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Master’s Degree in Mechatronic Engineering

Master’s Degree Thesis



Supervisor: Candidate:

Prof. Alessandro RIZZO Riccardo TANONI

Corporate Tutor:

Ing. Tommaso ANTINORI

Nowadays, vocal control features are widely diffused in our everyday life.

The aim of this thesis is to implement a simple vocal control interface to pilot an
industrial top-entry cartesian Robot throughout its simplest actions.

This specific treatise is divided in the following main parts:

1. Introduction, problem declaration and proposed solution

2. Brief notes on industrial Robots’ typologies, with particular emphasis on

cartesian ones (used for this project)

3. Modifications made on the Robot’ main code and relative working test on real
Robot simulator

4. Modbus protocol migration on Microcontroller (Arduino board) and vocal

control adaptation for the chosen hardware

5. Real circuit building and final code assembling

6. Final working tests on both software and hardware

7. Conclusions and potential future applications

The final results showed that, with the right customization, it is possible to let an
industrial Robot perform some basic actions through simple vocal commands: precise
range movements, entering in specific modes, Stop and Reset actions performing.

Even if the subject topic was treated in an academic way, the possible future
applications are many and the possibility to connect such machines to A.I. vocal
assistants is very concrete.

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... II

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................ IV

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 SMART INDUSTRY 4.0 ....................................................................................................................1

1.2 PROBLEM DECLARATION AND PROPOSED SOLUTION ..................................................................2

INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS .......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 TYPOLOGIES OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS ...........................................................................................5

2.2 CARTESIAN ROBOTS ....................................................................................................................11

2.3 “CAMPETELLA” RHEA PRIME ROBOT ..........................................................................................14

DEVELOPED PROJECT ........................................................................................................................ 16

3.1 TASK MODIFICATION FOR ROBOT AXIAL CONTROL ....................................................................16

3.2 WORKING TEST ON REAL ROBOT SIMULATOR ............................................................................19

3.3 MODBUS PROTOCOL ...................................................................................................................23

3.4 MODBUS PROTOCOL ON MICROCONTROLLER ...........................................................................25

3.5 VOCAL CONTROL SETTINGS ON MICROCONTROLLER .................................................................32

3.6 VOCAL CONTROL MOBILE APP BUILD .........................................................................................34

REAL IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................... 37

4.1 REAL CONFIGURATION BUILDING ...............................................................................................37

4.2 FINAL CODE ASSEMBLING ...........................................................................................................40

FINAL TESTS ...................................................................................................................................... 47

5.1 FINAL CODE WORKING TEST .......................................................................................................47

5.2 CIRCUIT AND MOBILE APP WORKING TEST .................................................................................51

5.3 FINAL TESTS AND RESULTS WITH REAL ROBOT ...........................................................................53

CONCLUSIONS AND POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS ................................................................................... 55

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................. 57

APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................................... 59


Heartfelt thanks to:

• “Campetella Robotic Center S.R.L.” for the opportunity to have seen

and lived such a complex industrial environment, as well as all the
material and instruments granted me to carry out this project

• My corporate tutor: Tommaso Antinori, for the big help and the
precious cooperation

• My thesis supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Rizzo, for having accepted

and helped me

Chapter 1



The past few decades were characterized by the improvement of the so called “Smart
Industry” (or Industry 4.0) that brought rapid changes to technological sectors and
industrial environments, due to the large amount of inter-connectivity and
smart features that characterized the 21st century. The most touched aspects were
surely A.I. (artificial intelligence) and Robotics, through which A.I. can interact with the
real world. The automation of traditional manufacture has undergone many changes,
with the introduction of smart-technology, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connections
and Internet-of-Things (IoT), but one of the most diffused aspects was the
implementation of vocal control (vocal assistants A.I.) over almost every feature of
modern technology. The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” favored the development of
the Smart Factory based on technical aspects, such as cyber-physical systems
communicating within each-other using the IoT and many other services. [1]

With the increase of these modern technologies, the need of developing more up-to-
date solutions accordingly grew and affected every aspect of our everyday life:
correlated studying fields were integrated to create new solutions, with their utmost
expression in A.I. and Robotics. In particular, modern Robots played a crucial role
regarding our technological development, mostly for their ability to perform
“unhuman” tasks in terms of safety, fast response and accuracy. [2]

For this reason, many modern industries’ employees had to adapt their skills, not
anymore to manufacture, but to tasks such as Robots programming, management and
adaptation to the production process: from one side, the information flow is carried
out within machines; from the other, such information support company management
systems, in increasing the efficiency of production. It is therefore important to develop
a flexible arrangement for the production system that will adapt to customer needs in
continuous changing with the chance of the system future use anticipation. In a close


future, specific systems which are already been used for years in industrial
environments may lead to an industrial Robot programming developing, to simplify the
cooperation within workstation operators and machines, with the possibility of
creating flexible programs that allow the interaction between operator and Robots,
using natural solutions like movements or voice: these tools are already used in
different fields, not just like industrial applications, but also in transportations and
home automation. [3]


This thesis has the goal to investigate the developing, implementing and finally
controlling of an industrial Top-Entry Cartesian Robot using an Android Vocal App and
an Arduino microcontroller: very cheap and with a simple open-source
programmability. Taking in consideration the Cartesian Robot characteristics, for an
industrial application it is important to respect:

• Safety

In an industrial environment, workers’ safety is the most important aspect. In

general, modern industrial Robots must respect very restrictive safety rules,
however the latter are at-times not enough to prevent a possible dangerous
situation. Vocal commands can therefore add a higher level of safety, avoiding
human personnel to physically interact with those systems, using a more
immediate method like the voice.

• Fast Response

Vocal control in industries environments needs a very fast response. For this
implementation, the Google Assistant already included in Android OS devices is
chosen and the time required from the App to acquire the pronounced word,
interpretate it, convert it and send it to the Robot is unfortunately not


• Accuracy

To substitute the manual work performed by a man, high accuracy is required:

cartesian Robots are the most accurate Robots in industrial environments and
the implemented solution will maintain this feature, acting directly on
brushless motors (and therefore on drivers) that can perform very precise
millimetric movements. To make this configuration adaptable to different
industrial settlements, a common open-source microcontroller was selected to
connect the voice-interpreting device to the main Robot Control Unit.

Tests results and Robot behaviors will be discussed at the end of this treatise.

