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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 12 September 2022

DOI 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1006170

A study on the path of improving

OPEN ACCESS the performance of China’s
Irfan Ullah,
Nanjing University of Information
provincial circular economy—An
Science and Technology, China

empirical study based on the
Chenglin Li,
Southwestern University of Finance and
Economics, China
fsQCA method
Jianyi Zhong,
Guangzhou Huali Science and Fangyang Zhu 1,2, Liangrong Lai 1,2*, Zhidong Zhu 3 and
Technology Vocational College, China

Xiaojie Zhang 1
Liangrong Lai, 1
School of Business, Guangxi University, Nanning, China, 2College of Economics and Management, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, China, 3Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, Duke University, Durham,
NC, United States
This article was submitted to
Environmental Economics and
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Environmental Science Circular economy is an important trend in the development of the world economy.
RECEIVED 29 July 2022 The establishment of a sound green and low-carbon circular economy system is
ACCEPTED 24 August 2022 an important way and method for China to promote sustainable development.
PUBLISHED 12 September 2022
Based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework, this paper
CITATION investigates the linkage effects of technological, organizational, and environmental
Zhu F, Lai L, Zhu Z and Zhang X (2022), A
study on the path of improving the
conditions on the performance of the circular economy and their configuration
performance of China’s provincial paths using the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method (fsQCA) with
circular economy—An empirical study 30 provincial-level circular economy development levels in China as a case study.
based on the fsQCA method.
Front. Environ. Sci. 10:1006170. The study found that: 1) China’s circular economy performance in 2019 shows
doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1006170 regional differences of “high in the east, medium in the centre and low in the west,”
COPYRIGHT and there are also imbalances in development between different dimensions. 2)
© 2022 Zhu, Lai, Zhu and Zhang. This is There is no single necessary condition that affects the circular economy, but rather
an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative the result of the combined influence of multiple condition variables. And the
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). combination of different conditions has the characteristic of “different ways and
The use, distribution or reproduction in
the same way”. 3) There are obvious differentiations in the performance-driven
other forums is permitted, provided the
original author(s) and the copyright paths of circular economy in eastern, central and western regions of China. Based
owner(s) are credited and that the on the research results, policy recommendations are provided for the
original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted development of China’s circular economy to promote the balanced
academic practice. No use, distribution development of the circular economy in the east, central and west.
or reproduction is permitted which does
not comply with these terms.

circular economy, entropy method, empirical analysis, China, fuzzy set qualitative
comparative analysis, technology-organization-environment

1 Introduction
Due to rapid population growth and economic development, the negative impact of
human activities on the Earth has increased significantly (Sharma et al., 2019). Human
activities, especially the irrational exploitation and use of resources in the process of
industrial production, have caused global environmental pollution and ecological

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disruption (Ahmad et al., 2020), such as land use (Lebreton and et al., 2022; Neves and Marques, 2022). Lehmann et al. (2022)
Andrady, 2019), biodiversity (Millhauser and Earle, 2022), air found that the circular economy is self-reliant; investment can
pollution (Miao et al., 2019), water pollution (Schwarzenbach, promote the circular economy by reducing environmental
et al., 2010), and other issues. In addition, resource depletion and degradation and promoting resource efficiency; innovation
resource scarcity have become major challenges for the only has an impact on reducing environmental degradation,
development of the world economy (Gao et al., 2021). All and human capital does not have a significant impact on the
kinds of phenomena indicate that the problems faced by the circular economy. Gusmerotti et al. (2019) conducted a logit
Earth, such as transitional consumption of resources, the low regression to identify the drivers of the circular economy based
recycling rate of resources, serious pollution emission, on questionnaire data from 821 Italian companies and found that
destruction of ecological environment and global climate and economic drivers have an important contribution to the circular
environmental changes, make the contradiction between human economy, while the role of regulatory pressure, resource
beings, resources, ecological environment and economic exploitation risks and environmental values remained
development more and more prominent. Achieving insignificant. Robaina et al. (2020) explored the impact of
“sustainable development” of the economy and society has environmental taxes, renewable energy rates, R&D intensity,
become more urgent (Markard et al., 2012). recycling rates, population density, and services on the
The circular economy is a quality-driven economic circular economy in Europe through an econometric model.
development model characterized by resource conservation Armeanu et al. (2018) studied the impact of higher education,
and recycling to prevent further environmental degradation business environment, infrastructure, technology,
(Yu et al., 2015). Compared to the traditional linear economy, communication and media, population lifestyle and
the circular economy provides a sustainable circular model for demographic changes on sustainable economic growth
economic systems (Andrews, 2015). The development of the through a panel data regression model. Zhou et al. (2020)
circular economy is to establish the rules of sustainable resource studied the impact of technological progress and structural
management and make the socio-economic system an integral change on sustainable economies and found that technological
part of the ecosystem, to promote economic development and the advances in pollution control, technological progress support
ecological environment in harmony with each other (Mangla and ecologisation of autochthonous structures are the main
et al., 2018). Therefore, the circular economy, as an important drivers of sustainable economic growth, and that innovation
way to implement sustainable development strategies, has policies have a positive impact on national economic growth by
gradually gained universal recognition in many countries promoting technological advances in pollution abatement. In
(Tang et al., 2020). China, a particularly important and huge addition, scholars have found that regional resource
economy in the world, introduced the idea of the circular endowments, economic development, technological
economy as early as the 1990s and quickly transformed it innovation, government environmental regulations, industrial
from a concept to a national strategy and regional practice restructuring and big data development also influence the
(Tang et al., 2020). China not only promulgated the first development of the circular economy (Nobre and Tavares,
national legislation on the global circular economy in 2008, 2017; Tang et al., 2020; Luo and Leipold, 2022; Shang et al.,
the China Circular Economy Promotion Law (Wang N et al., 2022). However, the impact of different factors on the
2018; Ding et al., 2020) but also integrated the development of the performance of the circular economy is not independent, and
circular economy as a national strategy into the national they may be linked to each other to form different combinations
development plans at different times early (Feng and Yan, to influence the development level of the regional circular
2007; Geng et al., 2012) on vigorously promoting the economy. Therefore, a study of circular economy based on the
development of circular economy from different spatial scales: “configuration perspective” can provide a deeper understanding
city, regional and national levels (Tang et al., 2020). In July 2021, of the complex mechanisms behind the development of circular
China’s National Development and Reform Commission issued economy in different regions. Based on provincial cross-sectional
the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the development of the circular data for 2019, this study applies the Fuzzy Set Qualitative
economy, which is a general arrangement for the 14th Five-Year Comparative Analysis Method (fsQCA), and by introducing
Plan period to vigorously develop the circular economy and the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE)
promote resource conservation and recycling. This shows that into the circular economy. The study constructs a research
China has made further efforts to establish a sound “reduce, framework that affects the performance of the circular
reuse, resource” green low carbon cycle development economic economy, explores the influence of technology, organization
system. and environment factors on the performance of the circular
To promote the development of the circular economy, it is economy, and identifies the conditional configurations and
necessary to research the influencing factors of the circular influence mechanisms that drive the improvement of the
economy. Most papers explore the drivers and barriers to circular economy performance. Specifically, this study will
implementing the circular economy (Paletta et al., 2019; Khan attempt to address the following 3 questions: 1) What

