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Rachana Shareera Question Bank

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Purpose of this Question Bank

For most of the students who venture into Ayurveda with least of Vedic background the 1st year
of BAMS course is crucial. It seems like a roller coaster ride with repeated change in perception. Often
this leads to widespread confusion and chaos. Therefore appropriate guidance at every stage helps them
sail through smoothly. This compilation is an attempt to help them to predict the nature of questions
appearing in forth coming examination. Though all of them cannot develop same level of competence but
it should not be difficult for most of them get through and progress to the next profession without any
hassles. Through this compilation we would like to extend a helping hand in the same direction.

How to use this:-

With the current Question paper pattern it is vital that all the students desirous of performing well
should be completely aware of all the subject matter covered under the syllabus. Though it is not
expected to be through with all the matter but one should have a basic idea about all the subjects
prescribed under the syllabus.

i. It would be ideal to initially read the prescribed point followed by the subject to the extent
possible first. Following this exercise one has to use the question bank and assess his ability to
recall the subject appearing as questions. Repeat the same for all points. If you are not aware of
any answers refer back to the text for the same.
ii. Repeat this exercise at least three to four times before you become thorough with all the subjects
iii. Prescribed under the syllabus make sure that with every successive attempt the Questions are
answered with ease covering greater amount of facts.
iv. In the next step prepare an answer key which should be in the form of key point with the most
important terms or key words being highlighted.

This completes the preparation for your examination.


Department of Rachana Shareera
Sharada Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital
The Questions compiled here include the questions of different Universities across INDIA also from past
one decade. There have been some additions and slight changes as deemed relevant.

C O M P I L E D B Y : D R . R E N J I T H . R . W A R R I E R A N D D R . M A N U K R I S H N A N . K
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021

Paper 1 Syllabus point 2

Part A
Long essay
Syllabus point 1 1. Explain paribhasha shareera in detail.
Long essay
Short essay
1. Define shareera and shaareera , explain
mrutha shareera samshodhana in detail. 1. Explain snayu in detail.
2. Explain mrutha shareera samshodhana 2. Define snayu and explain types of
in detail. snayu.
3. Write mrutha shareera samshodhana
karma. Short answers
4. Mrutha samshodhana and shavacheda
vidhi in detail. 1. Kandara
2. Snayu and types
Short essay 3. Seevani
4. Rajju
1. Explain shareera and shareerayoho 5. Jaala
vyakhya. 6. Mamsarajju
2. Chikitsapurusha. 7. Koorcha
3. Define purusha and define 8. Asthisanghata
shaddhathwatmaka purusha . 9. Sanyu prakara
4. Define shareera as explained in 10. Seemantha
susrutha samhitha , what is the 11. Koorcha
importance of the shareerasthana of
Syllabus point 3
susrutha samhitha .
Long essay
5. Shareerasya panchabhauthikatwam.
6. Shava samskarana padhathi. 1. Define garbha as per acharya susrutha
7. Define shareera and shaareera in detail. and caraka ? explain masanumasika
8. Describe anga pratyanga vibhaga in garbhavridhi krama as per acharya
detail. susrutha.
9. Shareera sastra vibhaga. 2. Define garbha, write the role of
panchamahabhootha and explain
Short answers
garbhavridhikara bhavas.
1. Karma purusha 3. Define garbha, mention the
2. Shareera jnana prayojana garbhotpadakabhava and explain anga
3. Shadangathwam pratyanga utpathikrama.
4. Karmapurusha 4. Define garbha? Write about
5. Shareera shastra vibhaga. garbhadhana and explain in detail
6. Importance of shareera. masanumaasika garbha vridhi.
5. Explain masanumaasika garbhavridhi
krama and angapratyanga utpathi as told
is susrutha samhitha.

