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Paxton Etal 2021 Septarian Concretions

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Received: 23 October 2020 

|  Revised: 29 January 2021 

|  Accepted: 2 February 2021

DOI: 10.1002/dep2.139


Taking the heat out of British Jurassic septarian concretions

Richmal B. Paxton1   | Paul F. Dennis1  | Alina D. Marca1  | James P. Hendry2  |

John D. Hudson3  | Julian E. Andrews1

School of Environmental Sciences,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Iapetus Geoscience Limited, Greystones, Septarian carbonate concretions in marine mudrocks contain calcite cements that
Co. Wicklow, Ireland should represent evolving conditions from ambient temperature, shallow subsur-
School of Geography, Geology and face environments to warmer, burial diagenetic conditions. Clumped isotope results
Environment, University of Leicester,
from British Middle and Upper Jurassic concretions indicate that most concretion
Leicester, UK
body calcites formed at temperatures between 9 ± 5°C and 18 ± 5°C from marine
Correspondence pore waters with δ18O values between 0.2 ± 1.1‰ and −2.2 ± 1.1‰VSMOW. Early
Richmal B. Paxton, School of
Environmental Sciences, University of East
diagenetic, brown, fibrous calcite fracture cements mostly formed at temperatures
Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK. between 15 ± 5°C and 19 ± 5°C, again from marine-­derived pore fluids with δ18O
Email: compositions between −0.5 ± 1.1‰ and 0.3 ± 1.2‰VSMOW. Two of these cements
Funding information showed evolution to warmer temperatures and more evolved pore fluids with growth,
Natural Environment Research Council, indicating transition to deeper burial conditions. Later diagenetic, sparry calcite ce-
Grant/Award Number: NE/L002582/1
ments gave more variable temperatures but all indicated involvement of meteoric
pore fluids. The highest clumped isotope temperature (43 ± 6°C) is within error of
the 50°C regional maximum burial temperature estimate. These results are consistent
with published geological and stable isotope constraints on the formation of Jurassic
septarian concretions and highlight their potential as robust archives of marine ben-
thic palaeotemperatures. Some of these results differ from clumped isotope data in an
earlier study that reported higher temperatures for concretion body and early diage-
netic fibrous cement fringes probably due to methodological differences.

carbonate cements, clumped isotopes, Jurassic, palaeotemperature, septarian concretions

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION compositions, a potential drawback is that many Earth sur-

face biotic and abiotic carbonates probably crystallize too
There is considerable interest in the application of clumped rapidly to achieve the complete isotopic equilibrium (Daëron
isotope palaeothermometry for reconstructing temperatures et al., 2019) required to apply the technique quantitatively.
from carbonate rocks and fossils from a range of Earth sur- This said, some abiotic carbonates, particularly slowly grow-
face palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic settings (Eiler, ing sparry calcite cements in basinal sediments, should be
2007, 2011; Ghosh et al., 2006; Huntington et al., 2011). excellent targets for clumped isotope analysis. These sparry
While clumped isotope palaeothermometry does not require cements typically formed under shallow to deep burial condi-
prior assumptions regarding temperature or water isotopic tions where warmer temperatures (e.g. 20–­50°C; Defliese &
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. The Depositional Record published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Association of Sedimentologists.

Depositional Rec. 2021;7:333–343.  |     333
334      PAXTON et al.

