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Prescribing For The Elderly

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Drug prescribing for the elderly is challenging due to age-related biological changes, accumulation of health conditions with age, and socioeconomic factors. Numerous studies have found alterations in drug pharmacology in older patients. Prescription medications represent a substantial healthcare cost, and elderly patients are often prescribed multiple drugs with complex schedules.

Altered reporting and presentation of illness can make accurate diagnosis and appropriate drug prescription more difficult in elderly patients. Conditions may present with vague or nonspecific symptoms and go unrecognized, leaving them untreated or exacerbating other conditions. Interpreting somatic symptoms as physical illness can lead to inappropriate drug treatment.

Age-related changes like impairments in hearing and vision, dementia, depression can compromise a patient's ability to communicate symptoms. Physical illnesses may be difficult to diagnose in elderly patients. Conditions like hyperthyroidism and heart attacks may present with vague symptoms in elderly patients.


Drug Prescribing for the Elderly


Age-related biologic and physiologic changes, the accumulation of multiple pathologic conditions with increasing age and several socioeconomic considerations combine to make drug prescribing for the elderly one of the most challenging tasks in clinical medicine. Numerous studies in older persons have documented alterations in the pharmacology of many drugs. Several general recommendations are presented which should make drug prescribing for elderly patients safer and more effective.
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS represent a substantial portion of this country's ever-growing health care expenditures. They are not covered by many insurance plans for the elderly, and this can cause considerable out-of-pocket expense from what is often a fixed and limited income. It is not unusual that several different drugs are prescribed for an elderly patient, to be taken on complex dosage schedules. This is especially so in acute care hospitals, where Medicare patients receive an average of ten prescription drugs,' and in nursing homes, where many of the four to seven drugs prescribed for each patient are inappropriate or ineffective.2 Drugs are a major cause of iatrogenic illnesses, conditions which are disturbingly common.3'4 One recent study found an iatrogenic illness in more than a third of patients on the medical service of a university hospital,4 and drugs were one of the most important factors in the development of these complications. Older persons are particularly susceptible to adverse drug reactions; the incidence of adverse reactions in hospitals increases from
Refer to: Ouslander JG: Drug prescribing for the elderly, In Geriatric Medicine. West J Med 135:455-462, Dec 1981 Dr. Ouslander is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, a Fellow in Geriatric Medicine, UCLA Multicampos Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, and is affilated with the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Sepulveda Veterans Administration Medical Center, Sepulveda, California. Reprint requests to: Joseph G. Ouslander, MD, GRECC 1 1E, Sepulveda VA Medical Center, Sepulveda, CA 91343.

3 percent in those aged 10 to 305 to close to 25 percent in those older than age 80.X; These reactions contribute to more than 10 percent of admissions to geriatric departments in Great Britain,7 and account for as many as 3 percent of all admissions to US hospitals.8 As much as $3 billion per year may be spent in this country as a result of adverse drug reactions.2 Given these costs, in both health and dollars, physicians should become aware of some of the complex considerations that attend prescribing for the elderly. Age-related biologic and physiologic changes, the accumulation of multiple pathologic conditions with increasing age and several socioeconomic factors combine to make prescribing drugs one of the most difficult, yet challenging, aspects of caring for these patients. This article will briefly review age-related changes that are relevant to drug prescribing, and make several recommendations which are designed to make treatment of the elderly with drugs safer and more effective.

Age-Related Changes Relevant to Drug Prescribing Altered Reporting and Presentation of Illness Altered reporting and presentation of illness can make accurate diagnosis, and therefore appropriate drug prescription, more difficult in


elderly patients. Impairments of hearing and vision, dementia and depression can all compromise a patient's ability to communicate symptoms. Vague and multiple somatic symptoms, extremely common in the elderly, often represent psychic distress rather than physical illness.9 Interpretation of these symptoms for physical illness, or exacerbation of an underlying medical condition, can result in inappropriate drug treatment. Even when physical illnesses are present, they may be difficult to diagnose. Confusion, falls and urinary incontinence may be the presenting manifestations of a variety of treatable disorders; conditions such as hyperthyroidism and myocardial infarction may present with vague or nonspecific symptoms. As a result, treatable conditions can go unrecognized in this population.10"'1 Left unrecognized, these disorders will not only remain untreated but may be exacerbated by drug treatment, or may alter the success of drug treatment for another illness.