To implement a proper hardware solution, the Open-Source Arduino Mega Board were
selected, because it is very easy to find and widely diffused in every ambit.
The use of an Ethernet Shield and of a Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver was necessary
to connect the control board to the Robot Control Unit and to ensure the correct data
exchange between Client (microcontroller) and Server (Robot).

For this specific solution, the Robot can be controlled through the following

• Movements. The selected basic movement actions were chosen as follow:

– "Upwards" and "Downwards" = movements along y-axis

– "Leftwards" and "Rightwards" = movements along z-axis
– "Frontwards" and "Backwards" = movements along x-axis
these are the six possible moving actions that the Robot (via brushless motors)
can perform along x, y, z coordinates.

• Modes. The selected Modes, in which the Robot can enter, were chosen as follow:

– "STOP" = the Robot performs a Stop action, ending any movements or

previous commands
– "JOG" = the Robot enters in Jog Mode, free to move in every direction


– "TEACH" = the Robot enters in Teach Mode, ready to memorize informations

about the new aim-point to reach
– "STEP" = the Robot enters in Step Mode, performing one-by-one movements
– "AUTO" = the Robot enters in Automatic Mode, performing the entire cycle
by itself

The chosen circuit configuration is the sequent:

Figure 1.1: Final Circuit Configuration

Figure 1.2: Arduino Mega Schematic

Chapter 2



Nowadays Robots are widely diffused in almost every technological field: the most
common are industries, space investigation, military applications and medical
assistance. They are used for different tasks such as: welding, painting,
assembling/disassembling, pick-and-place (PCB), products inspection, and different
testing. [4] In this thesis, only Industrial Robots will be treated, with particular
emphasis on the typology used to develop the project: Cartesian Robots. Industrial
Robots are developed, assembled and controlled by algorithms and programs installed
in computers or controlling devices: they are classified depending on artificial
intelligence complexity, structural characteristics, applications and operating skills. The
rigid structures able to move are called links and the joints can be divided in two
groups: revolute joints (or hinges) and prismatic joints (or sliding joints). [5]

It is possible to divide industrial Robots in six main typologies:

• Cartesian Coordinate Robots: better treated in the next paragraph.

Figure 2.1: Cartesian Robot


• Articulated (or Anthropomorphic) Robots: they consist of three fixed axes

linked to a revolving base. Configuring links and joints in specific ways, almost
every point of the workspace can be reached: considering distances and angles,
it is possible to characterize each of these reachable points.

Figure 2.2: Articulated Robot Scheme

The most diffused example of articulated Robot is surly the Robotic Arm
(Anthropomorphic) configuration: having more joints (normally six), its
workspace dimension is wider but, due to different payloads and non-linear
behaviors, the operating speed is quite limited. [6]

Figure 2.3: Articulated Robot


• Cylindrical Coordinate Robots: they consist of two prismatic joints and a

rotatory one, forming a cylindrical workspace. A horizontal arm is mounted on
a vertically moving cartage and both are connected to a revolving base: so, each
reachable point can be represented by a cylindrical coordinates system. [7]

Figure 2.4: Cylindrical Robot Scheme

In this configuration, the Robot is able to move frontward and backwards along
𝑧 axis, upwards and downwards along 𝑦 axis and to rotate according to 𝜃 angle.

Figure 2.5: Cylindrical Robot


• Spherical (or Polar) Coordinate Robots: they consist of two moving joints (at
least) and a fixed one: their size is very big and they present a telescopic arm,
to perform movements such as base rotation, arm angular inclination and end-
effector slide. [9]

Figure 2.6: Polar Robot Scheme

They are commonly used for welding, die-casting, plastic injection and
extrusion due to their specific orientation in the spherical sector workspace,
including two concentric hemispheres: an inner one, reachable when the arm
is completely retracted and an outer one, reachable when the arm is
completely extended. [10]

Figure 2.7: Polar Robot


• SCARA Robots: acronym of “Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm”, they

consist of two parallel rotatory joints and a prismatic one: the first ones
performing movements along the horizontal plane and the second one along
the vertical plane. [7]

Figure 2.8: SCARA Robot Scheme

They are widely used for high-speed applications, with a cycle characterized by
repetitive movements (point-to-point) such as assembling operations: a
peculiar characteristic is that they are weaker about 𝑥 and 𝑦 axes and stronger
about the z axis. [11]

Figure 2.9: SCARA Robot


• Delta (Parallel Link) Robots: they consist of a fixed basement connected to its
parallelogram linkage systems (4 bars): the end-effector must be composed by
at least two chains, each one having a minimum of one actuator (one per each
end-effector degree of freedom). [12]

Figure 2.10: Delta Robot

Due to their highest configurations, such industrial Robots can move objects up
to 6 degrees of freedom (DoF), determined by 3 translational (3T) and 3
rotational (3R) coordinates for a complete 3T-3R mobility. Anyway, in many
cases, manipulation tasks require less than 6 degrees of freedom: it is so
possible to use lower mobility manipulators that may bring advantages in terms
of architecture, control, motions and costs. [4]

Figure 2.11: Six Degrees of Freedom 3-D Schematic



• What Cartesian Robots are?

Cartesian coordinate geometry is an optimal method to map 3-Dimensional space
in a simple, understandable numerical system composed by three coordinate axes
(perpendicular to each other) that cross in the so-called “origin”: any point in the
3-Dimensional space is characterized by three numbers (x, y, z).

Mechatronic Robots that use linear axes to move along are called Cartesian Robots,
Linear Robots, or Gantry Robots: they have an overall part that controls the motion
along the horizontal plane and a Robotic Arm that performs vertical motions. They
can move along x-y plane or x-y-z plane. The Robotic Arm presents an end-effector
(generally a mechanical tool) attached on its end, depending on the function they
are used for. [13]

• Characteristics and Functionalities

Cartesian Robots can only move through linear motions, controlled by servomotor
drives. The drive system can be:

• Belt driven
• Cable driven
• Screw driven
• Pneumatic driven
• rack-and-pinion driven
• linear-motor driven
The very big advantage of Cartesian Robots is that they are very easy to program,
having only linear motions to be controlled: due to that, complex arrays of PLCs
and microchips are not necessary.

Compared to other typologies, Cartesian Robots have a higher payload carrying

capacity that, combined with lower costs and simple programming, makes them
suitable for a large variety of industrial applications. The linear Robots’ movements
range can also be extended by adding compatible modules, making them longer in
an industrial life and much more versatile.