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different condition sets exist to drive circular economy of the circular economy has been born and enriched. The idea of
performance improvement? 2) Which conditions are more the circular economy first originated in 1966 when American
important for the improvement of the performance of the economist Boulding proposed the “spaceship economic theory”
cycle? 3) Are there differences in the driving paths of circular (Boulding, 1966). The theory is that the Earth’s resources are
economy performance in eastern, central and western China? finite, and if resources are not developed and used rationally, it
This study helps broaden the research perspective of circular will eventually lead to resource depletion and environmental
economy and deepen the understanding of the driving path and damage, and destruction like a spaceship (Boulding, 1966). In
mechanism of circular economy development, providing 1990, the British environmental economists Pearce and Turner
scientific guidance to promote China’s comprehensive high- formally introduced the concept of “circular economy,” arguing
quality economic development. that economic systems should contain ecosystems to achieve the
The contributions of this study are as follows. 1) From a economical use of resources and reduce environmental pollution
theoretical perspective, the introduction of the TOE theoretical (Pearce and Turner, 1990). Since then, the concept of circular
framework into the study of circular economy performance not economy has evolved. Kirchherr et al. (2017) collected
only enriches the research perspective of the circular economy 114 definitions of the circular economy and systematically
but also broadens the scope of application of the TOE theoretical examined the core principles and differences between them.
framework in the Chinese context. 2) In terms of research Blomsma and Brennan (2017) argue that the concept of the
content, most of the existing studies have only explored the circular economy should include extending the productive life of
effects of individual antecedents on the circular economy resources through waste and resource management strategies.
(Armeanu et al., 2018; Gusmerotti et al., 2019; Robaina et al., Geissdoerfer et al. (2017) consider sustainability as the basic
2020; Zhou et al., 2020), and the mechanisms of the effects of concept and circular economy as the practical application.
multiple interactions of antecedents on the circular economy are Korhonen et al. (2018) classify the circular economy as a
still rare. The present study bridges this gap by shifting the “collaborative economy”. In addition, other scholars have
driving model of the circular economy performance from studied the specific application of the concept of circular
focusing on the influence of a single antecedent condition to a economy and the construction of circular economy models
holistic perspective of the combined effects of technology, (Genovese et al., 2017; Ferronato et al., 2019).
organization and environment, enriching the research content Evaluation of the circular economy performance. Evaluation
of the circular economy performance. It further analyzes the of circular economy performance helps to understand the
multiple concurrent effects of technology, organization, and effectiveness of national, regional and local circular economy
environmental conditions on circular economy performance development strategies (De Pascale et al., 2021). The evaluation
revealing different configuration paths for forming high-level method of the circular economy mainly includes material flow
circular economy performance and enhancing the relevance and analysis (MFA) (Moriguchi, 2007; Chen, 2009), life-cycle
accuracy of countermeasures to improve circular economy assessment (LCA) (Daddi et al., 2017; Sommerhuber et al.,
performance. 3) In terms of research methodology, most of 2017) and energy analysis (Geng et al., 2013; Pan and Li,
the studies have been conducted using the research method of 2016; Fan et al., 2017) and other methods. In terms of levels,
regression analysis. This paper introduces the fsQCA approach to scholars’ evaluation of circular economy performance can be
the study of circular economy performance, which not only divided into micro, meso, and macro levels. At the micro level,
enriches the research tools of circular economy performance Franklin-Johnson et al. (2016) construct new performance
but also makes up for the lack of linkage in the TOE framework metrics to measure circular economy performance from a
and provides a holistic perspective on the complex interaction resource utilization lifetime perspective and provide a
mechanism behind the development of the circular economy. management and organizational level tool that can be used to
measure the impact of business decisions on the lifetime of
precious materials. Park and Chertow (2014) constructed a
2 Literature review and theoretical material reuse potential indicator (RPI) to indicate the reuse
framework potential of material at the current level of technology. Cayzer
et al. (2017) designed a system of indicators for assessing product
2.1 Literature review recyclability through expert consultation and questionnaires. At
the meso level, Geng et al. (2010) discussed the energy value
From the basic concept of circular economy to its practical analysis method at the industrial park level and proposed an
implementation and evaluation, scholars have conducted many industrial park energy value index, and its potential was verified
relevant studies and achieved rich research results. Since the in the case of the Dalian Economic Development Zone. Fan et al.
1960s, scholars have gradually carried out discussions on the (2017) constructed energy value indicators that can evaluate the
relationship between ecological environment, resource overall performance of industrial parks and sought to implement
utilization and human survival and development, and the idea industrial coexistence in a circular economy framework. Wen

