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On Parametric Picture Fuzzy Information Measure in Pattern Recognition Problem

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On Parametric Picture Fuzzy Information Measure

in Pattern Recognition Problem

Arsh Aryan Tiwari Himanshu Dhumras Rakesh K Bajaj
Department of ECE Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Jaypee University of Information Jaypee University of Information Jaypee University of Information
Technology, Waknaghat Technology, Waknaghat Technology, Waknaghat
Solan, H.P., INDIA Solan, H.P., INDIA Solan, H.P., INDIA
Email: Email: Email:

Abstract—Various similarity/distance information measures hybrid enumerability and particle swarm optimization.
for the extensions of fuzzy sets have been proposed and utilized Similarly, Jana et al. [8] devised a new technique for
in different fields such as data science, clustering techniques, handling the decision-making problem under picture fuzzy
medical diagnosis, econometrics, decision-making, etc. In the
information, Dombi t-norm/ t-conorm and offered several
present communication, we propose a new kind of parametric
distance measure for the picture fuzzy sets and study various
aggregation operations. Kumar et al. [9] studied Interval
set-theoretic binary operations and properties related to the Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Assignment Problem proposing
measure along with their mathematical validation. The similarity measure and score function. Further, Bajaj et al.
parametrization feature of this measure provides additional [10] provided R-norm intuitionistic fuzzy information
flexibility in processing the information. Further, for a given measures with some computational applications. Guleria and
unknown pattern, based on the proposed parametric picture Bajaj [11] presented a bi-parametric Pythagorean fuzzy
fuzzy distance measure and the methodology of minimum information measure for decision science problems.
discriminant information, we classify it into a set of known Additionally, Tian et al. [12] developed some picture fuzzy
patterns. A numerical example to show the implementation has
weighted operators for solving MCDM issues in order to
also been provided for clarity and better readability.
investigate the criteria vs. influence interactions.
Keywords—Picture Fuzzy Set, Distance Measure, Additionally, some aggregation operators known as Einstein
Information Measure, Pattern Recognition weighted/ordered weighted operators [13] and Archimedean
picture fuzzy languages [14] have been created to address
I. INTRODUCTION multi-attribute group decision-making issues in image fuzzy
The researchers have investigated the general framework environments. The role of discriminant measures becomes
of fuzzy sets to make the computational structure more crucial in real-world issues where computational applications
realistic in connection with the real-world challenges in order are involved. There is an obvious necessity to look for newly
to deal with the participation of ambiguity in decision- offered parametric information measures for Picture fuzzy
making problems. Entropy is a notion that has been shown to sets that gives the decision-makers further variability in order
be crucial and useful for studying the uncertainty present in to meet the additional requirements and efficiency in the
the data. Also, the idea of a picture fuzzy set and its performance. To satisfy the demands of real-world
attributes, among other generalisations of fuzzy sets, have applications, however, generalisation and parametrization of
drawn a lot of interest from the academic community since the existing information measures play a vital role and offer
they add a linear component of additional uncertainty. It extra flexibility.
should be emphasised that the concept of PFSs encompasses It should be mentioned that there are a number of
all four types of uncertainty components - divergence measures Joshi and Kumar that are accessible in
membership/belongingness, non-membership/non- the literature, each of which has its own restrictions and is
belongingness, abstention, & refusal which may be clearly unable to handle the issues that picture fuzzy information
comprehended with the aid of the election voting system measures face. However, despite the fact that numerous
example given by [1]. The applications addressed by studies on picture fuzzy sets and their applications have been
numerous researchers around the world are then conducted by numerous authors, no investigations on the
demonstrated by the introduction of picture fuzzy entropy. parameterized form of the discriminant information measure
These discussions provide the authors with sufficient have been done. This contribution's main goals are to:
motivation to present new information based on PFSs from • define and propose a new distance measure for the picture
their perspective and then apply it to the field of electric car fuzzy information.
charging station [2], image processing [3], machine learning
[4], clustering [5], etc. Recently, some significant operational • discuss various set-theoretic binary operations and
laws with regard to interval-valued picture fuzzy sets properties of the proposed distance measure along with their
(IVPFSs) and interval-valued picture fuzzy soft sets were proofs of validity.
proposed by Khalil et al (IVPFSSs).  • To exhibit a numerical illustration containing a problem of
pattern recognition based on the significant properties and
II. LITERATURE REVIEW monotonicity of the proposed distance measure.
Ashraf et al. [6] presented some novel aggregation
The contributions that are communicated has been
operators for resolving the issues of MADM in the picture
arranged as follows. In Section II, some related fundamental
fuzzy framework on the basis of t-norm and t-conorm. A new
ideas and terminology are provided in light of the issues
automatic clustering method was presented by Thong and covered in the manuscript. A new parametric picture fuzzy
Son [7] using picture fuzzy information in conjunction with distance measure has been suggested in Section III, along