Changes Relevant to
Phar n2acologic Function

Age-Related Change

Decreased absorptive surface Absorption Decreased splanchnic blood flow Increased gastric pH Altered gastrointestinal motility Decreased lean body mass Distribution Decreased total body water Decreased serum albumin Increased fat Altered protein binding Decreased liver mass Hepatic metabolism Decreased liver blood flow Decreased enzyme activity and inducibility Decreased renal blood flow Renal excretion Decreased glomerular filtration rate Decreased tubular secretory function Alterations in Receptor sensitivity Receptor number Receptor affinity Second messenger function Cellular responses

Age-Related Biologic and Physiologic Changes Age-related changes occur in many biologic and physiologic functions." Table 1 lists several types of changes that can affect the pharmacology of many drugs. It is crucial to keep in mind two characteristics of changes that occur with age. First, the changes are gradual and occur over many years. Second, there is wide interindividual variation in the rate of these age-related changes. Thus, although advancing age is associated with the decline in many physiologic functions, the extent of decline in any individual person is difficult to predict. This is important to remember when prescribing drugs; applying average age-related changes in physiologic functions to a particular older patient can be misleading, and may result in overdosage, as well as underdosage, of many drugs. Absorption. As shown in Table 1, there are several age-related changes that could affect the absorption of dr-ugs in the elderly."3 Although several studies of drug absorption in this population have been carried out,14 none have shown clinically meaningful changes. Altered absorption of drugs, therefore, appears to be the least important of age-related changes in pharmacology. Distribution. Several changes related to age can affect the distribution of drugs. Alterations in blood flow, especially to the major sites of drug elimination (liver, kidney) can have important influences on drug kinetics and effects.'5 Changes
DECEMBER 1981 * 135 * 6

in body composition, such as increased fat and decreased extracellular fluid and lean body mass,10 can alter the concentration and kinetics of drugs that distribute in the various body compartments. Decline in serum albumin,'7 the major drug binding protein, can make more free drug available for pharmacologic action. The combination of lower serum albumin and polypharmacy may result in many adverse drug interactions-especially involving those drugs that are highly protein bound, such as salicylates, anticoagulants and orally given hypoglycemics. Hepatic Melabolism. Although there are no age-related changes in routine liver function tests, the liver's capacity to metabolize drugs is altered with increasing age. Because blood flow to the liver declines,'1 first-pass hepatic extraction and metabolism of orally administered drugs is diminished. The ability of environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking, to induce drug metabolizing enzymes decreases with age.18-20 Studies of agerelated changes in specific hepatic drug metabolic pathways, such as oxidation, hydroxylation and acetylation, have shown variable results.'4"2".22 The effects of aging on hepatic drug metabolism are therefore complex, dependent on several factors and often difficult to predict. Excretion. Several structural and functional changes occur in the kidney with increasing age23 that have important influences on the excretion of drugs and their active metabolites (Table 1). Because lean body mass declines with age, daily

TABLE 2.-Important Considerations in Prescribing for the Elderly*
Pharmacokinetic Considerations

Other Considerations

ANALGESICS Nonnarcotic


Aspirin may have longer duration of action and half-life may be prolonged at higher doses.
Morphine blood levels higher and duration





Penicillins (except nafcillin), aminoglycosides, cephalosporins. tetracyclines (except doxycycline) eliminated predominantly by kidney and may have prolonged half-lives and higher steady-state blood levels.

CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS Antiarrhythmics ..... Lidocaine has increased volume of distribution and prolonged half-life. Quinidine and procainamide have prolonged half-lives and higher steady-state blood levels.

Aspirin, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory and acetaminophen generally of equivalent efficacy; latter may be less toxic. Salicylate blood levels may be helpful. Lowxer doses of most narcotics may give adequate anailgesia and less central nervous system and respiratory depression. Aminoglycoside blood levels helpful. Isoniazid toxicity increases with age. IntravenoUs carbenicillin gives substantial sodium load. No change in toxicity or efficacy with protocols for lung, breast, colon.

Lidocaine, quinidine and procainamide blood levels helpful. Disopyramide may have prominent anticholiinergic effects, especially blurry vision and urinary retention. Lidocaine may cause confusion at high doses. Lower doses of warfarin needed for anticoagulation. Bleeding complications may be more frequent.


