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Item 3 - LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities Guide

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CEEPC Agenda Item #3

LEED v4.1
April 2, 2019 U.S. Green Building Council
INTEGRATIVE PROCESS (IP)............................................................................................................... 6
IP Credit: Integrative Planning and Leadership ................................................................................... 6
IP Credit: Green Building Policy and Incentives .................................................................................. 7
NATURAL SYSTEMS AND ECOLOGY (NS) ........................................................................................ 9
NS Prerequisite: Ecosystem Assessment ........................................................................................... 9
NS Credit: Green Spaces .................................................................................................................. 10
NS Credit: Natural Resources Conservation and Restoration .......................................................... 11
NS Credit: Light Pollution Reduction ................................................................................................. 14
NS Credit: Resilience Planning ......................................................................................................... 15
TRANSPORTATION AND LAND USE (TR) ........................................................................................ 17
TR Prerequisite: Transportation Performance................................................................................... 17
TR Credit: Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented Development ............................................... 19
TR Credit: Access to Quality Transit ................................................................................................. 21
TR Credit: Alternative Fuel Vehicles ................................................................................................. 23
TR Credit: Smart Mobility And Transportation Policy ........................................................................ 24
TR Credit: High-Priority Site .............................................................................................................. 25
WATER EFFICIENCY (WE) ................................................................................................................. 26
WE Prerequisite: Water Access and Quality ..................................................................................... 26
WE Prerequisite: Water Performance ............................................................................................... 28
WE Credit: Integrated Water Management ....................................................................................... 30
WE Credit: Stormwater Management ................................................................................................ 31
WE Credit: Smart Water Systems ..................................................................................................... 33
ENERGY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (EN) ..................................................................... 34
EN Prerequisite: Power Access, Reliability and Resiliency .............................................................. 34
EN Prerequisite: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance ......................................... 35
EN Credit: Energy Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 37
EN Credit: Renewable Energy .......................................................................................................... 39
EN Credit: Low Carbon Economy ..................................................................................................... 41
EN Credit: Grid Harmonization ......................................................................................................... 42
MATERIALS AND RESOURCES (MR) ............................................................................................... 43
MR Prerequisite: Solid Waste Management ..................................................................................... 43
MR Prerequisite: Waste Performance ............................................................................................... 45
MR Credit: Special Waste Streams Management ............................................................................. 47
MR Credit: Responsible Sourcing for Infrastructure .......................................................................... 48
MR Credit: Material Recovery ........................................................................................................... 49
MR Credit: Smart Waste Management Systems .............................................................................. 50
QUALITY OF LIFE (QL) ....................................................................................................................... 51
QL Prerequisite: Demographic Assessment ..................................................................................... 51
QL Prerequisite: Quality of Life Performance .................................................................................... 52

QL Credit: Trend Improvements ........................................................................................................ 53
QL Credit: Distributional Equity ......................................................................................................... 54
QL Credit: Environmental Justice ...................................................................................................... 56
QL Credit: Housing and Transportation Affordability ......................................................................... 57
QL Credit: Civic and Community Engagement.................................................................................. 58
QL Credit: Civil and Human Rights ................................................................................................... 59
INNOVATION (IN) ................................................................................................................................. 60
IN Credit: Innovation .......................................................................................................................... 60
REGIONAL PRIORITY (RP) ................................................................................................................. 61
RP Credit: Regional Priority............................................................................................................... 61
Appendices .......................................................................................................................................... 62


LEED for Cities and Communities

Cities Communities
Credit Integrative Planning and Leadership 1 1
Credit Green Building Policy and Incentives 4 4


Prereq Ecosystem Assessment REQUIRED REQUIRED
Credit Green Spaces 2 2
Credit Natural Resources Conservation and Restoration 2 2
Credit Light Pollution Reduction 1 1
Credit Resilience Planning 4 4


Prereq Transportation Performance 6 6
Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented
Credit 2 2
Credit Access to Quality Transit 1 1
Credit Alternative Fuel Vehicles 2 2
Credit Smart Mobility and Transportation Policy 2 2
Credit High-Priority Site 2 2


Prereq Water Access and Quality REQUIRED REQUIRED
Prereq Water Performance 6 6
Credit Integrated Water Management 1 1
Credit Stormwater Management 2 2
Credit Smart Water Systems 2 2


Prereq Power Access, Reliability and Resiliency REQUIRED REQUIRED
Prereq Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance 14 18
Credit Energy Efficiency 4 4
Credit Renewable Energy 6 6
Credit Low Carbon Economy 4 -
Credit Grid Harmonization 2 2

Prereq Solid Waste Management REQUIRED REQUIRED
Prereq Waste Performance 4 5
Credit Special Waste Streams Management 1 1
Credit Responsible Sourcing for Infrastructure 2 2
Credit Material Recovery 1 -
Credit Smart Waste Management Systems 2 2


Prereq Demographic Assessment REQUIRED REQUIRED
Prereq Quality of Life Performance 6 6
Credit Trend Improvements 4 4
Credit Distributional Equity 4 4
Credit Environmental Justice 1 1
Credit Housing and Transportation Affordability 2 2
Credit Civic and Community Engagement 2 2
Credit Civil and Human Rights 1 1


Credit Innovation 6 6


Credit Regional Priority 4 4

TOTAL 110 110

40-49 50-59 60-79 80+

Points Points Points Points

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To support high-performance, cost-effective outcomes through an early analysis of the

interrelationships among city or community systems.



Use inter-disciplinary teams and at a minimum ensure the following processes are followed:

1. Comprehensive Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan for the city or have a plan which is
adopted, reviewed, revised or updated within the last five years that establishes a clear vision and
strategy for the future.

STAR v2 IP-1: Best Practices & Processes

2. LEED for Cities or Communities Team: Assemble and convene an interdisciplinary and cross-
departmental team. Include team members from at a minimum three of the following areas of
• Development Authority
• Urban / Master Planning and Design
• Engineering – Energy and Power; Hydrology; Transportation; Waste
• Economic Development
• Urban Ecologist, Biologist or Landscape Architect
• Construction Management
• Human Services
• Education / School Board
• Sustainability / Resilience Officer
• Data Officer / Information Technology

Include any other experts or stakeholders as relevant to the city or community. Conduct regular
meetings with the integrative project team to review project status, introduce new team members
to project goals, discuss problems, formulate solutions, review responsibilities, and identify next

3. LEED for Cities Roadmap Development: Soon after formation of LEED team, conduct at least
two workshops to assess and develop the following:
• Gap Analysis: Assess the existing status of the city or community against the parameters
mentioned in LEED prerequisite and credit requirements. Develop a gap analysis report.
• LEED Goal Setting and Roadmap: Develop a strategic roadmap for the city to achieve the
goals set out under LEED for Cities and Communities rating system. Create an action plan
that identifies the targeted LEED rating, the credits that have been selected to meet the
targeted certification level and the entity accountable for meeting the requirements for each
selected credit.

1-4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To encourage the design, construction, and retrofit of buildings using green building practices.



Option 1. Buildings owned and/or operated by the local government or development authority
(1-2 points Cities, 1-3 points Communities)

• Existing Buildings: Register and certify existing buildings above 5000 square feet (465 square
meter) that are owned and/or operated by the local government or development authority to
LEED, EDGE or an equivalent green building rating system. The green building rating system
must address energy, water, waste, transportation and ecological aspects of the city. Points are
awarded as per table below.
Table 1 Points for green buildings

Percentage of buildings registered

or certified to LEED or equivalent Cities Communities
green building rating system
25 to 50% 1 1
50 to 75% 2 2
Above 75% 3


• New Buildings: Adopt policy for all new construction undertaken by the city government or
community local authority to achieve LEED or an equivalent green building certification.


Option 2. Green Building Policy and Incentives (2 points Cities)

Provide a minimum of two incentives for LEED or an equivalent green building rating system in the
• Structural Incentives: Provide expedited review or permitting processes to buildings achieving
• Structural Incentives: Provide density or height bonus allowing for percentage increases in Floor
Area Ratio or other measures of density contingent upon certification.
• Financial Incentives: Provide tax credits for buildings achieving certification.
• Financial Incentives: Provide permitting fee reduction or waivers for buildings achieving


Option 3. Building Performance Disclosure (1-2 points)

• Buildings owned and/or operated by the local government or development authority. (1 point)

o Collect the annual energy data of jurisdictionally-owned or operated buildings. Track,

benchmark, and report the data using tools such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, Arc
Skoru, or a locally developed and recognized tool to help with data organization for on-going
performance reporting.

o Include a minimum of 50% of the buildings owned or operated by the jurisdiction or the
community that are 5,000 square feet (465 square meters) or greater. The data year reported
must be from within the most recent 3-year period.


• Privately owned buildings (1 point)

o Adopt a program that requires disclosure of energy data from privately owned buildings in the
jurisdiction. Disclosure may be to the public, the governing entity, and/or specific users of the
building, such as tenants, prospective tenants, potential buyers, or potential lenders.
o At a minimum, all privately owned nonresidential or multi-family buildings with a gross area of
more than 20,000 square feet (1858 square meters), excluding parking, must be included.
The data year reported for active programs must be from within the most recent 3-year
o The program must include (i) a legally-enforceable policy or ordinance approved by the local
governing body and (ii) a mechanism for reporting, a platform for disclosing individual or
aggregated data, such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, Arc Skoru, or a locally
developed and recognized tool, and an annual program report.
o Provide the timeline for roll out and implementation within the next 3 years.

This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To assess existing ecosystem conditions and services provided by ecosystems, built landscapes, and
other open spaces to inform the city development along with conservation and restoration efforts.



Complete and document an ecosystem assessment of the areas that includes the following topics:

1. Topography: Contour mapping, unique topographic features, slope stability risks.

2. Soils: Natural Resources Conservation Service soils delineation, U.S. Department of Agriculture
prime farmland, unique farmland or farmland of statewide or local importance, healthy soils, soils
disturbed by previous development and degree of disturbance (local equivalent standards may be
used for cities or communities outside the U.S.).

3. Vegetation and Habitat: Total existing vegetated area, primary vegetation types, native plants
and plant communities, significant tree mapping, identification of top three threatened species as
per The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 1 or local or regional standards, habitat for
threatened or endangered species, unique habitat. Identification of top three most damaging
invasive plant species and mapping of degraded vegetation and habitats if applicable.

4. Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems: Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) as determined by
FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) (or local equivalent for cities or communities outside
the U.S.), wetlands, lakes, streams, shorelines; precipitation, rainwater collection and reuse
opportunities including overland water flow, water quality, storage capacity of the site and
watershed conditions, potable and non-potable water sources; pollution sources and pollutants.
Map areas with degraded aquatic ecosystems as applicable.

The survey or assessment should demonstrate the relationships between the features and topics
listed above and how these features influenced the city or community strategy and development.

Note: Not all topics apply to every city or community, and each may contain additional important
unique elements that are not explicitly addressed here.

LEED v4 BD+C SS Credit: Site Assessment
SITES v2 Section 2: Pre-Design Assessment + Planning

1, Accessed on December 17, 2018.

1-2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To provide accessible green spaces to positively impact physical, mental and psychological health
and well-being of the community while also enhancing the environmental quality of the city or



Provide easily accessible green space. Points are awarded as per table below.

Table 2. Points awarded for Green Spaces

Green space Green space Points

(square feet per person) (square meters per person)

121 11.25 1
145 13.5 2


Minimum area of green space must be no less than 7212 square feet (670 square meters).
LEED v4 ND NPD Credit: Access to Civic and Public Space


A minimum of 70% of the dwelling units must have a green space within 1/2-mile (800 meters)
walking distance 2.

STAR Communities V2 BE-6: Public Parkland, Outcome 2: Proximity

Green space is defined as land that is partly or completely covered with trees, shrubs, grass or other
vegetation. This includes urban parks, trails and community gardens 3 including roof top or vertical
gardens. This does not include schoolyards, playgrounds, public seating areas, public plazas or
vacant lots.

Communities can include city level green spaces which are not within the community boundary but are freely accessible to the
residents and meet the prescribed requirements.
Adopted from United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘What is Open Space/Green Space?’ retrieved from, Accessed on December 17, 2018.

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To conserve and restore the natural resources within the city or community.



Option 1. Natural Resource Acreage

• Maintain natural resource acreage at 861 square feet per person (80 square meters per person) 4.


• Maintain natural resource acreage at 11.5% or more of total jurisdictional land area.

STAR Communities V2 NS-3: Natural Resource Protection Outcome 1: Natural Resource Areas

Natural resource areas include but are not limited to critical aquifer recharge areas; deserts and arid
lands; fish or wildlife habitat, natural deltas or floodplains, steep slopes, natural parkland, forests,
geologically hazardous areas, grasslands and prairies, habitats of endangered and threatened
species, shorelines and their buffers, streams and their buffers and wetlands. Green spaces as
defined under and / or provided under NS Credit: Green Spaces can be included within the Natural
Resource Acreage.


Option 2. Natural Resource Conservation and Restoration Plan 5

Have a Natural Resource Conservation and Restoration Plan adopted within the last five years or
develop one based on the study carried out under NS Prerequisite: Ecosystem Assessment to meet
requirements for ANY three of the following ecosystems:

1. Steep Slopes:
• Do not permit development on slopes greater than 40% and do not disturb portions of the land
area within 50 feet (15 meters) horizontally of the top of the slope and 75 feet (23 meters)
horizontally from the toe of the slope.
• For undeveloped slopes from 26% to 40%, development can be permitted on 40% of the area.
• For undeveloped slopes from 15% to 25%, development can be permitted on 60% of the area.
• For previously developed slopes (above 15%) restore a minimum of 50% of the slopes with
native vegetation or noninvasive adaptive plants within a period of 5 years.

LEED v4 ND SLL Credit: Steep Slope Protection


Communities can include natural resource areas within a buffer of 1 km (1000 meters) from the community boundary to
demonstrate compliance with the requirement.
In lieu of a consolidated Natural Resources and Conservation Plan, cities and communities may provide individual plans,
ordinances, regulations or policies to demonstrate compliance to credit requirements.

If construction is permitted on steep slopes (greater than 15%), adopt a regulation to the effect
that development permits and building permits will be issued after reviewing the following for each
city or community:
• A general site survey, topographic and land feature survey along with geotechnical evaluation.
• A grading plan that indicates a clear feasibility for roads, driveways and building envelop
without massive manipulation of the site.
• A tree and vegetation plan.
• A drainage management plan.
• An erosion control plan that avoids massive manipulation of the site.
• An Environmental Inventory and Assessment to identify environmentally sensitive areas and
features to be protected, and to measures avoid, minimize or mitigate environmental impacts of
the proposed development and development activities.

LEED v4 ND SLL Credit: Steep Slope Protection

2. Agricultural Land and Food Production:

Do not disturb prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland of statewide or local importance as
defined by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section
657.5 and identified in a state Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey (or local
equivalent for cities or communities outside the U.S.).

LEED v4 ND SLL Prerequisite: Agricultural Land Conservation


If the development footprint affects farmland of any category, mitigate the loss by providing
alternative area for farming such as rooftop farming or vertical farming in the ratio of 2:1. In
addition, plan for farmer’s markets in residential areas which will be within 1/2-mile (800-meters)
walking distance.

3. Vegetation and Habitat:

• If the site has any threatened or endangered species or ecological communities, as identified
during the ecosystem assessment, comply with an approved habitat conservation plan under
the U.S. Endangered Species Act (or local equivalent for cities or communities outside the
U.S.) for each identified species or ecological community.
• Conserve any Significant Habitat 6 present within the area.
• Adopt or enforce an ordinance requiring control of listed top three invasive species or enact a
preferred plant ordinance for private and public landscaping.
• Restore degraded vegetation and habitats within the area, identified during the Ecosystem
Assessment. Restoration strategies must be developed based on Society for Ecological
Restoration Science & Policy Working Group. 2002, The SER Primer on Ecological
Restoration, Section 3, Attributes of Restored Ecosystems 7.
SLL Prerequisite: Imperiled Species and Ecological Communities Conservation
LEED v4 ND SLL Credit: Site Design for Habitat or Wetland and Water Body Conservation
SITES v2 Prerequisite 4.2: Control and manage invasive plants
SITES v2 Credit 4.4: Conserve healthy soils and appropriate vegetation
SITES v2 Credit 4.5: Conserve special status vegetation
SITES v2 Credit 4.8: Optimize biomass
STAR Communities V2 Action 2: Policy and Code Adjustment

Significant Habitat for the purpose of this prerequisite is defined as Locally or regionally significant habitat of any size, or
patches of predominantly native vegetation at least 150 acres (60 hectares) (even if part of the area lies outside the project
boundary); Special status plants which include plants designated as special status in the region. These plants may include, but
are not limited to, heritage or legacy trees, specimen trees (as designated by a local tree board), rare vegetation in a unique
habitat, and unusual genetic variants of a particular species; and any habitat flagged for conservation under a regional or state
conservation or green infrastructure plan.
7, Accessed on December 17, 2018.

4. Aquatic Ecosystems:
• Do not permit any development within limits specified below except for minor improvements or
comply with the equivalent local or national regulations.
o Shorelines and coastal areas: Within 200 feet (61 meters) from normal high tide line.
o Floodplains, rivers and streams: A flood hazard area shown on a legally adopted flood
hazard map or otherwise legally designated by the local jurisdiction or the state or entirely
outside any floodplain subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
o Wetlands: Within 50 feet (15 meters) of a wetland, except for minor improvements.
o Water bodies: Within 100 feet (30 meters) of a water body which is greater than 50
contiguous acres (20 hectares) and within 50 feet (15 meters) for waterbodies less than 50
contiguous acres (20 hectares).
• Restore degraded aquatic ecosystems identified during the Ecosystem Assessment.
Restoration strategies must be developed based on Society for Ecological Restoration Science
& Policy Working Group. 2002, The SER Primer on Ecological Restoration, Section 3,
Attributes of Restored Ecosystems.
LEED v4 ND SLL Prerequisite: Wetland and Water Body Conservation
SITES v2 Prerequisite 1.3: Conserve aquatic ecosystems
SITES v2 Credit 3.6: Restore aquatic ecosystems


Demonstrate a local Watershed Health Index of greater than or equal to 70.

STAR Communities V2 NS-5: Water in the Environment Outcome 1: Watershed Health Index

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To minimize and manage ambient light levels to protect public health and the integrity of ecological
systems and increase the night sky access, improve nighttime visibility, and reduce the consequences
of development for wildlife and people.



Option 1.
Achieve a sky glow at or below 4 in the Bortle Dark-Sky Scale where the Milky Way is still visible in
residential areas, or a Sky Quality Meter reading of 21.2 or greater.

STAR v2 BE-1: Ambient Noise & Light


Option 2.
• A minimum of 70% of the street lighting in the city or community should meet the requirements of
section on Glare and Sky-Glow requirements of ‘ANSI/IESNA RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting’.


• Adopt a lighting ordinance for the city or community conforming to the Section II to VI of the Model
Lighting Ordinance (MLO), 2011 8 developed jointly by the International Dark Sky Association and
Illuminating Engineering Society.

8, Accessed on December 17, 2018.

4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To strengthen the resilience of communities to climate change risks, natural and man-made hazards
and extreme events.



Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (2 points)

Identify the local environmental context and conduct a vulnerability and capacity assessment for
climate change risks, natural and man-made hazards and extreme events as per the table below.

Table 3. Classification of impacts for Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

Natural Man-made
Geo Physical Earthquake Social Complex
Landslide Displaced Populations
Tsunami Cyber Attack
Volcanic Activity Technological Infrastructure failure
Hydrological Avalanches Fire
Flood Industrial Explosion
Climatological Extreme Temperatures Accidents
Drought Accidents on Road, Air,
Railway, Maritime
Wildfires Transport Air and Water
Extreme heat/cold Pollution Air and Water
Heat Island Effect
Meteorological Cyclones
Storms/Wave Surges
Biological Disease Epidemics

Requirements for vulnerability and capacity assessment:

• Risk Identification – Identify the impacts from which an area is at risk. Use national/state level
maps and historic data of occurrence to identify the potential threats.
• Risk Assessment – Estimate the probability of occurrence of the extreme events. Study their
characteristics, frequency and potential severity. Conduct a socio-economic and environmental
assessment of the impact.
• Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment – Assess the most exposed and affected sections of
the city or community.
• Adaptation and Mitigation Goal - Set goals based on the vulnerability and capacity assessment.
Highlight threats having maximum damage potential and most vulnerable areas that require
mitigation strategies. The goal should address the top two natural and man-made hazards.


