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F2 SC Chap 3 Notes 2022 Part 2

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4月份 April
Chapter 3 :
Nutrition (Part 2)
4月 Lesson Plan
1st week Chap 3 3.1

2nd week Chap 3 3.2

3rd week
Chap 3 3.3
4th week

2022 F2 实验日

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
1. A balanced diet is a diet that contains all the food classes in the right quantities that are
required by the body.

2. The importance of a balanced diet :

a. To provide enough energy for the daily activities
b. To maintain good health
c. To provide important nutrient for growth

Food Pyramid

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Factors that Influence Calorific Requirement
1. Body size
• A person with large body frame needs to take a bigger portion
of food
• To have more energy compared to someone with a smaller

2. Age
• Children and teenagers require more carbohydrates for energy
and protein for growth
• They are growing and are more active compared to adults.

3. Work
• Farmers, labourers and fisherman require more energy because
they do heavy work.
• Their diet requirements are higher compared to people who
work in an office.

4. Gender
• Men are more muscular and they do more heavy activities.
• They need bigger food portions than women.

5. State of health
• People who sick are weak.
• They require food suitable to their health condition.

6. Climate
• People who live in cold climate countries lose heat quickly to
their surroundings compared to people who live in hot climate
• They need more food to maintain their body temperature.

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 Trial


3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Calorific Value of Food
1. Calorific value is the total amount of energy released when 1 g of food is completely in
the body.

2. This total energy is measured in units of calorie (cal) or joule (J).

1 calorie (cal) = 4.2 joule (J)

1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.2 kilojoule (kJ)

3. Body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person.
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑖𝑛 𝑘𝑔)
ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 2 (𝑖𝑛 𝑚)

Importance of Maintaining Health

1. Ways to practice a healthy lifestyle :
a. Eating food with less sugar, salt, oil and fat
b. Exercise regularly
c. Do not smoke
d. No alcohol consumption
e. Regular check ups

2. Importance of maintaining health :

• To maintain our health
• To reduce the risk of dangerous diseases

3. Having an unbalanced meal could also cause malnutrition and invite health problems.

4. Malnutrition happens when a person consumes unbalanced meals like excessive

carbohydrates or less protein intake in their daily diet for a long period of time.

1. State the class that does not have calories. Explain. (2 marks)

2. Compare the quantity of energy found in boiled potatoes and fried
potatoes. Explain. (2 mark) 2020 PT3 TRIAL

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
3. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai kalori bagi jenis makanan yang berbeza.
The table below shows the calorific values of different kinds of food.

Makanan Kuantiti Nilai kalori (kj)

Food Quantity Calorific value (kj)

Nasi goreng 1 pinggan

2 500
Fried rice 1 plate
Telur goreng 1 keping
1 500
Fried egg 1 piece
Pisang 1 biji
Banana 1 fruit
Tembikai 1 potong
Watermelon 1 slice

Susu rendah lemak 1 gelas

Low fat milk 1 glass

Menu makanan tengah hari seorang murid ditunjukkan dalam jadual di bawah.
A student’s lunch menu is shown in the table below.

Nasi goreng 1 pinggan

Fried rice 1 plate

Susu rendah lemak 1 gelas

Low fat milk 1 glass

Telur goreng 3 keping

Fried egg 3 piece
Hitung nilai kalori makan tengah hari murid itu, dengan merujuk kepada jadual di atas.
Calculate the calorific value of the student’s lunch, by referring to above table.

[2 markah/ marks]
2018 SMK Johor Kluang 7
3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
4. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai kalori bagi beberapa jenis makanan.
The table below shows the calorific values of certain food.
Makanan Kuantiti Nilai kalori/kJ
Food Quantity Calorific value/kJ
Nasi goring 1 pinggan 2450
Fried rice 1 plate
Betik 1 potong 160
Papaya 1 piece
Kek 1 potong 150
Cake 1 piece
Susu 1 gelas 465
Milk 1 glass
Berikut ialah senarai makanan yang dimakan oleh Shaari untuk sarapan paginya.
The following is the list of food consumed by Shaari for his breakfast.