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and Meng (2015) used a material flow analysis and substance Mahmud and Osman (2010) studied the effects of specific
flow analysis combined with resource productivity indicators to attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control
assess the contribution of industrial co-production to the circular on recycling behaviour of Malaysian secondary school students
economy. Kayal et al. (2019) constructed a system of indicators to based on the AMOS structural model test, and the results showed
measure the recyclability of the wastewater industry based on the that the greatest effect on waste recycling behaviour. Starr and
three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) principle. Chen et al. (2022) Nicolson (2015), using municipal recycling in Massachusetts,
proposed an integrated assessment method for quantifying the United States, found that charging by volume of waste was the
benefits of industrial co-production in parks by combining most significant influencing factor. At the industry level, this
resource productivity with energy value analysis that considers includes an analysis of the barriers and drivers to implementing a
the impact of emissions. Liang et al. (2022) combined an circular economy in industries such as automotive, construction,
ecological network approach and environmental and and solid waste recycling. Khan et al. (2022) empirically analyze
economic analysis to dynamically monitor and assess Eco- the drivers and barriers of the circular economy based on the
industrial park performance and further analyzed the changes Pakistani automotive industry, and the results show that resource
in environmental and economic flows observed at the park level. efficiency, parent company support, social responsibility and
At the macro level, the main focus is on evaluating the level of international competition and promotion can drive the
circular economy performance of cities, provinces and countries. circular economy, while government policies, industrial
At the city level, Wang N et al. (2018) proposed an urban circular support, lack of supply chain integration and supply chain
economy performance evaluation index system based on expert complexity hinder the development of the circular economy.
scoring and entropy weight method and used it to evaluate and Giorgi et al. (2022) identified barriers and drivers for the
analyze the circular economy level of 40 pilot circular economy implementation of the circular economy in the construction
cities in China from 2012 to 2016. Ding et al. (2020) proposed a sector through interviews with construction industry
new extended Malmquist index to evaluate changes in industrial stakeholders in five European countries. Upadhyay et al.
circular economy performance in 41 cities in the Yangtze River (2021) reviewed several circular economy initiatives
Delta region of China. Wang et al. (2021) constructed a fully undertaken by the mining industry and assessed the barriers,
fuzzy DEA method to assess the circular economy performance drivers and triggers of these circular economy initiatives.
of 264 cities in China in the context of big data. Gao et al. (2021) Taghipour et al. (2022) investigated the mechanism of the role
constructed a framework for assessing the performance of of government policies on sustainable management in the
circular economy based on ecological network analysis as a circular economy of steel recycling manufacturing companies
way to explore the performance of urban circular economy. through structural equation modelling and found that
At the provincial and national levels, Fan and Fang (2020) government policy solutions such as financial assistance,
used data envelopment analysis to evaluate the level of logistics and financing guidance related to the steel industry
circular economy development in 31 Chinese provinces in can promote the performance of steel recycling companies. At
2017. Geng et al. (2013) proposed an energy value indicator the regional level, Wright et al. (2019) explored the risks and
system to measure China’s circular economy performance. Li and opportunities of circular economy implementation in low- and
Su (2012) comprehensively evaluated the development level of middle-income economies, and the impact on environmental
the circular economy of Chinese chemical enterprises from five health. Neves and Marques (2022) empirically analyzed the role
aspects: economic development, resource development, pollution of economic, social and environmental factors on the circular
reduction, eco-efficiency and development potential. Jacobi et al. economy and found that environmental regulation and
(2018) assess the level of circular economy in Austria in environmental awareness can drive the circular economy,
2014 based on a large-scale flow of inputs of material while GDP per capita, Gini index and poverty hurt the
resources linked to emissions and outputs of waste. circular economy. Hong Nham and Ha (2022) empirically
Giannakitsidou et al. (2020) used data envelopment analysis explored the two-way interaction between digital discourse
to evaluate the performance of managing and utilizing and the circular economy based on data from 20 European
municipal solid waste as a measure of environmental and countries and showed that the initial development of
circular economy performance in 26 EU countries. digitalization can promote the development of the circular
Factors influencing the circular economy. Research on the economy in European countries, but the excessive
factors influencing the circular economy has been conducted at development of digitalization has a hindering effect on the
the individual, household, community, industry level, and circular economy. Kumar et al. (2021) explored barriers to the
regional levels. The main focus at the individual, household adoption of Industry 4.0 and circular economy in agricultural
and societal levels is on the recycling of resources. For supply chains and found that the lack of policies and protocols
example, Akil et al. (2015) analyzed the waste recycling of were significant barriers to the adoption of Industry 4.0 and
600 households in an emerging city in Malaysia and showed circular economy in agricultural supply chain organizations,
that socioeconomic factors contribute to waste recycling. while strategic planning was the opposite. Shang et al. (2022)

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Research framework.

studied the role and influence mechanism of environmental framework in the context of the Chinese scenario, as shown
regulations on the circular economy based on panel data of in Figure 1.
286 cities in China and found that environmental regulations
promote circular economy mainly through the “catch-up effect”. 2.2.1 Technical conditions
Zhou et al. (2020) studied the impact of technological progress Technical conditions include the level of technological
and structural change on a sustainable economy and found that innovation and the level of development of big data. The
technological progress in pollution control, technological circular economy is a new economic system that effectively
progress support and decolonization of autochthonous integrates material, value and information flow, with the core
structures are the main drivers of sustainable economic idea of reducing waste and extending the life of materials while
growth and that innovation policies positively affect national maintaining their value (Lehmann et al., 2022). Technological
economic growth by promoting technological progress in innovation is the key to achieving closed-loop material flows at
pollution reduction. Ryen and Babbitt (2022) explore the all stages of production, distribution and consumption. In the
impact of current approaches on the adoption of circular 3Rs principles of circular economy, each of them requires
economy solutions for waste food management by analyzing technological support (Su et al., 2013). The emergence of new
the state of federal and state policies in the United States. Kayikci technologies and products caused by technological innovation
et al. (2021) proposed the concept of a smart and sustainable gradually replaces the use of energy-intensive technologies and
circular economy at the macro level and addressed the barriers to products, which can reduce resource consumption in production
a smart and sustainable circular economy in four areas: and life, reduce environmental pollution, improve resource reuse
technology, producers, consumers, and policy. while enhancing production efficiency and quality of life, and
thus promote the development of the economic cycle. Big data
helps to open up the whole circular economy system. Big data
2.2 Theoretical framework technologies can track the flow of materials and obtain complete
information about the product life cycle (Jayaraman et al., 2008),
The TOE analysis framework was initially used to study the and the information collected is connected to stakeholders across
factors influencing the use of technology in the enterprise, and it the value chain through the Big Data-based Internet of Things,
divides the factors influencing the use of technology into three providing a data basis for assessing the behavioural outcomes of
dimensions: technology, organization and environment (Baker, material flows at each stage (Pagoropoulos et al., 2017), establish
2012). As the TOE framework continues to evolve, scholars have a good and transparent communication mechanism between
given it new connotations and enhanced its research supply and demand to reduce friction and improve the
applicability, and it has been applied in some research areas, efficiency of the material circulation. Therefore, technological
such as risk management (Ullah et al., 2021). In this paper, the innovation can solve the technical difficulties in all aspects of the
theoretical model framework affecting the performance of the circular economy system, and big data can stimulate and release
circular economy is constructed based on the TOE analysis the potential in circular economy management (Lieder and