Compiled by: Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier & Dr.Manu Krishnan.K Page 1

Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
6. Define garbha and masanumasika vridhi describe the modern classification of
krama w.s.r. to chathurtha masa. bones ?
2. Explain asthi in detail and elaborate on
Short essay the types of ossiifcation?
3. Asthi shareera in detail
1. Masanumaasika garbha vridhi krama in
detail. Short essay
2. Garbha vridhikara bhavas
3. Explain garbhothpadaka bhavas. 1. Define asthi and its classification with
4. Garbhothpadaka bhavas. examples.
5. Explain the development of various 2. Explain the importance of asthi as
organs in a garbha. explained in susrutha samhitha with
6. Garbhaposhana. relevant shloka.
7. Aparaa nirmana. 3. Asthi shareera
8. Lingavinischaya.
Short answers
Short answers
1. Valayashthi.
1. Rithumathi lakshana 2. Types of asthi
2. Rithu kala
3. Douhruda and douhridini. Syllabus point 6
4. Lingavinishchaya
5. Pumsavana karma Long essay
6. Write about utpathi of vrukka.
7. With relevant shloka explain the normal 1. Write classification of joints and explain
position of garbha in womb. knee joint?
8. Utpathi of puphusa.
9. Explain about garbhasaya. Short essay
10. Bheejabhaga avayava
11. Embryo and fetus. 1. Define sandhi and write the types of
Syllabus point 4 2. Susruthoktha sandhiprakara with
Short essay examples.
3. Classify sandhi with suitable examples.
1. Anguli pramana. 4. Write the sandhi vargeekarana with
2. Anjali pramana in detail. appropriate examples.
3. Explain pramana shareera in detail.
4. Anguli pramana of hastha Short answers

Syllabus point 5 1. Korasandhi

Long essay 2. Susruthoktha sandhi classification
3. Sandhi types
1. Define asthi, its types, importance, 4. Shankavartha.
enumeration and classification. Also

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
Syllabus point 7 Syllabus point 8

Long essay Short essay

1. Explain srothoshareera in detail. 1. Enumerate peshi and explain

2. What is the difference between sira, sthreegatha adhika mamsa peshi.
dhamani and srotas? What is the 2. Types of peshi.
nirukthi of dhamani? Explain the origin 3. Write the location, appearance and
and distribution of dhamanis. anatomical relations of hrudaya with
supporting shloka. What is the influence
Short essay of tamas on hrudaya.

1. Define srotas and write the types of Short answers

srotas.. 1. Explain Peshi prakaara
2. Pranavaha srotas. 2. Peshi sankhya
3. Annavaha srotas. 3. Write the arrangemnt of the sthree peshi.
4. Define srotas and explain rasavaha
srotas with vidha lakshana. Syllabus point 9
5. Explain in detail the rasavaha
srothomoola. Short essay
6. Define sira, dhamani with their 1. Define aashaya and name them.
differences. 2. Explain ashaya in detail.
7. Classification of sira and dhamani. 3. Define koshta and no. of koshtangas.
8. Explain the adhogama dhamani. 4. Define koshta and name koshtangas.
9. Define sira and explain the types of sira. According to Caraka and Susrutha.
10. Write a note on the sankhya and
distribution of the moolasira. Short answers
11. Sira prakaara. 1. Ashaya sankhya
12. Rasavaha srothas. 2. Ashayas
13. Write the detailed classification and 3. Koshta.
distribution of sira. 4. Aashaya prakaara
14. Explain pranavaha srotas. 5. Enumerate avayavas.
15. Define srotas and write about pranvaha 6. Utpathi of puphusa .
srotas. 7. What is the measurement of the aantra.
16. Explain urdhwaanga dhamani. 8. Define koshta.
9. Undukam.
Short answers
Syllabus point 10
1. Srotas definition
2. Write the moola and vidha lakshana of Long essay
mootravaha srotas 1. Kala shareera in detail and explain
3. Write a note on sira vibhajana karma. sleshmadhara and rakthadhara kala.

