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Coc1 Script Revised

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Facilitate Training Session

Post the following:
 CBT components signage
 Progress chart
 Workstation signage
Prepare tools and equipment
Set-up Multimedia

Good morning!
 Greet the trainees
 Let the trainees fill-up the First, I would like to welcome each and every one. I am ALVIE C. CABRERA your
attendance sheet facilitator in BOOKKEEPING NC III.
 Explain RPL, pre-test and
Learner’s characteristics Second, I would like to thank and congratulate all of you for choosing this
institution the place and venue for accumulating the knowledge and skills you
desire for.

Before we go on let me first check the attendance. As I call your name, will you
please acknowledge:

Ms. Duran
Ms. Acosta

For this session, we will be conducting some pre-assessment activities to gather

important information for the training program. These tools will assist in
preparing and scheduling activities for each trainee.

The first tool is the learner's characteristics assessment, which aims to identify
your learning styles. Please complete the form honestly. Get one and past.
Done? May I collect your Learners characteristic form.

Next is the self-assessment check, designed to recognize previously learned and

experienced skills. Please mark the areas you have prior knowledge and
experience in. Once completed, kindly pass it forward.

Lastly, we have the pre-test, which evaluates your current knowledge on the
topics covered in the qualification. It consists of multiple-choice questions. You
will have 30 minutes to complete the test. Please take a copy and pass the rest
forward. Time is up, and I will now collect the pre-test.
I hope you answer the pre-assessment tools honestly, as the information
 Provide feedback on the Pre- gathered will be extremely valuable for our training sessions moving forward.
assessment tool Your input will greatly contribute to the effectiveness and relevance of the
training program. Thank you for your cooperation.

 Orient the trainees about the Now let’s proceed to the orientation proper.
 CBT?
 The role of the trainer and the Trainee
 The competencies that has to be covered based on the TR
 The use of the CBLM
 Instructional facilities and resources
 Workshop and it’s station

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 The evaluation system

 Tour the trainees to all the We will take a tour of the training center to familiarize ourselves with its various
learning areas areas. It is crucial for you to become well-acquainted with these areas, as it will
greatly facilitate your navigation and enable you to easily locate the necessary
facilities throughout your training journey.


Let me tour you to our 9 learning areas.

1.Practical Work Area -
 This area is where the learner acquires the skills and knowledge components of
the competencies prescribed by the standard. This is the heart of the training
delivery where the skills is practiced and guided by the task or job sheet and
performance task.
 2. Quality Control Area -
Various tests aside from metrology and calibration are conducted in this area
including in-process quality control.
3. Assessment Area- It is a computer or print based facility that provide
mechanism in assessing the condition of competency and recognition of the
prior learning. It also the place where the oral, written exam, interview and
releasing of certificate of achievement.
4. Distance Learning Area -
This is located outside and away from the training institution and it will answer
the issues of accessibility and flexibility. This is where you can find E-
learnings,powerpoint and video presentation.
5 Learning resource area -
This area provides the learner with the knowledge requirements in the various modules responding
to the competencies. It is a place where projects can be planned and self-paced learning is based.
This area has an array of learning materials in print or soft-copies for a multimedia environment.

6. Contextual Learning Laboratory -  This facility ensures that the underpinning

knowledge, science, mathematics and communication principles as applied to
the technology are provided to the learner.

7. Support Area- It is where the other competency is found which is connected

to the  other current competencies.

8. Training Resource Area -

This area houses the learning materials, the training regulations and curriculum exemplars.
This is, also, the place where instructors produce courseware or training materials.