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Rashid, 2016), the two synergize with each other to promote the richer knowledge resources, human resources and financial
healthy development of the circular economy system. resources, which can provide more support for resource
recycling and pollutant management, thus facilitating the
2.2.2 Organizational conditions adoption and diffusion of the circular economy. At the same
The organizational level includes industrial structure time, when the level of economic development reached a certain
upgrading and factor endowments. Industrial structure level, environmental pressure increased significantly, which
upgrading and optimization are conducive to reducing prompted the development of regulations and technologies to
environmental pollution (Wang Z et al., 2018). The transfer of improve efficiency and curb environmental pollution (Li et al.,
industrial structure from heavy industry to service and high-tech 2022).
industries has promoted the rational distribution and
optimization of various resource factors among industries, so
that resources can be fully utilized, thus reducing environmental 3 Research design
pollution (Pasche, 2002) and improving the overall quality of the
environment. In addition, the optimization and upgrading of 3.1 Variable selection and measurement
industrial structure, as well as intra-industry and inter-industry
synergistic innovation, promote the development of the tertiary Result Variables: China’s National Development and Reform
industry, continuously improve the quality and level of the Commission, together with the National Bureau of Statistics and
service industry, drive the transformation and upgrading of other departments, released two versions of the circular economy
consumer demand, and thus promote the development of the indicator system in 2007 and 2017 to comprehensively assess the
circular economy. Neo-structuralist economics argues that the effectiveness of the development of the circular economy (Geng
structural transformation of the economy by upgrading the et al., 2012; Wang N et al., 2018). Based on the two circular
factor endowment structure is a better model for regional economy indicator systems in China, and also drawing on the
economies to achieve sustainable and efficient development research results of Geng et al. (2009), Jia and Jun (2011), Li et al.
(Lin, 2011). The rational allocation of factor resources is an (2011), Wang N et al. (2018) and other scholars, this paper
important means to improve technical efficiency, which not only constructs a regional circular economy indicator system based on
enhances the quality of industrial development but also helps the entropy weight method in three aspects: resource
promote green total factor productivity, making enterprises more consumption intensity, waste emission intensity, and waste
competitive in the domestic market and international market. recycling and disposal (see Table 1), to measure the level of
The coordinated balance of factor endowment and industrial circular economy performance in each province.
structure provides good inherent support for the development of Conditional variables: The level of technological innovation
the circular economy. is expressed by the number of patent applications granted per
10,000 people. Patent application authorization has a high
2.2.3 Environmental conditions technical threshold, which requires regions to have high
The environmental dimension includes environmental requirements in technology development, promotion and
regulation and the level of economic development. In application. Patent application authorization has a high
pollution control, environmental regulation is an important technical threshold, which requires regions to have high
way to effectively compensate for the difficulty of regulating requirements in technology development, promotion and
market mechanisms (Schneider, 2019). On the one hand, application. Therefore, the number of patent applications
environmental regulation will directly reduce the generation granted per 10,000 people can reflect the technological
and emission of pollution by raising product environmental innovation capability of the region. Big data development
standards, closing outdated production capacity, restricting the level, this paper adopts the Big Data Development Index
production of high pollution and high emission enterprises, and measured in the White Paper on the Assessment of China’s
limiting emissions. On the other hand, the higher environmental Big Data Regional Development Levels (2020) published by the
pressure will promote the development of the circular economy China Electronics Information Industry Development Institute
by “innovation compensation,” which motivates enterprises to (CCID), a unit directly under the Chinese Ministry of Industry
strengthen the research, development and innovation of green and Information Technology. This index provides a
technologies (Thiel et al., 2016), change production methods, comprehensive measure of a region’s level of big data
improve the utilization rate and treatment rate of pollutants, and development. The level of development of the regional
reduce environmental pollution while promoting production. In industrial structure is expressed as the proportion of the value
addition, the development of the circular economy requires a added by the tertiary sector to the GDP (Cheng et al., 2018). The
large amount of capital investment, and the ability to invest ratio of tertiary sector added value to GDP reflects the process of
capital depends on the regional economic situation (Tang et al., industrial structure moving to a higher level. Regional factor
2020). A high level of regional economic development means endowment is expressed as the ratio of capital to labour (Cole and

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TABLE 1 Provincial circular economy performance evaluation index system.

Goal Criteria Sub-criteria Effect Unit


Circular economy Resource consumption Energy consumption per unit of GDP − Tons/million
performance intensity
Electricity consumption per unit of GDP − kWh/million
Energy consumption per unit of industrial added value − Tons/million
Water consumption per unit of industrial added value − Cubic meters/
Water consumption per capita − Cubic meter/person
Waste emission intensity Solid waste generation per unit of industrial value added − Tons/million
SO2 emissions per unit of GDP − Tons/million
COD emissions per unit of GDP − Tons/million
Per capita municipal waste removal volume − Tons/person
Waste recycling and disposal The comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid + %
The industrial water reuse rate + %
Comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste disposal + %
Urban sewage treatment rate + %
Harmless treatment rate of urban domestic waste + %

Elliott, 2003), where capital is the local stock of fixed assets and one of the QCAs, which avoids dichotomizing variables. The
labour is expressed as the total number of employees in each fsQCA method can fully explore the role of antecedent variables
province. China currently suffers from the problem of over- on the results, reduce the loss of information in cases during data
allocation of labour and under-allocation of capital. Therefore, processing, and make the study conclusions more refined and
the ratio of capital to labour at this stage can better measure the reliable (Krogslund et al., 2015). Therefore, this paper adopts
regional factor endowment structure. Environmental regulation fsQCA to conduct a histological analysis of variables of different
is expressed by the ratio of the total cost of operating wastewater nature in this study and tries to analyze the multiple and complex
and waste gas facilities to the GDP, and the larger the value of this mechanisms of action behind the performance of China’s circular
indicator, the greater the effort of environmental management economy from a histological perspective, combining the
and the higher the intensity of environmental regulation. The advantages of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and
level of economic development is measured by GDP. The size of focusing on deeply exploring the complexity of antecedent
GDP is a good indicator of the level of economic development of conditions and causal asymmetry, rather than just considering
a region. the impact of individual antecedent conditions on the circular
economy. This method can effectively explore the synergies and
interactions among the preconditions, i.e., it can be used to
3.2 Qualitative comparative analysis explore the drivers of the circular economy and explore the paths
method to improve the performance of the circular economy from a
group perspective (Mendel and Korjani, 2013).
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) was created by
sociologist Ragin (Ragin, 1987). Unlike traditional analysis
techniques, QCA is a case-oriented analysis approach that 3.3 Data source
does not recognize constant causality or assume symmetry of
causality, but rather decomposes each case into a series of In this paper, 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions
characteristics and combines case analysis with cross-case in China (except Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Tibet) in
comparisons to explore the logical relationships between 2019 are taken as the research objects, and the research data
different sets of conditions and outcome variables. In are mainly obtained from the national database on the official
addition, when using the QCA method, the units of each website of the National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical
variable are not required to have homogeneity, and there is Yearbook 2020, China Environmental Statistical Yearbook
no need to treat different levels of variables (Lacey and Fiss, 2020, China Energy Statistical Yearbook 2020, the White
2009). The fuzzy set qualitative comparison method (fsQCA) is Paper on the Assessment of the Regional Development

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TABLE 2 Variable calibration.

