Max CA Obtained
Name College Roll Programme Name Paper Code Paper Name
Number Code Marks CA Marks
HUMANSHI JALAN 22075504001 22/0650 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
HUMANSHI JALAN 22075504001 22/0650 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
HUMANSHI JALAN 22075504001 22/0650 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
HUMANSHI JALAN 22075504001 22/0650 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
TANIYA SAXENA 22075504002 22/0413 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 20
TANIYA SAXENA 22075504002 22/0413 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
TANIYA SAXENA 22075504002 22/0413 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
TANIYA SAXENA 22075504002 22/0413 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
YASHIKA 22075504003 22/0604 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 37
YASHIKA 22075504003 22/0604 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
YASHIKA 22075504003 22/0604 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
HIMANI 22075504004 22/0660 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
HIMANI 22075504004 22/0660 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
HIMANI 22075504004 22/0660 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 25
HIMANI 22075504004 22/0660 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
BIRTY TERONPI 22075504005 22/1068 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 8
BIRTY TERONPI 22075504005 22/1068 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
BIRTY TERONPI 22075504005 22/1068 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
BIRTY TERONPI 22075504005 22/1068 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 28
SWATI 22075504006 22/0590 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 13
SWATI 22075504006 22/0590 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 31
SWATI 22075504006 22/0590 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
SWATI 22075504006 22/0590 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
KUSUM PRABHAT 22075504007 22/1031 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 29
KUSUM PRABHAT 22075504007 22/1031 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
KUSUM PRABHAT 22075504007 22/1031 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
KUSUM PRABHAT 22075504007 22/1031 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
SMITA 22075504008 22/0794 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 10
SMITA 22075504008 22/0794 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
SMITA 22075504008 22/0794 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 26
SMITA 22075504008 22/0794 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 25
SAANVI TANDON 22075504009 22/0512 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 23
SAANVI TANDON 22075504009 22/0512 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 30
SAANVI TANDON 22075504009 22/0512 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
SAANVI TANDON 22075504009 22/0512 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
HIMANSHI CHAUHAN 22075504010 22/0572 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 18
HIMANSHI CHAUHAN 22075504010 22/0572 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
HIMANSHI CHAUHAN 22075504010 22/0572 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
HIMANSHI CHAUHAN 22075504010 22/0572 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
TAMANNA KHURANA 22075504011 22/0523 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
TAMANNA KHURANA 22075504011 22/0523 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
TAMANNA KHURANA 22075504011 22/0523 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
TAMANNA KHURANA 22075504011 22/0523 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
MOKSHA GUPTA 22075504012 22/0973 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 21
MOKSHA GUPTA 22075504012 22/0973 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
MOKSHA GUPTA 22075504012 22/0973 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
MOKSHA GUPTA 22075504012 22/0973 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
AASTHA RANI YADAV 22075504013 22/0633 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
AASTHA RANI YADAV 22075504013 22/0633 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
AASTHA RANI YADAV 22075504013 22/0633 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
BHOOMI JAIN 22075504014 22/0324 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 34
BHOOMI JAIN 22075504014 22/0324 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
BHOOMI JAIN 22075504014 22/0324 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
BHOOMI JAIN 22075504014 22/0324 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
SNEHA KUMARI 22075504015 22/0954 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SNEHA KUMARI 22075504015 22/0954 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
SNEHA KUMARI 22075504015 22/0954 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
PAYAL 22075504016 22/0873 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 30
PAYAL 22075504016 22/0873 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
PAYAL 22075504016 22/0873 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
PAYAL 22075504016 22/0873 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
SHEETAL SHARMA 22075504017 22/0704 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 23
SHEETAL SHARMA 22075504017 22/0704 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
SHEETAL SHARMA 22075504017 22/0704 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
SHEETAL SHARMA 22075504017 22/0704 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
LASYA BANSAL 22075504018 22/0380 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 22
LASYA BANSAL 22075504018 22/0380 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 31
LASYA BANSAL 22075504018 22/0380 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