9. Computer Laboratory –
 This area depicts the major physical change in the delivery – the use of
Information Technology. This laboratory has an array of computer units of which
learners are provided for them to learn and gain appropriate IT competencies




 Greet the Trainees Good morning Trainees… Welcome to the training proper

At this point I will be assigning you your respective Work Station

 Ms. Duran, according to your self-assessment check, you have indicated that

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you possess the knowledge and skills in JOURNALIZING TRANSACTION and based
on the certification you have submitted, it is evident that you have consistently
demonstrated excellent performance in that specific Unit of Competency.
Therefore, we will recognize your prior learning, and you will be exempted from
JOURNALIZING TRANSACTION and your first assignment will be POSTING

Alright, Ms. Duran, you can now proceed to the learning resource area and
obtain the Competency-Based Learning Material (CBLM) on POSTING
TRANSACTIONS. Please read the Information Sheet provided, and once you have
finished reading it, complete the self-check activity. You can refer to the answer
key to verify your answers. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to
approach me. Okay, Ms. Duran, you may now proceed to the learning resource

Ms. Acosta, based on your pre-assessment results, your first assignment will be
JOURNALIZING TRANSACTIONS. Please accompany me to the computer area.

Ok, Ms. Acosta, please take a moment to view this PowerPoint presentation on
JOURNALIZING TRANSACTIONS. Once you have finished, you may proceed to
answer the self-check questions and refer to the answer key for verification. If
you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out to me.

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 Monitor Trainee Ms. Duran, how are you doing? Have you finished reading the information
 Demo and Re-Demo sheet? Have you also completed the self-check questions? Did you have a
chance to check your answers using the answer key?

Good let us now proceed to the practical work area for your task.

Ms. Duran, this is your workstation for today, designated as Workstation for
Posting Transactions. Your task is to demonstrate POSTING TRANSACTIONS.
Before you begin practicing, I will conduct a demonstration for you to observe.

This is how to do it…

First is prepare Ledger for the list of asset, liability, and equity account titles in
accordance with the Chart of Accounts
Second,prepare Ledger for the list of income and expense account titles in
accordance with the Chart of Accounts.

Third, you have to transfer Journal entries in chronological order

Fourth, postings should be done with 100% accuracy

Fifth, Debits & Credits for each ledger account should be added correctly.

Lastly, Balances should be extracted with 100% accuracy.

Do you have question Ms. Duran?

Alright, Ms. Duran, this is your Task Sheet. Please follow the instructions on the
sheet as you practice your assigned task. You can use the Performance Criteria
Checklist to assess your own performance. It is important observe the necessary
safety precautions while practicing. If you have any questions or need
clarification, feel free to call my attention.

 Monitor trainee (Trainee #2) Ms. Acosta, how was the PowerPoint presentation? Did you find it enjoyable?
(Proceed to the learning
resource area) Great! Have you finished answering the self-check? Have you checked your

Perfect. Now, let's move on to the practical work area for your assigned task.

Ms. Acosta, this is your workstation for today, designated as Workstation for
Journalizing Transactions Your task is to demonstrate Journalizing Transactions
Before you begin practicing, I will conduct a demonstration for you to observe.

This is how to do it…

1.The very first thing you have to do when journalizing is an analysis of the transaction
to figure out what accounts change and by how much.
For example, let’s say a company receives Php500 in service revenue for their repair
services on January 29th. Cash and revenue both increase by Php500 since cash is
coming into the business.

2.  Translate the Changes Into Debits and Credits

Cash is an asset account since it’s a resource the business owns. While service revenue
is clearly a revenue account and represents income from repair services.

If we look at the debit and credit cheat sheet, we’ll see that debits increase
assets, and credits increase revenue. That’s why:

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 Cash Account will be debited for Php 500
 Service Revenue Account will be credited for Php 500.

3.  Write the Date, Reference Number, and Description

After you’re done with debits and credits, add the date of the transaction, reference
number, and a brief description.
The date of the transaction for our example is January 29th, as mentioned.
The reference number is company-assigned and can be any number (as long as it’s
unique for every entry).
The description needs to be short and to the point, for instance: “Received cash for
repair services).
The finished journalized transaction of our example would look like this in the Journal:

Do you have question Ms. Acosta?

Okay, Ms. Acosta, this is your Task Sheet. Please follow the instructions on the
sheet as you practice your assigned task. You can use the Performance Criteria
Checklist to assess your own performance. It is important observe the necessary
safety precautions while practicing. If you have any questions or need
clarification, feel free to call my attention..

