218], HOPE [147], LE [4], MDS [71],
Matrix factorization-based methods
LLE [157], IsoMAP [5], AgLPP [85]
DeepWalk [154], node2vec [60], TriDNR [149], DeepCas [104],
Random walk-based methods
HARP [16]
SDNE [191], DNGR [14], GAE [93], VGAE [93], GC-MC [7], G2G [8],

DVNE [263], ARVGAE [148], NetRAs [235], Spectral CNN [11],
Homogeneous Graph
GCN [92], GraphSage [61], GAT [188], LGCN [53], FastGCN [18],
Deep learning-based methods StoGCN [21], ClusterGCN [31], DGI [189], GMI [153], MVGRL [64],
GCC [155], GRACE [270], GCA [271], GraphCL [229], JOAO [228],
DAGA [184], AutoGCL [226], AutoSSL [87], SimGRACE [207],
AF-GRL [102]

PTE [178], MVE [156], AspEM [163], HEER [164], HeGAN [74],
Proximity preserving methods Metapath2vec [42], HIN2vec [50], BHIN2vec [103], HHNE [201],
MetaGraph2Vec [242], mg2vec [249]
TransE [10], TransH [202], TransR [116], TransD [82],
Heterogeneous Graph Relation learning methods TranSparse [83], RESCAL [141], DistMult [217], HolE [140],
ComplEx [187], SimplE [91], RotatE [176]
R-GCN [160], HAN [199], MAGNN [199], HetSANN [73], HGT [76],
Message passing methods HetGNN [241], GATNE [15], NSHE [257], GTN [238], RSHN [268],
HeCo [200]
Matrix factorization-based methods DHPE [264], Times [254]
Random walk-based methods tNodeEmbed [165], CTDNE [137], T-EDGE [114], HTNE [275]
Dynamic Graph
Deep learning-based methods

5.6. General Biomedical Representation Learning

re- DynGEM [59], E-LSTM-D [20], NetWalk [234], dyngraph2vec [58],
DyGGNN [177], EvolveGCN [150], GC-LSTM [19], JODIE [98],
DySAT [158], Know-Evolve [185]

Biomedical datasets are usually large, complex, and heterogeneous. Such complexity and heterogeneity pose challenges
for traditional methods in effectively handling intricate and interrelated information. Therefore, the fundamental objective is to
learn general biomedical embeddings that minimize data redundancy and reduce variable numbers with minimal information
loss [209, 210].
For example, SCRL [110] firstly constructs a so-called Cell-ContexGene graph based on the scRNA-seq data and a Gene-
ContexGene graph based on pathway annotations, respectively. Then it uses a joint bipartite graph embedding method based
on LINE [179] to learn low-dimensional representations for both the cells and the genes. Authors in [196] propose multi-modal
methods using graph convolution networks to learn relation-aware representations for diagnosing chest CT images. Recent
model PACER [195] focuses on the heterogeneous graph comprised of gene expression and drug response-gene information;
and Zhu et al. [266] study the heterogeneous graph consisting of multiple biomedical knowledge bases. Jin et al. [88] and
Ebeid [44] employ knowledge graph embedding methods to handle bio-

medical text. Jin et al. [88] construct a drug knowledge graph using the DrugBank and DDIExtraction-13 [161] databases, and
then obtain a knowledge feature representation by applying different knowledge graph embedding methods. MegGraph [44]
applies node2vec [60] to extract semantic features and embed the extracted knowledge graph in a Euclidean space, facilitating
the exploration of challenges related to semantic understanding in the biomedical literature search on PubMed. In addition,
MoCL [175] and KCL [47] introduce contrastive learning-based methods, which utilize different views of knowledge to assist
biomedical representation learning.

6. Open-Source Implementations and Datasets


6.1. Open-Source Implementations

We collect the open source implementations of representative important graph embedding methods in Table 65 .

