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Unit 1

1-collection ‫ مجموعة‬10-old-fashioned ‫موضة قديمة‬

2-believer ‫ مؤمن‬11-fashionable / ‫على الموضة‬
3-routine ‫ الروتين‬12-beliefs ‫معتقدات‬
4-attachments ‫ مرفقات‬13-disabled ‫معوق‬
5-midday ‫ منتصف اليوم‬14-establish ‫ يرسخ‬/ ‫ يثبت‬/ ‫يؤسس‬
6-custom (It’s a / the …..) ‫ عادة‬15-law ‫قانون‬
7-publisher ‫ ناشر‬16-pioneer ‫رائد‬
8-average ‫ متوسط‬17-style ‫أسلوب‬
9-insist (on) )‫يصر (على‬
Choose the correct answer:
1- Haqqi wrote a ------------------ of short stories about the poor and the disabled.
a. reflection b. collection c. selection d. correction
2-Yehia Haqqi was a strong---------------- in the power of books.
a.liar b. believer c. belief d. reader
3-My father does the same things every day. He likes to have a
a. root b. work c. routine d. way
4-They have just received this photo as an e-mail ---------------------- .
a. post b. attachment c. letter d. part
5-The Sun is at its strongest at--------------------
a.midnight b.midyear c. dawn d. midday
6-In my country, it's the--------- for women to get married in white. b. custom c. rule d. regulation)
7-Not many people have read my cousin’s book as she could not find a
a. library b. publisher c. bookshop d. bookseller
8-London has a / an ----------------------of 557 mm of rain each year.
a. average b. number c. ability d. water
9-Kamal did not want to tidy his room before he went out, but his mother---------------
a. told b. ordered c. insisted d. said
10-Early black and white photos show people in-------- clothes.
a.old-fashioned b.ancient fashioned c. new fashioned d. fashionable
11-young people like to wear ---------------- clothes to follow the latest fashion.
a. old-fashioned b. old c. unfashionable d. fashionable
12-your mother has a ---------------- that children learn best by playing games.
a. relieve b. believe c. belief d. relief
13-person who can’t use part of his/her body is ------------------ .
disabled b. unable c. enabled d. able
14-Haqqi's first novel---------him as one of the great short story writers of the Arab
a. refreshed b. published c. established d. furnished
15- Haqqi qualified in -------------------- and worked for a short time as a lawyer.
a.rule b. rules c. laws d. law
16-Haqqi was one of the ------------------------ of modern Egyptian literature.
a. pioneers b. pioneering c. beginners d. beginning
17-I really admire Charles Dickens as a novelist as his writing--------------is unique. 2015
behaviour b. attitude c. style d. conduct.

unit 2
1-association ‫ جمعية‬10-discipline ‫ يضبط‬- ‫يهذب‬
2-cultural ‫ ثقافى‬11-layer ‫ قشرة‬/ ‫طبقة‬
3-fatherly ‫ حنون‬/ ‫ أبوي‬12-ache ‫ ألم‬/ ‫يؤلم‬
4-fresh ideas ‫ أفكار جديدة‬13-worthwhile ‫ جدير باالهتمام‬/ ‫ذو شان‬
5-honour ‫ يكرم‬/ ‫ شرف‬14-plan ‫ خطة‬/ ‫يخطط‬
6-ministry ‫ وزارة‬15-responsible ( for ) ) ‫مسؤول ( عن‬
7-political science ‫ علوم سياسية‬16-semicircle ‫نصف دائرة‬
8-silence ‫ صمت‬/ ‫ هدوء‬- ‫ يٌسكت‬17-serious ‫ خطير‬/ ‫ وقور‬- ‫جاد‬
9-spoil ‫ يٌدلل‬/ ‫ يٌفسد‬18-strict ‫ صارم‬/ ‫حازم‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-Mr Youssef set up a / an------------------to help children in 1968. WB
Company b. charitable c. associate d. association
2----------------------------- exchange is a way of connection between countries.
-a.Cultural b. Corporal c. Capital d. Coral
3-Our teacher deals with us in a........ way; we all respect him.
a. fatherless b. fatherhood c. father d. fatherly
4-New teachers always come with -------------------------ideas.
a.French b. flash c. fishy d. fresh
5-Soldiers fight for the ----------------------of their country.
a.humour b. tumour c. honour d. labour
6-Hoda's father works for an important ------------------- .
a. graduate b. building c. ministry d. work
7-He studied -----------------------------science at university.
a.policy b. politics c. political d. physical
8- The head teacher---------------the students before the visitor gave her talk. (PT 1b)
a. silenced b. declared c. sheltered d. shouted
9-Don’t give your children all that they want so as not to-------------------- them.
a. spear b. spare c. spoil d. spell
10-To achieve greater results, a teacher should ---------------------- his students.
a. discourage b. bully c. stop d. discipline
11-A teacher is like the -----------------of the earth: whatever level you reach, you can dig
deeper to find richer ones.
a layers b. lawyers c. lies d. leads
12-The druggist ‫ صيدلي‬suggested a medicine to relieve the -------------------------
a.cake b. brake c. fake d. ache).!
13-It was hard to climb the mountain, but it was ---------------- The views from the top were amazing
a. worthwhile b. worth c. while d. worthless
14-Walid always makes a revision ----------------------------two months before the exams
plain b. plane c. pain d. plan
15-The school secretary is -----------------for sending emails to the parents.
a. irresponsible b. respected c. responsible d. awarded
16A week-old moon looks like a - .-----------------------------
a. circle b. semicircle c. circular d. circulation
17-This film is very-------------------- I'd prefer to watch something that will make us laugh!
a. sensible b. funny c. serious d. fun
18-My father said that his teacher was----------------My father couldn't talk in his lessons!
a. Serious b. strict c. fatherly d. kind

Unit 3
1-available ‫ متوافر‬/ ‫ متاح‬11-encyclopedia ‫موسوعة‬
2-bleach ‫ مادة مبيضة‬/ ‫ يُبُيض‬12-roll ‫ يتدحرج‬/ ‫ يلف‬/ ‫يدور‬
3-download ‫ من االنترنت‬... ‫ يقوم بتحميل‬13-mixture ‫ مزيج‬/ ‫خليط‬
4-enthusiastic ‫ متحمس‬14-press )‫ يكوي (المالبس‬/ ‫يضغط‬
5-gadget ‫ جهاز صغير‬15-recycle ‫ يعيد تصنيع‬/ ‫يُعيد استخدام‬
6-paperback ‫ كتاب بغالف ورقي‬16-roller ‫اسطوانة ُرلة دهان‬
7-reduce ‫ يقل‬/ ‫ يقلل‬17-soak ‫ينقع أو يغمر في سائل‬
8-remove ‫يزيل‬
9-replace ‫ يحل محل‬/ ‫يستبدل‬
10-screen ‫شاشة‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-Are there any tickets ------------------------for the tennis match this evening?
a. attracted b. available c. based d. belonging
2-I used some chemicals to ---------------------------that piece of wood. 2015
a. beach b. bleach c. place d. bridge
3-Sometimes you---------------------------- the files you need for free. 2018
a. upward b. downward c. upload d. download
4-Adel loves windsurfing. He is very -------------------------about the sport.
a enjoyable b. enthusiastic c. excellent d. efficient
5-There is a special ------------------------------in our kitchen for cutting vegetables. 2016
a. budget b. bracelet c. gadget d. saw
6-Reham has a lot of -------------------------as well as hardbacks in her library at home.
a. recyclables b. mixtures c. paperbacks d. screens
7-I'm going to wait until they -------------------the price of the phone before I buy it
a. prevent b. increase c. reduce d. replace
8-The students helped to------------------the rubbish that was in the canal.
a. remove b. rescue c. respect d. research
9-The computer in the library does not work, so they are going to ------------------it.
a. reduce b. replace c. download d. upload
10-I like that photograph on your computer ----------------- . 2016
a. front b. film c. glass d. screen
11-A/An -------------is a set of books dealing with every branch of human knowledge.
a. encyclopedia b. brochure c. literature d. anti-media
12-The vase----------- off the edge of the table and smashed. ‫تهشمت‬
a.pulled b. rolled c. pushed d. walked
13-To make bread, first make a ----------------------of flour and water.
a. mixture b. mixing c. moisture d. monument
14-To -----------------------is to push something firmly against a surface.
a. press b. fix c. bleach d. remove
15-Today, paper, plastic and glass can all be be used again. 2014
a. recycle b. recycled c. recycling d. replaced
16-A -----------------------is a round piece of wood or metal that can be rolled.
a.roller b. ruler c. boiler d. beaker)
17-Before people could use papyrus, they.......the leaves of the grass in water.
1. a soaked b. squeezed c. bleached d. pressed