Other agents


Propranolol has prolonged half-life and higher blood levels. Metoprolol may have higher blood levels. Clonidine and methyldopa eliminated predominantly by kidney and may have pro longed half-life.



May have prolonged half-life and higher steady-state blood levels. Amitriptyline, imipramine and lithium have higher blood levels.

Sodium restriction and weight reduction be effective when practical. Elderly predisposed to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Thiazides and furosemide may exacerbate glucose tolerance. Potassium sparing agents (or supplementation) necessary in some (especially with digoxin), but may cause hyperkalemia in others. Propranolol often effective despite possible diminished sensitivity to cardiac effects. Incidence of adverse reactions higher, especially in patients with heart failure, bronchospasm, bradycardia or heart block, and those receiving hypoglycemic agents. Hydralazine may not cause reflex tachycardia but may exacerbate angina in some. Postural hypotension occurs in many even before therapy. Clonidine and prazosin usually do not cause postural hypotension with chronic therapy. Blood levels helpful. May not be efficacious in chronic stable heart failure with sinus rhythm.

PSYCHOACTIVE AGENTS Antidepressants ....

Desipramine has the least anticholinergic and sedative effects. All tricyclics can cause postural hypotension; should be used carefully when antihypertensives have been prescribed. Doxepin may have less cardiotoxicity. Tricyclic blood levels may be helpful.

*After Ouslander JG: Drug Therapy in the Elderly. Annals of Internal Medicine,




next page)



TABLE 2.-Important Considerations in Prescribing for the Elderly (Continued)


Pharmacokinetic Considerations

Other Considerations


Lithium blood levels important to avoid


Diazepam has prolonged half-life, especially in men. Oxazepam and lorazepam kinetics unchanged, and have shorter half-lives than other benzodiazepines.

Lower doses of phenothizines and haloperidol generally effective and safer. Complaints of sleep distturbance may represent age-related changes in sleep patterns. Nonpharmacologic measures often effective for sleep disturbances. Increased sensitivity to effects of diazepam. Flurazepanm more toxic in doses over 15 mg. Chloral hydrate generally safe and effective in doses up to 1 gram. Diphenhydramine may increase confusion in some.

OTHER DRUGS Aminophylline ......

Less needed by intravenous infusion for therapeutic blood levels; half-life may be prolonged. Cimetidine .......... Half-life may be prolonged and steady-state blood levels higher. Hypoglycemic agents . Eliminated predominantly by kidney (except chlorpropamide); tolbutamide has shortest half-life and may be cleared more rapidly; acetohexamide and tolazamide have intermediate duration of action (close to 24 hours). Levodopa

Blood levels helpful.



confusion at higher doses.

Chlorpropramide may cause hyponatremial and prolonged hypoglycemia and is not generally indicated.
Intermediate-acting drugs probably choice given once per day.

Phenytoin Thyroxine

...... ......

Steady-state blood levels may be higher. Metabolic clearance may be prolonged.

Routine doses may cause confusion and postulral hypotension. Blood levels helpful. Maintenance dose may be lower. Thyroid stimulating hormone level helpful in following response.

endogenous creatinine production declines. Serum creatinine may therefore be "normal" in an elderly person, and may not reflect a substantial decline in creatinine clearance. Glomerular filtration rate declines an average of 35 percent between the ages of 20 and 90.2- Formulae and nomograms have been developed to estimate true creatinine clearance in relation to age.' One such formula is shown below:
crentinine. ripqrq

( 140-age) X body wt (kg) 72 X serum creatinine

This result should be multiplied by 0.85 for

women. 26

This formula can be useful to determine initial doses of drugs that are eliminated predominantly by renal excretion (such as aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, digoxiii and procainamide). Because of the interindividual variation in these age-related changes, and factors such as dehydration and heart failure which are often present in ill elderly patients, determinations of creatinine
DECEMBER 1981 * 135 * 6

clearance and blood drug levels may be more useful when available. Receptor Sensitivity. It is often stated that old persons are more sensitive to drug effects. Recent studies of several drugs have shown age-related pharmacodynamic changes (altered drug effects that cannot be explained by pharmacokinetic changes). The elderly appear to be more sensitive than younger persons to the effects of given blood levels of diazepam27 and warfarin 28 yet less sensitive to the cardiac effects of isoproterenol and propranolol.2!} Although there are several potential mechanisms for these observations (Table 1), further research is necessary to more precisely define the underlying bases for these changes.

