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Irrigated Wheat Best Practice Cotton WATER Pakrk

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1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Graham Harris Jose Payero
DAFF Queensland, Toowoomba formerly QAAFI, Toowoomba

Rod Jackson Allan Peake

NSW DPI, Narrabri CSIRO, Toowoomba

Key point Plant Water Use demand between locations and

season types.

• Seasonal water requirement The amount of water required Figure1 shows the daily water use in
varies from 360 to 550mm to produce a wheat crop with wheat which peaks during flowering
maximum yield is not a fixed and milk development (GS60 to
• A full irrigation strategy or GS70).
value as temperature and relative
limited water irrigation strategy
humidity during the growing Moisture availability at this stage
can be used
period along with wind and soil is critical to the yield of the crop.
• The period leading up to and moisture all determine the rate Moisture stress for more than a few
including flowering is the most of evaporation from the soil and days during this period will result in
sensitive to water stress. transpiration from the plant lower grain yield and quality.
• Good agronomic practices are (evapotranspiration or ETC ). In
needed to maximise production favourable seasons the water The area of irrigated wheat to
and minimise lodging risk requirement may be as low as plant is a function of wheat price,
360 to 440 mm whereas in a available water and your planned
• Starting soil-N determines the irrigation strategy.
most appropriate nitrogen warmer dry year this requirement
strategy could be up to 480 to 550 mm to
• Durum out yields bread wheat produce maximum yields. Table 1
summarises the results of APSIM
Irrigation Strategies
and quick maturing varieties
with good lodging resistance simulations for wheat yields and
should be used evapotranspiration water use in the Full Irrigation
Northern Grains Region.
• Adjust row spacing to manage For fully-irrigated wheat (with
biomass and tillering – 30cm row The DAFF Queensland free on-line a target yield exceeding 8 t/ha)
preferred tool CropWaterUse can be used to where water is not limited, the aim
examine the seasonal variability is to maximise yield by scheduling
• Aim to establish 100-150 plants/
in crop water requirement for fully irrigations to match crop water
m2 of bed or hill area
irrigated wheat at your location (see demand and avoid crop stress
• Planting on rainfall preferred Table 2). during the entire growing season.
over pre-irrigation and watering
It shows the irrigation demand This requires the close monitoring
up which can delay planting
for 1 June planted wheat at of soil moisture once secondary root
and produce excessive biomass
three locations (Narrabri, Dalby development has been completed
and Emerald), assuming that the (normally GS31).
• Irrigate to encourage secondary crop was fully-irrigated to target
root development if needed In order to avoid crop stress, do not
maximum yield. An irrigation allow soil water to fall below 50%
• Use plant growth regulators to application efficiency of 75% and of plant available water capacity
minimise lodging a 75mm irrigation target deficit (PAWC). This is commonly referred
• Use disease resistant varieties are assumed. Results show a large to as the ‘refill point’.
and a pre-planned fungicide variation in seasonal crop water
application strategy demand, rainfall and irrigation

Section 4: Irrigation management of grain crops 290

4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Table 4.1.1 Range of simulated maximum yield (t/ha) and evapotranspiration water
use for 90% of years 1, for quick maturing irrigated wheat (Kennedy) on 2m beds in the
Northern Grains Region, in the absence of lodging, disease, pest and frost damage

Range of Maximum Range of Maximum Evapotranspiration

Yield (t/ha) water use (mm)
Emerald 6.2 – 7.8 360 – 480
Dalby 7.0 – 9.5 430 – 550
St George 6.4 – 8.2 360 – 480
Goondiwindi 6.8 – 8.7 410 – 490
Walgett 6.7 – 8.3 420 – 500
Gunnedah 7.6 – 9.6 440 - 540

(excludes the top 5% and bottom 5% of years). Source: A. Peake

Table 4.1.2 Comparison of average water requirements for wheat planted on the 1 June
at Narrabri, Dalby and Emerald, based on historical weather data (1957 to 2008)

Narrabri Dalby Emerald

Season Type Dry Ave Wet Dry Ave Wet Dry Ave Wet
Crop ETC (mm) 403 378 351 432 407 385 536 517 494
In-crop Rainfall (mm) 119 210 335 104 173 258 50 111 231
Irrigation Demand (ML/ha) 3.7 2.6 1.6 4.2 3.3 2.5 6.1 5.2 4.4
No. of Irrigations 4 2 2 4 3 2 6 5 4