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
Short essay Rujakara marma with relevant
1. Pureeshadhara kala. anatomical structures.
2. Explain medodhara kala. 3. Define marma, classify marma, and
3. Define kala and explain pithadhara kala explain sadyapranahara marma in detail.
4. Explain kala shareera in detail. 4. Define and classify marma according to
5. Rakthadhara kala. susrutha, explain udara-uro marmani in
6. Sukradhara kala. detail.
7. Pericardium. 5. Define marma ,write its classification
8. Sleshmadhara kala. and explain in detail about
sadyapranahara marma .
Short answers
Short essay
1. Kala 1. Define marma and its classification.
2. Mamsadhara kala 2. Define marma and describe
3. Pithadhara kala sadyopranahara marmas.
4. Write the types of kala 3. Define marma and name greevordhwa
5. Saraktha medas. gata marma.
6. Pureeshadhara kala. 4. Define marma and describe
sadyopranahara marma.
Syllabus point 11 5. Shakhagata marma.
6. Trimarma in detail.
Long essay 7. Explain the kukundara marma with
1. Enumerate shat chakras and explain relevant anatomical structure involved.
mooladhara and swadhishtana in detail. 8. Vishalyaghna marma in detail.
Short answers
Short essay 1. Vitapa marma
1. Shat chakras. 2. Adhipathi marma
3. Shanka marma
Short answers 4. Srungataka marma
1. Ida and pingala.
2. Name shat chakras.
3. Mooladhara chakra. Syllabus point 13

Syllabus point 12 Short essay

1. Define indriya and name jnanendriya
Long essay and karmendriya .
1. Define marma and write its types of 2. Describe netra shareera.
classification and brief shakhagata
marma. Short answers
2. Give the definition of marma as 1. Manas.
explained in susrutha samhitha. Explain 2. Manas.
why marma is described as 3. Netra sandhi
shalyavishayartha?and explain the 4. Jnaanendriya.
5. Karmemdriyani.

Compiled by: Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier & Dr.Manu Krishnan.K Page 4

Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
2. Explain fetal circulation in detail and
Paper 2 name the remnant structures that remain
Part B after birth.

Syllabus point 1 Short essay

Long essay
1. Sperm
1. Define anatomy, write the branches of 2. Explain fetal circulation
anatomy and explain the dead body 3. Write about placenta formation.
preservation method in detail. 4. Stages of fertilization
2. Explain the cadaver embalming 5. Differentiate the embryo from fetus.
technique in detail and name the various 6. Write a note on chromosomes.
types of embalming techniques.
Short answers
Short essay 1. Ovum ‘
2. Umbilical cord
1. Write the branches of anatomy 3. Allantois
2. Write cadaver preservation method. 4. Trophoblast
5. Blastocyst
Short answers 6. Chromosome
7. What is graffian follicle
8. What is the importance of the germ
Syllabus point 2 layers.
9. Chorion
Short essay 10. Amnion
1. What is anatomical position and 11. Cleavage
describe the anatomical planes. 12. Gastrulation
13. Neurulation
Short answers 14. Corpus luteum

1. Coronal plane Syllabus point 4

2. Anatomical planes
3. Sagittal plane Long essay
4. What is transtubercular plane?
1. What is bone ? its types and explain hip
bone in detail with muscle attachments
Syllabus point 3 and neat diagrams.
2. Classify bones , explain vertebral
Long essay column in detail.
1. Explain the development of placenta, 3. Explain hip bone and write the
explain the external features of placenta, difference between male and female
explain fetal circulation in detail. pelvis.
4. Explain sternum in detail with neat
diagram and clinical anatomy.

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
5. Explain ossification of bones and types 13. Conoid tubercle
of bones in detail with neat diagrams. 14. Thoracic outlet
6. Explain anatomy of femur in detail.
7. Write the process of ossification of both Syllabus point 5
endochondral and membraneous types.
8. Explain scapula in detail with neat Long essay
1. Define joint , mention types of joint and
Short essay explain shoulder joint.
2. Write the types of joints and explain in
1. Explain clavicle detail knee joint with its ligaments ,
2. Explain humerus movements and clinical aspects.
3. Explain upper end of ulna Short essay
4. Describe thoracic inlet. 1. Explain the ligaments of vertebral joints
5. Explain pubic bone with figure.
6. Explain the mandible in detail . 2. Explain tempero-mandibular joint
7. Explain obturator foramen 3. Mention the movements and shoulder
8. Define ossification and explain types of joint.
ossiifcation in detail. 4. Name the ligaments , muscles and
9. How is the thoracic cage formed. nerves acting on shoulder joint.
Explain its inlet and outlet. 5. Knee joint in detail
10. With a neat labelled diagram explain the 6. Acromioclavicular joint
lower end of the humerus. 7. Explain about elbow joint with neat
11. Radius labelled diagram
12. Innominate bone. Short answers
13. Typical rib
14. Explain the anatomy of humerus bone 1. Pivot joint
2. Wrist joint
Short answers 3. Ankle joint