Makanan Kuantiti Nilai kalori/kJ

Food Quantity Calorific value/kJ
Nasi goring 1 pinggan a.
Fried rice 1 plate
Betik 1 potong b.
Papaya 1 piece
Kek 1 potong c.
Cake 1 piece
Susu 1 gelas d.
Milk 1 glass
Jumlah kalori e.
Total calorie

a. Lengkapkan jadual di atas dengan menghitung nilai kalori setiap makanan yang dimakan
oleh Shaari dan jumlah kalori makanan yang diambil oleh Shaari.
Complete the table above by calculating the calorific values of each food eaten by Shaari
and the total calorie of food consumed by Shaari. (5 marks/5markah)

2018 SMK BBS

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet

考 Effects of Excessive or Deficiency of Nutrients

Nutrients Excessive 过多 Deficiency 过少

Fats / Carbohydrate Obesity 过胖 Marasmus 疲乏

High blood pressure /

Salt Hypertension 高血压 / ---
Heart disease 心脏病

Sugar Diabetes 糖尿病 ---

Fibre --- Constipation 便秘

Osteoporosis 骨骼疏松症
Calcium ---
/ Rickets 软骨病

Water --- Dehydration 脱水

Protein Gout 痛风 Kwashiorkor 夸休可尔症

Iodine Exophthalmic goitre Simple goitre 大颈疱

Iron --- Anaemia 贫血

How to overcome obesity? (3 marks)

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
5. a) Complete the following table with the effect of deficiency of the given minerals.

Mineral Effect of deficiency

Mineral Kesan kekurangan
Zat besi
[2 marks]

2019 PT3 Trial


3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 TRIAL

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 TRIAL

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 TRIAL

3.1 Classes of Food
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 Trial


3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
8. Piramid makanan digunakan sebagai panduan dalam penyediaan makanan sihat.
Pengambilan makanan yang sihat dapat memastikan tubuh badan dapat menerima semua
nutrien yang mencukupi. Pengambilan makanan perlu dipelbagaikan kerana tiada satu
makanan yang boleh membekalkan kesemua nutrien yang diperlukan oleh badan. Oleh itu,
merancang gizi seimbang adalah perlu untuk mengekalkan kesihatan kita.
The food pyramid is used as a guide in the preparation of healthy meals. Consuming healthy food ensure
the body to receive all the nutrients sufficiently, The intake of food must be varied because no single food
can supply all the nutrients needed by the body. Therefore planning a balanced diet is important to
maintain our health.

(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gizi seimbang?

What is a balance diet?

(b) Kekurangan makanan di R boleh menyebabkan penyakit kwasyiorkor. Nyatakan fungsi

R dalam pyramid makanan.
Deficiency of R can cause kwashiorkor disease. State the function of R in the food pyramid.

(c) Terangkan dua kesan buruk yang akan dialami pada masa hadapan jika pengambilan
makanan tidak mengikut piramid makanan.
Explain the two negative effects that may suffer in the future if the consuming healthy food is not
following the food pyramid.

3.2 Importance of A Balanced Diet
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
9. (a) Rajah menunjukkan sejenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan nutrien.
Diagram shows a disease caused by lack of nutrients.

(i) Namakan penyakit yang dihidapi oleh kanak-kanak yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.
Name the disease suffered by the children shown in diagram.

(ii) Sekiranya anda seorang pakar pemakanan,nyatakan kelas makanan yang perlu
diambil oleh kanak-kanak ini dan cadangkan satu contoh makanan bagi kelas
makanan tersebut.
If you are a nutritionist, state the food class that needs to be taken by the children and suggest one
example for this class of food.

(iii) Huraikan bagaimana makanan yang dinyatakan dalam 4(a)(ii) membantu mengatasi
penyakit ini.
Describe how food stated in 4(a)(ii)can help to overcome this disease.

2018 CLHS NO. 12

3.3 Human Digestive System
1. Food digestion is the process of breaking down food that is complex and large into
molecules that are small, simple and soluble so that they can be absorbed by the cells of
the body.

2. Digestion occurs in the digestive system. This system consists of the alimentary canal,
glands and organs.

3. Food is broken down into smaller an simpler forms by physical and chemical digestion.

4. Similarities and difference between physical and chemical digestion :

Physical digestion Chemical digestion

Similarity :
• Process of breaking down food occurs
• Happens in the digestive tract
Happens in the mouth, stomach,
Happens in the mouth
duodenum and intestine

Involves peristalsis Does not involve peristalsis

Does not involve enzymes

(With the help of teeth, tongue and Involves enzymes

5. Enzymes 酵素 :
• Substances that act as biological catalysts and usually speed up the chemical
reactions in our body
• Made up of protein.
• Without enzymes, the digestion process happens at a very slow rate.