Figure 4.1.1 Wheat water use pattern and critical growth stages

291 WATERpak — a guide for irrigation management in cotton and grain farming systems
4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Once below 50% of PAWC, crops use can also be reduced with surface automatically downloads daily
more energy extracting the remaining irrigation systems by increasing weather data from different locations
soil water. Plant growth and yield siphon flow rates and reducing in Queensland and New South Wales
potential will fall considerably if soils irrigation runtimes. and, using farm-specific inputs,
are allowed to dry down beyond this • Crops can only extract water conducts a daily soil water balance
threshold. from their effective root zone. and economic analysis to determine
Make sure water is available for 2 to 3 Therefore, the depth of soil when and how much to irrigate.
days before the crop reaches its refill wetted by irrigation needs to be Figure 4.1.2 is an example of the
point. The reproductive growth phase adjusted during the season to end of season report generated by
typically coincides with an increase respond to increases in root zone WaterSched2 for a fully irrigated
in temperature and an acceleration of depth and irrigation wetted front wheat crop at Dalby in the 2009
plant water use. Any delay in water should not go deeper than the season. This report summarises
application can cause significant yield effective crop root zone. the water, crop and economic data
losses. • The soil water deficit to trigger for the crop. It provides the WUE
The period leading up to and irrigation also depends on the indices for predicted and actual yield
including flowering is the most depth of the root zone and achieved. The graph at the bottom
sensitive to water stress. Stress at needs to be adjusted during the of the report shows the daily soil
this time will reduce the number of season. Both the ETC rate and the water depletion during the season.
heads per plant, head length, and soil water deficit change daily, During the season this report
number of grains per head. It can so irrigation frequency needs to provides the information needed by
also restrict root growth. Yield losses be adjusted in response to these the grower to decide on their most
from excessive water deficits at this changes. appropriate irrigation scheduling
time cannot be recovered by later • The desired soil water deficit strategy in response to crop water
irrigations. and the irrigation frequency requirements, likely economic
Key points to consider when also depend on the irrigation returns and whole farm water
scheduling irrigation for fully- system capacity (mm/day). This availability.
irrigated wheat are: highlights how much water the Correct timing of the last irrigation
irrigation system can apply in will ensure adequate grain fill and
• crop stress must be avoided. ETC
one day, allowing for system also reduce the risk of lodging and
is usually linearly related to crop
breakdowns or maintenance. The harvesting delays. It should be
yield. Stressing the crop at any
greater the system capacity, the applied around mid dough growth
stage of development reduces ETC
greater the soil water deficit that stage (GS80) if readily available
and yield. This yield loss cannot
can be replenished quickly. water has been used to 60 to 90cm
be recovered by irrigating at a
later time. To avoid crop stress, Irrigations can be scheduled based soil depth.
it is important to know when to on soil moisture monitoring using
irrigate and how much water to one of the commercial soil moisture
apply. Table 4.1.3 summarises monitoring tools available. This
the water management equipment can tell you the rate of
considerations for each growth crop water use and the depth of
stage of wheat. water extraction.
• The application of a fixed water This can be used to make irrigation
depth at each irrigation can lead scheduling decisions.
to deep drainage losses. It is not Irrigation can also be scheduled
necessary to refill the soil profile based on estimation of crop ETC
at each irrigation. Overhead from weather data. WaterSched2,
systems are especially suited to a free online irrigation scheduling
application of small irrigation tool developed by DAFF Queensland
depths, but application depths is now available. This tool

Section 4: Irrigation management of grain crops 292

4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Table 4.1.3 Critical water management considerations by growth stage for wheat

Zadoks Development Stage Water Management Consideration

Germination Adequate soil moisture essential to establish
0 desired plant population. Waterlogging can
increase seed mortality

Main stem leaf production Early weed control will conserve plant available
1 Seedling Stage is the growth stage from wheat water.
emergence until the plants begin to tiller

Tiller production Early weed control will conserve plant available

Tillering usually starts when the plant has 3- 4 water. Good nutrient and water supply are
2 leaves. A (short growth cycle) wheat plant will determining the potential number of heads
typically produce 7-8 leaves on the main stem produced by the crop.
before stem elongation occurs.

Stem elongation Good nutrient and water supply are determining

Main stem node production. The maximum yield potential.
potential number of florets (and therefore If stress during stem elongation is followed by
maximum yield potential) is now set. The tillers heavy water application, wheat has the ability to
3 produced last during stem elongation will produce new tillers and additional heads. However
often die. The final number of productive tillers these additional heads will delay harvest and
depends on the conditions. the risk of losses from lodging and non-uniform
ripening usually increases. Soil water depletion
should not exceed 50% of PAWC

4 By booting each plant should have 2-3
productive tillers depending on growing
conditions and crop density.

5 The spike (also called the head or ear) is Water stress will significantly reduce yield. Soil
emerging from within the flag leaf. water depletion should not exceed 50% of PAWC.
6 Pollen is being released and the individual
grains are being fertilized.

Grain milk stage

7 When the grain is squeezed, a milky solution is

Grain dough stage Yield is almost set, but water stress will still reduce
8 When squeezed, the grain will still deform grain size and yield. Soil water depletion should
slightly, but no liquid is apparent. not exceed 50% of PAWC.