Unit (4)
1-appreciate ‫يقدر‬ 11-career ‫الحياة المهنية‬
2-argue for ‫ يدافع عن‬/ ‫يجادل لصالح‬ 12-impressive ‫ مثير لالعجاب‬/‫ مبهر‬/‫مؤثر‬
3-award ‫ مكافأة‬/ ‫يمنح‬ 13-director ‫ مخرج‬/ ‫مدير‬
4-degree ‫ شهادة علمية‬/ ‫درجة‬ 14-suitable ‫مناسب‬
5-inspector ‫مفتش‬ 15-licence ‫رخصة‬
6-personal ‫شخصي‬ 16-nursing ‫التمريض‬
7-positive ‫ايجابي‬ 17-be in charge of ‫مسئول عن‬
8-respected ‫ متميز‬/ ‫محترم مهنيا‬ 18-effect ‫تأثير‬
9-role ‫دور‬
10-solo ‫ عمل منفرد‬/ ‫منفرد‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-My parents always -------------------- it when I work hard at school.
a. prevent b. appreciate c. discourage d. stop
2-Lawyers are supposed to ------------------- for their clients .
a) argue b) bargain c) challenge d) review
3-He won many -----------------------------for his writing.
a. awards b. cups c. reward d. words)
4-Applicants for the job should have a university ………. .
a. qualified b. will c. licence d. degree
5-A/An ---------------is someone whose job is to check that something is of a good enough
standard and that rules are being obeyed.
a.collector b. inspector c.conductor d. investigator
6-Don't ask about my salary because this is a -------------------------- affair. 2016
a. personality b. personal c. person d. personnel
7-Dr Aisha argued for a more --------------- role for women in the modern world.
a. ordinary b. fixed c. negative d. positive
8-Mrs. Nagwa is a ------------teacher at the school. Her students usually do very well in their exams.
a.respectful b. respecting c. respected d. respect
9-Teachers have an important ------------------in building up generations.
a. role b. rule c. rail d. roll
10-The explorer did not go with anyone else to Antarctica. He went ------------------- .
a. slightly b. solo c. special d. lonely
11-I faced a lot of challenges during my -------------------as a teacher of English.
a. job b. career c. occupation d. profession
12-The palace is very------------------------ . It has more than 30 rooms!
a. impressed b. impressive c. improved d. industrial
13-We saw a film being made by a famous – t-----------------------oday!
a. maid b. dramatist c. director d. writer
14-I told my little brother to read this book because it is----------------for young children.
a. suitable b. employable c. reliable d. impossible
15-In most countries, you need a /an ----------------- to dri-ve a car.
a. letter b. degree c. licence d. qualification
16-The ------------------------staff at the hospital work very hard to look after the patients. b. cleaning c. nursing d. reception
17-Who is in …....... of the organisation? 2012
a. charge b. responsible c. responsibility d. recharge
18-cientists have a great ........ on our life a. affect b. affective c. effect d. effective

Unit (5)
1-faint ‫ يصاب بإغماء‬9-asleep ‫نائم‬
2-in vain ‫ بدون فائدة‬/ ‫ دون جدوى‬10-ashore ‫علي الشاطيء‬
3-ease ‫ يخفف‬/ ‫ ييسر‬11-awake ‫مستيقظ‬
4-aching ‫ ألم‬/ ‫ مؤلم‬12-challenging ‫ مجهد‬/ ‫شاق‬
5-robin ‫ طائر أبو الحناء‬13-along ‫بطول‬
6-publisher ‫ ناشر‬14-alive x dead ‫ ميت‬x ‫حي‬
7-moving ‫محرك للمشاعر‬
8-angle worm ُ ( ‫دودة االرض‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-It was very hot and busy in the market today and one tourist ------------------- .
a. fanned b. burnt c. fed d. fainted
2-We walked a long way to get to the shop, but it was in------------------- It had closed.
a. veil b. vein c. vain d. view
3-It hurt when I hit my head on the shelf, but the pain soon-------------------.
a. tease b. easily c. easy d. eased
4-His feet were ---------------------------------from standing so long.
a. baking b. waiting c. aching d. searchin
5-A / An ---------------------------is a small brown bird with an orange front.
a.egret b. robin c. hen d. goose
6-Not many people have read my cousin’s book as she could not find a -------------------
a. library b. publisher c. bookshop d. bookseller
7-I read a ------------------- novel with a deep sad message.
a. move b. moving c. moved d. moves
8-An angle ----------------is a long thin animal, with no bones and no legs, that lives in
a.warm b. warn c. worm d. word
9-Don't make too much noise. The baby is ------------------------ .
a. along b. awake c. alive d. asleep
10-The tourists left the boat and went ---------------------for the afternoon.
a.ashore b. shore c. the shore d. shores)
11-It’s late, but the children are still------------------------- I can hear them talking.
a. along b. alive c. awake d. asleep
12-Are Ahmad Shawky’s poems --------------------------- to read?
a. cheating b. charging c. changing d. challenging
13-I walked ------------------------------ the beach to enjoy fresh air.
a. along b. a long c. aboard d. ashore
14-Some of the fish in the market are still---------------------- , so they are very fresh.
a. along b. asleep c. alive d. ahead

1-freelance ‫حر‬ 10-separate ‫يفصل‬
2-accounts ‫حسابات‬ 11-task ‫مهمة‬
3-organization ‫منظمة‬ 12-balance ‫ توازن‬/ ‫يوازن‬
4-take on ‫ ينفذ‬/ ‫يتولي مسئولية‬ 13-limit ‫ حد‬/ ‫يحد‬
5-take …. off ‫يأخذ أجازة‬ 14-stress ‫التوتر‬
6-client (‫عميل )زبون دائم‬ ‫ ُمجْ ِهد‬/ ‫متوتر‬
7-deadline ‫آخر موعد‬ ‫نقص‬
8-sociable ‫ ودود‬/ ‫اجتماعى‬ ‫مرن‬
9-regular ‫منتظم‬ ‫يتصل بـ‬

Choose the correct answer:

