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Maity - Patra - 2016 - Tradeoffs Aware Design Procedure For An Adaptively Biased Capacitorless Low

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1, JANUARY 2016 369

Tradeoffs Aware Design Procedure for an Adaptively

Biased Capacitorless Low Dropout Regulator
Using Nested Miller Compensation
Ashis Maity, Student Member, IEEE, and Amit Patra, Member, IEEE

Abstract—An adaptively biased, low dropout regulator (AB-

LDR) that uses the nested Miller type frequency compensation
has been explored in the literature for system-on-chip applica-
tions. However, those are mostly focused to solve only specific issues
without accounting for all the design tradeoffs. Due to this, addi-
tional components/circuits are needed to mitigate the issues like
Q-peaking and poor dynamic response in capacitorless condition.
In this paper, the various design tradeoffs particularly relevant to
the nested Miller compensated regulator architecture, are clearly
brought out. Then a detailed design procedure for the same ar-
chitecture is proposed to achieve a low quiescent current, wide
dynamic range, desired dynamic response and a high current effi-
ciency over a given load range. An AB-LDR has been implemented
in standard 0.18-μm CMOS technology to validate the effective-
ness of the proposed approach. Experimental results show a very Fig. 1. Typical block diagram of an AB-LDR.
good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
Index Terms—Adaptive bias loop, capacitorless regulator, low
dropout regulator, main feedback loop, nested Miller compensa-
tion, Q-factor reduction.

N recent years, the development of a capacitor-free regulator
I architecture [1]–[3] has gained considerable importance for
system-on-chip (SoC) applications because of its higher level of
integration possibility which saves a lot of board space and pin
count [4], [5]. The stability over a wide range of load current
[6]–[9], the fast transient response [10]–[19] and small quiescent Fig. 2. Various tradeoffs hexagon in the AB-LDR topology.
current [20]–[22] are the essential features of the regulator re-
quired for SoC applications. The widely used adaptively biased,
low dropout regulator (AB-LDR) architecture for such appli- current of the first and second stages has two components: the
cations is shown in Fig. 1 [6], [7]. In order to get better load fixed bias If and the adaptive bias Iv which is generated by
regulation, it uses three gain amplifier stages compensated by a the M94 − M95 − M96 path. The current Iv increases with Io
pole-splitting Miller capacitor Cm 1 . The PMOS power transis- as Iv = δIo , where δ is the adaptive bias (AB) ratio and it is
tor, M98 has the maximum current driving capability required equal to (A/M ). The adaptive biasing [7], [25], [26] scheme
by the load Io,m ax . Due to its large size, it has a higher parasitic maintains a very low quiescent current at low load conditions
gate to drain capacitance which is modeled as Cm 2 . This forms and expands the unity gain frequency (ωU G F ) of the regulator
a nested Miller type frequency compensation scheme [6], [7], at high load condition to achieve a faster transient response.
[23], [24]. The resistor divider consisting of R1 and R2 , level There are several issues that exist in the nested Miller com-
shifts the voltage Vref to the desired output voltage Vo . The bias pensated AB-LDR. So, different tradeoffs need to be considered
while optimizing the key performance parameters of the regula-
Manuscript received November 26, 2014; revised January 5, 2015; accepted tor as shown in Fig. 2. Most of the related literature only optimize
January 24, 2015. Date of publication February 3, 2015; date of current ver- a few of them. Therefore, the said topology underperforms as
sion September 21, 2015. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor
M. A. E. Andersen. a regulator. For example, [6] mainly focuses on the Q-peaking
A. Maity is with the Advanced Technology Development Center, Indian In- issue which restricts the low load current value Io,m in . The re-
stitute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India (e-mail: lation between Q-peaking and If is still unexplored and hence
A. Patra is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India (e-mail: an additional Q-reduction capacitor is required to improve the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2398868 same. Moreover, as the Q-reduction capacitor only offers some

