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Journal of Automation and Control, 2022, Vol. 8, No.

1, 1-4
Available online at
Published by Science and Education Publishing

RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking

Md Mahfujul Islam1,*, Mohammad Tanviruzzaman2
Electrical Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering, Dhaka International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Chamical Engineering, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
*Corresponding author:

Received June 20, 2022; Revised July 25, 2022; Accepted July 31, 2022
Abstract This project aims to design, build, and implement a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Smart
Rotary Car Parking which will automatically park and retrieve the vehicles without the driver. Present parking
systems have several problems, such as high operation costs, inefficient vehicle management, and, most importantly,
the time-consuming process of issuing tokens and collecting money. Therefore, we are trying to resolve the above-
stated problems by RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking. This project uses several sensors, trays and
microcontrollers, and sensing circuits monitored by LCD displaying the entry and exit of vehicles. The vehicles are
allowed access only when there is an empty tray, and the valid RFID card on the sensing circuit at the gate is
punched. Similarly, the RFID card corresponding to the tray needs to be punched when the vehicle wants to exit. A
sensor will determine whether a tray is occupied, and the resulting data will be fed to the display. The number of
trays that are either empty or loaded will be prominently displayed on the monitor to aid drivers in making a decision.
This automated system process allows the parking system to work efficiently and requires fewer personnel to
manage the parking. Through the implementation of the RFID Based Smart Rotary Car Parking system, more cars
can be accommodated in the same area and can be applied effectively in almost any city in the world. This resulting
efficiency is the driving force in the global adoption of smart, automated car park systems in place of conventional
car parking systems. This project focuses on the teamwork and engineering design principles process required for
solving this problem. Although this approach works theoretically, the reality is that there are many unforeseen
variables relating to technical mishaps, availability of desired components, efficient management and myriad other
factors that may hamper this undertaking.
Keywords: robotics, parking automation, microcontroller
Cite This Article: Md Mahfujul Islam, and Mohammad Tanviruzzaman, “RFID Based Smart Rotary Car
Parking.” Journal of Automation and Control, vol. 8, no. 1 (2022): 1-4. doi: 10.12691/automation-8-1-1.

cars entering the streets of Dhaka, according to the

Bangladesh Roads Transport Authority (BRTA).
1. Introduction Although relatively wealthy individuals and their
families mainly use these private cars, they constitute
This project aims to develop RFID based smart rotary almost 25% of all motorized vehicles registered within
car parking and thereby increase the efficiency of existing Dhaka city. Private cars disproportionately affect traffic
manual parking systems and, in turn, reduce their compared to other vehicles, such as busses and trucks. It
operational costs by reducing personnel requirement cost has been found that private cars spend almost 95% of their
of operation processing speeds at check etc. Completing time on the road, creating persistent and regular times
this project would help tackle the increasing demand for traffic jams on busy roads. [1]
parking facilities by decreasing the capital requirement per RFID based smart rotary car parking is an important
car slot. It will also provide a platform for monitoring way of solving the traffic jam problems and improving the
parking demand at different times of the day by which utilization of present parking spaces. For a long while,
enough data could be gathered to inform future plans or planners, politicians, engineers and environmentalists
projects. have wrestled with the challenge of stowing away cars
Dhaka is a densely-populated city that hosts a from busy roads. Ranging from the earliest parking
population of 16 million. It is the capital and busiest city garages— little more than sheds— to fully automated car
of Bangladesh and is the hub of education, administration, parks, the demand for a better parking system has been
trade, commerce, etc. Dhaka is constantly attracting there. However, a promising but feasible concept is the
people and, therefore, traffic from all corners of the Smart card car parking — a suite of advanced
country looking for work or education. The current state technologies working in unison to drastically improve the
of parking spaces is woefully inadequate to cope with speed and efficiency of locating, reserving, and paying for
worsening traffic and the increasing number of private parking.
2 Journal of Automation and Control

The need for such a system is critical in chaotic resurgence in popularity since 1990, and in 2012 there
transportation management scenarios like the one in were 25 projects planned or in progress, which yielded
Dhaka city, where most people prefer to use private cars about 6,000 parking spaces. While until 1990, the interest
in busy commercial centers. A study conducted by in the systems was mediocre in Europe and Central
Rahman K. N. (2007) revealed that 60% of the vehicles America, Asia has been using automatic parking systems
parked in Motijheel, the city’s busiest commercial area, since 1970. In Japan, since early 1990, about 40,000
are private cars. Thus, the viability of these commercial parking spaces based on the automatic parking system
areas depends on the availability of convenient parking paternoster type were created. [3]
facilities adjacent to or readily accessible to desired A car parking system is a mechanical device that
destinations, especially off-street parking facilities. (2012). multiplies parking capacity inside a parking lot. Parking
The problem is worsened by the absence of an effective systems are generally powered by electric motors or
parking policy for Dhaka, where there is rampant illegal hydraulic pumps that move vehicles into a storage
on-street parking on every busy street. [2] position.
There are two types of car parking systems: traditional
and automated. In the long term, automated car parking
2. History of Smart Parking System systems are likely to be more cost-effective when
compared to traditional parking garages. Automatic
With the increase in the number of vehicles in high- multistorey automated car park systems are less expensive
density urban housing, the problem with a limited amount per parking slot since they tend to require less building
of parking space became apparent. One of the proposed volume and less ground area than a conventional facility
solutions to this problem is the automatic parking system, with the same capacity. Both automated car parking
with the first such system being created in the United systems and automated parking garage systems reduce
States. Between 1940-1950, the automatic systems used pollution cars are not running or circling around while
were by Bowser, Pigeon Hole and Roto Park. In the years drivers look for parking spaces. [3]
between 1957 to 1974, Bowser and Pigon Hole systems
were used, but due to frequent mechanical problems and
prolonged waiting time for the vehicle, the interest in such 3. Block Diagram
a solution waned drastically. The concept, however, saw a

