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Herrera Et Al. 2020 - Dynamical Characteristics of Drought in The Caribbean From Observations - JOC

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Dynamical Characteristics of Drought in the Caribbean from Observations

and Simulations


Department of Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado


Department of Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

(Manuscript received 14 February 2020, in final form 8 July 2020)


Climate models consistently project a significant drying in the Caribbean during climate change, and
between 2013 and 2016 the region experienced the worst multiyear drought in the historical period. Although
dynamical mechanisms have been proposed to explain drought in the Caribbean, the contributions from mass
convergence and advection to precipitation minus evaporation (P 2 E) anomalies during drought are un-
known. Here we analyze the dynamics of contemporaneous droughts in the Caribbean by decomposing the
contributions of mass convergence and advection to P 2 E using observational and simulated data. We find
that droughts arise from an anomalous subsidence over the southeastern Caribbean and northeastern South
America. Although the contributions from mass convergence and advection vary across the region, it is mass
convergence that is the main driver of drought in our study area. A similar dynamical pattern is observed in
simulated droughts using the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Large Ensemble (LENS).

1. Introduction 2013–16 (Herrera et al. 2018), more than 3 million

people were directly affected by food insecurity due to
The Caribbean Islands and Central America are
the failure of staple crops production (FAO 2016;
prone to relatively short, intense droughts that often
OCHA 2015). Estimated losses from the Pan-Caribbean
cause losses in agriculture, municipal water shortages,
drought exceed hundreds of millions of dollars, pri-
and decreased hydropower generation (Larsen 2000;
marily because of its effects on agriculture and tourism
Méndez and Magaña 2010; Peters 2015; Herrera and
(FAO 2016; OCHA 2015). Similarly, droughts that oc-
Ault 2017; Hernández Ayala and Heslar 2019). During
curred in 1997–98 and 2009–10 reduced crop yields from
the unusually prolonged ‘‘Pan-Caribbean drought’’ of
20% to over 30%, leading to a significant increase in
food prices across the Caribbean (Peters 2015; FAO
Denotes content that is immediately available upon publica- 2016). In Trinidad and Tobago, for example, fruit prices
tion as open access. increased by as much as 61% in 2010, partly due to the
drought (Peters 2015; FAO 2016). These statistics sug-
Supplemental information related to this paper is available at gest that slow-developing but persistent droughts can
the Journals Online website: significantly affect the economies and food security of
the Caribbean Islands and Central America. In fact,
previous studies have identified the Caribbean Islands as
Current affiliation: Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. in the world, in part because of the projected drying
in the coming decades (IPCC 2014; Karnauskas et al.
Corresponding author: Dimitris A. Herrera, 2016, 2018).

DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0100.1
Ó 2020 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright
Policy (
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Because of their tropical setting, the climatology of

the Caribbean and Central America is characterized
by a relatively small seasonal change in temperature,
but a pronounced variation in precipitation (Magaña
et al. 1999). In both regions, the annual cycle of pre-
cipitation follows a bimodal pattern characterized by
two maxima in May–June and September–October,
and a minimum in December–April (Fig. 1a) (Magaña
et al. 1999; Gamble and Curtis 2008; Taylor et al. 2002).
In the Caribbean, this pattern is consistent with the
observed annual cycle of moisture convergence, which
in turn is primarily sourced from the eastern Pacific and
Atlantic intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ), and
the western flank of the North Atlantic subtropical high
(NASH) (Martinez et al. 2019). In contrast, the main
sources of moisture in Central America are the Caribbean
Sea and the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, from where
moisture is mainly carried by the Caribbean low-level jet
(CLLJ) and the Choco jet (CJ), respectively (Durán-
Quesada et al. 2017).
During the wet season (May–October), a relatively FIG. 1. Precipitation in the Caribbean and Central America:
dry period occurs between July and August known as (a) Annual precipitation cycle for the Caribbean Islands and
Central America from the Global Precipitation Climate Centre
the ‘‘midsummer drought’’ (MSD) (Magaña et al. 1999; (GPCC), and (b) annual mean precipitation in our study domain
Gamble and Curtis 2008) (Fig. 1a). The dynamics un- (1950–2018), and the subregions we divide it into for this work:
derpinning the MSD are not well understood, but they the Florida Peninsula (region A), Central America (region B),
likely involve a different mechanism for the Caribbean northern South America (region C), and the Caribbean (re-
and Central America (Magaña et al. 1999; Gamble and gion D).
Curtis 2008). For example, Giannini et al. (2001a,b) and
Gamble and Curtis (2008) have proposed that the ex- Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Madden–Julian oscil-
pansion of the North Atlantic subtropical high in July lation (MJO), and the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
might play a critical role in the onset of the MSD in the (AMO) (Enfield and Alfaro 1999; Giannini et al. 2000,
Caribbean. According to this hypothesis, the intensifi- 2001a,b; Taylor et al. 2002; Gamble and Curtis 2008;
cation of NASH diminishes precipitation in this region Martin and Schumacher 2011). The NAO impacts
by strengthening trade winds and by promoting vertical drought in both regions by changing the intensity of the
atmospheric stability (Gamble and Curtis 2008). In NASH and the CLLJ (Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b;
contrast, in Central America the MSD might be driven Taylor et al. 2002; Martin and Schumacher 2011).
by the latitudinal migration of the ITCZ and changes in the Although there are some constraints on the dynamical
low-level winds in the Pacific coast of Central America causes of ENSO and NAO-driven droughts in the
(Magaña et al. 1999). Regardless of the dynamical causes Caribbean and Central America (e.g., Rogers 1988;
of the MSD, Caribbean droughts often unfold with an Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Taylor et al. 2002), the
anomalously persistent MSD and subsequent failure of the occurrence of drought in the absence of El Niño (e.g.,
September–October peak of the rainy season. Herrera and Ault 2017; Herrera et al. 2018) suggests
Some of the worst droughts in the Caribbean and that other dynamical and/or thermodynamical pro-
Central America have occurred during El Niño events cesses also modulate drought variability in these re-
(Peters 2015; Herrera and Ault 2017), and multiple gions. Importantly, the pronounced topographical
studies have linked drought variability in these regions gradients of the Caribbean Islands and Central America
with El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (e.g., might further influence drought variation at local scales
Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Jury et al. 2007; Méndez through thermodynamical and dynamical processes
and Magaña 2010; Peters 2015). However, as suggested (e.g., Durán-Quesada et al. 2017; Herrera and Ault 2017;
by Torres-Valcárcel (2018), the impacts of ENSO on Torres-Valcárcel 2018).
drought in the Caribbean are neither temporally nor Global climate models consistently project an in-
spatially uniform. Drought in the Caribbean and Central crease in aridity for the Caribbean and Central America
America has been further associated with the North as a result of anthropogenic climate change (e.g., Neelin