LASYA BANSAL 22075504018 22/0380 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
MUSKAN 22075504019 22/0992 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2324001202 INTRODUCTION TO THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION 40 32
MUSKAN 22075504019 22/0992 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
MUSKAN 22075504019 22/0992 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
MUSKAN 22075504019 22/0992 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
HARSHITA 22075504020 22/0606 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
HARSHITA 22075504020 22/0606 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
HARSHITA 22075504020 22/0606 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
NEELU TIWARI 22075504021 22/1192 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 27
NEELU TIWARI 22075504021 22/1192 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
NEELU TIWARI 22075504021 22/1192 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
NEELU TIWARI 22075504021 22/1192 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
DIYA JAIN 22075504022 22/1187 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
DIYA JAIN 22075504022 22/1187 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
DIYA JAIN 22075504022 22/1187 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
DIYA JAIN 22075504022 22/1187 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
DISHA GARG 22075504023 22/1021 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 28
DISHA GARG 22075504023 22/1021 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
DISHA GARG 22075504023 22/1021 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
DISHA GARG 22075504023 22/1021 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
PARUL RANA 22075504024 22/0934 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 30
PARUL RANA 22075504024 22/0934 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
PARUL RANA 22075504024 22/0934 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 24
PARUL RANA 22075504024 22/0934 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
HRISHITA KHATOR 22075504025 22/0426 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
HRISHITA KHATOR 22075504025 22/0426 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
HRISHITA KHATOR 22075504025 22/0426 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
HRISHITA KHATOR 22075504025 22/0426 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
TWINKLE 22075504026 22/0450 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 30
TWINKLE 22075504026 22/0450 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
TWINKLE 22075504026 22/0450 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
TWINKLE 22075504026 22/0450 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
MANSI RAJ 22075504028 22/0996 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 14
MANSI RAJ 22075504028 22/0996 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
MANSI RAJ 22075504028 22/0996 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 23
MANSI RAJ 22075504028 22/0996 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 28
ASTHA SINGH 22075504029 22/0504 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
ASTHA SINGH 22075504029 22/0504 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
ASTHA SINGH 22075504029 22/0504 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
ASTHA SINGH 22075504029 22/0504 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
PRIYANSHI GUPTA 22075504031 22/0469 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 25
PRIYANSHI GUPTA 22075504031 22/0469 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
PRIYANSHI GUPTA 22075504031 22/0469 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
PRIYANSHI GUPTA 22075504031 22/0469 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
MALA KUMARI 22075504032 22/0672 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
MALA KUMARI 22075504032 22/0672 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
MALA KUMARI 22075504032 22/0672 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
MANSI 22075504033 22/1107 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 27
MANSI 22075504033 22/1107 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
MANSI 22075504033 22/1107 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
MANSI 22075504033 22/1107 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
AROOBA ILAHI 22075504034 22/0862 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 8
AROOBA ILAHI 22075504034 22/0862 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
AROOBA ILAHI 22075504034 22/0862 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
AROOBA ILAHI 22075504034 22/0862 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
DEEPA KUMARI 22075504035 22/0313 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 11
DEEPA KUMARI 22075504035 22/0313 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 30
DEEPA KUMARI 22075504035 22/0313 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
DEEPA KUMARI 22075504035 22/0313 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
RIYA 22075504036 22/0861 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 28
RIYA 22075504036 22/0861 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
RIYA 22075504036 22/0861 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
RIYA 22075504036 22/0861 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
SHREYA SETH 22075504037 22/1163 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 37
SHREYA SETH 22075504037 22/1163 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SHREYA SETH 22075504037 22/1163 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
TANISHKA 22075504038 22/0692 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 13
TANISHKA 22075504038 22/0692 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
TANISHKA 22075504038 22/0692 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
TANISHKA 22075504038 22/0692 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