Resilience Plan (2 points)

Develop a Resilience Plan for the city or community. The plan should meet at least two of the
following requirements:

• Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies - Adaptation and mitigation strategies to meet the
goals identified under Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment above.
• Fundamental Emergency Planning and Preparedness - Access to basic needs, first aid,
emergency supplies, water, food communication, temporary shelter.
• Early Warning Systems - Strategies for early warning systems and operation of critical facilities
during the extreme event and post-event rehabilitation. Demonstrate at least one early warning
system in practice.
• Critical Infrastructure Location - Map and reduce over time any critical infrastructure that is
located in designated high risk areas.
• Policy Intervention - Incorporate building structure resilience strategy to withstand the potential
damage due to natural hazards in the building regulations.
• Capacity Building - Design awareness programs to educate different stakeholders (at least one at
community level and one at internal administrative level) about hazard management. Plan for
implementation the programs at regular intervals for at least one year. The programs should have
the provision for revisions after stakeholders’ feedback.

RELI v1: Risk Adaptation + Mitigation for Acute Events
STAR v2 CE-1: Climate Adaptation
STAR v2 HS-6: Hazard Mitigation

1-6 Points
This prerequisite applies to:
• Cities
• Communities


To promote non-motorized transportation, encourage use of public transit and reduce pollution from
transportation sector.



Measure the daily per capita Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) for the city or community by capturing the
commute patterns of the population. Total VMT must be calculated for a minimum period of the most
recent calendar year using either of the following methodologies:

• Non-traffic count based

• Traffic count based
• Transportation modeling software derived

VMT per capita per day is calculated by dividing the total VMT for the city or community for a period of
the most recent calendar year by total population of the city (Use USGBC population calculator based
on residing and floating population). Divide this by 365 to get daily VMT per capita. Document the
assumptions for differing day/night and seasonal populations if variations significantly alter travel

Obtain a minimum transportation performance score of 40. Additional points for this prerequisite are
awarded for transportation performance scores above 40, according to the table given below.

Table 4. LEED Points for Transportation Performance

Transportation Performance Points

Score in Arc
40 Prerequisite
50 1
60 2
70 3
80 4
90 5
100 6

Transportation Performance Score

VMT is a metric that measures the number of miles travelled by a vehicle or a fleet of vehicles. Traffic
counts measure the number of vehicles passing a fixed point during a specified time. VMT includes
trip distance with the traffic volume. For example, 10,000 vehicles each traveling an average of 15
miles per day (24 kilometers per day) would result in 150,000 vehicle miles travelled per day. VMT is
useful as a descriptor of changes in travel demand in an urban area. As trip lengths increase, VMT
goes up. Trip lengths are a function of the relative locations of residences, jobs, schools, and retail.
As the number of vehicle trips increase, VMT again goes up. Factors affecting the number of vehicle
trips made each day include age, income, population and household size, workers per household,
auto ownership, and access to transit.

The score is a value from 1-100 based on city’s or community’s VMT per capita.

Performance Score Calculation

To calculate transportation performance score, the following data are required:
1. Total VMT (in miles) for the city or community for a minimum period of one recent calendar year.
2. Total population of the city or community. Consider day time and night time population,
permanent and floating population for calculations.

LEED for Cities (Pilot) Transportation
STAR v2 BE-7: Transportation Choices, Outcome 4: Vehicle Miles Travelled

1-2 Points
This credit applies to:
• Cities
• Communities


To encourage compact and mixed use development, high level of connectivity within city or
community and encourage walking, biking, and transit use.



Identify Compact and Complete Centers (CCC) on the master plan or land use map of the city or
community. CCCs are measured as areas within a ½ mile (800 meters) walking distance of a central
point that represent the strong mix of uses, public transit availability, density, and walkability. CCCs
may overlap.

Provide safe and comfortable sidewalks, bikeways and crosswalks that are unobstructed and barrier-
free for people with disabilities, including wheelchair users and people with low vision. Comply with
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or relevant national or local guidelines for 100% of sidewalks,
bikeways and crosswalks.

To qualify as a CCC meet the following requirements:

Access to Transit Facilities

Demonstrate that at least 90% of residential and non-residential buildings within the CCC
• Are within ½ mile (800 meters) walking distance of an existing or planned mass transit station
such as bus rapid transit stops, passenger rail stations (i.e. light, heavy, or commuter rail) or
commuter ferry terminals.


• Are within ¼ mile (400 meters) walking distance of an existing or planned bus, streetcar or
informal transit stops that connects to a mass rapid transit station or a pulse point within 3 miles 9
(5 kilometers).

Access to Diverse Uses

Demonstrate that at least 90% of all residential and non-residential buildings within the CCC have
access to at least 10 diverse uses (see Appendix 1). Diverse uses should reflect the socioeconomic
profile (income, demographics, race and ethnicity) of the CCC.

The following restrictions apply:

• A use may be counted as only one use type (e.g., a retail store may be counted only once even if
it sells products in several categories).
• No more than two uses in each use type may be counted (e.g., if five restaurants are within the
required distance, only two may be counted).
• The uses accessible to each counted dwelling unit must represent at least two categories.

Points are awarded based on the percentage of population residing in CCCs as per table given below.

TOD guidelines, ITDP

Table 5. Percentage of population residing in CCC

Percentage of population residing within CCCs

Communities Cities
Up to 75% 40% to 69% 1
76% and above 70% and above 2

Based on the land use map or master plan, identify areas and total population that reside in mixed
use zones and residential zones. Mixed use zone has a balanced mix of uses such as residential
(high, medium and low), commercial and institution, open areas and others. Residential zones
primarily consist of residential units. The definition of land use zoning should be as per local standard.

• Areas in mixed use zones will be considered to have qualified for a CCC and percentage of
population residing in these areas will meet the requirements for this credit.
• For the residential zone, meet all requirements to qualify as a CCC.

STAR v2 BE-3: Compact & Complete Communities
LEED v4 ND NPD Prerequisite: Connected and Open Community
LEED v4 ND NPD Credit: Mixed-Use Neighborhoods

1 point
This credit applies to:
• Cities
• Communities


To encourage use of diverse transportation modes in order to reduce the reliance on personal
vehicles within city or community.



All cities or communities must disclose data on modal split showing the percentage of population
commuting to work and other places by using the following transportation modes, preferably
calculated within past one year:
• Drive alone (or chauffeured)
• Carpool
• Motorcycle
• Taxicab
• Public transportation (excluding taxicab)
• Walk
• Bicycle
• Or, other means

Variation on STAR v2 BE-7: Transportation Choices Outcome 1


Option 1. Quality of Transit Facilities (1 point)

Provide safe and comfortable transit stops to encourage use of public transport. Ensure the following
for at least 80% of transit facilities:
• Covered and partially enclosed to buffer wind and rain, have seating and illumination, has signage
that displays transit schedules and route information.
• Minimized interference with pedestrian flow.
• Main roads have right-of-way for public transportation, preferably with dedicated lanes 10.


Option 2. Intermodal Connectivity (1 point)

Ensure that the station is connected to three or more modes of transportation by meeting the
requirements of Option 2, LT Credit: Intermodal Connectivity and Placemaking of LEED v4 BD+C
Transit (Appendix 2).

STAR v2 BE-7: Transportation Choices, Outcome 1 and Outcome 3
LEED v4 BD+C Transit, LT Credit: Intermodal Connectivity and Placemaking


Option 3. Frequency of Trips (1 point)

Ensure that transit stations identified in TR Credit: Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented
Development, 1. Access to transit facilities, including an existing or planned rapid mass transit station,

TOD Guidelines, EMBARQ

bus rapid transit stops, passenger rail stations (i.e. light, heavy, or commuter rail), commuter ferry
terminals, bus, streetcar or informal transit stops, meet the minimum requirement of 72 weekday trips
and 30 weekend trips. The transit service at these stops and stations in aggregate must meet the
given minimum requirement for each CCC as identified in TR Credit: Compact, Mixed Use and Transit
Oriented Development. Planned stops and stations may count if they are sited, funded, and under
construction during the time of certification.

Both weekday and weekend trip minimums must be met.

• For each qualifying transit route, only trips in one direction are counted towards the threshold.
• For weekend trips, only trips on the day with the higher number of trips are counted towards the
• If a qualifying transit route has multiple stops within the required walking distance, only trips from
one stop are counted towards the threshold.
• Privately-run shuttles are only acceptable if the service is made available to the public.

If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years,
the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring
the routes with service at or above the prior level.

LEED v4.1 BD+C, LT Credit: Access to Quality Transit

1-2 Points
This credit applies to:
• Cities
• Communities


To reduce pollution by promoting alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles.



Option 1. Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities (1 point)

Provide electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in 2% of all public parking spaces or at least two
spaces, whichever is greater. Clearly identify and reserve these spaces for the sole use by plug-in
electric vehicles.

The electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) must meet the following requirements:
• Provide a Level 2 charging capacity (208 – 240 volts) or greater.
• Comply with the relevant regional or local standard for electrical connectors, such as SAE Surface
Vehicle Recommended Practice J1772, SAE Electric Vehicle Conductive Charge Coupler or IEC
62196 of the International Electrotechnical Commission for cities or communities outside the U.S.
• Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology must be capable of responding to time-of-use market signals
(e.g. price). Cities or communities pursuing EN Credit: Smart Energy Systems should incorporate
EVSE into any demand response program or load flexibility and management strategies.

Demonstrate that the number of private and public electric vehicle charging stations exceed 1.07 per
10,000 residents.


Demonstrate compliance with local or national policy for all types of vehicles within the city (privately
and publicly owned vehicles or fleet) for electric vehicle charging facilities within the city or community.


Option 2. Alternative Fuel Stations (1 point)

Demonstrate that the total number of government and privately owned alternative fuel 11 stations meet
or exceed 1.52 per 10,000 residents.


Demonstrate compliance with local or national policy for providing alternative fuel stations for all
vehicles (privately owned vehicles and publicly owned vehicles or fleet) within the city or community.
STAR v2 CE-3 Greening the Energy Supply, Outcome 1
LEED v4 BD+C Transit LT Credit Green Vehicles

Alternative fuel refers to low-polluting, non-gasoline fuels such as hydrogen, propane, compressed natural gas, liquid natural
gas, methanol, and ethanol.

