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Script Speaking

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Why should We Own A Pet

Session 1/3 minutes/ discuss all point

Student A: well, let’s discuss, we are given six points of why we should own a pet. The first
one is to help with loneliness. These animals can be a great companions by making sure we
will not feel lonely. Plus, they are ready for a hug and snuggle. What would you say, B?
Student B: I reckon you are right. In addition, for me, the next reason is to increase physical
activity. For example, which needs a lots of movement and energy. Yes, a dog is a good
trainer because it will make you walk and run around the park everytime. What’s on your
mind, A?
Student A: I am with you on that one! Besides, protection is one of the reason causes. Not
everyone likes being home alone. Having a pet can make you feel a lot safer. As the
evidence, burglars are less likely to target a house with guard dog outside. What would you
Student B: I agree with you 100 percent! I suppose that pet is a stress reliever as it can help
you relax. This is because modern lifestyle is stressful. This bad situation can lead to many
health problems. Well A, is there any other reasons you want to add?
Student A: yes absolutely. I want to mention about pet can teach us responsibility, especially
the kids. We can learn many skills like grooming and cleaning. We are too will nurture soft
skills and empathy which are important. Is that true, B?
Student B: It’s definitely true. Other than that, provides life lessons as it does so much for
us. They give back what they get from us for example love and protection.
Student A: I could not agree more.
Outdoor Activities That Teenagers Enjoy
Session 1/ 3 minutes/ discuss all point
Student A: well, let’s discuss. We are given six points of outdoor activities that teenagers
enjoy. The first one is camping. It is because we can hang out with our friends in the forest.
By camping, we can strengthen relationships with friends. Do you agree with me, B?
Student B: I reckon you are right. In addition, for me, cycling can shed excess weight so you
have the fit body to show off. Then, we too can reduce blood pressure. What’s on your
mind, A?
Student A: I am with you on that one! I believe that the other activity is jogging, it can help
to increase energy and most important thing is jogging can prevent stress. What’s would
you say?
Student B: I agree with you 100 percent! Besides, I suppose about walking. This is said
because walking can strengthen the bones and muscles. Hence, we would have a stronger
body. Well A, is there any other points you want to add?
Student A: yes absolutely. I want to mention about gardening too. By gardening, we can
generate a source of income for the whole family. Plus, we too are able to make the family
ties closer. Is that true, B?
Student B: it’s definitely true. I reckon that hiking is the one of outdoor activities that
teenagers enjoy. Hiking can improve mental and physical fitness and endurance. Most
importantly is hiking can reduce depression in our mind.
Student A: I could not agree more.
Why Student Work Part-time
Session1/ 3 minutes/ discuss all point
Student A: well, let’s discuss, we are given six points of why student work part-
time. The first one is we can ease family burden. I believe that working part-
time can help you to have more stable economy. Other then that, we can also
to make our family be happier because we can treat them with food and
clothes. What would you say, B?
Student B: I reckon you are right. In addition, for me, student can make extra
pocket money. They can buy anything for themselves like luxurious handbag. It
is important for us to reward ourselves to take care of our mental health. This
method can also help us reduce stress. What’s on your mind, A?
Student A: I am with you on that one! I believe that part-time job can help us
to gain experience because we can meet new people with different
personalities and background. Indeed, we can also boost our confident to talk
with others. What would you say?
Student B: I agree with you 100 percent! In my view I suppose about to use
time wisely. We can avoid social problems for example bullying, vandalism,
smoking and drug addiction. Well A, is there any other reasons you want to
Student A: yes absolutely. I want to mention about student can learn soft-skills.
They can create positive environment and avoid toxic people. Other than that,
they need to communicate with customer politely, handle problem with calm
and control their emotion.
Student B: could not agree more.
How To Be Kind to Others
Session 1/ 3 minutes/ discuss all point
Student A: well, let’s discuss, we are given six points of how to be kind to
others. The first point is we can be good listener. As an example, when your
friend seems to have problem, you can ask him or her and listen to their
problem so that they will feel better. What would you say, B?
Student B: I reckon you are right. In addition, for me, it is to be supportive is
another point of how to be kind to others. We can support them by helping
them when they need. What’s on your mind, A?
Student A: I am with you on that one! I believe that offer help is the one of the
ways too. When we see a senior citizen wanted to cross the road, we can offer
him or her a help. That means a lot to people in need. What would you say?
Student B: I agree with you 100 percent! I suppose about to talk to them.
When you see your friend or sibling in problem, try to approach them and try
to talk to them if they want to share their problem. You can also give them
some advice. Well A, is there any other points you want to add?
Student A: yes absolutely. I want to mention about to surprise them. By doing
surprise, it can make they feel appreciated. Hence, this will make the
relationship closer. Is that true, B?
Student B: It’s definitely true. I reckon that to respect their wishes. This is
because different people have different wants and needs.
Student A: I could not agree more.
Why Do We Need to Celebrate National Day

Session 1/ 3 minutes/ discuss all point

Student A: well, let’s discuss, we are given six points of why we need to
celebrate national day. The first one is to appreciate past heroes. We must
appreciate their hard work to free our country from colonialism. What’s on
your mind, A?
Student B: I reckon you are right. In addition, for me, it is sense of belonging is
the reason why we need to celebrate because our country is our priority and
responsibility. We should fight for our country. What would you say?
Student A: I am with you on that one! I believe that unity is the main reason
too. It is to show the spirit of unity in our country. What would you say?
Student B: I agree with you 100 percent! Besides, I suppose about love for the
country. It is because it’s hard to gain independence and to celebrate the
independence in relation to colonialism. Well A, is there any other reasons why
we need to celebrate national day that you want to add?
Student A: Yes absolutely. I want to mention about pride. It is to show a sense
of pride in the struggle of the heroes of the homeland. Is that true, B?
Student B: it’s definitely true. I reckon that time to rejoice is the one of the
reason. It is to celebrate the country’s independence from colonialism.
Student A: I could not agree more.
Part 2: voluntary work
Zoo negara Volunteer Programme is open to all students aged 16 years old and
above. A voluntary work I have I done is at Zoo Negara, helped the zookeeper
with the animals. It is a very enjoyable work to me. We got the chance to feed
the animals by ourselves. What is more, we could clean the animal cage too. I
worked as a volunteer of the zoo during long school holidays from 8.00 am to
5.00 pm for 5 days. Well, I think people should do voluntary work because it
can open our eyes and gain real life experience with the animal. You too can
see many wild animals like tigers and elephants and reconnect with Mother

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