with several key characteristics, findings, and a justification e) Intersection: U∩V = {< x, ρ U (x) ∧ ρ V (x), τ U ( x) ∨
for its validity given the pre-existing axioms. Additionally,
various binary operations and set-theoretic properties have τ V ( x), ω U (x) ∨ ω V (x) >|x ∈ X}.”
been proposed and proved with regard to the relevant
parameters. By solving a numerical example based on the In order to check the validity of the proposed information
proposed measure in Section IV, we present a thorough measure, we shall make use of the two axioms proposed by
illustration of the newly given parametric discriminant Guiwu Wei [16] as follows:
measure in field of pattern recognition. In Section V, the
manuscript has been finally concluded with a scope of future
work. if and only if
Here, we present the fundamental preliminaries readily IV. NOTION OF PICTURE FUZZY DISTANCE MEASURE &
available in the literature. These preliminary definitions METHODOLOGY
would aid researchers in understanding the presented In this section, we propose a new kind of parametric
notions of picture fuzzy set and increase the readability. information measure for the picture fuzzy sets along with its
proof of validity.
Definition 1: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFS) [15] Consider two PFSs over the universe of discourse X, say, A,
“Let X = (z1, z2, …., zn) be a finite universe of discourse. An B ∈ PFS(X). We propose picture fuzzy distance measure
intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) in X is defined as: given by

I = {< x, ρ I (x),ω I (x) >|x ∈ X};

where ρ I : X → [0,1] and ω I : X →[0,1]represents the

membership function and the membership degree of x ∈ X
meeting the condition,
0 ≤ ρ I (x) + ω I (x) ≤ 1;
( 1)
while the degree of indeterminacy for any IFS I and x ∈ X is Because it is not constrained by the range [0, 1]. So, we
given by πI(x) = 1 - ρ I (x) - ω I (x).” multiplied the distance measure divide by its highest value
to normalize it.
Definition 2: Picture Fuzzy Sets (PFS) [1]
“A picture fuzzy set U in a finite universe of discourse is 2
1+ ρ A ( x i )
defined as:
U = {< x, ρU (x), τ U ( x),ω U (x) >|x ∈ X};
D N ( A , B )= ∑
2 n log (2) j=1
2 2
¿( ρ ¿ ¿ A ( x i ) −ρB ( x i ) ) log 2
1+ ρ B ( xi )
where . (2)
ρU : X → [ 0,1 ] , τ U : X → [ 0,1 ] ∧ω U : X → [ 0,1 ]represent
s the degree of positive, neutral and non – membership Theorem 1: The axioms of metric conditions stated in
respectively for all x ∈ X which satisfy, definition are satisfied by the distance measure 𝐷N (A, B)
between two PFSs A and B defined on 𝑋= {𝑥1, 𝑥2,..., 𝑥n}.
0 ≤ ρ U (x ) +τ U ( x) + ω U (x) ≤ 1
and the degree of refusal for the picture set U and x ∈ X is Proof: The equation may be rewritten as follows:
given by θ U = 1 - ρU (x) -τ U ( x) - ω U (x).
From here onwards, FS(X) and IFS(X) will, respectively,
denote the set of all FSs and the set of all IFSs on the finite
universe of discourse X = (z1, z2, …., zn).”
Definition 3 Binary Operations on PFSs [1]: “If U, V ∈
PFS(X), the some of the important binary operations can be Consider the below-mentioned function for (𝑥, 𝑦) belonging
defined as given to [0, 1] × [0, 1] to simplify the proof.

