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SBLP Program Brochure

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Supporting locally owned and

independent businesses in
improving their environmental
business practices, reducing their
carbon footprint, and saving money.
A Program of the Sustainable Business Network
of Greater Boston
Sustainable Business Leader Program Overview

Launched in 2008 in partnership with the hands-on support throughout the process The Sustainable Business
Massachusetts Department of to make “going green” easy, rewarding, and
Leader Program takes a
Environmental Protection and the Boston fun! Businesses who successfully complete
Redevelopment Authority, the Sustainable the program become certified as Sustainable comprehensive approach
Business Leader Program (SBLP) is a practical Business Leaders and are widely recognized to sustainability, covering
and affordable certification program that for their achievements and commitment to seven key categories:
helps businesses “green” their business environmental sustainability.
operations and practices while saving Energy Efficiency
valuable natural resources and money! Water Conservation
What is good for the planet is now Waste Management
Through personalized technical assistance good for business too! Pollution Prevention & Safe
and guidance, the SBLP helps business Alternatives
owners and staff identify areas for The Sustainable Business Leader Transportation
environmentally sustainable change, Program helps busy business owners Local Purchasing & Local Food
connects them to information and resources identify environmental changes & Sustainability Management
to help them do so, and provides them with connect to cost effective solutions.

SBLP showed us the right, organized

way to go about greening the store.
Having a systematic way to do it
saved us time and money. We're
already seeing savings with our
energy bills and supply orders!
Megan Sullivan
Harvard Bookstore
How Do I Become a Coordinator in understanding the businesses STEP 5 Implementation and Ongoing
current operations and areas for improvement. Assistance. The participating company imple-
Sustainable Business Leader? ments the Sustainability Action Plan, working
STEP 2 Initial Site Visit. After the assessment is closely with the SBLP Coordinator who provides
Contact us! Send us an e-mail at completed, the SBLP Coordinator will schedule a guidance and support throughout the process. and we’ll set up a time to meeting with the business to review the form in
talk with you about the program and address detail and answer any and all questions. In STEP 6 Sustainable Business Leader Program
any questions you may have. addition, the Coordinator will conduct a Certification. To be certified by the SBLP, a
thorough walk-through of the business space, company must meet specific and quantitative
verifying measures listed in the form and taking criteria. When a company finishes implementing
Tell me more… SBLP’s additional notes to inform the recommenda- its Sustainability Action Plan, the SBLP Commit-
6-Steps to Certification tions. tee will evaluate and measure the results of the
work completed. If 80% or more of the Action
The Sustainable Business Leader Program STEP 3 Recommendations & Green Team Plan has been achieved, the participating
follows a comprehensive six-step process, Meeting. Based on the Sustainability Assess- business will be certified as a Sustainable
detailed below. While these steps are standard- ment Form and site visit, the SBLP Coordinator Business Leader and will be recognized at the
ized and undertaken by every company, the will create a list of recommendations and SBLP graduation ceremony. At this time the
recommendations generated and action plan associated resources for the business to business will be issued a certificate of gradua-
developed are customized to the needs and consider. The SBLP Coordinator will then tion, a window decal, and a logo for use on their
situation of each specific business. schedule a meeting to review the recommenda- website and in printed promotional materials.
tions in detail and address any questions or The newly certified business will then receive
Each business is assigned a dedicated SBLP concerns. Businesses are encouraged to engage from the Sustainable Business Network of
Coordinator to lead them through the program staff members in the development and imple- Greater Boston and the SBLP the benefit of
process and provide guidance and support. mentation of the SBLP. multiple methods of promoting its good work to
the public, local government agencies, and
STEP 1 Complete the Sustainability Assess- STEP 4 Develop a Sustainability Action Plan. fellow businesses!
ment Form. The Sustainability Assessment Form The business will use the recommendations
is a questionnaire that covers SBLP’s seven key provided by the SBLP Coordinator to collabora-
sustainability categories and assists the SBLP tively develop a Sustainability Action Plan.
Benefits of Being a Sustainable
Business Leader
The Sustainable Business Leader Program assists participating
businesses in reducing their environmental impact and has
the following benefits: The Sustainable Business Leader Program is a program of the
Sustainable Business Network (SBN) of Greater Boston, a
Reduce your carbon footprint local not-for-profit organization with the mission to build
Save money by reducing energy, water and waste economies that are local, green, and fair.
Connect with incentive programs and local green vendors
Develop a competitive advantage through enhanced SBN gratefully acknowledges the support of its SBLP partners:
business image
Receive public relations benefits from SBLP graduation Absolute Green Energy Cambridge Local First
ACCION USA City of Boston Environment
and certification including recognition for pioneering
Arrow Paper Company Department
efforts by City officials and acknowledgement through Barr Foundation LittleFoot Energy
SBLP social media platforms Boston Public Health MassDEP
Receive 1-year complimentary membership to the Commission, Safe Shops & New Generation Energy
Sustainable Business Network of Greater Boston Safe Nail Salon Project SoChange
($125-$500 value!) and member discounts to all SBN Boston Redevelopment Somerville Local First
Authority ThinkLite
Cambridge Energy Alliance Worcester SBLP
Get featured as a Sustainable Business Leader on SBN’s
Local Green Business Directory and listed on SBLP’s website
Access ongoing support and education on sustainable For more information about SBN, SBN programming, and SBN
business practices membership, visit: SBN is a member of
Network with other SBLP participants and graduates the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE):
Generate a sense of pride and camaraderie among staff

Sustainable Business Leader Program

186 Hampshire st., #6, Cambridge, MA 02139

Printed on recycled paper

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