6.2. Biomedical Datasets

Biomedical data comes in various forms, such as vital signs, laboratory results, electronic medical records, and various
clinical images [139]. Although humans can easily comprehend all these forms of data, structured data is generally more
suitable for biological computation. Generally, we categorize the data into structured data and unstructured data. As
shown in figure 6.2, structured data can be interpreted and stored in a fixed schema, making it amenable to rapid processing by
programs without extensive human knowledge for data annotation. The most commonly used information, such as laboratory
results, demographic information, and diagnosis codes, can be stored in structured tables. Conversely, unstructured data is
challenging to integrate into a uniform data structure, as this necessitates significant human resources for data preprocessing.
5 The open source implementations are put in references.

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Graph Embedding Techniques for Biomedical Data: A Survey

Structured Data Unstructured Data

Cetalkonium is a C16 alkyl
benzalkonium chloride derivative with
an amphipathic property which allows Relationship
it to be used in different types of Extraction


Graph Databases
Biomedical articles
Gene ……

Protein ……
Drug !
Medical record
Name Adam David
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Structured Data Symptom: headache
Test: Computed Tomography
Test result: intracerebral
Relational Databases Disease: intracerebral
hemorrhage Unstructured Data
Treatment surgical operation

re- Electronic medical record

Figure 25: Structured data and unstructured data.

However, unstructured raw data usually contain more contextual information, such as biomedical publications and their
mutual citations. Consequently, unstructured data is usually manually annotated for knowledge mining in accordance with
specific downstream tasks. In this section, we summarize widely used structured and unstructured datasets in the biomedical
6.2.1. Structured Relational Data
DRKG6 : As a comprehensive biological knowledge graph, Drug Repurposing Knowledge Graph (DRKG) relates genes,
compounds, diseases, biological processes, side effects and symptoms, including 97,238 entities belonging to 13 entity-types;
and 5,874,261 triplets belonging to 107 edge-types.
Hetionet7 : Hetionet is a heterogeneous graph of biomedical knowledge integrated from 29 public databases. It contains
47,031 nodes of 11 types and 2,250,297 edges of 24 types, representing compounds, diseases, genes, etc.

PubMed-diabetes8 : PubMed-diabetes (denoted as PM-D) is a citation network consisting of 19,717 scientific publications
regarding diabetes and 44,338 edges (citations).
PPI9 : PPI is a dataset for protein-protein interactions, which contains 20 graphs for training, 2 graphs for testing, and 2 graphs
for validation. The average number of nodes in each graph is 2,372.67, and each node has multiple labels from 121 classes.
The average number of edges is 34,113.17.
MUTAG10 : MUTAG dataset is a collection of nitroaromatic compounds with the aim of predicting their mutagenicity on
Salmonella typhimurium.
NCI1, NCI33, NCI83, NCI109 10 : NCI1 is a knowledge base that contains 4,110 chemical compounds that are scree-
ned for activity against non-small cell lung cancer. NCI33, NCI83, NCI109 contain 2,843, 3,867, and 4,127 chemical

compounds that are screened for activity against melanoma cancer, breast cancer cell lines, and ovarian cancer cell lines,
D&D, PROTEIN11 : DD represents proteins in the graph where labels are enzymes. PROTEIN represents proteins in the
graph where labels are non-enzymes.
PTC [182]: PTC dataset contains 344 chemical compounds in which classes indicate the carcinogenicity on rats.
ENZYMES [208]: ENZYMES is a dataset containing 600 protein tertiary structures obtained from the BRENDA enzyme

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Table 7
Dataset Statistics.
Dataset Nodes Edges Classes Features Graph Type
DRKG 97,238 5,874,261 - - Knowledge Graph
Hetionet 47,031 2,250,297 - - Knowledge Graph
PM-D 19,717 44,338 3 500 Citation Graph
PPI 56,944 818,716 121 50 Bio-chemical Graph
MUTAG 17 19 2 7 Bio-chemical Graph