Having no need to arrange rotary motion, they are also characterized by a high level
of accuracy and precision (with respect of other typologies): their tolerances are in
the range of micrometers (μm), while others normally are in the range of
millimeters (mm). [13]

Figure 2.12: Cartesian Robot Scheme

The linear movements performed by the Cartesian Robot can be expressed by the
following expression:

Where 𝑞𝜖ℝ𝑛×1 is the joints vector. The movements performable by the end-
effector to reach a specific point can be expressed by the following expression:

Where 𝑞𝑑 is the joints vector of this reachable point and 𝑞̃ i = 𝑞𝑑i – 𝑞I is the
end-effector final positions vector. [14]


• Most Common Applications

Cartesian Robots are suitable for many applications in the industrial sector.

The most diffused are:

o PICK AND PLACE: The Robotic arm can identify different components
through a vision device and pick these objects, then sorting them into
different bins.

o PROCESS-TO-PROCESS TRANSFER: Using Dual-Drive linear Robots it is

possible to transfer goods from a place to another: for that, time-
synchronization systems can be used, depending on the process.

o ASSEMBLING SYSTEM: Assembling a product’s parts, when same steps

must be repeated many times, Cartesian Robots can be widely used to
automate such tasks.

o PRECISION SPOT WELDING: In specific manufacturing processes a

precise welding is often required: with their welding arms modules
Cartesian Robots can accurately achieve it among microscopic (μm)
locations on the work plane.

o PALLETAZING AND DEPALLETAZING: Cartesian Robots are also useful to

automatically both placing and taking products on and from pallets to
easily transport goods throughout all the process chain.

o CNC MACHINE TOOLING: Computerized numerical control-based

machines are widely used to make specific products, depending on the
designs made through engineering software. [13]



For the development and testing of the project, we used the model “RHEA PRIME”
from “Campetella Robotic Center S.R.L”, that is equipped with three servo-guided
electric axes:

Figure 2.13: “Campetella” Rhea Prime Robot

It is characterized by:

• Co n f igu rab le ve rt ical axis o f th e A - t ype

• Z axis st ro ke f rom 12 0 0 t o 1 5 00 mm
• X axis st ro ke ab ou t 3 0 0 mm
• Y axis st ro ke abo u t 8 0 0 mm
• P aylo ad t h at t he end ef f e cto r can ef f ort up t o 2 kg
• D ry Cycle o f 5 ”


Table 1: Rhea Prime Robot Specific

Figure 2.14: Rhea Prime Robot Internal Details

Chapter 3



The implementation of this project started with considering the chosen industrial
Robot native code, written in CodeSys Structured Text (ST) language and property of
“Campetella Robotic Center S.R.L.” that kindly conceded to publish it into this treatise:
it is possible to entirely view it in the ‘Appendix’. The first aim is to properly modify it,
so that to ensure the Robot to achieve the wanted behaviors.

In particular, the following tasks were chosen:

• Performing movements along the three axes: Rightwards (z+), Leftwards (z-),
Downwards (y+), Upwards (y-), Frontwards (x+), backwards (x-)
• Entering JOG Mode
• Entering TEACH Mode
• Entering STEP & AUTO Mode
• Performing STOP & RESET Emergency Commands

According to such choice, the native code was modified in the following way:

//---------------------------------------- Axial JOG Vocal commands -----------------------------------------
// When vocal command is received:
// 1) selection of the axis to move
// 2) raised up the front "startPIU" or "startMENO"
// 3) calculation of arrival range


IF difuCmdVocale THEN // Axis selection in Teach Mode

IF codiceComando = CMD_DX THEN
AsseInTeach := 1;
startPIU := TRUE;
PIUinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[1] + deltaQuotaTeachVocale;
ELSIF codiceComando = CMD_SX THEN
AsseInTeach := 1;
startMENO := TRUE;
MENOinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[1] - deltaQuotaTeachVocale;

Starting with the “z” axis, if the received command from the vocal control is a
Rightwards Movement (CMD_DX) then the axis associated with 1 (z) is selected and the
new coordinate to reach in positive sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[1]) + the
given one (deltaQuotaTeachVocale).
Otherwise, if the received command from the vocal control is a Leftwards Movement
(CMD_SX) then the axis associated with 1 (z) is selected and the new coordinate to
reach in negative sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[1]) - the given one


AsseInTeach := 2;
startPIU := TRUE;
PIUinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[2] + deltaQuotaTeachVocale;
AsseInTeach := 2;
startMENO := TRUE;
MENOinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[2] - deltaQuotaTeachVocale;

Going on with the “x” axis, if the received command from the vocal control is a
Frontwards Movement (CMD_AVANTI) then the axis associated with 2 (x) is selected
and the new coordinate to reach in positive sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[2]) +
the given one (deltaQuotaTeachVocale).
Otherwise, if the received command from the vocal control is a Backwards Movement
(CMD_INDIETRO) then the axis associated with 2 (x) is selected and the new coordinate
to reach in negative sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[2]) - the given one


ELSIF codiceComando = CMD_BASSO THEN

AsseInTeach := 3;
startPIU := TRUE;
PIUinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[3] + deltaQuotaTeachVocale;
ELSIF codiceComando = CMD_ALTO THEN
AsseInTeach := 3;
startMENO := TRUE;
MENOinCorso := TRUE;
apppoTargetPos:= QuotaReale[3] - deltaQuotaTeachVocale;

Ending with the “y” axis, if the received command from the vocal control is a
Downwards Movement (CMD_BASSO) then the axis associated with 3 (y) is selected
and the new coordinate to reach in positive sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[3]) +
the given one (deltaQuotaTeachVocale).
Otherwise, if the received command from the vocal control is an Upwards Movement
(CMD_ALTO) then the axis associated with 3 (y) is selected and the new coordinate to
reach in negative sense is the previous one (QuotaReale[3]) - the given one

ELSIF codiceComando = CMD_STOP THEN

PIUinCorso := FALSE;
MENOinCorso := FALSE;

If a STOP Command is given (CMD_STOP), then the variables related to positive

(PIUinCorso) and negative (MENOinCorso) movements are reset and the Robot stops

ELSIF codiceComando = CMD_JOG THEN

PIUinCorso := FALSE;
MENOinCorso := FALSE;
JogTeach := deltaQuotaTeachVocale;
difuCmdVocale :=0;

If the JOG Mode Command is given, the Robot enters in JOG Mode and the new
coordinate to reach is just the given one (deltaQuotaTeachVocale), independently from
the starting point