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et al. 2006; Rauscher et al. 2008; Centella et al. 2008; the Caribbean Islands and Central America, and por-
Taylor et al. 2013; IPCC 2014). Previous studies have tions of South and North America (Fig. 1b). Given that
suggested that such a drying might be due to an earlier drought variability differs from the subtropical Florida
onset of the MSD and a stronger, longer-lasting, CLLJ Peninsula to the tropical northern portion of South
(Rauscher et al. 2008; Taylor et al. 2013). Moisture budgets America (Amador 1998; Magaña et al. 1999; Gamble
have been extensively used to diagnose the dynamical and Curtis 2008; Herrera and Ault 2017), we divide this
causes of extreme hydroclimate events, including droughts area into four subregions to conduct our analysis
and flooding worldwide (e.g., Trenberth and Guillemot (Fig. 1b). This division allows us to diagnose drought
1996; Seager and Henderson 2013; Seager et al. 2014). More dynamics separately for the following regions: the
recently, moisture budgets have been used to characterize Florida Peninsula (region A), Central America (re-
the dynamical mechanisms of precipitation in the Caribbean gion B), northern South America (region C), and the
and Central America (Durán-Quesada et al. 2017; Martinez Caribbean (region D) (Fig. 1b).
et al. 2019). However, the relative contributions of mass
converge and advection of moisture to drought have not yet
been broadly implemented to investigate the dynamical Table 1 provides a comprehensive list of the datasets
causes of drought in the Caribbean Islands. used herein. To calculate the moisture budgets, we use
In this work, we provide further insights into the the ERA-Interim reanalysis, which spans from January
dynamical mechanisms of droughts that occurred in 1979 to August 2019 with temporal resolutions ranging
the Caribbean and Central America during the 1979– from 3-hourly to monthly time steps, and 0.758 3 0.758
2018 period using reanalysis and model simulations. horizontal resolution (Dee et al. 2011). It has a vertical
Specifically, we aim to answer the following research resolution of 60 levels, with the top level at 0.1 hPa.
questions in relation to the Caribbean Islands: 1) What ERA-Interim uses a four-dimensional variational as-
are the physical processes associated with drought? 2) similation scheme with an improved low-frequency
What are the relative contributions of mass conver- variability, stratospheric circulation, and hydrological cycle
gence and advection of moisture to precipitation minus (Dee et al. 2011). We use 6-hourly ERA-Interim data of
evaporation (P 2 E) anomalies during drought? 3) Are surface pressure (Ps), zonal (u) and meridional (y) com-
the dynamical causes of drought in climate models ponents of the wind, and specific humidity (q) at 0.78 3 0.78
consistent with those from observations? To exam- Gaussian grid and 40 model levels for the 1979–2018 pe-
ine these questions, we use the European Centre for riod. We further use horizontal wind and geopotential
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) interim height (Z) also from ERA-Interim to assess the large-scale
reanalysis (ERA-Interim) (Dee et al. 2011) to calculate dynamic anomalies during the droughts studied, but at
moisture budgets and moisture flux anomalies during 18 3 18 resolution.
three major droughts in the Caribbean: 1) 1997–98, 2) Additionally, we use moisture budget data from NCAR’s
2009–10, and 3) the 2013–16 Pan-Caribbean drought. Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) to
These droughts are also analyzed in terms of global cir- evaluate our moisture budget computations. This dataset is
culation and sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, as also calculated with ERA-Interim, but for the period
many droughts in these regions have been linked to SST 1979–2016 (Trenberth and Fasullo 2018; available at http://
variations in the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic
Oceans (Rogers 1988; Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Taylor index.html). Among other variables, this dataset pro-
et al. 2002; Gamble and Curtis 2008; Martin and Schumacher vides monthly means of the vertically integrated mois-
2011; Herrera and Ault 2017). We further use the National ture flux divergence, zonal and meridional moisture
Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community fluxes, and P 2 E (originally as E 2 P) at 0.58 3 0.58
Earth System Model (CESM) Large Ensemble (LENS) latitude/longitude resolution. As compared to moisture
(Kay et al. 2015) to assess the prevalent dynamical budgets directly calculated from ERA-Interim fields,
anomalies during drought in this model, which offers a the NCAR moisture budgets underwent a T-106 spec-
larger sample size than the historical record alone. tral truncation to reduce the ‘‘ringing’’ (i.e., spurious
spatial patterns) of the budgets and were further cor-
rected because mass convergence often does not match
2. Data and methods the surface pressure tendency (Trenberth 1991; Trenberth
et al. 2011). This step is necessary to assess the long-term
a. Study area and climate data
trends and variability of moisture transport, because the
As in Herrera and Ault (2017), our target area in this divergence estimated from reanalyses usually does not
work is between 78–338N and 608–908W, which includes balance P 2 E (e.g., Trenberth et al. 2011; Seager and

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TABLE 1. Observed climate datasets used in this work.

Variable Dataset Native resolution Period used Reference

Precipitation GPCC 18 1979–2018 Schneider et al. (2015a,b)
GPCPb 28 1979–2018 Adler et al. 2003
Drought data CarDroughtc 4 km 1979–2019 Herrera and Ault (2017)
Sea surface temperature ERSST v5d 28 1958–2018 Huang et al. (2017)
Specific humidity ERA-Interime 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Zonal wind component ERA-Interim 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Meridional wind component ERA-Interim 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Surface pressure ERA-Interim 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Geopotential height ERA-Interim 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Surface pressure ERA-Interim 0.58 1979–2018 Dee et al. (2011)
Model data CESM-LENSf 18 1920–2006 Kay et al. 2015
GPCC: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre version 7.
GPCP: Global Precipitation Climatology Project version 2.3.
CarDrought: Caribbean drought atlas.
ERSST v5: Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature version 5.
ERA-Interim: ECMWF interim reanalysis.
CESM-LENS: Community Earth System Model’s Large Ensemble.

