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MV Switchgear for

Distribution Network Solutions

ga / gae630
Fully gas-insulated compact (RMU) and
modular system
Up to 24 kV 20 kA 630 A IEC Standards

Reliable innovation. Personal solutions.
ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Introduction__________________________ 1
Preface 1
Your Electrical Network 2
Your Business 2

Main features_________________________ 3
Safety 3
Reliability 4
Sustainability 5
Continuous innovation 5

Technical details_______________________ 6
Family 6
Technical data 7
Constructive structure 8

Design characteristics__________________ 10
Key components 10
Main compartments 11
Protection and automation 13
Type of modules_ __________________________________________14
Other components and accessories 40
Cable connections 40
Spare parts and auxiliaries 42

Handling, installation
and after sales_ ______________________ 43
Handling 43
Inside buildings 43
Pressure relief systems 43
Inside prefabricated transformer substations 44
Inside containerised substations 44
Inside wind turbines 45
Commissioning and After Sales 45
Recycling and end‑of‑life 45

The quality of the products designed, manufactured and installed by Ormazabal is backed by the implementation and certification of a quality management system, based
on international standard ISO 9001:2015.
In view of the constant evolution in standards and design, the characteristics of the elements contained in this catalogue are subject to change without prior notification.
These characteristics, as well as the availability of components, are subject to confirmation by Ormazabal.
MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Getting its DNA from decades of Ormazabal is the leading provider Velatia is a family-run, industrial,
experience in research, design, of customized solutions to electrical technological and global group which
development, manufacture and utilities, to electrical end users as well as operates in the areas of electrical
installation of Medium Voltage (MV) applications of renewable energy systems networks, electronics and communication
apparatus and switchgear, Ormazabal based on its own technology. networks as well as in the consulting,
is now one of the world's biggest security and aviation sectors, where
We encourage the development of the
suppliers of MV gas-insulated switchgear security, efficiency and reliability are
electrical sector towards the challenges
(GIS). Today over 1.590.000 Ormazabal valued.
of the future energy needs. We cooperate
medium voltage functional units have with the world’s leading local, regional Our customer orientation has led to the
been installed in the electrical networks and global companies in the electrical development of our extensive network
of over 100 electrical utilities and 600 sector with a strong commitment to of factories in Spain, France, Germany,
wind farms in more than 110 countries. innovation towards personal safety, Poland, Brazil and China, helping to
The first ga, then called ga-24, was network reliability, energy efficiency, meet our customers’ needs in more than
launched in 1985 as the most robust and and sustainability. 50 countries.
compact ring main unit (RMU) range for Our highly qualified and focused team The solutions of the companies in
secondary distribution networks up to of innovation-motivated professionals Velatia seek to make the world a more
24 kV. It was upgraded in 1992 for a wider have developed our own products and connected, more sustainable, smarter,
range and better electrical characteristics solutions during our consolidated history safer, more humane place.
and begun to be known as the ga system. of over a century, always establishing a
Nowadays ga is still considered to be close relationship with our customers
one of the most widely used RMUs in aimed at achieving mutual long-term
electrical distribution worldwide and a benefits.
well known symbol of the German design
and technology in the sector.
Based on our customers' demands, the
modular version of ga (then called GE)
was designed and developed in 1993 to
provide flexible solutions to the electrical
networks and transformer distribution
substations. In 2001 this modular system
was upgraded to a fully gas-insulated
extensible switchgear system and begun
to be known as gae.
Since then both ga and gae630 systems
have been continuously evolving every
year into a more extended and more
ecological range with higher ratings to
respond to the changes in the design
parameters of the electrical network.
Also both systems have already been
integrated into several smart-grid
applications. Today more than 700.000 ga
and gae630 system functional units have
been installed in more than 80 countries.
The ga and gae630 system provides you
with reliable and efficient distribution
network solutions (DNS) for all kinds of
MV installations from electrical utilities to
infrastructures, from leisure facilities to
industrial installations, and from
wind farms to PV plants.

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Your Electrical Network

"Your dedicated partner for a reliable and intelligent electrical network"

Your Business
Close relationship with our customers
and the deep knowledge of the
electrical business are the keys
to success that enable us to offer END USERS RES

Distribution Network Solutions based PUBLIC

Infrastructures Wind
on high added value products and Industrial Solar
Tertiary Dispatchable RES
services adapted to the needs of the
electrical utilities, electrical energy end
users and renewable energies.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Main features
Protection for people, the environment Arc-fault proof Hermetically sealed
and your electrical installations.
The HV and connection compartments Operational safety is assured by the
Special attention is paid to the personal comply with arc-fault protection hermetically sealed encapsulation of
safety of the operators and the general requirements according to the primary components which makes
public, even under fault conditions. IEC 62271‑200 Appendix A "Arc-fault them impervious to ambient influences,
protection" criteria 1 to 5. such as dirt, humidity, insects, etc.
Internal arc
The actuating parts are designed for
The internal arc classification
Both ga and gae630 systems have been low maintenance, and accessible from
IAC AFL(R) is always present for the
designed to withstand the effects of an outside the MV compartment.
sealed gas tank & cable compartment
internal arc according to IEC 62271-200:
In the ga-c system version Interlocks
• IAC AFL (R) class:
20 kA 1 s (h= 1050 mm) it is not possible to fit ga and gae630 systems have
a metal cooling stretch arrangement mechanical interlocks as standard
into the plinth. Instead, a metal cooling in accordance with IEC 62271-200 to
stretch arrangement can be provided enable safe and reliable service.
as part of the substation building, in
the lower dividing wall towards the Interlocks prevent unsafe operations:
transformer room. • It makes it impossible to close
the switch-disconnector and the
A rear absorber channel is optionally
earthing switch at the same time
available on request, which enables
the installation of the switchgear in • It permits the opening of the access
connection with metal absorbers cover to the MV cables when the
on a closed floor. By means of this earthing switch is closed
option, the pressure values inside the Optional locks, anti-reverse interlocks,
switchgear room can be reduced by key interlocks and electrical locks
approximately 60% and it is passive & based on customers’ characteristics
maintenance free. are available.

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Help to maintain the uninterrupted Modularity Smart Grid ready
supply of your electrical network.
ga and gae630 systems incorporate ga and gae630 systems have already
Sealed for life insulation modular cubicles as well as block- been integrated into several Smart Grid
type compact structures. Modular applications.
Insulation inside a stainless steel
cubicles and extensible-type blocks
gas tank provides long service life Ormazabal supplies complete Medium
can be connected in between them.
(minimum 30 years) and absence of Voltage installations that include
This offers customers flexible diagram
the maintenance of live parts. protection, control, automation and
configurations, easy extension and
advanced meter management (AMM)
Suitable for any environment minimal side occupation. Additionally,
functions according to the most
this equipment is adaptable to the
Extensive climatic independence. demanding needs of the intelligent
future evolution of the electrical
Resistance to harsh conditions network.
(humidity, salinity, dust, pollution, etc.).
Extensibility and replaceability Ergonomics
100% routine tested The connecting set allows effortless The following user-friendly features are
The switch panel or switchgear mechanical and electrical connection present in the ga and gae630:
undergo 100% routine tests in between two cubicles without gas • Front access to install MV cables
accordance with IEC 62271 as well as handling and provides an option of and fuses
the testing of customer-specific devices. future extensibility.
• Easy connection and testing cables
For example: • Optimal interface with operators
• Functional tests of the devices, • Simple operation of driving
• Rated short-duration power mechanisms
frequency withstand voltage test • Small size and light weight
50 kV / 1 min.
• Conventional replaceable ring CTs
• Test of all auxiliary devices such as around cable bushings
auxiliary switches, shunt trip
release remote control drives
protective devices (relays),
measuring tools
• Functional test of capacitive
measuring devices
• Functional test of the short-circuit
indicator (if present)