NCI1 29 32 2 37 Bio-chemical Graph
NCI109 29 - - 28 Bio-chemical Graph
NCI33 30 - - 29 Bio-chemical Graph
NCI83 29 - - 28 Bio-chemical Graph
DD 284 715 2 82 Bio-chemical Graph
PROTEIN 39 72 2 4 Bio-chemical Graph

PTC 25 - 2 19 Bio-chemical Graph
ENZYMES 32 63 6 6 Biological Graph

Infectious12 : Infectious is a dynamic graph dataset recording the interaction of visitors in the exhibition. When there are
at least 20 seconds of face-to-face communication between visitors, the edges of the graph will be established and have an
accurate time stamp.
DrugBank13 : DrugBank is a comprehensive database that combines detailed drug data with drug target information. It
contains 14,460 drug, 18,906 drug-target associations and 5,301 drug-protein associations.
IntAct14 : IntAct is a database for storing, presenting and analyzing protein interactions. It contains around 2,200 binary and
complex interactions imported from the literature.
DGIdb15 : The Drug-Gene Interaction Database (DGIdb) is a database of drug-gene interactions. It contains over 40,000
genes and 10,000 drugs from publications, databases, and other web-based sources.
STRING16 : STRING is a database of protein-protein interactions. These interactions include both direct (physical) and
indirect (functional) associations. The database currently covers 24,584,628 proteins from 5,090 organisms.

6.2.2. Unstructured Data.

MEDLINE17 : MEDLINE, the bibliographic database of National Library of Medicine (NLM), offers over 27 million
references in journal articles in the biomedical field.
PubMed18 : PubMed is a citation database which contains more than 26 million MEDLINE scholarly work, such as online
books and journals about life science.
MIMIC-III19 : MIMIC-III is a de-identified EHR database that includes more than 40,000 patients. The database consists of
information on demographics, bedside vital sign measurements, laboratory test results, etc.

7. Challenges and Future Directions

While current graph embedding methods have shown effectiveness, there are still challenges and potential areas for
exploration in the context of biomedical tasks.
Data sparsity and low-quality. (1) The privacy and specialization of biomedical data poses significant challenges in
obtaining processed data, e.g., annotated labels, for practical clinical applications. For example, some diseases (e.g.,
moyamoya disease) only affect specific groups of people in real clinical scenarios, resulting in a limited number of patients.
Moreover, strict privacy policies restrict access to real clinical data, leading to issues of incomplete and sparse data.
Additionally, the biomedical field often involves unstructured and complex data that require specialized domain expertise
for processing, which differs from general application domains. Manual labeling, however, is both expensive and time-

consuming, resulting in a large volume of raw data that needs processing for downstream realistic clinical applications.
(2) The quality of input data significantly impacts the outcome of graph embedding methods. However, biomedical data are
usually are generally noisy, complex, and uneven. For instance, in gene analysis, the number of normal genes is usually much
larger than disease-causing genes, which are of primary interest in research. Using imbalanced data for pharmaceutical and
multi-omics data analysis can lead to unsatisfactory results. Moreover, biomedical data encompass multiple data modalities,

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including digital signals, clinical histories, medical images, etc. Therefore, high-quality biomedical data can reduce the
learning complexity for downstream tasks.
Model scalability. Although existing models have generally demonstrated good performance, model scalability remains a
significant challenge. Scalability can be divided into data volume scalability and dataset scalability [134]. Data volume
scalability involves scaling the graph to millions or billions of nodes for model learning. Despite the effectiveness of existing
graph embedding methods, applying them to large-scale data still presents difficulties. Dataset scalability, on the other hand,
refers to the utilization of diverse datasets in most previous studies. For example, as medical record management systems
of various hospitals are mostly independent, the effect of the same model on different datasets may vary significantly. Thus,

researchers may need to consider improving model scalability for different datasets.
Model credibility and interpretability. In the field of bio-
medicine, the credibility and interpretability of models are other important challenges. Specifically, models are required to
be both accurate and interpretable, serving as medical references for clinicians when making decisions pertaining to medical

treatment, hospitalization, clinical surgery, and other healthcare aspects. In realistic clinical scenarios, interpretability is
crucial for clinical decision making.
Robustness. Most traditional graph embedding models are practically vulnerable to adversarial perturbations or attacks,
making these algorithms unable to produce stable representations and results. Therefore, the robustness of graph learning
models has become a significant topic to work on. The model robustness requires attention for realistic deployment.