//to simulate button releasing condition since the axis is in target range
IF asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] AND PIUinCorso AND
QuotaReale[AsseInTeach]>= apppoTargetPos-1 THEN
PIUinCorso := FALSE;

IF asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] AND MENOinCorso AND

QuotaReale[AsseInTeach]<= apppoTargetPos+1 THEN
MENOinCorso := FALSE;

IF asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] AND (NOT(PIUinCorso) AND

(NOT(MENOinCorso))) THEN

The referring to a specific axis is given by: ‘AsseInTeach=1’ for z-axis, ‘AsseInTeach=2’
for x-axis and ‘AsseInTeach=3’ for y-axis. If one them is moving (asseInMovimento) in
positive sense (PIUinCorso) and the actual range value (QuotaReale) reaches the chosen
value (apppoTargetPos-1), then the positive moving stops (PIUinCorso := FALSE) and the
same is happening when one axis is moving in negative sense (MENOinCorso); if both
values (PIUinCorso & MENOinCorso) are absent, then the moving according to that
specific axis stops (Assiif[AsseInTeach].Input.CmdStop:=TRUE).


After having properly modified the Robot internal code to achieve the required tasks,
it was necessary to test the efficiency of the new code during every single behavior to
be sure that no problems or errors were performed. So, to do that, a simulator of the
real Robot was assembled and connected to the Robot Opus A3 CPU (where the code
was uploaded). This Control Unit has the characteristic to be unpluggable and re-
pluggable in every Robot that supports it: the Robot itself, in fact, is an empty machine
(hardware) unable to move without the connection of the CPU, containing the main
code (software) to be executed.


The assembled simulator is composed by:

• 1x Opus A3 Central Control Unit (Robot Prime)
• 1x Power Supply 95 W 220 V (IN) – 24 V (OUT)
• 3x Driver Micro Eco EWDU (Selema)
• 3x COM RIO Digital I/O EWDU (Esa Automation)
• 3x Brushless Motors (24 V)

A schematic picture of the simulator is shown ahead:

Figure 3.1: Robot Simulator Scheme

To build it up, we started from choosing the three brushless motors used in the real
Robot configuration that were useful to emulate the real ones connected to the three
Robotic Axes (x, y, z). Such motors require three specific Drivers (one each) to be
piloted and they are connected through three control signal wires (u, v, w) that, with
combinations of two of the three signals make the brushless motor windings to
energize and perform a progressive angular rotation.


Figure 3.2: Brushless Motor Working Scheme

The Opus A3 Controller, trough the CANOpen field bus, is commanding the Drivers
making the brushless motors to move and, at the same time, is reading the physical
inputs coming to the COM RIOs from all the sensors placed in the Robot.
Furthermore, it is activating the transistor outputs, relays and electro-valves that
compose the Robot electropneumatic circuit.
The CANOpen bus requires a line impedance of 60 Ohm, present within the CAN-H
cable and the CAN-L cable: inside the simulator this impedance is obtained through a
120 Ohm resistor, applied upstream of the first COM RIO and combining with the one
present inside the Controller.
This is a necessary configuration due to the impossibility of putting a termination
resistor into the last driver (final part of the bus), used as an access point for the
programming and monitoring cable of the individual motors’ drivers.
During the simulations, COM RIOs are not used because they should acquiring
informations from the Robot sensors, not present in the simulator; moreover,
brushless motors require resetting signals (coming back to position zero) that are
simulating during these tests.
The Ethernet cable is connected to the Control Unit USB port (via USB-to-Ethernet
converter), used to connect the Robot to the factory network in a Smart Industrial
To work properly, all components are supplied by a 95 Watt Power Supply, that
converts the 220 V of Input into the 24 V of output required by Drivers and COM RIOs.


A picture of the real Robot simulator is shown below:

Figure 3.3: Robot Simulator

After having completed the assembling process, the modified CodeSys code was
uploaded; due to the Modbus protocol communication, it was essential to declare the
Modbus holding registers required to store the vocal commands data: by manually
writing them, it was possible to test the chosen tasks.

IF HoldingRegister[R_CH_CMD] > 0 THEN // vocal input

codiceComando := WORD_TO_INT(HoldingRegister[R_CH_CMD]);
deltaQuotaTeachVocale := WORD_TO_REAL(HoldingRegister[R_QUOTA]);

// rising up axial JOG command front and put the register value to zero
difuCmdVocale := TRUE;
R_QUOTA : INT := 27; // Holding Register acquiring the range value of the reaching point

deltaQuotaTeachVocale : REAL;
apppoTargetPos : REAL;

R_CH_CMD : INT:= 26; // Holding Register acquiring the movement direction command


As we can see in the previous lines, if a numerical value is received ( [R_CH_CMD] > 0)
the word is converted into an integer number (WORD_TO_ INT) and stored in the
holding register #27 (R_QUOTA : INT := 27); otherwise if a command word is received
([R_CH_CMD] > 0) it is converted into a real number (WORD_TO_REAL) and stored in
the holding register #26 (R_CH_CMD : INT:= 26).


With the name “Modbus” we refer to a Communications Protocol born in 1979 to be

used with PLCs. Though the past years, it became a standard communication protocol
to connect industrial electronic devices.
Regarding industrial applications, it is very easy to be compared to other protocol
standards and it is characterized by many restrictions about transmitted data format.
Besides, Modbus can handle multiple communications within devices connected to the
same Ethernet network. [17]

Object Types provided from a Server to a Client (Modbus devices):

Table 2: Modbus Protocol Object Types


There are different versions of Modbus protocols that support the Internet Protocol

Modbus commands can be used to:

• modify the value of a register, written into Coils and Holding registers
• read an I/O port: data read from an Input or a Coil
• command to receive back values contained in Coils and Holding registers
Those commands contain the Modbus addresses of the device (1 to 247) and checksum
information to help the recipient to find transmission errors. [17]

In this project we decided to use the TCP-IP standard (the most used on Ethernet
networks) and the frame format is the sequent:

Table 3: Modbus Frame Format

Functions and commands:

• Coils: readable and writable, 1 bit (on/off)

• Discrete Inputs: read only, 1 bit (on/off)
• Input Registers: read only measurements and status, 16 bits (0 – 65,535)
• Holding Registers: readable and writeable values, 16 bits (0 – 65,535)



Table 4: Modbus Function Codes


The next goal to achieve is the software’s development to be uploaded into the
microcontroller: for that, the widely diffused Arduino Open-Source board was chosen
to guarantee the easily finding of the required hardware modules to implement, just
like software material to compare to.
The Modbus protocol requires communications via Ethernet Cable and to guarantee
such connection, it was mandatory to add an Ethernet Shield board to the Arduino
main board: a figure of both components is following