Henderson 2013). However, in contrast to our moisture products. GPCC totals monthly precipitation dataset
budget computations, CGD’s dataset uses 28 model (s) uses 75 000 quality-controlled rain gauges worldwide
levels with the top of the atmosphere at s 5 0.0 and (Schneider et al. 2015a) and approximately 400 sta-
s 5 1.0 at the surface of the Earth, while we use 40 s levels tions in the Caribbean and Central America (Herrera
of ERA-Interim. and Ault 2017). GPCC has spatial resolutions from
0.58 to 2.58 latitude/longitude, and spans 1901–2013.
However, the GPCC ‘‘combined product’’ (https://
We use observed gridded products of monthly daily
means of precipitation from the Global Precipitation that we use combines GPCC v7 with the GPCC v4 moni-
Climatology Project (GPCP) (Adler et al. 2003) and toring product spanning from 1901 to two months prior to
monthly totals from the Global Precipitation Climatology present with 18 3 18 horizontal resolution (Schneider
Centre (GPCC) (Schneider et al. 2015a) (see Table S1 in et al. 2015b).
the online supplemental material). We use SST data ERSSTv5 is a global SST dataset spanning 1854 to
from NOAA’s Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface near present at 28 3 28 latitude/longitude. As compared
Temperature version 5 (ERSSTv5) (Huang et al. 2017) to previous versions (e.g., ERSSTv3 and v4), ERSSTv5
to evaluate SST anomaly patterns associated with uses more extensive input data, including the third
drought in the Caribbean and Central America. Although version of the International Comprehensive Ocean–
these products span different time intervals, we use them Atmosphere Dataset (ICOADS) (Huang et al. 2017).
from January 1979 to December 2018 to be consistent with Further, this version has revised the bias correction,
ERA-Interim. interpolation, and quality control procedures (Huang
The GPCP product combines rain gauge stations, et al. 2017).
satellite, and sounding observations to estimate monthly
precipitation rates. This product spans from 1979 to near
present, at 2.58 3 2.58 latitude/longitude (Adler et al. We use historical (i.e., 1920–2006) archives of 40
2003). As compared to other observational gridded members from CESM-LENS (Kay et al. 2015) for two
products, GPCP covers precipitation over land and over reasons: first, to assess the accuracy of this model in
ocean, which is advantageous for the purpose of this simulating drought dynamics in the Caribbean and
work (e.g., to compare moisture transport with precipi- Central America; and second, to increase the sample
tation over ocean). We use the GPCP version 2.3 size to improve our understanding of the robust dy-
Combined Precipitation dataset, available at https:// namics linked to drought. LENS is a 40-member en- semble of fully coupled simulations spanning 1920–2100,
In addition to GPCP, we use the version 7 of GPCC at approximately 18 horizontal resolution (Kay et al.
(GPCC v7) to evaluate drought variation in the Caribbean 2015). It further includes two ;1000-yr-long preindustrial
and Central America across different gridded precipitation and control simulations, with the purpose of isolating

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anthropogenic climate change from internal variability The boundary term 2(1/grw)qsvs  =ps is therefore
(Kay et al. 2015). In contrast to what we do with ERA- needed as a result of this approximation, but it is usually
Interim, these quantities are provided as direct model neglected (Seager and Henderson 2013). To account for
outputs. The details of how LENS compares with obser- the contribution of the mean flow and transient eddies to
vational gridded products over the Caribbean are described the total moisture convergence, Eq. (1) can be further
in the online supplemental material (e.g., Figs. S1 and S2). expressed as
b. Methodology P2E52 å [(q =  vk 1 vk  =qk ) Dp]
grw k51 k
We analyze the anomalies of moisture budgets and 
large-scale circulation, which are estimated as depar- 1 =  å v0(6,k) q0(6,k) Dpk 2 qs vs  =ps , (2)
tures from the 1979–2018 climatology. The dynamics of k51
following drought periods are evaluated in this work: 1)
1997–98, 2) 2009–10, and 3) 2013–16. Monthly moisture where the upper bar represents the total moisture flux
budgets and large-scale dynamics are analyzed at sea- for a specific month, and the primes are 6-hourly de-
sonal time scales to facilitate the interpretation of our partures from the monthly mean flow. Notice that we
findings. This is important because drought dynamics in ignore the precipitable water tendency, since this term is
the Caribbean and Central America have a different relatively small on monthly time steps as compared to
seasonal response to climate modes of variability such as the total moisture flux convergence.
ENSO (e.g., Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Jury et al. Most atmospheric reanalyses do not conserve mass
2007; Herrera and Ault 2017). For example, the effects (e.g., Trenberth and Fasullo 2018). This may be due to,
of El Niño on precipitation during the boreal summer for example, the temporal and spatial heterogeneity of
(June–August) and the autumn (September–November) the assimilated observational climate data (Trenberth
are the opposite from what is observed in early spring et al. 2011; Trenberth and Fasullo 2018). Efforts to cir-
(March–May), with below normal precipitation in the cumvent this limitation focus on mass correction
summer and autumn, and positive anomalies in spring methods (e.g., Trenberth 1991; Trenberth et al. 1995;
(Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Jury et al. 2007; Herrera and Trenberth and Fasullo 2018), usually based on barotropic,
Ault 2017). We therefore analyze drought dynamics or ‘‘dry-air,’’ corrections. To improve the accuracy of our
separately for March–May (MAM), June–August analysis, we therefore mass-correct moisture transport and
(JJA), September–November (SON), and December– moisture flux convergence computations, as in Trenberth
February (DJF). (1991) and Trenberth and Fasullo (2018). This approach
involves two steps: first, a barotropic mass correction of
1) COMPUTATION OF MOISTURE BUDGETS wind velocities v is applied such that
  ð Ps
We calculate moisture budgets as in Seager and ›Ps ›w
R5 2g 1 =  (1 2 q)v*dp , (3)
Henderson (2013) because this formulation allows us to ›t ›t 0
separate the two components of moisture flux conver-
gence: the part due to mass convergence and the part where R is the mass budget residual and y* is the non-
due to advection of moisture. Precipitation minus corrected velocity field. Associated with R, a function
evaporation (P 2 E) can be thus diagnostically com- x is defined as
puted as x 5 =22 R , (4)
ð ð
1 › Ps 1 › Ps
P2E52 qDp 2 (q=  v 1 v  =q) Dp and thus
grw ›t 0 grw ›t 0
1 vc1 5 =x /(ps 2 pt 2 gw) , (5)
2 q v  =ps ,
grw s s
(1) where the term vc1 is the mass-corrected winds. The
second step includes a mass correction to account for the
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, rw is the mass of precipitated moisture. To do so, we separate
density of water, the term q=  v is the mass convergence, moisture transport into its rotational (vqr) and divergent
and v  =q is Ð the advection of moisture. The term (vqd) components as
2(1/grw)(›/›t) 0 s qDp is the rate of change of the verti-
cally integrated moisture or precipitable water tendency. vq 5 (vqr ) 1 (vqd ) . (6)