Pharmacology of Specific Drugs in the Elderly Numerous studies have documented changes in the pharmacokinetics of many drugs in the elderly. It is beyond the scope of this review to describe these studies in detail; the reader is referred to

several recent reviews and texts that discuss these studies in depth.'4'30-34 Despite the large number of studies that have been done, it is difficult to make specific recommendations as to how to alter drug dosages for individual elderly patients. .Several factors make the development of guidelines, such as those available for altering drug dosages in renal failure, very complex. These factors include the wide interindividual variation of age-related changes, the coexistence of multiple conditions, the variability of the clinical status of individual elderly patients and the technical difficulties involved in defining age-related pharmacokinetic changes.36 Table 2 and the discussion below briefly summarize pharmacologic information that is particularly relevant to the prescription of specific drugs for the elderly.
A nalgesics

Two antimicrobial agents may have special potential for adverse reactions in old persons. Intravenously administered carbenicillin delivers a substantial sodium load, and should be used carefully in patients with symptomatic congestive heart failure. Isoniazid hepatotoxicity increases with age and its use should be carefully evaluated and

Cancer Chemotherapy
A recent analysis of data from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group showed that toxicity from protocols for lung, breast and colon cancer does not increase in the elderly.39 This was true despite the lack of any dosage reductions; the regimens also were equally effective in the older
age groups.

Many elderly persons frequently complain of pain. It is important to attempt to differentiate pain from an inflammatory process from noninflammatory causes, because the former may respond more favorably to aspirin and nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs. These drugs are of generally equivalent efficacy; the half-life of aspirin is increased in older persons, and may be greatly increased at higher doses. Determinations of salicylate blood levels may be helpful when high doses are used. Acetominophen is safe in the elderly; it should be kept in mind that many patients with minor pain may benefit by nonpharmacologic treatments. Narcotic analgesics appear to give more pain relief, and may have prolonged duration of action, in older patients.37 These drugs can cause sedation, confusion and severe constipation (which can lead to fecal impaction and its attendant problems) in the elderly; the need for these drugs should be carefully assessed, therefore, and their use closely monitored.
A ntimicrobials Most antimicrobial drugs are eliminated predominantly by renal excretion (Table 2).. Agerelated changes in renal function should not influence the standard dosages of most of these drugs; aminoglycosides, because of their potential for ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity, should be used carefully. Blood level determinations may be useful when using these agents.

Cardiovascular Agents Antiarrhythmics. Arrhythmias are common in the elderly, but because of the potential toxicity of antiarrhythmic agents, the necessity for treatment should be carefully evaluated. Udocaine, quinidine and procainamide all have prolonged half-lives in the elderly; the latter two drugs also have higher steady-state blood levels.40 41 Blood levels of these agents can be helpful in monitoring therapy. Disopyramide can cause prominent anticholinergic side effects in these patients, such as urinary retention and blurry vision. Other newer antiarrhythmics have not been well studied in older persons. Antihypertenisives. The management of hypertension in the elderly remains controversial.42'43

Although data are scarce in the very old (older than 75), recent studies involving persons between 60 and 69 years of age indicate that hypertension remains an important risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality,"4 4 and that treatment may reduce this risk.46 Antihypertensives may, however, produce serious adverse reactions in the elderly. Diuretics may predispose to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, especially when an intercurrent illness decreases oral intake. They may also exacerbate urinary incontinence. Postural hypotension is common even without drugs, and may be exacerbated by most antihypertensive agents. This may lead to falls and their sequelae; lethargy, depression and confusion may also result from antihypertensive agents. ,3-Adrenergic blocking agents, although useful for hypertension as well as angina, must be used


