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Conforms to EC Directive on

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Model SY6000
Quality System Certification Synchronizer

Features The SY6000 operates in conjunction with an electric

governor system to allow the safe connection of a slave genset
• Compatible with AMBAC, GAC, Cummins to either the mains bus or a master genset.
EFC, and Barber Colman Speed The synchronizer senses the frequency and phase of both
Controllers the mains/master and the (slave) and supplies a speed trim
• Speed capture range typically ±4% signal to the slave genset’s speed control unit to adjust its
• Controls 12 and 24 volt systems engine speed until the main/master and slave frequency and
• Typically captures in less than 3 seconds phase are matched. When this matching occurs, relay
• Wide voltage range on inputs - Line to contacts in the synchronizer close to initiate load contactor
line or Line to neutral sensing actuation, while disconnecting the synchronizer itself.
• Phase capture range typically ±25° The synchronizer is fast-acting, with typical synchronization
in both frequency and phase obtained in less than 3 seconds
• Phase error <2°
when the genset is within the capture window.

Caution Note:
Connections illustrated
are suggested only. All
components and wiring
must be selected and
installed in conformance
with local regulations.

Figure 1. Outline Dimensions and Typical Connections

AMBAC International, 103 Myron Street, West Springfield, MA 01089 (USA) - North America Tel: (800) 683-7991 Fax: (800) 683-7992
International Tel: (413) 781-2204 Fax: (413) 739-0935 For Technical Assistance: (413) 785-6804
The SY6000 operates by sensing a master input signal from the main power bus and comparing it with the frequency and phase
of the slave signal from a generator which is to be synchronized to the bus. The error signal from the comparator circuit in the
synchronizer is a measure of the speed and phase difference between the mains and the generator. The dynamic control and
output circuits of the synchronizer send a trim signal to the speed control unit to adjust the engine speed and thus reduce the
frequency and phase error. Control adjustments for PHASE ERROR (between the Genset and the Main), GAIN, Stability and
Breaker Closure (Angle), located through the cover, are used to optimize the performance of the unit.
Inputs connect to the Generator (GEN) and Mains power lines and to BATTERY power. Inputs also connect to either an AC or
DC ENABLE signal which enables the speed trim output to the Speed Control Unit. Another input allows disabling the internal
SPDT relay which controls an external contactor for paralleling with the Main. The relay contacts are available at the external
Two speed trim outputs are provided. One, called O/P 1, interfaces with AMBAC and other similar Speed Control Units. The
second, O/P 2, provides the opposite phase and a different reference voltage and interfaces with Cummins EFC and Barber
Colman units. The internal 10VDC supply
Performance Specifications
is also made available at the terminals.
Outputs LED Indicators are provided to allow
easy setup and troubleshooting. These
Engine Speed Trim Signal Phase - O/P Voltage drops to increase speed indicators show the presence of the
- O/P 2 Voltage increases to increase speed Generator (GEN) and MAINS power, proper
DC power within the Synchronizer,
presence of a SYNC ENABLE input, when
Generator Frequency 30 - 500 Hz the genset is SYNCHRONIZED to the
±4% (based on 3250 Hz speed sensor Mains, and when the internal relay is
Speed Capture Range typ actuated.
Phase Error Factory set to less than 2 degrees
Breaker Closure Angle (Window) 0° ± 30° continuously adjustable 2 1 Mag sensor frequency in Hz =
(engine RPM) x (number of teeth on
Signal Voltage Range - Line-to-Line min 140 - 500 Vrms
flywheel) / 60
- Line-to-Neutral min 80-280 Vrms 2 Factory set to ±6°
3 Printed circuit boards are fully
Supply Voltage (Battery) 12 - 30 Vdc conformally coated
Supply Current max 100 mA
Output Relay Contact Rating max 10 amp, 30 Vdc
Environmental Ordering Information
Temperature range -40°C<T<+80°C (-40°F<T<+176°F)
Humidity Up to 100%3
Model Number
Vibration 5g (20-2000Hz) Standard Unit
Enclosure Fungus proof and corrosion resistant Consult Factory for Other Options