Figure 3.4: Arduino Uno (left) & Ethernet Shield (right)

To check the correct working of both devices, once joined together and connected via
USB to the Computer, a basic TCP-IP communication setting was compiled and
uploaded into the Microcontroller. This specific code is imposing a MAC address for
the Ethernet Shield, then declaring the Client (Shield) and Server (Computer) TCP-IP
addresses and finally print them on the Arduino’s serial port. Due to some technical
issues, the Ethernet Shield boards didn’t work correctly and showed a specific error:
setting the Client address always to

After some researches, a simple DIY solution was found welding two 100 Ohm resistors
within pins 3-6 and 1-2 of the Ethernet connector, as shown below:

Figure 3.5: Ethernet Shield Connector Fixing


The adopted solution seemed to work properly: after that, the Client address was
correctly set on the chosen value (

As we can see, the previous code is characterized by the following steps:

• Including the required libraries SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and Ethernet
(standard TCP-IP communication protocol)
• declaring a standard MAC address for the Ethernet Shield (0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE,
0xEF, 0xFE, 0xE8) because it doesn’t have its own printed on the board
• declaring dnServer, gateway and subnet addresses for the TCP-IP Server
(Computer) and just the IP address for the TCP-IP Client (Shield).


The aim of this code is just to ensure that the Ethernet Shield is setting on the chosen
address and properly communicating through the TCP-IP Client/Server Standard
Protocol, therefore there is no VOID LOOP (Main) developed.

The next step is to introduce the Modbus TCP-IP Client/Server Protocol, adapted for
Arduino boards: ahead is reported a list of all the useful commands [18]

#include <ArduinoModbus.h> (this library depends on the ArduinoRS485 library)

Modbus Client

• client.coilRead() int coilRead(int address)

• client.holdingRegisterRead() holdingRegisterRead(int address)
• client.coilWrite() coilWrite(int address)
• client.holdingRegisterWrite() holdingRegisterWrite(int address)

ModbusTCPClient Class

• ModbusTCPClient() ModbusTCPClient(client)
• modbusTCPClient.begin() modbusTCPClient.begin(ip, port)
• modbusTCPClient.connected() modbusTCPClient.connected()
• modbusTCPClient.stop() modbusTCPClient.stop()


• ModbusTCPServer() ModbusTCPServer()
• modbusTCPServer.begin() modbusTCPserver.begin()
• modbusTCPServer.accept() modbusTCPserver.accept(client)


The real Robot is working through reading/writing holding registers, according to the
Modbus communication protocol; therefore, the most useful commands are the
holding register reading (holdingRegisterRead) and the holding register writing
To implement and test these commands line, the following code was assembled and
checked through a free downloadable Modbus TCP-IP server simulator: the goal is to
have a digital software simulating the real Robot holding registers behaviors on the
computer, avoiding being every time connected with the simulator (heavy and bulky).


In this first part of the code, the following steps are performed:

• Including the required libraries Ethernet (standard TCP-IP communication

protocol) and Arduino Modbus
• Setting a go-to line, when calling the Reset function by the program
• declaring a standard MAC address, Client and Server IP Addresses
• Initializing Serial Monitor and Ethernet Protocol, trying to connect via DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

In the second part of the code, the following steps are performed:

• If the connection is failed: printing “connection failed” on serial monitor (above

it is possible to see the real output) and resetting the program
• If the connection is reached: writing the holding register #3 with “147”, writing
the holding register #5 with “65530” (after two seconds), writing the holding
register #7 with “xf” (after two seconds) and finally resetting them back to zero
and resetting the program


Figure 3.6: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator Interface

In the previous picture is shown the Modbus TCP-IP server simulator, composed by Coil
Outputs (000000 – 099999), Digital Inputs (100000 – 299999), Analog Inputs (300000
– 399999) and Holding Registers (400000 – 465536).

The Holding Registers Screen is selected to check if the assembled code is properly
working and writing the correct numbers inside the selected registers:

1 modbusTCPClient.holdingRegisterWrite(3, 147) command line wrote correctly a

“147” integer in Register #3

2 modbusTCPClient.holdingRegisterWrite(5, 65530) command line wrote incorrectly

a “-6” integer in Register #5, because the number “65530” exceeded the maximum
value of 32768 (15 bits + 1 for the sign)

3 modbusTCPClient.holdingRegisterWrite(7, 'xf') command line wrote incorrectly a

“30822” integer in Register #7, that’s because the digits “xf” are not numbers



The next goal is implementing a possible design of a vocal control for Arduino Board:
due to Flash Memory problems, leading to a slowing down of the program
computation, it has been necessary to choose a different board with more Flash
Memory. For that, Arduino Mega was chosen:

Figure 3.7: Arduino Uno (left) & Arduino Mega (right)

To perform a proper communication between Mobile Phone and Microcontroller,

Bluetooth is indeed the fastest and most reliable solution: therefore, a HC-05
Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver module compatible with Arduino was chosen for this
aim. Furthermore, to avoid checking every time the serial monitor, a Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) with I2C interface was added to the main circuit.

Figure 3.8: Liquid Crystal Display (left) & HC-05 Bluetooth Tx/Rx (right)


To connect all the previously listed modules with the main board, the following circuit
configuration was developed:

Figure 3.9: Starting Circuit Scheme

This scheme is characterized by the following connections:

1 Ethernet Shield mounted on the Arduino Mega board

2 5V coming from Arduino’s supply pins linked to one of the four breadboard supply
lines (positive and negative pins)
3 HC-05 and LCD modules linked to the same breadboard 5V line to be supplied
(positive and negative pins)
4 HC-05 transmitter pin connected to A8 pin (receiver) of Arduino board
5 LCD Data Signal pin connected to Pin 20 (SDA Port)
6 LCD Clock Signal pin is connected to Pin 21 (SCL Port).