High added value features that make
your task easier.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Sustainability Continuous innovation

Continuous efforts in gas emission Help to maintain the uninterrupted
reduction. supply of your electrical network
Commitment to the environment A focused team of professionals
• End-of-life management dedicated to innovation leads to a
constant offer of new developments
• Recycling options and upgrades, such as:
• Use of highly recyclable material • New modules for 20 kA 1 s
• Minimum use of SF6 • Adaptation of Smart Grid demands
• No use of SF6 during installations of utilities
• Continuous investigations towards • New metering cubicles
reducing environmental footprint • Voltage and current sensors
•  onstant research on investment
• Preventive cable fault diagnosis
in alternative materials
• Partial discharge (PD) detection
for network diagnosis

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Technical details

Applicable electrical standards

IEC 60282-1 High-voltage fuses - Part 1: Current-limiting fuses
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
IEC 62271-213 Voltage detecting systems (VDS)
Common characteristics for high-voltage
IEC 62271-1
switchgear and controlgear
IEC 62271-100 High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers
Alternating current disconnectors and earthing
IEC 62271-102
Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and
IEC 62271-103
including 52 kV
High-voltage alternating current switch-fuse
IEC 62271-105
AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear
IEC 62271-200
(up to 52 kV)
IEC 62271-4 Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

(*) Additional 12 kV functions for GB standard

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Technical data
Electrical characteristics IEC
Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated normal current Ir
Busbars and cubicle interconnection [A] 630
Feeder [A] 630
Output to transformer [A] 200
Rated short-time withstand current
With tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
With tk= 3 s Ik [kA] 20
Peak value Ip [kA] 50(1)
Rated insulation level
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage [1 min] Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Internal arc classification according to IEC 62271-200 IAC AFL 20 kA 1 s
Degree of protection: Gas tank IP65
Degree of protection: External enclosure IP44 / IP3XD
Colour of equipment RAL Grey 7035
Loss of service continuity category LSC LSC2A
Partition class PM
Type tests done at 21 kA
k k motor ts ts motor lsf lsf motor lsv lsv motor
Tripping coils
Internal insulation [kV] 2
Tripping coil (opening)
Rated voltage [V] – 24 / 48 / 60 / 110 / 220 Vdc 110 / 230 Vac
Max. consumption [W] / [VA] – <265 / 652 <75 / 71 <50 / 50
Tripping coil (closing)
Rated voltage [V] – – *
Max. consumption [W] / [VA] – – <80 / 130
Undervoltage coil
Rated voltage [V] – – * *
Max. consumption [W] – – <40 / 40
Motorised units
Rated voltage [V] – * – * – * – *
Motor operation time [s] – <8 – <8 – <8 – <6
Peak current [A] – <12 – <13 – <13 – <12
Indicating contacts
Switch | Earthing 4NO + 4NC / 3NO + 3NC 3NO + 3NC 3NO + 3NC / 2NO + 2NC
Circuit breaker – 4NO + 4NC 10NO + 10NC

Service conditions IEC

Type of switchgear Indoor
Ambient temperature
Minimum | Maximum -5 °C* | +-40 °C*
Maximum average ambient temperature, measured over a 24-hour period +40 °C*
Relative humidity
Maximum average relative humidity, measured over a 24-hour period <95 %
Maximum average overpressure, measured over a 24-hour period | 1-month period 130 kPa for all models except lsf 150 kPa
Maximum height above sea level 1000m*
* Consult availability and other values

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Constructive structure
ga / gae630-2k1ts ga / gae-2k1lsf

1 Gas tank 1 Gas tank

1.1 Busbar connection 1.1 Busbar connection
(side bushings) (side bushings)
1.2 Switch-disconnector 1.2 Switch disconnector
1.3 HRC fuses 1.3 Gas relief duct
1.4 Gas relief duct 2 Mimic and driving mechanism
2 Mimic and driving mechanism 2.1 Voltage indicator
2.1 Voltage indicator 2.2 Switching device indicator
2.2 Switching device indicator 3 Cable compartment
3 Cable compartment 3.1 Cable bushings
3.1 Cable bushings 3.2 Cable connectors
3.2 Cable connectors 3.3 Cable clamps
3.3 Cable clamps 4 Control box
4 Control box 4.1 Protection relay

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system


1. Gas tank 2 Mimic and driving

1.1 Busbar connection mechanism
(side bushings) 3 Cable compartment
1.2 Circuit breaker 4 Control box
1.3 Switch disconnector
1.4 Gas relief duct

RAV (3G) Driving mechanism


VTs on top for busbar voltage measurement. VTs on cable compartment for the outgoing
voltage measurement

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Design characteristics
Key components
Load break switch (LBS) Connecting set Vacuum circuit breaker (VCB)
High duty load break switch which It is very simple to extend the ga and All lsv type modular cubicles under
is the multi blade arc divider gae630 system modular and extensible gae630 system incorporate a compact
type, designed and developed by switchgear and combine it with any three-pole circuit breaker with vacuum
Ormazabal. other modular gae. Due to their breaking technology thanks to the axial
uniform design and dimensions, all magnetic field type vacuum interrupter
The three-position switch includes
ga and gae630 system switchgear (VI). Two massive copper contacts, one
the functions of load break switch,
can be connected to each other both fixed and the other moving, inside
disconnector and earthing switch
mechanically and electrically by means the VI's ceramic body form the main
in a single unit.
of the screened busbar connecting sets. connection parts of the VCB circuit.
Features: During the switching off, an arc occurs
• 3 position switch-disconnector:
Rotating arc circuit breaker (CB) in the vacuum contact chamber from
Open - Close - Earth A rotating arc circuit breaker (CB) can the moment the fixed and moving
be described as a CB which generates contacts are separated. Once the
• Operator independent operation quenching distance is reached, the arc
a magnetic field for driving the arc.
• Switch category is quenched on the zero crossing to
Mechanical endurance: During the breaking process, initially break the current.
1000 (manual or motor) the arc introduces a current into the

coil. Then the coil generates a magnetic All VCBs are designed, developed
• Electrical endurance field and the arc starts to rotate due to and manufactured by Ormazabal
certification: E3 forces of the magnetic field. Finally the and certified in accordance with
IEC 62271‑100 standard, including
• Earthing switch category: arc extinguishes by cooling down and
totally dissipates when passing to the extended electrical endurance (class E2)
• Mechanical endurance: with a rapid reclosing cycle and hence
zero position of the sine function.
• 1000 (manual) low maintenance during
• Electrical endurance Ormazabal has been producing its whole service life.
certification: E2 rotating arc type CBs for more than
20 years. Features:
• Mechanical endurance
I • M2: 10 000 operations
v I
• Operating sequence with reclosing
• O-0.3 s-CO-15 s-CO
• O-0.3 s-CO-3 min-CO
• Associated with
switch‑disconnector ensures across
I= Current isolating distance
B= Magnetic field generated by current
I in the arc quenching coil
F= F orce exerted on the current-
carrying switching arc
1. Front gas tank v= Speed vector of the switching arc
2. Fixed contact, On
3. Arc quenching coil
4. Busbar
5. Drive shaft
6. Earthing contact
7. Special contact rivets
8. Blade contact
9. Bushing

