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March 2005

Issue 3

Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)

(with EDIBON Scada-Net "ESN" System for 30 students working simultaneously)


- Process Plant Diagram (Catalogue).

- Where to use this Process Plant.

- Items included in this Process Plant.

- Technical specifications :

a) EDIBON Scada Net System technical specifications.

b) Items technical specifications.

G:\G1-PROYECTOS\G1.6. LABORATORIOS ESPECIALES\PLANTAS PILOTO\INGLES\05MARCH-EDITION3 (actualizandose)\LE00-Process Plant for Milk\0.- index-le00.doc

Technical teaching equipment
Process Plant for Dairy Products
Computer Controlled
MILK Compressed
Water Vapour Electric
Air energy

Cream Milk reception Cheese
and control
Filtration Cheese Maker
Skim Pasteurization Homogenization Pasteurization
Powdered Dehydration Refrigerated
Milk Pressing and
Ferments Salting and

Churner Ice-Cream Maker Homogenization Maturation Fermentation Maturation

Packing Packing Packing Storing Homogenization
Freeze Ice-Cream Packing Packing
Dried Milk Butter Required services
Final Product
Pasteurized Yogurt
Milk Specific Process
Intermediate Product
Initial Product

General Process

EDIBON Control Interface Box

EDIBON PLC Module for Software

Controlling Industrial Processes

Software EDIBON Software for::

- Computer Control
- Data Acquisition
- Data Management

PLC Control Software

30 Students


Worlddidac Quality Charter

ISO:9001-2000 Quality Certificate

1 - LE00 Process Plant for Dairy Products complete as 6 - PLC Module for the Control of Industrial -
specifications. Processes with all neccesary accessories.
2 - Control Interface Box. 7 - PLC Control Software.
3 - Data Acquisition Board. 8 - Computers and local network included.
4 - Software for: Computer Control+Data Acquisition 9 - Interconnection elements and all accessories included
+Data Management. for normal working operation.
5 - EDIBON SCADA-NET Software Package for 10 - Manuals for: Practices and Exercises, Required Services,
classroom control and management. Assembly and Installation, Interface and Control Software,
Starting-up , Safety,Maintenance, Calibration.etc.


This Process Plant has the target of: Research, Teaching,
• Execution of procedures for disinfection and sanification of the
Production and future businessman platform. equipment.
It permitsthe following control and process aspects:
• Evaluation of technical, legal and administrative aspects concerning
• Analysis of all phases of the product transformation, from food adulteration
reception to packaging.
• Manual and computer control operation.
• Qualitative evaluation of the finished product as function of the
productive operations performed. • Sensors callibration systems.
• Experimentation on the efficiency of the different chemical • SCADA systems and local net.
products used for the preservation process.
• Organization of procedures for continuous quality control of the
production operations.
! Anodized aluminium structure and stainless steel metallic elements. All elements needed are chemical resistant.
! Data Acquisition, Computer Control and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control Software, compatible with any
Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system
for all sensors. Registration of the state of the alarms.
! Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and filtered signals. Sensors with signals
of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V computer output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2
analogl outlets. Up to 130 kHz sampling velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student mistakes.
! PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control Software.
! Manual, semiautomatic and automatic controlled. All system is conected with a local net with 30 computers in which any student
can control any block of the process. When the complete process plant is working synchronized,the control is unique and the rest
of the computers in the net works as visualization screens.
! It has been design for a wide range of feed, since 11 to 300 liters, to provide the use for teaching , the production and research.
! The following units have been designed for optimization of all process involved:
?Plates Filter (Filtrade): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Refrigerated tank (Refrigeration):Complementaries techniques specifications available
?Pasteurization unit (Pasteurization): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Homogenization unit (Homogenization): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Yogurt maker (Obtain yogur): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Cheese maket (Obtain curd): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Ice-cream maker (Obtain ice-cream): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Freeze dryer (Freeze dried):Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Dehydratation unit (Dehydration): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Press unit (Obtain cheese): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Butter Maker unit (Obtain butter): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Cream Separator unit (Skim): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Tank to salting, storage and maturation (Salting and maduration): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Packing unit (Packing): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?UHT unit(UHT process): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
?Bottling unit (Bottling): Complementaries techniques specifications available.
! Analysis and quality control laboratory.

NOTE: Complete technical specifications and detailed additional information available.

-Electrical supply: 220 V / 50 Hz or 110 V / 60 Hz. -Dimensions approx. :
-Water supply. 14 X 12 X 3 m.
-Compressed air supply. -Weight approx. : 3200 Kg.
-Vapour supply.

* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to continuous improvements of the product.
Technical teaching equipment

C/ San José 11-13, 28921 ALCORCON (Madrid) SPAIN.

Phone: 34-91-6198683 FAX: 34-91-6198647
E-mail: WEB site:
Issue: ED01/05
Date: April/2005
Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3

Where to use this Process Plant

• Universities and Polytechnics.

• Technicians Schools.

• Vocational Schools.

• Ministry of Labour.

• Ministry of Education.

G:\G1-PROYECTOS\G1.6. LABORATORIOS ESPECIALES\PLANTAS PILOTO\INGLES\05MARCH-EDITION3 (actualizandose)\LE00-Process Plant for Milk\2.-where to use-LE00.doc

March 2005 Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
Issue 3
Items included in this Process Plant

1) Teaching, Research and Industrial units (16):

1.1 1 Plates Filter (Filtrate).
1.2 1 Refrigerated tank (Refrigeration).
1.3 1 Pasteurisation unit (Pasteurisation).
1.4 1 Homogenisation unit (Homogenisation).
1.5 1 Yoghurt maker (Obtain yoghurt).
1.6 1 Cheese maker (Obtain curd).
1.7 1 Ice-cream maker (Obtain ice-cream).
1.8 1 Freeze dryer (Freeze dried).
1.9 1 Dehydration unit (dehydration).
1.10 1 Press unit (Obtain cheese).
1.11 1 Butter Maker unit (Obtain butter).
1.12 1 Cream Separator unit (Skim).
1.13 1 Tank to salting, storage and maturation (Salting and maturation).
1.14 1 Packing unit (Packing).
1.15 1 UHT unit (UHT Process).
1.16 1 Bottling unit (Bottling).

2) Electronic Interface:
Electronic Interface for all units indicated in the point 1 “Teaching, Research and Industrial units”.

3) 1 Central PLC-MASTER PLC.

4) PLC Unit:
PLC Unit for all units indicated in the point 1 “Teaching, Research and Industrial units”.

5) EDIBON SCADA-NET Software Package (ESN-System) for classroom control and management
6) Software for units:
Computer Control + Data Acquisition + Data Management Software for all units indicated in the point 1
“Teaching, Research and Industrial units”.

7) PLC Software:
PLC Software for all units indicated in the point 1 “Teaching, Research and Industrial units”.

8) Computers System:
8.1 1 Central Computer.
8.2 30 Computers.
8.3 1 Local Net.

9) Computers Complements:
9.1. 1 Set of connection cables.
9.2. 1 Projection system for showing in real time any process.
9.3. 1 Normal projector.
9.4. 1 Projection screen.
9.5. 1 Laser Pointer.
9.6. 1 Shelf.
9.7. Accessories for 5 years operation.

10) Manuals:
10.1. EDIBON Scada-Net Manual.
10.2. Manuals for each Teaching, Research and Industrial Unit. (8 manuals per unit)

11) 1 Week training locally and a trip to Spain are included.

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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3

Technical specifications
a) EDIBON Scada Net System technical specifications

- ESN system introduction:

EDIBON SCADA – NET (ESN) System reproduces an integrated model plant (CIM model) which defines
the various levels of communication:

• Management – design level: orientated towards production management, this level requires the
installation of networks, which can handle a large amount of traffic with no restrictions on response
time. Local area networks adapted for this level are based on an Ethernet architecture.
• Factory floor level: factory floors, which are made up of cells, exchange data and can therefore
monitor production. At this level the data rate of the network must be high enough to allow to exchange
large quantities of data. In this case the factory network is based on a Fipway architecture.
• Cell level: each device or group of devices are controlled by an overall control system (PLC).
• Machine or field level: each device includes a group of intelligent sensors, actuators and simple control
systems that communicate at this level. Fieldbuses (FIPIO) are used.

- ESN system advantages:


• Industrial Ethernet information functionality.

• Central PLC (PLC – NET interface) is used to coordinate large amounts of I/O or data transfers
between PLCs.
• Ethernet network provides extremely fast data collection and control of the plant floor network. This
design is very advantageous for anyone who needs real-time access to plant diagnostics (either locally
or remote-controlled).
• Global availability of information. Optimised traffic load allows users to make tuning changes to
achieve an optimal performance. Manufacturing data can be easily visualised.
• Synchronisation of distributed applications.
• Automation infrastructure is more flexible and adaptable. Any kind of PC and other electronic
components can now be integrated into your automation infrastructure. Your plant will remain infinitely
expansible and upgradable.