KHUSHI 22075504039 22/0719 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 30
KHUSHI 22075504039 22/0719 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
KHUSHI 22075504039 22/0719 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
KHUSHI 22075504039 22/0719 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
ANSHIKA SHARMA 22075504040 22/0517 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
ANSHIKA SHARMA 22075504040 22/0517 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
ANSHIKA SHARMA 22075504040 22/0517 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 17
ANSHIKA SHARMA 22075504040 22/0517 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
BHAVYA GAUR 22075504041 22/0377 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 28
BHAVYA GAUR 22075504041 22/0377 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
BHAVYA GAUR 22075504041 22/0377 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
BHAVYA GAUR 22075504041 22/0377 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
BHUMI GARG 22075504042 22/0394 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 28
BHUMI GARG 22075504042 22/0394 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
BHUMI GARG 22075504042 22/0394 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
BHUMI GARG 22075504042 22/0394 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
KAJAL 22075504044 22/1062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 36
KAJAL 22075504044 22/1062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 25
KAJAL 22075504044 22/1062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 29
PRATIKSHA DUBEY 22075504045 22/1215 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 33
PRATIKSHA DUBEY 22075504045 22/1215 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
PRATIKSHA DUBEY 22075504045 22/1215 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 25
ASHIMA DABLA 22075504046 22/1043 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 0
ASHIMA DABLA 22075504046 22/1043 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 0
ASHIMA DABLA 22075504046 22/1043 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 17
SHRUTI SINGH 22075504047 22/0327 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
SHRUTI SINGH 22075504047 22/0327 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
SHRUTI SINGH 22075504047 22/0327 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
SHRUTI SINGH 22075504047 22/0327 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
SAKSHI KUMARI 22075504048 22/0379 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 25
SAKSHI KUMARI 22075504048 22/0379 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
SAKSHI KUMARI 22075504048 22/0379 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SAKSHI KUMARI 22075504048 22/0379 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
SANYA SHARMA 22075504049 22/0455 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 30
SANYA SHARMA 22075504049 22/0455 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SANYA SHARMA 22075504049 22/0455 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SANYA SHARMA 22075504049 22/0455 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
MOMITA PAUL 22075504050 22/0393 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
MOMITA PAUL 22075504050 22/0393 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
MOMITA PAUL 22075504050 22/0393 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 27
NANDINI CHANANA 22075504051 22/0559 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
NANDINI CHANANA 22075504051 22/0559 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
NANDINI CHANANA 22075504051 22/0559 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
NANDINI CHANANA 22075504051 22/0559 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
ANUSHKA 22075504052 22/0864 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 29
ANUSHKA 22075504052 22/0864 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
ANUSHKA 22075504052 22/0864 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
ANUSHKA 22075504052 22/0864 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 28
SONI KUMARI 22075504053 22/0667 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SONI KUMARI 22075504053 22/0667 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
SONI KUMARI 22075504053 22/0667 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
SRISHTI GUPTA 22075504054 22/0331 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 27
SRISHTI GUPTA 22075504054 22/0331 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 34
SRISHTI GUPTA 22075504054 22/0331 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
SRISHTI GUPTA 22075504054 22/0331 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
RITIKA BANSAL 22075504055 22/0645 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
RITIKA BANSAL 22075504055 22/0645 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
RITIKA BANSAL 22075504055 22/0645 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
RITIKA BANSAL 22075504055 22/0645 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
SHAILENDRI 22075504056 22/0788 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2354001202 INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR ALGEBRA 40 34
SHAILENDRI 22075504056 22/0788 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SHAILENDRI 22075504056 22/0788 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
SHAILENDRI 22075504056 22/0788 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
SUMAN KUMARI 22075504057 22/1200 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 18
SUMAN KUMARI 22075504057 22/1200 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SUMAN KUMARI 22075504057 22/1200 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
SUMAN KUMARI 22075504057 22/1200 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
RADHIKA DUBEY 22075504058 22/0778 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