Results and conditions Acronym Calibration

Fully in Crossover Fully out

Result variables Circular economy performance — 0.7729 0.6940 0.6103

Technical conditions Technology innovation TI 16.8507 9.0360 5.7429

Big data development BD 34.1250 23.2950 16.7200

Organizational conditions Industrial structure upgrading IS 0.5396 0.5168 0.5035

Factor endowments FE 36.3783 24.9564 20.7346

Environmental conditions Environmental regulation ER 0.0052 0.0029 0.0021

Economic development ED 43102.20 24761.30 13940.90

Level of Big Data in China (2020) and the Statistical Yearbook 0.7682, 0.6814 and 0.5936 respectively. This indicates that
of each province in 2020. there are regional differences and uncoordinated development
problems in the process of circular economy development in
China. Specifically, the top ten circular economy performance
3.4 Data calibration rankings in 2019 are Zhejiang, Tianjin, Shandong, Hubei,
Guangdong, Beijing, Jiangsu, Henan, Anhui and Shanghai.
Data calibration is an important step in conducting fsQCA Except for Hubei, Henan and Anhui, which are located in the
analysis, and in this paper, the direct calibration method was used central region, all others are located in the economically
to set the 75%, 50% and 25% quantile values of all continuous developed eastern region. Seven of the bottom ten
variables as the three thresholds for the membership levels of full provinces are located in the western region, which shows
input, intermediate, and full output, respectively (Fiss, 2011; that the economic growth in the western region is generally
Coduras et al., 2016), which in turn transformed the original dominated by a rough and sloppy approach. Xinjiang,
variable data into fuzzy affiliation values from 0 to 1. At the same Heilongjiang, Neimenggu, Qinghai, and Ningxia’s circular
time, there is a situation where the sample data is equal to economy performance is more than 20% below the national
0.5 after the intersection calibration, which makes this part of the average circular economy performance. Xinjiang lags mainly
data directly ignored by the software and thus affects the accuracy due to the greater intensity of resource consumption and waste
of the conclusion, so the true value of 0.5 is corrected to emissions, and its waste recycling and disposal levels are
0.5001 for calculation (Fiss, 2011). The calibration anchor relatively high. While Heilongjiang, Neimenggu, Qinghai
points for all condition variables are shown in Table 2. and Ningxia are lagging in all dimensions, especially
Ningxia’s waste emission intensity is particularly prominent.
Figure 3 shows the circular economy sub-dimension scores
4 Empirical analysis by the province in China in 2019. From the three dimensions, the
resource consumption intensity score and the waste recycling
4.1 Comprehensive evaluation of China’s and disposal score are relatively higher, and the waste emission
circular economy development score is relatively low, which shows that China has made certain
achievements in resource conservation and waste recycling, but
The composite score of the circular economy performance of there is still the problem of high pollution emission intensity in
30 provinces in China in 2019 was calculated based on the entropy the process of economic development. By province, the top five
weighting method, as shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that the provinces in terms of resource consumption intensity score are
average development level of China’s circular economy in Beijing, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shaanxi and Henan, the top five
2019 is 0.6810, achieving better development, but showing provinces in terms of waste emission intensity score are Henan,
regional differences of “high in the east, medium in the middle Chongqing, Tianjin, Hubei and Shandong, and the top five
and low in the west”, with the average development level of provinces in terms of waste recycling and disposal score are
circular economy in the east, middle and west regions being Tianjin, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong and Jiangsu.

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Comprehensive evaluation value of provincial circular economy performance.

4.2 Single condition necessity analysis Based on the characteristics of the case data, and to avoid
contradictory grouping situations, the original consistency
Before conducting the conditional group analysis, it is necessary threshold, the PRI consistency threshold and the frequency
to check the “Necessity” of each conditional variable. In fsQCA, when threshold are set to 0.80, 0.80 and 1 respectively. The specific
the occurrence of a result variable depends on a single condition, then configuration results are shown in Table 4. There are five driving
that condition is a necessary condition for the result variable. In this paths for high circular economy performance (configurations
paper, we test whether a single condition (including its non-set) 1–5), and their consistency is 0.9318, 0.9127, 0.9778, 0.9778 and
constitutes a necessary condition for the performance of the cycle via 0.9661, respectively, and the consistency of the overall solution
the software fsQCA 3.0. Consistency is an important test for necessary reaches 0.9422, which is much higher than the minimum
conditions, and in general when consistency is greater than 0.9, then acceptable standard of 0.75 for both individual solutions
the condition variable is considered necessary for the outcome (configuration) and the overall solution, indicating that all five
variable (Schneider and Wagemann, 2012). Table 3 shows the paths are all sufficient conditions for the formation of high
results of the necessity test for high and non-high levels of circular circular economy performance.
economy performance analyzed using fsQCA 3.0 software (the Configuration 1 (TI-BD-FE-ED): This configuration
symbol “~” indicates the absence of the given variable). The indicates that when the presence of big data and economic
results show that the consistency level for all conditions is less development plays a central role and the presence of
than 0.9. Therefore, there is no single necessary condition that technological innovation and factor endowments plays a
affects high or low levels of circular economy performance. supporting role, it will lead to a high level of circular
economic performance. The level of technological innovation
provides the technical basis for the recycling and full utilization
4.3 Analysis of configuration conditions of materials, while the development of big data opens up the
circular economy system, promotes the extension of the
By determining the adequacy of the antecedent condition industrial chain and reduces intermediate links. The high
grouping, the grouping analysis can reveal the differentiated factor endowment represents a reasonable and efficient
pathways affecting the performance of the circular economy. allocation of resources, improves the efficiency of material

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Provincial circular economy performance sub-dimension scores.

TABLE 3 Analysis of necessary conditions.

Conditional variables High level of circular economy Low level of circular economy
performance performance

Consistency Coverage Consistency Coverage

TI 0.8184 0.8429 0.2921 0.2952

~TI 0.3157 0.3124 0.8445 0.8203
BD 0.8137 0.8725 0.2692 0.2833
~BD 0.3316 0.3161 0.8789 0.8224
IS 0.6618 0.6640 0.4549 0.4480
~IS 0.4498 0.4567 0.6588 0.6566
FE 0.5429 0.5708 0.5188 0.5354
~FE 0.5581 0.5417 0.5841 0.5564
ER 0.4974 0.4748 0.6743 0.6318
~ER 0.6143 0.6577 0.4394 0.4618
ED 0.8864 0.8731 0.2961 0.2863
~ED 0.2754 0.2850 0.8688 0.8824

circulation and enhances economic efficiency, and the high level development of the circular economy system. A high level of
of economic development provides financial and knowledge big data development and a high level of economic development
support for the circular economy and promotes the healthy are the two core conditions for achieving high circular economy

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TABLE 4 Analysis of high-level circular economy performance configuration.