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 Conduct Institutional Ms Duran How is your practice?
assessment (for competent)
Great job, Ms. Duran! Now, I will be checking your achievement chart to assess
your completion of all the tasks in this Unit of Competency.

Are you ready to take the institutional assessment?

Excellent! Let's now make our way to the institutional assessment area..

Ms. Duran, welcome to our institutional assessment area where we will evaluate
your knowledge and skills through a written exam and a demonstration with oral
questioning. This assessment method aims to measure your proficiency in the
Unit of Posting Transactions.

I believe you are prepared for this, Ms. Duran. First, we will start with the
written exam. It consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. You have 30 minutes
to complete the exam. If you have any questions, please let me know. You may
begin your written exam now.

Time is up. Please pass your papers.

Next, we will proceed to the demonstration and oral questioning. You will be
given the necessary materials and equipment to demonstrate the Unit of
Competency for Posting Transactions__ You have 2 hours for the
demonstration, and please remember to prioritize safety precautions. After the
demonstration, we will proceed with the oral questioning. I will assess your
performance based on the provided performance criteria checklist. If you have
any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

You may begin the demonstration now.

Time is up. Now, let's move on to the oral questioning.


Very well done! Now, let's move on to the feedback session.

Please refer to the feedbacking script for the competent learner.

And for that reason, I will be checking your Progress Chart to confirm that you
have satisfactorily completed the Unit of competency on Posting Transactions.
As a result, I am pleased to present you with this Certificate of Achievement,
acknowledging your competence in the said Unit of Competency. Your next
assignment will be on the Unit of competency is Preparing the Trial Balance.
 Feed backing (for competent)

 Conduct Institutional Ms Acosta How is your practice?

assessment (for not yet
competent) Great job, Ms. Acosta ! Now, I will be checking your achievement chart to assess
your completion of all the tasks in this Unit of Competency.

Are you ready to take the institutional assessment?

Excellent! Let's now make our way to the institutional assessment area..

Ms. Acosta , welcome to our institutional assessment area where we will

evaluate your knowledge and skills through a written exam and a demonstration
with oral questioning. This assessment method aims to measure your
proficiency in the Unit of Competency for Journalzing

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I believe you are prepared for this, Ms. Acosta . First, we will start with the
written exam. It consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. You have 30 minutes
to complete the exam. If you have any questions, please let me know. You may
begin your written exam now.

Time is up. Please pass your papers.

Next, we will proceed to the demonstration and oral questioning. You will be
given the necessary materials and equipment to demonstrate the Unit of
Competency on Journalizing Transactions. You have 2 hours for the
demonstration, and please remember to prioritize safety precautions. After the
demonstration, we will proceed with the oral questioning. I will assess your
performance based on the provided performance criteria checklist. If you have
any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

You may begin the demonstration now.

Time is up. Now, let's move on to the oral questioning.


Alright! Now, let's move on to the feedback session.

Please refer to the feedbacking script for the not yet competent learner.

 Feed backing (for not yet



 Greet the trainees Good Morning trainees!

 Administer Post-test and
Training Evaluation So, you have successfully completed all the unit of competencies in Bookeeping

Now, trainees, I have here some forms for you to fill up and accomplish. One set
is for your post-test, and another set is the training evaluation.

First, I will administer the post-test.

The post-test is designed to measure what you have learned during the training.
It is a multiple-choice type of test with fifteen items. Please encircle the letter of
the correct answer. You will have 30 minutes to accomplish the test. Get one
and pass. Time is up, may I collect the post-test.

Next, I will administer the training evaluation.

The purpose of this evaluation is to identify areas for improvement, so please fill
it out honestly based on the outlined instructions. You will have thirty minutes
to complete the evaluation. Get one and pass.

Finished? May I collect the training evaluation?

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Once again, I would like to congratulate each and every one of you for
completing all the required unit of competencies in this qualification
Bookkeeping NC III which makes you qualified to undergo the National

We will be announcing the schedule and location of your National Assessment,

so please stay updated.

Congratulations once again, and good luck on your journey ahead.

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