Figure 1. Block Diagram

4. Working Principal
RFID based car parking system is modern and built with safety in mind. Initially, the trays are empty since no cars are
loaded. If one car enters the parking, the first tray it enters registers as occupied and the system rotates one at a time, and
an empty tray replaces the occupied one’s place, ready to receive a new car. The owner of a parked vehicle provides an
RFID card in order to release and receive their car. How much rotation occurs is always counted and kept track of by the
Master Controller. Here are two limit switches for calculating the cycle and determining the mid-position of the tray. If
the two limit switch registers as zero, the tray stays in mid position. When the tray stays mid-point master controller
checks car status, RFID etc.
Journal of Automation and Control 3

6. Advantage
Efficiency: RFID based smart rotary car parking
provides car parking solutions to accommodate the
maximum number of cars in a given space.
Cost-Effective: RFID based smart rotary car
parking significantly improves the financial viability of
commercial and residential developments.
Saves Time: RFID based smart rotary car parking
reduces parking and retrieval time. It saves time spent
searching for empty parking slots and the subsequent time
Figure 2. All empty tray spent searching for the parked car.
Easy and Cost-Effective Maintenance: RFID based
smart rotary car parking is cost-effective in terms of
maintenance and upkeep over conventional parking
Car Safety: RFID based smart rotary car parking
provides improved security and safety for the cars. Parked
cars are free from theft and damage.
Safer for Drivers: Drivers collect their cars from
secure waiting areas and, thus, they do not have to walk
through a car park alone and are less vulnerable.
Environment Friendly: RFID based smart rotary car
parking uses electricity only when engaged. As drivers
don’t have to drive around looking for empty slots, cars
Figure 3. Loading position for car parking don’t have to be active when parked, thereby reducing
We designed an eight tray-based small car parking fossil fuel consumption.
system for parking a total of 8 cars. We use an array of 8
IR proximity sensors for Car status checks. If any of the
trays are empty, this tray stays in the first position 7. Limitation
(parking point). If all the trays are occupied by a car, the
machine shows a message and stops any new vehicle from 1. Maintenance requires highly trained personnel.
parking until at least one car is unloaded. 2. Quick parking near the entrance is no longer possible;
all drivers have to go through the same steps to park and
5. Flow Chart 3. After entering the RFID card, drivers have to wait to
receive their car.
4. Without an RFID card, cars cannot be retrieved. In
emergencies like earthquakes and fires, quick evacuation
might not be possible.

8. Application
1. Excellent utilization in dense multi-store buildings.
2. Commercial places like shopping malls, hospitals,
and corporate offices that see heavy traffic can benefit
3. This system can be used in educational institutions
like schools, colleges and universities.

9. Future Scope
1. In future, it is possible to add more trays for more
2. In our design, we use IR proximity sensors for Car
detection, but it has some disadvantages. In future, we can
add IR proximity sensors with wet measurement for batter
car detection.
3. Stricter security can be implemented by requiring
biometrics like eye and fingerprint scanners for car
Figure 4. Flow Chart retrieval.
4 Journal of Automation and Control

10. Conclusion never be able to accomplish anything in our life. The

author also expresses his gratitude to his honorable teacher,
The RFID based rotary smart car parking system has Md. Abdul Based, Associate Professor & Chairman,
been successfully designed and developed. The RFID Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, who
based rotary smart car parking system is realistic and can inspired him through cordially guidance, and valuable
control the parking automatically by using the RFID suggestions that helped him complete his research work.
module with RFID smart cards. The total cost of RFID
based rotary smart car parking System infrastructure can
be reduced. This parking system enables users to operate References
an unattended parking barrier with controlled parking
[1] Mott MacDonald Ltd, “Working Paper Vol-IV Road Side
access privileges. This system is ideal for apartments and Management”, Dhaka Urban Transom Project - Phase l,
condos, gated communities, business parking lots and Bangladesh Road Transport Athodyd, Gob.
garages, and university parking areas. The RFID based [2] Mott MacDonald Ltd (1996b), “Working paper Vol-III, Traffic
rotary smart Parking System offers the utmost efficiency, Management and Engineering”, Dhaka Urban Transport Project -
phase l, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, Gob. Mott
convenience, safety & reliability. It is ideal for today’s car MacDonald Ltd, “Final Report Dhaka Urban Transport project _
parking and traffic problem in cities. The RFID Rotary phase 1, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority, Government of
Smart Car Parking is one of the important factors in traffic Bangladesh.
areas, multiplexes and apartments etc. [3] Beebe Richard, “Automated Parking”, Status in the United States,
2001. McDonald S. Shannon, “Cars Parking and Sustainability”,
The Transportation Research Forum, 2012.

First of all, we would like to thank Almighty Allah for
everything in our life; without his guidance, we would

© The Author(s) 2022. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (

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