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Main compartments
The ga and gae630 systems include Gas tank Driving mechanism
a structure divided into independent
compartments: The MV compartment Drives
This is a gas-tight welded tank made The sturdy drives, operated by spring
ga compact cubicles from stainless steel, which houses all or stored energy mechanisms, of the
the live parts including the busbars. The load break and earthing switches, and
incoming and outgoing power feeders, rotating arc circuit breakers (CBs) are
as well as the connection of the fuses is located above the HV compartment.
made through cast-resin bushings that The spring operated drives are low
are individually tested for maintenance maintenance components and the
of the maximally admissible partial tripping mechanism of the stored
discharge values (TE < 2pC). Each energy operated drives of transformer
MV compartment is equipped with a and CB panels should be operated at
bursting membrane. least once every 10 years.
Busbars are also located in the MV Operation
compartment. The busbars of the
The mechanisms must be operated
individual sections or blocks of panels
via the external drive shafts that
are linked to one another via special
are included in the mimic diagram.
bushings including controlled silicone
They include operating lever, 1 per
insulation and coupling pieces.
load‑break switch or circuit-breaker,
Gas leakage indication 1 per earthing switch and if available
1 per disconnector. Conventional
Each gas tank has a pressure display
operability is ensured due to the clearly
for verification of the gas overpressure
structured mimic diagram and the easy-
within, allowing its functional safety
to-operate rotary handles.
to be inspected.
Front panel
To control the functional safety, each
gas tank is equipped with a pressure Front panel with
indicator. • Mimic diagram
gae630 modular cubicles • Switch position indication
• Operator surface for the actuators

• Capacitive voltage indicators


C 0,6 bar
• Gas leakage indication


12258533 11 14 • Short-circuit indicators (optional)

Density switch monitor • Padlocking facility (optional)

For remote monitoring each gas tank • Drive sealed against dust, sand and
can be equipped with a density switch. insects
The bottom switching point corresponds • Housing IP44
to the transition to the red measuring
range on the gas leakage indicator. As
an option, the density switch can be
configurated with a warning switching

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Base Control box

Cable compartment Cable compartment The control box, placed in the upper
Features: part of the cubicle and independent of
These are generally provided, and
the MV compartments, is defined for
are always arc-fault resistant. They • Up to two connectors per phase. installing protection relays, as well as
are separated from one panel to the
• Optional surge arrestor and deep metering and control devices.
next by sheet steel intermediate walls.
front covers for different types of
Inspections or work can be carried Features:
out in this way although the cable • Independent compartment from
connection zone of the neighbouring • Effortless connections (screw-in)
MV area
panel is live. The front covers are • Suitable bushing height for 3-core /
interlocked against the corresponding • Ready for installing protection
big size cables
earthing switch. Optional surge arrestor relays, control and metering
• Outer-cone bushing plug-in type equipment
and deep front covers for different terminal
connector suppliers. If required, an • Factory assembled and tested
anti-reverse interlock can also be • Expansion of gases in case of according to customer needs
made available. This prevents the internal arc to the cable trench
• Standard and compact design for
corresponding load break switch from • Optional: Chimney for additional installing Ormazabal’s protection
being switched onto a live busbar safety for people and buildings relays and automation units
when the termination zone is open
Cable clamps • High adaptation capabilities for
(front cover removed). The mechanism
• Clamping range from 26 to 52 mm. other manufacturers’ protection
can be operated only with the front
relays, control and metering units
cover in place and the latch closed. The
as well as customers’ provided
earthing switch at the cable outgoing
is not incorporated in this interlock and
is switchable even when the terminal • Customized size and design
zone is open (necessary for cable Attachable control boxes can be
testing). supplied optionally, for the location of
Deeper front covers are available to signalling elements and the activation
allow for double cable connection of motorised functions.
Cable fixing irons
The cable fixing irons consist of
galvanised folded sheet-metal parts.
They are adjustable in height and
in depth thanks to a special screw
construction, so that all common
terminations used for the switchgear
and the cables can be fixed without
using further cable clamps.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Protection and automation

ekorsys family Smart Grids
Ormazabal supplies complete Automation and remote control Smart Grids are considered to be an
medium-voltage installations that • Remote control optimized version of the electricity
include protection, control and grid capable of providing the transition
• ekor.uct
automation functions. to a safer, more reliable, efficient and
• ekor.ccp sustainable energy system.
Ormazabal has a wide range of
• ekor.rci-rtu
applications and services to meet Ormazabal also provides high efficient
distribution network requirements. • Automatic transfer solutions to the smartization of current
• ekor.stp urban electric networks, including:
• ekor.ccp • Adaptation to all energy generation
• ekor.rtk
and storage options
• Fault detection • Enabling the integration of greater
quantity of renewable sources
• ekor.rci
and a growing number of electric
Dispatching centre vehicles
Software • Managing the intermittent nature
of their patterns
• ekor.soft

• ekor.soft-xml
• Minimizing the environmental
impact of additional grid capacity
For further information on ekor product
Protection family, please ask your Ormazabal contact
person or visit
• Supply to medium-voltage
• ekor.rpg

• ekor.rpt

• ekor.rpa series 020

• ekor.rpa series 030

• Protection of switching substations

industrial customers and substations
• ekor.rpa series 100

• ekor.rpa series 200

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Type of modules
k type ga and gae630
Load break switch (LBS) cubicle(s)
Modular and extensible feeder cubicle(s), equipped with a three-position switch-disconnector (close, open, earth)

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 23 32 45 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 70 85 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector IEC 62271-103
Rated short-time withstand current
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current I1 [A] 630
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 60
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth
Ief2 [A] 100
fault conditions
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E3
Earthing Switch IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
1 s and 3 s

Incoming and outgoing feeder panel to connect MV cables to ring networks.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Additional interlocks: gae-1k gae-2k
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
J Standard IEC interlocks
J 1400 mm height cubicle
F Anti-reverse interlock
Gas tank
F Electrical interlocks
J Stainless steel tank
F Key interlocks
Gas pressure indicator:
Cable compartment
J Manometer
J Screw-type IEC bushings
F Density switch with aux. contacts
J Open bottom
Cable bushings: F Cable clamps
J Diagonal / horizontal J Cover for one standard /
J Capacitive voltage tap two reduced cable connector(s)
F Capacitive voltage indicator with F Deep front cover
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication F Extra deep front cover
Driving mechanism Pressure relief duct
J Actuating levers J In the cable cellar, open panel
F Aux. contact modules for LBS bottom
max 4 NO / 4 NC for ES max F Additional base (h: 400 mm)
3 NO / 3 NC with pressure absorber channel
J Lockable driving mechanisms F Rear absorber channel for
J k-type manual mechanisms installation on closed floor
F k Motor type motorized Control box
mechanism J Without control box
F Short circuit (s/c) indicator F 300 mm height
F Earth fault (e/f ) indicator F 600 mm height
F Combined s/c and e/f indicator F 900 mm height gae-1k gae-2k

1kb / 2kb: Horizontal bushings

 ) Deep front covers

1  ) Deep front covers
2) Extra deep front


� Standard equipment
127 kg / 263 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

ts-type ga and gae630

Transformer protection cubicle(s) with fuse load break switch
Modular and extensible fuse protection cubicle(s), equipped with a three-position switch-disconnector (close, open, earth)
in series with HRC type limiting fuses.