0885-8993 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

improvements in a narrow region of the load range, the stabil-

ity in [6] is ensured only up-to Io,m in = 100 μA. The study
in [7] uses adaptive biasing on the topology in [6] to improve
the dynamic response. To maintain a high value of current ef-
ficiency at the full load condition, it uses a low value of δ
equal to 0.001. However, the basis of choosing the value of δ to
achieve a fast dynamic response is not critically analyzed here.
So, [27] proposes a dedicated sub-threshold undershoot reduc-
tion circuit along with the spike detection capacitor to improve
the dynamic response. Although, the spike detection capacitor
helps to achieve a value of Io,m in equal to 10 μA, the stability of
the regulation loop at Io,m in is quite susceptible to the value of
the same. In all these designs in [6], [7], [27], the quiescent cur-
rents (IQ ) at the low load condition are still quite high and their
values are 100 μA (Io,m in =100 μA), 30 μA (Io,m in =50 μA)
and 28 μA (Io,m in =10 μA), respectively. This makes them less
attractive for the ultra low-powered SoC applications where the
budget of IQ is even lower. So, further research is still required Fig. 3. Schematic of the conventional AB-LDR topology.
to understand the different tradeoffs of the nested Miller com-
pensated AB-LDR for achieving better performance.
In this paper, the conventional AB-LDR topology is revisited stage. The first and second stages combined together constitute
which uses nested Miller type frequency compensation. This an error amplifier. The substrate of the input transistors M81 and
type of frequency compensation scheme is well explored for the M82 is connected to the ground potential.
amplifier design [28], [29] where the dc operating point is fixed.
However, the same design procedure can not be applied di- A. Understanding the Tradeoffs Between IQ , Q-Peaking
rectly to the AB-LDR design where the dc operating point itself and the Load Range
changes with Io . The dynamic range of Io is nearly spread over
The tail current of the error amplifier is given by It = If + Iv .
4–5 decades. Moreover, as Cm 2 is generated from the parasitic
Since Iv = AIo /M , for each value of the load current, the dc-
capacitor of M98 , it no longer remains as a design variable. To
operating point of the regulator changes and as a result, the small
cover such a large dynamic range of Io , the design tradeoffs as
signal circuit parameters also get altered. The trans-conductance
shown in Fig. 2 are quite different and these issues are explored
(gm ) of the first and second stages is a function of It and it is
in this paper. A systematic design procedure backed by theo-
denoted as gm ,81 (It ) and gm ,87 (It ), respectively. On the other
retical analysis has also been developed here. This helps us to
hand, the gm of the last stage solely depends on Io and hence is
reduce the value of IQ substantially while maintaining a fast and
denoted as gm ,98 (Io ). The parasitic capacitance offered by the
stable dynamic response over a wide load range without using
load is Co,o . The Miller capacitor Cm 1 creates a dominant pole
the additional block (e.g., sub-threshold undershoot reduction
at the node V1 .
circuit) and components (e.g., Q-reduction and spike detection
For regulator design, gm ,98 (Io )  gm ,81 (It ) and gm ,98 (Io )
capacitors). The organization of the paper is as follows: Sec-
 gm ,87 (It ). Under this condition, the two zeros (LHP and
tion II explains different tradeoffs in the conventional AB-LDR
RHP) are placed a few decades higher than the ωU G F and hence
topology. The proposed design procedure is described in Sec-
have very minimal impact on the system stability [28]. Also, the
tion III. The design examples to substantiate different tradeoffs
location of the ωU G F and the two nondominant poles can be
are given in Section IV. Section V validates the design proce-
approximated as follows [28], [29]:
dure with experimental results and the conclusions are given in
Section VI. ωU G F = −gm ,81 (It )/Cm 1 (1)
ωp2 = −gm ,87 (It )/Cm 2 (2)
AB-LDR TOPOLOGY ωp3 = −gm ,98 (Io )/Co,o (3)

The schematic of the conventional AB-LDR topology is To understand the Q-peaking problem from the two nondom-
shown in Fig. 3. Here, we consider Vref = Vo . So, a unity mode inant poles better, the pole movements through-out the load
configuration of the regulator with a feedback factor of 1 is current range need to be analyzed carefully. While moving from
formed by eliminating R1 and R2 as used in Fig. 1. This does the high to moderate load condition, the dc operating point of
not create much difference while developing and designing the M98 moves from the above-threshold to the sub-threshold
√ re-
regulator topology. The first stage consists of a differential input gion. In√the above-threshold region, gm ,98 ∝ Io and hence
pair with active current mirror load, the second stage is a differ- ωp3 ∝ Io . Whereas in the sub-threshold region, gm ,98 ∝ Io
ential to single ended amplifier and the third one is the power and hence ωp3 ∝ Io . If the same level of channel inversion as

Fig. 4. Root-locus of the ω U G F , ω p 2 and ω p 3 under different load conditions.

M98 is maintained in M87 , then their current densities are equal.