1-Tarek is not employed by the computer company. He is a …....... worker. WB
a. talented b. skillful c. freelance d. permanent
2-Mariam has always been good with money and does the…...... for a large company
in Cairo. (PT 2b)
a. accounts b. accountants c. achievements d. activities
3-The United Nations is an important -----------------------that works all over the world.
a. Obligation b. observation c. occasion d. organization
4-Mr.Emad Hamdi is very tired because he decided to …....... two new projects at work.
a. take on b. get off c. get up d. put off
5-To ------------------------------off time means not to go to work for a period of time. b. take c. make d. seek
6-A ----------------- is someone who pays a person or organisation for services or advice.
a.client b. clerk c. customary d. assistant
7-The publisher told the writer that the----------- for his new book was next April. (PT 2a)
a. deadline b. debt c. line d. end
8-Mustafa is always very------------------------------and likes to talk to everyone! (PT 2b)
a. social b. sociable c. socially d. sociably
9- It is good to do ------------------------------exercise, so I go running every day. WB
a. regular b. regularity c. irregular d. regularly
10-In our school, teachers ---------------- the boys and the girls in different classes. SB
a. mix b. add c. separate d. differ
11-It is a hard arrange for the youth world forum.
a. task b. work c. profession d. career
12-People should get the ........ right between their work and free time.
a. blend b. mixture c. weight d. balance
13-Children should ....... the amount of time they spend using mobiles.
a. limit b. maximize c. level d. increase
14- I don’t like to work under........ .
a. stressfully b. stressful c. stress d. stressed

Unit 7
1-reach ‫ يصل الي‬9-exploration ‫استكشاف‬
2-anniversary ‫ ذكرى سنوية‬10-hopeful ‫عنده امل‬
3-leak ‫ تسرب‬11-tasteless ‫بال مذاق‬
4-examined ‫ يفحص‬12-reason ‫سبب‬
5-mission ‫ مهمه‬13-orbit ‫يدور حول شيئ‬
6-spin )‫ يدور حول (نفسه‬14-distance ‫مسافة‬
7-useless ‫ عديم الفائدة‬launch ‫ إطالق‬/‫يطلق‬
8-do ‫ يفعل‬gravity ‫ أهمية‬/‫ خطورة‬/‫الجاذبية‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-How long does the space ship take to ------------------- the Space Station?
a- go b- get c- reach d- arrive
2- 20th July is the 50th ------------------- of a man first walking on the moon.
a- century b- anniversary c- decade d- period
3-The bus stopped because there was a ------------------- in the petrol tank.
a- leak b- lake c- luck d- lock
4-The doctor ------------------- me carefully before he gave me the medicine.
a- examined b- fixed c- tested d- tasted
5-A space ------------------- may take several months.
a- flight b- mission c- talk d- walk
6------------------- means to turn round and round very quickly.
a- Step b- Move c- Spin d- Orbit
7-This phone doesn’t work. It’s -------------------.
a- useful b- wasteful c- harmless d- useless
8-Spacewalk is a fantastic thing to -------------------.
a- visit b- take c- make d- do
9-Space ------------------- is really exciting.
a- manufactory b- invention c- exploration d- discovery
10-Experts are ------------------- that there will be a treatment for fatal diseases.
a- powerful b- hopeful c- useful d- hateful
11-I don’t like this sandwich. It is -------------------
a- tasteless b- tasteful c- taste d- tasty
12-What is the main ------------------- scientific research? – I think it’s knowing more about
the unknown world.
a- reason for b- cause of c- solution to d- disadvantage of
13-The spaceship will ------------------- the earth at a height of 320 kilometres.
a- spin b- orbit c- move d- travel
14-What is the ------------------- between Cairo and El-Minya? – about 320 km
a- speed b- space c- distance d- height
15-The rocket will be ------------------- into space tomorrow morning.
a. launched b. taken c. kept d. died
16-It is hard to walk in space because there is no -------------------. 2016
a.spin b. gravity c. air d. waiting

unit (8)

1-foundation ‫أساس‬/‫ تأسيس‬/ ‫مؤسسة‬ 9-technician ‫خبير فني‬

2-physics ‫علم الفيزياء‬ 10-Non-fiction ‫واقعي‬
3-radar ‫رادار‬ 11-artificial intelligence ‫الذكاء الصناعي‬
4-emergency ‫طوارئ‬/‫حالة طارئة‬ 12-downside ‫الجانب السلبي‬
5-zero-gravity ‫الجاذبية‬ ‫منعدم‬/ ‫الجاذبية‬ ‫إنعدام‬ 13-consultant ‫مستشار‬
6-be about to ‫على وشك أن‬ 14-interrupt ‫يقاطع الحديث‬
7-controls ‫أجهزة التحكم‬/‫أزرار التحكم‬ 15-horrified ‫مرعوب‬
8-threaten ‫يهدد‬ 16-pressure ‫الضغط‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-The organization has grown enormously since its------------------------------- in 1999
a.accommodation b. recommendation c. foundation d. accusation
2-…....... is the study of energy, sound, light etc. (PT 3b)
a. Physics b. Chemicals c. Geography d. Political Science
3-Ships can see where to go at night and in bad weather because they have... . (PT 3a)
a. radar b. rafts c. poles d. positions
4-Ambulances drive very fast when there is an …....... . WB
a. fancy b. fluency c. policy d. emergency
5-In -----------------------things that are not attached to something start to float around b. normal gravity c. full gravity d. usual gravity
6-The accident happened as the plane was -----------------------to take off.
a.over b. down c. about d. forward
7-The -----------------------for this computer game don't work. Can I try yours? WB
a. keyboard b. controls c. screen d. signals
8-The shopkeeper-----------------------to call the police when the man refused to pay. WB
a. lightened b. threatened c. frightened d. brightened
9-He is a--------------and works in the laboratory of a big company that makes medicine.
a. politician b. magician c. technician d. dietician
10------------------------is about real facts or events, not imaginary ones. WB
a. Action b. Fraction c. Fiction d. Non-fiction
11--------------Intelligence is the science of how to make a computer do things that
need human intelligence.
a. Fictional b. Artificial c. Fractional d. frictional
12-Another----------------to artificial intelligence is that it is taking away some people’s jobs.
a. downside b. upside c. downhill d. uphil
13-A/An -----------------------is an expert in a field whose job is to give advice about it.
a. applicant b. consultant c. resultant d. accountant
14-. Please, don’t -----------------------me while I’m speaking.
a. interact b. interchange c. interpret d. interrupt
15-The children were-----------------------to find a poisonous snake in their tent. WB
a. beautified b. qualified c. horrified d. liquefied
16-Air -----------------------is usually high in good weather and low in bad weather. WB
a. measure b. pressure c. leisure d. treasure

unit (9)
1-cancer ‫مرض السرطان‬ 10-mast ‫صاري‬/‫برج‬
2-diabetes ‫مرض السكر‬ 11-cause ‫يسبب‬/‫سبب‬
3-process )‫عملية (طبيعية‬ 12-mobile signal ‫إشارة المحمول‬
4-theory ‫نظرية علمية‬ 13-powerful ‫قوي‬
5-survive ‫ينجو (من حرب‬/)‫كارثة‬ 14-install ‫يثبت‬/)‫يركب (جهاز‬
6-link ‫يربط‬/‫ يوصل‬/‫ رابط‬/‫صلة‬ 15-invisible ‫غير مرئي‬
7-gain ‫يكتسب‬/‫يزداد‬ 16-visible ‫مرئي‬
8-remove ‫يزيل‬
9-release ‫يطلق‬/‫يحرر‬
Choose the correct answer:
1------------------ is a disease in which cells in your body grow in a way that is not normal.
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Headache d. Stomach
2-People who have ……… ..mustn’t eat many sweets.
a. insomnia b. failure c. cancer d. diabetes
3-It is a complex ------------------------to generate electricity from nuclear energy.
a. process b. cure c. amount d. theory
4-Some scientists still believe in Darwin's ------------------------ of evolution.
a. function b. theory c. diary d. delivery
5--It is amazing how some animals can…....... in the desert. (PT 3a)
a. survive b. survey c. alive d. die
6--Scientists think that there is a….....between pollution and climate change. (PT 3a)
a. join b. connected c. link d. secret
7--Children grow fast and …....... a lot of weight in their teenage years. WB
a. put b. gain c. increase d. lost
8-How can I .......this stain, please?
a. approve b. improve c. remove d. move
9-Trees take in carbon dioxide and ....... oxygen.
a. store b. absorb c. release d. relax
10-We get the signal for our mobile phones from that tall…....... on the hill. (PT 3b)
a. match b. mast c. maze d. post
11-The police do not know the …....... of the accident in the street yesterday. (PT 3b)
a. challenge b. reason c. cause d. benefit
12-It is not always easy to get a…....... mobile phone in the desert. (PT 3a)
a. sign b. noise c. signal d. side
13-The doctor gave him -------------------- drugs to help him to recover.
a.powerful b. fearful c. hopeless d. careless
14-Our house has been much less hot since my father…...... air conditioning. (PT 3a)
a. put b. did c. installed d. made
15-The light from the sun that damages our skin is…....... . You can't see it. (PT 3b)
a. interrupted b. informed c. irrational d. invisible
16-After using the cream for a month, he could see no ------------difference.
a. invisible b. feasiblec c. advisable d. visible