Lohmann, 2016; Purvis et al., 2020) ensure isotope exchange new clumped isotope information to be constrained in a tight
reaction rates are fast, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)-­ framework of supporting data. These Jurassic concretions
calcite equilibrium is probably achieved. are thought to have formed in unconsolidated, organic-­rich,
Ancient carbonate concretions (Raiswell & Fisher, 2000) marine muds (Duff, 1975; Kenig et al., 1994) within a few
are obvious targets for clumped isotope palaeothermometry metres of the sea floor (Hendry et al., 2006; Hudson, 1978).
and the first Δ47 data (Loyd et al., 2012) showed that con- Concretion bodies (Figure 1) may have initiated from a bio-
cretion body cements were influenced by post-­depositional mineralization of a bacterial extra-­ cellular polysaccharide
fluid alteration, driven by either silica diagenesis (Miocene, framework (Hendry et al., 2006) which was rapidly entombed
Monterey Formation) or meteoric water influx (Cretaceous by microsparry calcite cement. The pore water from which
Holz Shale Formation). this cement precipitated was essentially sea water, while bac-
This study was followed by clumped isotope palaeother- terial sulphate reduction (BSR) caused the incorporation of
mometry on septarian concretions (Dale et al., 2014; Loyd isotopically negative C in calcite, and S in pyrite (De Craen
et al., 2014) of various ages, attractive targets because a single et al., 1999; Irwin et al., 1977).
decimetre-­sized concretion can contain a variety of carbonate The lithifying concretion bodies contracted at an early
cements that record changes in the geochemical environment stage of cementation, forming septarian cracks (Figure 1) or
and temperature from initial formation through progressive more irregular breccias within an otherwise unconsolidated
burial in sedimentary basins over millions of years. Both stud- sediment. Mobile clays, intruded into cracks at both Calvert
ies reconstructed cementation temperatures and the fluid types and Staffin (Figure  2), are direct evidence of this, and py-
involved in concretion cementation. Their results showed that rite coating breccia fragments are evidence this happened in
some concretion bodies gave temperatures indicative of forma- the BSR zone (Hudson, 1978; Hudson et al., 2001). In many
tion at shallow depths (Loyd et al., 2014), while other concre- cases, brown fibrous cements nucleated on crack walls form-
tion body data indicated much higher temperatures (Dale et al., ing distinct cement fringes (Figure 1).
2014; Loyd et al., 2014), apparently resolving some of the un- The Sr isotope compositions of early calcite phases (con-
certainty inherent in traditional stable isotope data (Mozley & cretion bodies and fibrous cement fringes) in the English
Burns, 1993). However, clumped isotope palaeothermometry concretions are very close to those of Callovian sea water
is not a panacea; each case study needs careful evaluation of all (Hudson et al., 2001). Moreover, the δ18O values of these
supporting data. For example, clumped isotope data show that phases are similar to those from well-­ preserved benthic
negative δ18O values in sparry calcite cements filling septarian fossils, which led Hudson et al. (2001) to infer early cal-
fractures may not indicate meteoric water input (Dale et al., cite cementation temperatures of ca 15°C, assuming the
2014), although they often do (Loyd et al., 2014). widely accepted δ18O composition for Jurassic sea water of
This study concentrates on British Jurassic concretions, −1‰VSMOW (Shackleton & Kennett, 1975). The last stage
which have a history of detailed previous research (Hendry of concretion development resulted in the precipitation of
et al., 2006; Hudson, 1978; Hudson et al., 2001) allowing the ferroan sparry calcite in the septaria (Figure  1), cements

F I G U R E 1   Line drawing from a slab

of Staffin Shale Formation concretion
showing the various calcite phases described
in this paper
PAXTON et al.

Oxfordshire) all described in Hudson (1978) and Hudson

et al. (2001). An ex situ concretion derived from the Ampthill
Clay (Serratum Subzone, Serratum Zone, upper Oxfordian)
was collected from Pleistocene till at Norman Cross quarry
(Hudson, 1978). The lower Kimmeridgian Staffin Shale
Formation concretions (Densicostata/Normandia Subzone,
Baylei Zone) are from the Hebridean Isle of Skye (Hendry
et al., 2006). Equivalence of material sampled in earlier pub-
lished research is in the Supplemental information section 2.

