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06 April 23 Evening Chem English

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CHEMISTRY | 6th April 2023_Shift-2

61. Match List I with List II
List I List II
(Natural Amino acid) (One Letter Code)
(A) Arginine (I) D
(B) Aspartic acid (II) N
(C) Asparagine (III) A
(D) Alanine (IV) R
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A) – III, (B) – I, (C) – II (D) –IV (2) (A) – IV, (B) – I, (C) – II (D) –III
(3) (A) – IV, (B) – I, (C) – III (D) –II (4) (A) – I, (B) – III, (C) – IV (D) –II
Sol. 2
Natural Amino acid One Letter Code
(i) Arginine R
(ii) Aspartic acid D
(iii) Asparagine N
(iv) Alanine A

62. Formation of which complex, among the following, is not a confirmatory test of Pb2 ions
(1) lead sulphate (2) lead nitrate (3) lead chromate (4) lead iodide
Sol. 2
 Pb(NO3)2 is a soluble colourless compound so it cannot be used in confirmatory test of Pb+2 ion.

63. The volume of 0.02 M aqueous HBr required to neutralize 10.0 mL of 0.01 M aqueous Ba(OH)2 is (Assume
complete neutralization)
(1) 5.0 mL (2) 10.0 mL (3) 2.5 mL (4) 7.5 mL
Sol. 2
m.eq. of HBr = m.eq. of Ba(OH)2
M1 × n1 × V1(mL) = M2 × n2 × V2(mL)
0.02 × 1 × V1(mL) = 0.02 × 2 × 10
V1(mL) = 10 mL

64. Group–13 elements react with O 2 in amorphous form to form oxides of type M2O3 (M = element). Which
among the following is the most basic oxide?
(1) Al2O3 (2) Tl2O3 (3) Ga 2 O3 (4) B2 O3
Sol. 2
As electropositive character increases basic character of oxide increases.
B2O3 Al2O3 Ga 2O3 In 2O3 Tl2O3
acidic amphoteric basic

65. The IUPAC name of K3[Co(C2O4 )3 ] is -

(1) Potassium tris(oxalate) cobaltate(III) (2) Potassium trioxalatocobalt(III)
(3) Potassium trioxalatocobaltate(III) (4) Potassium tris(oxalate)cobalt(III)
Sol. 3
IUPAC name of K3[Co(C2O4)3] is Potassium trioxalatocobaltate(III)
66. If the radius of the first orbit of hydrogen atom is a0, then de Broglie’s wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is
a a
(1) 0 (2) 0 (3) 6a 0 (4) 3a 0
6 3
Sol. 3
By De-Broglie principle
2r = n
2  a 0  n
2  a 0  
  2  a 0  6a 0

67. The group of chemicals used as pesticide is

(1) Sodium chlorate, DDT, PAN (2) DDT, Aldrin
(3) Aldrin, Sodium chlorate, Sodium arsinite (4) Dieldrin, Sodium arsinite, Tetrachlorothene
Sol. 2
(Fact base) DDT & Aldrin are used as pesticide

68. From the figure of column, chromatography given below, identify incorrect statements.

A. Compound ‘c’ is more polar than ‘a’ and ‘b’

B. Compound ‘a’ is least polar
C. Compound ‘b’ comes out of the column before ‘c’ and after ‘a’
D. Compound ‘a’ spends more time in the column
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) A, B and D only (2) A, B and C only (3) B and D only (D) B, C and D only
Sol. 2


Adsorption of compound  Attraction

 Polarity
 Spend time in column

come out from column
Order of polarity  a > b > c
Come out from column order  c > b > a
Spend time in column  a > b > c
69. Ion having highest hydration enthalpy among the given alkaline earth metal ions is:
(1) Be2 (2) Ba 2 (3) Ca 2 (4) Sr 2
Sol. 1
Hydration enthalpy 
Down the group as size increases hydration enthalpy decreases
Order: Be2+ > Mg+2 > Ca+2 > Sr+2 > Ba+2

70. The strongest acid from the following is

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Sol. 4

Cl CH3 NO2
–I +I –I
Since –I of –NO2 > Cl
So, most acidic will be (4)

71. In the following reaction, ‘B’ is

(1) (2)

(3) (4)
Sol. 4






72. Structures of BeCl2 in solid state, vapour phase and at very high temperature respectively are:
(1) Polymeric, Dimeric, Monomeric (2) Dimeric, Polymeric, Monomeric
(3) Monomeric, Dimeric, Polymeric (4) Polymeric, Monomeric, Dimeric
Sol. 1
In solid state BeCl2 as polymer, in vapour state it form chloro-bridged dimer while above 1200K it is monomer.