RADHIKA DUBEY 22075504058 22/0778 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 10
RADHIKA DUBEY 22075504058 22/0778 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 25
ARPITA PATRO 22075504059 22/0391 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 25
ARPITA PATRO 22075504059 22/0391 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
ARPITA PATRO 22075504059 22/0391 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
ARPITA PATRO 22075504059 22/0391 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
MEGHA 22075504060 22/0306 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 26
MEGHA 22075504060 22/0306 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 28
MEGHA 22075504060 22/0306 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
MEGHA 22075504060 22/0306 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
MEHAK 22075504061 22/0775 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 10
MEHAK 22075504061 22/0775 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
MEHAK 22075504061 22/0775 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
MEHAK 22075504061 22/0775 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
JYOTI RAWAT 22075504062 22/0860 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
JYOTI RAWAT 22075504062 22/0860 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
JYOTI RAWAT 22075504062 22/0860 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
DRISTY SINGH 22075504063 22/0343 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
DRISTY SINGH 22075504063 22/0343 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
DRISTY SINGH 22075504063 22/0343 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
KASHISH KUMARI 22075504064 22/0442 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
KASHISH KUMARI 22075504064 22/0442 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 30
KASHISH KUMARI 22075504064 22/0442 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 10
KASHISH KUMARI 22075504064 22/0442 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 25
SANSKRITI GUPTA 22075504065 22/0640 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
SANSKRITI GUPTA 22075504065 22/0640 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SANSKRITI GUPTA 22075504065 22/0640 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
SANSKRITI GUPTA 22075504065 22/0640 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
KHUSHI PRATIHAR 22075504066 22/0437 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
KHUSHI PRATIHAR 22075504066 22/0437 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
KHUSHI PRATIHAR 22075504066 22/0437 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
VRISHTI GOEL 22075504067 22/0028 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2314001202 HISTORY AND CULTURE: REPRESENTATIONS IN TEXTS, OBJECTS AND PERFORMANCE HISOTRIES 40 23
VRISHTI GOEL 22075504067 22/0028 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 33
VRISHTI GOEL 22075504067 22/0028 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
VRISHTI GOEL 22075504067 22/0028 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 35
ITISHA BHANDARI 22075504068 22/0383 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 25
ITISHA BHANDARI 22075504068 22/0383 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
ITISHA BHANDARI 22075504068 22/0383 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
ITISHA BHANDARI 22075504068 22/0383 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
SHIKHA GOEL 22075504069 22/0319 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 0
SHIKHA GOEL 22075504069 22/0319 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
SHIKHA GOEL 22075504069 22/0319 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SHIKHA GOEL 22075504069 22/0319 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
LAKSHITA 22075504070 22/0446 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 12
LAKSHITA 22075504070 22/0446 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
LAKSHITA 22075504070 22/0446 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
LAKSHITA 22075504070 22/0446 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
JYOTI KASHYAP 22075504071 22/0829 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
JYOTI KASHYAP 22075504071 22/0829 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
JYOTI KASHYAP 22075504071 22/0829 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
SANSKRITI KUMARI 22075504072 22/1007 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
SANSKRITI KUMARI 22075504072 22/1007 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
SANSKRITI KUMARI 22075504072 22/1007 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
AMRITA KUMARI 22075504073 22/0418 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 19
AMRITA KUMARI 22075504073 22/0418 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 30
AMRITA KUMARI 22075504073 22/0418 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 25
AMRITA KUMARI 22075504073 22/0418 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
SHRADDHA JOSHI 22075504074 22/0119 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
SHRADDHA JOSHI 22075504074 22/0119 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
SHRADDHA JOSHI 22075504074 22/0119 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SHRADDHA JOSHI 22075504074 22/0119 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
NISHTHA ANAND 22075504075 22/0075 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
NISHTHA ANAND 22075504075 22/0075 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
NISHTHA ANAND 22075504075 22/0075 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
NISHTHA ANAND 22075504075 22/0075 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
RISHU PANDEY 22075504076 22/0062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 24
RISHU PANDEY 22075504076 22/0062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
RISHU PANDEY 22075504076 22/0062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 26
