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Green HRM - Practices in Organisations

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Green HRM -Practices In Organisations

Article · March 2019

DOI: 10.9790/487X-2103017477


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3 authors, including:

Krithika Jeganathan Divyapriyadharshini . N



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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 21, Issue 3. Ser. I (March. 2019), PP 74-77

Green HRM - Practices In Organisations

Dr.J.Krithika, N.DivyaPriyadharshini , J.GokulaPriya
(Associate professor, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India)
(Management studies, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India)
Corresponding Author: Dr.J.Krithika

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of Green Human Resource
Management(GHRM). Green human resource management is almost getting an important role in business for
making better profit range and avoids wastage of corporate resources by following the Ecological principles. It
initiatives within HR form a wider form of corporate social responsibility. It plays a vital role in industry to
promote the environment related issues.
Keywords: HRM, GHRM, Environment, Practices, Responsibility
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Date of Submission: 20-02-2019 Date of acceptance: 06-03-2019
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I. Introduction
Green HRM is the emerging topic in current scenario. There is a growing need for strategic Green
HRM– the integration of environmental management into HRM . An organizations Human Resource function
can be influential in facilitating comprehensive approach for creating a culture of sustainability. Now a days, it
is observed that the business communities adopt environment management system which in turn is a tool to
provide competitive advantages and helps in controlling the environmental impacts. Now companies realize and
build up social consciences for Green HRM practices and corporate social responsibility. The HRM functions
develop environmental sustainability within the organization through the Green HRM practices and policies
with sustainability goals reflecting 'Eco- focuses'. Green HRM includes all related HRM practices like-selection
and recruitment, training and development, compensation and rewards, performance appraisal and employment
relations etc. Green HRM practices are capable to attract and hold good employee in the organization and also
helps in promoting and reducing the replacement cost. Strategic Green HRM practices and polices support
sustainable use of wealth in the organization and develops employee confidence and satisfaction.

II. Literature review

The ritual conception was that environmental apprehension negatively affects an organization’s
performance, as firms have to invest more than usual sum of resources. Economic outcomes were considered
more captivating to firms and stakeholders in the previous eras while in the twenty first century, green
environmental outcomes are considered more proactive (Mandip, 2012). Organizations should balance their
growth and preservation of environment because they are key responsible entities of the uprising environmental
issues (Murari & Bhandari,2011).After the growing research literature on green marketing (Peattie1992),
green accounting (Bebbington 2001; Owen1992), green retailin (Kee-hung et al. 2010) and green management
in general (McDonagh and Prothero 1997), the area of concentration is Green human resource management
(GHRM). The concept of GHRM was appeared in 1990s and globally accepted in 2000s (Lee, 2009). Green
HRM is the implication of green HRM policies, green philosophies and green practices for the environmental
management and awareness among the employees about green environmental responsibilities. Environmental
management is defined as a component of general management behavior that engages organizational chart,
planning, responsibilities, codes of practices, procedures, processes and necessary means for developing,
implementing, managing, reviewing and maintaining environmental policies (Riccio, 2001). It is considered that
organizations should play an imperative role in addressing environmental issues since they are the main cause of
environmental problems (Bebbington, 2001). Organizations having good environmental reputation can have
improved visibility, devoted employees, loyal customers, trusty suppliers and investors (Business Week, 2005).
A number of studies have found about the importance and implementation of GHRM practices. Green human
resource practices can be implemented in an organization through green recruitment, training and development,
performance management and appraisal, compensation, pay and reward, and employment relations (Rani at all,
2014; Renwick at all, 2013). There is a need to emphasize the benefits of these green human resource practices
for organizations and for environment as well (Renwick at all, 2013). With the effective implementation of
green policies, employees may be motivated and involve themselves in green practices which will ultimately

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Green HRM - Practices In Organisations

lead towards the better organizational performance. Organizations are going towards green practices in order to
enhance their image, increase employee morale, to gain competitive edge and to considerably reduce their cost
(Alhadid& Abu-Rumman, 2014). The adoption of these practices has been presented with a number of different
advantages which would ultimately benefit the firm which has led to the emergence of “green and competitive”
mantra (Wagner, 2007; Molina-Azorin et al., 2009). Some of the benefits associated with this adoption include
improvements related to firms operational performance (Jackson et al., 2012), promotion of teamwork (Jabbar et
al., 2010), improvements in organizational culture (Jabbar et al., 2012) and reduction on overall cost (Hart
1997). Preservation of environment is considered a value that cannot be compromised (Wenstop and Myrmel
2006). Green innovation is important in organizations because it saves environment from pollution, saves
energy, and recycling. Wastage from organizations is yet another dilemma to consider. Measures must be taken
to control and reduce the amount of fritter by managing green product innovation and green process innovation
(Alhadid and Abu-Rumman 2014). Large organizations are more inclined to green HRM conscat the same time
be more socially responsible (Ahmed, Montagno and Firenze 1998). A Moreover the Ability-Motivation-
Opportunity theory proposes that green HRM policies can enhance an organization’s human capital by
increasing employee capabilities which can be further interpreted to the firms performance outcomes, for
instance increased productivity.