73. Consider the following reaction that goes from A to B in three steps as shown below:

Choose the correct option

Number of intermediates Number of Activated complex Rate determining step
(1) 2 3 II
(2) 3 2 II
(3) 2 3 III
(4) 2 3 I
Sol. 1

AC-1 AC-3

Inter- Inter- B
mediate-1 mediate-2

Number of Intermediate  2
Number of Activated complex  3
Rate determining step  II

74. The product, which is not obtained during the electrolysis of brine solution is
(1) HCl (2) NaOH (3) Cl2 (4) H 2
Sol. 1
Brine solution (NaCl + H2O)
NaCl  Na+ + Cl–
H2O  2H+ + OH–
At Cathode  2H + 2e  H2
At Anode  2Cl–  Cl2 + 2e
Na+ + OH–  NaOH
Answer 1 (HCl)

75. Which one of the following elements will remain as liquid inside pure boiling water?
(1) Li (2) Ga (3) Cs (4) Br
Sol. 2
Li, Cs reacts vigorously with water.
Br2 changes in vapour state in boiling water (BP = 58°C)
Ga reacts with water above 100°C (MP = 29°C, BP = 2400°C)

76. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as “Assertion A” and the other is labelled as “Reason R”
Assertion A: In the complex Ni(CO)4 and Fe(CO)5 , the metals have zero oxidation state.
Reason R: Low oxidation states are found when a complex has ligands capable of  –donor character in addition
to the  – bonding.
In the light of the above statement, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
(1) A is not correct but R is correct.
(2) A is correct but R is not corret
(3) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
(4) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
Sol. 2
Low oxidation state of metals can stabilized by synergic bonding so ligand has to be -acceptor.
77. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Morphine is a narcotic analgesic. It helps in reliving pain without producing sleep.
Statement II: Morphine and its derivatives are obtained from opium poppy.
In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below
(1) Statement I is true but statement II is false (2) Both statement I and statement II are true
(3) Statement I is false but statement II is true (4) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
Sol. 3
(i) Morphine is a narcotic analgesic, it help in relieving plan and producing sleep.
(ii) Morphine and its derivatives are obtained from opium.

78. Find out the major product from the following reaction.

(2)n Pr l

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Sol. 3
O O
 
Me + MgBr n—Pr—I

79. During the reaction of permanganate with thiosulphate, the change in oxidation of manganese occurs by value
of 3. Identify which of the below medium will favour the reaction
(1) aqueous neutral (2) aqueous acidlic
(3) both aqueous acidic and neutral (4) both aqueous acidic and faintly alkaline
Sol. 1
In neutral or weakly alkaline solution oxidation state of Mn changes by 3 unit
7 4
Mn O4–1  Mn O2
80. Element not present in Nessler’s reagent is
(1) K (2) N (3) I (4) Hg
Sol. 2
Nessler reagent is- K2[HgI4]
81. The standard reduction potentials at 298 K for the following half cells are given below:
NO3–  4H  3e –  NO(g)  2H2O E  0.97V
V2 (aq)  2e –  V E  –1.19V
Fe3 (aq)  3e –  Fe E  –0.04V
Ag  (aq)  e –  Ag(s) E  0.80V
Au 3 (aq)  3e –  Au(s) E  1.40V
The number of metal(s) which will be oxidized by NO3– in aqueous solution is ____________
Sol. 3
Metal + NO3–  Metal Nitrate
(V, Fe, Ag)
Less value of reaction potential then 0.97 volt.
Answer 3

82. Number of crystal system from the following where body centred unit cell can be found, is__________
Cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, monoclinic, triclinic
Sol. 3
BCC present in  Cubic, Tetragonal orthorhombic

83. Among the following the number of compounds which will give positive iodoform reaction is________
(a) 1–Phenylbutan–2–one (b) 2–Methylbutan–2–ol
(c) 3–Methylbutan–2–ol (d) 1–Phenylethanol
(e) 3,3–dimethylbutan–2–one (f) 1–Phenylpropan –2–ol
Sol. 4
Iodo form test
(a) Ph –NO