Fig. 5. Different regions of load transient response.
As a result, M87 caries exactly a down-mirrored current of Io ,
determined by their sizing ratio. Hence, the transition points of
M98 and M87 from the above-threshold to the sub-threshold re-
split the load transient response of the capacitorless AB-LDR
gion should coincide with each other. Also, for high to moderate
into different time intervals as shown in Fig. 5. When the load
load condition, It is mostly dominated by the load dependent
current switches from Io,m in to Io,m ax , the regulator first enters
bias current Iv and hence, Iv  If . These two conditions help
the slewing mode. Before the loop starts responding, i.e., over
to track the poles ωp2 and ωp3 in a similar way. As the separation
the period [t0 –t1 ], the slew rate at the gate of the power tran-
among them is well maintained, there is no chance of generating
sistor depends mainly on It (= If + δIo ) for the lightest load.
a complex pole pair and hence, no Q-peaking effect. The way to
The amount of undershoot and the response time are mostly
maintain the same level of channel inversion is discussed later.
dependent on the values of If and δ. After the loop starts re-
Now, at a very low load, It is mostly dominated by the fixed
sponding, the adaptive biasing circuit enhances the slew rate as
current component If . So, ωp2 becomes static over the load vari-
Iv increases and Vo starts recovering during [t1 –t2 ]. The AB
ation, but ωp3 ∝ Io due to the sub-threshold region of operation
ratio δ in the midrange of the load current controls this recovery
as per (2) and (3), respectively. So, with the decrease of the load
time. Once the error reduces, the regulator enters the small sig-
current, ωp3 comes more and more closer to ωp2 at very low
nal region during [t2 –t3 ]. Here, the higher value of Iv expands
load. When ωp3 < 4ωp2 , we get a complex pole pair in the sys-
√ the ωU G F to such a high value that Vo increases linearly with the
tem with an angular corner frequency of ωo = ωp2 ωp3 [29] .
load current which is similar to a ramp response. On the other
The Q-peaking effect from the complex pole pair causes a sharp
hand, for Io,m ax to Io,m in load transient edge, this sequence is
phase degradation near the ωU G F [7]. The pole movements un-
reversed. Initially, the higher ωU G F at Io,m ax helps to track the
der different load conditions are shown in Fig. 4. At Io,m ax ,
Vo as the load changes during [t4 –t5 ]. Once the ωU G F reduces
ωp3 > 4ωp2 and hence there is no Q-peaking effect, whereas
in the midrange of the load current, the loop response becomes
at Io,m in , ωp3 < 4ωp2 and the complex pole pair is located in
slower and due to large overshoot, the regulator goes into the
the system at ωo . At the critical load Io,cric , ωp3 = 4ωp2 and up
slewing mode during [t5 –t6 ]. Here, the AB ratio δ controls the
to this point, all the poles are real and the stability is guaran-
amount of overshoot. Once the maximum peak of the overshoot
teed with the 2.2ωU G F ≤ ωp2 . For Io < Io , cric, the stability
occurs, the expression (If + δIo ) determines the slewing of the
of the overall system gets affected by the high Q-factor and it
gate of the power PMOS transistor initially. The error slowly
essentially puts a constraint on the value of Io,m in for a stable
reduces and the regulator enters the small signal region. The
operation of the regulator. The value of If mostly determines
settling behavior mostly depends on the ωU G F at the minimum
the magnitude of IQ at no load condition. Therefore, there exists
load condition and as expected it is very sluggish due to the
a close relation between IQ and Io,m in , so that we can choose
limited loop bandwidth at low load. So, the settling times for
the latter for a stable operation.
both the transients are different.
There are many advantages of having a higher value of δ in
B. Understanding the Tradeoffs Between Dynamic Response, the low-to-mid range of Io . First, a higher value of δ reduces
AB Ratio and Maximum Current Efficiency the duration of [t1 –t2 ] and improves the settling time. Second,
In the AB-LDR, the transistors may remain either in the the amount of undershoot reduces when the load switches from
above-threshold or the sub-threshold region depending on the some intermediate value to high as Iv becomes larger. Third, the
value of Io . In the sub-threshold region, the regulator responds amount of overshoot reduces during [t5 –t6 ]. Fourth, the interval
more slowly as the transistors carry less current compared to [t6 –t7 ] reduces for intermediate load current. However, the main
the above-threshold region. So, the adaptive biasing should be disadvantage of choosing a higher value of δ is that it reduces
very effective for improving the speed of the regulator in the the current efficiency at high load condition. For the region [t2 –
sub-threshold region. To illustrate this point further, one can t3 ] and [t4 –t5 ], where the loop response is similar to the ramp