carefully in the elderly. The incidence of adverse reactions is higher,"7 especially with chronic obstructive lung disease, congestive heart failure, bradycardia and concurrent hypoglycemic therapy. Although there is some evidence that old persons are less sensitive to the cardiac effects of propranolol,29 its metabolism is diminished, halflift prolonged and blood levels higher. 1948 The potential benefits of antihypertensive therapy must be carefully weighed against the possible adverse effects on the quality of life. Restrictive diets, although helpful in some, may be unpalatable and impractical for many elderly persons. The reader is referred to recent reviews for more detailed suggestions on the management of hypertension in this population.4243 Digoxin. Digoxin is one of the most frequently prescribed yet potentially toxic drugs in the elderly.7": Recent studies have suggested that persons with chronic heart failure in sinus rhythm can be safely withdrawn from therapy,4910 although this remains controversial."' Because of its potential toxicity, the necessity for this agent should be carefully evaluated (it should not be given for nonspecific symptoms alone, such as fatigue, dyspnea or lower extremity edema). Blood levels may be helpful in determining compliance and toxicity. Toxicity may be especially difficult to diagnose because the manifestations are often nonspecific (such as fatigue and weakness) .52

They must be used very carefully in older patients with underlying cardiovascular disease.;7 Many of these drugs (especially antipsychotic drugs such as haloperidol and thioridazine) can have prominent extrapyramidal side effects, and can exacerbate underlying Parkinson's disease and other gait disturbances in these patients. Although numerous drugs have been used to improve cognitive function in the elderly, none
have been shown in rigorously controlled studies to have substantial impact on daily functional capabilities. Until further research yields better drugs, these agents (which are often very expensive) should not replace careful evaluation and follow-up of cognitive impairment, and counseling of the patient and family. The reader is referred to recent comprehensive reviews that deal in depth with psychoactive drug use in the elderly.32'58

Other Drugs Important considerations for other commonly used drugs in the elderly, such as aminophylline, cimetadine and oral hypoglycemic agents are shown in Table 2.

Compliance is often a major obstacle to drug treatment in any population. Most studies show between a third and a half of patients will fail to comply with a medical regimen.59 Several factors make compliance an even more complex feature of drug prescribing in the elderly. Mild and chronic disorders that require prophylactic or suppressive therapy, and in which the consequences of stopping therapy may be delayed, lend themselves to noncompliance. Complex medical regimens, requiring several different medications and frequent doses, may also contribute to a higher incidence of noncompliance. All of these are common in the elderly population. In addition to the prevalence of mutiple chronic illnesses and the attendant need for complex drug regimens, a variety of physical, psychologic, social and economic barriers may impair an older patient's ability to comply. The average elderly person in this country spends more than $100 a year on prescription drugs,0 and these costs, usually not well covered by reimbursement plans, come out of an already fixed and limited income. Intellectual impairment, poor vision and diminished hearing may make patient education difficult, and prevent a patient

Psychoactive Drugs Despite considerable evidence that psychoactive drugs have enhanced toxicity in older persons, 3-55 they are commonly used in this population; 75 percent of nursing home residents receive at least one of these drugs and usually more.`'; Although the judicious use of these drugs can provide dramatic relief of the anxiety, agitation and depression so common in the elderly, it should be remembered that these symptoms may reflect underlying physical illness.8 Excessive sedation may result from many of these drugs, especially hypnotics such as flurazepam (when given in doses of 30 mg or more). Many of these agents have prominent anticholinergic effects (especially amitriptyline, doxepin, thorazine and thioridazine) and can cause confusion, blurry vision, urinary retention and constipation. Tricyclic antidepressants can cause postural hypotension (especially when added to an antihypertensive agent) and falls, as well as prolonged cardiac conduction.


* 6

from following instructions. Many older persons have cultural attitudes and beliefs that may make the process even- harder. Weakened, arthritic hands are often unable to open childproof containers, and this may be a problem in as many as 60 percent of elderly patients.61 Lack of transportation or fear of crime may prevent the elderly from reaching a physician or pharmacist. Many studies emphasize the need for careful supervision of elderly patients requiring long-term medication.'63 One of these showed that teaching a patient an individual drug regimen in the hospital may help identify and overcome problems with noncompliance.64 Instructional aids such as tablet identification cards and tear-off calendars have also been shown to improve compliance in these patients.64

helpful in making drug prescribing safer and more effective. Special emphasis is placed in these recommendations on careful evaluation of the need for, and monitoring of, drug treatment; as well as the nonpharmacologic and socioeconomic aspects of drug prescribing for this population. In many instances, the latter considerations are more important to the efficacy of such drug prescribing than age-related changes in drug pharmacology.