(b) –NO

(c) –Yes
(d) –Yes

(e) –Yes

(f) –Yes
For carbonyl compound —C—CH3 for alcohol —CH—CH3 should be present for idoform test.
84. Number of isomeric aromatic amines with molecular formula C8 H11 N , which can be synthesized by Gabriel
Phthalimide synthesis is_________
Sol. 6
By Gabriel phthalimide synthesis  i-amine is prepared
C8H11N  Should be aromatic & i-amine
Du = C + 1 –
11 – 1
= 9– = 9 – 5 = 4  it means benzene ring
NH2 *

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)



85. Consider the following pairs of solution which will be isotonic at the same temperature. The number of pairs of
solutions is/are______________
A. 1 M aq. NaCl and 2 M aq. Urea
B. 1 M aq. CaCl2 and 1.5 M aq. KCl
C. 1.5 M aq. AlCl3 and 2 M aq. Na 2SO4
D. 2.5 M aq. KCl and 1 M aq. Al2 (SO4 )3
Sol. 4
A. 1 M aq. NaCl  2 M aq. Ions
2 M aq. Urea  2 M aq. Urea

B. 1 M aq. CaCl2  3 M aq. Ions

1.5 M aq. KCl  3 M aq. Ions

C. 1.5 M aq. AlCl3  6 M aq. Ions

2 M aq. Na 2SO4  6 M aq. Ions

D. 2.5 M aq. KCl  5 M aq. Ions

1 M aq. Al2 (SO4 )3  5 M aq. Ions

86. The number of colloidal systems from the following, which will have ‘liquid’ as the dispersion medium,
Gem stones, paints, smoke, cheese, milk, hair cream, insecticide sprays, froth, soap lather
Sol. 5
Liquid dispersion medium
Paints, milk, hair cream, froth, soap lather
87. In an ice crystal, each water molecule is hydrogen bonded to neighbouring molecules.
Sol. 4



88. Consider the following date

Heat of combustion of H2 (g) = –241.8 kJ mol–1
Heat of combustion of C(s) = –393.5 kJ mol–1
Heat of combustion of C2 H5OH(l) = –1234.7 kJ mol–1
The heat of formation of C2 H5OH(l) is (–) __________________kJ mol–1 (Nearest integer).
Sol. 278
2C(s) + O2  2CO2 –393.5 × 2 = –787 kJ …(1)
3H2 + O2  3H2O –241.5 × 8 × 3 = –725.4 kJ …(2)
C2H5OH + 3O2  2CO2 + 3H2O –1234.7 kJ …(3)
3H2O + 2CO2  C2H5OH + 3O2 +1234.7 kJ …(4)
2C(s) + 3H2(g) + O2 C2H5OH …(5)
eq (5) = eq (1) + eq (2) + eq (4)
= (–787) + (–72537) + (1234.7)
= –277.7 = 278
89. The equilibrium composition for the reaction PCl3 Cl2 PCl5 at 298 K is given below:
[PCl3 ]eq  0.2mol L–1 ,[Cl 2 ]eq = 0.1 mol L–1 ,[PCl5 ]eq = 0.40 mol L–1
If 0.2 mol of Cl2 is added at the same temperature, the equilibrium concentrations of PCl5 is _____×
10–2 mol L–1
Given: K C for the reaction at 298 K is 20
Sol. 49
NTA answer 48
[PCl5 ] 0.4
Kc    20
[PCl3 ][Cl2 ] 0.2  0.1
PCl3 + Cl2 PCl5
teq1 0.2 M 0.1 M 0.4 M
teq2 0.2 – x 0.1 + 0.2 – x 0.4 + x
0.4  x
K c  20 
(0.2  x)(0.3  x)
After solving by quadratic equation. We can get value of x.
X = 0.086
[PCl5] = 0.4 + x
= 0.4 + 0.086
= 0.486 = 48.6  10–2
Ans. 49

90. The number of species having a square planar shape from the following is___________________
XeF4 ,SF4 ,SiF4 ,BF4– ,BrF4– [Cu(NH3 ) 4 ]2 ,[FeCl4 ]2– ,[PtCl 4 ]2–
Sol. 4
XeF4 ,BrF4– [Cu(NH3 )4 ]2 ,[PtCl4 ]2– has square planar shape.

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