2  |  M ETHODS
2.1  |  Sample preparation

Sample powders from concretion body cements, brown fi-

brous fringes and void-­filling spars were either drilled from
cut slices, or produced by crushing fragments (broken from
F I G U R E 2   Sample locations. C = Calvert; CAS = Cassington; hand specimen) in a pestle and mortar. In all cases areas of
P = Peterborough; S = Staffin sample with visible microfractures or other obvious inhomo-
geneities were avoided. For three concretions where brown
that have distinctly negative δ18O values (mean δ18O of fibrous fringes were >4 mm thick sub-­samples were obtained
−7.4‰VPDB) indicative of a meteoric fluid (Hudson, 1978). by drilling two trenches (1 mm wide × 1.5 mm deep × 15–­
Likewise, at Staffin, Hendry et al. (2006) derived minimum 20  mm long), one parallel to the inner margin adjacent to
concretion body and fibrous calcite cementation tempera- the concretion body, and another parallel to the outer margin
tures ca 10°C, with ferroan sparry calcites displaying a wide close to the contact with the succeeding sparry calcite cement.
range in δ18O values ascribed to variable mixing of marine Sample powders (ca 4–­ 6  mg) were reacted in vacuo
and highly 18O-­depleted meteoric pore fluids. at 87°C for 30  min with 102% ortho-­phosphoric acid in a
This study is timely because Loyd et al. (2014) reported common acid bath, dynamically collecting the evolved CO2
clumped isotope temperatures from English Jurassic concre- by freezing into a spiral trap immersed in liquid nitrogen
tion body calcites and brown fibrous cement fringes that were (−196°C). Next the trap was isolated from the reaction ves-
ca 20 to 30°C warmer than those inferred from geological sel, keeping it immersed in liquid nitrogen whilst removing
and traditional geochemical evidence (Hudson et al., 2001). non-­condensable gases by vacuum pumping. Then, warming
They resolved the temperature mismatch by suggesting the the trap to −120°C, the CO2 was sublimated at low pressure,
shallow burial precursor calcites had undergone pervasive cryodistilling it into a manometer via two further water traps
reaction with heated basinal fluids with δ18O compositions also held at −120°C. After carrying out a second step of re-
around +3.2‰VSMOW; a scenario that is the opposite of the moving non-­condensable gas, the gas amount was measured
typical ‘meteoric water alteration pathway’ proposed for cal- (see Data File S1) to estimate reaction yield. In the last stages
citic concretions based on an ensemble of stable isotope data of gas purification, the CO2 was transferred through a static
(Mozley & Burns, 1993). porapak-­Q trap (120  mm long  ×  9  mm diameter) held at
−20°C, freezing it into a cold finger for 30 min before a final
step of removing non-­condensable gas.
1.1  |  Study Materials

Middle and Upper Jurassic concretions were analysed from a 2.2  |  Measurement and data handling
range of localities (Figure 2) and stratigraphic horizons as in-
dicated by ammonites in the concretions (see Cox et al., 1994). Sample CO2 was analysed for δ45-­δ49 on the MIRA dual-­inlet
These included concretions from brick pits (now back-­filled) isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) using the operating
at Calvert (Jason Subzone, Jason Zone, middle Callovian, and data handling protocol detailed in Dennis et al. (2019).
Buckinghamshire), Norman Cross Quarry near Peterborough Samples of the carbonate standards ETH1, ETH3 and ueac-
(Obductum Subzone, Coronatum Zone, middle Callovian, mst were prepared and measured each day in order to: (a)
Cambridgeshire) and a former gravel pit at Cassington determine the transfer function between the local reference
(Obductum Subzone, Coronatum Zone, middle Callovian, frame and the carbon dioxide equilibrium scale (CDES;
336      PAXTON et al.