1-applicant ‫ متقدم لوظيفة‬11-sociable ‫اجتماعي‬
2-candidate ‫مرشح لوظيفة‬ )‫(لألشخاص‬
3-choir ‫كورس‬/
َ ‫ جوقة موسيقية‬12-abbreviation ‫اختصار‬
4-conscientious ‫مجتهد‬/‫ حي الضمير‬13-degree ‫شهادة علمية‬
5-CV (Curriculum Vitae) ‫ السيرة الذاتية‬14-grade ‫درجة‬/‫ مرتبة‬/‫صف دراسي‬
6-daycare centre ‫ مركز رعاية‬15-appointment ‫موعد‬
7-ambitious َ
‫ طموح‬16-pharmacy ‫صيدلية‬
8-fluent ‫فصيح‬/‫طليق‬
9-neighbourhood ‫حي سكني‬/‫سكان المنطقة‬
10-reputation ‫سمعة‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-We are going to interview the five best----------------- for the job. (PT 4a)
a. applications b. appointments c. employers d. applicants
2-In Cairo International Film Festival, there were three obvious --------- for the first prize.
a) applicants b) process c) candidates d) presidents
3-Ola has a lovely voice and often sings in a-----------------. (PT 4a)
a. choice b. clarinet c. client d. choir
4-Fatma is very----------------She always does her homework carefully and on time. (PT
a. unconscious b. conscientious c. conservative d. convinced
5-When you want a job, it is a good idea to send your ----------------- to a lot of companies
to try to get interviews.
a. CC b. OU c. IT d. CV
6-A----------------- centre is a place where children and people who are old or ill can be
looked after during the day.
a. day care b. care c. day d. night
7----------------- people usually aim at getting higher positions and achieve more success.
a. Ambiguous b. Ambitious c. Pessimistic d. Limited
8-Manal can speak very good English, but she is not-----------------. (PT 4b)
a. fleet b. flat c. fluent d. foolish
9-Mohammed does a lot of charity work in his -----------------. (PT 5b)
a. neighbour b. neighbourhood c. neighbouring d. neighbourly
10-My uncle’s company has a good----------------- all customers trust it well.
a. ambition b. reputation c. repetition d. succession
11-Mustafa is always very----------------- and likes to talk to everyone! (PT 2b)
a. social b. sociable c. socially d. sociably
12-Etc. is a/an ----------------- for et cetera.
a) abbreviation b) shorten c) small d) reduce
13-My cousin wants to have a----------------- in law. (PT 2b)
a. mark b. work c. degree d. licence
14-What ----------------- did you get in your maths exam? (PT 5b)
a. grade b. graduate c. licence d. degree
15-Khaled has an ----------------- to see the doctor at four o’clock. (PT 4b)
a. application b. activity c. appointment d. applicant
16-If you have a headache, you should get some medicine from the-----------------. (PT 4b)
a.biologist b. florist c. pharmacy d. chemicals

ambassador ‫سفير‬ blow )‫تهب (الرياح‬
toiler ‫شخص كادح في عمله‬ gale ‫رياح قوية‬
president ‫رئيس جمهورية‬ blizzard ‫عاصفة ثلجية‬
toil ‫يكد‬/‫يجتهد‬ pour ‫يصب‬/‫ يسكب‬/‫ينهمر‬
throughout ‫عبر‬/‫ أثناء‬/)‫طوال (الوقت‬ downpour ‫مطر غزير‬/‫منهمر‬
will ‫إرادة‬/‫وصية‬ violinist ‫عازف كمان‬
grain ‫حبة (رمل‬/)‫ ملح‬/‫غالل‬ give up ‫يُقلع عن‬/‫يستسلم‬
Mandarin ‫اللغة الصينية‬ irresponsibility ‫انعدام مسئولية‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-My uncle speaks Spanish because he once worked as the Egyptian ----------------- to
a. personnel b. president c. ambassador d. ruler
2------------------------- is someone who works very hard.
a) toll b) toilet c) toiler d) toilsome
3-A/An---------------is the official leader of a country which does not have a king or queen
a. ambassador b. resident c. president d. minister
4-My uncle used to ------------------------- in his farm every day exerting great efforts.
a. try b. toil c. relax d. rest
5-The teacher was angry because two boys were talking ………. the lesson. (PT 4b)
a. throughout b. without c. after d. along
6-My grandfather left his house to my parents in his ………. . (PT 4a)
a. well b. wall c. will d. wool
7-There are .......of sand on the floor. You should sweep it.
a. seeds b. rocks c. guns d. grains
8-The official language in China and Taiwan is ----------------------------------
a.Mandarin b. Spanish c. French d. Portuguese
9-Did you hear the wind.......?
a. fall b. blow c. rise d. pour
10-There was a …. last night and many buildings were damaged by the wind. (PT 4a)
a. pour b. thunder c. gale d. blow
11-You would be in a …………….. if the weather was very snowy and windy.
a) downpour b) blizzard c) gale d) downtown
12-In this country, the rain…………..mostly near the coast.
a)rises b)blows c)pours d)condenses
13-There was a ………. this morning and many of the roads flooded. (PT 4b)
a. dust storm b. drought c. rain d. downpour
14-Tarek is a very good -----------------------He plays very well.
a.activist b. botanist c.druggist d. violinist
15-The explorers tried to climb the mountain, but gave ------ when they realized it was too dangerous.
a.out b. off c. up d. away
16-Failure is the consequence ‫ نتيجة‬of laziness and ------------------------------------
a.irresponsibility b.irregularity c. activity d. capacity