response, the tail current of the error amplifier is more than where Vth is the threshold voltage of the corresponding transis-
the required value. Therefore, there is a scope of improving the tor. The sizes of remaining transistors M89 − M90 , M95 − M96
current efficiency at the high load condition. In a conventional are not very critical, rather their ratios are more important.
design approach, a smaller value of δ is mainly chosen not to Hence, the size of those transistors should be chosen based
degrade the current efficiency at high load condition. However, on the maximum current flowing through it at Io,m ax .
this lowers down the current in the low-to-mid range of the load
current. Therefore, the dynamic response is not optimized in the B. Fixing the Values of Cm 1 and K
conventional approach.
Once the sizing of all the transistors is done, the value of
Cm 1 is to be fixed corresponding to Io,m in . In the sub-threshold
III. PROPOSED DESIGN PROCEDURE region, gm ,81 = I81 /nn VT and gm ,87 = KI81 /np VT . Here, nn ,
In this section, the biasing considerations of the regulator np are the sub-threshold region swing parameters of NMOS
are thoroughly analyzed. To avoid the Q-peaking effect, i.e., and PMOS transistors, respectively, whereas VT is the thermal
Q ≤ 0.5, we have to maintain the relation ωp3 ≥ 4ωp2 even at voltage. From the first inequality of (5), one can get as follows:
the low load condition. Assuming all the poles are real, the phase 2.2Cm 2 np
margin of the overall system is given by [7] Cm 1 = (8)
ω  ω 
P M |Q ≤0.5 = 90o − tan−1 − tan−1
(4) While increasing the value of K, one has to decrease the value
ωp2 ωp3 of Cm 1 by the same factor to keep ωU G F at the same location as
Also, the condition for achieving a phase margin of 60o is per (8). This gives a practical limitation for increasing the value
given by [29] of K. Thus, Cm 1 should not be so small that it is comparable to
the parasitic value which degrades the robustness of the design.
ωp2 ωp3
ωU G F ≤ ≤ The value of K should be chosen in such a way that Cm 1 does
2.2 8.8 not take much area and also it is less susceptible to the parasitic
gm ,81 (It ) gm ,87 (It ) gm ,98 (Io ) effects.
≤ ≤ (5)
Cm 1 2.2Cm 2 8.8Co,o
C. Fixing the Values of If and A
A. Sizing of the Transistors As discussed before, the poles track each other at high to
The power transistor M98 should be sized at Io,m ax in the moderate load condition. This continues until Io reaches a level
dropout condition where the overdrive voltage Vov = (Vin − Io,cric where Iv and If are comparable to each other. Of course,
Vo ). Here, M98 operates at the edge of the linear and the satu- this happens at a very low load especially, if the value of If is
ration regions. So, the aspect ratio of M98 is given by quite small. For Io ≥ Io,cric , the nondominant poles ωp2 and ωp3
W  are real and hence, there is no Q-peaking effect in the frequency
2Io,m ax response of the regulator. The value of Io,cric is calculated from
= (6)
L 98 μp Cox Vov 2 the second inequality of (5) which gives
where μp is the mobility of the holes and Cox is the gate oxide  C A
If ≤ − Io (9)
capacitance per unit area. For achieving less Vov , we need to 2KCo,o M
increase the value of (W/L)98 and hence more silicon area is
required. (9) gives the relation between the value If and the achievable
The sizing ratio of the transistor pair M94 , M98 is 1 : M limit of Io to avoid Q-peaking effect from the nondominant
which is kept very high (M > 1000) to minimize the current complex poles. In other words, to achieve a minimum value of
through this path. The perfect matching of M94 and M98 is Io,cric , If ,m ax should not exceed the value given by
extremely difficult to achieve, although a good layout technique  C A
helps to minimize the mismatch between them. If ,m ax = − Io,cric (10)
2KCo,o M
Once the size of M98 is chosen optimally, the sizes of the
remaining transistors are chosen to set these devices at the For Io < Io,cric , If dominates over the value of Iv and hence
same current density which ensures the same level of chan- It ≈ If . In this region, ωU G F , ωp2 are almost independent of Io ,
nel inversion. This leads to (W/L)87 = AK(W/L)98 /2M whereas ωp3 ∝ Io . Hence, ωp3 comes closer to ωp2 and makes
and (W/L)83,84 = A(W/L)98 /2M . To minimize the current ωp3 < 4ωp2 . This creates a complex pole pair in the system. The
through M88 , (W/L)87 = 4(W/L)88 is chosen. An even ratio angular corner frequency and the Q-factor are approximated as
ensures good matching between them. The dc current balancing follows:

is confirmed by choosing (W/L)90 = 4(W/L)89 . However, the If Io
input transistors, M81,82 are realized by the NMOS devices. The ω0 ≈ (11)
np nn VT 2 Cm 2 Co,o
aspect ratio of M81 (and M82 ) is given by

W  Aμp (W/L)98 (Vsg ,98 − |Vth,98 |)2 If nn Co,o
= (7) Q≈ (12)
L 81,82 2M μn (Vg s,81 − Vth,81 )2 Io np Cm 2

Fig. 6. Schematic of the proposed AB-LDR topology.

√ √
It is interesting to note that, ωo ∝ Io and Q ∝ 1/ Io at Io < insignificant compared to the Io factor in the denominator. So,
Io,cric region. Therefore, the Q-factor gradually increases with η will mostly depend on the factor “A(1 + 0.625K)/M ” and
the fall of Io . is maximized by reducing this expression. To satisfy the second
The values of K and A have a direct correlation with If ,m ax inequality in (5), one should have AK/M ≤ Cm 2 /2Co,o . Here,
and Io,cric as given in (10). For obtaining a positive value of neither Cm 2 nor Co,o is a design variable, as they are deter-
If ,m ax , the condition, Cm 2 /(2KCo ) > A/M has to be satisfied. mined from the specification of Io,m ax and the load parasitic,
Now, once the value of K is increased and that of A is decreased respectively. For Cm 2 = 3.6 pF and Co,o = 100 pF, the max-
by the same factor, the value of If ,m ax is also decreased by the imum value of the factor AK/M = 0.018. For Io,m ax = 100
same factor. In other words, to achieve a desired value of Io,cric , mA, the maximum contribution from 0.625AK/M factor it-
one has to reduce the value of the fixed current component of self is around 1.125 mA. Considering the contribution of other
the error amplifier. However, putting an arbitrarily high value factors in (13), the value of η will be much less than 99%. There-
of If  If ,m ax pushes ωU G F to a higher frequency at low load fore, to maximize the value of η, one has to choose a much lower
condition. Since, it reduces the separation with ωp2 , a higher value of the factor AK/M . The values of A, K, M are already
value of Cm 1 is required to compensate the regulator at the low fixed for achieving better dynamic response as described previ-
load. What is more, the regulation loop becomes overcompen- ously. For the duration, [t2 − t3 ] and [t4 − t5 ], the excess bias
sated with a high value of Cm 1 which restricts the expansion current should be reduced to maximize η at high load condition.
of ωU G F at the high load condition. This leads to a poor load This is done by modifying the adaptive bias loop as shown in
transient response at the high load range. Also, a higher value Fig. 6. The aspect ratio of M97 is the same as that of M94 and
of If ,m ax significantly reduces the current efficiency at the low they carry the same current. A minimum current selector circuit
load condition. While fixing the value of If , A should be chosen [30] consisting of M77 − M80 , clamps the magnitude of Iv to
optimally as it also affects the dynamic response. ILIM IT at higher load condition and improves the current effi-
ciency. The value of ILIM IT has to be decided based on the ex-
D. Maximizing the Current Efficiency pected rise/fall time of the load current step. The sizing ratios of
M77 − M80 are chosen as (W/L)80 = (W/L)79 = (W/L)95
The total quiescent current consumption of the regulator with and (W/L)78 = N (W/L)77 . The dc value of ILIM IT adds a
the different sizing ratios chosen in Fig. 3 is (I89 + If + Iv + component on the overall quiescent current consumption of the
I90 + I95 ) = [ If (1 + 0.625K) + Io {1/M + (1 + 0.625K) regulator. To minimize it, a high value of N is preferred. There-
A/M }]. So, the current efficiency, η of the regulator is given in fore, in the proposed topology, the magnitude of Iv is determined
(13) below. as follows:
I  AI   
η=  o 1 A
 (13) Iv = Min.
, AN I LIM IT (14)
If (1 + 0.625K) + Io 1 + M + M (1 + 0.625K) M
Here, η is a monotonically increasing function with Io . At low So, for Io ≥ (AN I LIM IT ), the regulator acts as a fixed bias
load condition, the value of η decreases as the If factor term scheme.
dominates in the denominator of (13). So, reducing the value To determine the magnitude of ILIM IT , one has to review the
of If increases η. At high load condition, the value of If is current source and current sink capability of the error amplifier