Ripening Lodging will reduce harvestable grain yield.

Grain is hard and firm and ready for harvest.
9 Grain is best harvested at 14% moisture
content. Wetter grain (>14% moisture content)
has storage problems.

Source: CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, 2012

293 WATERpak — a guide for irrigation management in cotton and grain farming systems
4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Figure 4.1.2 WaterSched2 End of Season Field Summary report for a fully irrigated wheat crop at Dalby in 2009

Report Compiled By:

Jose Payero

End of Season Summary

Field Summary
Farm: josefarm Plant Date: 15/06/2009
Location: Dalby Season: 2009
Field Name: josefarm Length of Season: 123 days / 1839 GDD
Field Size: 100 ha Irrigation Type: Sprinkler 100%
Crop: Early Wheat Irrigation Trigger Deficit: 50 mm

Water Summary Crop Summary

mm ML/ha Expected Yield: 8 tonnes/ha

Total Irrigation: 300 3 Predicted Yield: 8 tonnes/ha

Total Rainfall: 62 0.62 Actual Yield: 6 tonnes/ha

Total Losses: 49 0.49 Accumulated ETp: 409 mm

Starting Soil Water: 210 2.1 Accumulated ETc: 409 mm

Ending Soil Water: 113 1.13 Economics Summary

Soil Water Change: 97 0.97 Price Per Unit: $255 / tonnes

Total Water Input: 459 4.59 Variable Costs: $808 / ha

Net Water Supply: 409 4.09 Gross Margin: $722 / ha

Water Use Efficiency

Predicted Actual Gross Margin

Total Water Use Index
1.74 tonnes / ML 1.31 tonnes / ML $158 / ML
Gross Production Water Use Index
1.96 tonnes / ML 1.47 tonnes / ML $177 / ML
Irrigation Water Use Index
2.67 tonnes / ML 2 tonnes / ML $241 / ML
Crop Water Use Index
19.55 kg / mm 14.66 kg / mm $1.76 / mm

Wednesday, 18 April 2012 End of Season Field Summary Page 1 of 1

Section 4: Irrigation management of grain crops 294

4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Limited Water Strategies

If there is a high probability of reduced water allocation and insufficient
rainfall then the yield target may need to be revised down and supplementary
irrigation strategies adopted. Supplementary irrigated crops are ‘water
limited’ – there is not enough water available to fully irrigate the area to be
sown. Growers faced with this situation have two main choices:
1. maximise production from the water available
2. grow the largest area possible where a single in-crop irrigation can be
Growers wanting to maximise productivity per ML of water should consider
growing a smaller area of crop and matching crop water demand to achieve
a high yield. This strategy avoids the extra costs associated with growing
a larger area. In general, maximum crop productivity under irrigation is
achieved when good soil moisture is available at sowing and then one or two
supplementary spring irrigations are applied (one irrigation in wetter districts
such as the Liverpool Plains, and two irrigations in drier areas such as Emerald
and Goondiwindi).
If a large area of wheat must be planted as part of a rotation, and only a
single irrigation is possible, the best timing is one which applies water at
the most critical growth stage – from stem elongation though to flag-leaf
Table 4.1.3. summarises the impact of water stress on wheat at different
growth stages.
APSIM simulations suggest that the best timing for a single in-crop irrigation
of around 1 ML/ha is from early stem-elongation through to flag-leaf
emergence. It will still have time to help the crop develop a little more
biomass, yet will also leave some soil water for flowering and early grain
filling. This recommendation is based on 40 years of weather data. The best
timing of a single irrigation within a particular season will vary depending on
the timing of in-crop rainfall, and stored water at sowing.
If two irrigations (or 2ML/ha) is budgeted, then an irrigation applied at
early to mid-stem elongation and again between flag-leaf and flowering is

295 WATERpak — a guide for irrigation management in cotton and grain farming systems
4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Agronomy Row spacing

Row spacing can be altered to
To achieve high irrigated yields it is also necessary to follow good agronomic
manipulate vegetative biomass and
tillering. In low soil-N paddocks
Crop lodging is a potential risk when targeting high wheat yields. Lodging the most appropriate row spacing is
occurs mostly after ear emergence and can significantly affect grain yield and 30cm, or 6 rows on a 1.8 metre bed.
quality. Factors affecting lodging potential include: Wheat performs best at 30 cm row
• variety lodging susceptibility; spacing as it responds well to plants
• shallow root systems due to abundant soil moisture or frequent irrigations; being more evenly distributed across
the bed.
• subsoil constraints like sodicity or compaction;
• high nutrition levels causing plants to grow too quickly; and, In high soil-N paddocks wider row
spacing will increase intra-row
• severe weather during crop ripening.
competition, reduce tillering, and
The range of agronomic practices discussed below is aimed at maximising yield assist in the regulation of early
and controlling lodging through canopy management. season biomass during tillering.