1-qualification ‫ مؤ ِهل‬11-Open University ‫الجامعة المفتوحة‬
2-qualified ‫ مؤَهل‬12-creative writing ‫الكتابة اإلبداعية‬
3-ideal )‫ مثالي (على الوجه األكمل‬13-rewarding ‫مجزي‬/‫عائد بالنفع‬
4-department )‫ قسم (في كلية أو شركة‬14-worthwhile ‫جدير باإلهتمام‬
5-redundant ‫ مفصول من العمل لعدم الحاجة‬15- employer ‫صاحب العمل‬
6-mature )‫ سنة‬25 ‫ ناضج (أكبر من‬16- employee ‫موظف‬
7-skills ‫ مهارات‬17- employable ‫صالح للعمل‬
8-promotion ‫ترقية‬/‫ترويج‬
9-enrol / enroll on ‫يسجل‬/‫يدرج إسمه في‬
10-retrain ‫يعيد التدريب على شئ‬
1-Fluency in another language and good communication skills are important -----------
for a job in the import-export business
a.qualifications b. phenomena c.theories d. charges
2-He isn't …....... for this special task. 2015
a. magnified b. quantified c. liquefied d. qualifi----------- ed
3-For me, a park with trees is the ----------- place for a picnic.
a) ideal b) idealist c) idealistic d) idealism
4-It’s Kholoud’s first day studying science at university, so she needs to find the science--------
a. development b. department c. employment d. enjoyment
5-The factory closed and all the workers were made -----------. (PT 4a)
a. redundant b. employable c. employed d. job holders
6-Is she----------- enough for such great responsibility?
a) mature b) foolish c) lazy d) idle
7-To be a successful computer programmer, you should have certain-----------. 2018
a. stitches b. skulls c. sketches d. skills
8-To get a ----------- you have to make outstanding achievements. 2012
a. motion b. mission c. permission d. promotion
9-My brother will ----------- on the English course at the American University. 2016
a. apply b. enroll c. join d. enter
10-People who lose their jobs often ----------- to get new skills.
a. retrain b. enrol c. revise d. review
11-He got a degree in law from the ------------------------ University.
a.Upper b. Lower c. Higher d. Open
12-you want to write a story, you could do a course in----------- writing.
a) creative b) created c) selective d) festival
13-She finds working with handicapped children very ---------- because the kids are very loving.
a. destroying b. rewarding c. punishing d. annoying
14-Engineering is a/an ----------- career. 2018
a. worthwhile b. neglecting c. illegal d. unknown
15-A good ----------- treats his or her workers well.
a. employable b. employment c. employer d. employee
16-I am a young ----------- in a big company and I am very ambitious. 2015
a. employee b. employer c. employed d. employment
17-I think that the new skills in this course will make you more -----------. 2011
a. employment b. employer c. unemployed d. employable


1-entertainment ‫تسلية‬/‫ترفيه‬ 8-variety ‫تنوع‬/‫مجموعة متنوعة‬

2-procession ‫موكب‬ 9-distinctive ‫مميز‬
3-fireworks ‫ألعاب نارية‬ 10-depend on ‫يعتمد على‬
4-harvest ‫يحصد‬/‫حصاد‬ 11-distinction ‫ اختالف‬/ ‫تميز‬
5-evolve ‫يطور‬/‫يتطور‬ 12-celebrate ‫يحتفل‬
6-landmark ‫معلم بارز‬ 13-position ‫ مركز‬/ ‫ وظيفة‬/ ‫ منزلة‬/ ‫ مكانة‬/ ‫ مكان‬/ ‫وضع‬
7-musical instruments ‫آالت موسيقية‬

Choose the correct answer:

1-The television is my only source of ------------------------------
a.development payment c. entertainment d. treatment
2-Thousands of people moved slowly in the ………. of the king's funeral. 2016
a. profession b. procession c. prediction d. position
3-…………are objects that explode with a coloured light during festivals. 2012
a. Artworks b. Fireworks c. Frameworks d. Glassworks
4-Farmers are expecting to have a good ………. this year. 2007
a. news b. bread c. harvest d. grains
5-Each school must ………. its own way of work. 2013
a. revolve b. evolve c. evoke d. evacuate
6-A..--------is something that helps you recognize where you are such as a famous building.
a. landfill b. landfall c. landscape d. landmark
7-People often use traditional musical ........ to play folk music.
a. tools b. gadgets c. instruments d. machines
8-Our local university offers a .. of useful activities for students to develop their skills.
a. variety b. various c. vary d. varied
9-Unlike many writers, Naguib Mahfouz has a/an ………. style of writing. 2016
a. expensive b. distinctive c. responsive d. negative
10-The time that it gets dark ………. on the time of year. (PT 5a)
a. concentrates b. depends c. blames d. designs
11-Do you understand the ........ between who and which?
a. distinction b. distinctively c. distinctive d. distinct
12-How do people ........ the Chinese new year in China?
a. distribute b. celebrate c. crepitate d. motivate
13-I prefer the …………of a goalkeeper when I play football. 2012
a. location b. position c. paint d. post


1-wrinkles ‫ تجاعيد‬9-Switzerland ‫سويسرا‬

2-mystery ‫سر‬/‫ لغز غامض‬10-concentrate ‫يركّز‬
3-confusing ‫مر ِبك‬/‫ محيِر‬11-manage to ‫ينجح في‬/‫يتمكن من‬
4-clear up ‫يوضح‬/‫ يزيل الغموض‬12-concern ‫يهتم‬/‫ يقلق‬/‫ إهتمام‬/‫قلق‬
5-evil ‫شر‬/‫شرير‬
6-rule ‫يحكم‬
7-defeat ‫يهزم‬/‫يتغلب على‬
8-gap ‫فجوة‬/‫ثغرة‬
Choose the correct answer:
1-She's beginning to get -----------------------around her eyes.
a.leaks b. wrinkles c. breaks d. weaknesses
2-What a ---------------- I have been working on it all the night but in vain.
a. mystery b. secret c. secretive d. mysterious
3-Some of the questions he asked were very---------------- I could hardly answer any of
a. confusing b. confused c. confuse d. confusion
4-The police quickly cleared ---------------- the mystery of who took the money from the
bank last week. (PT 5a)
a. up b. off c. over d. down
5-We should avoid ---------------- people.
a. good b. evils c. evil d. devil
6-The planet is ---------------- by something like a big, evil brain called IT. SB
a. ruled b. rolled c. ruler d. roller
7-Who was the last team to ---------------- your favourite sports team? WB
a. gain b. realize c. earn d. defeat
8-The sheep escaped through a ---------------- in the fence. WB
a. gap b. map c. summary d. bridge
9-The people speak French, German and Italian in ----------------. WB
a. Iran b. Swiss c. Egypt d. Switzerland
10-When you revise, take regular breaks because it is difficult to---------------- for more
than an hour. (PT 5a)
Concern b. conclude c. concentrate d. confirm
11-It was a difficult journey, but we ........ to get to the village.
a. able b. managed c. capable d. succeeded
12-My ........ for my little sons is great; I’m greatly worried about them.
a. doubt b. concern c. relax d. rest
13-“Dinner Party”, a novel by Bill Davies, was made --------------------a film. b. about c. into d for