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To promote efficient operation of transport systems, user facilitation, behavior change and reduced
environmental impact through smart technologies and transportation policies.



Adopt any four solutions or policies to support a city-wide smart and efficient transportation system. (2


Adopt any two solutions or policies to support a community-wide smart and efficient transportation
system. (2 points)
Indicative list of solutions 12:

• Passenger Information System (PIS) - At least 80% of all transit stations identified in TR Credit:
Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented Development, 1. Access to transit facilities must be
equipped with PIS system.
• Automated Speed Enforcement - At least 80% of roads to be equipped for automated speed
• Traffic Surveillance: At least 80% of all transit stations identified in TR Credit - Compact, Mixed
Use and Transit Oriented Development, 1. Access to transit facilities must be equipped with
CCTVs for traffic surveillance.
• Global Positioning System (GPS)/ General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) - All public transit
vehicles must be equipped with GPS/ GPRS system.
• Signal Synchronization and Transit Signal Priority - All signals on major roads must be
synchronized or prioritized to address varying traffic flows.
• Integrated Ticketing System - At least 80% of all public transit systems and subsystems to have
Automatic Ticketing System.
• Real-time Parking Management - At least 80% of all public and multi-level parking to have real-
time parking management system.
Electronic Toll Collection - All toll booths and plazas to have electronic toll collection system.
• Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - Adopt RFID technology for logistics and/or for public
transportation system.

12, Accessed on
December 17, 2018.

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To preserve historic structures and sites and focus growth and redevelopment to infill and other
priority locations.



Option 1. Historic Preservation (2 points)

This option is applicable to cities or communities with at least one historic building, contributing
building in a historic district, or cultural landscape within the city or community boundary.

Develop an inventory of designated and eligible historic structure(s) and site(s). Consider historic
buildings that are outside the city or community boundary but may be impacted by development.

Adopt a policy for alteration (rehabilitation, preservation or restoration) of any historic building or a
contributing building in a historic district to ensure that following requirements are met:
• Approval in the form of a certificate of appropriateness from a local historic preservation
commission or architectural review board for any exterior alterations or additions for building
subject to local review.
• Approval in the form of a certificate of appropriateness for alteration from the office in case of
buildings subject to state or federal or national review.


Option 2. High-Priority Sites (2 points)

• Refer to an existing inventory or develop an inventory of infill, previously developed, greyfield,
brownfield or sites of priority and potential for development or redevelopment.
• Adopt policies, regulations or provide incentives to focus development on infill and/or previously
developed site or to cleanup and reuse brownfield and/or greyfield sites.


Option 3. Designated High-Priority Locations (2 points)

Adopt policies, regulations or provide incentives to prioritize growth in high-priority redevelopment
areas, as per the list below:
• a site in by the EPA National Priorities List;
• a Federal Promise Zone;
• a Qualified Opportunity Zone;
• a Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Qualified Low-
Income Community (a subset of the New Markets Tax Credit Program);
• a site in a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Qualified Census Tract (QCT)
or Difficult Development Area (DDA); or
• a local equivalent program administered at the national level for cities or communities outside the
LEED v4.1 LT Credit: High-Priority Site
LEED v4 ND GIB Credit: Historic Resource Preservation and Adaptive Reuse
STAR v2 EAC-4: Historic Preservation (Action 1)
LEED v4 ND LT Credit: Preferred Locations

This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To provide all sections of the society with equitable access to clean drinking water and sanitation
services and prevent pollution from stormwater runoff.



Water and wastewater systems serving the city or community must meet the following requirements:

Water and Sanitation Access

Case 1. 100% coverage of all buildings within the boundary by public water supply and wastewater
collection systems including centralized and decentralized systems.

Case 2. For cities which have not achieved a 100% coverage of all buildings within the boundary by
public water supply and wastewater collection systems, provide a roadmap for achieving the same
within 5 years of certification or at the time of LEED recertification.

Requirement can be met by including private water wells if it is permitted within the local or regional

Drinking Water Quality

Demonstrate compliance with U.S. EPA’s 2018 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health
Advisories Tables within the last year (or reporting year) for drinking water rules on chemical and
microbial contaminants in drinking water pipes or comply with local, state, or national equivalent.

• Report on enforcement actions taken in case of non-compliance with the adopted drinking water
quality standard, under the following categories:
o Violation of testing frequency
o Violation in water quality parameter threshold

• Provide the following data for each water supply facility:

o Frequency of water quality testing (quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.)
o Water quality testing parameters

STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 1

Treated Wastewater Quality

All centralized or publicly owned and decentralized (on-site, individual systems, septic systems, and
others) wastewater treatment systems and wastewater discharged to surface water must comply with
U.S. EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program of Clean Water
Act (CWA) or local, state, or national equivalent for 100% of wastewater generated. Meet the water
quality parameter thresholds in NPDES permit program manual section 5.1.1 - Secondary and
Equivalent to Secondary Treatment Standards.

• Report on enforcement actions taken in case of non-compliance with the adopted wastewater
treatment and quality standard, under the following categories:
o Violation of testing frequency

o Violation in water quality parameter threshold

• Provide the following data for each wastewater treatment facility:

o Frequency of testing treated wastewater (quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.)
o Water quality testing parameters

All wastewater treatment systems that are independently operated onsite or decentralized and are
outside the jurisdiction of the city or development authority must disclose the applicable standards for
wastewater treatment and discharge.

STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 3

Stormwater Quality


Adopt a policy to comply with U.S. EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit program for stormwater pollution prevention from construction and industrial activities and
municipal sources or local, state, or national equivalent.

STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 4


Monitor the quality of stormwater discharged from the community and ensure compliance with U.S.
EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program for stormwater
pollution prevention from construction and industrial activities and municipal sources or local, state, or
national equivalent.

1-6 Points
This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To support water management by minimizing water use and demand as a means to conserve water in
the city or community.



Measure the daily per capita domestic water consumption within the city. Domestic water
consumption must be calculated for a minimum period of the most recent calendar year.

Domestic water is water used for indoor and outdoor household purposes including drinking, cooking,
washing, landscaping and sanitation. Domestic water consumption is represented by the amount of
water supplied by the public water supply utility or municipality. It may also include some industrial
users that receive water from public water treatment facilities rather than well systems. It does not
include water withdrawn for non-domestic uses such as agricultural irrigation, golf course irrigation,
livestock, aquaculture, mining, or thermoelectric generation.

Applicants must include non-revenue water in the calculations.

Daily domestic water consumption per capita is calculated by dividing the total water consumed for a
minimum period of the most recent calendar year by total population of the city (Use USGBC
population calculator based on residing and floating population). Divide this by 365 to get Domestic
Water Consumption per capita per day. Document the assumptions for differing day/night and
seasonal populations if variations significantly alter water consumption patterns.

Obtain a minimum water performance score of 40. Additional points for this prerequisite are awarded
for water performance scores above 40, according to table below.

Table 6. LEED Points for Water Performance

Water Performance Score Points

in Arc
40 Prerequisite
50 1
60 2
70 3
80 4
90 5
100 6

Water Performance Score

The Water Performance Score rates the city or community on per capita domestic water consumption
in the city compared to the per capita domestic water consumption by comparable cities and
communities. Lesser the amount of per capita domestic water consumption, the higher the score will

The score is a value from 1-100 based on per capita domestic water consumption.

Performance Score Calculation

To calculate a water performance score, the following data is required:

1. Total domestic water consumption (in million liters or gallons), based on monthly or daily
consumption for minimum period of the most recent calendar year.
2. Total population of the city or community. Consider day time and night time population,
permanent and floating population for calculations.
LEED v4.1 O+M Water Performance
STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 2
STAR v2 CE-5: Water Efficiency, Outcome 1: Domestic Water Use Per Capita

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To support water management, reduce freshwater consumption and encourage to move towards a
net zero water city or community.



Adopt an integrated water management process by developing a water balance statement to report
on amount of water withdrawn to the amount entering the system through precipitation, river flow and
other sources.

Demonstrate that the ratio of water withdrawals for human use to the total freshwater resources is
less than 0.2.
Use Water balance calculator that consist of the following to demonstrate flow of water within the city:

1. Water Availability Assessment

Assess the total quantity of water available for use to the city or community.

2. Water Demand
Report on total water demand for all of the following sectors and use types present within the city
or community, for past twelve consecutive months (one full year):
• Buildings – All use types such as residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings
under the public and private sector.
• Landscaping for public spaces such as parks, alongside roadways and open spaces.
• Any other sector as applicable to the city.

3. Water Supply
Measure the total amount of water supplied through various sources for past twelve consecutive
months (one full year) sources of water supply may include, but not be limited to the following:
• Freshwater – Freshwater includes all naturally available water except for seawater and
brackish water.
• Reclaimed water – Reclaimed water includes:
o Treated wastewater – For each of the sectors identified in Water Demand, identify the
wastewater generated. For reusing treated wastewater, provide centralized water
treatment plant. Support treated wastewater reuse which is within the scope of the
development authority’s direct execution, such as at building or community level by
adopting appropriate regulations, policies or ordinances. In addition, meet the
requirements for wastewater quality as per WE Prerequisite: Water Access and Quality.
o Harvested rainwater – For each of the sectors identified in Water Demand, identify the
quantity of stormwater harvested. For harvesting stormwater at city or community level
provide stormwater infrastructure. Support stormwater harvesting for areas within the
scope of the development authority’s direct execution, such as at building or community
level by adopting appropriate regulations, policies or ordinances. In addition, meet the
requirements for stormwater quality as per WE Prerequisite: Water Access and Quality.
o Desalinated water – Measure the total amount of desalinated water supplied within the
Variation on STAR v2 BE-2 Community Water Systems Outcome 2

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To reduce runoff volume, prevent erosion, flooding and recharge groundwater.



Option 1. Flooding Incidences (2 points)

Case 1. No reported flooding 13 incidences in past five years

Provide the following details:
• Precipitation volume for which the stormwater infrastructure has been designed.
• Strategies adopted to manage stormwater beyond its designed limits.
• Trend-line showing reduction in stormwater flooding events over past five years.
• Strategies adopted to inspect and ensure maintenance of existing stormwater facilities.

Case 2. Reported flooding incidences in past five years

Report on areas within the city that have faced flooding.