3.3 Human Digestive System
Structure of the Human Digestive System

3.3 Human Digestive System
The Flow of Food in the Digestive Tract
Action of digestive
Parts Description
• Food is chewed into smaller pieces
• Particles of food are softened by
Mouth [pH 7] saliva.
• Salivary amylase in saliva breaks
down starch into maltose.
• Bolus = Food that enters the
• Peristalsis occurs.
Oesophagus 食道
• Explain : Bolus is pushed to the
stomach by the contraction and
relaxation of the wall of oesophagus
• Secrete protease and hydrochloric
• Hydrochloric acid activates the
protease and kills bacteria in the
Stomach [pH1]
food that enters the stomach.

• Protease breaks down protein into
• Food that is semi-liquid is called
• Bile 胆汁 (yellow liquid)
 Produced by liver
 Stored in the gall bladder.
 Emulsifies fat into small
droplets and neutralises the
acid in the chyme.
• Pancreas produces pancreatic juice
Duodenum [pH 8] which contain enzymes amylase,
十二指肠 protease and lipase.
• Pancreatic amylase digests starch
into maltose.
• Protease digests polypeptides into
dipeptides .
• Lipase digests fat into fatty acids
and glycerol.

3.3 Human Digestive System
The Flow of Food in the Digestive Tract
Action of digestive
Parts Description
• Secretes enzymes maltase and
Small intestine
• Maltase digests maltose into
[pH 8]
• Protease digests dipeptides into
amino acids.
• Undigested food will enter the large
Large intestine • The process of water reabsorption
大肠 happens in the large intestine.
• Formation of faeces 粪便 occurs

• Food that is undigested, known as

Rectum 直肠 faeces, enters the rectum and is
stored temporarily.
• Faeces are excreted from the body
Anus 肛门
through the anus.

1. State the factors that will affect the reaction of enzyme. (2 marks)

2. State the use of protease in food industry. (1 mark)

2018 SMJK Chung Ling

3.3 Human Digestive System

Product of digestion

Carbohydrates →
Protein →
Fats / Lipids →

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
1. (a) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bahagian badan manusia.
Diagram below shows parts of the human body.

(i) Pada rajah di atas:

On the above diagram:
Tandakan (/) pada abjad yang betul untuk menunjukkan organ dalaman yang
terlibat dengan pencernaan makanan.
Tick (/) the correct alphabet to show the internal organs that are involved in the digestion of

(ii) Tandakan (/) fungsi bahagian yang berlabel B.

Tick (/) the correct functions of the part labelled B.

Menghasilkan jus hempedu

Produces bile
Menghasilkan jus gastrik
Produces gastric juice
Mencernakan protein kepada asid amino
Breakdown protein into amino acid
Mencernakan kanji kepada maltosa
Breakdown starch into maltose

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
(iii) Berdasarkan organ-organ pencernaan dalam rajah,lengkap carta alir bagi laluan
makanan dalam salur pencernaan di bawah bermula dari mulut dan berakhir di
Based on digestive organs shown in diagram ,complete the flow map for food path in digestive
tract below starts from the mouth and ends at the anus.

(iv) Bulatkan jawapan yang betul bagi hasil pencernaan bagi karbohidrat,protein dan
lemak dalam jadual di bawah.
Circle the correct answer for the end products of digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in
table below.

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
2. (a) Rajah menunjukkan sistem pencernaan manusia.
Diagram shows a digestion system.

(i) Namakan bahagian berlabel P?

Name the part labeled P?

(ii) Nyatakan fungsi P.

State the function of P.

(b) Lengkapkan pernyataan yang berikut menggunakan perkataan-perkataan yang diberi.

Complete the following table by using the words given.

Protease Amilase Lipase

Protease Amylase Lipase
Hidroklorik Peristalsis
Hydrochloric acid
(i) Makanan dikunyah dan dikisar oleh gigi. Enzim ___________ di dalam air liur
mencernakan kanji kepada maltosa.
Food is chewed by teeth. ___________ enzyme in the saliva will digest the starch into maltose.