- Main possibilities of the system:

• 30 students “simultaneously” work with 30 different units.

• Any student can work simultaneously doing “Real Time Control”.
• The teacher “can see” in his computer what any student is doing in any computer at any time.
• This system “can be linked” with any other “ESN” System (EDIBON Scada Net System).
• The “ESN” System is “modular”, “open” and “expansible”.
• Each unit of the system is “open” and “expansible”.
• Any unit and any system can be visualised simultaneously in “n” screens by using repro-projection
multimedia system.
• The system is supplied with “all necessary accessories”, computers etc. “COMPLETE SYSTEM FOR
• Each unit is supplied with 8 manuals.
• The system has its own manual.
Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 1/7
Technical specifications

b) Items technical specifications

1) Teaching, Research and Industrial units (16):

The technical specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to continuous improvements of the

1.1 1 Plates Filter (Filtrate), with the following technical specifications:

- Built in stainless steel AISI 304 with structure in wheels.

- Closed bar with stainless steel screw in every models with flying to a good closed to the plates
always uniform.
- Cardboard 20x20 mm without drill.
- Plate of Moplen.
- Manometer for pressure control.
- Regulated liquid value.
- Electropump in stainless steel and motor is built with special voltage.
- Diameter connector portpump 20 mm, over order in stainless steel AISI 304.
- These plates filter have 10 plates, their dimensions are (40x50x57mm).
- Weight: 28 Kg.
- Production: 600 b/h.

1.2 1 Refrigerated tank. (Refrigeration), with the following technical specifications:

- Tank, covers and lining built in stainless steel. Also all the surfaces in contact with the milk are made
of stainless steel, with degree of refined appropriated polishing.
- Printed bottom with evaporator that assures the maximum efficiency and minimum comsuption (1,5
kw / 100 L 1,8 kw/100 L).
- Effective isolation by means of injected polyurethane to increase, increments of temperature in the
- Inclination of the bottom to achieve a quick casting.
- Started anti-air of the milk to archive the volume measurement, in the tank.
- Automatic operation of the cooling group and the stire to assure a good homogenisation of the milk.
- Coolant.
- Adjustable legs.
- Volume measurement of the milk.
- Compresated hinge.
- Frame of stainless steel.
- Single phase 220 V.

1.3 1 Pasteurisation unit. (Pasteurisation), with the following technical specifications:

- Anodised aluminium structure and stainless steel metallic elements.

- Data Acquisition, Computer Control and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and
filtered signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V
computer output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz
sampling velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- Technical Data: Pasteurisation Capacity: 250 l/h. Flow of water in the exchange section: 750 l/h.
Thermal Cycle: 4-56-72-20 ºC. Time of retention: 20 seconds to 250 l/s of milk. Temperature of the
water in the heating section: 79 ºC. Badges in the regeneration section and in the pasteurisation
section. Temperature Sensors. Etc.

1.4 1 Homogeneization unit. (Homogenization), with the following technical specifications:

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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 2/7
- Maximum capacity: 11 l/h.
- Maximum pressure: 2000 bar.
- Every part are built in stainless steel, this structure is resistance to the acids.
- This model has a sanitary design, it permits the water or chemicals products recirculate in the
washing process.
- Suction valve and seats of the valves in tungsten carbure.
- Homogenised simple phase with seat in tungsten carbure.
- Digital manometer to indicate the homogenisation pressure, with overpressure meter.
- Ceramic piston. Packing machine in PVDF/EPDM.
- Pistons refrigeration system and packing machine for water recirculate.
- Supply feed tank.
- Recirculate tubes.
- Electrical engine of 3.0 kW, x80, 460 V/50 Hz, internal cabling and running-stopping switch.
- This equipment is included a packing to equipment working, manual services.

1.5 1 Yoghurt maker (Obtain yoghurt), with the following technical specifications:

- Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and
filtered signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V
computer output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz
sampling velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- The unit contains the following elements: Unit with enameled chassis and with reinforced isolation.
Stainless steel AISI 304 main body. 3000KW resistance. 2 Temperature Sensors, type K. pH Sensor
with electrolyte solution. Fan. 250ml vessel. 8 mobile grills. Safety switch (alarm open door).
Temperature digital controller with sensor. Manual or Computer Control switch. Unit on/off switch.
Unit on/off indicator Led. Safety indicator Led (alarm open door). Resistance on/off indicator Led.
Diagram in the front panel. Sensors connectors and resistance and fan connectors to interface
(computer control).Etc.