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We then set vc2 5 (vqd), and thus, the mass-corrected Caribbean and Central America. To do so, we first re-
wind velocities v are defined as gionally average soil moisture and precipitation and cal-
culate their anomalies, as departures from the 1920–2006
v 5 vc1 –vc2 . (7) climatology, over the Caribbean Islands. Monthly anom-
ÐP alies are then averaged to seasonal means for each year,
Also, since the term 2(1/grw) 0 s (q=Ð v 1 v  =q)Dp 2 and we normalize seasonal precipitation and soil moisture
(1/grw)qs vs  =ps is equal to =  (1/g) 0 s qy dp, we cor- anomalies by calculating their z scores:
rect mass convergence and advection of moisture
gradients separately as z5 , (10)
1 Ps where z is the normalized variable, x is the variable
ð Ps = qv dp
1 g 0 seasonal mean for each year, x is the long-term seasonal
MCcorr ’ 2 [(q=  v) Dp] 2 , (8)
grw 0 2 climatology, and s is the standard deviation. We then
ð select the droughts with z # 21 from the normalized soil
1 Ps moisture and precipitation anomaly time series. Finally,
ð Ps = qv dp
1 g 0 we composite all seasons to obtain the seasonal clima-
ADVQcorr ’ 2 (v  =q) Dp 2 , (9)
grw 0 2 tology of simulated droughts. We repeated this proce-
dure for each of the 40 members of LENS.
where the terms MCcorr and ADVQcorr are the mass- With the droughts identified from soil moisture and
corrected mass convergence and advection of moisture, precipitation anomalies as a reference, we calculate P 2 E
respectively. directly using model outputs of precipitation and
2) OBSERVED LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICS evaporation, while moisture flux anomalies are cal-
ANALYSIS culated using specific humidity (q), surface pressure
(P0), and wind vectors (y, u) as we do with ERA-
Large-scale patterns of NASH, CLLJ, and global Interim. Mass convergence and advection of moisture
circulation are analyzed by compositing monthly SST, n o
are calculated as 2(1/grw) åk51 [(qk =  vk ) Dp] and
geopotential height, and horizontal wind anomalies of n o
2(1/grw) åk51 [(vk =  qk ) Dp] , respectively. The con-
the observed droughts. The resulting patterns are then
assessed for consistency with moisture flux anomalies
sistency of LENS in simulating drought dynamics in the
from ERA-Interim. Geopotential height anomalies are
Caribbean and Central America is assessed from three
detrended to remove the effects of the warming trend on
perspectives: 1) comparing the seasonal long-term cli-
atmospheric expansion during the period analyzed (e.g.,
matologies of P 2 E and moisture fluxes against the same
Williams et al. 2017).
climatologies from ERA-Interim, 2) analyzing the
anomalies in P 2 E and moisture fluxes during simulated
droughts, and 3) identifying NASH and CLLJ.

We calculate long-term (1979–2018) trends and vari- 3. Results

ability of 1) P 2 E, 2) mass convergence, 3) advection of
moisture gradients, and 4) moisture transport for each a. Climatology of the vertically integrated moisture
grid cell of our study area. Analyzing long-term trends in transport
mass convergence and moisture advection separately The seasonal climatology of the vertically integrated
provides further insight into the dynamical drivers of the moisture transports in the Caribbean and Central
drying observed in the Caribbean and Central America is strongly dominated by changes in the low-level
America during the last 50 years (e.g., Herrera and easterly fluxes (mostly represented by the CLLJ), the
Ault 2017). Trends are evaluated using two-tailed meridional migration of the ITCZ, and changes in the
test, where trends with p values higher or equal to position and strength of NASH (Figs. 2 and 3). Although
0.05 at the 95% confidence interval are considered the ITCZ plays a major role in precipitation seasonality in
nonsignificant. Central America, regional and local features such as
moisture transport from the Caribbean Sea and topogra-
phy also contribute to local precipitation variability in this
Droughts in LENS are identified using model outputs region, especially during the dry season. At regional scales
of soil moisture and precipitation. Then, moisture in the Caribbean Islands, in contrast, the main source of
budgets are calculated during simulated droughts in the moisture is from the North Atlantic carried by the trade

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FIG. 2. Seasonal climatologies of precipitation (shaded) and vertically integrated moisture fluxes (vectors) in our
study area. Precipitation seasonal climatology [from Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) 1979–2018]
for (a) March–May, (b) June–August, (c) September–November, and (d) December–February. Arrows represent
the total moisture flux across boundaries of the subregions studied in this work as in Fasullo and Webster (2002).