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Output to transformer [A] 200
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 23 32 45 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Across isolating distance
Up [kV] 70 85 110 145
Exhaust gases downwars into the cable trench
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector IEC 62271-105
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current I1 [A] 200
Rated transfer current It [kA] 1900 1100
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)(2)
Earthing switch IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50(1)
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50(1)
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)(2)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
Earthing switch after the fuse IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 2.5
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 6.3
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)(2)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
(1) (2)
1 s and 3 s (optional) before the fuse. Otherwise this value will be limited by the HRC fuse Higher values up to 3000x on request

Fuse protection cubicle for protecting distribution transformers and auxiliary service transformers.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s Additional interlocks: gae-1ts gae-2ts

J 1400 mm height cubicle J Standard IEC interlocks

Gas tank F Anti-reverse interlock
J Stainless steel tank F Electrical interlocks

Gas pressure indicator: F Key interlocks

J Manometer Cable compartment

F Density switch with aux. contacts J 3 pole vertical fuse base
Cable bushings:
J type-A bushing for standard
J Capacitive voltage tap connector
after fuses
J TR cable (up to 150 mm
F Capacitive voltage tap 2 depending on connector type)
before fuses
J Open bottom
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication F Cable clamps
Pressure relief duct
Driving mechanism
J In the cable cellar, open panel
J Actuating levers bottom
J ts-type manual mechanism F Rear absorber channel for
F Aux. switch for LBS: installation on closed floor
max. 4 NO / 4 NC (Total panel depth: 1150 mm)
F Aux. switch for ES: Control box
max. 3 NO / 3 NC
J Without control box
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC)
F 300 mm height
F ts Motor-type motorised
F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
J Lockable mechanisms


� Standard equipment
150 kg / 310 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

lsf-type gae630
SF6 circuit breaker cubicle and bus sectionalizer cubicle SF6 circuit breaker
Modular and extensible CB protection cubicle, equipped with a three-position rotating-arc-type CB (close, open, earth)

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 250 - 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 23 32 45 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 70 85 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s

Circuit-breaker IEC 62271-100

Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1) 16(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50 40
Rated breaking capacity and making capacity
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity I1 [A] 630
Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc [kA] 20 16
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 40
Rated cable-charging breaking current Ic [A] 50
Rated operating sequence
Without reclosing O - 3 min - CO - 3 min - CO
Circuit-breaker category
Mechanical endurance (operations-class) 2000x (M1)
Electrical endurance (class) E2

Earthing Switch IEC 62271-102

Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20 16
Peak value Ip [kA] 50 40
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 40
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
1 s and 3 s

General and transformer protection as well as connection or disconnection operations for feeder cables.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

F IAC AFL (R) 20 kA 1 s Additional interlocks: gae-1lsf gae-1lsfg

J 1400 mm height cubicle J Standard IEC interlocks

Gas tank F Anti-reverse interlock

J Stainless steel tank F Key interlocks

J Pad locks
Gas pressure indicator:
Cable compartment
J Manometer
J Screw-type IEC bushings
F Density switch with aux. contacts
F Aux. current transformer (CT)
Driving mechanism F 3 ph. toroidal core type current
J Actuating levers transformer, (optionally calibrated)
J lsf-type manual mechanism installed around DIN bushings
F Aux. switch for CB: J Open bottom
max. 4 NO / 4 NC F Cable clamps
F Aux. switch for ES: J Cover for one standard /
max. 3 NO / 3 NC two reduced cable connector(s)
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC) F Deep front cover
J Emergency manual "OFF" switch, Pressure relief duct
push on type
J In the cable cellar, open panel
F lsf Motor-type motorised bottom
F Rear absorber channel for
J Lockable mechanisms installation on closed floor
J Capacitive voltage indicator with (Total depth: 1119 mm)
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
Control box
F Low energy trip release at 0.1Ws
F Protection relay (acc. to
F Undervoltage release agreement/client's spec.)
(non delayed)
J Without control box
F 300 mm height
F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
F Assembly of control box acc.
to agreement/client's spec.

 Standard connection compartment
2) Deep connection compartment
3) Deep front cover
4) Short bushings
5) Long bushings


� Standard equipment
225 kg / 255 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

lsv-type gae630
Vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) cubicle and bus sectionalizer cubicle with vacuum breaker
Modular and extensible CB protection cubicle, equipped with a vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) in series with a three-position
disconnector and earthing switch (close, open, earth)

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 23 32 45 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 70 85 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s

Circuit-breaker IEC 62271-100

Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Rated breaking capacity and making capacity
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity I1 [A] 630
Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc [kA] 20
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Rated cable-charging breaking current lc [A] 50
Rated operating sequence
Without reclosing O - 0.3 s - CO - 15 s - CO
With reclosing O - 3 min - CO - 15 s - CO
Circuit-breaker category
Mechanical endurance (operations-class) 10 000x (M2)
Electrical endurance (class) E2

Switch-disconnector IEC 62271-102

Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Switch-disconnector Category
Mechanical endurance 2000x (M1)

Earthing Switch IEC 62271-102

Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
1 s and 3 s

General and transformer protection as well as connection or disconnection operations for feeder cables.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Additional interlocks:
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s J Standard IEC interlocks gae-1lsv gae-1lsvg

J 1400 mm height cubicle F Anti-reverse interlock

Gas tank F Electrical closing lock-out
J Stainless steel tank F Pad locks

Gas pressure indicator: Cable compartment

J Manometer J Screw-type IEC bushings
F Density switch with aux. contacts F Cable clamps
F 3 ph. toroidal core type current
Driving mechanism transformer, (optionally
J Actuating spring charging lever calibrated) installed around DIN
J lsv-type manual mechanism bushings
J Aux. switch for CB: F Aux. current transformer (CT)
max. 9 NO/ 9 NC J Capacitive voltage indicator with
F Aux. switch for DS: cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
max. 4 NO/ 4 NC F VTs on cable compartment for
F Aux. switch for ES: outgoing voltage measurement
max. 3 NO/ 3 NC Pressure relief duct
F lsv Motor-type motorised J In the cable cellar, open panel
mechanism with anti pumping bottom
F Rear absorber channel for
F Under voltage release installation on closed floor
(non delayed) (Total panel depth: 1150 mm)
F Fleeting contact for breaker Control box
tripping signal
F Other voltage indicators
F Lockable mechanisms
F Other metering and automation
F Trip element ON (standard) components
J 1. Trip element OFF F 300 mm height
F 2. Trip element OFF F 600 mm height
F Low energy trip release at 0.5 or F 900 mm height
0.1 Ws
F Protection relay acc. to
F Signalling switch "mech. agreement
ON-push-button activated"
F Assembly of control box acc. to
agreement/client's spec

F Cable connector acc. to
agreement/client's spec
F Surge arrester acc. to
agreement/client's spec
F Double cable connector
F VTs on top for busbar voltage
measurement [mm]

� Standard equipment
330 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

lsv3-type gae630
Vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) cubicle and bus sectionalizer cubicle with vacuum breaker
Modular and extensible CB protection cubicle, equipped with a three-position vacuum CB (close, open, earth)

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 250 - 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 23 32 45 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 70 85 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s

Circuit-breaker IEC 62271-100

Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Rated breaking capacity and making capacity
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity I1 [A] 630
Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc [kA] 20
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Rated cable-charging breaking current Ic [A] 50
Rated operating sequence
Without reclosing O - 3 min - CO - 3 min - CO
Circuit-breaker category
Mechanical endurance (operations-class) 2000x (M1)
Electrical endurance (class) E2

Switch-disconnector IEC 62271-102

Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50(1)
Switch-disconnector Category
Mechanical endurance 10 000x (M2)

Earthing Switch IEC 62271-102

Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
1 s and 3 s

General and transformer protection as well as connection or disconnection operations for feeder cables.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s Additional interlocks: gae-1lsv3 gae-1lsv3g

J 1400 mm height cubicle J Standard IEC interlocks

Gas tank F Anti-reverse interlock

J Stainless steel tank F Key interlocks

J Pad locks
Gas pressure indicator:
Cable compartment
J Manometer
J Screw-type IEC bushings
F Density switch with aux. contacts
F Aux. current transformer (CT)
Side connection:
F 3 ph. toroidal core type current
J Two side extensibility transformer, (optionally calibrated)
Driving mechanism installed around DIN bushings
J Actuating levers J Open bottom
J lsv3-type manual mechanism F Cable clamps
F Aux. switch for CB: J Cover for one standard /
max. 4 NO / 4 NC two reduced cable connector(s)
F Aux. switch for ES: F Deep front cover
max. 3 NO / 3 NC Pressure relief duct
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC) J In the cable cellar, open panel
J Emergency manual "OFF" switch, bottom
push on type F Rear absorber channel for
F lsv3 Motor-type motorised installation on closed floor
mechanism (Total panel depth: 1119 mm)
J Lockable mechanisms Control box
F Capacitive voltage indicator with F Protection relay (acc. to
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication agreement/client's spec.)
F Low energy trip release 0.1Ws J Without control box
F Undervoltage release F 300 mm height
(non delayed) F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
F Assembly of control box acc.
to agreement/client's spec.