8. Conclusion
Graph embedding methods learn compact and informative representations for graph analysis, offering a powerful solution
for traditional graph-based machine learning problems. The growth of relational data in the biomedical field has accelerated in
recent years, leading to increased attention on applying graph embedding techniques in biomedical research. However, despite
this heightened interest, the full potential of graph embedding for biomedical graph analysis remains largely untapped. In this
paper, we present a comprehensive review of the latest trends and developments in utilizing graph data in the biomedical
field, with a specific focus on advancements in graph embedding techniques and their application across various biomedical
tasks. Additionally, we identify promising avenues for future research to advance the field and ultimately improve healthcare
We would like to thank all reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions. Yaozu Wu and Zhishuai Yin
were supported by grants from the Open Fundation of Guangdong Provincial Laboratory of advanced energy science and
Technology (Foshan Xianhu laboratory) (xhd2020-003) . Additional, Yankai Chen and Irwin King were supported by grants
from the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018AAA0100204) and from the Research Grants
Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (CUHK 14222922, RGC GRF, No. 2151185).

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Yaozu Wu received the B.E. degree in physics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(HUST), Wuhan, China, in 2018 and the M.S. degree in Condensed matter physics in 2022. He is
currently an engineer with Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology
Guangdong Laboratory, Foshan, China. His current research interests include artificial intelligence,
deep learning, graph representation learning, and their applications in bioinformatics.

Yankai Chen currently is a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received the B.S. degree from Nanjing

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University in 2016 and the M.S. degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2018. His research interests include data
mining and applied machine learning and for database management and information retrieval.

Zhishuai Yin received the B.E. degree in vehi-

cle engineering from Tsinghua University, China,
in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in interdisciplinary
engineering from Northeastern University, USA, in

2013. He is currently the Director of the Department
of Vehicle Engineering in the School of Automo-
tive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology,
China, where he is also an Associate Professor. He is the Associate Director of Hubei Research Center for New Energy and
Intelligent Connected Vehicle. His research interests include artificial intelligence and intelligent connected vehicles.

Weiping Ding (M’16-SM’19) received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Nanjing University
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 2013. From 2014 to 2015, he is a Postdoctoral
Researcher at the Brain Research Center, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Now he is
a professor of School of Information Science and Technology, Nantong University, China. His research
interests include deep neural networks, multimodal machine learning, and medical images analysis.

Irwin King currently is the Chairman and a professor of Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, and a former Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering at The Chinese
University of Hong Kong. He received the B.Sc. degree in engineering and applied science from the California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA. His broad range of research interests cover areas such as machine learning, social computing,
AI, and data mining.

Wu et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 39 of 39

Journal Pre-proof

 Biomedical graphs can easily describe complex biomedical systems.

 Graph embedding methods map nodes into low-dimensional spaces.

 Embeddings preserve the structural properties of different types of graphs.

 Embeddings introduce enormous opportunities for biomedical data science.

Journal Pre-proof

Authorship contributions:
Yaozu Wu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal Analysis,
Writing-Original Draft.

Yankai Chen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal Analysis,

Writing-Original Draft, Writing-Review & Editing.

Zhishuai Yin: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing-Review & Editing.

Weiping Ding: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing-Review & Editing.

Irwin King: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing-Review & Editing.

Journal Pre-proof

Conflict of Interest statement

All authors disclosed no relevant relationships.


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