1. Tarsal bones Syllabus point 6

2. Parts of upper end of humerus
3. Types of bones Long essay
4. Crysta galli
5. Intervertebral disc 1. What are the salient difference of an
6. Short bone artery and a vein. Explain the origin ,
7. Sesamoid bone course, and branches of femoral artery
8. Ossification with a neat diagram.
9. ame structures passing through the
greater sciatic notch Short essay
10. Write boundaries of the posterior nasal
aperture 1. Pericardium
11. Foramen magnum 2. Structural differences between artery
12. Cartilagenous ossification and vein.

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
3. Explain external carotid artery and its Short answers
4. Explain axillary artery and its branches 1. Lymph node
5. Carotid artery in detail 2. Axillary lymph nodes
6. Abdominal aorta. 3. Cisterna chyli
7. Right atrium and tributaries 4. How does lymph differ from plasma.
8. What are the structural differences 5. Arrangement of lymph nodes of the
between the right and left atrium. neck
9. Superficial palmar arch 6. Waldeyers lymphatic ring.
10. Right atrium
11. Write the structure of right ventricle of
heart Syllabus point 8

Short answers Long essay

1. Coronary artery 1. With neat labelled diagrams classify the

2. Foramen ovale muscles. Explain the origin , course,
3. Papillary muscles insertion, nerve supply, blood supply
4. Portal vein and action of the anterior abdominal
5. Arch of aorta wall muscles . write a note on its applied
6. Applied anatomy of pericardium aspects.
7. Superior mesenteric artery 2. Define muscle and tendon, mention
8. Superficial palmar arch types of muscles and explain in detail
9. Mitral valve about adductor group of muscles.
10. Great saphenous vein Short essays
11. Write anatomical arrangement of the
tricuspid valve 1. Hamstring muscles
12. Arteriole 2. Explain the origin and insertion of the
13. Blood supply of heart biceps femoris muscle and its nerve
14. Aneurysm supply
3. Write the muscles of arm
4. Sternocleidomastoid
Syllabus point 7 5. Flexor compartment muscles of forearm.
6. Extensor compartment muscles of
Short essay 7. Rectus sheath.
1. Explain the thoracic duct and write its 8. Muscles of anterior abdominal wall
course and tributaries 9. Extraoccular muscles
2. Lymphatic drainage of breast. 10. Deep cervical fascia
3. Explain thoracic duct 11. Axillary fascia
4. Cisterna chyli 12. Clavipectoral fascia
5. Structure of lymph node 13. Muscles of the eyeball
6. Waldeyers lymphatic ring 14. Carpel tunnel and its contents
15. Explain calf muscles

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
16. Rectus sheath in detail 4. Explain the location, fissures, lobes and
17. Deltoid and triceps brachii impressions of the right lung
18. Trapezius muscle 5. With neat diagram write the differences
19. With a neat labelled diagram explain the between right and left lungs
origin , insertion, nerve supply, and 6. Write a note on diaphragm
action of trapezius. 7. Write a note on the bronchial tree
20. Diaphragm 8. What are paranasal sinuses? Explain
21. Hamstring muscles their locations, openings and functional
Short answers 9. Define and explain pleura. Write a note
on the pleural recesses with their clinical
1. Femoral sheath importance
2. Tendocalcaneous 10. Pleura
3. Achilles tendon 11. Explain the nasal cavity with a special
4. Tensor fascia lata note on its blood supply
5. Applied anatomy of gluteal muscles 12. Anatomy of pleura
6. Ligamentum nuchae 13. Trachea and bronchial tree
7. How is the adductor canal formed and 14. Trachea
what are its contents.
8. What is abduction. Short answers
9. Circumduction 1. Primary bronchus
10. Flexor retinaculum 2. Diaphragm
11. Carpal tunnel 3. Laryngeal cartilages
12. Explain about the inguinal canal 4. Pleura
13. Anatomical snuff box 5. Trachea
6. Bronchial tree
Paper 2 7. What is central tendon
Part A 8. Bronchial tree
9. Applied anatomy of diaphragm
Syllabus point 1
Syllabus point 2
Long essay
1. Anatomy of lungs with applied Long essay
anatomy. 1. Describe in detail stomach in detail with
2. Explain external features of the lung and its location, parts, anatomical relations,
define bronchopulmonary segments. blood supply and clinical aspects.
List their name in each lung with figure. 2. Explain the external and internal
features of the stomach and write its
Short essay anatomical relations , blood supply, with
neat diagram.
1. Explain larynx 3. Define gland. Classify glands and
2. Cartilages of larynx explain in detail the location,
3. Lobes and fissures of lungs dimensions, external features, peritoneal
relations and blood supply of pancreas.