� Standard equipment
225 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

1a1-1h1-1h2-1e types gae630

1a1 Cable connection cubicle Configuration
Three pole busbars inside gas tank without switch. Cubicle
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
1h1 Busbar riser cubicle
J 1400 mm height cubicle
Bus riser for lsfg and 1kg cubicles.
Gas tank
Three pole busbars inside gas tank without switch.
J Stainless steel tank
1h2 Busbar riser cubicle Gas pressure indicator:
Bus riser for lsvg cubicles. J Manometer
Three pole busbars without switch. F Density switch with aux. contacts
Cable bushings:
1e Busbar earthing cubicle
F Horizontal
Three pole earthing switch for busbar earthing. F Diagonal
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
Applications cont. 3 ph. permanent indication

Cable rising panel for direct cable connections in rigid ring network Side connection:
without any interruption. F Two side extensibility
Busbar rising panel for bus sectionalizing and bus coupling functions in F One side extensibility
Busbar earthing panel for earthing connection to busbar during testing
and maintenance.

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Internal arc classification IAC AFL (R) 20 kA 1 s
Earthing Switch [Optional] IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Driving mechanism
J Actuating levers
F Manual mechanism gae-1a gae-1h1 gae-1h2 gae-1e
F Aux. switch for ES:
max. 3 NO / 3 NC
F Lockable mechanisms
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
Additional interlocks:
J Standard IEC interlocks
F Anti-reverse interlock
F Electromagnetic interlocks
F Key interlocks
Cable compartment
J Screw-type DIN bushings
J Open bottom
F Cable clamps
F Cover for one standard /
two reduced cable connector(s)
Pressure relief duct
J In the cable cellar, open panel
F Arc fault proof cable
F Rear absorber channel for
installation on closed floor
(Total panel depth: 1150 mm)
Control box
J Without control box
F 300 mm height
F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
Protection relay acc. to agreement
F Assembly of control box acc.
to agreement/client's spec

1) Deep front cover  ) 1kg cubicle

1 [mm]
2) 1lsfg cubicle

127 kg 130 kg 270 kg 125 kg

� Standard equipment
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

m-type gae630
Metering cubicle
Air insulated modular metering cubicle, equipped with current and / or voltage transformers.

Electrical characteristics IEC

Rated voltage Ur [kV] 7.2 12 17.5 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 20 28 38 50
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 60 75 95 125
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Rated short-time withstand current Value tk= 1 s Ir [kA] 20(1)
1 s and 3 s

Voltage and current metering transformer housing, enabling communication with the main busbar of the transformer
substation, via busbars or dry cables.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Configuration Options
J IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
F Rear absorber channel for
installation on closed floor
(Total panel depth: 1150 mm) 1m1
J Lockable front covers, utility lock
F Heater
J Narrow band support CT or VT in
acc. with DIN EN 42600 Part 8 or
9, IEC 60044.1 or .2
J Front covers with / without
hinges 1m2
Right Left
F Fixed ball point for earthing
connection and short circuiting
device behind and in front of CTs
D= 20 mm M 12
D= 25 mm M 16
Metering transformers 1m4
F Installed CTs Ratings:
F Installed VTs Ratings:
F Other components:
Control box
F Other metering and automation 1m5 1) Pressure absorber channel (optional) with minimum
components relay cabinet height 600 mm

J 210 mm height
F 300 mm height
F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
F Assembly of control box acc.
to agreement/client's spec 1m5ü



� Standard equipment
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

1ts1a - 1k1ts-b type ga

Fuse switch and cable connection compact cubicle and Load break switch and fuse switch compact cubicle
Compact panel with one cable feeder function with a three-position switch disconnector and one fuse protection function
with a three-position switch disconnector and HRC fuses, housed in a single gas tank.
Compact cubicle with one fuse protection function with a three-position switch disconnector and HRC fuses, and one cable
connection function with earthing switch housed in a single gas tank.

Electrical characteristics 1k and 1a 1ts

Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630 -
Output to transformer Ir [A] - 200
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50 28 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125 75 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145 85 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector (for k and ts) IEC 62271-103 IEC 62271-105
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20
Value tk= 3 s Ik [kA] 20
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity I1 [A] 630 200
Rated transfer current Itransf [kA] - 1900 1500
Cable charging-breaking current I4a [A] 50 -
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630 -
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160 -
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth fault conditions Ief2 [A] 100 -
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 -
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations - class E3
Earthing Switch (for k, ts and a) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20
Value tk= 3 s Ik [kA] 20
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
Earthing switch after the fuse (for ts) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 2.5
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 6.3
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)(2)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request

Input and output of the MV cables and transformer protection at the end of the line and radial cable distribution applications.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Cable compartment
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s J 3 pole vertical fuse base enclosure ga-1ts1a1 ga-1k1ts-b
J 1400 mm height cubicle F Fuse adapters for 292 mm
long fuses
F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c)
J Type-A bushings
Gas tank
F Screw-type DIN bushings for
J Stainless steel tank cable connections
Gas pressure indicator: J Open bottom
J Manometer F Vermin-proof option
F Density switch with aux. contacts F Cable clamps
Cable bushings: J Cover for one standard / two
reduced cable connector(s)
J Horizontal
J Capacitive voltage tap Pressure relief duct
J Capacitive voltage tap after fuses J In the cable cellar, open panel
F Capacitive voltage tap before
fuses J Arc fault proof cable compartment
F Additional base (h: 400 mm) with
Driving mechanism
pressure absorber channel
J Actuating levers F Rear absorber channel for
F k-type manual mechanism installation on closed floor
F ts-type manual mechanism (Total panel depth: 1119 mm)
F Aux. switch for LBS: Control box
max. 4 NO/ 4 NC J Without control box
F Aux. switch for ES: F 300 mm height
max. 3 NO/ 3 NC
F 600 mm height
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC)
F 900 mm height
F Aux. switch for trip indication
F k-Motor type motorised
F ts-Motor type motorised
F Lockable mechanisms
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
Additional interlocks:
J Standard IEC interlocks
F Anti-reverse interlock
F Electrical interlocks
F Key interlocks
F Pad locks
 ) Deep front cover
1  ) Deep front cover
in a1 cubicle in k1 cubicle


� Standard equipment
236 kg / 236 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

2k1ts-type ga and gae630

Ring Main Unit (RMU) with fuse protection
Compact three-position RMU coming in non-extensible (ga) and extensible (gae) versions, equipped with two cable feeder
with a three-position switch-disconnector and a transformer protection feeder with a three-position switch-disconnector in
series with 3 nos. HRC-type limiting fuses.