Printed in U.S.A. Figure 2. Simplified Schematic EG-SY6000 5/99

When paralleling a synchronous generator to a main control unit to obtain an identical phase relationship
bus consisting of other generators or the utility, both between the oncoming genset and the main bus. The
the phase and voltage levels of each power system typical time for synchronization is usually less than
must be matched BEFORE the actual connection is 3 seconds when the genset is at rated speed with op-
made. The SY6000 is an accessory module which timum governor performance settings.
adjusts a genset’s electronic governing system speed

The synchronizer monitors the phase and frequency A wide range of AC input voltages and wave shapes
of its generator and the main bus (See Figure 1). can be accepted by the synchronizer. If the genera-
The two AC signals are electrically isolated from tor output voltage exceeds the specified input limits
each other and from the governor speed control of the SY6000, isolation transformers with a suit-
units. The phase of the two AC signals is compared able step-down ratio will be required. Isolation be-
and a correction signal for the generator’s speed tween input signals allows each generator to be iso-
control is generated. This correction signal adjusts lated from each other until the actual paralleling oc-
the electric governor speed setting and is applied curs.
by the synchronizer until the electrical phase error
between the generator and the main bus is elimi- A measurement of the phase relationship between
nated. This synchronization process commences the two AC inputs is continuously available (when
only with the presence of both GEN and MAINS an ENABLE signal is also present) as an analog volt-
AC signals and an ENABLE signal at Terminals 8 age at Terminal 11. A level of approximately 5.0 V
or 9. Any phase error that remains after synchro- indicates an in-phase condition. The synchronizer’s
nization may be trimmed out by using the internal dynamic control circuits include graduated GAIN
PHASE ERROR adjustment. When the ENABLE and STABILITY adjustments. These controls are
signal at Terminals 8 or 9 is removed, the synchro- used to obtain optimum synchronization times and
nizer will assume a neutral output.

Figure 1. System Block Diagram

EG SY6000 Inst. 5/99
stable performance. The GAIN adjusts the sensitiv- synchronizer output from the speed control unit
ity of the synchronizer output to the governor. A and opening the ENABLE line at Terminals 8 or
clockwise adjustment increases the sensitivity of the 9. The synchronizer now assumes a neutral posi-
system. The STABILITY adjusts the time rate of tion with Terminal 11 holding a constant output
the response of the synchronizer output. Both con- voltage of 5.0 Volts.
trols operate independently, are easily optimized,
and are similar in function to the gain and stability Synchronizer operation may be checked/tested
adjustments on AMBAC Speed Control Units. without activating the breaker closure relay by con-
necting a jumper or a switch between Terminals
An internal synchronization detection circuit has its 15 and 12. With this jumper in place, the syn-
own variable phase angle window for controlling
chronizer functions normally except the breaker
the breaker closure. The phase angle window may
be adjusted between 0 and 25 degrees. CCW rota- closure relay will not close. (The green LED indi-
tion of the graduated BREAKER CLOSURE angle cator that signifies when the generator is SYN-
adjustment reduces the window to near 0 degrees, CHRONIZED will operate during this test.) Dis-
inhibiting breaker closure. The phase angle between connection of the MAINS input signal (Terminals
the two AC signals must stay within the phase angle 3 and 4) also inhibits relay closure by preventing
window range for at least 1/2 second for synchroni- synchronization.
zation to occur. If during this time the phase angle
momentarily exceeds the breaker closure setting, the Dead Bus Operation
time period of 1/2 second must be repeated. Sys-
tem stability is very important during this critical time If the MAINS input is missing, the synchronizer
period. will not attempt to synchronize the system and the
green SYNCHRONIZED LED will not illumi-
Once synchronization is complete and the units are nate. A different switching arrangement system
paralleled, the synchronizer should be reset to its
neutral output and disabled position. The wiring may be used to close this first oncoming genera-
diagram in the SY6000 Data Sheet shows a switch- tor onto the dead bus which will then provide a
ing method that resets the unit by disconnecting the reference to which other on-coming generators
may synchronize.

This unit is directly compatible with all AMBAC speed controls, interface modules, as well as electronic
governor systems from various manufacturers.

Note 1: The polarity of the output voltage at Terminal 11 is such that a voltage increase is intended to
decrease engine speed. Use the reverse polarity output at Terminal 16 if applying the SY6000 to certain
other manufacturer’s speed controls (i.e., Cummins EFC, Barber Colman).