For simplicity reasons, to send vocal commands to the Bluetooth receiver, an Android
mobile phone was selected; for this aim, a mobile phone vocal control App required to
be implemented: one of the most direct and intuitive ways is indeed a block-structured
free Android App editor (Open-Source) called “App Inventor”. [19]

The revolution brought from this editor is that, instead of writing and compiling
standard programming code, it provides a logical and faster way to compile
instructions and functions blocks, showing a specific App screen in the connected
device. The blocks configuration built is the sequent:

Figure 3.10: Mobile App Blocks Configuration


As we can see in the previous figure, it is composed by four main blocks:

1 The first block is creating a list of all possible Bluetooth devices to connect to:
before selecting one device (.BeforePicking), the block is setting the list
(ListPicker1) with all the elements (.AdressesAndNames) coming from the mobile
phone Bluetooth searching component (BluetoothClient1) implemented in it
2 The second block is performing a connection to the selected Bluetooth module:
after have selected one device (.AfterPicking), the block calls a connection function
(.Connect) linking to the chosen device address (.Selection) and, if the device is
connected (.IsConnected), then set the text “Connected” into the label
(ListPicker1); otherwise set the text “Not Connected” into it
3 The third block is converting pronounced words into text: when the SPEAK button
is pressed, the block is calling the SpeechReconizer1 component by directly linking
to the Android Google Vocal Assist and, through it, converting words in a text string
4 The fourth block is sending the acquired text via Bluetooth: after having gotten the
text string (.AfterGettingText), if the Bluetooth device is still connected
(.IsConnected) then send (.SendText) the text string (result) via Bluetooth and print
the same text into the Label1

Figure 3.11: Vocal App Screen


The related App screen is composed by:

• “List Picker 1” to choose the Bluetooth device to connect to

• “SPEAK button” to start listening from the Vocal Assistant
• “Label 1” to check that the vocal input is correctly interpretated into a string

By touching “ListPicker1” button, a list of Bluetooth connectible devices appears

(Addresses & Names), and it is possible to select the required one (HC-05). After having
picked it up, the App (“BluetoothClient1”) connects to the selected address (Selection)
and changes the text of the “ListPicker1” button in “Connected” or “Not Connected”,
depending on the outcome of the connecting transition. When the “SPEAK” button is
clicked, “SpeechReconizer1” component links to mobile phone vocal assistant and
converts words in a text string (result). After that, the resulted text is sent via Bluetooth
to the HC-05 receiver and to the “Text for Label1” label to check the correct
interpretation of the words. By downloading the free “AI2 Companion” App on the
Mobile device, it is possible to upload and compile the program to obtain such
screenshot configurations (before and after):

Figure 3.12: Vocal App Mobile Phone Screenshots

Starting from the initial screen, the following steps are performed:

1 Click on “Text for ListPicker1” label and select the HC-05 module
2 Waiting for connection (“Text for ListPicker1” will turn into “Connected”)
3 Click on SPEAK button and pronounce the wanted command
4 Waiting for the Vocal Assistant to convert words in text and send it via Bluetooth
(“Text for Label1” will turn into the command word, in this case “avanti”)

Chapter 4



We pass now to the real circuit (and relative code) building: once checked that the
Mobile phone App is interpretating and sending words correctly via Bluetooth to the
HC-05 receiver, the next step is to implement a 9V battery and an ON/OFF switch, to
let the circuit be self-supplied and free from the USB cable (required just to upload the
code): in this way it is possible to connect the complete circuit directly to the Robot
Control Cabinet just with an Ethernet Cable.

Figure 4.1: Final Circuit Scheme


As we can see on the picture above, a 9V battery holder was added and connected to
the secondary supply line of the breadboard, then connected to the switch and in the
end, through a proper round connector, strictly linked to the Arduino 9V-12V supply
port. The other part of the circuit staid the same as before, with the primary supply line
of the breadboard connected to the 5V Arduino Supply Output and to the two modules
(HC-05 and I2C LCD).
On Arduino Board, A8 Pin (Receiver Port) is connected to the HC-05 Tx Pin (Transmitter
Port) and for the I2C LCD, the Data Signal Pin is connected to the Pin 20 (SDA Port) and
the Clock Signal is connected to the Pin 21 (SCL Port).
In the next picture, it is possible to see the real circuit assembled and perfectly working:

Figure 4.2: Final Circuit Configuration

To be able to connect via Ethernet all the devices together, it was necessary the usage
of an Ethernet Switch, automatically acquiring all the addresses and letting the
communication within each other.


The Ethernet Switch is connecting:

• the Opus A3 Robot Control Unit (via USB-to-Ethernet converter)

• the Notebook, where it is possible to supervise both Arduino’s Serial Monitor
and the Robot Control Unit (RCU) monitor (not mandatory connection)
• the implementation of Arduino board circuit (via Ethernet Shield)
The USB cable is connecting:

• the Notebook, to upload the assembled code

• Arduino board circuit
The Bluetooth is connecting:

• The mobile phone vocal control App (to perform voice recognition)
• HC-05 receiver, mounted on the Arduino board circuit

A scheme of these connections is shown in the next figure:

Figure 4.3: Connections Scheme



Regarding the up-loadable code, considering the previous codes developing, a final
version is implemented in this way:

The final code is performing the following steps:

• Including of all the required libraries: Ethernet protocol (“Ethernet.h”), Modbus

protocol (“ArduinoModbus.h”), Bluetooth Transmitting/Receiving serial
protocol (“SoftwareSerial.h”), I2C LCD Display (“LiquidCrystal_I2C.h”), Serial
Peripheral Interface (“SPI.h”)
• A Reset function is declared so that, when called, the code will restart from this
line on


• Declaring a standard MAC address, Client and Server IP Addresses

• Initializing Serial Monitor and Ethernet Protocol, trying to connect via DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
• Setting up HC-05 Transmitting and Receiving Serial Ports and serial function
• Declaring variables (“data” as a string and “num” as an integer)
• Declaring LCD with I2C (0x27) interface (16 columns and 2 rows)
• Initialing LCD, serial monitor and data receiving serial function


Continuing with:

• Initializing the Ethernet TCP-IP protocol

• Modbus Client (Arduino) trying to establish a connection with the Modbus
Server (Robot Control Unit)
• Depending on the result, printing on both serial monitor and LCD the current
status (Connected or not)
• Reached the connection, Ethernet communication and TCP Client are set and
ready for the main part (void loop) to start

Inside the Void Loop, every time a new word is pronounced, the “data” variable must
be reset (data = "";) and get ready to read a new string (words or numbers) coming
from the Bluetooth transmitter (data = mySerial.readString();).

If the first digit of the string is a number, “data” variable (string) will be converted into
“num” variable (integer) and written into holding register #27 (this register can contain
specific instruction or axial range in the form of positive numbers).