winds. The dry season for the Caribbean and Central of the higher water vapor content of the atmosphere
America (from December to May or DJF and MAM) is (due to warmer temperatures of the summer season and
characterized by dominant divergence over the Caribbean the northward migration of the ITCZ), but surface winds
Sea. However, topography enhances convergence at very are slower than during the dry season (Fig. 2). In terms
local scales. This is especially notable in Central America, of convergence, there is a pronounced difference be-
where the Caribbean slope exhibits a relatively strong tween JJA and SON. For example, in JJA there is persis-
convergence in DJF, while the opposite is observed on the tent convergence in the western Caribbean (especially
Pacific coast of Central America (Figs. 2 and 3). A similar western Cuba), while in the eastern Caribbean Islands,
feature is observed over the Caribbean Islands, although consistent with the MSD, divergence is present (Fig. 3). In
the magnitude is smaller than in Central America, proba- contrast, in SON convergence is observed throughout most
bly due to the relatively low resolution of the ERA-Interim of the Caribbean Islands.
used here (0.78 3 0.78). The dry season is also dynamically
b. Case studies of moisture budget anomalies from
characterized by a stronger CLLJ and the southwest ex-
pansion of NASH.
During the wet season in JJA and SON, there is an The 1997–98 drought begins in the spring (MAM)
appreciable northward migration of the ITCZ accom- of 1997 and is characterized by anomalous moisture
panied by a relatively small shift in the CLLJ toward flux divergence in Central America and most of the
northern Central America (Figs. 2 and 3). This is no- Caribbean Islands (Figs. 4 and 5). The western portion
ticeable with the increased moisture transport from the of Cuba and northern Central America experienced
Caribbean Sea to Central America, with over 4 3 above normal moisture convergence during this season,
103 kg m21 s21. In the Caribbean Islands, this loss of which is consistent with precipitation anomaly patterns
moisture is compensated by an also increased moisture commonly observed during El Niño events (e.g.,
coming from the North Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 2). In the Herrera and Ault 2017). In the summer (JJA) of 1997,
wet season, moisture fluxes are relatively large because the drought intensifies in southern Central America (e.g.,

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FIG. 3. Seasonal climatologies of precipitation minus evaporation (P 2 E; shaded) and vertically integrated
moisture fluxes (arrows).

Panama and Costa Rica) as indicated by anomalous in P 2 E are observed in the central/eastern Caribbean
moisture flux divergence of up to 12 mm day21 (Fig. 5). In basin and northeastern South America. This picture con-
the Caribbean Islands, drought conditions in JJA are trasts with the average moisture convergence observed in
similar to MAM except in Cuba. There, positive moisture Central America, with the exception of DJF in 2009–10
convergence anomalies are present. In the autumn (SON), (Figs. 6 and 7). By the summer of 2010, the drought had
there is a noticeable change in moisture fluxes, especially in subsided in most of the Caribbean and Central America
the eastern Pacific where fluxes changed from predomi- with an average moisture convergence of ;5 mm day21.
nantly easterlies to westerlies of up to 6 3 102 kg m21 s21 As opposed to the previous droughts, the Pan-Caribbean
above normal (Fig. 4). This anomalous moisture flux drought of 2013–16 is characterized by spatial and temporal
convergence is consistent with elevated El Niño SSTA in heterogeneity in terms of moisture flux convergence and
the eastern Pacific Ocean next to South America. In the divergence (Fig. 7). During this drought, two periods of
winter of 1997–98 (DJF), drought conditions begin to di- persistent moisture divergence are observed in the
minish in most of the Caribbean Islands and small portions Caribbean of a magnitude of ;3 and ;4 mm day21 on
of Central America in association with anomalous mois- average, respectively. The first period spans from JJA to
ture flux convergence over the Greater Antilles of Caribbean SON in 2014 and is characterized by having both moisture
Islands and southeastern North America. flux convergence and divergence in Central America.
The drought of 2009–10 is one of the most severe re- However, during this period there is an appreciable above
cent droughts to occur in the Caribbean, but it mostly normal moisture convergence in northern Central
affected the Lesser Antilles and northern South America America (e.g., Yucatan Peninsula), which contrasts with
(Peters 2015; Herrera and Ault 2017). During this drought the anomalous moisture divergence of the Caribbean.
there is persistent moisture flux divergence over the The second period occurs from MAM to SON in 2015
Caribbean Sea beginning in MAM of 2009 through DJF when the drought peaked and is similar to the one ob-
2009–10, with values ranging from 2 to 5 mm day21. served in 2014 (in terms of the spatial distribution of
Consistent with the rainfall deficits observed in weather moisture convergence and divergence anomalies; Figs. 8
stations in the Lesser Antilles (e.g., Peters 2015), the and 9). During both periods there is a strong moisture
most intense moisture divergence and negative anomalies convergence anomaly, especially during JJA, in the

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FIG. 4. Precipitation and moisture flux anomalies during the 1997–98 drought. Arrows represent total moisture flux
anomalies across key boundaries.
eastern tropical Pacific near southern Central America, in MAM 2016, however, the pattern is almost the op-
reaching more than 10 mm day21 (Fig. 9). This pattern is posite: a strong divergence anomaly (.12 mm day21) is
consistent with the strong El Niño of 2015 and the El observed next to southern Central America (Fig. 9),
Niño–like conditions in the summer of 2014. Beginning which is likely related to the onset of a weak La Niña

FIG. 5. The 1997–98 drought P 2 E (shaded) and moisture flux (arrows) seasonal anomalies.

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FIG. 6. As in Fig. 4, but for the 2009–10 drought in the Caribbean.

in 2016. In terms of moisture flux anomalies, this drought and 2015, whereas this pattern persists over Central
is characterized by increased loss of moisture of up to 22 3 America during the boreal summer (JJA) (Fig. 8).
103 kg m21 s21 along the western boundaries of both the During the Pan-Caribbean drought, advection of
Caribbean Islands and Central America in MAM of 2014 moisture anomalies contributed to negative values of

FIG. 7. As in Fig. 5, but for the 2009–10 drought.

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FIG. 8. As in Figs. 4 and 6, but for the 2013–16 Pan-Caribbean drought.