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
4. Explain in detail liver with its lobes, 20. Spleen
external features, anatomical relations, 21. Folds of peritoneum
blood supply and clinical aspects.
5. Enumerate the organs of the Short answers
gastrointestinal tract. Explain the
location, dimensions, parts, peritoneal 1. Transpyloric plane
and anatomical relations, blood supply 2. Ligaments of liver
and functional importance of the 3. Caecum
sigmoid colon. 4. Types of caecum
6. Define and classify exocrine glands. 5. Pharynx
Explain liver in detail with a neat 6. Name the muscles of pharynx
diagram and write its clinical anatomy. 7. Appendix
7. Enumerate the organs of the digestive 8. Epiploic foramen
system and explain the stomach with its 9. Papillae of the tongue
applied aspects. 10. Jejunum
11. Common bile duct - course and relations
Short essay 12. What is Taenia coli, how is it formed?
13. Blood supply of stomach with neat
1. Blood supply of stomach and stomach labelled diagram
bed 14. Stomach bed
2. Write the differences between small and 15. What is Omental bursa
large intestine 16. Enumerate retroperitoneal structures
3. Common bile duct. 17. Explain structure of pylorus
4. Duodenum with importance of second 18. Sigmoid mesocolon
part of duodenum 19. Transverse mesocolon
5. Anatomy of spleen 20. Parts of large intestine
6. Oesophagus 21. What is porta hepatis.
7. Explain the gallbladder with a neat 22. Applied anatomy of spleen.
diagram 23. Ampulla of vater
8. Explain the lesser sac in detail 24. Difference between small intestine and
9. Write the interior of the anal canal large intestine
10. Write briefly about the normal 25. Greater and lesser omentum
constriction of oesophagus 26. Payer’s patches
11. With a neat diagram explain the 27. Mesentery
ligaments of the liver, 28. Curvatures of rectum
12. Ligaments of the liver
13. Peritoneum Syllabus point 3
14. Pancreas ‘
15. Positions of appendix Long essay
16. Explain the gall bladder with a note on
its applied aspects 1. Write the relations of kidneys in detail
17. Duodenum with its anatomy.
18. Abdomen quadrants
19. Spleen with ligaments

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
Short essay 6. Write the features of testis and vas
1. Explain the structure of nephrons . 7. Spermatic cord
2. Explain the internal structure of the 8. Write briefly about the uterus with its
kidney anatomical relations
3. With neat labelled diagram explain the 9. Penis
differences in the anatomical relations of 10. Explain fallopian tube with its clinical
the right and left kidney importance
4. Explain the location, dimensions, 11. Epididymis
external features and anatomical 12. Explain the location, dimensions, parts,
relations of urinary bladder and structure of the vagina
5. Urethra in detail 13. Uterus
6. Bladder 14. Seminal vesicle
7. True pelvis and its contents 15. Prostate gland
Short answers
Short answers
1. Perineum
1. Trigone 2. Supports of uterus
2. Trigone of the urinary bladder 3. Vagina
3. Male urethra 4. Pampiniform plexus
4. Blood supply of urinary bladder 5. Inguinal canal
5. Anterior relations of kidney 6. Douglas pouch
6. Renal pelvis 7. What is ductus deferens. Write about its
7. Male urethra course and applied aspects
8. Fallopian tube
Syllabus point 4 9. Spermatic cord
10. Structure of penis
Long essay 11. What is spermatic cord ? what are the
functional and clinical importance
1. Enumerate the structures of the male 12. Vagina
reproductive system. Explain the 13. Uterine tubes
structure of penis and its applied aspect. 14. Bartholin glands
2. Describe in detail uterus with its 15. Ejaculatory duct
location, parts, supports, anatomical
relations, blood supply and clinical Syllabus point 5
Short essay Long essay