Bernasconi et al., 2018), and; (b) to provide an estimate of Concretion body calcites are mostly non-­ferroan micro-
long-­term measurement uncertainty. spars that grew into the pore space of peloidal host sediment.
Since Δ47 is determined here by reaction at 87°C a cor- These concretions have pyritic rims consistent with forma-
rection factor of 0.062‰ is applied to bring the data into line tion in the BSR zone; pyrite formation sequestered available
with reported values determined by reaction at 25°C. This Fe2+ explaining the low iron content in the microspars. The
correction factor has been previously calibrated for the reac- Ampthill Clay and Staffin concretions are different; in these
tion systems employed here using standards reacted both of- the body microspars are ferroan, and the concretions lack py-
fline at 25°C and in the present system at 87°C (Supplemental ritic rims. The ferroan composition indicates availability of
information, section 4). excess Fe2+ for incorporation into calcite either from; (a) iron-­
Further details about methodology, including data re- reduction under sub-­oxic conditions while rates of BSR (and
duction, linearity and 17O correction are included in the thus pyrite formation) were low; or (b) from upward diffusion
Supplemental information. of methanogenic Fe2+ when BSR had effectively ceased, the
latter implying growth near the base of the BSR zone. The
ferroan microspars from Staffin have resultant dull-­orange
2.3  |  Temperature calculation cathodoluminescence (CL).
Brown fibrous cement fringes, oriented normal to
The empirical clumped isotope calibration of Kirk (2017) septarian fracture walls are best described in the Staffin
based on measurements made in the UEA laboratory using and Ampthill Clay samples (Hendry et al., 2006; Hudson,
the MIRA mass spectrometer (Dennis et al., 2019) was used 1978), comprising radiating palisades (50  μm wide and up
to calculate temperatures: to 5,000  μm long), some with fasicular-­optic textures. The
brown body colour is imparted by polar organic inclusions
0.0389 × 106 (Pearson et al., 2005). The earliest phases of growth (Staffin)
( )
Δ47(ARF) = + 0.2139. are non-­ferroan and non-­luminescent, becoming dull-­orange
luminescent distally, then passing into more ferroan compo-
The calcite-­water isotope fractionation factor calibration sitions with dull brown to very dull brown CL, which is in-
of Kim and O’Neil (1997), which is appropriate for abi- terpreted as evidence of initial sub-­oxic conditions resulting
otic carbonates, is used to determine water oxygen isotope from a pause in sedimentation, followed by renewed burial
compositions. and ingress of methanogenic Fe2+. Iron content of the English
The isotope values reported here are the mean of 3–­6 mea- brown fibrous calcites is similarly variable but has not been
surements of replicate samples, with the measurement uncer- studied systematically.
tainty reported as ±1 standard error of the pooled standard The fracture-­hosted sparry cements are variably white
deviation of measurements for each of the three phases: concre- or yellow ferroan calcites with dull to very dull brown CL.
tion bodies, fibrous fringes and spars. In using the pooled stan- Crystals are typically 0.5–­4 mm in size, variously equant to
dard deviation, it is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient elongate with steep terminations into open spaces.
number of samples to determine a representative distribution of
the measurement uncertainty. The standard deviations and errors
for ‘individual’ samples are also reported in the Supplemental 3  |  RESULTS
Data File. Temperature and fluid isotope compositions are cal-
culated using the mean Δ47 and δ18O values with full propa- Stable and clumped isotope results for the calcite phases in
gation of the measurement and calibration uncertainties. The the concretions are summarised in Table 1 and Figure 3.
δ13C and δ18O values are reported for carbonates with respect to The δ13C and δ18Ocarbonate values (Figure 3A) are broadly
Vienna-­Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) and δ18O values for water consistent with previous data from the same Oxford and
with respect to Vienna-­standard mean ocean water (VSMOW). Ampthill Clay concretions (Hudson, 1978; Hudson et al.,
2001); similarly, the data from newly sampled Staffin Shale
concretions (Figure  3B) are mainly comparable to data in
2.4  |  Sample contexts Hendry et al. (2006). The clumped isotope data (Table  1)
mostly show similar paragenetic trends despite being from
The sedimentology, petrography and paragenesis of the vari- different geographic areas and stratigraphic units.
ous calcites sampled here have been reported before, prin- Concretion body cements gave temperatures between
cipally by Hudson (1978) and Hudson et al. (2001; English 9  ±  5°C and 18  ±  5°C, and pore fluid values between
concretions) and Hendry et al. (2006; Staffin). Salient points 0.2 ± 1.1‰ and −2.2 ± 1.1‰VSMOW, excepting concretion
are summarised here, discussing published stable isotope SC8 body which gave a temperature of 23 ± 5°C and a pore
data in context with these new data in subsequent sections. fluid value of 1.2 ± 1.0‰VSMOW (Figure 3C).
PAXTON et al.      337
T A B L E 1   Geochemical data and Δ47 temperatures