P 2 E (suggesting drying) of 24 mm day21 on average in for the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and
Central America and northern South America in 2014 and northern South America, while the opposite is ob-
2015 (Fig. 10). In the Caribbean region, however, the ad- served to the north, over the Florida Peninsula.
vection of moisture contributed to a slight increase in Trends toward drying conditions are statistically
moisture of ;2 mm day21, especially over the Greater significant for the Caribbean Islands (Table 2), with a
Antilles, while the opposite is observed on the Lesser change in P 2 E of 20.26 mm decade 21 (p , 0.05).
Antilles and over the Caribbean Sea during most seasons. This is consistent with the drying observed in con-
However, the drying driven by the advection in Central vergence (20.19 mm decade21; p , 0.05) and advection of
America and northern South America is balanced by the moisture (20.067 mm decade21; p , 0.05) for this region.
wetting caused by mass convergence, with values of over In contrast, trends for the Florida Peninsula and northern
4 mm day21 but mostly over the Panama Isthmus (Fig. 11). South America are not significant (Table 2). In Central
This is also the opposite of what we observed over the America, even though a significant wetting trend is ob-
Caribbean Islands, where mass convergence contributed served in mass convergence (0.23 mm decade21; p , 0.05),
to an average drying of 24 mm day21, although only in it is offset by the drying from advection of moisture gra-
JJA. Notably, the spatial patterns in advection and mass dients (20.136; p , 0.05) (Table 2).
convergence anomalies in JJA of 2014 and 2015 were re-
d. Large-scale dynamics during droughts from
markably similar, but anomalies in 2015 were more pro-
nounced. The role of local topography in modulating local
convergence is also noticeable (Figs. 10 and 11), especially Next, we analyze the global atmospheric and oceanic
when comparing the Caribbean and the Pacific coast of circulation and precipitation anomalies associated with
Central America. these droughts. Figure 13 shows geopotential height
anomalies at 200 hPa during the 1997–98 drought.
c. Trends and variability of moisture budgets
Positive geopotential height anomalies are observed
Figure 12 shows the trends of P 2 E, mass conver- from the autumn (SON) of 1997 through the spring
gence, and advection of moisture gradients for each of (MAM) of 1998 in the Caribbean, Central America, and
the subregions studied in this work. It is notable the northern South America. However, negative geo-
prominent contribution of mass convergence to P 2 E potential anomalies are observed at approximately

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FIG. 9. As in Figs. 5 and 6, but during the Pan-Caribbean drought.

308N (i.e., over the Florida Peninsula), separated by in the summer of 1998. These patterns are consistent with
a narrow band of strong westerly wind anomalies. precipitation and SST anomalies observed during the
Geopotential and horizontal wind anomalies also drought (Fig. 13), which are characterized by a persistent
indicate a persistent upper-level anticyclonic circulation dryness in Central America, the eastern Caribbean, and
during the drought over the central-eastern Caribbean northern South America, and strong positive anomalies in
Islands and Central America, which subsequently subsides the tropical Pacific associated with El Niño. This pattern in

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n o
FIG. 10. Advection of moisture gradient, i.e., 2(1/grw) åk51 [(vk  =qk )hp] , anomalies between MAM 2014 and JJA 2015. Advection

of moisture contributed to a drying during these years of the Pan-Caribbean drought mostly in Central America and northern South

SST anomalies is commonly observed during El Niño (e.g., (Fig. 14). Although an El Niño event affected this region,
Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Herrera and Ault 2017). this event is not as strong as the ones in 1997–98 and 2015–
Similarly, during the 2009–10 drought an anomalous 16. It is also characterized by the highest SST anomalies
upper-level anticyclonic circulation is present, mostly occurring in central-tropical Pacific (i.e., an El Niño
over the eastern Caribbean and northern South America ‘‘Modoki’’ event; e.g., Ashok et al. 2007). These findings

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n o
FIG. 11. As in Fig. 10, but for mass convergence anomalies, i.e., 2(1/grw) åk51 [(qk =  vk )hp] . As opposed to the moisture advection,

mass convergence contributed to wetting the eastern equatorial Pacific and northern South America. In some cases, mass convergence
offset the drying from the advection, especially over Panama and northwestern South America.

are consistent with the precipitation and SST anom- America, and in parts of Central America and the
alies observed between 2009 and 2010, where a Greater Antilles (Fig. 14).
warmer tropical Pacific and cooler tropical North The 2013–16 Pan-Caribbean drought is atypical in
Atlantic is associated with below-normal precipita- terms of its duration and severity (Herrera and Ault
tion rates in the Lesser Antilles, northern South 2017; Herrera et al. 2018). Although between 2015 and

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FIG. 12. Trends and variability of mean flow P 2 E, mass convergence, and advection of moisture gradients for
each subregion analyzed in this work. It is notable the prominent contribution of mass convergence to P 2 E for the
Caribbean Islands, Central America, and northern South America, as opposed to the Florida Peninsula.

2016 this drought is dynamically similar to previous LENS captures the annual meridional migration of
droughts due to El Niño (Fig. 15), it unfolded in early the ITCZ and the seasonal changes in the NASH and the
2013 in Central America and certain areas of the CLLJ. However, there is a noticeable difference in the
Caribbean. In 2013, significant anomalies in upper-level magnitude of total precipitation between LENS and
winds are not observed, while negative SST anomalies in GPCP, which is mostly pronounced over the tropical
the tropical Pacific and the Caribbean Sea are observed Pacific Ocean during JJA and SON (Fig. 16). These
(Fig. 15). This pattern persists until the winter (DJF) of findings are consistent with the P 2 E climatologies,
2013, when the tropical Pacific begins to warm in the although LENS has a lower moisture convergence in
lead up to El Niño. In 2014, between JJA and DJF, an El MAM and DJF than ERA-Interim (Fig. 17).
Niño–like pattern is present (Fig. 15). A noticeable Seasonal composites of precipitation during drought
seesaw between the warmer tropical Pacific and colder are characterized by a pronounced positive anomaly
tropical North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea is observed over a narrow band in the tropical Pacific, and negative
during this period. From MAM to DJF of 2015–16, a anomalies over the Caribbean, Central America, and
200-hPa westerly wind anomaly is also observed over northern South America during SON (Fig. 18). A similar
Central America and the Caribbean Sea, and a persis- pattern is also observed in JJA and DJF, although the
tent anticyclonic circulation over the Caribbean Islands magnitude is significantly lower than in SON. This pattern is
in SON of 2015 (Fig. 15). These observations are con- further consistent with the anomalies in P 2 E, although
sistent with the below-normal precipitation registered in these anomalies are considerably smaller than the ones ob-
the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South served in precipitation. In contrast to precipitation anomalies,
America during almost all of 2015. In the summer of the largest moisture convergence anomaly is observed during
2016, the drought begins to subside in the eastern JJA and DJF rather than in SON (Fig. 19).
Caribbean Islands and parts of Central America. As we found in ERA-Interim, simulated advection of
Nevertheless, certain regions of Central America and moisture anomalies contributed to slight negative values
western Caribbean are still under drought conditions, in- in P 2 E in southern Central America, ranging from 20.2
cluding portions of Hispaniola Island. The Caribbean Sea to 20.5 mm day21 on average, and a wetting over the
also warmed as drought subsided in the region. Between Caribbean Islands of ;0.3 mm day21 (Fig. 20). Additionally,
JJA and DJF 2016, colder SST anomalies over the tropical
TABLE 2. Trends (mm decade21) of mean flow moisture budgets.
Pacific appears, consistent with the onset of a weak La Niña. Bold trends are statistically significant at the 95% level.
e. Moisture budget and large-scale anomalies Region P 2 E Mass convergence Advection
from LENS
Florida 20.07 20.061 20.012
As shown in Figs. 16 and 17, the climatology of P 2 E, Central America 0.09 0.232 20.136
moisture fluxes, and precipitation from LENS is similar Northern South America 20.09 20.091 20.001
Caribbean Islands 20.26 20.19 20.067
to that observed in ERA-Interim and GPCP. In general,