1. True pelvis and its contents 1. Definition and classification of

2. Write the female external genitalia endocrine glands
3. Explain vulva
4. Structure of ovaries Short essay
5. Testis
1. Thyroid gland and its clinical anatomy

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
2. Write briefly about suprarenal gland 8. Explain the external and internal
3. Write briefly about the pituitary gland features of cerebellum
4. Explain the location, external features 9. Explain diencephalon.
and importance of the thymus gland 10. Explain basal ganglia .
5. Parathyroid gland
6. Definition and classification of
endocrine glands Short essay
7. Suprarenal gland
1. Spinal cord
Short answers 2. External and internal anatomy of spinal
1. Suprarenal glands 3. Write a note on ascending tracts of
2. What is the location and parts of the spinal cord.
pituitary gland 4. Fourth ventricle
3. With a neat diagram show the structure 5. Lobes and subdivisions of cerebellum
of endocrine pancreas. 6. Describe sympathetic chain
4. Endocrine glands 7. Cerebrospinal fluid
8. Sympathetic nervous system
Paper 2 9. Write about brachial plexus
Part B 10. Explain fourth ventricle with
Syllabus point 6 11. Cranial meninges
12. Write the features of medulla oblangata
13. Write about the sympathetic chain in
Long essay detail
14. Explain third ventricle and its
1. Explain anatomy of spinal cord in detail communications with the cerebrum
2. Describe the external and internal 15. Explain the location, external features,
features of cerebrum with its important and nuclear mass of the cerebellum
sulci and gyri and the functional areas 16. What is major motor decussation? What
present in the cortex. is its clinical importance
3. Explain the external and internal 17. Write a note on the importance of
features of spinal cord showing the nuclear masses of the brainstem
ascending and descending tracts with 18. Explain the dural venous sinuses along
labelled diagram with its clinical importance
4. Classify nervous system. Explain the 19. Explain the location, formation and
external and internal features of spinal important nerves of the lumbosacral
cord song with its blood supply. plexus
5. Classify nervous system and explain 20. Midbrain
cranial nerves 21. Pons
6. Explain brainstem in detail. 22. Parasympathetic division
7. Explain ventricular system of the brain 23. Structure of pons
in detail. 24. Spinal meninges
25. Lateral ventricles

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Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
26. Explain the boundaries of the cavity of 13. Epidural space
diencephalon 14. Spinal nerves
27. Explain the motor nerve supply to the 15. Choroid plexus
face with its applied aspect 16. What is facial colliculus
28. Explain cranial meninges with its 17. Write a note on optic chiasma
modifications 18. Explain conus medullaris
29. Write a note on thoracolumbar outflow 19. Blood brain barrier
30. Radial nerve inn detail 20. Cardiac plexus
31. Circulation of CSF 21. Vagus nerve
32. Lumbar plexus 22. Cerebro spinal fluid
33. Cerebellum 23. Trigeminal nerve
34. Blood supply of brain 24. Thalamus
35. Circle of willis 25. Name the nerves emerging from the
36. Circulus arteriosus pons
37. Parasympathetic nerves 26. What is corona radiata
38. Neuroglial cells 27. Broca's area
39. Nissl granules 28. Reticular formation
40. Olfactory nerve 29. Flocculonodular lobe
41. Optic nerve 30. Medulla oblangata
42. Occulomotor nerve 31. Axon hillock
43. Trigeminal nerve and divisions 32. Dendrite
44. Facial nerve and branches 33. Node’s of ranvier
45. Vestibulo cochlear nerve 34. Tela choroidea
46. Spinal accessory nerve 35. Cerebral aqueduct
47. Cervical plexus 36. Aqueduct of sylvius
48. Cistern 37. Spinal leminiscus
49. Limbic system in detail 38. Foramen monroe
50. Explain hypothalamus in detail 39. Formen magnum
51. Explain pyramidal decussation 40. Sella turcica