‫افكار هامة جدا‬

‫لو جت ‪ graduate‬بمعني يتخرج من جامعة كذا‪ ----‬يبقي كده نختار ‪from‬‬

‫لو جت ‪ graduate‬بمعني خريج جامعة كذا‪ ---‬يبقي كده نختار ‪of‬‬
‫لو جت‪ graduate‬بمعني يتخرج بشهادة فى كذا ‪ ----‬او المهاره ال حصل عليها يبقي تختار ‪with‬‬
‫لو جت‪ graduate‬بمعني يتخرج في مجال (الطب او المحماه او التدريس‪ -----‬يبقي ‪in‬‬
‫لو لقيت ( ‪ person‬او ‪ ) writing‬هنختار ‪apply in‬‬
‫لو لقيت ) ‪ (a job / visa / nationality /citizenship / loan / college‬نختار ‪apply for‬‬
‫لو لقيت فعل مثال ذي) ‪ ( join‬نختار ‪apply to‬‬
‫لو لقيت ‪ yourself‬هختار بردو ‪ apply‬عارف ليه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ عشان دا تعبير بمعني ((يعمل بجد))‬
‫لو كنت تقصد الحياة العملية للفـرد اختار ‪career‬‬
‫لو كنت تقصد مهنـة تحتـاج لمؤهـالت وتـدريـب ذي التدريس والطب ‪...‬يبقي ‪profession‬‬
‫لو كنت تقصد العمل او مكان العمل تبقي تختار ‪ work‬وهي اسم ال يعـد هنا اما اعمال هندسية وموسيقية وادبيه تبقي تعد‬
‫لو كنت تقصد وظيفة او عمل وهي اسم يعـد تبقي تختار ‪ job‬وهي اسم يعـد هنا‬
‫لو لقيت (‪ (it’s a / the‬يبقي اختار )اسم (‪custom – convention – tradition – distinction‬‬
‫لو لقيت ‪ it’s‬يبقي اختار (صفه) ‪customary – conventional – traditional - distinctive‬‬
‫لو تقصد الروتين الحكومى (يعطل العمل)‪red tape‬‬
‫لو تقصد روتين (نظام ثابت كل يوم) يبقي اختار ‪routine‬‬
‫لو تقصد عادة (شخصية ) يبقي اختار ‪habit‬‬
‫حرف الجر ‪in‬‬ ‫تقصد يتواصل ب (لغة ) يبقي تختار بعد ‪communicate‬‬ ‫لو‬
‫لو تقصد يتواصل مع شخص مثال يبقي تختار بعد ‪ communicate‬حرف الجر ‪with‬‬
‫لو تقصد يتصل بالفون او غيره ‪contact‬‬
‫لو تقصد جائزة أو يمنح جائزة او شهادة جامعية يبقي تختار ‪ award‬حاجه كده بتمنح بشكل رسمي‬
‫لو تقصد يكافيء أو مكافأة ودية يبقي تختار ‪reward‬‬
‫‪famous for‬‬ ‫لو تقصد مشهور بـ ‪(---‬االمانه – الكرم – الوفاء‪ )----‬هتختار‬
‫‪famous in‬‬ ‫لو تقصد مشهور في (دوله معينه او االدب او‪ )-------‬اختار‬
‫‪famous as‬‬ ‫لو تقصد مشهور كـــــ (كاتب – طبيب ‪ )-----‬اختار‬
‫لو تقصد ورق (للكتابة) اختار ‪ paper‬مش ‪papers‬‬
‫لو تقصد الصحف ‪papers‬‬
‫لو تقصد وثائق ‪ /‬مستندات اختار ‪papers‬‬
‫لو عايز تقول ينقع في سائل مثال يبقي اختار ‪soak in‬‬
‫لو عايز تقول يمتص يبقي اختار ‪soak up‬‬
‫لو عايز تقول مبتل جدا يبقي تختار (‪ )soaking wet = very wet‬مش هينفع ‪soaked wet‬‬
‫خلي بالك من التعبير‪soaked to the skin‬‬
‫‪Training:‬‬ ‫تقصد تمرين ‪ -‬تدريب عشان اكتساب معرفة ‪ /‬خبرة ‪ /‬مهارة تبقي تختار‬ ‫لو‬
‫‪- Exercise:‬‬ ‫تمرين ‪ -‬تدريب (لتحسين لياقة) تبقي تختار‬ ‫لو تقصد‬
‫‪about‬‬ ‫عايز تقول حوالي علي وشك ‪ /‬تقريبا ‪ /‬في مكان قريب ‪ /‬يبقي علي طول هتختار‬ ‫لو‬
‫‪foul‬‬ ‫تقصد خطأ في الرياضة اختار‬ ‫لو‬
‫‪Fault‬‬ ‫تقصد خطأ‬ ‫لو‬
‫تقصد جاهز للعمل اختــــــــــــــار ‪available for work‬‬ ‫لو‬
‫‪at work‬‬ ‫لو تقصد قائم في العمل او موجود بالعمل اختــــار‬
‫‪*Break the rules‬‬ ‫لو الجمله معناها (يخالف القواعد ) اختار‬
‫‪*Break someone's heart‬‬ ‫لو الجمله معناها يكسر قلب‪/..‬يسبب الحزن الشديد اختار‬
‫‪*Break the law‬‬ ‫لو الجمله معناها يخالف القانون اختار‬
‫‪*Break a/the record‬‬ ‫لو الجمله معناها يحطم رقم قياسي اختار‬
‫‪*Break a promise‬‬ ‫لو الجمله معناها يخلف الوعد اختار‬
‫لو الجملة معناها يحظي باالحترام واإلعجاب بسبب عمله أو انجازاته ومهاراته اختار علي طول ‪Respected‬‬
‫ذي مثال ‪teacher – scientist - leader‬‬
‫لو الجمله معناها محترم )يتصرف بطريقة مقبولة اجتماعيا وأخالقيا( اختار علي طول ‪Respectable‬‬
‫ذي مثال ‪family – profession‬‬
‫لو الجملة معناها يظهر االحترام لـ آراء‪/‬معتقدات‪/‬ثقافات‪ ..‬اختار علي طول ‪Respectful towards/ of‬‬
‫متنساش التعبير المهم دا ‪ with respect to‬بشأن‪/‬بخصوص‬
‫لو لقيت )‪ (windy and snowy‬اختــــــار ‪ blizzard‬ودي معناها عاصفة ثلجية‬
‫لو لقيت )‪ (very rainy‬اختــــــــار ‪downpour‬‬
‫لو لقيت )‪ (very windy‬اختــــــــار ‪a gale‬‬
‫لو عايز تقول مهنة تحتاج لتدريب ومؤهل عالي ‪profession‬‬
‫لو عايز تقول بالتدريب ‪by profession‬‬
‫لو عايز تصف ‪ (plastic / waste / chemicals‬انه قابلة للتحلل اختـــــــــــار ‪biodegradable‬‬
‫كلمة ‪ deadline‬بيجي معاها كلمات مهمه والزم تحفظها ذي‬
‫يمد ‪ / extend‬يضع ‪ /set‬تفوته ‪ / miss‬يفي ‪meet‬‬
‫‪concrete‬‬ ‫خلي بالك قوي من‬
‫‪concrete‬‬ ‫خرساني ‪ /‬خرسانة )‪(base / building / cement + sand‬‬
‫‪concrete‬‬ ‫)‪ /result/action/music‬اقتراح ‪ /issue/example/proposal‬دليل ‪(evidence‬‬
‫ممنتج ‪ /‬ملموس ‪ /‬عيني ‪ /‬مادي‬
‫‪employ‬‬ ‫يوظف‬
‫)‪employ (time‬‬ ‫يقضي الوقت‬