Electrical characteristics 2k 1ts

Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630 -
Output to transformer Ir [A] - 200
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50 38 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125 75 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145 85 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector (for k and ts) IEC 62271-103
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current Iload [A] 630 200
Rated transfer current Itransf [kA] - 1900 1100
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 50 -
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630 -
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160 -
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth fault -
Ief2 [A] 100
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 -
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E3
Earthing Switch (for k, ts) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
Earthing switch after the fuse (for ts) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 2.5
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 6.3
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)(2)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request 1 s and 3 s

MV electrical distribution in open and close ring networks.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s Additional interlocks: ga / gae-2k1ts
J 1400 mm height cubicle J Standard IEC interlocks
F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c) F Anti-reverse interlock
Gas tank F Electrical interlocks
J Stainless steel tank F Key interlocks
F Pad locks
Gas pressure indicator:
Cable compartment
J Manometer
J 3 pole vertical fuse base
F Density switch with aux. contacts
Cable bushings: F Fuse adapters for 292 mm
F Horizontal long fuses
J Diagonal J Type-A bushing for ts
J Capacitive voltage tap after fuses F Screw-type DIN bushings for
F Capacitive voltage tap before cable connections
fuses J Open bottom
Type of side connection: F Vermin-proof option
F Female bushing F Cable clamps
Right J Cover for one standard / two
reduced cable connector(s)
Driving mechanism
F Deep front cover
J Actuating levers
(depth + 61 mm)
J k-type manual mechanism
F Extra deep front cover
J ts-type manual mechanism (depth + 150 mm)
F Aux. switch for LBS:
Pressure relief duct
max. 4 NO/ 4 NC
J In the cable cellar, open
F Aux. switch for ES:
panel bottom
max. 3 NO/ 3 NC
F Rear absorber channel for
F Shunt trip release ( AC / DC )
installation on closed floor
F Aux. switch for trip indication (Total depth: 1119 mm)
F k-Motor-type motorised
mechanism Control box
F ts Motor-type motorised J Without control box
mechanism F 300 mm height
F Lockable mechanisms F 600 mm height
F Capacitive voltage indicator with F 900 mm height
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication


� Standard equipment
298 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

2k1lsf(g) type ga and gae630

Ring Main Unit (RMU) with circuit breaker protection
Compact RMU coming in non-extensible (ga) and extensible (gae) versions, equipped with two cable feeder with a
three‑position switch-disconnector and a transformer protection feeder with three-position rotating arc type CB.

Electrical characteristics 2k 1lsf

Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630 250 - 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50 28 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector (for k) IEC 62271-103
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current Iload [A] 630
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 50
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth
Ief2 [A] 100
fault conditions
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations class E3/E1
Circuit-breaker (for lsf) IEC 62271-100
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1) 20(1) 16(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50 50 / 40
Rated breaking capacity and making capacity
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity Iload [A] 250/630
Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc [kA] 20 16
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 40
Rated cable-charging breaking current Icc [A] 50
Rated operating sequence
Without reclosing O - 3 min - CO - 3 min - CO
Circuit-breaker category
Mechanical endurance (operations-class) 2000x (M1)
Electrical endurance (class) E2
Earthing Switch (for k, lsf) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1) 20(1) 16(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50 50 40
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 50 40
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request 1 s and 3 s

MV electrical distribution in open and close ring networks.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Cable compartment
F Internal arc IAC AFL (R) J Screw-type DIN bushings for ga / gae-2k1lsf
16 kA 1s 20 kA 1s cable connections
J 1400 mm height cubicle J Open bottom
F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c) F Vermin-proof option
F Cable clamps
Gas tank
J Cover for one standard /
J Stainless steel tank
two reduced cable connector(s)
Gas pressure indicator: F Deep front cover
J Manometer (depth + 61 mm)
F Density switch with aux. contacts F Extra deep front cover
Cable bushings: (depth + 150 mm)
F Horizontal Pressure relief duct
J Diagonal J In the cable cellar, open panel
J Capacitive voltage tap bottom
Side connection: F Rear absorber channel for
F Non-extensible installation on closed floor
F Right extensibility (Total panel depth: 1119 mm)
Type of side connection: Control box
F Female bushing F Protection relay (acc. to
Right agreement/client's spec.)
Driving mechanism F Without control box
J Actuating levers F 300 mm height
J k-type manual mechanisms F 350 mm height
J lsf-type manual mechanism F 600 mm height
F Aux. switch for lbs and lsf: F 900 mm height
max. 4 NO / 4 NC F Assembly of control box acc.
F Aux. switch for ES: max. 3 NO / 3 NC to agreement/client's spec.
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC) Options
F Aux. switch for trip indication
F k-Motor-type motorised
F lsf-Motor type motorised
F Lockable mechanisms 2k1lsfg
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
F Low energy trip release at 0.1 Ws
F Undervoltage release (non delayed)
 Standard connection compartment
Additional interlocks: 2) Deep connection compartment
J Standard IEC interlocks 3) Deep front cover
4) Short bushing lsf cubicle
F Anti-reverse interlock 5) Long bushing lsf cubicle

F Electrical interlocks
F Key interlocks
F Pad locks

� Standard equipment
355 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

1k1lsv3 (g) and 2k1lsv3 (g)

Ring Main Unit (RMU) with circuit breaker protection
Compact RMU coming in non-extensible (ga) and extensible (gae) versions, equipped with two cable feeder with a
three‑position switch-disconnector and a transformer protection feeder with three-position rotating arc type CB.

Electrical characteristics 2k 1lsv3

Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630 250 - 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50 28 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145 110 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL (R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector (for k) IEC 62271-103
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current Iload [A] 630
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 50
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth
Ief2 [A] 100
fault conditions
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations class E3
Circuit-breaker (for lsv3) IEC 62271-100
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Rated breaking capacity and making capacity
Mainly active current rated breaking capacity Iload [A] 250/630
Short-circuit breaking capacity Isc [kA] 20
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Rated cable-charging breaking current Icc [A] 50
Rated operating sequence
Without reclosing O - 3 min - CO - 3 min - CO
Circuit-breaker category
Mechanical endurance (operations-class) 2000x (M1)
Electrical endurance (class) E2
Earthing Switch (for k, lsv3) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request 1 s and 3 s

MV electrical distribution in open and close ring networks.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Cable compartment
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s J Screw-type DIN bushings for ga-1k1lsv3 ga-2k1lsv3
J 1400 mm height cubicle cable connections
F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c) J Open bottom
F Vermin-proof option
Gas tank
F Cable clamps
J Stainless steel tank
J Cover for one standard /
Gas pressure indicator: two reduced cable connector(s)
J Manometer F Deep front cover
F Density switch with aux. contacts (depth + 61 mm)
Cable bushings: F Extra deep front cover
F Horizontal (depth + 150 mm)
J Diagonal Pressure relief duct
J Capacitive voltage tap J In the cable cellar, open panel
Side connection: bottom
J Non-extensible J Arc fault proof cable
Driving mechanism
F Rear absorber channel for
J Actuating levers installation on closed floor
J k-type manual mechanisms (Total panel depth: 1119 mm)
J lsv3-type manual mechanism
Control box
F Aux. switch for lbs:
max. 3 NO / 3 NC F Protection relay (acc. to
agreement/client's spec.)
F Aux. switch for ES: max. 3 NO / 3 NC
F Without control box
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC)
F 300 mm height
F Aux. switch for trip indication
F 350 mm height
F k-Motor-type motorised
mechanism F 600 mm height
F lsv3-Motor type motorised F 900 mm height
mechanism F Assembly of control box acc.
F Lockable mechanisms to agreement/client's spec.
F Capacitive voltage indicator with Options
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication
F Low energy trip release 0.1 Ws
F Undervoltage release (non delayed)
Additional interlocks:
J Standard IEC interlocks
F Anti-reverse interlock 1k1lsv3g
F Electrical interlocks
F Key interlocks
F Pad locks



� Standard equipment
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

3k and 4k type ga and gae630

Compact block of 3 and 4 load break switches (LBS)
Compact three- and four-cubicle feeder cubicles, equipped with a three-position switch-disconnector (close, open, earth).