The synchronizer was designed with the same rug- Connect according to the wiring diagram on the
ged construction as all AMBAC electronic products Model SY6000 Synchronizer data sheet supplied
and may be mounted in a control cabinet with other with the unit. For specific connections to the vari-
equipment. Care should be taken to limit exposure ous AMBAC Speed Controllers or to Cummins and
of the unit to extreme temperatures. If water or con- Barber Colman Speed Controllers, see Figures 2 and
densation may come in contact with the synchro- 3 in this document. Terminals 1 and 3, and Termi-
nizer, mount it vertically to prevent accumulation nals 2 and 4 connect to the same phase lines of the
inside the unit. respective sources. For line-to-neutral sensing, Ter-
CAUTION minals 2 and 4, are connected to the respective
neutrals. Connecting cables carry low currents and
HIGH VOLTAGE AC May be Present large gauge wire is not required (AWG 20 wire is
AT TERMINALS 1 - 7 recommended). The connection between the speed
control unit and synchronizer Terminals 11 and 16
De-energize and Check Voltages
Do not operate Synchronizer without a good con- The phasing of the mains and the generator sig-
nection between terminal 12 and battery nega- nals is such that when synchronized, Terminals 1
tive. In the absence of this connection, danger-
and 3 are in phase. (See phasing dots on case.)
ous voltages can exist at the low voltage termi-
nals 8 through 16.


The installer is responsible to insure that the installation is in conformance with all applicable local codes
and regulations. Consistent with these requirements, a solid electrical connection should be provided
between the metal cases of the Synchronizer and “earth ground” to prevent shock hazard to service
personnel. A good ground should also minimize the effects of electrical noise on the speed control

One of the mounting screw locations on the Synchronizer is clear of paint (bare metal). A 20 AWG or
larger grounding wire with a ring tongue terminal should be solidly fastened to the cast at this location by
the mounting screw and the other send of the wire should be solidly connected to a good “earth ground”.
Ensure that the metal is clean and free of corrosion, if necessary, and apply a coating of grease or
lacquer to protect the bond.

are sensitive and must be shielded over their entire must be securely mounted to a metal ground plane,
length. The shields should be connected at one end shielded cables must be used where shown in the
only, at the case, or at Terminal 12. wiring diagram, and a ground strap must be con-
nected from Terminal 12 to the case as shown in the
Since the SY6000 is a CE (Community Europe) con- wiring diagram. When installed according to these
forming unit, certain installation requirements must procedures, the synchronizer will have excellent
be met to maintain this EMC immunity. The unit resistance to external fields.

The governing system must be in good working or- nated. This verifies AC power is present at these
der, stable, and adjusted correctly for the synchro- inputs. Check to confirm that the genset’s gov-
nizer to properly operate in the system. Accurate erned frequency is within 0.1 Hz of the mains
phase control can only be accomplished with a qual- (or other genset as applicable).
ity governing system.
C. Close the connections between the synchronizer
A. When the synchronizer is connected as per the and the governor (Switch S1, SYNCHRONIZER
wiring diagram, close switch S1, RELAY DIS- ON). The SYNC ENAB indicator LED should
ABLE (or add a jumper between Terminals 15 illuminated and the SY6000 will immediately at-
and 12) or disconnect the relay wires at Termi- tempt to synchronize it’s genset to the MAIN
nals 5, 6 and 7. This allows the generator to be POWER BUS. SYNCHRONIZED indicator
synchronized to the mains without enabling par- LED will be on when synchronized.
D. The synchronizer is factory set to near optimum
B. With the Genset running at the synchronous settings and large adjustments at installation are
speed, see that the DC PWR indicator LED is not usually required.Adjust the GAIN as far CW
illuminated. This verifies the internal +10 VDC as possible without causing instability in the sys-
power is present in the SY6000. See that both tem. Set the GAIN one division CCW from the
the GEN and MAINS indicator LEDs are illumi- point where instability occurs.