RISHU PANDEY 22075504076 22/0062 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 38
KANAK GUPTA 22075504077 22/1116 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 35
KANAK GUPTA 22075504077 22/1116 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
KANAK GUPTA 22075504077 22/1116 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
KANAK GUPTA 22075504077 22/1116 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
MAHI SHARMA 22075504078 22/0443 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 8
MAHI SHARMA 22075504078 22/0443 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
MAHI SHARMA 22075504078 22/0443 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
MAHI SHARMA 22075504078 22/0443 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
MUSKAN MITTAL 22075504080 22/0773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 29
MUSKAN MITTAL 22075504080 22/0773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
MUSKAN MITTAL 22075504080 22/0773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
MUSKAN MITTAL 22075504080 22/0773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
SHWETA SAINI 22075504081 22/1026 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SHWETA SAINI 22075504081 22/1026 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
SHWETA SAINI 22075504081 22/1026 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
NAINA SINGH 22075504082 22/1146 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 29
NAINA SINGH 22075504082 22/1146 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 25
NAINA SINGH 22075504082 22/1146 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 26
NAINA SINGH 22075504082 22/1146 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
ISHITA BEHL 22075504083 22/0242 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 28
ISHITA BEHL 22075504083 22/0242 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
ISHITA BEHL 22075504083 22/0242 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
ISHITA BEHL 22075504083 22/0242 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
SURAMYA SHRIVASTAVA 22075504084 22/0033 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 28
SURAMYA SHRIVASTAVA 22075504084 22/0033 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SURAMYA SHRIVASTAVA 22075504084 22/0033 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SURAMYA SHRIVASTAVA 22075504084 22/0033 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
NEHA VISHWAKARMA 22075504085 22/1226 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 25
NEHA VISHWAKARMA 22075504085 22/1226 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
NEHA VISHWAKARMA 22075504085 22/1226 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
NEHA VISHWAKARMA 22075504085 22/1226 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 28
RAJNANDINI 22075504086 22/1447 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 11
RAJNANDINI 22075504086 22/1447 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
RAJNANDINI 22075504086 22/1447 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
RAJNANDINI 22075504086 22/1447 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 33
PRITY KUMARI 22075504088 22/1440 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2314001202 HISTORY AND CULTURE: REPRESENTATIONS IN TEXTS, OBJECTS AND PERFORMANCE HISOTRIES 40 20
PRITY KUMARI 22075504088 22/1440 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 38
PRITY KUMARI 22075504088 22/1440 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 31
PRITY KUMARI 22075504088 22/1440 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
Shruti jaiswal 22075504089 22/1479 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 0
Shruti jaiswal 22075504089 22/1479 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 0
Shruti jaiswal 22075504089 22/1479 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 0
Shruti jaiswal 22075504089 22/1479 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 0
AISHWARYA SHARMA 22075504090 22/1322 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
AISHWARYA SHARMA 22075504090 22/1322 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
AISHWARYA SHARMA 22075504090 22/1322 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 34
AARJU 22075504092 22/1466 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 27
AARJU 22075504092 22/1466 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
AARJU 22075504092 22/1466 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 26
AARJU 22075504092 22/1466 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 29
NANDANI RAJ 22075504093 22/1309 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 30
NANDANI RAJ 22075504093 22/1309 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 39
NANDANI RAJ 22075504093 22/1309 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 28
NANDANI RAJ 22075504093 22/1309 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 28
SHWETA 22075504094 22/1438 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2314001203 INDIAN SOCIETY: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 40 31
SHWETA 22075504094 22/1438 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
SHWETA 22075504094 22/1438 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 27
SHWETA 22075504094 22/1438 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
DIKSHA GANGWAR 22075504095 22/1337 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 12
DIKSHA GANGWAR 22075504095 22/1337 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
DIKSHA GANGWAR 22075504095 22/1337 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
DIKSHA GANGWAR 22075504095 22/1337 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
ANJALI KUMARI 22075504097 22/1390 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 12
ANJALI KUMARI 22075504097 22/1390 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
ANJALI KUMARI 22075504097 22/1390 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