Tran- I f chosen optimally, I f is high,

sistors C m 1 = 9 pF C m 1 = 60 pF
δ = 0.006 δ = 0.00075 δ = 0.006

Without- With- Reduced- Over-

IL I M I T IL I M I T AB Compensated
M98 10000/0.18
M81,82 160/0.36
M83,84 60/0.36
M89 6/0.36
M90 24/0.36
M94 5/0.36
M95 4/0.5
M87 60/0.36 9.1/0.36
M88 15/0.36 2.27/0.36
M96 96/0.5 12/0.5 96/0.5
M97 - 5/0.36 -
Fig. 7. Small signal loop response of the LDR at Io = 10 μA with different
M77 - 4/0.5 -
value of If for “Without-IL IM IT ” case.
M78 - 48/0.5 -
M79,80 - 4/0.5 -

To substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed design pro-

cedure in simulation, four different variants are designed. The
under large signal operation. The current sourcing limit at the proposed design procedure considers two cases, namely without
gate of M98 is set as Isource = KIt . However, the value of and with limiting the excess bias current at high load condition,
sinking current is set by the node voltage V1 and the values of which are termed as “Without-ILIM IT ” and “With-ILIM IT ,” re-
gm ,88 , K. Obviously, this path has much higher gain compared spectively. Similar to the conventional design approach [7], [27],
to the source path and it is not directly set by the value of It . the use of a small value of δ is termed as “Reduced-AB” case
So, the value of ILIM IT on It has a major impact only on the where the bias current at high load condition is targeted as the
high-to-low load transient edge. Due to poor current sourcing same as “With-ILIM IT ” case for an easy comparison. In these
capability, ILIM IT may introduce more overshoot at the node Vo three cases, If is chosen optimally as per (10). Once If is fixed
for a very fast falling edge of load. But, there is an opportunity arbitrarily more than its optimal value, a higher Miller capacitor
to restrict the bias current with ILIM IT for a relatively slower fall makes it similar to the “Over-compensated” case. The aspect
time. So, the value of ILIM IT should be fixed based on expected ratios of all the transistors used in these four cases are summa-
fall time to remove excess bias current without introducing extra rized in Table I.
overshoot. Fig. 7 compares the ac loop responses at Io = 10 μA for
As a final remark, the size of the transistors should be fixed at If = 100 nA and If = 1 μA conditions for “Without-ILIM IT ”
Io,m ax based on maintaining the same current density. As the Q- case. With If = 100 nA, there is no Q-peaking in the system
peaking is more prominent at low load condition and it directly and it has a phase margin of 70o . However, for If = 1 μA, the
affects the value of Io,cric , an optimal and realizable value of If Q-peaking effect and increased value of ωU G F jointly decrease
should be chosen at that condition. The value of the AB ratio the phase margin to −26o .
should be chosen optimally for the low and mid range of the load Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the variation of ωU G F and phase
current for better dynamic response. The value of ILIM IT cuts margin, respectively, for different values of If . We observe
down the excess bias current at high load condition to maximize that ωU G F gradually increases with Io . The ωU G F becomes
the current efficiency. The adaptive bias loop which changes constant for higher values of If where the phase margin is ap-
the bias current in accordance with Io acts as an attenuator proximately between 45–60o . In this range, If dominates over
and the stability of the same is guaranteed by design as discussed Iv which makes the gm ,81 and gm ,87 constant. So, ωU G F and
in the study [7] in detail. ωp2 become static. As ωp3 comes closer to ωp2 , it increases
Q-peaking and hence decreases the phase margin. However,
ωU G F falls again at lower values of Io where the corner fre-
quency, ωo mainly decides the location of ωU G F . Also, the
The proposed design procedure is applied to the AB-LDR effect of RHP zero can not be ignored in this region. Hence,
topology which is designed in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology the phase margin sharply decreases here. From Fig. 8(b), the
with Vth,n = 520 mV and |Vth,p | = 510 mV. The targeted input value of If is also determined for a phase margin of 60o . For
voltage range is 1.4 to 1.8 V and the output is fixed at 1.2 V. The example, to cover Io,m in = 10 μA, both the cases If = 10 nA
dynamic range of the load current is 10 μA–100 mA with an and 100 nA provide stable behavior. However, as If = 100
expected rise/fall time of 1 μs. The parasitic capacitance from nA has a higher ωU G F (67.8 kHz compared to 27 kHz), it
the load is lumped as nearly 100 pF. should be chosen to achieve a faster transient response. The