In a manner best replicating natural site hydrology processes, retain (i.e. infiltrate, evapotranspirate,
or collect and reuse) on site the runoff for, at minimum, the 60th percentile of regional or local rainfall
for ten-year 24-hr rainfall event data using low-impact development (LID) and green-infrastructure (GI)
practices. Refer the methodology given in Part I, Section E of U.S. EPA Section 438 Technical
Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects of the Energy
Independence and Security Act to obtain 60th percentile rainfall event.

Cities or communities that have taken initiatives to manage stormwater, provide data trend-line
showing reduction in stormwater flooding events over past five years. Additionally, provide details on
strategies adopted to inspect and ensure maintenance of existing stormwater management facilities.
Adopt techniques to infiltrate, evapotranspirate, collect and reuse water for areas, such as
pavements, walkways, parks, open spaces and others.

LEED v4 ND GIB Credit: Rainwater Management
SITES v2 Water Prerequisite 3.1: Manage Precipitation on Site
LEED v4.1 BD+C SS Credit: Rainwater Management


Option 2. Green Stormwater Infrastructure (2 points)

Demonstrate that 35% of the jurisdiction’s land area has designated green stormwater providing
bioretention and infiltration services that are interconnected.

Provide details on strategies adopted to inspect and ensure maintenance of existing stormwater
management facilities and techniques to infiltrate, evapotranspirate, collect and reuse water for areas,
such as pavements, walkways, parks, open spaces, and others.


Flood is the overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or other body of water, or the accumulation of water over areas
that are not normally submerged. Floods include river (fluvial) floods, flash floods, urban floods, pluvial floods, sewer floods,
coastal floods, and glacial lake outburst floods. ,
Accessed on December 17, 2018.

STAR NS-1 Green Infrastructure, Outcome 1

For cities or communities following Case 2 of Option 1 or Option 2, adopt techniques 14 to infiltrate,
evapotranspirate, collect and reuse water for areas such as pavements, walkways, parks, open
spaces and others within the city.

Examples of acceptable techniques to achieve above requirements:
• Planting rain gardens with native or adapted plant material (e.g. trees shrubs);
• Installing a vegetated roof;
• Using permeable paving, consisting of porous above-ground materials (e.g., open pavers, engineered products), a base
layer designed to drain water away from the building, and (often) a 6-inch-deep (150 millimeters) subbase; and
• Installing permanent infiltration or collection features (e.g., vegetated swale, rain garden, rainwater cistern) that can retain
100% of the runoff from at minimum, the 80th percentile of regional or local rainfall events.
Cities may also refer to Urban Best Management Practice Database and Codes by Maryland Department of Environment that
provides a list of BMPs under the category of environmental site design, structural and other practices.
20Phase%20II%20MS4s%202016.pdf. Accessed on March 01, 2019.

1-2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To improve the operational efficiency of the water management systems through use of smart



Option 1. Water Audit (1 point)

Undertake water audit at least once a year to meet all of the following requirements:
• Address water use inventory, smart metering and water efficiency.
• Measure the amount of municipal water available and total water utilized from both municipal
water supply and other sources.
• System efficiency and root-cause analysis for water losses, leaks and infiltration.
• Identify strategies for improving system efficiency.


Option 2. Water Audit and Automation (2 points)

Adopt strategies for automation of water supply system for efficient operation and management by
data collection, tracking and monitoring of water supply network and conduct regular water audits.

This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To provide safe, secured, reliable, resilient and equitable access to power.



Power system must meet the following requirements. Cities with multiple utilities or service providers
must aggregate the data from the respective utility to demonstrate compliance


Case 1. 100% coverage of households or population by electricity service.

Case 2. For cities which have not achieved a 100% coverage of all coverage of households or
population by electricity supply, provide a roadmap for achieving the same within 5 years of
certification or at the time of LEED recertification.


Reliability Performance Monitoring

Continuous monitoring (automatic or manual) and recording of interruptions for the complete
distribution network at high, medium and low voltage levels.


Power Surety and Resiliency

Identify cities’ or communities’ critical loads or emergency facilities and essential services that require
backup power during widespread outages or disasters. Determine minimum daily runtime
requirements for all the emergency facilities and essential services. Demonstrate that the city, utility or
service provider can supply power to all emergency facilities and essential services for at least
duration greater than the minimum daily runtime for one week or longer.

Off-grid developments or micro-grids are eligible if they independently meet the above requirements
and are supported by the city development plans or policies.

PEER v2 RR Prerequisite: Reliability Performance Monitoring
PEER v2 RR Credit: Power Surety and Resiliency

1-18 Points
This prerequisite applies to
• Cities (1 – 14)
• Communities ( 1- 18)


To support energy management and move towards a zero energy and emissions city.



Measure the annual energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the city or
community. The inventory 15 should cover Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for one whole calendar
year or fiscal year. LEED points are based on Energy and GHG performance on Arc scored on
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita (tons CO2e per capita).

Document the assumptions for differing diurnal and seasonal population if varying numbers are used
to arrive at GHG emissions per capita.

Obtain a minimum Energy and GHG Performance Score of 40 on Arc. Additional points for this
prerequisite are awarded for Energy and GHG Performance Scores above 40, according to table

Table 7. Energy and GHG Performance score in Arc and corresponding LEED for Cities and
Communities points

Energy and GHG Performance Score on Arc

Score Points
Cities Communities
40 40 Prerequisite
44 44 1
49 48 2
53 52 3
57 56 4
61 60 5
66 64 6
70 68 7
74 70 8
79 73 9
83 76 10
87 79 11
91 82 12
96 85 13
100 88 14

Protocols accepted for GHG inventory: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)), Baseline Emissions Inventory/Monitoring Emissions Inventory methodology (BEI),
(Covenant of Mayors). Bilan Carbone (Association Bilan Carbone (ABC)), Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse
Gas Emission Inventories (GPC), Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR), International Local
Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Protocol (IEAP) (ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA),
International Standard for Determining Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Cities (UNEP and World Bank), PAS 2070: Specification
for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of a city(British Standards Institute (BSI)), U.S. Community Protocol for
Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability USA), GHG Protocol
for Cities (Greenhouse Gas Protocol).

91 15
94 16
97 17
100 18

Energy and GHG Performance Score

The Energy Performance Score rates the city or community on GHG emissions of the city or
community against the GHG emissions of comparable cities or communities as GHG is an indicator of
energy use in the city. Lower the energy use, higher will be the score. The score is a value from 1-100
based on the Energy Performance.

Performance Score Calculation

To calculate Energy and GHG Performance Score, the following data is required:
1. Annual energy consumption from all sectors along with the source of energy.
2. Emissions co-efficient for electricity and all fuel types.
3. Total population of the city or community.

1-4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To improve sectoral energy efficiency in the city or community.



Attempt any of the following options for a maximum of 4 points.

Street Lighting and Public Area Lighting (2 points)

A minimum of 70% of the street lighting in the city or community should meet the efficiency related
requirements of ‘ANSI/IESNA RP-8-14 Roadway Lighting. In addition, lamps should have a minimum
Luminous Efficacy of 100 lumens per watt.


Water and Wastewater (2 points)

Meet the requirements of the standard listed below for a minimum of 50% of the pumps used in water
supply, drainage and wastewater treatment:

Pump Energy Index listed in Table I.1 - Proposed Energy Conservation Standards for Pumps, 10 CFR
Parts 429 and 431 of DOE standards Federal Register final rule Energy Conservation Program:
Energy Conservation Standards for Pumps or international equivalent standard.


District Energy System (2 points)

Incorporate a district energy system. For the purposes of this credit, a Distributed Energy Systems
(DES) is a heating and/or cooling system that produces steam, hot water, and/or chilled water in a
centralized plant using cogeneration or tri-generation and distributes this energy to multiple buildings.
Determine the percentage of city’s electric, cooling and/or heating load or demand serviced by the
DES using the following formula. Single-family residential buildings may be excluded from the

% 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑡 𝐸𝐸𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑔𝑔𝑦𝑦 = % 𝐻𝐻𝐷𝐷𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆 +% 𝐶𝐶𝐷𝐷𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆 +% 𝐸𝐸𝐷𝐷𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆

%HDES: Percentage of city’s or community’s heating load or demand supplied by DES
%CDES: Percentage of city’s or community’s cooling load or demand supplied by DES
%EDES: Percentage of city’s or community’s electric load or demand supplied by DES

Points are awarded based on percentage of city load supplied by district energy resources as shown
in the Table below.

Table 8. Points for Distributed Energy Resources

% District Energy Points

80 % 1
160 % 2

Community scale DES systems do not qualify for this point under the LEED for Cities rating system.
However, they can achieve points under the LEED for Communities rating system pertaining to the

2-6 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduce
Greenhouse Gas emissions by increasing self-supply of renewable energy and the use of grid-source,
renewable energy technologies and carbon mitigation projects.



Cities or communities may choose one or more strategies for procuring renewable energy (such as
solar PV, wind, geothermal, micro or small scale hydro 16, or biomass) from the categories below.
Points are based on total city energy consumption from EN Prerequisite Energy and Greenhouse Gas
Performance met by the specific strategy as per the table given below. Points achieved in each
category may be added for up to a total of 6 points.

• On-Site Renewables: Includes on-site nonpolluting renewable energy generation, owned, leased
or subsidized by the city, utility (or energy provider).

• New Off-Site Renewables: Includes large-scale renewable energy plant with a minimum
capacity of 1 MW, to meet the energy needs of the city or community. Plant maybe located within
or outside the city boundary and should be owned or leased for a period of fifteen years by the
city or utility. The plant built within the last year or contracted prior to renewable energy project
development. A new or on-going Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or Virtual Power Purchase
Agreement (VPPA) between the city/ community, utility and/or renewable energy provider is

• Existing Off-Site Renewables: Includes renewable energy procured from an existing renewable
energy provider or utility (Contract not required).

• Green-e Certified RECs and Carbon Offsets: Includes green-e certified Renewable Energy
Certificates (RECs), and/or carbon offsets purchased by the city to mitigate the environmental
impacts of city energy consumption; if purchased by the utility or energy provider, RECs and
Carbon Offsets must be prorated as per the city’s annual energy share in the utility’s generation.
RECs and carbon offsets must be Green-e certified. Carbon offsets must be purchased from
recognized GHG reduction projects within the country where the city is located. For this purpose,
engage in a contract for qualified resources that have come online or been built within the last
fifteen years. The contract must be for a minimum of fifteen years to be delivered annually. If
RECs or carbon offsets are purchased by the utility serving multiple cities, these must be prorated
as per the city’s annual energy share in the utility’s generation.