δ13C (‰, δ18OCarbonate δ18OFluid

Sample Phase N VPDB) (‰, VPDB) Δ47 (CDES)a  T (°C) (‰, VSMOW)
Staffin Shale Formation, Skyeb 
151-­7 Body 3 −17.47 ± 0.06 −1.04 ± 0.03 0.703 ± 0.012 9 ± 5 −2.2 ± 1.1
Fibrous fringe 4 −15.68 ± 0.09 −0.70 ± 0.02 0.673 ± 0.012 18 ± 5 0.1 ± 1.1
Spar 4 −10.69 ± 0.11 −10.74 ± 0.07 0.677 ± 0.011 17 ± 5 −10.1 ± 1.0
161a Body 4 −17.34 ± 0.05 −0.89 ± 0.03 0.690 ± 0.011 13 ± 5 −1.2 ± 1.0
Inner fibrous fringe 3 −16.81 ± 0.11 −0.27 ± 0.03 0.677 ± 0.013 17 ± 5 0.3 ± 1.2
Outer fibrous fringe 4 1.66 ± 0.09 −0.93 ± 0.02 0.654 ± 0.012 24 ± 5 1.2 ± 1.1
Spar 4 −5.62 ± 0.11 −11.74 ± 0.07 0.653 ± 0.011 25 ± 5 −9.5 ± 1.1
SC8 Body 5 −14.89 ± 0.04 −0.75 ± 0.02 0.658 ± 0.009 23 ± 5 1.2 ± 1.0
Inner fibrous fringe 3 −14.95 ± 0.11 −0.30 ± 0.03 0.677 ± 0.013 17 ± 5 0.3 ± 1.2
Outer fibrous fringe 3 −2.34 ± 0.11 −0.40 ± 0.03 0.629 ± 0.013 33 ± 6 3.5 ± 1.2
Spar 5 −7.46 ± 0.10 −3.38 ± 0.07 0.672 ± 0.010 18 ± 5 −2.5 ± 1.0
Ampthill Clay, Peterborough  
P35-­95 Body 3 −19.50 ± 0.06 −0.70 ± 0.03 0.683 ± 0.012 15 ± 5 −0.5 ± 1.1
Inner fibrous fringe 3 −19.80 ± 0.11 −0.68 ± 0.03 0.683 ± 0.013 15 ± 5 −0.5 ± 1.1
Outer fibrous fringe 4 −20.10 ± 0.09 −1.21 ± 0.02 0.670 ± 0.012 19 ± 5 −0.1 ± 1.1
Spar 3 −0.47 ± 0.13 −9.55 ± 0.08 0.630 ± 0.013 33 ± 6 −5.7 ± 1.2
Oxford Clay, Peterborough  
P1A-­B Body 3 −15.69 ± 0.06 −0.80 ± 0.03 0.697 ± 0.012 11 ± 5 −1.5 ± 1.1
Spar 4 −0.15 ± 0.11 −9.53 ± 0.07 0.602 ± 0.011 43 ± 6 −3.7 ± 1.1
Spar 3 d  −0.16 ± 0.14 −9.52 ± 0.09 0.616 ± 0.011 38 ± 6 −4.7 ± 1.1
Oxford Clay, Calvert  
C5 Body 3 −14.25 ± 0.06 −0.66 ± 0.03 0.673 ± 0.012 18 ± 5 0.2 ± 1.1
Spar 3 −0.41 ± 0.13 −7.34 ± 0.08 0.638 ± 0.013 30 ± 6 −4.1 ± 1.2
Oxford Clay, Cassingtonf 
CAS1095-­6 Body 3 −14.72 ± 0.06 −0.76 ± 0.03 0.675 ± 0.012 17 ± 5 0.0 ± 1.1
Spar 3 0.86 ± 0.13 −7.93 ± 0.08 0.650 ± 0.013 26 ± 6 −5.5 ± 1.1
Note: All ± values represent one standard error of the pooled standard deviation.
CDES is Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Scale.
Location: 57.661774 −6.246455 (WGS84).
Location: 52.509702 −0.274535 (WGS84).
Same sample as above, excluding one high-­temperature measurement; see text.
Location: 51.903016 −0.991232 (WGS84).
Location: 51.794775 −1.318454 (WGS84).

The brown fibrous cement fringes mostly gave tempera- −3.7 ± 1.1‰ and −5.7 ± 1.2‰VSMOW, whereas two concre-
tures between 15 ± 5°C and 19 ± 5°C, and pore fluid values tions from the Staffin Shale had spar fluid compositions of
between −0.5 ± 1.1‰ and 0.3 ± 1.2‰VSMOW (Figure 3C). −10.1 ± 1.0‰ and −9.5 ± 1.1‰VSMOW. SC8 (Skye) was again
Two Skye concretions with thick fibrous calcite fringes that an exception, with a pore fluid value of −2.5 ± 1.0‰VSMOW.
were sub-­sampled (Figure 3A and Supplemental Information)
display increasing temperatures and more 18O-­enriched pore
fluid compositions from the inner to outer edges (Table 1). 4  |   INTERPRETATION AND
Temperatures and pore fluid compositions for void-­filling DISCUSSION
spars are variable in both geographic regions (Figure  3C),
151-­7 (Skye) having the lowest (17  ±  5°C) and P1A-­ B The variances of individual sample replicates (see
(Peterborough) the highest at 43  ±  6°C.  Spars from the Supplemental Information) are typically close to, or less than
Oxford and Ampthill Clays gave fluid compositions between the overall pooled uncertainties, are similar between different
338      PAXTON et al.