‫ كلمات دالة أو مواقف تشير للزمن‬.. ‫األزمنة‬
 On+ On........ him , I ignored him.‫تجاهلته‬
(meeting-to meet- to meeting)
 After revising the answers, I delivered
the paper.
 Before Before playing soccer , I did my
assignment. ‫واجب‬
 While + While studying my lessons ,I fell asleep
 Without + Without trying hard , he wouldn't pass .
 During + ‫اسم‬.⏩ ‫ماض بسيط‬ ...........the film, he fell asleep.
( While-During- As)
 Having‫ بعد‬+ p.p(‫فى حالة المعلوم‬ Having done the experiment, he left the
lab .
 Having + been + p.p .‫فى حالة المجهول‬ Having been punished, he didn't eat for
the rest of the day.
 I’d rather/It’s time + ‫فاعل‬.+ ‫ماض ب‬ It’s time we ....... out .
( Played – play – were playing)
 I’d rather ‫مصدر‬It’s time (to) I’d rather....... than watch the series .
(play – playing – to play)
 By 2005/‫⏩أو كلمة ماضى‬had pp. By last week , I .......... a parcel . ‫طرد بريدي‬
( received-had received –am receiving)
 In + 2005⏩ ‫ماضي بسيط‬ In 2000 , I ........ .
( graduated – was graduating– had
 No sooner ⏩had ‫فاعل‬pp ..than ‫ماض بسيط‬ No sooner had she seethe python than
she screamed .
 Hardly/ Scarcely ⏩ had ‫فاعل‬pp when Hardly ......the news when we called the
‫ماض بسيط‬ police .
(have we -we had – had we )
 While ⏩ present ‫مضارع‬ While you ....... in class, You should
discipline your students .
 While ‫فاعل‬+‫ماضبسيط(قطعه)⏩ماض مستمر‬ While he was walking, he.....into a hole .
(fell–was falling – had fallen )
 While‫ فاعل‬+‫ماض مستمر⏩ ماض مستمر‬ While he was sleeping, he was snoring.
‫حدثان مستمرانبدون قطع نستخدم ماض مستمر فى‬
 When + ‫مضارع⏩مضارع‬ When water evaporates , it ...... into
‫حقائق‬ steam‫ بخار‬. ( turned – turns – will turn )
 When +‫حدث وانتهى)⏩ماض بسيط‬.( ‫ماض بسيط‬ When I was five , I play out .
(used– use – was used )
 When ‫ماض مستمرحدث كان مستمر ⏩ماض بسيط‬ When it started to rain , we ......... .
‫عند نقطة زمنية‬ ( are playing - were playing– played)
 When ‫ماض مستمر⏩ ماض مستمر‬ When we were playing, mother was
 When‫ماضبسيط ⏩ماض تام‬ When the class had finished(‫حدث سابق‬,
the students left(‫ حدث الحق‬the class .
 When ‫ماض تام ⏩ماض بسيط‬ When we arrived , the train had left ‫لم يلحق‬
. ‫القطار‬

 When +‫بسيط‬/‫ ⏩مضارع تام‬will When she ............ , she will start work .
( will come – comes – had come )
 Used to ‫اعتاد أن‬ He used to smoke . Now he doesn’t . He
= No longer+ ‫مضارع ب‬ no longer ........
= ‫ مضارع ب منفى‬any longer/more ( smoked – smoke – smokes)
 ‫بسيطماض‬because ‫ماض مستمر‬ I couldn’t answer the phone because I
......a shower .
(have taken-was taking-had taken)
 ‫ماض بسيط‬because ‫ماض تام‬ I went to hospital because .....bad food .
( eat –was eating- had eaten)
 ‫كلماتجديدة تشير الى ماض بسيط‬ Just now, the other ... , Once , first ,
then , second , before, by the time,if2
 After , as soon as‫ ماض تام‬,‫ماضىبسيط‬ After she.........., she watched TV.
( cooks –had cooked – has cooked)
 After, as soon as ‫ماض بسيط⏩ ماضبسيط‬ As soon as I saw him ,I .... him.
(greeted-greeting-had greeted
 ⏩ ‫ماضب‬till/ until ⏩ ‫ماض ت‬ She didn’t eat until he ...... .
( Came – has come- had come)
 Before that ‫ماض تام‬ He played but before that he ..... .
( studies-studied-had studied)
 After that ‫ماض بسيط‬ She had gone shopping and after that
she ...... a chat online .
(made-had made-is making)
 Be/get used to ⏩ ‫مازال معتاد‬ Taline......... cooking.
(used to – is used to – is used )
‫المضارع التام‬
 Have / has ⏩ ‫حدث له أثر فى المضارع‬/‫عدد مرات‬ I ten times .
( called- had called- have called)
She is so happy because she .....the
world record.
(has broken-breaks-had broken)
 Have/has+Since‫ماض بسيط‬. I haven't seen you since we Port
( are -were-had been)
 Since = because He is over the moon since it’s his
birthday today . .
 It's/ has been ⏩ ‫ مدة‬....since⏩‫ماض بسيط‬ It's ten years since I dived in Sharm.

 Have/ has just-already-never I have .......... made the bed . My

daughter always makes it .
( just – already – never )
 Yet + haven't/ hasn't I haven't done it ........
( just- never- yet)
 Have/Has....yet ? Has she come yet ?
 Have/Has .....already? ‫للتعجب‬ Have you eaten all the cakes .......?
(yet –already– ever )
 The .....‫صفة‬..est ....ever Abo Hagag is the biggest man I have
No one / body has ever .......seen .
( ever – never – lately)
 Have been to ‫ذهب وعاد‬ She has been to Alex .Now she's home
in Menia.
 Have gone to ‫ذهب ولم يعد‬ She has gone to Alex .She is going to
return‫ ستعود‬next week.
 Have you ever +pp‫هل سبق لك ان‬ Have you .......... seen a copra?
( just – ever – never )
 Over+, ‫ فترة‬, So far / up till now, in ⏩⏩⏩have/has
the last-past , ‫فترة‬recently, lately
‫اشكال المستقبل‬
 Will ‫ كلمات سهلة‬/ ‫ عمر بيضيع‬/ ‫مع قرار سريع‬ I am sure he ..... it
.. ‫للجميع‬sure/ok/or/otherwise/sooner ( is doing- will do – is going to do)
or later/perhaps/please/if1/ ‫تنبؤ بال دليل‬ I think Egypt’s population ...... by 20%
next year .
(will increase- is going to increase –
increases )
 Be going to⏩ plan,intend‫ينوى‬, decide, Omar Hussein has decided that he .......
made up my mind‫يتخذ قرار‬, ‫دليل أو طموح‬ be an engineer.
‫مستقبلى وظيفة مثال‬ (is going to-will – is)
 ‫مواعيد رسمية ⏩مضارع بسيط‬ The plane to Madrid ...... off at 5 am
tomorrow .
(will take- takes-is going to take)
 ‫مضارع مستمر⏩ ترتيبات‬ I can’t see you at 7 tonight as I ....... for
Arranged/Everything is Ok/can’t the test .
( will revise- is going to revise- am
 By⏩‫تاريخ أو كلمة مستقبل‬will have By next year ,we...... found cure for the
pp‫مستقبلتاممعلوم‬ novel Coronavirus.
⏩ will have been pp‫مجهول‬ (will have -will -will have been)
Before mother comes , we ...... all the
dishes .
I haven’t seen Anas for 5 years .I’m sure
he .....when I meet him .
(will grow – will be growing – will have
grown )
 Will be⏩‫ مستقبل‬+‫وقت‬ From 2 to 5 tomorrow , we ....watching
can’t ‫وايضا يأتى مع‬ the play .
(will – will be – will have )
‫االسماء الموصولة‬
1- ‫عاقل‬who/that‫فعل أو فاعل‬ I like the man who helps the poor.
2- ‫عاقل‬whom ‫فاعل‬ She likes the man .....she works with .
3- ⏩ ‫حرفجر‬+‫عاقل‬whom She likes the man with .....she works .
4- ‫غير عاقل‬which This is the car .... I’d like to buy.
5- ‫مكان‬where ‫فاعل‬ Minia is the city ... I was born .
6- ‫مكان‬which ‫بعته شريته زرته‬/‫حرف جر‬/‫فعل‬ Minia is the city .....grows sugar beet .
7- ‫زمن‬when ‫فاعل‬ July is the month ..... I was born .
8- ‫مالك‬whose ‫مملوك‬ This is the man ...... house was on fire .
‫واحد‬whose ‫قريبه‬ This is the man we had dinner .
(where – whose – in whose )
9- ‫فعل‬what Do ... I say .(when-who – what)
10-that ⏩ all ,thing ,much , many, few, little All is well ...... ends well .
,the ~est, ‫عاقل وغير عاقل‬ (who-which-that )

‫قاعدة النتيجة‬
1- So + ‫صفة أو حال‬that Amanda is so beautiful that all admire
2- Such+‫صفة‬+n+ that He is such a brave man .
3- Too + ‫صفة سلبية‬to ‫مصدر‬ The test was too difficult for everyone to
4- Enough +‫اسم‬ I don't have enough balance in my
5- ‫صفة‬.+enough The test was easy enough for everyone
to answer.
6- All All girls are dates .All the money is lost .
7- Every Every one has a role . The world cup is
held every four years. Every single
student should provide a research .
8- Each I have an orange in each hand .Each of
the girls is diligent.
9- Both Both Mahmoud and Omar are hackers.
10- Half Half the boys are liars .Half of the rice is
bad .Half a dozen is sufficient .
11- Either Either Teem or Reem is coming.
12- Neither Neither the father nor the children are
‫المبنى للمجهول‬ ‫مفعول‬+be ‫حسب الزمن‬+pp
The school ...... in 2000 .
( was built – is built – has built)
The school..... since 2000 .
(was built_ is built_ has been built)
The school 2022 .
(will be built -will have been built)
The house .....yesterday .
(collapsed – was collapsed )

1- Have+ someone +‫مصدر‬ Have Tamer help you .
2- Get + someone + to +‫مصدر‬ Get Tamer to help you .