• RECs and Carbon Offsets: Includes other Renewable Energy Credits and Carbon Offsets
purchased by the city; if purchased by the utility, RECs and Carbon Offsets must be prorated as
per the city’s annual energy share in the utility’s generation.

Prosumers, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) or other aggregated consumers) with a minimum
on-grid capacity of 2 MW which will be owned and operated by consumers may be included in the
calculations based on whether these are on-site or off-site renewables.

Small hydroelectric is limited to capacity of 25 MW or as per national standard.

Environmental benefits of all procurement must be retained by the city or utility. All off-site qualifying
resources must be contracted, owned, or leased for at least 15 years.

Table 9. Points for Renewables Procurement

Existing Off-
On-Site New Off-Site Certified: RECs RECs and
Points Site
Renewables Renewables and Carbon Carbon
Offsets Offsets
2 2% 20 % 60 % 100% 150%
3 6% 40 % 80 % 200%
4 15 % 60 % 100 % 300%
5 35 % 80 %
6 60 % 100 %

2-4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities


To progress towards a low carbon economy by decoupling economic growth of the city or community
from greenhouse gas emissions.



Greenhouse Gas Intensity (2 points)

Report the total GHG emissions emitted by the city or community per unit economic output measured
in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) produced by the city. Total GHG emissions must be as per EN
Prerequisite Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance.

GDP of the city or community should include the increase in GDP of the region due to the economic
activities within the city or community. Data at city level or apportioned metro or state level data must
be used.

GHG Intensity = Total GHG of the city / Total GDP


Reduction in Carbon Intensity (2 points)

Demonstrate a reduction in the Carbon Intensity of the economy over a period of three consecutive

STAR Communities V2 EJ-2: Green Market Development Outcome 1: Greenhouse Gas Intensity

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To improve operational efficiency of the energy system and encourage consumer participation in
energy use optimization.



Option 1. Load Management (2 points)

Have in place (or initiate dialogue with utility to be committed to) infrastructure and programs that
provide access to dynamic pricing for metered users to motivate load shifting. Rate structures must be
clearly defined, communicated to metered users in a standard format, and easily accessible. At
minimum, have a tariff scheme that offers, Time of Use pricing with at least one time block and two
tiers for all consumers.
PEER v2 GS Credit: Demand Side Management


Option 2. Demand Response (2 points)

Have in place (or initiate dialogue with utility to be committed to) tariff options that support short-term
reduction in peak demand. Have in place following tariff structures for residential, commercial and
industrial consumer categories at minimum:
• Critical Peak Pricing
• Critical Peak Rebate
PEER v2 GS Credit: Demand Response


Option 3. Net Metering and Interconnection Policy (2 points)

Adopt (or be committed to) an Interconnection and Net metering policy. The policy should meet the
following requirements that are based on the Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with
Electric Power Systems, by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1547-2003 or local
• Applicability to all renewable generation and energy storage technologies (Distributed Power
sources, Electric Vehicles).
• System capacity of 100 kW or more
• Incorporate the following best practices for Interconnection Policies:
o Provisions for a fast-track, low-cost interconnection process for customers with generation
capacity of 100 kW or less (Distributed Power sources, Electric Vehicles).
o Defined timelines and an engineering fee structure for various stages of the process.
o Identification of technical standards for interconnection of generation systems (Distributed
Power sources, Electric Vehicles).
• Incorporate at least three of the following best practices for Net Metering Policies:
o Monthly rollover of excess energy to be permitted up to one year.
o Compensation is provided for excess energy at predefined, nonzero rates.
o Ownership of renewable energy certificates is offered to the customer.
o Third-party ownership and meter aggregation are permitted.
PEER v2 EE Credit: Distributed Energy Resources
PEER v2 GS Credit: Streamlined Interconnection and Net Metering

This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To effectively and efficiently manage waste.



The local government, development authority, or waste management service provider/s must meet
the below requirements.

Case 1. 100% coverage of all types of buildings or city population by waste management services for
municipal solid waste.

Case 2. For cities which have not achieved a 100% coverage of all types of buildings or city
population of all types and applicable buildings by waste management services, provide a roadmap
for achieving the same within 3 years of certification or at the time of LEED recertification.


Solid Waste Management Plan

Provide solid waste management plan, adopted or updated within the last five years, to meet the
following requirements:

• Segregation – Waste must be sorted and segregated. Sorting must be done into minimum four
categories - organic, recyclables, electronic waste (e-waste), and others. For areas where source
segregation is not undertaken, central sorting facility must be provided.

• Waste Storage and Collection – Comply with the ‘Requirement’ sections of U.S. Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 40, Volume 26, Part 243 on Storage, Safety and Collection (or local,
state or national equivalent, whichever is more stringent).

• Waste Handling and Processing Facility – Total waste collected should be transported to the
waste handling and processing facility situated within or outside the city boundary for further
handling and processing of organic and inorganic waste. It must be either be centralized or
decentralized. This facility must ensure that waste from registered project is only handled by them
and not from any other source. In addition, all the organic waste should be stored in non-corrosive
container with lid cover and recyclable and e-waste in a place with firm waterproof base at central
waste handling and processing facility.
o Organic waste comprising of all food waste and yard waste i.e. yard trimmings, dry leaves
and wasted manure must be transported to organic waste treatment facility for converting it
into compost via composting or biogas via anaerobic digestion.
o All the recyclable waste should be sorted into minimum six categories Including paper,
corrugated cardboard, glass, plastic, metal, and send to material recovery facility for
treatment. For e-waste management refer MR Credit Material Recovery.

Communities must meet all the requirements that are within the scope of the services provided or contracted by the

o Landfill should meet the requirements of EPA Landfill Manual or local, state or national

• Material Recovery Facility – This recycling facility must be designed and operated in
accordance to the local / national regulations. All the sorted recyclable waste from waste handling
facility must be send to MRF for recycling and further treatment to produce recycled products.
These products must be send to suitable markets with vendors situated within the city of outside
the city boundary.

Support waste management and diversion strategies which are not directly within the scope of the city
or community services must be supported by the appropriate contract with the service provider.


Divert a minimum of 35% of construction and demolition waste from all infrastructure works (new,
renovation, repair or demolition) undertaken by the local government.

1-5 Points
This prerequisite applies to
• Cities (1-4 points)
• Communities (1-5 points)


To support waste management and move towards net zero waste city.



Measure the total weight of waste (in lbs., kg, or tons) that is generated, and the total weight that is
diverted from landfills or incineration for a minimum period of the most recent calendar year. LEED
points are based on waste performance in Arc across two metrics:
• Municipal solid waste generated (in metric tons per year per capita)
• Municipal solid waste diverted (% of total generated)

Municipal solid waste generated must include waste generation from all sectors within the city or
community including but not limited to residential, institutional, commercial, other sectors and open

Waste to energy may count as waste diversion method if the facility meets European Commission
Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC and the European Commission Waste Incineration Directive
2000/76/EC. 18 In addition, cities or communities must demonstrate that reuse and recycling strategies
were exhausted before sending material to waste to energy facility.

Construction and demolition waste is not included under this credit. Exclude land clearing debris, soil
and landscaping materials.

Document the assumptions for differing diurnal and seasonal population if varying numbers are used
to arrive at waste generation per capita.

Obtain a minimum waste performance score of 40. Additional points for this prerequisite are awarded
for waste performance scores above 40, according to Table below.

Table 10. Waste Performance Score in Arc and corresponding LEED points

Waste Performance Score in Arc

Cities Communities
40 40 Prerequisite
55 52 1
70 64 2
85 76 3
100 88 4
100 5

These standards consist of performance metrics of both efficiency and emissions for different types of energy recovery
systems. In addition, the facility must meet the applicable European standards based on the fuel type. See Referenced
Standards for more information on these directives:
EN 303-1—1999/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-2—1998/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-3—1998/AC—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers
EN 303-4—1999, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-5—2012, Heating boilers for solid fuels
EN 303-6—2000, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-7—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers equipped with a forced draught burner

Waste Performance Score
The Waste Performance Score rates the resource consumption and resource use efficiency of the city
(waste generated and diverted) against the consumption and efficiency of comparable cities or

The score is a value from 1-100 based on the cities’ total weight of waste generated and the total
weight of waste diverted from landfills and incineration facilities.

Performance Score Calculation

To calculate the Waste Performance Score, following data is required:
1. Municipal solid waste generated (lbs., kg, or tons)
2. Municipal solid waste diverted (lbs., kg, or tons)
3. Total population of the city or community

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To divert special waste streams from landfill and incinerators and recover and recycle reusable



Measure and report the total weight of waste generated under special waste streams and the total
waste diverted from landfill or incineration. Report data for one full calendar or fiscal year.

Report data for each of following special waste streams:

• Waste generated through special waste streams (in metric tons per year)
• Waste diverted (percentage diverted)

Special wastes are defined as non-municipal solid waste generated within the city or community,
including industrial waste, agricultural, bio-medical waste, hazardous waste or any other as specific to
the city. 19

What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 , Accessed on December 17, 2018.

1-2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To encourage use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have
been extracted and sourced in a responsible manner.



Comply with one or more of the following criteria for minimum 20% by cost of the total value of
permanently installed top three materials used in infrastructure. (1 point)

Comply with at least one of the following criteria for minimum 40% by cost, of the total value of
permanently installed top five materials used in infrastructure. (2 points)

Include new construction, major renovation, repair or demolition works undertaken or contracted by
the local government for a full calendar year. Infrastructure includes but is not limited to roads and
highways, transits, water supply and wastewater treatment plants, public spaces and parks.

Material should meet at least one of the following sourcing and extraction requirements:
• Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) - Products purchased from a manufacturer (producer)
that participates in an EPR program or is directly responsible for extended producer responsibility.
Products meeting EPR criteria are valued at 50% of their cost for the purpose of credit
achievement calculations.

• Leadership Extraction Practices – Material Reuse - Reuse includes salvaged, refurbished or

reused materials/products. Materials meeting reuse criteria are valued 200% of their cost for the
purpose of credit achievement calculations.