Many age-related biologic and physiologic changes can have important influences on drug pharmacology in elderly patients. Although numerous studies have been done, interindividual variation in the rates of age-related changes, differences in the clinical status of individual patients and technical difficulties in carrying out pharmacokinetic studies make it difficult to give specific recommendations for drug prescribing in older patients. Many socioeconomic and other nonpharmacologic factors have important influences on prescribing for this population. Several general recommendations have been presented which should be helpful in prescribing for the elderly. As we gain more experience caring for this rapidly growing segment of our population, we are sure to achieve new insights into the complex and challenging task of safe and effective drug prescribing.
REFERENCES 1. Nitham CJ, Parkhurst YE, Sommers EB: Physicians prescribing habits: Effects of Medicare. JAMA 217:585-587, 1971 2. Subcommittee on Aging and Subcommittee on Long Term Care-U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging: Drugs in Nursing Homes: Misuse, High Cost, and Kickbacks. Supporting Paper No. 2. Washington, DC, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976 3. Kane RL: latrogenesis: Just what the doctor ordered. J Community Healtlh 5:149-158, 1980 4. Steel K, Gertman PM, Crescenzi C, et al: latrogenic illness on a general medical service at a university hospital. N Engl J Med 304:638-642, 1981 5. Hurwitz M: Predisposing factors in adverse reactions to drugs. Br Med J 1:536-539, 1969 6. Seidel LG, Thornton GF, Smith JW, et al: Studies on the epidemiology of adverse drug reactions-I}I. Reactions in patients on a general medical service. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 119:299315, 1966 7. Williamson J, Chopin JM: Adverse reactions to prescribed drugs in the elderly: A multicentre investigation. Age Ageing 9: 73-80, 1980 8. Caranasos GJ, Stewart RB, Cluff LE: Drug-induced illness leading to hospitalization. JAMA 288:713-717, 1974 9. Salzman C, Shader RI: Clinical evaluation of depression in the elderly, In Raskin A, Jarvik LF (Eds): Psychiatric Symptoms and Cognitive Loss in the Elderly. New York, Hemisphere Publ Co, 1979, pp 39-72 10. Williams TF, Hill JG, Fairbank ME, et al: Appropriate placement of the chronically ill aged-A successful approach by evaluation. JAMA 226:1332-1335, 1973 11. Brocklehurst JC, Carty MH, Leeming JT, et al: Medical screening of old people accepted for residential care. Lancet 1: 141-142, 1978 12. Finch CE, Hayflick L (Eds): Handbook of the Biology of Aging. New Y'ork, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1977 13. Bender AD: Effect of aging on intestinal absorption: Implications for drug absorption in the elderly. J Amer Ger Soc 16:1331-1339, 1968

Although nomograms for specific dosage adjustments in the elderly have not been (and may never be) developed, there are several recommendations, shown in Table 3, that should be
TABLE 3.-General Recommendation for Prescribing for the Elderly*
* Evaluate elderly patients for previously undiagnosed and treatable conditions that may affect, or be affected by drug therapy. * Manage conditions without drugs as often as possible. * Avoid interactions between newly prescribed drugs, drugs already being taken and underlying conditions. * If there is any question about dosage, start with smaller doses and increase gradually. * For drugs or their active metabolites eliminated predominantly by the kidney, formulae can be used to approximate age-related decline in renal function, and dosages adjusted accordingly. * For drugs predominantly eliminated by hepatic metabolism, age-related changes are variable and difficult to predict in the absence of overt liver disease. * Blood levels can be helpful in monitoring several potentially toxic drugs frequently used in the elderly. * Individually tailor and simplify the drug regimen as much as possible. * Pay special attention to impaired intellect, poor vision and diminished hearing when educating the patient and labeling the prescriptions. * Help ensure compliance by asking if the patient has access to a pharmacy, can afford the prescription and can open the containers. * Make use of relatives, friends, visiting health professionals and local pharmacists in helping the patient to


* Monitor the patient frequently for compliance, drug effects and toxicity. *After Ouslander JG: Drug Therapy in the Elderly. Annals of
Internal Medicine, in press.



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