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GASES AND KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY POSTULATE 2: The collision of gas particles is elastic.
When gas particles collide, no energy is lost or gained
between them, and the total kinetic energy of the
 Are generally invisible matter that occupies particles remains constant.
nearly all spaces in the environment.
POSTULATE 3: The average kinetic energy of gas
PROPERTIES OF GAS: particles is directly proportional to their absolute
1. Gas particles come in the form of atoms or temperature (kelvin). The higher the temperature of the
molecules. gas molecules, the greater is their average kinetic
2. Gases match the shape and volume of their energy.
3. The distance among gas particles are larger than POSTULATE 4: The intermolecular forces among gas
the distances among particles of liquid and particles are negligible. Any attractive or repulsive
solid. forces arising among the particles when they interact
4. Gas particles are highly compressible. are immensely weak and unable to hold them together.
5. Gas particles move free, constant, and random
motion. POSTULATE 5: The volume of gas particles are negligible
6. Intermolecular forces among gas particles are relative to the volume of their container in the other
weak and negligible. words, the volume of gas depends on how much space
7. Gases act upon changes in temperature. the gas particles occupy within the container.
8. Gas particles diffuse or spread out.


 Define the properties of gas and relate gases THE GAS LAW
with heat and kinetic energy.
RUDOLF CLAUSIUS, JAMES CLERK MAXWELL, LUDWIG 4 measurable properties of gases:
 They conducted researches and experiments - Defined as the force exerted over a given
that related the motion of gases with the area.
concepts of heat and kinetic energy. - Standard unit of pressure is atmospheric
 Through their experimentation, they discovered pressure or atm.
how temperature affected the kinetic energy of - Other units of pressure:
gas particles, highlighting in particular the  Pascals (Pa)
interactions among the molecules, the speed of  Kilopascals (kPa)
motion, and their distribution within a given  Torr
space.  Millimeter of mercury (mmHg)
POSTULATES THAT SERVE AS BASES FOR THE  Pounds per square inch (psi)
PROPERTIES OF GASES: The standard equivalents of 1 atm are the following:
1 atm = 101 325 Pa
POSTULATE 1: Gas particles move continuously in = 101.325 kPa
random, linear motion and collide with each other or = 760 torr
with the container’s walls. The atoms and molecules of = 760 mmHg
gases drift at a constant rate towards one direction psi
until they undergo collision, which changes the direction
of their motion.

- The measurement of the kinetic energy of  Jacques Charles (1746-1823)
the gas particles.  States that volume is directly proportional to
- Standard unit for temperature is Kelvin or K the temperature at constant pressure.
- Other units of temperature:  A gas expands when its temperature increases.
 Degrees Celsius = C It contracts when temperature decreases.
 Degrees Fahrenheit = F  Charles’ law states that given a fixed amount of
- absolute zero (0 kelvin) is equivalent to (- gas with constant pressure, the volume is
273.15 C) directly proportional to its absolute
The standard freezing temperature of 0 C is  Charles’ law expressed as:
equivalent to 273.15 K
- Conversion:
 K = C + 273
 C = K – 273
- Refers to the amount of space occupied by  Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850)
the gas particles.  Pressure is directly proportional to temperature
- The standard unit for volume is liter or L  Gay-lussac’s law is expressed as:
- The amount of gas is measured in relation
to the volume of particles at a specific
temperature and pressure.
- The standard unit for the amount of gas is AVOGADRO’S LAW
the mole or mol  States that equal volume of different gases with
the same temperature and pressure contain
GAS LAWS equal numbers of moles.
 Volume is directly proportional to amount of
 Robert Boyle (1627-1691)  Avogadro’s law is expressed as:
 Boyle’s law states that the pressure is inversely
proportional to the volume at constant
 When volume increases, pressure decreases.
When the volume decreases, pressure COMBINED GAS LAW
increases.  Combines the first three gas laws: boyle’s,
 Boyle’s law states that at constant temperature, charles’, and gay-lussac’s law.
the volume of a fixed amount of gas is inversely  States the ratio between the pressure and
proportional to its pressure. temperature of gases is directly proportional to
the volume of the gas.
 Combined gas law is expressed as:

Pi= initial pressure

Pf= final pressure
Vi= initial volume
Vf=final volume IDEAL GAS LAW
 Relates the pressure, temperature, volume and
amount of a gas.
 The ideal gas constant at standard temperature
and pressure (STP) is 0.0821 L-atm/mol-K
 The ideal gas law is expressed as:

Ideal gases have no definite Real gases have definite

volume volume
All ideal gases are assumed to Real gases may undergo non-
undergo elastic particle elastic collision
Intermolecular forces are The intermolecular forces
absent or negligible among real gas particles are
taken into account
They are considered as Real gases exist in the
hypothetical gases environment
the volume occupied by ideal The volume occupied by real
gas molecule is negligible in gas molecule is significant in
relation to the volume relation to the volume
occupied by a gas as a whole occupied by a gas as a whole.
and the container
Ideal gases are independent or Real gases interact and mix
separate from other gases with each other
ideal gases obey gas laws Real gases obeys gas laws only
under all temperature and to low pressure and high
pressure conditions temperature
Ideal gas obeys the ideal gas Real gas obeys the van der
equation Waals equation

In which indicates the strength

of attraction among gas
particles, and b represents the
atomic or molecular size

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