• Leadership Extraction Practices – Recycled Content - Materials meeting recycled content

criteria are valued 100% of their cost for the purpose of credit achievement calculations.
o Recycled content is the sum of postconsumer recycled content plus one half of pre-consumer
recycled content, based on weight.
o The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine
the recycled content value.

• Leadership Extraction Practices – USGBC Approved Program - Other USGBC approved

program meeting responsible sourcing and extraction criteria.

LEED BD+C v4 MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization- Sourcing of raw materials.

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities


To recover materials from the waste stream which have a high value and provide mechanism for
collection and channelization of these back to the producer thereby moving towards a circular



Option 1: Extended Producer Responsibility

Collection centers must be provided within the boundary and must be equipped with facilities to
collect and store the waste products pertaining to the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy
in order to transfer these to the manufacturers. Collection centers must be within or outside the city
boundary and may be operated by the municipality or other organizations such as Producer
Responsible Organizations (PRO).


Mandate a Manufacturers or Producer’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy for

companies within the city’s jurisdiction to encourage refurbishment, remanufacturing and recycling.
Policy should meet all of the following requirements:
• Address (i) Electronics and Electrical Equipment (EEE) and (ii) packaging or metal cans.
• Include specific guidelines regarding channelization, collection centers, storage, transportation,
environmentally sound dismantling, recycling and refurbishment.
• Mandate companies to collect a minimum of 10% of the total annual waste generated. Waste
generated by the producer is calculated using the formula:
E-waste generation in the financial year ‘x-y’ = Sales in the financial year ‘(x-z) - (y-z)’
‘x – y’ = financial year in which generation is estimated (in weight or volume)
z= average life span of the products


Option 2: Non-recyclable Waste Generation Reporting

• Conduct a waste stream audit for all non-recyclable waste generated within the city, by either
weight or volume.
• Based on the waste stream study, identify and list top five major contributing waste producers.
• Report major contribution based on source and total weight or volume of waste generated.
• Municipality must initiate a dialogue with identified producers to take appropriate measures for the
safe collection, storage and recycling/reuse to take back product into the system.

TRUE Leadership Credit 4: Take Responsibility for Company Products and Packaging

2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To improve operational efficiency of the waste management system.



Provide smart waste management systems using any or both of the following to handle a minimum of
20% of the waste generated within the city.

Option 1. Pneumatic Transport Systems

• Loading Stations – Public areas and private property with pneumatic transport system will have
hatches, called loading stations where the waste will enter the Automatic Waste Collection
System (AWCS) pipe network. At this station, a minimum of two pipes one for compostable and
another for recyclable waste will run underground.

• Transport Network – Underground transport network will have 19 inch (500 millimeters) diameter
pipes coated by 3-layer PE coating. PVC conduits containing both the compressed air conduits
and system communication control cables will run parallel to the waste pipes.

• Central Waste Handling Facility – At central waste handling facility all pipes will transfer waste
for compacting and an automated software will direct the compacted waste to the proper
container, from there to be trucked for recycling.


Option 2. Smart Bins and Route Optimization

• Sensor Bins – Ultrasonic sensors installed in municipal bins to guide fill level of waste and a
communication system will transfer this information to the cloud for further processing and
o Sensor Bins with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for e-waste: Electronic
waste bins installed with ultrasonic sensors and RFID technology to automatically identify and
track tags attached to products. The tags containing electrically stored information will
exchange information between cloud and trucks for disposal or directly for the waste bins
where the information from each bin is conveyed to the cloud and product recycling can be

• Route Optimization – Information analyzed at the cloud will be processed further and sent to
waste vehicle operators to optimize the fleet routing for waste collection.

This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To describe the population demographics and housing characteristics of the area.



Provide a comprehensive demographic narrative that includes the following population and housing
• Brief history of development, noting critical points of change for the overall area or specific
• Age cohorts, including the following categories: Under 18 years, 18 years and over, and 65 years
and over.
• Racial/Ethnic composition. [In the U.S., this must include Black or African American, American
Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White alone (not
Hispanic or Latino), two or more races, and Hispanic or Latino (of any race).]
• Other prominent sociocultural groups present, such as migrants, religious groups, and
linguistically isolated.
• Housing market analysis, including total housing units, dwelling units per acre, homeowner
vacancy rate, rental vacancy rate, units in structure (including single-unit, duplex, 3 or 4 units, 5 to
9 units, 10 to 19 units, 20 or more units, mobile home, and boat, RV, van, etc.), age of housing
(including 2014 or later, 2000 to 2013, 1980 to 1999, 1960 to 1979, 1940 to 1959, and prior to
1939), median value of owner-occupied units, median monthly owner costs, and median rent.


Develop a series of maps (or interactive layers) that provide demographic breakdowns of selected
characteristics at the neighborhood or block group scale:
• Demographic Indicators:
o Minority population,
o Low income population,
o Linguistically isolated,
o Less than HS Education,
o Under Age 5, and
o Over Age 64.
• Residential density
• Public Accommodations and Services: Parks, Libraries, Recreation Centers, Schools, Fire
Stations, Police Stations, and Healthful retail food outlets

1-6 Points
This prerequisite applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To track and measure metrics related to elevating the living standards of all people.



Measure all of the Quality of Life parameters below for a minimum period of the most recent calendar
year or fiscal year. LEED points are based on city performance in Arc (under Human Experience) 20
combined across four categories – Education, Equitability, Prosperity, and Health and Safety.

1. Education
• Population with (at least) a High School Degree – Percentage of adult population
• Population with (at least) a Bachelor’s Degree – Percentage of adult population

2. Equitability
• Median Gross Rent as a % of Household Income
• Gini Coefficient – A number between 0 and 1

3. Prosperity
• Median Household Income – Median household income in equivalent US dollars
• Unemployment Rate – Percent of population 16 years and over

4. Health and Safety

• Median Air Quality Index (AQI) – A number between 0 and 500 21
• Air Quality Days Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups – Number of days
• Violent Crime – Per capita 22

Obtain a minimum Quality of Life Performance score of 40 on Arc. Additional points for this
prerequisite are awarded for Quality of Life Performance Scores above 40, according to table below.

Table 11. Points for Quality of Life Performance

Quality of Life (or Human Experience)

Performance score in Arc
40 Prerequisite
50 1
60 2
70 3
80 4
90 5
100 6

Refer to Human Experience category on Arc for Quality of Life.
Daily AQI must be based on hourly monitoring of all five major air pollutants - ground-level ozone, PM 2.5, PM 10, carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
The Violent Crime Rate is an aggregate per capita measure of the number of homicides (murder and non-negligent
manslaughter), forcible rape, robberies, and aggravated assault crimes. Violent Crime is defined differently based on national
standards. Therefore, consider the data requested and disaggregate local values as needed to reflect the LEED for Cities’

1-4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To demonstrate an improvement over time in key metrics pertaining to a person’s quality of life.



Select up to four (4) of the following metrics and demonstrate either an annual improving trend from a
baseline year no more than five years prior to the most recent reporting year or achievement of the
stated thresholds. One point is available for each metric demonstrating improvement.

• Population with a High School Degree – Portion of population aged 25 years and over who
have obtained a high school diploma 23; Threshold: Equal to or greater than 70%
• Graduation Rate – Portion of school district’s initial cohort class graduating from high school (or
ISCED level 3) 24; Threshold: Equal to or greater than 90%
• Small Businesses – Number of businesses having fewer than 500 employees per 1,000
residents 25; Threshold: Equal to or greater than 20
• Unemployment Rate – Portion of population in the labor market who are not employed 26;
Threshold: Between 3 to 4 percent
• Poverty Rate – Portion of population living below the national poverty line 27; Threshold: Declining
at a rate of zero poverty by 2025
• Percentage of household incomes meeting the living wage standard – Portion of households
meeting the living wage for the area 28; Threshold: Equal to or greater than 80%
• Violent Crime – Incidents of violent crime, weighted by type, per 100,000 people 29; Thresholds:
Equal to or less than 5.5 homicides, 70 incidents of forcible rape, and 462.7 aggravated assaults.
• Asthma rate – Portion of the population aged 18 years and over who have current asthma
prevalence; Threshold: None, trend decreasing only
• Hypertension – Portion of the population aged 18 years and over with high blood pressure 30;
Threshold: Non, trend decreasing only
• Obesity rate – Portion of the population aged 18 years and over who have a body mass index
(BMI) greater than or equal to 30.0 kg/m2 31; Threshold: Equal to or less than 26%

High school degree may include equivalency, such as GED or other certificate of completion
Graduation Rate is the percentage of a school's first-time cohort who completes their program within the published time for
the program. The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) provides a standard for international comparison
of education statistics. A high school degree is equivalent to ISCED level 3. Reference: STAR v2 EAC-3 Educational
Reference: STAR v2 EJ-3 Local Economy Outcome 3
Reference: variation on STAR v2 EJ-1 Business Retention & Development Outcome 2
Reference: STAR v2 EE-6 Poverty Prevention & Alleviation Outcome 1
Consider costs for food, childcare, heath, housing, transportation, other necessities and taxes to calculate the living wages.
Minimum living wage must be calculated individually for the main family compositions found within the city. Take a weighted
average of the living wages to calculate the average minimum living wage for the city. Based on income data, identify the
percentage of population meeting the minimum living wage requirement.
Guide-and-Technical-Notes-2017.pdf Reference: STAR v2 EJ-4 Quality Jobs & Living Wages Outcome 2
Violent Crime Rate includes the number of homicides (murder and non-negligent manslaughter), forcible rape, robberies, and
aggravated assault crimes. Violent Crime is defined differently based on national standards. Therefore, disaggregate local
values as needed to reflect this definition. Incidents should include all reportable offenses in the given area, even if not under
the local authority’s jurisdiction. Reference: variation on STAR v2 HS-7 Safe Communities Outcome 1
This metric may also be reported as “Poor or fair health”. Reference: variation on HS-2 Community Health Outcome 1
Reference: variation on HS-2 Community Health Outcome 2

4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To foster equitable economic prosperity and expand access to community services to all.



Option 1. Equitable Per Capita Income (1 point)

Demonstrate the median earnings of males and females is not less than 5 percentage points of the
total median earnings and that the disparity of income per capita amongst identified sociocultural
groups is not greater than 5 percentage points.