Technology- Technology-environment Technology- Organization-

organization- organization environment

Conditional Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4 Configuration 5


TI • • ○ C ○
BD C C C • ◦
IS ◦ • C
FE • ◦ ◦ ◦
ER • ◦ ○ ◦
Consistency 0.9318 0.9127 0.9778 0.9778 0.9661
Original coverage 0.4604 0.3520 0.1453 0.2041 0.1129
Unique coverage 0.1803 0.0779 0.0258 0.0410 0.0502
Consistency of solution 0.9422
Coverage of the solution 0.7431

Note: C or • means the condition exists; ○ or ◦ means the condition does not exist; C or ○ means the core condition; • or ◦ means edge conditions. Blank means the condition may or
may not exist (same below).

performance under this path. At the same time, complemented University with research institutes such as the Beijing Institute
by a high level of technological innovation and high factor of Big Data, as well as having the Beijing Chaoyang Circular
endowment, it can further optimize the allocation of relevant Economy Industrial Park, which provides all-round support for
resources and stimulate the willingness of enterprises and the development of the circular economy in terms of technology,
individuals to participate in the circular economy, jointly organization and environment.
promoting the generation of high circular economic Configuration 2 (TI-BD-ER-ED): The presence of big data
performance. According to the “Environmental Kuznets Curve development and economic development plays a central role, and
(EKC)” hypothesis, the level of environmental pollution starts to the presence of technological innovation and environmental
decrease when the economy continues to grow and breaks regulation plays a supporting role. This configuration is more
through the so-called “inflexion point” (Grossman and similar to configuration 1. A high level of big data development
Krueger, 1995). Technological progress and optimization of and a high level of economic development are the two core
industrial structure brought about by economic development conditions for achieving high circular economy performance
reduce environmental pollution, improve the efficiency of under this path, complemented by a high level of
resource utilization, and thus enhance the performance of the technological innovation and strong environmental regulation
circular economy. Since the driving path consists of technological to work together with the core conditions. In contrast to
innovation (technology), big data development (technology), configuration 1, when there is a high level of technological
factor endowment (organization) and economic development innovation, a high level of big data development and a high
(environment), we named this grouping “technology- level of economic development, environmental regulation
organization-environment”. The unique coverage of this (environment) can form a substitution relationship with factor
configuration is 0.1803 and the original coverage is 0.4604. endowment (organization), i.e., when there is a high level of
This path explains about 46.04% of the circular economy technology (with a high level of technological innovation and a
performance cases and is the main path that generates a high high level of big data development) and a high level of economic
level of circular economy performance, with typical cases in development, environmental regulation can substitute the role of
Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu, as shown in Figure 4A. In factor endowment to promote regional circular economy
addition, about 18.03% of the circular economy performance performance by constraining the pollution emissions of
cases can be explained by this path only. Taking Beijing as an enterprises and forcing them to undertake technological
example, the GDP in 2021 is 4,026.96 billion yuan, which innovation. Since this driving path consists of technological
provides a better economic foundation for the development of innovation (technology), big data development (technology),
the circular economy, while in Beijing there are world-class environmental regulation (environment) and economic
universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua development (environment), we named this grouping

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Scatter plot of high-level circular economy performance configuration cases: (A) Configuration 1, (B) Configuration 2, (C) Configuration 3 and 5,
(D) Configuration 4.

“technology-environment”. The unique coverage of this configuration as “technology-environment”. This means that
configuration is 0.0779 and the original coverage is 0.3520. the central role of big data and economic development can
This path can explain about 35.20% of the circular economy effectively break the constraints of organizational and other
performance cases and about 7.79% of the circular economy conditions on the performance of the provincial circular
performance cases can be explained by this path only, as shown economy. The unique coverage of this configuration is
in Figure 4B. 0.0258 and the original coverage is 0.1453. This path can
Configuration 3 (~TI-BD-~IS-~FE-~ER-ED): The presence explain about 14.53% of the circular economy performance
of big data and economic development plays a central role. This cases, and about 2.58% of the circular economy performance
means that when high levels of big data development and high cases can only be explained by this path. In Figure 4C, Henan’s
economic development are present, the presence or absence of GDP in 2021 is 58887.41 billion, ranking fifth in the country,
other conditions is not important for high levels of circular while there is a Henan big data industrial park, which actively
economy performance, and that big data development cultivates and grows the big data industry clusters to provide
(technology) and economic development (environment) are economic and big data support for the construction of circular
particularly important for high levels of circular economy economy.
performance compared to other conditions. Since this driving Configuration 4 (TI-BD-IS-~FE-~ER): The presence of
path consists of big data development (technology) and technological innovation and the absence of environmental
economic development (environment), we also name this regulation play a central role, and the presence of big data