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FIG. 13. Sea surface temperature (SST), precipitation, and geopotential height anomalies during the 1997–98
drought in the Caribbean and Central America. The characteristic positive SST anomalies over the eastern tropical
Pacific was observed between the summer of 1997 (JJA) through the spring (MAM) of 1998.

and consistent with observations, mass convergence is as- observed in DJF over the tropical Pacific, whose geo-
sociated with drought over the Caribbean and the northern graphic pattern is similar to that observed during El
portion of Central America in LENS, with anomalies Niño events from instrumental records.
of 20.8 mm day21 to P 2 E on average. This is particularly
notable in DJF, when mass convergence contributed to
drought almost over the entire domain (Fig. 21). 4. Discussion
Anomalies in SST from LENS suggest that, during
a. Dynamical causes of the 1997–98, 2009–10, and
drought in the Caribbean, a warmer than normal tropi-
2013–16 droughts
cal Pacific and a relatively cold SSTs occur in the North
Atlantic during JJA, SON, and DJF (Fig. 22). The Our findings suggest that the historical droughts
highest SST anomalies during drought in LENS are studied here share some dynamical features in terms

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FIG. 14. As in Fig. 13, but for the 2009–10 drought.

of convergence and divergence of the vertically inte- MAM of 2009, JJA of 2014, and MAM, JJA, and SON
grated moisture transport, P 2 E, SST, and precipi- of 2015. In contrast, in JJA of 2010, stronger easterly
tation anomaly patterns. During the three droughts winds transporting moisture from the tropical North
we analyze, a persistent moisture divergence anomaly Atlantic are associated with increased precipitation in
and decreased P 2 E are observed in most of the most of Central America and the Caribbean Islands
Caribbean basin, Central America, and northeastern (Figs. 6 and 7). Consistent with previous studies (e.g.,
South America (Figs. 4–9), suggestive of a subsiding Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b), SST anomalies are
air mass. These results are consistent with the reduced characterized by warmer than average SST over the
precipitation observed in GPCC. We also find that tropical Pacific, and colder SSTs in the tropical North
severe droughts in Central America, especially over Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea (Figs. 13–15). This
the Caribbean coast, are associated with anomalously ‘‘tropical Pacific–tropical North Atlantic seesaw pat-
weak easterly winds represented by the CLLJ and/or a tern’’ is a common feature observed during El Niño
reduction of moisture coming from the eastern Pacific. events (e.g., Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Enfield and
This is noticeable, for example, in DJF of 1997–98, Alfaro 1999). Since the droughts we analyze here

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FIG. 15. As in Figs. 13 and 14, but during the 2013–16 Pan-Caribbean drought.

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FIG. 16. Precipitation and moisture flux seasonal climatologies from LENS. The climatology is calculated from the
full 1920–2006 interval.

occurred during El Niño, these SST anomaly patterns especially between JJA of 2014 and DJF of 2015–16 due
are expected. to El Niño (Figs. 8 and 9). The major difference, how-
The 2013–16 Pan-Caribbean drought also shares some ever, is the duration, severity, and spatial extent, which
dynamical characteristics of the previous droughts, affected over 80% of our study domain, particularly the

FIG. 17. As in Fig. 16, but for P 2 E.

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FIG. 18. Precipitation and moisture flux anomalies during drought in LENS. Each panel represents the long-term
(1920–2006) seasonal climatology during drought from the 40 members used in this work. An El Niño–like pattern
is observed during the seasons June–August (JJA) and September–November (SON).

Caribbean, northern South America, and Central America P 2 E across the Caribbean, Central America, and
(Herrera and Ault 2017). As we suggest in Herrera et al. northern South America (Fig. 10). However, it is during
(2018), anthropogenic warming contributed to at least JJA of 2014 and 2015 when moisture advection pushes
;15%–17% of drought severity (as estimated using the these regions into a peak drying, especially over the
self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index) and Pacific coast of Central America, in a region known as
;7% of dry area over land in the Caribbean by in- the ‘‘dry corridor’’ (e.g., Anderson et al. 2019; Hidalgo
creasing evapotranspiration rates. Dynamically, this et al. 2019). These findings are consistent with the
drought is also different from previous El Niño droughts moisture flux anomalies, which suggest a strong mois-
due to a longer-lasting El Niño–like pattern (Fig. 9). ture advection (i.e., higher moisture flux anomalies
Although the 2015–16 event peaked in JJA of 2015, an driven by stronger horizontal winds) over these re-
El Niño–like SST anomaly pattern is present between gions (Fig. 10).
JJA and SON of 2014 (Figs. 9 and 15). It is during the In addition, mass convergence intensifies the drought
seasons of MAM–SON 2014 and MAM–DJF of 2015–16 between JJA of 2014 and 2015 over the Caribbean
when the highest moisture divergence anomalies are Islands, but it slightly contributes to wetting conditions
observed over the Caribbean and Central America. during MAM, SON, and DJF (Fig. 11). It is noticeable
These patterns are consistent with the precipitation and that the strongest mass convergence anomaly observed
upper-level wind anomalies observed during the Pan- over the equatorial eastern Pacific coincides with the
Caribbean drought. Although during the Pan-Caribbean highest mass divergence in the Caribbean Sea and
drought positive precipitation anomalies are observed northeastern South America, reminiscent of the seesaw
(e.g., DJF 2014–15 and MAM–SON 2016), in many in- pattern between both basins during El Niño–driven
stances these higher precipitation rates are not enough to droughts in the Caribbean and Central America (e.g.,
offset the soil drying of the previous seasons (Herrera and Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b; Enfield and Alfaro 1999;
Ault 2017; Herrera et al. 2018). Herrera and Ault 2017). This pattern is due to SST-
During the Pan-Caribbean drought, the advection of driven changes in the Walker circulation; specifically,
moisture anomalies contributed to negative values in anomalous rising air over the equatorial eastern Pacific