(ii) Jus gastrik yang dirembeskan di perut mengandungi ___________ yang

membunuh bakteria di dalam makanan.
Gastric juice secreted in the stomach contains of ___________ which will kill the bacteria in the

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 Trial

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 Trial

4. Diagram 3.1 shows an organ in the digestive system.

2019 PT3 Trial


The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid and protease.

i. State two functions of hydrochloric acid.

[2 marks]
ii. What is the function of protease enzyme?

[1 mark]

3.3 Human Digestive System
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
5. Rajah berikut menunjukkan bahagian-bahagian dalam sistem pencernaan manusia.
The following diagrams show parts of the digestive system in humane.

(a) Susun huruf-huruf dalam turutan yang betul untuk menunjukkan bagaimana makanan
bergerak melalui sistem pencernaan.
Arrange the letters in correct order to show how food moves through the digestive system.

(b) Berdasarkan rajah di atas, pada bahagian manakah lemak dicerna?

Based on the above diagram, on which part does fats being digested?

(c) Namakan enzim yang membantu dalam pencernaan protein di K.

Name the enzyme that helps in the digestion of proteins in K.

(d) Ibu anda menghidap selesema dan hilang selera makan.Kakak anda menyediakan
bubur nasi untuk ibu anda kerana ia mudah dicerna berbanding nasi.
Terangkan mengapa.
Your mother have a flu and have no appetite to eat. Your sister prepares some porridge for her
because it is easier to digest than rice.
Explain why.

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
1. Absorption of digested food takes place in the small intestine.

2. Villi :
• Million of fine projections that in the wall of small intestine
• Function : To increase the surface area for absorption of digested food.
• Structure :
 One-cell thick / thin wall
 Has moist surface
 Large surface area
 Covered with network of blood capillaries
• Effects :
 Digested food is easily absorbed into the blood circulatory system through
the walls of the small intestine.
 Increase the absorption rate of the products of digestion.
 To transport the nutrients to all parts of the body.

The Absorption of Digested Food in the Small Intestine

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation

海马体复习 LEVEL 1
1. Characteristics / Adaptation of villus :

2. Name and label.

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
c) Diagram 3.2 shows a villus.

2019 PT3 Trial


i. State the functiona of lacteal.

[1 mark]
ii. State two characteristics of villus which increase its efficiency in absorbing the
digested food.

[2 marks]

d) How does our body use the following end products of digestion?

i. Amino Acid :

ii. Fatty acids and glycerol

[2 marks]

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
2. (a) Rajah menunjukkan vilus dalam sistem pencernaan manusia.
Diagram shows a villus in human digestive system.

Lengkapkan penyataan di bawah dengan jawapan yang betul.

Complete the statement below with the correct answer.

Penyerapan makanan tercerna berlaku di vilus di mana ______________

dan ______________ akan diserap oleh struktur W.
Absorption of digested food occur at villus where ______________ and
______________ will be absorbed by structure W.

(b) Terangkan ciri dinding usus kecil yang membolehkan proses penyerapan berlaku
dengan lebih berkesan.
Explain characteristic of the small intestine wall which enable the process of absorption occur more

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

3. 2019 PT3 Trial SSI

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

2019 PT3 Trial SSI

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Food Test
Food Test Classes of Food Result

Starch solution
Starch Starch solution will become
Iodine solution (Carbohydrate) dark blue

Iodine Solution

Glucose solution
Benedict’s solution
Glucose Brick-red precipitate are
(Carbohydrate) formed

Benedict's Solution

Albumen solution
Millon’s reagent
Brick-red precipitate are

Million Reagent

95% ethanol
Drops of cooking Lipids An emulsion is formed

Emulsion Test

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Food Test ( Experiment )
1. State the observation at the end of experiment and give explanation.

(a)Iodine test:
Observation: ______________________

water bath ___________ in saliva breaks down
___________ to ___________.
(37°C) + saliva

(c)The temperature of 37°C is chosen

because it is the ___________
temperature of the ___________ action.

2. Study the experiment below regarding the absorption of digested food.

(a)State the parts represented by:

distilled water
starch solution (i) Visking tube: ________________
+ glucose
Visking tube (ii) distilled water: ______________

b) Explain why glucose can be found in the distilled water but not the starch at
the end of the experiment. Starch molecules are too _________ to __________
through the wall of Visking tube.

c) Distilled
Iodine test Benedict test Inference



3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation

海马体复习 LEVEL 1
Food Test Classes of Food Result

Starch solution

Iodine solution

Iodine Solution

Glucose solution
Benedict’s solution

Benedict's Solution

Albumen solution
Millon’s reagent

Million Reagent

95% ethanol
Drops of cooking

Emulsion Test
3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
4. Pencernaan melibatkan dua proses iaitu pencernaan fizikal dan pencernaan kimia.
Marla menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji penyerapan makanan tercerna.
Digestion involves two processes which are physical and chemical digestions.
Marla carried out an experiment to study the absorption of digested food.