1.6 1 Cheese maker (Obtain curd), with the following technical specifications:

- Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and
filtered signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V
computer output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz
sampling velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- The unit contains the following elements: AISI 304 stainless steel tank (45 litres), with water jacket.
pH Sensor. Optic Level Sensor. Temperature Sensor, pt 100 type. Electric resistance with IP66
protection, 6KW. Whey outlet valve. Water outlet valve. Water inlet valve. Drain pipe and vapour
outlet. Sealed box IP66 containing: digital temperature controller, manual or computer control
switch, electric resistance on/off switch, resistance condition indicator Led, on/off unit switch, water
level indicator Led, and diagram in the front panel. Required time for the process 45min. Work
temperature between 70-90ºC. Etc.

1.7 1 Ice-cream maker. (Obtain ice-cream)

1.8 1 Freeze dryer. (Freeze dried), with the following technical specifications:

- Built in stainless steel.

- Number of tray: 4 to 5.
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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 3/7
- Surface of work in every tray: 430-1200 mm.
- Total surface of work: 1.8 m2.
- Capacity of condenser: 18 Kg.
- Energy required: 20 Amps; one-phase, 50 Hz.
- Open door is built in acrylic glass.
- Range of temperature in plate: -25 to +60. Celsius grades.
- Heat power:2 kW.
- Power of equipment: 800 Kg.
- Condenser material: Stainless steel.
- Heat transfer medium: Glicol.
- Liquid of condenser: Water.

1.9 1 Dehydration unit (dehydratation)

1.10 1 Press unit. (Obtain cheese)

1.11 1 Butter Maker unit (Obtain butter), with the following technical specifications:

- Anodised aluminium structure and stainless steel metallic elements.

- Data Acquisition, Computer Control and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and filtered
signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V computer
output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz sampling
velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student mistakes.
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- The unit contains the following elements: Tank for Cream. Lactic Thermometer. Nylon Sieve. Plastic
Gloves. A Muslin Roll. Etc. Approximately 0.5 l of cream could be obtained from 4 l of milk,
depending on the grease contained in the milk. And approximately 0.5 kg of butter could be obtained
from 1.5 l of cream.

1.12 1 Cream Separator unit (Skim), with the following technical specifications:

- Anodised aluminium structure and stainless steel metallic elements.

- Data Acquisition, Computer Control and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and filtered
signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V computer
output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz sampling
velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student mistakes.
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- The unit contains the following elements: Separation Bowl. Motor. Velocity regulator. Digital
indicator. Milk Reservoir and Separation Bowl. Feed Reservoir. Etc.

1.13 1 Tank to salting, storage and maturation (Salting and maduration)

1.14 1 Packing unit (packing), with the following technical specifications:

- Dose time programming.

- With possibility or creating a small aspiration after each dose, to avoid leak ages.
- Possible to adjust the doses directly on the front keyboard.
- Possible to work in continuous.
- Possible to work in automatic way with regulation of the time of stop among almost dose.Cadence
settles down.
- Possible to work in manual, by means of switch off button.
- Possible to program certain quantity of dose with systematic counts of the doses.
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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 4/7
- Dose accountant.
- Capability of 10 memories to establish the parameters of the doses or memorisation of the regulations
of the doser for 10 products and different volumes.
- Visualisation of the dosage memories.
- Possible to dose liquids, and mash products of different densities, auxiliary coupling and discupling
elements as the product, needs (Yoghurt, butter, sauces, pates, juices, etc..)

1.15 1 UHT unit (UHT Process), with the following technical specifications:

- Anodised aluminium structure and stainless steel metallic elements.

- Data Acquisition, Computer Control and Data Management Software. Flexible and open Control
Software, compatible with any Windows operating system. PID analog and digital control. Sampling
velocity up to 130.000 data per second. Calibration system for all sensors. Registration of the state of
the alarms.
- Control Interface with front panel process diagram. Real Time PID control and with shield and filtered
signals. Sensors with signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts and Hz, etc, prepared for 0-10 V computer
output. 16 analog + 16 digital inlets and 16 digital + 2 analog outlets. Up to 130 kHz sampling
velocity. Proportional position and on/off Control, for actuators and control instruments.
- Feed back control system.
- Sensors connections in interface with different number of pins, for avoiding student mistakes.
- PLC box for Industrial Control Processes, with front panel process diagram including PLC Control
- The unit contains the following elements: Feed tanks (2 litres capacity). Steam heating vessel with
atomiser spray head. Vacuum vessel with vapour/liquid separator. These process vessels are mounted
in series. Vacuum pump with variable vacuum. Control valves. Pressure Sensors. Temperature
Sensors. Etc.