Nutrition Plant population

Test soil for starting nitrogen (to 90cm depth) and phosphorus (to 20cm depth) A plant population of 100-150 plants
in April/May before sowing. Long fallow paddocks with high soil-N require per square metre of bed or hill area
careful management of canopy growth from establishment to avoid lodging. is ideal in the northern region. Low
Paddocks sown straight after cotton (low soil-N) are ideal to target maximum plant populations of 50-100 plants
yield and manage early season canopy. per square metre of bed can achieve
At least 275 kg N/ha is required to grow 8 t/ha of wheat. The success of high yield levels but plants do not
nitrogen application depends on soil type, irrigation system, sowing soil establish evenly.
moisture and rainfall and temperature at tillering. Nitrogen can be split applied
in low soil-N paddocks (some fertiliser will be required at sowing). In high-N
soils nitrogen fertiliser requirements are more safely applied at stem elongation Seedbed Preparation
(GS31) – ideally before a rainfall or irrigation event. Seedbed preparation has a
In low soil-N post-cotton paddocks, starter fertiliser containing 10-20 kg P/ha significant impact on seedling
will improve establishment. emergence and yield potential.
Following pupae-busting, tillage
should be used to prepare a new
Variety Choice seedbed that is free of clods and
cotton stubble. Seedbed tilth needs
On average durum wheat has consistently yielded 1 t/ha higher than bread
to be in an optimum condition for
wheat in northern irrigated wheat trials. In 2011 the durum varieties Bellaroi
seed placement and emergence.
and Caparoi provided the highest yield potential and lodging resistance. The
durum variety Hyperno has high yield potential but was found to be prone to
lodging. Quick maturing varieties such as Kennedy and Longreach Crusader
are the most likely APH bread wheat varieties to achieve high yields, although
Longreach Crusader has shown significantly more lodging resistance than
Kennedy in high-N paddocks.

Section 4: Irrigation management of grain crops 296

4.1 Irrigated wheat – best practice guide

Planting Date Disease Management

Planting time is a management compromise that balances having the crop A pre-planned strategy of fungicide
flowering soon after the last heavy frost, but still early enough to allow adequate applications based on growth stage
grain fill before the heat in spring. and emergence of the top three leaves
Varieties differ in the time they take from planting to flowering. Select the planting provides greatest marginal returns
time for your variety that ensures it will flower after there is little chance (I in 10 when susceptible wheat cultivars are
years) of a frost occurring. subject to disease.
Sowing early within the optimum range is better suited to low-N paddocks where Where disease onset is early or where
canopy can be managed through delayed N application, and when irrigating up. susceptible varieties are grown with
no up-front protection an application
Planting late (within the optimum range) is an alternative strategy to reduce at GS31-32 may be needed. One
lodging in high soil-N paddocks. application at GS39 may be sufficient.
Consider an additional ear-emergence
Establishment fungicide where stem rust is the
primary disease target.
Ideally wheat should be planted after a rainfall event which provides planting Consider a first-flower spray where
moisture and ensures seed germination and establishment. This provides the wheat or durum is at high risk of
best opportunity to achieve high yields (particularly if starting soil N levels are Fusarium head blight.
low). In this situation a uniform plant stand can be achieved and you can manage
early season canopy growth and allow an irrigation to ensure secondary root More specific information is also
development. available on root and crown diseases
and stripe rust and septoria tritici
Pre-irrigation is risky as sowing can be delayed if rain occurs. However, blotch in irrigated systems.
establishment can be better in this scenario than if a paddock is dry-sown and
watered up.
If the profile is completely dry at planting the only option may be to plant shallow
and water-up. This is the least desirable option, particularly if starting soil-N Further Reading
levels are very high. Often, in water-up situations, plants still do not initiate
secondary root growth and require further irrigation during tillering which can Lacy, J and Giblin, K 2006 Growing eight
result in excessive early season biomass. This can predispose the crop to lodging, tonnes a hectare of irrigated wheat
particularly where soil starting N levels are high. in southern NSW NSWDPI
Sykes, J. 2012 Irrigated Wheat: Best
Practice Guidelines in Cotton
Secondary Root Growth Farming Systems, Cotton CRC
Assess soil moisture status at 25-30 days after emergence. If there is dry soil
below the sowing depth of seed, apply an irrigation to encourage secondary root
development on low soil-N paddocks. Early secondary root development will
enhance water and nutrient uptake.

Plant Growth Regulators

Use of plant growth regulators (PGRs) to minimise lodging is still being researched
for irrigated wheat. Their use is recommended in high soil-N paddocks where
canopy growth is excessive. Check and follow label registrations and instructions.

297 WATERpak — a guide for irrigation management in cotton and grain farming systems

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