F I G U R E 3   Cross plots of geochemical and Δ47 temperature data showing (A) stable isotope data; (B) sample pits and calcite phases of
sample SC8; (C) Δ47 temperature data vs δ18O and; (D) Δ47 temperature data vs δ13C. Error bars represent one standard error of the pooled standard
deviation (see Table 1). The δ18OVPDB and δ13CVPDB errors are <symbol dimensions

calcite phases, and are also commensurate with the long-­term temperatures between 9  ±  5°C and 19  ±  5°C (Table  1). In
uncertainty associated with measurement of the standards. addition, all but one concretion body sample (151-­7 from
This statistical information indicates that sampling resulted in Staffin; Table  1) gave derived water δ18O values of ca
homogeneous powders for analysis. However, it is possible −1‰VSMOW δ18O, consistent with the values for Jurassic sea
that some of the sample internal variance might reflect original water proposed by Shackleton and Kennett (1975). The data
inhomogeneity in the sediments including minor variation in thus indicate calcite precipitation from marine pore fluids,
the timing of cementation of residual porosity in the concretion consistent with the Sr isotope compositions (Hudson et al.,
bodies. There is no petrographic evidence to suggest the latter 2001). There is little evidence that the concretion bodies were
is probable in these sampled concretions (Hendry et al., 2006; pervasively altered by meteoric waters (cf. Mozley & Burns,
Hudson et al., 2001) although electron backscatter data in 1993) and no evidence for pervasive alteration by a second-
Loyd et al. (2014) imply <10% ‘pseudospar’ patches in some ary phase of hot (33–­46°C) 18O-­enriched pore water, which
of their British concretion bodies. Other causes of variance Loyd et al. (2014) proposed for some of the same material.
could be due to inclusion of undetected cements in microfrac- Taken together the concretion body results are a new mea-
tures and the possibility of crystal face disequilibrium effects sure of mean bottom water temperatures of ca 15°C (range 9–­
(Dickson, 1991) in the coarser sparry calcites. However, the 18°C) in British Callovian-­Kimmerdigian seas, in agreement
simple mixing modelling (Supplemental Information, section with earlier Callovian benthic (Hudson et al., 2001; Mettam
5) proposed here indicates that all phase mixing can be ex- et al., 2014) and Kimmeridgian water column (belemnite
cluded other than a very small fraction of spar cement. rostra δ18O, Staffin Shale Formation) temperature estimates
For most concretions, the clumped isotope data from between 14 and <20°C (Nunn et al., 2009; Wierzbowski
the earliest-­formed calcites (body, cement fringe) gave et al., 2006). Moreover, these abiogenic concretion body
PAXTON et al.