Variation on STAR v2 EE-6 Poverty Prevention & Alleviation Outcome 2


Option 2.

Equitable Workforce Mobility (1 point)

Demonstrate that the post-secondary educational attainment of the population aged 25 and
older in the subcategories of male, female, and identified sociocultural groups is not less than
5 percentage points of the overall post-secondary educational attainment. Post-secondary
educational attainment includes high-quality credentials and associate, bachelor, and
graduate/professional degrees.

STAR v2 EJ-6 Workforce Readiness Outcome 3


Graduation Rate Equity (1 point)

Demonstrate that the high school graduation rate (or ISCED level 3) for the subcategories of
male, female, and identified sociocultural groups is not less than 5 percentage points of the
overall graduation rate for the district.

STAR v2 EAC-3 Educational Opportunity & Attainment Outcome 4


Option 3. Equitable Employment (1 point)

Demonstrate that the unemployment rate for the subcategories of male, female, and identified
sociocultural groups is not less than 5 percentage points of the overall unemployment rate.

STAR v2 EJ-1: Business Retention & Development Outcome 3


Option 4. Access & Proximity (1 point)

Demonstrate that community facilities, such as parks, libraries, recreation centers, and schools, and
healthful retail food outlets are as accessible to low-income residents as they are to the broader
community. Density is based on the number of dwelling units per acre. Use Network Analyst to
identify walkability routes and the density category to select the appropriate walk distance
requirement for the buffered area.

Table 12. Points for Access and Proximity

Dwelling Units per Acre Density Category Walk Distance Requirement

12+ High ¼ mile (400 meters)
7-11 Intermediate ¾ mile (1200 meters)
<7 Intermediate-low or Low 1 mile (1600 meters)

STAR v2 EE-4 Equitable Services & Access Outcome 1

1 Point
The credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To address conditions that may lead to neighborhoods or populations being overburdened by

environmental pollutants.



Demonstrate progress in reducing the risks and exposure to priority environmental justice conditions
for priority areas in the last 5 years.

• Identify the priority environmental justice conditions.

Priority environmental justice conditions are considered when a specific section of the community
such as women and/or children, low-income groups, specific neighborhoods or sociocultural
groups experience a disproportionate amount of human health or environmental effect, such as:
o Bodily impairment, infirmity, illness or death
o Air, noise, and water pollution and soil contamination
o Destruction or disruption of man-made or natural resources
o Destruction or disruption of community cohesion or a community’s economic vitality
o Destruction or disruption of the availability of public and private facilities and services
o Displacement of persons, businesses, farms, or nonprofit organizations
o Isolation, exclusion, or separation from the broader community

The scope of environmental justice includes not only the disparate impacts from degradation to the
natural environment, but impacts to the general environment that people live and work in as well.

• Identify the priority areas.

Priority areas must be identified based on evaluating the following:
o Sections with the highest percentage of historically overburdened populations
o Areas known to have the highest concentration of environmental pollutants or polluters
o Areas identified through substantial community engagement or complaints surrounding
environmental justice conditions
o Areas currently in violation of state environmental regulations or where violations have been
resolved within the last 3 years
STAR v2 EE-3: Environmental Justice

1-2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To provide an adequate and diverse supply of location-efficient and affordable housing options for all.



Demonstrate the delivery of high quality homelessness services related to short-term emergency
shelter options and permanent housing solutions in coordination with non-governmental service

Adaptation on STAR v2 EE-5 Human Services Outcome 1 and Action 8


Option 1. Adopt a comprehensive housing policy that addresses the following elements (1 point)
• Higher density (12 DU per acre) within ¼ mile (400 meters) of walking distance to public transit
• A housing needs assessment addressing housing supply affordability, diversity of housing stock
by unit and ownership type, and community demographics;
• Programs or code enforcement ensuring healthy housing standards for both rental and owner-
occupied units; and
• Evaluation of existing area conditions to identify whether a family of four with an income at 200%
national poverty level could afford to live with less than 45% housing plus transportation costs or
zoning ordinances requiring at least 10% of units are affordable in transit-served areas and areas
identified for compact, mixed-use development.

Adaptation on STAR v2 BE-3 Compact & Complete Communities Action 4
BE-4 Housing Affordability Actions 1 & 2
HS-2 Community Health Action 5


Option 2. Demonstrate that at least 60% of households, compared to the National Typical, would
spend less than 45% on housing and transportation combined. (1 point)

Adaptation on STAR v2 BE-4 Housing Affordability Outcome 1

1-2 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To promote a cohesive, and socially connected community and facilitate their participation in local



Demonstrate both high-tech and high-touch on-going engagement techniques that empower the
public in shaping the future of the community.


Demonstrate that public engagement techniques include practices that intentionally and directly
engage all residents, including traditionally unrepresented or underrepresented groups, through
inclusive, context-sensitive, and transparent decision-making processes.

STAR v2 IP-1 Best Practices & Processes (2)


Attempt any of the following options for a maximum of 2 points:

Option 1. Demonstrate that appointments to local advisory boards and commissions reflect the
gender, racial, and ethnic diversity of the area. (1 point)

STAR v2 EE-1 Civic Engagement Outcome 3


Option 2. Demonstrate that 51% or more of residents believe they are able to have a positive impact
on their community based on a local survey. (1 point)

STAR v2 EE-1 Civic Engagement Outcome 2


Option 3. Demonstrate that at least 80% of residents report positive levels of neighborhood cohesion
based on a local survey. (1 point)

STAR v2 EAC-2 Community Cohesion Outcome 3


Option 4. Demonstrate that at least 30% of residents in large jurisdictions or 35% of residents in small
or mid-sized jurisdictions volunteered in the past year. (1 point)

STAR v2 EAC-2 Community Cohesion Outcome 2

1 Point
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To uphold a process that ensures the civil and human rights of all people is fundamental



• Adopt a policy-based mission statement to promote a discrimination free quality of life for all
relating to employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of race, sex, color,
religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or familial status and
gender identity or expression.

STAR v2 EE-2 Civil & Human Rights Action 2

• Describe initiatives and policies that ensure the voting rights of all eligible voters are

• Integrate community policing and procedural justice into police department operations to
support and build trust with residents.

STAR v2 HS-7 Safe Communities Action 7

• Have in place a local officer or Commission on Human Rights who is responsible for:
• formulating and carrying out educational programs designed to minimize or eliminate
discriminatory practices;
• receiving and investigating complaints alleging any discriminatory practices by police or
• providing mediation services to resolve incidences of alleged discriminatory practices;
• publishing an annual report detailing any issues, complaints, and other activities;
• advising leadership on human rights issues.

Adaptation of STAR v2 EE-2 Civil & Human Rights Actions 3 and 5

Communities may include city level officers accessible to the community residents to demonstrate achievement of this credit.

1-6 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To encourage cities to achieve exceptional or innovative performance.



One point is awarded for each Innovation credit achieved, up to a maximum of six. A city or
community may use any combination of the options below. Each option is equivalent to one point.

Option 1. Achieve significant, measurable environmental performance using a strategy not addressed
in the LEED for Cities and Communities rating system.

Identify all of the following:

• Intent of the proposed innovation credit
• Proposed requirements for compliance
• Proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance
• Design approach or strategies used to meet the requirements.


Option 2. Achieve exemplary performance in any of the LEED for Cities and Communities
prerequisite or credit. An exemplary performance point is typically earned for achieving double the
credit requirements or the next incremental percentage threshold.


Option 3. Meet all of the requirements of a prerequisite or credit from any of the below rating systems
at the city or utility level:
• STAR Community Rating System v2, October 2016
• PEER Rating System v2, February 2018
• LEED v4 Transit, November 2018

1-4 Points
This credit applies to
• Cities
• Communities


To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific socio-
economic and environmental priorities.



Option 1. One point is awarded for each Regional Priority credit achieved, up to a maximum of four.
• Identify the credit which is a regional priority.
• Provide Background and context outlining the regional priority.
• Achieve the full points for respective LEED for Cities and Communities credit.


Option 2. Achieve significant, measurable environmental performance for a regional priority using a
strategy not addressed in the LEED for Cities and Communities rating system.

Identify all of the following:

• Intent of the proposed regional priority credit
• Provide Background and context outlining the regional priority.
• Proposed requirements for compliance
• Proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance
• Design approach or strategies used to meet the requirements.

List of Diverse uses

Category Use type

Food retail
Grocery with produce section
Convenience store
Farmers market
Hardware store
Other retail
Family entertainment venue (e.g., theater, sports)
Gym, health club, exercise studio
Hair care
Laundry, dry cleaner
Restaurant, café, diner (excluding those with only drive-thru service)
Adult or senior care (licensed)
Child care (licensed)
Community or recreation center
Cultural arts facility (museum, performing arts)
Education facility (e.g., K—12 school, university, adult education center,
vocational school, community college)
Government office that serves public on-site
Civic and community Medical clinic or office that treats patients
Place of worship
Police or fire station
Post office
Public library
Public park
Social services center
Open community spaces such as squares and plazas


1–4 points

To encourage development in locations shown to have multimodal transportation choices or otherwise
reduced motor vehicle use, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and other
environmental and public health harms associated with motor vehicle use.

Option 1. Transit for Placemaking
Ensure that the station displays characteristics that will integrate a mixture of uses to connect people
and places and maximize utilization (1-3 points)
• Walkable Streets
• Compact Development
• Public Spaces and Cultural Opportunities
• Mixed Use

Table 1. Points for Placemaking Characteristics

Number of placemaking characteristics

displayed by station

1-characteristics 1

2-characteristics 2

3-characteristics 3

4-characteristics 4


Option 2. Transit for People-moving: Intermodal Connections (1-4 points)

Ensure that the station is connected to three or more other modes of transportation and includes at
least 3 of 8 of the following intermodal connectivity features:
• Three or more bus routes at station
• Minimum of four short-term bicycle storage spaces at station
• Minimum two long-term bicycle storage spaces or valet at station or policies to allow bicycles
on transit systems
• Vehicle parking at station with carpool services provided
• Airport within one connection and total transit travel time of less than 1.5 hours
• Regional or commuter rail within one connection and total transit travel time of less than 1
• Ferry within one connection
• Designated passenger drop off area

Table 2. Points for intermodal connections

Number of modal connections offered at station Points

3 connections 1
4 connections 2

5 connections 3

6+ connections 4


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