a) Complement: Ū = {< x,ω U (x) , τ U ( x ) , ρU (x) >|x ∈ X };

b)Subsethood: U ⊆ V iff ∀x ∈ X, .
ρU ( x ) ≤ ρV ( x ) , τ U ( x ) ≥ τ V ( x ) and ω U ( x ) ≥ ω V ( x ) ;
(I) One may derive the partial derivative of V (x, y) with
c) Containment: U ⊇ V iff ∀x ∈ X, , respect to x and y as
ρU ( x ) ≥ ρV ( x ) , τ U ( x ) ≤ τ V ( x ) and ω U ( x ) ≤ ω V ( x ) .
d) Union: U∪ V = {< x, ρ U (x) ∨ ρ V (x), τ U ( x) ∧ τ V ( x) ,
ω U (x) ∧ ω V ( x)>|x ∈ X };
1 1+ ρ A ( x i )
(5) 2 log ⁡(2)
{ ρ A ( xi ) −τ A ( x i ) ) log
2 2
1+τ A ( x i )
+ ¿(
2 2 1+ ρ A ( x i )
If we suppose that x ≥ y, then V (x, y) = V (y, x) follows ρ ( x i ) −τ ( x i ) ¿ log
A A 2
without any loss of generality. 1+τ A ( x i )

The monotonic nature of V (x, y) with regard to x is exactly

2 1+ ρ2A ( x i )
the opposite of the monotonic nature w.r.t. y, as shown by
∂V ∂V
⇒ { ρ ( x ) −τ A ( xi ) ) log 1+τ 2 x }=1
2 log ⁡(2) A i

the result ≥ 0 and ≤ 0. In other words, the A ( i)

∂x ∂y
maximum value of V (x, y) is obtained at (1,0), and the 2
1+ ρ A ( xi )
maxm. value is log2. Furthermore, x ≥ y implies that ⇒ { ρ A ( x i )−τ A ( x i ) ) log
2 2
}=log ⁡2
1+ x
1+ τ A ( x i)
≥1 . This suggests that V (x, y) ≥ 0.
1+ y 2
Comparing on both sides, we get
Since log2 is F (x, y)'s highest score, therefore, the greatest
value of DN (A, B) is then obtained as 1.
2 2 1+ ρ A ( x i)
⇒ ρ A ( xi ) −τ A ( x i ) =1∨ 2
Therefore, 0 ≤ DN (A, B) ≤ 1. 1+ τ A ( x i )

(II) Let DN (A, B) = 0. This implies that, based on equation, ⇒either , ρ A ( x i ) =1, τ A ( xi ) =0∨ρ A ( x i )=0 , τ A ( xi ) =1
2 2 1+ x ⇒ A is a crisp set .
V ( x , y )=( x − y ) log 2
1+ y
Now, let A be a crisp set. Then either
1+ x
2 ρ A ( x i ) =1, τ A ( xi ) =0∨ρ A ( x i )=0 , τ A ( x i ) =1
This implies that either x 2− y 2 or log 2
1+ y
Using Eq. (5), the distance between A and AC is
⟹ x= y , since ( x , y ) ∈ [ 0,1 ] × [ 0,1 ] .
1 1+ ρ2A ( x i )
DN(A,A ) = C
{ ρ ( x ) τ ( x ) ) log 1+τ 2 x +¿(
2 log ⁡(2) A i A i

A ( i)
It indicates that
ρ A ( x i ) =ρ B ( x i ) , τ A ( x i )=τ B ( x i )∧ω A ( x i) =ω B ( x i ) , 2
1+τ A ( x i )
2 2
∀ x ∈ X ⟹ A=B τ ( xi ) −ρ ( x i ) ¿ log
A A 2
}.Substituting the value
1+ ρ A ( x i )
Conversely, let A = B. That means, ρ A ( x i ) =1, τ A ( xi ) =0∨ρ A ( x i )=0 , τ A ( x i ) =1, we obtain
ρ A ( x i ) =ρ B ( x i ) , τ A ( x i )=τ B ( x i ) ¿ ω A ( x i )=ω B ( x i ) , ∀ x ∈ X . D N (A, AC) = 1