calcites are probably a more secure guide to bottom water Δ47 data little if any change in the conditions of precipitation
temperatures than fossil skeletal carbonates because assump- would be apparent.
tions about biogenic vital effects are not required. In this Sparry calcites that partially or wholly fill void spaces
context, note both the high variability in δ18O values from are the final carbonate cement phases in all the studied con-
Staffin Shale Formation belemnite rostra (Nunn et al., 2009; cretions. Clumped isotope temperatures for these cements are
Wierzbowski et al., 2006) and their remarkably high clumped variable (from 26 ± 6°C to 43 ± 6°C for the English concre-
isotope temperatures (Vickers et al., 2020), suggesting un- tions; and 17 ± 5°C to 25 ± 5°C from the Skye concretions;
detected disequilibrium effects. Only the coolest belemnite Table 1), but usually higher than the corresponding concretion
apical-­line clumped isotope temperature of 18.7  ±  5°C, body temperature, consistent with formation under relatively
thought to reflect benthic or synsedimentary conditions in deeper burial. The Oxford and Ampthill Clay spars precipi-
the Staffin Shale Formation (Vickers et al., 2020), overlaps tated from pore fluids with δ18O values between −3.7 ± 1.1‰
the concretion body temperature range reported here. and −5.7 ± 1.2‰VSMOW, while spars in two of the Skye con-
These results align well with established views that British cretions precipitated from fluids with δ18O values between
Jurassic concretion body calcites precipitated under very shal- −9.5  ±  1.1‰ and −10.1  ±  1.0‰VSMOW (Table  1). These
low marine burial conditions (Hendry et al., 2006; Hudson, fluid compositions indicate the presence of meteoric waters,
1978; Hudson et al., 2001; Raiswell, 1976) within the BSR confirming conclusions of earlier studies (Hendry et al., 2006;
zone, as supported by negative δ13C compositions (Figure 3D; Hudson, 1978; Hudson et al., 2001; Loyd et al., 2014).
see also Hudson et al., 2001; Irwin et al., 1977; Mozley & In one Skye concretion (SC8), the fringe cement data are
Burns, 1993). The similarity of the data from the concretion comparable with other concretions in this study but the body
bodies and the fracture-­hosted fibrous cement fringes also yielded a temperature of 23 ± 5°C (Table 1), warmer than any
support the inference that septarian fracture initiation and sub- of the others. As the SC8 δ18O value is not anomalous, it is
sequent fringe cementation were penecontemporaneous with suggested that the higher temperature results from disequi-
formation of the concretion body under marine shallow burial librium effects on Δ47. In addition, while the spar from SC8
conditions (Hendry et al., 2006; Hudson et al., 2001). had a comparable precipitation temperature (18 ± 5°C) to that
The rates of crystallization of these earliest-­formed calcite of other concretions, the derived pore water composition was
phases are not known so assumptions regarding isotopic equi- much more 18O-­enriched (−2.5  ±  1.0‰VSMOW compared to
librium are difficult to substantiate. This noted, it is striking between −9.5 ± 1.1‰ and −10.1 ± 1.0‰VSMOW for the other
that the clumped isotope temperatures are consistent with the Skye concretions; Table 1). The reason for this difference is
wider geological context of concretion growth (Hendry et al., not clear; however, Hendry et al. (2006) recorded a large range
2006; Hudson, 1978; Sellés-­Martínez, 1996), suggesting that in Staffin Shale concretion sparry calcite δ18Ocarbonate, ranging
they did form under near isotopic equilibrium. from −1.5‰ to −17‰VPDB, suggesting substantial hetero-
In most cases the fibrous cement fringes formed from sea geneity in pore fluid composition between concretions. This
water-­derived pore fluids between 4 and 9°C warmer than the variation might be due to spars precipitating from fluids at
fluid from which the concretion bodies formed. Sub-­samples different stages of burial and uplift, including progressive dis-
of a cement fringe from the Ampthill Clay concretion did not placement by Palaeocene meteoric water (Hendry et al., 2006).
record significant changes in temperature or fluid composi- The clumped isotope temperatures for all concretion cal-
tion from inner to outer edge (Table 1). However, two concre- cite phases are below the maximum burial temperature esti-
tions from the Staffin Shale of Skye both show a transition mates for their locations (<60°C for the Staffin Shale; Lefort
from initial precipitation at 17 ± 5°C from pore fluids with et al., 2012; Pearson et al., 2005; Vickers et al., 2020; ≤50°C
a δ18O value of 0.3  ±  1.2‰, to significantly warmer tem- for Southern England; Green et al., 2001). The highest tem-
peratures and slightly more evolved pore fluids close to the perature measured (43  ±  6°C) was for a spar from P1A-­B.
outer edge of the cement (Table 1). These data are consistent This value is a mean of four repeats, one of which gave much
with initial growth at shallow burial within, and perhaps near higher temperatures (Table 1); excluding this outlier gives a
the base, of the BSR zone (Hendry et al., 2006), followed by temperature of 38  ±  6°C and a fluid δ18O composition of
deeper burial (warmer pore water) and transition beyond the −4.7 ± 1.1‰VSMOW (Table 1), more in line with data from
BSR zone, as suggested by gradually increasing δ13C values the other English concretions. However, since there is no evi-
(Hendry et al., 2006). The enrichment of 18O in these Staffin dence for contamination at mass 48 in this outlier, all the data
Shale fluids (Table  1) suggests some near-­closed system, in the mean temperature reported are retained.
water/sediment interaction; limited reaction with  a silicic The clumped isotope temperatures reported here from
sediment component like volcanic ash (Knox, 1977) would sparry fracture fills are similar to those of Loyd et al. (2014);
achieve this (cf. Noh & Lee, 1999). It is noteworthy that the they report temperatures of 32 ± 2 to 48 ± 2°C from Oxford
O enrichment and temperature increase have opposing ef- and Ampthill Clay spars. However, Loyd et al. (2014) also
fects on the δ18Ocarbonate value (Table  1), such that without report elevated temperatures for the earlier diagenetic phases
340      PAXTON et al.