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and industrial structure upgrading play a complementary role. environment”. This implies that when other conditions are
The absence of environmental regulation as a core condition absent, the central role of industrial structure upgrading and
means that “punitive” policies in the government institutional economic development can effectively break the constraints of
environment are weak, while the presence of technological technology and other conditions on the performance of the
innovation as a core condition indicates that technological provincial circular economy, and thus promote the
innovation is playing a central role. According to the “New development of the regional circular economy. The unique
Growth Theory”, technological change is an important tool coverage of this configuration is 0.0502, and the original
for dealing with environmental problems (Weitzman, 1997). coverage is 0.1129. This path can explain about 11.29% of the
Technological innovation improves the quality of the circular economy performance cases and about 5.02% of the
environment while promoting the economy, thus contributing circular economy performance cases can be explained by this
to the achievement of sustainable economic development (Omri, path only, as shown in Figure 4C.
2020). A high level of technological innovation can effectively
compensate for the lack of motivation for the development of the
circular economy that may exist in a relaxed institutional 4.4 Comparison between eastern, central
environment, and actively reduce resource consumption and and western regions
improve resource utilization in the production and
consumption process through advanced technology level. A Due to the influence of development mode, geographical
high level of technological innovation and weak location, resource endowment, and institutional environment,
environmental regulation are the two core conditions for the level of circular economy development in different regions of
achieving high circular economy performance under this path, China has obvious heterogeneity. At the same time, These factors
which can be complemented by a high level of big data may also lead to different effects on the level of technological
development and a high level of industrial structure upgrading innovation, the level of big data development, industrial structure
to promote high circular economy performance. This means that upgrading, factor endowment, environmental regulation, and the
provinces with a high level of industrial structure upgrading, level of economic development on circular economy
when environmental conditions are absent, and with the support performance. Therefore, this paper divides the full sample
of technological conditions, enterprises in the region can also data into eastern, central, and western regions according to
quickly adjust their resource utilization methods and waste the way most scholars divide them1, and then conducts a
discharge, recycling and disposal, thus improving the level of comparative analysis of the circular economy performance in
circular economy performance. Since the driving path consists of each region to explore the differentiation of the impact of
technological innovation (technology), big data development technological, organizational, and environmental factors on
(technology) and industrial structure upgrading the circular economy performance in different regions.
(organization), we named this configuration “technology- As can be seen from Table 5, there are four paths to achieve a
organization”. The unique coverage of this configuration is high level of circular economy performance in the eastern region
0.0410 and the original coverage is 0.2041. This path can of China, of which configurations 1–3 are “technology-
explain about 20.41% of the circular economy performance organization-environment” and configuration 4 is
cases and about 4.10% of the circular economy performance “technology-environment”. Specifically, configuration 1 as a
cases can be explained by this path only, as shown in Figure 4D. more comprehensive development path, regardless of the level
Configuration 5 (~TI-~BD-IS-~FE-~ER-ED): The presence of industrial structure upgrading, can also achieve a high level of
of industrial structure upgrading and economic development circular economy performance when technological innovation
plays a central role. This indicates that industrial upgrading and environmental regulation exist as core conditions, and big
(organization) and economic development (environment) are data development, factor endowment and economic
particularly important for high levels of circular economy development exist as auxiliary conditions. Configuration
performance compared to other conditions. According to 2 shows that the circular economy can also be driven by the
gradient shift theory, the development of a regional economy support of technological innovation as a core condition and the
depends on the status of its industrial structure. The high level of constraints of environmental regulations, complemented by
industrial structure upgrading implies a higher level of tertiary industrial structure upgrading and factor endowments. In
industry development than the less polluting service industry and
high-tech industry and enhances the performance of the circular
economy by driving intra-industry and inter-industry synergistic
innovation and transformation and upgrading of consumer 1 East including Liaoning, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu,
demand. Since this driving path is driven by both industrial Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and Hainan; Central
including Shanxi, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi, Hubei,
structure upgrading (organization) and economic development Hunan; West including Neimenggu, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai,
(environment), we also name this configuration “organization- Ningxia, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi.

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TABLE 5 Analysis of high-level circular economy performance configuration in eastern region.

Conditional configuration Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4

TI C C • ◦
BD • ◦ C C
IS • • ◦
FE • • ○ ○
ER C C ◦ •
ED • ◦ C C
Consistency 0.9612 0.9500 0.9603 0.9541
Original coverage 0.2385 0.2192 0.2327 0.2000
Unique coverage 0.0539 0.1808 0.1250 0.0981
Consistency of solution 0.9824
Coverage of the solution 0.6423

Configuration 3, big data and economic development exist as conditions. The central region of China has “east to west,
core conditions, and technological innovation and industrial through the north and south” location advantages, as well as
structure upgrading exist as supporting conditions. In abundant human resources, infrastructure and other factors such
Configuration 4, big data development and economic as the advantages of being more complete. The results of the
development appear as core conditions, and environmental analysis for the central region show that the level of big data
regulation appears as a secondary condition. The eastern development and the level of economic development in the
region of China belongs to the more economically developed central region are the core conditions for the development of
regions and has better basic conditions at the technological, a high level of circular economy performance in the central
organizational and environmental levels. Among the four region, which can achieve a high level of circular economy
configurations of high-level circular economy performance, performance by combining with different marginal conditions.
configurations 1–2 all exist with technological innovation and The better level of economic development in the central region
environmental regulation as core conditions, and configurations and the construction of big data drives the development of the
3–4 all exist with big data and economic development as core circular economy.
conditions. The two different sets of core conditions suggest that As can be seen from Table 7, there are four paths to achieve a
the combination of technological innovation and environmental high level of circular economy performance in the western region
regulation or big data development and economic development of China, with configuration 1 being “technology-
in the eastern region can achieve a high level of circular economy environmental”, configuration 2 being “technology-based”
performance in a “different way” with different combinations of which is driven by technical conditions only, and
marginal conditions. configurations 3–4 being “technology -organization-
As can be seen from Table 6, there are four paths to achieve a environment”. Specifically, in configuration 1, the level of
high level of circular economy performance in the central region industrial structure upgrading and economic development
of China, with configuration 1 being “technology-environment” exist as auxiliary conditions, indicating that a high level of
and configurations 2–4 being “technology-organizational- circular economy performance can be achieved by overcoming
environment”. Specifically, in configuration 1, big data the shortcomings of other conditions, such as the lack of
development and economic development exist as core environmental regulations, driven by both industrial structure
conditions, and technological innovation appears as a upgrading and economic development. In configurations 2–4,
secondary condition. In configuration 2, big data development the level of technological innovation and the development of big
and economic development exist as core conditions, and data exist as core conditions, which contribute to a high level of
industrial structure upgrading appears as auxiliary conditions. circular economy performance when combined with different
In Configuration 3, big data development and economic auxiliary conditions. The western region does not have
development exist as core conditions, and technological advantages at the technological, organizational, and
innovation, industrial structure upgrading and environmental environmental levels, and has certain gaps compared with the
regulation appear as auxiliary conditions. In configuration 4, big central and eastern regions. Enhancing the circular economy
data development and economic development exist as core performance in the western region can be achieved by
conditions, and technological innovation, factor endowment strengthening technological innovation and developing big
and environmental regulation appear as supporting data, complemented by a combination of organizational and

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TABLE 6 Analysis of high-level circular economy performance configuration in central region.

Conditional configuration Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4

TI • ◦ • •
IS ◦ • • ◦
FE ◦ ◦ ◦ •
ER ◦ ◦ • •
Consistency 0.9524 0.9420 0.9551 0.9452
Original coverage 0.2475 0.1609 0.2104 0.1708
Unique coverage 0.1782 0.1312 0.1361 0.1337
Consistency of solution 0.9818
Coverage of the solution 0.6683

TABLE 7 Analysis of high-level circular economy performance configuration in western region.