1.16 Bottling unit (bottling), with the following technical specifications:

- Built in stainless steel AISI 304

- Skeleton dismantled and articulates mouthpieces to easier of introduction and extraction of the
- Level meter to electrovalves.
- Model with pump in stainless steel, there a version without pump.
- Regulated vat to collect of drops.
- Unloading area to empty the machine.
- Production: 300 l/h
- Dimensions: 90x60x170
- Weight: 115 Kg.

2) Electronic Interface:

Electronic Interface for all units indicated in the point 1 "Teaching, Research and Industrial units", with the
following technical specifications:

- Interface of 500x300x350 mm. with the process diagram in the frontal and with the same
distribution that the different elements located in the equipment, for an easy understanding by the
- All sensors, with its respective signals (4-20 mA, 0-5 V, microvolts, Hz., etc.), are properly
manipulated for 0-10 V. computer output.
- The connectors of the sensors to the interface have different pines numbers (from 2 to 16), to
avoid connection errors. Single cable between the interface and the computer.
- The equipment control elements are permanently computer controlled, without necessity of
changes or connections during the whole test process procedure.
- Real time PID control, with flexibility of modifications, from the computer keyboard, of the PID
parameters, at any moment of the process.
- Shield and filtered signals to avoid external interferences.
- All the electrical units (pumps, compressors, resistances, etc.) are computer controlled, for on/off,
speed regulation and power.
- Conventional mechanical and electrical protection systems, and also, computer protection and in a
simultaneous way.
- Inputs: 16 analogical and 16 digital.
- Outputs: 16 digital and 2 analogical, adjustable from 0-10 volts.
- Sampling velocity up to 130 kHz.
- Proportional position control with feed back system, Total PID control as much in velocity as in
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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 5/7
position (proportional band and proportional error). On/off control for actuators and other control
- 5 Cables (minimum) with sensors of pressure, level, temperature, etc.
- Power Supply.
- 5 Signal Conditioning Cards.
- 3 Connection Cables (minimum) for PC to interface and Interface to main supply.

3) 1 Central PLC-MASTER PLC.

- Electric PLC Premium TSX - P5736 with Ethernet TSX ETY 410 module and PCMCIA card enables to
connect to fipway network:

∗ 10/100 Mbps with autosensing (FSTP RJ45).

∗ Support of legacy protocols on TCP/IP-UNI-TE-MODBUS.
∗ I/O Scanner service

- The Central PLC-Master PLC is part of an integrated model plant that uses X-WAY networks and it can be
perfectly integrated into the CIM model.
- Several networks operating on different levels and on sites which may reach a considerable size, can only
work together and provide total communications if the networks are connected together in hierarchical
(multi-network) architecture.
- The Central PLC-Master PLC provides the connection between two network types, Ethernet and Fipway, by
a common PLC (network node) in a bridge type architecture where the PLC routes messages from one
network to another.
- The elements are:

∗ Ethernet connection. Provides the connection to the Ethernet network that is the communication to the
∗ Fipway connection. Provides the connection to the fipway network, that is the communication to the
PLCs. An end of line is connected to one of them, because the PLC are in cascada architecture.
∗ Unitelway connection. This type of connection is necessary to charge the programme and PLC,
including the Central PLC-Master PLC, have a unitelway connection.
∗ Power supply.

4) PLC Unit:

PLC Unit for all units indicated in the point 1 "Teaching, Research and Industrial units", with the following
technical specifications:

- Electric PLC Micro TSX 3721 with PCMCIA card.

- Power supply 100...240V (AC).
- RAM memory (20 Kword+memory data) + Flash EPROM (15 Kword).
- 8 integrated analogic input (0-10V).
- 1 integrated analogic output (0-10V).
- 16 digital input/output module (24V).

5) EDIBON SCADA-NET Software Package (ESN-System) for classroom control and management.