ANJALI KUMARI 22075504097 22/1390 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 32
VANSHIKA SINGHAL 22075504098 22/1548 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
VANSHIKA SINGHAL 22075504098 22/1548 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
VANSHIKA SINGHAL 22075504098 22/1548 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
VANSHIKA SINGHAL 22075504098 22/1548 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
SNEHA 22075504099 22/1505 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 27
SNEHA 22075504099 22/1505 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 32
SNEHA 22075504099 22/1505 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 8
SNEHA 22075504099 22/1505 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 20
KASHISH 22075504100 22/1599 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 34
KASHISH 22075504100 22/1599 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
KASHISH 22075504100 22/1599 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 29
HARSHITA GERA 22075504101 22/1573 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
HARSHITA GERA 22075504101 22/1573 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
HARSHITA GERA 22075504101 22/1573 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 33
HARSHITA GERA 22075504101 22/1573 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
KHUSHI KUMARI 22075504102 22/0742 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 3
KHUSHI KUMARI 22075504102 22/0742 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
KHUSHI KUMARI 22075504102 22/0742 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
KHUSHI KUMARI 22075504102 22/0742 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30
SUPRIYA KUMARI GIRI 22075504103 22/1603 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 13
SUPRIYA KUMARI GIRI 22075504103 22/1603 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SUPRIYA KUMARI GIRI 22075504103 22/1603 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
SUPRIYA KUMARI GIRI 22075504103 22/1603 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 29
GRACY RANA 22075504104 22/1557 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 0
GRACY RANA 22075504104 22/1557 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 0
GRACY RANA 22075504104 22/1557 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 0
GRACY RANA 22075504104 22/1557 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 0
KUMARI NEHA 22075504105 22/1521 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 29
KUMARI NEHA 22075504105 22/1521 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
KUMARI NEHA 22075504105 22/1521 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
KUMARI NEHA 22075504105 22/1521 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 40
SUMEDHA BHARDWAJ 22075504106 22/1678 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 32
SUMEDHA BHARDWAJ 22075504106 22/1678 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SUMEDHA BHARDWAJ 22075504106 22/1678 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
SUMEDHA BHARDWAJ 22075504106 22/1678 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
ANJUM GUPTA 22075504107 22/1705 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2104001201 ART AND FILM APPRECIATION 40 17
ANJUM GUPTA 22075504107 22/1705 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
ANJUM GUPTA 22075504107 22/1705 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
ANJUM GUPTA 22075504107 22/1705 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 39
DISHA CHAUDHARY 22075504108 22/1690 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
DISHA CHAUDHARY 22075504108 22/1690 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
DISHA CHAUDHARY 22075504108 22/1690 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 37
ADITI GULLAYIA 22075504109 22/1653 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001210 INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 40 29
ADITI GULLAYIA 22075504109 22/1653 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
ADITI GULLAYIA 22075504109 22/1653 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
ADITI GULLAYIA 22075504109 22/1653 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 36
SAMRIDHI TANEJA 22075504110 22/1664 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 19
SAMRIDHI TANEJA 22075504110 22/1664 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
SAMRIDHI TANEJA 22075504110 22/1664 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 34
SAMRIDHI TANEJA 22075504110 22/1664 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 38
TANISHKA JAIN 22075504111 22/1805 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2034001209 LIFE AND LITERATURE 40 14
TANISHKA JAIN 22075504111 22/1805 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 40
TANISHKA JAIN 22075504111 22/1805 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 30
TANISHKA JAIN 22075504111 22/1805 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 31
SHEETAL 22075504112 22/1773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2274001201 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS 1 40 33
SHEETAL 22075504112 22/1773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 35
SHEETAL 22075504112 22/1773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 32
SHEETAL 22075504112 22/1773 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 29
TANISHQA TIWARI 22075504113 22/1817 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2314001203 INDIAN SOCIETY: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 40 34
TANISHQA TIWARI 22075504113 22/1817 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081201 CORPORATE ACCOUNTING 40 28
TANISHQA TIWARI 22075504113 22/1817 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081202 COMPANY LAW 40 29
TANISHQA TIWARI 22075504113 22/1817 22504 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours Course) 2412081203 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 40 30