(body, cement fringe); in contrast this study shows that the A

earlier cements were precipitated at, or close to Earth surface
temperatures. This difference is clear in the reported Δ47 val-
ues (Figure 4). There are a number of factors, mostly meth-
odological, that may account for this difference, which are
explored below.
The most obvious difference between the spars and the
earlier diagenetic phases is a ca 15‰ depletion in δ13C
values for the Oxford and Ampthill Clay concretions body
cements (−14.3 to −19.5‰VPDB) when compared to the
spars (0.9 to −0.5‰VPDB). As has been shown by Schauer
et al. (2016) and Daëron et al. (2016) there is a subtle but
significant effect of the 17O correction algorithm on re-
ported Δ47 values when using different values for R17VSMOW
and λ, the gradient of the oxygen isotope mass dependent B
fractionation line. Early studies typically used values of
R17VSMOW = 0.0003799 and λ = 0.5164. Using these values,
concretion body cement samples with depleted δ13C values
compared to spar cements will record Δ47 values that are too
low, and thus higher apparent temperatures. The parameters
used in the 17O correction algorithm by Loyd et al. (2014)
were not reported but, since their work precedes recognition
of the importance of parameters employed, it is probable
that they are now out-­dated.
Other methodological differences between this study and
that of Loyd et al. (2014) include the following. (a) The use of
different temperature calibrations. Loyd et al. (2014) used the
Ghosh et al. (2006) calibration as transformed onto the CDES
by Dennis et al. (2011), which is at marked variance with virtu-
ally all other published calibrations. (b) Loyd et al. (2014) used F I G U R E 4   Box and whisker diagram of: (A) Δ47 values and (B)
the Passey et al. (2010) correction of +0.08‰ Δ47 in order to temperatures reported for body, fringe and spar cements of Oxford and
correct their results to an acid reaction temperature of 25°C. Ampthill Clay concretions by Loyd et al. (2014) and this study
It is probable that this correction value varies between reac-
tion systems and schemes; for example, a value of +0.062‰ (Pearson et al., 2005). It is thus possible that non-­carbonate
is reported here. (c) A significant correction for linearity is re- derived contaminant molecules at the cardinal masses of
quired in the Loyd et al. (2014) study. Since there is a large the CO2 isotopologues could cause inter-­laboratory differ-
difference in the δ47 value of body and spar cements then small ences in results from impure carbonate samples. In the au-
errors in the linearity correction will translate into variable thors' experience, such contamination invariably leads to
offsets of the reported true Δ47 value as a function of the bulk elevated Δ48 and Δ47 values and the reporting of too low
δ47 value. It is probable that a contribution of one, or more of a temperature. The data in Loyd et al. (2014) are not con-
these methodological factors can explain the apparent elevated sistent with this observation as they show body cements
body cement temperatures reported by Loyd et al. (2014) when precipitated at similar temperatures to the spar cements
compared to the data reported here. (see Figure 4). However, contaminants at masses 46 and 48
Additionally, there are possible effects associated with have been reported to lead to a lowered Δ47 and too high
sample mineralogy and organic matter content, as well apparent temperatures (Snell et al., 2019). Potential con-
as possible mixing effects. The major difference between taminants include NO2 arising from ammonium adsorbed
the spars and the earlier diagenetic phases (body, cement on clay particles which has been previously identified as
fringe) is that spars are largely free of non-­carbonate im- causing significant shifts in measured δ18O (δ46) values of
purities. In comparison, the concretion body cements have carbonate cements (Mucciarone & Williams, 1990).
cemented pore space in host shales that include siliciclas- An additional effect may be caused by the mixing of
tic minerals, organic matter and pyrite framboids (Hendry cement phases (see Supplemental Information). It is possi-
et al., 2006; Hudson, 1978), while the early fibrous fringes ble to include a component of spar cement when sampling
contain abundant high molecular weight organic inclusions concretion body cements if small veins of microspar are not
PAXTON et al.

identified. Mixing of these two phases can lead to lowered Atkinson (UCL) for field support. RP is supported by
Δ47 and higher apparent temperatures. Note, however, that the  Natural Environment Research Council  through the
Loyd et al. (2014) report taking great care during sampling to EnvEast Doctoral Training Partnership (NE/L002582/1). Jim
avoid mixing of phases. Marshall and an anonymous reviewer gave helpful comments
Ultimately, it is thought most probable that the meth- that stimulated better understanding of the data.
odological differences between this study and that of Loyd
et al. (2014), notably the 17O correction, go a long way to DATA AVAILABILIT Y STATEMENT
explaining the different conclusions regarding the compar- Supplemental Information, including a file of all data, is in-
ative temperatures of concretion body and spar cements. cluded with this manuscript and is openly available in ‘fig-
The differences in data and interpretation are entirely under- share’ at​are.13567​667.
standable given the still novel nature of the clumped isotope v2. The data that support the findings of this study will also
method and the on-­going rapid development of the technique. be openly available in the future in the NERC Data Centre
As clumped isotope mass spectrometry evolves, and the un- ‘National Geoscience Data Centre’.
derstanding of the subtleties improves, convergence of results
should follow. ORCID
Richmal B. Paxton  https://orcid.
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