- The ESN-Software (EDIBON SCADA-NET System) is an acquisition and control software developed
entirely by technicians of EDIBON. In its development, we have been taken into account the experience
accumulated in more than 20 years developing teaching equipment.
- The system is prepared to communicate with Electric PLC's, through OFS Software. OFS (OPC Factory
Server) is a multi-PLC data Server that uses the OPC (OLE for Process Control) standard which allows
ESN-Software (data processing application) to access the control system variables in Electric PLCs (Micro
and Premium PLC models).
- In this system, there are different configuration levels that allow the professor to design in the fair measure
the execution of the different practical exercises. The basic level is prepared for the capture and storage of
data that the student will process and will work with later. The medium level allows the student the use of
the graphic tools that allows, in real time, the visualisation of the data experiment. Finally, it has an
advanced level specially designed for the capture configuration, the sensors device calibration and to change
the PLCs parameters. This system is subject to a key provided by EDIBON.

6) Software for units:

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Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 6/7
Computer Control + Data Acquisition + Data Management Software for all units indicated in the point 1
"Teaching, Research and Industrial units", with the following Technical Specifications:

- Compatible with any Windows operating system. Graphic and intuitive simulation of the process in
screen. Equivalent distribution of the elements to the real process. Registration and visualisation of
all the process variables in an automatic way.
- Flexible Control Software, developed with actual windows graphic systems, acting on all process
parameters. Data acquisition and also with PID analogical and digital control and other control
types. Menu for PID and the set point selection required in the whole work range. It provides the
management, processing, comparison and storage of all the data, with a sampling velocity up to
130.000 data per second. Nested loops control system.
- Calibration system, for the student's use of all the sensors that work in the process.
- It allows the registration of the state of the alarms and the graphic representation in real time.
Comparative analysis of the obtained data, after to the process and modification of the conditions,
during the process.
- Open software, allowing to the teacher to modify texts, instructions, etc. Teacher's and student´s
passwords to facilitate the teacher's control on the student, and that it allows the access at different
work levels.
- This software is prepared to be adapted to this particular process, with capacity for doing all the
exercises indicated in the Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit.

7) PLC Software.

7.1. PLC Software for all units indicated in the point 1 "Teaching, Research and Industrial units" for doing all
the exercises and practical possibilities indicated in “units catalogues and technical information of this

8) Computers System.

8.1. 1 Central Computer , with the following basic technical specifications:

- Intel Pentium® IV processor 2.8 GHz.

- 512 MB RAM DDR.
- 60 GB HD.
- CD R/W.
- Ethernet card.
- 17" Screen.
- O.S. Windows®.

8.2. 30 Computers, with the following basic technical specifications:

- Intel Pentium® IV processor 2.6 GHz.

- 512 MB RAM DDR.
- 60 GB HD.
- CD R/W.
- Ethernet card.
- 15" Screen.
- O.S. Windows®.

8.3. Local Net:

- Couple braided cable, gage 22 - 26 AWG, 4 leads.

- Wire with RJ-45 connectors.
- Switch.
- Maximum segment length: 100 meters.
- Maximum attenuation: -11.5dB.
- Characteristics impedance: 85 to 111 ohm.
- Velocity: 10 Mbips per second.
- Base-band transmission
- Propagation delay: 5.7 ns/ km.
- Maximum delay by segment: 1000 ns.
- Star topology.

9) Computers Complements.
G:\G1-PROYECTOS\G1.6. LABORATORIOS ESPECIALES\PLANTAS PILOTO\INGLES\05MARCH-EDITION3 (actualizandose)\LE00-Process Plant for Milk\4.-b) itemsspecificationsLE00.doc
Process Plant for Dairy Products (LE00)
March 2005
Issue 3 7/7

9.1. 1 Set of connection cables.

9.2. 1 Projection system for showing in real time any process.
9.3. 1 Normal projector.
9.4. 1 Projection screen.
9.5. 1 Laser pointer.
9.6. 1 Shelf.
9.7. Accessories for 5 years operation.

10) Manuals.

10.1. EDIBON Scada-Net Manual.

10.2. Manuals for each Teaching, Research and Industrial Unit. (8 manuals)

- Required services manual.

- Assembly and installation manual.
- Interface and software/control console manual
- Set in operation manual.
- Safety norms manual.
- Practices manual.
- Maintenance manual.
- Calibration manual.

11) 1 Week training locally and a trip to Spain are included.

G:\G1-PROYECTOS\G1.6. LABORATORIOS ESPECIALES\PLANTAS PILOTO\INGLES\05MARCH-EDITION3 (actualizandose)\LE00-Process Plant for Milk\4.-b) itemsspecificationsLE00.doc

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