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5G Green Mobile Communication Networks

Guoqiang Mao
University of Technology Sydney,Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia

With the popularization of wireless mul- tor-in-chief for the journal of Internet Technol-
timedia communications, the wireless traffic ogy. Dr. Zhang is the vice director of Key Lab
is predicated to be increased more than 1000 of Wireless Sensor Network and Communica-
time in the next decade. Some new technol- tion.
ogies, e.g., massive multi-input multi-output Starting with the fundament knowledge
antennas, millimeter wave and small cell of green communications, the book first de-
networks are developed to support high speed scribes the theory basis of energy efficiency
wireless transmission in future fifth generation in 5G mobile communication networks and
(5G) mobile communication systems. On the its key issues. Secondly, some new wireless
other hand, it is a great challenge how to face transmission technologies used for saving the
the quick growth of energy consumption in energy consumption are presented for 5G mo-
5G mobile communication networks due to bile communication networks. Thirdly, how
the massive wireless traffic. However, detailed to save the energy consumption of wireless
investigation of the energy efficiency of 5G multimedia communications is measured and
mobile communication networks from three tested in applications of 5G mobile commu-
aspects of theory models, technology develop- nication networks. Prof. Ge chairs the IEEE
ments and applications is surprisingly rare in Communications Society 5G Mobile Wireless
the open literature. Fortunately, the scholarly Internet Emerging Technologies Subcommit-
writing, 5G Green mobile communication tee, which focuses on promoting the develop-
networks, published by Publishing House of ment of 5G mobile communication technolo-
Electronics Industry in November 2016, points gies. The authors of this book play an active
out the directions and research advance of 5G role on 5G green communication technologies
green mobile communication networks. The in both IEEE ComSoc and industrialization.
authors are Prof. Xiaohu Ge from Huazhong Prof. Xiaohu Ge have founded the China
University Science and Technology, Prof. International Joint Research Center of Green
Chin-Feng Lai from National Chung Cheng Communications and Networking, which is
University and Dr. Wuxiong Zhang from the China national platform of green commu-
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and In- nications and networking. Based on their stud-
formation technology, Chinese Academy of ies on the theory of energy efficiency of 5G
Sciences. Prof. Ge is also an editor of IEEE mobile communication networks, the optimi-
Transaction on Green Communications and zation models of base stations (BSs) deploy-
Networking. Prof. Lai is an associate edi- ment have been analyzed with the coverage

183 China Communications • February 2017

size of BSs and density of BSs. Moreover, the cation networks. Based on real traffic data
impact of the spatial distribution of wireless from China Telecom, they analyzed multi-cell
channels and traffic on the energy efficiency multi-user traffic flow models, and then pro-
of mobile communication networks is inves- posed a green resource allocation method with
tigated. The maximum energy efficiency limit Bregman inexact excessive gap, combining
is derived as a guideline for designing future interference model and BSs location distribu-
5G mobile communication networks. Fur- tions. Furthermore, a novel energy efficiency
thermore, the 5G wireless backhaul network metric, considering the energy efficiency of
architecture is presented for discussing the en- both mobile terminals and BSs, is presented to
ergy efficiency of cellular networks in the total systematically study the impact of the deploy-
lifetime of productions. In the end, some basic ment of low power BSs and the efficiency of
theory issues and challenges of 5G mobile the proposed resource management method on
communication networks is discussed to pro- mobile communication networks.
mote the future research in 5G green mobile The book is not only well arranged, but
communication networks. also relative simple to understand. Therefore,
Prof. Chin-Feng Lai have founded the the book is equally suitable for both engineers
Industrial Technology Research Institute who are currently learning the 5G green com-
for quality of experience (QoE) multimedia munication technologies and those who are
streaming service in embedded platforms. developing the energy efficiency optimization
In the application part of the book, Android technologies for 5G mobile communication
is ported on the PAC Duo system on chip networks. It is also suitable as a textbook for
(SoC) heterogeneous platform made by the senior undergraduates and graduates in the
Industrial Technology Research Institute as topic of wireless communication engineering.
the basic hardware platform. At the same
time, the dual digital single processor (DSP) Biographies
H.264 decode function is integrated into Stage Guoqiang Mao, is currently a chair professor of
Wireless Networking and Director of Center for
Fright multimedia framework for achieving Real-time Information Networks, the University of
audio and video synchronization in 5G mobile Technology Sydney. The Center is among the largest
communication networks. To provide a better university research centers in Australia in the field
quality of streaming service by considering of wireless communications and networking. He has
published about 200 papers in international con-
hardware constriction, compute ability and 5G ferences and journals, which have been cited more
mobile communication networks bandwidth, a than 4000 times. He is an editor of the IEEE Trans-
dynamically streaming adjustment scheme is actions on Wireless Communications (since 2014),
designed. Moreover, a buffer-based bandwidth IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (since
2010) and received Top Editor award for outstanding
prediction and strategic decision model is de- contributions to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
signed for QoE-based MPEG dynamic adap- Technology in 2011, 2014 and 2015. He is a co-chair
tive streaming over HTTP (DASH). According of IEEE Intelligent Transport Systems Society Tech-
to experimental result, the proposed scheme nical Committee on Communication Networks. He
has served as a chair, co-chair and TPC member in
can improve 20% satisfaction of watching a large number of international conferences. His re-
video streaming in 5G mobile communication search interest includes intelligent transport systems,
networks. applied graph theory and its applications in telecom-
Dr. Wuxiong Zhang and his group have munications, Internet of Things, wireless sensor net-
works, wireless localization techniques and network
focused on traffic flow modeling and wireless performance analysis.
resource management for mobile communi-

China Communications • February 2017 184

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