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FIG. 19. As in Fig. 18, but for P 2 E in LENS.

and subsiding air over the Caribbean Sea, tropical North driven droughts in our study domain previously ex-
Atlantic, and northeastern South America. The strength plained, and is consistent with wetting observed in
of such an anomalous atmospheric circulation over our southeastern United States during drought in the Caribbean
study domain depends on the SST anomaly gradient (e.g., Bishop et al. 2019).
between the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans
b. Dynamical characteristics of drought in LENS
(e.g., Enfield and Alfaro 1999), where higher gradients
are associated with a stronger atmospheric response. At The moisture budgets from LENS also suggest a ma-
the same time, according to Hidalgo et al. (2015), the jor influence of the tropical Pacific Ocean on drought
teleconnection between the Caribbean Sea and tropical severity across the Caribbean, Central America, and
Pacific is related not only to changes in the Walker cir- northern South America, as indicated by composites of
culation, but also to local convection. SST anomalies co-occurring with drought (Fig. 22). The
Because each El Niño event is different (i.e., ENSO geographic patterns of these SST anomalies are com-
diversity; Capotondi et al. 2015), the location of the parable to those during El Niño events from observa-
anomalous mass convergence varies along with SST tions. However, while the greatest negative anomalies in
anomalies over the tropical Pacific. Subsequently, the precipitation and P 2 E across our study area in LENS
position of the associated divergent flow, usually located are observed in SON, the highest SST anomalies are
over northeastern South America and the Caribbean Sea, found in DJF (e.g., Figs. 14–16), which differs from
also varies. This variation may, at least in part, explain ERA-Interim where the greatest anomaly in rain is
why El Niño driven droughts in the Caribbean vary in identified in JJA (e.g., Figs. 5–7). This discrepancy may be
terms of their severity and geographical extent (e.g., the due to differences in the mean state precipitation between
1997–98 versus the 2009–10 droughts). LENS and ERA-Interim over the study region. This may
Although the droughts analyzed in this work occurred be also as a result of the computation of precipitation
during El Niño events, which may not represent other anomalies as the difference between the climatology and
localized yet severe droughts across our study area, the each month (rather than the ratio or percentage), which
resulting analysis suggests that mass convergence, rather leads to higher precipitation anomalies during drought for
than advection, is the main driver of drought. This is SON in the wet season [;386 mm yr21 (37%)], as com-
coherent with the dynamical mechanisms of El Niño– pared to DJF in the dry season [219 mm yr21 (21%)].

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FIG. 20. Advection of moisture gradient anomalies from LENS. Consistent with observations, advection con-
tributes to the drying over the eastern equatorial Pacific, just the north of the strong mass convergence associated
with El Niño events.

Differences in the magnitude of precipitation and Fig. 11). Consistent with observations, LENS indicates
P 2 E anomalies between ERA-Interim and LENS the mass divergence—and thus subsiding air—as the
arise for various reasons, such as comparing seasonal main cause of drought during most of the seasons of the
means during droughts occurring between 1920 and 2006 year. As we previously mentioned, however, we should
in the model against the dynamics of specific droughts in be cautious interpreting these results from LENS, given
observations. In addition, we examine droughts in LENS the limitations of our calculations and procedures using
using a 40-member ensemble, which also smooths out this model in this work. Future work should include
anomalies in precipitation and P 2 E. We further use subdaily data from LENS and evaluate the dynamics
outputs of precipitation and evaporation from LENS to behind specific droughts in the model.
calculate P 2 E, rather than diagnostically computing
these terms with Eq. (1).
5. Conclusions
Because we use monthly outputs from LENS to cal-
culate mass convergence and advection of moisture, the We assess the dynamical characteristics and atmo-
resulting computations are not as accurate as using daily spheric causes of three major droughts in the Caribbean
or subdaily climate data (e.g., Seager and Henderson and Central America between 1979 and 2018. Although
2013). Regardless of this obvious limitation, we find that analyzing the dynamical causes of only three dry inter-
LENS adequately simulates the relative contributions of vals might not be enough to establish the ultimate cause
mass convergence and advection during drought, espe- of drought in our domain, our results provide further
cially over Central America (Figs. 20 and 21). For ex- insights into the dynamics underpinning El Niño
ample, LENS suggests mass convergence as the main droughts in the Caribbean. Our results indicate that
driver in most of the study domain, especially over during these droughts anomalously large moisture diver-
northeastern South America and the Caribbean Sea gence over the Caribbean Sea and Central America con-
(Fig. 21). LENS is also consistent with the strong mass trasts with above normal moisture convergence in the
convergence over the eastern equatorial Pacific ob- tropical Pacific. This is consistent with anomalous rising air
served during El Niño events in ERA-Interim (e.g., over the eastern tropical Pacific, and subsidence over the

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FIG. 21. As in Fig. 20, but for mass convergence anomalies. Notice the strong mass convergence over the eastern
equatorial Pacific during JJA and SON, consistent with El Niño events from observations.

Caribbean Sea and northeastern South America. Also, we seesaw pattern between the tropical Pacific and tropical
find that based on the droughts analyzed in this work, mass North Atlantic oceans, confirming the oceanic tele-
convergence is the main dynamical driver of drought in the connections described in previous work during El Niño
Caribbean. In terms of SST anomalies, we find the typical (e.g., Giannini et al. 2000, 2001a,b).

FIG. 22. Seasonal skin temperature anomalies during drought in LENS.

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