III. Why green hrm essential today?

Today, we show an amplified interest in the environmental concerns all around the world and
businesses are not spared from the same. The harmful results of pollution and wastes have forced humans to
form treaties, regulations, policies and practices to slow down the adverse effects of pollution. When the
treaties, policies and regulations are mandatory, practices are voluntary and equally important to negate the
effects on mankind and society. Organizations are trying to find feasible ways to reduce ecological footprints
which are economically viable as well. The strategies to succeed incorporate not only financial and social
factors but also environmental factors. It involves undertaking environment friendly initiatives resulting in
greater efficiency, lower costs, and better employee engagement and retention.

Green HRM use human resources management policies to support the sustainable use of available
resources within business and mostly these resources are environment sustainable. Green HRM helps in
implementation of green human resources policies like as–planning, selection, recruitment, training &
development,compensation etc. In this green World, the green HR or people management function has
sustainability and its people management and talent management engage with the people and customers,
communities and contractors all turn into equal employees along with shareholders.

IV. GHRM practices

Green Recruitment:
Green recruitment can be defined as the process of hiring individuals with knowledge, skills,
approaches, and behaviors that identify with environmental management systems within an organization.
Recruiting candidates with green bend of mind make it easy for firms to induct professionals who are aware
with sustainable processes and are already familiar with basics like recycling and conservation. The inclusion of
green job descriptions, paperless interviews and the concepts of recycling and reducing waste also help in the

Green Management:
A green organization is distinct as a place of work that is well planned, environment relevant, and
socially accountable. In the green management they have highlighted the balance betweenorganizational
developments for prosperity and protecting the natural environment so that the future generation may succeed.
To implement any corporate environmental plan, numerous plan of company like as-supplychain management,
human resources marketing are merged together. However, chief element of the human resources department is

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corporate social responsibility (CSR), so Green HRM is the extensive agenda of corporate social responsibility.
Green HRM mainly involves two elements like- Environment friendly HR practices and Preservation of
knowledge capital


Green HRM mainly involves two elements like- Environment friendly HR practices and Preservation
of knowledge capital . In the Green HRM employee focused on achieving the organizational goal and solve the
environmental related problems. However, the organization has set up the duties and responsibility that
integrated the environmental activities.

The Green HRM divides its element into two parts which are as follows:

Fig :3

Green Training and Development:

The green training and development is a practice that focuses ondevelopment of employee’s
knowledge, skills and attitude. The green training and development educate employees about environmental
training and development and also educate employees about energy awareness in the organization and reduce
wastage, and solve environmental problem in the organization. Training is a key instrument for the employees
for controlling wastage (in terms of both prevention and reduction) in the organization. So it important for
organization to instruct good training to employees and guide them and also update them about the Green
practices, policies and procedure.

Green Performance Appraisal:

When the appraisal of the employee comes into account in the organization it is important to think
about Green Targets, purpose,Green initiates and responsibility taken by employees and conclusion of green
results. However, performance appraisal method should also include Green target one of the key presentation
area of employee.

Green Compensation and Reward Systeml:

Compensation and reward is the major Green HRM practices through which employees are rewarded
for their performance. Variable pay system added in compensation system by link it by eco performance.
Compensation packages are something related to acquiring designed green skill and they are having long term

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Green HRM - Practices In Organisations

V. Conclusion
Organizations across the world are working toward implementing GHRM practices to gain competitive
advantages among the corporate world. Complete adoption and integration of GHRM in business is not
impossible but requires a changed approach toward the existing HR practices on part of both the management as
well as employees simultaneously. In the process, many HR professionals ascertained that green initiatives were
a necessary aspect of overall corporate social responsibility. companies are becoming more aware about their
responsibilities towards environment . By doing so companies are not only reducing their dependence on scarce
resources and easing the pressure on the planet but also improving their operational cost.

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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.

Dr.J.Krithika. " Green HRM - Practices In Organisations." IOSR Journal of Business and
Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 21, No. 3, 2019, pp. -.74-77

DOI: 10.9790/487X-2103017477 77 | Page

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