•Radas disediakan seperti rajah di atas.

Apparatus is prepared as diagram above.
•Di awal eksperimen, air suling di dalam bikar diuji dengan ujian kanji dan glukosa.
At the beginning, the distilled wain the beaker is tested with starch and glucose tests.
•Selepas 30 minit, air suling di dalam bikar diuji semula dengan ujian kanji dan glukosa.
After 30 minutes, the distilled water in the beaker is tested again with starch and glucose tests.
•Pemerhatian dicatat di dalam jadual di bawah.
The observations are recorded in the table below.

(a) Lengkapkan pemerhatian di dalam jadual di bawah.

Complete the observations in the diagram below.

Kehadiran kanji atau glukosa

Peringkat Presence of starch or glucose
Kanji Glukosa
Starch Glucose
Awal Tidak hadir

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

(b) Bagaimanakah molekul glukosa dapat hadir di dalam air suling selepas eksperimen?
Berikan sebab anda.
How can glucose molecules be present in the distilled water after the experiment?
Give a reason.

(c) Tiub Visking digunakan dalam eksperimen.

Nyatakan struktur dalam sistem pencernaan manusia yang diwakili oleh tiub
Visking dalam eksperimen di atas.
Visking tube is used in this experiment.
State a structure in human digestive system represented by the
Visking tube in the above experiment.

(d) Namakan bahan uji yang digunakan untuk menguji kanji dan glukosa dalam
eksperimen ini.
Name the reagent used to test the presence of starch and glucose in this experiment.

i) Kanji

ii) Glukosa

(e) Terangkan dengan ringkas bagaimana ujian yang dinyatakan di dalam soalan (d)(i)
Briefly explain how one of the tests described in question (d)(i) is carried out.

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Process of Transporting the Products of Digestion
1. Food that is digested and absorbed into a villus needs to reach the cells of the body. The
molecules that are absorbed into the villus will undergo assimilation.

2. Assimilation 同化 is a process of distributing the end products of digestion for the use
of the cells in our body.

3. Our body uses the end products of digestion:

a. Glucose
• To produce energy
• Excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the heart as food
b. Amino acid
• To build new cells
• To repair damaged cells
• To produce enzymes, antibodies and hormones
• To make plasma protein in the liver
• Excess amino acids are converted into urea and eliminated through urine
and sweat
c. Fatty acid and glycerol
• Used as heat insulator
• To protect internal organ
• Stored underneath the skin as stored energy

4. Systems work together to ensure the digested food molecules reach the cells of the

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation

1. Undigested food and food that is not absorbed by the small intestine such as fibre,
waste secretions of the digestive tract, dead cells and water will move into the large

2. While moving through the large intestine, water and minerals are reabsorbed into the
blood stream..

3. The undigested and unabsorbed food becomes solid waste called faeces.

4. Faeces are stored temporarily in the rectum before eliminated through the anus.

5. The process of elimination of faeces from their body is called defecation.

6. Constipation is the condition where defecation is difficult.

7. Ways to overcome constipation :

a. Increase the intake of fibre
b. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
c. Consume less food which is high in fats, sugar and salt content

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】
6. Organ P dan Q terdapat dalam badan manusia.
Organs P and Q are found in the human body.

Tandakan (/) satu perbezaan antara bahan yang diserap oleh organ P dan organ Q.
Tick (/) one difference between the substance that are absorbed by organ P and organ Q.

Organ P menyerap glukosa manakala oran Q menyerap asid lemak.

Organ P absorb glucose while organ Q absorb fatty acid.
Organ P menyerap asid amino manakala organ Q menyerap air.
Organ P absorb amino acid while organ Q absorb water.

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

3.4 Process of Absorption and Transportation of Digested
Food and Defecation
Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

Chapter 3
Overall Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

Chapter 3
Overall Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

Chapter 3
Overall Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】

Chapter 3
Overall Exercise 【功课 / 缺席/ 没带资料】


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