Fig. 8. (a) ω U G F versus Io . (b) Phase margin versus Io for “Without-

IL IM IT ” case. Fig. 9. Comparison of ac response for the cases “Without-IL IM IT ,” “With-
IL IM IT ,” “Reduced-AB” and “Over-compensated.” (a) ω U G F versus Io .
(b) Phase margin versus Io .

OF Io , c ric FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF If , m a x Fig. 9 shows the comparison of ωU G F and the phase margin
for the four cases listed in Table I. To reduce the excess bias
If , m a x Theoretical value of Simulated value of current at high load condition, ILIM IT = 222 nA is chosen for
Io , c r i c Io , c r i c “With-ILIM IT ” case. With ILIM IT = 222 nA, the adaptive bias
becomes ineffective above Io =10.6 mA. So, ωU G F and ωp2
10 nA 830 nA 900 nA
100 nA 8.3 μA 8 μA become static above Io =10.6 mA, although ωp3 dynamically
1 μA 83 μA 80 μA varies with Io . As a result, the phase margin is increased by 9o
10 μA 830 μA 700 μA (from 69o to 78o ) compared with the case “Without-ILIM IT ” at
Io = 100 mA.
Now, comparing the case “Reduced-AB” with the case “With-
exact value of the load current is calculated numerically here ILIM IT ”, although the value of ωU G F is almost the same at
based on (10). In the “Without-ILIM IT ” case, the values of two extreme points of the load range, it falls in the midrange
Co,o = 100 pF, Cm 2 = 3.6 pF, K = 1, M = 4000 and A = 24. of the load current as shown in Fig. 9(a). On the other hand,
Therefore, Io,cric = 83If ,m ax . Table II compares the theoreti- for the case “Over-compensated,” If is biased at 1 μA rather
cal and simulated values of Io,cric for different numerical val- than the optimal value of 100 nA. Then the value of the factor
ues of If ,m ax for stable operation. There is a reasonably good (If + AIo /2M ) becomes 1060 nA. So, one has to use 6.6 times
agreement between them. From Table II, it is quite clear that, higher value of Cm 1 , i.e., 60 pF to keep ωU G F at the same
the value of If ,m ax fixes the allowable limit of Io,cric . Be- location at the low load condition. Similarly, the value of K
low Io = Io,cric , the phase and gain margins fall drastically is decreased by the same factor to keep the location of ωp2
and the regulator enters into an unstable region. To cover unaltered. With Cm 1 = 60pF, ωU G F is decreased by 6.6 times
Io,m in = 10 μA, a value of If = 100 nA is chosen as the optimal at Io,m ax as shown in Fig. 9(a). So, the LDR is overcompensated
value. at high load condition and it has more phase margin as shown in

Fig. 12. Measured load transient response for a load step from 100 mA–10
μA with a fall time of 50 ns for the case “Without-IL IM IT ” for different values
of If .
Fig. 10. Comparison of load transient response for the four cases for a load
step of 1–100 mA with rise/fall time 100 ns.

Fig. 11. Microphotograph of the proposed regulator.