Then, DN (A, B) = 0. (V) Let the three PFSs A, B and C be defined in X with
relation A  B  C.
(III) We know that V (x, y) = V (y, x), which quickly
implies DN (A, B) = DN (B, A) Then, we have ρ A(𝑥𝑖) ≤ ρ B(𝑥𝑖) ≤ ρ C(𝑥𝑖) and τ A(𝑥𝑖) ≥ τ
B(𝑥𝑖) ≥ τ C(𝑥𝑖), ∀𝑥 ∈ 𝑋.
(IV) Let A = ∂V ∂V
We conclude that “for x ≥ y , we get ≥ 0 and ≤0
{¿ x , ρ A ( x ) , τ A ( x ) , ω>¿ x ∈ X }∧A C
= {¿ x , τ A ( x ) , ρ A ( x ) >¿ x ∈ X } ∂x ∂y
which represent that V increases as x increases and decreases
Let DN (A, A ) = 1, then from equation (4)
C ∂V ∂V
as y decreases & when y ≤ x , we get ≤ 0 and ≥0
∂x ∂y
2 which implies that V decreases as x decreases and increases
1 1+ ρ A ( x i ) 2 1+ τ A ( x i )
2 log ⁡(2)
{ ρ 2
A ( i)
x −τ A ( i ))
x log 2
1+τ A ( x i )
+ τ A ( i)
x − ρ 2
A ( i)
x ¿ as
logy increases.”
1+ ρ2A ( x i )

. On the basis of above analysis, we conclude that:

V( ρ A(𝑥𝑖), ρ B (𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V( ρ A(𝑥𝑖), ρ C(𝑥𝑖))

Arranging the terms after this can be written as

V(τ A (𝑥𝑖), τ B(𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V(τ A (𝑥𝑖), τ C (𝑥𝑖))

V(ω A(𝑥𝑖), ω B (𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V(ω A(𝑥𝑖), ω C(𝑥𝑖)) 𝐷N (A∩B,A∪B) =
1+ ρ B ( xi )
V( ρ B(𝑥𝑖), ρ C(𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V( ρ A(𝑥𝑖), ρ C(𝑥𝑖)) ∑
2nlog (2) i=1
2 2
{(ρ ¿ ¿ B ( xi ) −ρ A ( x i ) ) log 2
1+ ρ A ( x i )
+( τ ¿ ¿ A ( x i)

V(τ B(𝑥𝑖), τ C (𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V(τ A (𝑥𝑖), τ C (𝑥𝑖)) after arranging the terms, we can write

V(ω B (𝑥𝑖), ω C(𝑥𝑖)) ≤ V(ω A(𝑥𝑖), ω C(𝑥𝑖)) 𝐷N (A∩B,A∪B) =

1+ ρ 2A ( xi )
That is 𝐷N (A, B) ≤ 𝐷N (A, C) and 𝐷N (B, C) ≤ 𝐷N (A, C). ∑
2nlog(2) i=1
{(ρ ¿ ¿ A2 ( x i )−ρ2B ( xi ) ) log 2
1+ ρB ( x i )
+( τ ¿ ¿ B2 ( x i )−

For the PFSs A and A𝑐, 𝐷𝑁 (A, A𝑐) =0 ⇔ ρ A(𝑥) = τ A (𝑥)=

⇒ 𝐷N (A ∩ B, A ∪ B) = 𝐷N (A, B) (from equation (13))
ω A (x ).
Similarly, we can obtain (I), (III), and (IV) with the help of
Theorem 2. Let A, B and C be three PFSs. The distance the above conditions.
measure 𝐷𝑁 satisfies the following:
Theorem 3. The distance measure 𝐷N between two PFSs A
(I). 𝐷𝑁 (A, B) = 𝐷𝑁 (A∩B, A∪B) and B satisfies
(I). 𝐷𝑁 (A, B𝑐) = 𝐷𝑁 (A𝑐, B)
(II). 𝐷𝑁 (A, A∩B) = 𝐷𝑁 (B, A∪B) (II). 𝐷 (A, B) = 𝐷 (A𝑐, B𝑐)