Electrical characteristics k
Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector IEC 62271-103
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current Iload [A] 630
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 60
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth fault conditions Ief2 [A] 100
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50(1)
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E3
Earthing Switch IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request 1 s and 3 s

Input and output of the MV cables, enabling connections with other transformer/switching substations.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Cable compartment
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s J Screw-type IEC bushings ga / gae-3k ga / gae-4k

J 1400 mm height cubicle J Open bottom

F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c) F Vermin-proof option
Gas tank F Phase separation
J Stainless steel tank F Cable clamps
J Cover for one standard / two
Gas pressure indicator:
reduced cable connector(s)
J Manometer
F Deep front cover
F Density switch with aux. contacts (depth + 61 mm)
Cable bushings: F Extra deep front cover
J Diagonal (depth + 121 mm)
F Horizontal Pressure relief duct
J Capacitive voltage tap J In the cable cellar, open panel
Driving mechanism
F Additional base (h: 400 mm) with
J Actuating levers pressure absorber channel
J k-type manual mechanisms F Rear absorber channel for
F Aux. switch for LBS: installation on closed floor
max. 4 NO / 4 NC (Total depth: 1119 mm)
F Aux. switch for ES: Control box
max. 3 NO / 3 NC
J Without control box
F k-Motor-type motorised
F 300 mm height
F 600 mm height
F Lockable mechanisms
F 900 mm height
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication Options
F Short circuit (s/c) indicator
3kb and 4kb
F Earth fault (e/f ) indicator
With horizontal bushings
F Combined s/c and e/f indicator
Additional interlocks:
J Standard IEC interlocks
F Anti-reverse interlock
F Electrical interlocks 3kg
F Key interlocks
F Pad locks

 ) Deep front cover

2) Extra deep front cover (cubicle 1+2)



� Standard equipment
300 kg / 325 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

2k2ts and 3k1ts type ga

4 position Ring Main Unit (RMUs) with fuse protection
Compact RMU coming in non-extensible versions, equipped with two cable feeder with a three-position switch-disconnector
and two transformer protection feeders with a three-position switch-disconnector in series with 3 nos. HRC-type limiting fuses
Compact RMU coming in non-extensible versions, equipped with three cable feeder with a three-position switch-disconnector
and a transformer protection feeders with a three-position switch-disconnector in series with 3 nos. HRC‑type limiting fuses

Electrical characteristics k ts
Rated voltage* Ur [kV] 12 24 12 24
Rated frequency fr [Hz] 50 / 60
Rated current
General busbar and cubicle interconnection Ir [A] 630
Feeder Ir [A] 630 -
Output to transformer Ir [A] - 200
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage (1 min)
Phase-to-earth and between phases Ud [kV] 28 50 28 50
Across isolating distance Ud [kV] 32 60 32 60
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Phase-to-earth and between phases Up [kV] 75 125 95 125
Across isolating distance Up [kV] 85 145 85 145
Internal arc classification IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s
Switch-disconnector (for k and ts) IEC 62271-103 IEC 62271-105
Rated short-time withstand current (main circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Mainly active load-breaking current Iload [A] 630 200
Rated transfer current Itransf [A] - 1900 1100
Cable charging-breaking current Icc [A] 60 -
Closed-loop breaking current Iloop [A] 630 -
Earth fault breaking current Ief1 [A] 160 -
Cable- & line-charging breaking current under earth fault
Ief2 [A] 100 -
Main switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50 -
Switch category
Mechanical endurance 1000x (M1)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E3
Earthing Switch (for k, ts) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 20(1)
Peak value Ip [kA] 50
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 50
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
Earthing switch after the fuse (for ts) IEC 62271-102
Rated short-time withstand current (earthing circuit)
Value tk= 1 s Ik [kA] 2.5
Earthing switch making capacity (peak value) Ima [kA] 6.3
Earthing Switch Category
Mechanical endurance (manual) 1000x (M0)(2)
Cycles of operations (Short-circuit making current)- class E2
* Also available 7.2 and 17.5 kV on request 1 s and 3 s

MV electrical distribution in open and close ring networks.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Cubicle Cable compartment
F IAC AFL(R) 20 kA 1 s J 3 pole vertical fuse base ga / gae-2k2ts ga / gae-3k1ts
J 1400 mm height cubicle enclosure
F 1050 mm height cubicle (ga-c) F Fuse adapters for 292 mm
long fuses
Gas tank F Type-A bushing for ts
J Stainless steel tank J Screw-type DIN bushings for
Gas pressure indicator: cable connections
J Manometer J Open bottom
F Density switch with aux. contacts F Vermin-proof option
Cable bushings: F Cable clamps
J Diagonal J Cover for one standard / two
reduced cable connector(s)
J Capacitive voltage tap after fuses
F Deep front cover
F Capacitive voltage tap before (depth + 61 mm)
F Extra deep front cover
Driving mechanism (depth + 150 mm)
J Actuating levers Pressure relief duct
J k-type manual mechanisms J In the cable cellar, open panel
J ts-type manual mechanism bottom
F Aux. switch for LBS: F Rear absorber channel for
max. 4 NO / 4 NC installation on closed floor
F Aux. switch for ES: (Total depth: 1119 mm)
max. 3 NO / 3 NC Control box
F Shunt trip release (AC / DC) J Without control box
F Aux. switch for trip indication F 300 mm height
F k-Motor-type motorised F 600 mm height
F 900 mm height
F ts Motor-type motorised
mechanism Options
F Lockable mechanisms ga-2kb2ts and ga-3kb1ts
F Capacitive voltage indicator with
cont. 3 ph. permanent indication kb cable feeder with horizontal
Additional interlocks:
J Standard IEC interlocks
F Anti-reverse interlock
F Electrical interlocks
F Key interlocks
F Pad locks


� Standard equipment
399 kg / 366 kg
� Optional equipment

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Other components and accessories Cable connections

Indicators Cable connectors
To check for electrical isolation or to System WEGA, Horstmann In ga and gae630 system panel,
perform a voltage test in accordance T-connectors are to be used at the
with IEC 62271-213, each switch panel The integrated voltage detecting discretion of the operator in cable/
can be equipped with the following system WEGA complies with the connection panels or circuit-breaker
voltage indicating systems: requirements for capacitive voltage panels. To be connected to bushings
detecting systems of IEC 62271-213. acc. to DIN EN 50181 connection type C
Measuring devices for phase (630 A) with outside taper and screw
It is a three-phase testing system,
comparison or interface testing contact (M16).
with which the voltage condition of a
In connection with the voltage medium voltage line is displayed. During the installation of cable
indicating systems, for phase connectors, the installation instructions
comparison or interface testing, On the front plate are the LCD display,
of both the manufacturer and the
the devices must comply with the display test button and the three-
switchgear must be strictly followed.
the following standards: phase LRM interface. A shroud that
IEC62271-213 or IEC61243-5 (outdated) is secured against loss protects the Depending on the mounting depth of
sleeves from dust and corrosion. On the cable connection compartments,
the rear side are connections for the deep front covers or deep cable
measuring signals and auxiliary voltage. connection compartments may
be necessary. Further connection
For the display of arrows and point possibilities are also available on
symbols in the Display, no auxiliary request.
power is required, it is fed from the
measuring signal. Even when the Cable connectors (for panels
Integrated voltage indication auxiliary voltage fails these display type k and for rotating arc CB
system IVDS functions remain active. For the panel type lsf)
additional functions (relay control, Normally T-connectors are used for
System CAPDIS, Kries: display lighting and active zero connecting single phase or trifurcated
CAPDIS is a capacitive voltage indicator readout) an auxiliary voltage is three phase cables to the load break
with a three-phase continuous display necessary. switches (k and a) panels as well as
and permanent self monitoring. the rotating arc type circuit breakers
This device indicates that voltage is (lsf ). It is also possible to connect more
present at the support test point using than one cable per phase however
the display of warning signs on the it is only possible by using reduced
integrated display. (asymmetric T) type cable connectors in
the standard version without exceeding
In addition, the device has an the maximum standard installation
integrated three-phase measuring depth of 318 mm. An example of
point. This device is calibrated in Short-circuit/earth fault this application can be seen below:
accordance with requirements indicators
according to IEC 62271-213 and is
suitable for phase testing using an LRM All ring cable panels can optionally be
phase comparator. A captive shroud equipped with a three phase short-
protects the test sockets against dirt, circuit (s/c) or earth fault (e/f ) indicator,
dust and moisture. or other indicators that can provide
the combination of the both signals.
All commercially available s/c and e/f
indicators can be installed on the load
break panels of both ga and gae630
system switchgear.