Fig. 9(b). What is more, having a smaller value of K, the slew Fig. 13. Measured load transient response for a load steps of 100 mA–10 μA
with a fall time of (a) 50 ns for “With-IL IM IT ” (Ch-1), “Without-IL IM IT ”
rate is expected to reduce at the gate of M98 . All four designs (Ch-2), (b) 100 ns for “With-IL IM IT ” (Ch-4), “Without-IL IM IT ” (Ch-5).
have almost the same ωU G F of 70 kHz and the same phase
margin of 66o at Io = 10 μA. Also, at Io = 100 mA, they have
approximately the same ωU G F of 12 MHz and the phase margin
values of If . The optimal value of If = 100 nA shows more
is quite close to 80o for all these cases.
stable settling behavior compared to the case If = 200 nA and
Fig. 10 shows the comparison of the load transient response
If = 400 nA.
for these four cases. For 1–100 mA load step, the cases “With-
On the other hand, Fig. 13(a) and (b) compares the tran-
ILIM IT ” and “Without-ILIM IT ” have almost the same settling
sient response between the cases “With-ILIM IT ” and “Without-
behavior even with a faster rise/fall time of 100 ns. However,
ILIM IT ” for the extreme load step of 100 mA–10 μA with differ-
the other two cases “Reduced-AB” (smaller δ) and “Over-
ent fall times of 50 and 100 ns, respectively. For a fall time of 50
compensated” (higher If ) provide large settling time for both
ns, the overshoots for the cases “With-ILIM IT ” and “Without-
the load transients. Also, the amount of undershoot and over-
ILIM IT ” are +340 and +170 mV, respectively, whereas for a
shoot are also more for the latter two cases. Due to the optimal
fall time of 100 ns, their values are almost equal to +130 mV.
choices of δ and If in the cases “With/Without-ILIM IT ,” the
These results confirm that the consumption of high bias current
settling behavior is much better than the other two cases.
at maximum load current is not very useful to improve the dy-
namic response for a slower load step. Hence, a judicious value
of ILIM IT should be chosen to reduce the excess bias current.
To validate the proposed design procedure, the cases “With- For the other edge of load transient, i.e., 10 μA–100 mA, the
ILIM IT ” and “Without-ILIM IT ” have been fabricated in silicon effect of ILIM IT is minimal for the same rise time. For example,
in 0.18 μm CMOS technology. The microphotograph of the the amount of undershoot is −360 mV with 50-ns rise time of the
proposed regulator is shown in Fig. 11. It occupies an active load current for both the cases as shown in Fig. 14(a). However,
area of 0.07 mm2 excluding the PAD area. the case “Without-ILIM IT ,” provides a little faster settling time
Fig. 12 compares the load transient response for the extreme (50 ns versus 80 ns) compared to the case “With-ILIM IT .” For a
load step of 100 mA–10 μA with a fall time of 50 ns for different rise time of 100 ns, both the cases provide the same undershoot

Fig. 16. Line transient response at Io = 100 mA with a sinusoidal input

frequency of 1 MHz for the case “With-IL IM IT .”

Fig. 14. Measured load transient response for a load steps of 10 μA–100 mA
with a rise time of (a) 50 ns for “With-IL IM IT ” (Ch-1), “Without-IL IM IT ”
(Ch-2), (b) 100 ns for “With-IL IM IT ” (Ch-4), “Without-IL IM IT ”(Ch-5).

Fig. 17. Measured PSRR at Io = 100 mA for the case “With-IL IM IT .”

1 μs. For a load step of 10 μA–100 mA with a rise/fall time of

1 μs, the undershoot/overshoot is reduced to −110 mV/+85 mV
as shown in Fig. 15(a). Similarly, for a load step of 1–100 mA
with rise/fall time of 1 μs, the undershoot/overshoot are only
−5 mV/+34 mV as shown in Fig. 15(b).
The measured line transient response is shown in Fig. 16. A
200-mV peak-to-peak sinusoidal signal is superimposed using
a bias-tee [31] with a dc voltage of 1.6 V to generate the input
voltage Vin . For a sinusoidal frequency of 1 MHz, the peak-to-
peak variations of the output voltage is 10 mV at Io =100 mA
Fig. 15. Measured load transient response with load steps between (a) 10 μA– for the case “With-ILIM IT .” The measured PSRR at Io = 100
100 mA with rise/fall time of 1 μs, (b) 1–100 mA with a rise/fall time of mA for the case “With-ILIM IT ” is shown in Fig. 17.
500 ns.
Fig. 18(a) shows the output voltage variation across the load
current change. The output voltage falls drastically above Io =
10 mA. Due to limited number of available bond pads, only
of −300 mV and the corresponding waveforms are shown in two pins have been assigned for the node Vo , the ESR of each
Fig. 14(b). The amount of undershoot is still high due to the bond-wire is approximately 400 mΩ which creates an additional
very low quiescent current at Io = 10 μA and the faster rise drop of 20 mV for 100 mA load condition. Therefore, the load
time of the load step. However, the settling time is quite fast due regulation is 0.27 mV/mA. The measured line regulation is 0.6
to adaptive biasing and it is mostly limited by the rise time of mV/V as shown in Fig. 18(b).
the load current. Fig. 19(a) and (b) shows the comparison of the measured
The amount of undershoot and overshoot is far improved, quiescent current and the current efficiency across the load
when the load switches either with the desired rise/fall time of current for the cases “With-ILIM IT ” and “Without-ILIM IT .” At

Fig. 18. Measured value of V o variation across (a) load current, (b) input
voltage. Fig. 19. Comparison of the (a) measured quiescent current, (b) measured
current efficiency across the load current for the cases “With-IL IM IT ” and
“Without-IL IM IT .”