In this case, the Robot Control Unit is going to wait for a specific request (such as an
axial movements) and, after having received it, both Serial monitor and LCD will print
the text “Direction?”, to let the user know that after a specific range (in millimeters) it
is required a direction and a sense to be performed.


Regarding basic movements, once given the range (converted into a number), it is
possible to choose a direction along the three axes:

• Rightward direction: after having pronounced the word “destra” (right), the
Robot will move along z axis (positive sense), by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “1” (related to a rightward movement) and of the holding
register #27 with the specific range

• Leftward direction: after having pronounced the word “sinistra” (left), the
Robot will move along z axis (negative sense), by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “2” (related to a leftward movement) and of the holding
register #27 with the specific range


• Frontward direction: after having pronounced the word “avanti” (ahead), the
Robot will move along x axis (positive sense), by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “3” (related to a frontward movement) and of the holding
register #27 with the specific range

• Backward direction: after having pronounced the word “indietro” (back), the
Robot will move along x axis (negative sense), by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “4” (related to a backward movement) and of the holding
register #27 with the specific range

• Downward direction: after having pronounced the word “basso” (down), the
Robot will move along y axis (positive sense), by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “5” (related to a downward movement) and of the holding
register #27 with the specific range

• Upward direction: after having pronounced the word “alto” (up), the Robot will
move along y axis (negative sense), by the writing of the holding register #26
with “6” (related to an upward movement) and of the holding register #27 with
the specific range


Regarding main modes entering, once given an instruction (converted into a number),
one of the following possibilities can be performed:

• STOP Command: in any case, after having pronounced the word “Stop”, the
Robot will strictly stop, independently from the performing action, by the
writing of the holding register #26 with “7”

• JOG Mode: after having pronounced the word “Jog”, the Robot will enter in the
so-called JOG Mode, in which it is moving according to the selected coordinate
system, by the writing of the holding register #26 with “8”

• TEACH Mode: after having pronounced the words “Modalità Teach” (Teach
Mode), the Robot will enter in the so-called TEACH Mode, in which it is
instructed in its specific motions and trajectories, by the writing of the holding
register #26 with “9”


• STEP Mode: after having pronounced the word “Step”, the Robot will enter in
the so-called STEP Mode, in which it is moving in a step-by-step way, performing
the selected path, by the writing of the holding register #26 with “12”

• AUTO Mode: after having pronounced the word “Auto”, the Robot will enter in
the so-called AUTO Mode, in which it is moving automatically, performing the
selected trajectories, by the writing of the holding register #26 with “13”

• RESET Function: after having pronounced the word “reset”, the entire program
will restart from the very beginning, simulating a manual reset (by pressing the
dedicated button).

Chapter 5



The aim of this part is performing the final working tests, starting from the built code:
by receiving some commands, the serial monitor must print the correct words and in
the TCP Modbus simulator the specific holding registers must be written.

• Movement to the rightward direction about 76 mm

Figure 5.1: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator (Rightward Movement)


After having successfully connected to the server simulator (, it was first
pronounced the word “76”, that the program recognized as a number and wrote it on
the Holding Register #27; after that it was pronounced the word “destra” (right) that
the program recognized as a rightward movement command and wrote the Holding
Register #26 with the number 1.

• Movement to the downward direction about 34 mm

Figure 5.2: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator (Downward Movement)

This time it was first pronounced the word “34”, that the program recognized as a
number and wrote it on the Holding Register #27; then it was pronounced the word
“basso” (down) that the program recognized as a downward movement command and
wrote the Holding Register #26 with the number 5.


• Movement to the frontward direction about 52 mm

Figure 5.3: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator (Frontward Movement)

Just as before, Holding Register #27 was written with the range number (52) and
Holding Register #26 with the number 3 (associated to a frontward movement).

• STOP Command

Figure 5.4: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator (STOP Command)


Safety word “STOP” must work properly: after having pronounced it, the Holding
Register #26 is written with the number 7 (associated to a stopping action).

• TEACH Mode Command

Figure 5.5: Modbus TCP-IP Server Simulator (TEACH Mode Command)

The Teach Mode is useful to choose a specific point in the cartesian plane to reach by
the Robot’s end-effector: after having pronounced the word “Modalità Teach” (Teach
Mode) the program write the Holding Register #26 with the number 9, waiting for a
new range value (in millimeters).



The same already done tests must now be performed on the circuit implementation
and the uploaded mobile app.

• Movement to the rightward direction about 76 mm

Figure 5.6: Microcontroller (Rightward Movement 1)

Figure 5.7: Microcontroller (Rightward Movement 2)

Figure 5.8: Microcontroller (Rightward Movement 3)

The program starts and the Microcontroller tries to establish a connection with the
Modbus TCP server (virtual or real simulator): when correctly connected, the word
“Connesso” (Connected) will be printed on the LCD. Now, to perform a movement, it
is firstly required to specify the precise range value (in millimeters): such value will
appear and, after a bit, the word “Direzione?” (Direction?) will be printed on the LCD.
Finally, it must be declared the direction and a pair of letters (Dx = right) will appear on
the LCD.


• STOP Command

Figure 5.9: Microcontroller (STOP Command)

To perform a Stopping action, after having pronounced the related word, the word
“STOP” will be printed on the LCD.

• TEACH Mode Command

Figure 5.10: Microcontroller (TEACH Mode Command)

To enter in TEACH Mode, after having pronounced the related word, the words
“Modalità Teach” (Teach Mode) will be printed on the LCD.

• RESET Command

Figure 5.11: Microcontroller (RESET Command)

To perform a RESET action, after having pronounced the related word, the words
“Reset in” will appear on the LCD, followed by a countdown from 3 to 0.

At the end of the count, the microcontroller will self-reset from the very begging, trying
again to connect to the server.



To perform the last and most important tests, the real Rhea Prime Cartesian Robot was
settled down on a fixed structure surrounded by empty space to be easily controlled,
avoiding accidental crashes with possible adjacent surfaces.

The same main tasks already performed with the TCP Modbus simulator and the circuit
implementation are now tested on this real Robot settlement:

• Movement to the rightward direction about 600 mm

Figure 5.12: Real Robot (Rightward Movement)

• Movement to the downward direction about 200 mm

Figure 5.13: Real Robot (Downward Movement)


By directly performing movements, the starting point of the Robotic Cycle (the origin
by default) will change according to the new chosen coordinates: once putted in Auto
Mode in fact, the Robot will perform the cycle reaching the arrival point and coming
back to the new starting point.