3- Have /get +something +pp I will have my car repaired tomorrow.

4- V. To + be +pp The test has to be done today.

5- Can/could + be +pp The report must be delivered now.

6- It+ is/was/has been/Can be+ p.p. said It was said that Kennedy was
that .............. assassinated by the Mafia.

7- +‫شخص او شئ‬was said to .../ to have...... Kennedy was said to have been
assassinated by the Mafia .

8- Let + self + be + pp Don’t let your self be deceived by the

others .

‫المباشر وغير المباشر‬

1- ‫فالن‬said that ‫فاعل‬.+‫فعل ماضى‬ Talinesaid she had traveled the year
‫فالن‬told ‫فالن‬that ‫فاعل‬. + ‫فعل ماضى‬ before .

2- ‫فالن‬asked ‫فالن‬wh./if/whether+ S.+ She asked me where I was going then .

‫فعل ماض‬

3- ‫فالن‬ Rawan advised Hazem to study harder .

ned ‫فالن‬to ‫أو‬not to ...
4- ‫وفعل القول المضارع مع الحقائق‬ Can you tell me where .......?
.‫والكالم الذى قيل منذ فترة قصيرة‬ (Ali is-is Ali-Ali was)
‫والسؤال الطلبى ال تتغير األزمنة‬
5- Shall .⏩Should‫فى االقتراح‬ “Shall we play today ?"
Karen asked if we should play that day .

‫والمصدر‬To ‫أو‬ING ‫االفعال بعدها‬

1- V. + to ‫أن‬ Promise/ wish /want/ hope/ decide

/offer / demand
plan/arrange/force / be used to ‫يستخدم‬
2- V.+‫افعال الحرامى‬ Go – come / Suggest/mind / risk/
practise/avoid /deny/admit/fancy/
Imagine/ finish/ no good/no use/Can't
help/Can't stand
3- Remember +ing‫يتذكرشئ عمله‬ My parents still remember visiting Luxor
.It was terrific.
4- Remember +to ‫يتذكر ثم يفعل‬ Did you remember to Phone your sister?
Oh, no I forgot.
5- Forget‫ينسى شئ عمله‬ I will never forget meeting my wife at
school for the first time.
6- Forget + to /-‫لسه معملوشنسى أنه يعمل‬ Don't forget to do your homework
7- Stop+ ‫يتوقف عن‬ Stop talking in class .
8- Stop + to ‫يتوقف لكى‬ On my way home, I stopped to ask
about Fawzya .
9- Regret +‫يندم على ماضى‬ Me has regrets not phoning her mother
on her birthday. She should have done
so .
10- Regret + to ‫يأسفالخبار‬ I regretto inform you ‫ ابلغك‬that Ramadan
Sobhy won't join the team.
11- V. + to + Take to / object to / look forward to/ be
used( accustomed) to
12- Suggest / recommend + that I suggest he come / should come with
S. + inf/should inf us.

13- Suggest/ recommend + She suggested having pizza .

14- Try +‫يجرب‬ Try visiting Al- Gouna

15- Try + to ‫يحاول‬ He tried to climb up the tree but he
16- Start-begin-continue + ‫ أو‬It started raining/to rain .✅
to ‫والمصدر‬ It is starting to rain . ‫الحظ فى المستمر ياتى‬
‫بعدهم‬to ‫والمصدر‬
‫الضرورة وعدمها‬
1- Must + inf .‫دعوة قوية‬. ‫نصيحة قوية‬. ‫قوانين‬ I really must phone my parents .
‫تذكير‬ Must you wear that yellow tie ? It's ugly
. ‫قبيح‬
It is a must to ..‫أنها ضرورة أن‬

2- Have/Has to ‫قوانين وتعليمات فى مواقف‬ Mahmoud and Omar have to be home by

‫محددة زى اظهار الباسبورفى المطار‬ 8. This is a family rule .
The boxer ‫المالكم‬has to lose 5 kg before
the next match.
3- Have/Has to ‫قانون أو اضطرار أو الزام‬ We have to get grandpa to a hospital
‫خارجى‬ immediately. He's very ill.
4- Don't/ doesn't have to ‫ليس مضطر‬ You don't have to take this bus .There is
another one in 10 min.
5- Had to ‫اضطر ان‬ When we were children, we didn't have
email so we had to write letters .
6- Didn't have to ‫لم يكن مضطر ولم يفعل‬ Today is a vacation. So we didn't have
to study yesterday.
7- Needn't have +pp‫لم يكن هناك داعى‬ You needn't have bought beef .We
already have.
8- Should/ought to have +pp ‫كان يجب‬ Your writing is awful. You should have
‫كان المفروض‬/ written it carefully.

9- Shouldn't/ ought not to have You shouldn't have wasted your time .
+pp ‫ما كان يجب‬ It's too late .
10- Mustn't ‫المنع والتحريم شرعا‬. ‫ال يجب‬ You mustn't enter the mosque with
‫وقانونا أو شئ خطير‬ shoes.
You mustn't dive here . It's a sharks
area .
11- Could have + pp ‫كان يمكنك أن تفعل‬ You could have taken the metro instead
‫كذا أفضل‬ of a taxi.
12- Need to ‫يحتاج ان‬ I need to sleep more .
13- Needn't + inf Tomorrow is a vacation‫أجازة‬. We needn't
wake up early.
1- If + past + would If Wael lost his job , he would look for
2- If +had p.p+ would have p.p If the train hadn't broken down, I
wouldn't have been late .
3- If + present+present If we freeze water,it turns into ice .

4- If +present + inf If you want the job, apply now.
5- If + present + should If you want the deal , You should
negotiate. ‫يتفاوض‬
6- Make + ‫ مفعول‬+ ‫مصدر‬ She made me ( laughs-laugh-laughing)
7- Cause +‫مفعول‬+ to The insult‫ اهانة‬caused him ( cry-to cry-
8- Spend money on We should spend money .
( in – on – for )
9- Spend + time + Einstein spent his entire‫بأكملها‬life ...... .
(study _ studying _ to study )
10- Take + time + to She took two hours ...... .
( finishing_ finish _ to finish)
11- Like + / to I would like ...... by the others .
Would like to ( to help_ help _ to be helped)
12- Imagine- Supposing + ‫ماضى‬ Imagine you were a millionaire, what
+would would you do ?
13- ‫ مضارع بسيط أو تامالزم‬+ ‫اى رابط زمنى‬ Once I meet you ,I ..... you .
‫الجملة التانية تكون مستقبل ب‬ ( have told _ will tell _ had told)
After we have finished work , we .....
( will go_ went_had gone)


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