(III). 𝐷𝑁 (A, A∪B) = 𝐷𝑁 (B, A∩B) Proof. Let A= {⟨𝑥, 𝜇A(𝑥), τ A(𝑥), ω A(𝑥)⟩|𝑥∈𝑋}, B= {⟨𝑥,
𝜇B(𝑥), τ B(𝑥), ω B(𝑥)⟩|𝑥∈𝑋}
(IV). 𝐷𝑁 (A∪B, C) +𝐷𝑁 (A∩B, C) =𝐷𝑁 (A, C) +𝐷𝑁 (B, C)

and A𝑐 ={⟨𝑥, ω (x), τ (𝑥), ρ (𝑥)⟩|𝑥∈𝑋} and B𝑐 ={⟨𝑥,

ω (x) , τ (𝑥), ρ (𝑥)⟩|𝑥∈𝑋}
Proof. (I). Let A = {⟨𝑥, ρ A(𝑥), τ A (𝑥), ω A ¿)⟩|𝑥∈𝑋} and B =
{⟨𝑥, ρ B(𝑥), τ B(𝑥), ω B ( x )⟩|𝑥∈𝑋}. Now from equation (13) the distance measured between A
and BC is
We know that
DN (A,BC) =
𝑃 ∩ 𝑄 = {𝑥, 𝑚𝑖𝑛 ( ρ A(𝑥), ρ B (𝑥)), 𝑚𝑎𝑥 τ A (𝑥), τ B (𝑥) |𝑥 ∈ 1
n 2
1+ ρ A ( x i)

2nlog(2) i=1
{(ρ ¿ ¿ A2 ( x i )−τ 2B ( x i ))log 2
1+τ B ( x i )
+( τ ¿ ¿ A 2 ( xi ) −

and 𝑃 ∪ 𝑄 = {𝑥, 𝑚𝑎𝑥 ρ A (𝑥), ρ B (𝑥), 𝑚𝑖𝑛 τ A (𝑥), τ B (𝑥) .

|𝑥 ∈ 𝑋}
After arranging the terms, we can write
Case-I If A ⊆ B then, ρ B(𝑥) ≥ ρ A(𝑥), τ B(𝑥) ≤ τ A(𝑥) and

ω B ¿) ≥ ω A ¿) 2
1+ ρ A ( x i)

2nlog (2) i=1
2 2
{( τ ¿ ¿ A ( x i )− ρB ( x i ))log 2
1+τ B ( x i )
+( ρ¿ ¿ A ( x i )
⇒ A ∩ B = {𝑥, ρ A (𝑥), τ A (𝑥), ω A ¿)|𝑥 ∈ 𝑋} = A and A ∪ B
= {𝑥, ρ B (𝑥), τ B (𝑥), ω B ¿)|𝑥 ∈ 𝑋} = B 𝐷𝑁(A𝑐,B).

𝐷N (A∩B,A∪B) = (I) 𝐷 (A𝑐,B𝑐)=

2 2 2
1+ ρ ( xi ) 1+τ ( x i ) ( xi ) A (
2 ¿ A ( x 2)−ω ( x )1+

2nlog (2) i=1
2 2
{(ρ ¿ ¿ A ( x i )−ρ B ( xi ) )log
1+ ρ ( x i )
2 2
+( τ ¿ ¿ A ( x i )−τ B ( x i ) ) log 2
+(ω ¿
2 2
i ) log
∑ {(τ ¿ ¿ A ( x i )− ρB ( x i) )log 1+ τ 21+x ω+(
i B 2
B 2nlog (1+ 2) τ ( xi )
i=1 B
( i)
After arranging the terms, we can write
Case-II if B ⊆ A then ρ A(𝑥) ≥ ρ B(𝑥) and τ A(𝑥) ≤ τ B(𝑥)
1+ ρ A ( xi )
⇒ A ∩ B = {𝑥, ρ B (𝑥), τ B, ω B(𝑥)|𝑥 ∈ 𝑋} = B and A ∪ B = ¿ ∑
2nlog (2) i=1
{(τ ¿ ¿ A 2 ( x i )− ρ2B ( x i ))log 2
1+τ B ( x i )
+( ρ ¿ ¿ A 2 ( x
{𝑥, ρ A (𝑥), τ A (𝑥), ω A |𝑥 ∈ 𝑋} = A

= 𝐷𝑁 (A,B)
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The authors are very much thankful to the anonymous
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