• TEACH Mode Command

Due to Robot internal safety reasons, once entered in Teach Mode, it is possible to give
the Teach confirmation command just manually on the Control Unit Pad, after having
inserted and turned a specific key: this command was therefore vocally avoided and
every time given manually.

Figure 5.14: Real Robot (Manual TEACH Command Confirmation)

By giving movements commands in Teach Mode, the arrival point of the Robotic Cycle
will change according to the new chosen coordinates: once putted in Auto Mode in
fact, the Robot will perform the cycle reaching the new arrival point and coming back
to the previous starting point.

• STOP Command
Eventually, the last tested task was the ability of the vocal control to promptly perform
a STOP Emergency Command: unfortunately, after having pronounced the command
word, the vocal App requires approximately 2 seconds to call the vocal assistant,
convert the word into text and send it; furthermore, the microcontroller requires
approximately 1 second to interpretate the command and write the related holding
register. In total, a 3 seconds delay is required to effectively see the Robot stopping,
after the given command: this is not conformed with the readiness which should
characterized such an Emergency Command (maybe given in a dangerous situation).

In this treatise, a vocal control developing, implementing and building procedure for
an industrial cartesian Robot was discussed. It consisted in:

1. Vocal control settings on microcontroller and respective Robot programming

modification to establish a proper Modbus communications protocol

2. Real configuration building (code, circuit and connections)

3. Final Tests on code, circuit and real Robot

To maintain the typical Cartesian Robot characteristics, the following main aspects
should have been respected:

• Safety

In industrial installations, Cartesian Robots are always working in safety

conditions: the workspace is settled to be far from human presence (often due
to physical barriers), with possibility of Stop and Emergency safety Commands
to block the Robot in case of necessity.
For the final tests on the real Robot, the same safety conditions were respected,
with the addition of a further safer and faster way to block the Robot: human

• Fast Response

Cartesian Robots are characterized by a very fast response to a given command

(centesimals of seconds); final tests showed that the built architecture requires
around three seconds to perform a Stop Command action: this amount can be
accepted to send movement commands but can’t be accepted for Emergency
ones where immediacy is essential.
This result is mainly due to the Android integrated Google assistant, that
requires around two seconds to understand that the user ended to speak, then
interpretate the pronounced words and finally send them to the


microcontroller (very fast to elaborate received commands). The choice of a

faster vocal assistant can speed up the acquiring process and therefore, the
total interpretation speed.

• Accuracy

Regarding industrial Robots, Cartesian Ones are certainly the most precise with
a tolerance in the range of micrometers (μm); for convenience reasons, the
Robot programming modifications were made to receive and perform
movements in the order of millimeters (mm) but, acting directly on holding
registers, the Robot would have anyway respected the same accuracy, even
with micrometric movements commands.

A Man-Robot voice interaction proved to be a promising method for Industrial Robots

trajectory planning in the next future. From a human point of view, this communicating
typology is the most natural and intuitive: as we can see in many other fields
(automotive for example), this type of vocal functionality is already available. In an
industrial settlement, this solution can provide to operators an easier, faster and closer
communication with machines (just like in every other application where Man-Robot
cooperation is essential).

In conclusion, the proposed project showed that, even with a not so complex software
and hardware implementation, it is practically possible to interact through voice
commands with an industrial Robot that is normally configured as an automatic
machine (fixed cycle): these results, open to the possibility of switching from the typical
Robot Control Override (via Digital Control Unit) to a vocal interface that allows the
user to be free handed and use just short words to give direct commands, such as the
Emergency ones (Stop/Reset) that, in a situation of danger for example, are required
with a certain readiness.

Furthermore, for what concerns the Smart Industry, the possibility of linking together
all the machines present in an industrial settlement can make communications even
faster, with the chance of vocally controlling not just a single Robot, but all the entire
automatic production, further narrowing the boundary between humans and


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[14] Sanchez, S. P., Cortes, R. F., “Cartesian Control for Robot Manipulators, Robot
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[15] Arian Faravar, “Design, Implementation and Control of a Robotic Arm Using
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[Property of “Campetella Robotic Center S.R.L.”]

// **********************************************************************************************************
// -------------------------------- Axial JOG movements through “AbsExecute comand --------------------
// **********************************************************************************************************

IF AsseInTeach >0 AND NOT GoingToTRJT THEN

IF Assiif[AsseInTeach].Input.AbsExecute THEN

// Self-held to avoid reset if more than one axis moves

Z_Axis_Moved:=Z_Axis_Moved OR (AsseInTeach.0 AND

(NOT( AsseInTeach.1)));
X_Axis_Moved:=X_Axis_Moved OR (AsseInTeach.1 AND
(NOT( AsseInTeach.0)));
Y_Axis_Moved:=Y_Axis_Moved OR (AsseInTeach.0 AND

IF asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] AND (NOT(common.KeysF[6].clk))

AND (NOT(common.KeysF[7].clk)) THEN
//assiif[AsseInTeach].Par.StopDec :=
IF tomdelay > DERATA_MIN_STEP then //30 THEN 7ms
OK_NuovoStart := TRUE;
OK_NuovoStart := FALSE;
tomdelay := tomdelay +1;

IF common.KeysR[6].Q AND OK_NuovoStart THEN //premuto PIU

Assiif[AsseInTeach].Input.CmdStop:= FALSE;
AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Vel_Max * ((UINT_TO_REAL(assiPar[
AX_VELMAN].valPar[AsseInTeach]) / 100)) *(JogTeach /100);

IF tipoMeccanica = EVO_ROBOT THEN

AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Acc_Max * (JogTeach /100) * 10;


AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Acc_Max * (JogTeach /100);

tomdelay := 1;
asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] := TRUE;

IF common.KeysR[7].Q AND OK_NuovoStart THEN//premuto

Assiif[AsseInTeach].Input.CmdStop:= false;
AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Vel_Max * ((UINT_TO_REAL(assiPar[
AX_VELMAN].valPar[AsseInTeach]) / 100)) *(JogTeach /100);

IF tipoMeccanica = EVO_ROBOT THEN

AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Acc_Max * (JogTeach /100) * 10;
AssiIf[AsseInTeach].Par.Acc_Max * (JogTeach /100);
IF RobotStatus = def.MANUAL THEN // can’t go under 0
Assiif[AsseInTeach].Par.AbsPos:= 0;
Assiif[AsseInTeach].Par.AbsPos:= -

tomdelay := 1;
asseInMovimento[AsseInTeach] := TRUE;




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