Io = 10 μA, their IQ are 610 and 500 nA, respectively. In the

midrange of the load current, both consume almost the same treme load step ΔIo,m ax . A lower FOM is always preferable. A
quiescent current. Above Io = 10 mA, the IILIM IT = 222 nA very low FOM in this study is quite attractive compared to the
clamps the IQ of the case “With-ILIM IT .” At Io,m ax = 100 other designs.
mA, the IQ for “With-ILIM IT ” and “Without-ILIM IT ” are 141 To compare directly with [27], both the regulators cover a
and 915 μA, respectively, and it shows a reduction of nearly wide dynamic range of 10 μA–100 mA without any stability
84.6% in the IQ at Io,m ax . This provides a higher current ef- issue. However, the salient features of this study are as fol-
ficiency [99.86% versus 99.09% as in Fig. 19(b)] for the pro- lows. First, [27] requires the Q-reduction and spike detection
posed “With-ILIM IT ” scheme. Therefore, the adopted design capacitors to cover the lower dynamic range of Io,m in = 10 μA,
procedure in the proposed topology offers an ultra low IQ at whereas the proposed design procedure itself guarantees the Q-
lightest load while maintaining very high current efficiency at reduction at the same range of Io,m in . Second, [27] requires a
maximum load current. dedicated sub-threshold undershoot reduction circuit to tackle
A performance comparison with previously reported regula- the undershoot during a load step of 10 μA–100 mA for a rise
tors is shown in Table III. [6], [27] and this study are stabilized time of 1 μs. A smaller value of AB ratio δ having a value
using the nested Miller compensation among them. However, of 0.001 is chosen to achieve a maximum current efficiency of
[6] uses a fixed biasing scheme, whereas an adaptive biasing 99.62%. In this study, almost the same amount of undershoot
scheme is employed in [27] and this study. [32] and [31] are two is achieved for a rise time of 1 μs by increasing the value of δ
recent studies with different frequency compensation schemes. to 0.006. The amount of overshoot is slightly higher because of
In order to compare the various regulators, a figure of merit the use of only two bond-wires for the Vo pin that creates an
FOM = Co ΔVo,pp IQ ,m in /ΔIo,m ax is adopted from [33]. Here, additional drop of approximately 20 mV. Third, the higher value
ΔVo,pp is the maximum peak-to-peak transient variation which of δ significantly reduces the undershoot and overshoot for an
includes undershoot (−ΔVo ) and overshoot (+ΔVo ) at the ex- intermediate value to high load step (1–100 mA) even with a


[32] [31] [6] [27] This study

Technology (μm) 0.11 0.18 0.35 0.35 0.18

Active Area (m m 2 ) 0.21 0.14 0.125 0.0987 0.07
Minimum V i n (V) 2.2 1.8 1.2 1.2 1.4
Nominal V o (V) 2 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.2
Dropout Voltage (mV) 200 200 200 200 200
Load Range (mA) 200 50 0.100–100 0.01–100 0.01–100
Load Reg. (μV/mA) 108 160 338 78.2 270
Line Reg. (mV/V) 8.9 - 0.344 0.39 0.6
Decoupling Cap. C o (pF) 40 100 100 100 100
Compensation Cap. (pF) 3.2 28 5 5.4 9
Q -reduction Cap. (pF) - - 1 3.6 No
Spike Detection Cap. (pF) - - No 1 No
AB ratio δ - - - 0.001 0.006
I Q , m i n (μA) at I o , m i n 41.5 55 100 28 0.61
I Q , m a x (μA) at I o , m a x 41.5 80 100 380.01 141
Max. Current Eff. (%) 99.97 99.8 99.9 99.62 99.86
PSRR (dB) @ Freq. (Hz) - −70 @ 1M - −13.15 @ 1 M −26 @ 1 M
Edge time (n s) 500 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 500
Load step Δ I o , m a x (mA) 0.5–200 0–50 0.1–100 0.01–100 1–100 0.01–100 1–100
Undershoot −Δ V o (mV) −385 −80 −40 −105 −78 −110 −5
Overshoot +Δ V o (mV) +200 +120 +40 +50 +45 +85 +34
FOM (fs) 24.4 440 80 43.4 - 1.189 -

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[28] G. Palumbo and S. Pennisi, “Design methodology and advances in nested- USA: CRC Press, 2014). He has carried out more than 40 sponsored projects
miller compensation,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fundam. Theory Appl., mostly in the areas of VLSI and power management circuits and control sys-
vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 893–903, Jul. 2002. tems. He has been consulted by National Semiconductor Corporation, Infineon
[29] K. N. Leung and P. Mok, “Analysis of multistage amplifier-frequency Technologies, Freescale Semiconductor and Maxim Corporation in the power
compensation,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, Fundam. Theory Appl., vol. management area. As the Professor-in-Charge of Advanced VLSI Design Lab-
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[30] C. Hwang, A. Motamed, and M. Ismail, “LV opamp with programmable IIT Kharagpur to increase collaboration between the industry and the academic
rail-to-rail constant-gm ,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., Jun. community in the area of VLSI.
1997, pp. 1988–1991. Dr. Patra received the Young Engineer Award of the Indian National Academy
[31] C.-J. Park, M. Onabajo, and J. Silva-Martinez, “External capacitor-less of Engineering in 1996 and the Young Teachers Career Award from the All India
low drop-out regulator with 25 dB superior power supply rejection in Council for Technical Education in 1995. He has been a Young Associate of the
the 0.4-4 MHz range,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 49, no. 2, Indian Academy of Sciences during 1992–1997. He is a Member of Institution
pp. 486–501, Feb. 2014. of Engineers (India) and a Life Member of the Systems Society of India.

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