Short answers
Syllabus point 7
1. Insula
2. Cauda equina Long essay
3. Sciatic nerve
4. Olfactory bulb 1. Explain ear in detail
5. Structure of neuron 2. Name the organs of peripheral sensory
6. Nerve supply to the eye perception. Explain in detail the
7. Schwann cell structure of the skin with a special note
8. Substantia nigra on the type and distribution of hair.
9. Corpus callosum 3. Describe in detail parts and structure of
10. Glossopharyngeal nerve the eyeball with clinical aspects. Add a
11. Axillary nerve note on lacrimal apparatus.
12. Falx cerebri

Compiled by: Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier & Dr.Manu Krishnan.K Page 12

Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
4. With a neat labelled diagram. Explain 3. Iris
the location, structure, blood supply, 4. Sclera
nerve supply and the muscles of the eye. 5. Cornea
5. Explain nose in detail. 6. Membraneous labyrinth
6. Explain tongue in detail. 7. Appendages of skin
8. Nasal septum
9. Auditory tube
Short essay 10. Eustachian tube
11. Explain dermis
1. Lacrimal apparatus 12. What is the location, formation and
2. Dermis and epidermis formation and functional importance of vitreous body ?
structure of lateral wall of nose 13. What is chorda tympani
3. Sweat gland 14. What is uveal tract
4. Middle ear 15. With a diagram show the location and
5. Anatomy of tongue structure of the circumvallate papillae
6. Define and classify hair. Write its 16. Lingual papillae
distribution and structure 17. Ear ossicles
7. Write about the features of eye 18. Nasolacrimal duct
8. Explain the location, parts and clinical 19. Muscles of tongue
importance of the tympanic membrane 20. Vocal cord
in detail 21. Sclera
9. Explain the location and external 22. Skin receptors
features of the tongue, with a special
note on the muscles and nerves Syllabus point 8
responsible for movement and taste
perception by the tongue Short essay
10. Write a note on skin lines
11. Explain the structure of eyelid 1. Surface anatomy of heart
12. Explain the features of the internal ear 2. Surface anatomy of liver
13. External ear 3. Surface anatomy of lungs
14. Crystalline lens 4. Surface anatomy of heart
15. External nose 5. Surface anatomy of ureter
16. Skin 6. Surface anatomy of kidney
17. Skin 7. Surface anatomy of pancreas
18. Retina 8. Surface anatomy of pleura
19. Internal ear 9. Surface anatomy of spleen
20. Explain skin 10. Surface anatomy of stomach
21. Cochela 11. Surface anatomy of oesophagus
22. Cornea 12. Quadrants of abdomen
13. Morrison,s parallelogram
Short answers 14. Surface anatomy of trachea with
1. Limbus Short answers
2. Extraoccular muscles

Compiled by: Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier & Dr.Manu Krishnan.K Page 13

Department of Rachana shareera
Rachana shareera –Question Bank 2021
1. Importance of radio imaging
2. Morrison,s parallelogram
3. Surface anatomy of trachea with
4. Surface anatomy of oesophagus
5. Surface anatomy of abdominal aorta
6. How do you appreciate the shadow of a
bone from that of a soft organ in a given
X-ray film? Explain the reasons for the
7. With a diagram show the surface
anatomy of abdominal aorta.

Students can listen to the STEP webinar series(Study Techniques and Exam
Preparation):An exclusive session for first year BAMS students. Individual sessions
on each first year subjects are available.
1)Rachana Shareera
 Part 1:Study techniques to crack the syllabus initial 24minutes
(Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier, Associate professor,Department of Rachana Shareera)
 Part 2 : Presentation techniques with examples-24 minutes to 58 minutes
(Dr.Manu Krishnan.K, Assistant professor,Department of Rachana Shareera )

Link :

Wishing good luck to all students

Compiled by: Dr.Renjith.R.Warrier & Dr.Manu Krishnan.K Page 14

Department of Rachana shareera

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