Conditional configuration Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4

TI ◦ C C C
IS • ◦ ◦ •
FE ◦ ◦ •
ER ○ ○ • ○
ED • ◦ • •
Consistency 1.0000 1.0000 0.9857 1.0000
Original coverage 0.3593 0.1222 0.1278 0.4555
Unique coverage 0.2482 0.0222 0.0982 0.3407
Consistency of solution 0.9978
Coverage of the solution 0.8278

environmental factors, as well as by promoting an alternative consistency threshold adjustment. At the same time, the same
path to industrial structure upgrading and economic method was used to test the conditional configuration of the
development. Technology as support to bridge the gap eastern, central and western regions, and still, the same results
between resource endowment and development status is the and consistent conclusions were obtained. Therefore, the
main way to promote circular economy development in the conclusions of this paper can be judged to be robust.
western region.

5 Conclusion
4.5 Robustness tests
5.1 Conclusion
This paper uses a robustness test by adjusting the consistency
threshold to ensure the robustness of the high-level circular This paper constructs a TOE integrated analysis framework
economy performance histogram pathways obtained from the for the circular economy, measures China’s circular economy
study. This is done by increasing the consistency threshold by performance based on relevant data from 30 provinces in
0.05 without changing the number of cases frequency (Zhou, China, and for the first time uses the fsQCA method for
et al., 2022). By observing the results of the robustness test on the conditional conclusions analysis to explore the linkage effects
overall sample it can be found (results omitted) that there is no and driving paths of technology, organization and
change between the results of the study before and after the environmental factors on multiple concurrent circular

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economy performance, revealing the complex interaction enhance the fit between market mechanisms and
mechanisms affecting circular economy performance. The government regulation to achieve effective synergistic
main research findings are as follows: integration and joint efforts among multiple conditions of
technology, organization and environment. Each region
(1) China’s 2019 circular economy performance has achieved should explore the most optimal adaptation relationship
better development but shows a “high in the east, the central of each element to lay a good development foundation for
middle, the western low” regional differences, and in promoting the construction of the circular economy system.
different dimensions, there is also an imbalance between (2) Each region should take into account local conditions, based
the development of the phenomenon. on their development bottlenecks, focus on mining local
(2) In general, there is no single necessary condition, circular resources, find the best configuration for the development
economy performance is influenced by a combination of of the province’s circular economy, and thus improve the level
conditional variables, and technical, organizational, and of performance of the circular economy. Specifically,
environmental factors cannot be considered as necessary according to their development status, location conditions
conditions for circular economy performance alone. There are and resource endowment, different provinces should find
5 driving paths to high levels of circular economy performance. their positioning, give full play to their advantages, break
Specifically, it can be summarized as a driving model in which their development constraints, explore effective differentiated
technology, organization and environment act together, a driving diversified paths, formulate targeted differentiated
model in which technology and environment act together, a development strategies to enhance the performance of the
driving model in which technology and organization act together, circular economy, promote the balanced development of the
and a driving model in which organization and environment act circular economy in the eastern, central and western regions of
together. The effective combination and synergy of the different China, and then comprehensively build a high-level circular
factors behind the circular economy can lead to a high level of economy system. For the eastern region, a more
circular economy performance in a “different way”. comprehensive circular economy development can be
(3) Due to the different location conditions and resource achieved by relying on the developed level of economic
endowments of each region, there are obvious differentiations development, the level of big data development, and the
in the circular economy performance driving paths in eastern, level of technological innovation. The provinces in the
central and western regions of China. The eastern and central central region should focus on promoting the development
regions have a balanced “technology-organization-environment” of a circular economy with the support of big data and with
driven development strategy, while the western region also has a the help of economic development. In the western region, on
“technology-based” driven strategy. The significant differences in the other hand, the main focus should be on improving the
the histological paths of circular economy performance between technology level by introducing advanced technology to
eastern, central and western provinces further indicate the enhance the circular economy performance.
asymmetric causality that contributes to the heterogeneity of (3) Enhance the strength of regional technological innovation
circular economy performance. and big data development to provide strong technical
support for the development of the regional circular
economy. Regional government departments should set
5.2 Policy implications up innovation service platforms and formulate innovation
incentive policies, accelerate key technology research and
A circular economy system is a complex and dynamic development and innovation, strengthen the innovation-
system, not determined by a single condition, but by a driven role of circular economy development; improve the
combination of multiple technical, organizational, and circular economy data and information disclosure and
environmental factors. Therefore, the policy implications of sharing mechanism, and improve the basic database of
this paper are as follows: circular economy information resources, promote the
optimization of information resources and maximize
(1) Provinces should strengthen the linkage and integration resource utilization, and provide strong protection for the
between technical, organizational and environmental development of the circular economy.
conditions to develop a circular economy. Regions should (4) Each region should adjust its industrial policy according to
effectively combine multi-faceted factors, not only focus on its actual situation, optimize the regional factor
technology level upgrading, but also accelerate the endowment structure, and improve the efficiency of
promotion of industrial structure upgrading, actively factor allocation. The region’s resource endowment and
adjust the factor endowment structure, and develop good production support system should be utilized to accelerate
government environmental regulations to restrain market technological innovation and transformation of
behaviour and get support from economic growth, and then innovation results, enhance the role of the tertiary

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industry in promoting the circular economy, and at the contribution of FZ is methodology, investigation, supervision,
same time, establish a sound regional coordination funding acquisition, and writing—review and editing; the
mechanism for the circulation and sharing of resource contribution of ZZ is validation, visualization, writing—review
elements to promote the orderly flow and rational and editing; the contribution of XZ writing—original draft. All
allocation of resource elements, thereby improving the authors contributed to manuscript revision and read and
quality of economic development and enhancing the approved the submitted version.
performance of the circular economy.
(5) To take advantage of economic development, promote the
adoption and spread of the circular economy, and develop Funding
and implement environmental regulations to enhance the
overall effect of environmental management. All regions This research was funded by the National Natural Science
should strengthen the role of economic development to Foundation of China (71662026); Guangxi Development
support the circular economy and make good use of Strategy Research Institute of Guangxi Key Research Base of
human, financial and material resources to promote the Humanities and Social Sciences in Guangxi Universities Youth
development of the circular economy. At the same time, it Cultivation Grant Project (2022GDSIQM13).
is also necessary to develop differentiated environmental
regulations according to their development characteristics
and to grasp the applicable intensity of environmental Conflict of interest
regulation implementation to increase the willingness of
enterprises and individuals to develop a circular economy. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusion of this article will be Publisher’s note
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
Author contributions organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
The contribution of LL is conceptualization, formal analysis, claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
investigation, resources, and writing—original draft; the endorsed by the publisher.

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