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Similarly a surge arrester per phase Cable connectors HRC Fuses

can also be installed together with (for fused LBS panels type ts)
the T connector in the standard version Fuse base and transformer cable
without exceeding the maximum For ga and gae630 -ts type switchgears, connection
standard installation depth of 318 mm type-A connectors are to be used at The fuse base on both the ga and
as can be seen below. the discretion of the operator to be gae630 systems panels is designed as
connected to bushings according to DIN a solid insulating housing outside the
EN 50181 connection type-A (250 A) gastank. The housing is made of Epoxy
with outside taper. resin, which makes it track-proof and
Cable connectors arc root-free. Through the earthing
switch located in the gas tank the
(for VCB panels type lsv) HRC‑fuse cartridges can be earthed
Common T-cable connectors are on both sides. The fuse base is only
used for connecting single phase or accessible with the earthing switches
trifurcated three-phase cables. Cable inserted. Actual dimension of fuse:
cross-sections up to 630 mm2 can be 442 mm, with extension adapter fuses
connected. Double cable connections with an actual dimension of 292 mm
per phase can only be made with an can also be installed.
extended cable compartment cover, as
the compartment depth is just 265 mm. Fuse selection
Only HRC fuses corresponding to ga/
gae630 selection table in accordance
to DIN 43625 may be used, up to a
diameter of 88 mm. Other HRC-fuses
can only be used after consultation!

For applications of double cable

connectors or cable connector plus
surge arrester configurations exceeding
the installation depth of 318 mm,
special cable connection compartments
with deeper front covers should be
requested and mentioned during the
ordering stage.

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Spare parts and auxiliaries

Metal enclosure Operating levers Fuse adapter
Phase separation option The transformer outgoing panels are
designed for fuses with the dimension
The phase separation PS in the cable
"e"= 442 mm. To be able to install fuses
connection compartments of the
also with the dimension "e"= 292 mm
SF6-insulated switchgear of types ga
there is an adapter.
and gae630 is an option for increasing
personal and switchgear protection as

well as network availability.
• Panel bottom closed

• Pressure relief via rear pressure
absorber channel into the Operating levers, keys for fasteners
switchgear room

1. Operating lever (optional) for the

As such the front covers of cable panel load-break switch actuating shaft
type k and circuit-breaker panel type with  motor operator (for manual
lsf are provided on the inner side switching e.g. in case of loss of
with phase isolating plates. They form supply voltage)
according to the installation of the front 2. Operating lever for the earthing

cover one-phase metal partitioning switch (optional red shaft)
between the screened cable 3. Operating lever for the load-break Fuse cartridge with adapter
connection compartments. switch (optional plain shaft)
1. Fuse cartridge 12 kV
As a result the effects of a potential 4. Charging handle for vacuum
"e"= 292 mm
arc fault in the cable connection zone circuit-breakers
2. Adapter
are considerably reduced. For earth 5. Key for the fastener on the front
o 51
fault compensated networks, the fault cover (controls the anti-reverse
o 44
current will be limited to a one-phase interlock)

earth fault current. Front covers with
phase separation can be exchanged
Coupling and bolt connection

subsequently. Details on request. kits

Additional base option Busbar coupling kit with double gasket

For special installation conditions such


as in switchgear rooms without raised

1. Adapter
floors or tower substations, Ormazabal
offers an optional 400 mm additional
base with rear pressure absorber
The medium-voltage cables can be
Display: 1 Phase
fitted from behind or from the side
via pressure-proof cable glands in the Busbar end cover with single gasket
additional base, depending on the
version. The additional bases can be
delivered with diverse ga and gae630
panel combinations. Details on request.
Display: 1 Phase
Parts for bolt connection of panels

Display: 1 Set

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Handling, installation and after sales

Handling Inside buildings
• Reduced size and weight make • Easy handling with pallet jack Installation ga and gae630
easier handling and installation (go through standard doors and
• With metal cooling stretch
tasks elevators)
arrangement within pedestal
• Safe cubicle delivery: Upright • Small dimensions: minimum
position on a pallet, wrapped in switchgear room occupation • Bottom open
protective cardboard cover • Operation, extensibility, and
Handling methods: removal in reduced space
• Lifting: Forklift truck or hand- • No gas manipulation at site
operated pallet jack Please see the corresponding operating

• Raising: Sling & lifting beams instructions for ga and gae630

switchgear for further details. Detailed

min. 600
installation plans on request.

Pressure relief systems

Switchgear related pressure
calculations can be requested as part
of services at the sales department of
Ormazabal. 135

• Ergonomic design for easy cubicle Pressure relief via metal cooling stretch
300/600/900 mm

connection and floor fastening Relay cabinet (optional) arrangement into the room behind.
(Optionally also in the cable trench)
1. Metal cooling stretch arrangement
to cool down hot gases generated
in case of an internal arc fault
2. Cable trench/cable cellar

• With rear absorber channel and

1400 mm

metal absorber
• Bottom closed

Metal cooling stretch

arrangement (optional)
for cooling hot gases in
min. 600

the event of an arc-fault

Pressure relief via rear absorber

3. Metal absorber
4. Rear absorber channel

ga / gae630
MV Switchgear for
Fully gas-insulated modular and
Distribution Network Solutions
compact system

Installation ga and ga-c Switchgear height considerations Inside prefabricated

• Without metal cooling stretch
arrangement within pedestal
Minimal switchgear height ga and
gae630 with pressure absorber channel
transformer substations
• Bottom open • gae630 single panels: Switchgear • Turnkey solutions
height 2000 mm with 600 mm relay • Possibility of on-site installation
box or cover of cubicles
• ga and gae630 2-panel/3-panel and • Wide range of transformer substation:
ga 4-panel blocks without further Walk-in, kiosk, underground, etc.
single panels: Switchgear height • Possibility of having an operational
1400 mm substation in a short period of time

• Optional relay cabinet

for ring main units
600/900 mm
min. 600

• Relay cabinet/cover
with a minimum
height of 600 mm
for single panels
1400 mm


Pressure relief only into cable

cellar/cable trench.
Pressure absorber
1. Metal cooling stretch arrangement channel

to cool down hot gases generated

in case of an internal arc fault The construction of the building and
the switchgear room must withstand
2. Cable trench/cable cellar
the expected mechanical loads
and the internal pressure caused
by a short‑circuit arc. Appropriate
calculations for these purposes are

Inside containerised
• Turnkey solutions
• Possibility of having an operational
substation in a short period of time
• Ideal solution for remote locations

MV Switchgear for ga / gae630
Distribution Network Solutions Fully gas-insulated modular and
compact system

Inside wind turbines Commissioning and Recycling and

• Over 20 years of experience in wind After Sales end‑of‑life
Services The Ormazabal production centres
have introduced the corresponding
environmental management systems,
conforming to the requirements of
the international ISO 14001 standard
and endorsed by the Environmental
Technical FAT Pick-up &
assistance delivery Management Certificate.
ga and gae630 system cubicles have
been designed and manufactured in
accordance with the requirements of
international standard IEC 62271-200.
Supervision & Commissioning Training
installation By design, and depending on the models,
they have a sealed compartment with
SF6 which allows full operation of the
equipment throughout its service
life, estimated at minimum 30 years
Warranty Inspection & Spare part (IEC 62271-200).
At the end of the product life cycle,
the SF6 gas content must not be
released into the atmosphere. It is
recovered and treated for reuse,
Repair Retrofitting Recycling in accordance with the instructions
given in standards IEC 62271‑4,
IEC 60480 and the CIGRE 117 guide.
Ormazabal will provide the additional
information required to carry out this
Engineering Procurement EPCM task correctly, out of respect for the
safety of individuals and that of the



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