E. Unsynchronize the system by switching S1, until the SYNCHRONIZED indicator LED turns
SYNCHRONIZER OFF, disconnecting on again, and continue CW one additional divi-
Terminals 8 and 11, or momentarily moving the sion. Approximate phase angle window values
engine throttle. Place S1, SYNCHRONIZER ON from the following table may also be used for
and observe the speed and stability of the setting the breaker closure angle.
synchronization with a synchroscope or
phasemeter. Readjust the GAIN if necessary. BREAKER CLOSURE ANGLE
F. Once the Gain is optimized, adjust the STABIL- Adjustment Setting Breaker Closure Angle
ITY in the same manner for a fast and smooth 0 0°
synchronization. A more CCW setting will re- 30 6°
sult in a slower (more damped) but smoother re- 50 12°
sponse. Adjust for the desired performance. 70 18°
100 25°
G. The PHASE ERROR adjustment can now be
used to set the synchronizer for exact zero phase I. Remove the jumper between Terminals 15 and
error. Verify this on a synchroscope, as a mea- 12 and/or reconnect the relay contact connec-
surement of near zero AC Volts, or a null in AC tions at Terminals 5, 6 and 7. Synchronizing
voltage between Terminals 1 and 3 when the main and paralleling of the system may now be ac-
bus and generator voltages are equal. complished.

H. Set the breaker closure angle by first turning the J. For a final check, start the engine and synchro-
BREAKER CLOSURE fully CCW (zero degree nize the system to insure that all adjustments are
phase angle window). The SYNCHRONIZED optimal. If certain characteristics are unsatisfac-
indicator LED will turn off. Turn the control CW tory, consult the troubleshooting guide.

If the system fails to operate or synchronize properly, make SYNCHRONIZER ON/OFF switch and AUX
the following measurements. (+) (-) refers to meter CONTACTS (see wiring diagram). Measure the
polarity. DC (or AC) ENABLE voltage between Terminals
9(+) (or Terminal 8) and 10(-). It must be
TERMINALS MEASUREMENT greater than 8 V DC (8 Vrms AC).

1. Measure the battery voltage between Terminals 6. Check the DC voltage between Terminals 10(+)
13(+) and 12(-). It should be 12 or 24 VDC and 12(-). This should be 10 V DC when MAINS
nominal. voltage is present and of sufficient amplitude. If
not, the unit may synchronize, but the relay will
2. Note the Red DC PWR indicator. It should be not close.
on. Measure the internal 10 V DC supply be-
tween Terminals 14(+) and 12(-). It should be 7. Measure the synchronizer’s output analog volt-
9.6 - 10.4 VDC. age between Terminals 11(+) and 12(-). If the
GEN frequency is lower than the MAINS, this
3. Note the Red GEN indicator. It should be on. voltage should be lower and vice-versa. Adjust
Measure the AC voltage between Terminals the governor speed until 5.0 V DC is measured
1 and 2. It should be 80 - 500 VAC. between Terminals 11(+) and 12(-).

4. Note the Red MAINS indicator. It should be 8. If the green SYNCHRONIZED LED does not
on. Measure the AC voltage between Termi- light, the BREAKER CLOSURE angle may be
nals 3 and 4. It must be the same as in Step 3. set too narrow. Adjust the BREAKER CLO-
SURE angle control CW until the green LED
5. Note the Red SYNC ENAB indicator. It should lights.
be on if either the AC or DC ENABLE signal is
present at Terminal 8 or 9. Check
tinuously but the internal breaker closure relay SYNCHRONIZATION
fails to close, check for the (relay 1. inhibited)
jumper or connection between Terminals 15 and 1. This problem is usually caused by the governor
12. performance not being tightly controlled. The
governor performance must be excellent to ob-
10. If the Red RELAY indicator is on but the tain fast, consistent synchronization. Control-
breaker does not close to parallel the units, check ling the phase of a generator is a more demand-
to make sure all external connections are made ing operation than basic speed control. Review
correctly. If this does not solve the problem, and optimize the governor system before attempt-
the synchronizer is defective. ing to service the synchronizer. Other issues may
lie within the engine and how well it is operat-

2. Severe harmonic distortion of the AC wave forms

from power converters can disturb the
synchronizer. If the wave form has more than
10% distortion, or other wave form issues are
suspected, contact AMBAC for an external AC
filter recommendation.

Figure 2. Connection to AMBAC Speed Controllers

Figure 3. Connection to Cummins or Barber Colman Speed Controllers

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