3 Pole - Changeover Contact: 1.3 Industrial Relays - Pluggable
3 Pole - Changeover Contact: 1.3 Industrial Relays - Pluggable
3 Pole - Changeover Contact: 1.3 Industrial Relays - Pluggable
3 Industrial Relays -
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
3 pole | changeover contact
Main circuit
Available contact materials AgNi for C3-A30
AgNi + 5 µ Au for C3-A38
AgNi + 0.2 µ Au for C3-A39
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 10 V for C3-A30, C3-A39
5 mA / 5 V for C3-A38
Maximum contact load AC 10 A / 250 V AC-1
Maximum contact load DC 10 A / 30 V DC-1
Rated current 10 A
Inrush current 30 A, 20 ms
AC load 2500 VA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
DC load fig. 3.
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 20 000 000 4 3 5 7 8 9 2
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1 (+)
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 500 000
Control circuit 11 21 31 A2
Nominal voltage see table product references 1 6 11 10
Operating voltage range 0.8 UN … 1.1 UN
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 UN
fig. 2. AC voltage endurance
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Power consumption AC / DC 2.2 VA / 1.3 W
9 3
Type (x refers to
32 7 6 5 12
Description 12 24 48 60 110 115 220 230
contact material)
24 22
AC 50 Hz C3-A3x/AC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LED C3-A3xX/AC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RC Suppressor C3-A3xR/AC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
DC C3-A3x/DC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LED C3-A3xX/DC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
LED & Free wheeling diode C3-A3xDX/DC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Technical approvals, conformities
LED & Polarity & Free wheeling diode C3-A3xFX/DC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AC relays also available as 60 Hz. Other voltages on request. Please contact support@comatreleco.com. Approvals
«…» List coil voltage to complete product references
C3-A30 only
Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0, S3-M1
Blanking plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) WoR 2.1 | 41
1 Relays & Contactors
General Information
Product range Basic identification principle (type designation code electromechanical relays)
ComatReleco offers a wide range of relay types and
versions and associated sockets and accessories. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Suitable sockets are available for the different relay 4. Number of contacts
series for DIN rail mounting or panel mounting. In 1-4 = Number of contacts
addition, retaining clips are available for the relays,
some of which are included in the scope of supply.
Suitable bridges for cost-saving wiring in series are 5. Definition of contact material / SSR type
also available. This code may differ depending on type.
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1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors
Coil accessories
General Information
When the coil is disconnected from an electromagnet, For DC and AC relays up to 250 V
peaks of inverse voltage appear at the terminals which
X LED with no polarity, (standard)
can reach very high values. These pulses can be trans- DX Free-wheeling diode + LED
Coils ≤ 12 V A DC coils
mitted down the line associated with the coil and could Dampens transients caused by the relay
LED rectifier bridge in parallel
possibly affect other components. coil on de-energisation.
X LED with no polarity, (standard)
In the case of a realy being operated by such devices Coils ≥ 24 V A DC coils
as transistors, Triacs, etc; it may be necessary to pro- FX Polarity + free wheeling diode + LED
LED rectifier bridge in series
tect against transients. A diode in series with the coil protects
FX LED with polarity A1+ (option)
the relay from reverse connection.
Every DC coil voltage
Transients carried in the line Polarity and Free-wheeling diodes
High voltage surges can be carried in the supply line BX Bridge rectifier + LED indication
BX LED with no polarity, (option)
to the relay coil. These may appear in the form of Allows the relay to operate in both AC
Only 24 V and 48 V A DC coils
peaks or bursts and are generated by the connection or DC without any polarity inconvience.
Rectifier bridge for AC/DC relays
and disconnection of electric motors, transformers, Available only in voltages up to 60 V.
R LED not available (option)
capacitors etc. RC protection against pulses on AC
Normally a relay is unaffected by these pulses, but if a R Resistor and capacitor.
diode is connected in association with the coil, it must Protection against pulses
be capable of withstanding an inverse voltage higher When a relay coil is disconnected, reverse voltage
than those of the incoming peaks. peaks may arise and reach very high values. Said
peaks can transmit to the coil associated line and other
Protection circuits relays or semiconductors can be affected.
A protection circuit must efficiently cope with pulses
generated by the coil as well as incoming line surges X(C7/R7, C9/R9) X If Triac, transistor, etc. controls a relay, appropiate
(surges U1.2/50µs.) steps must be taken to avoid or decrease peaks down
A1 A1
ComatReleco Relays are available with integrated to a non risky level.
protection circuits.
A2 A2
Both Polarity and Free-wheeling diodes (FX), must
protect coils, to avoid malfunctions provided DC relays
in battery are installed.
A1 A1 Making or breaking engines, transformers or contac-
+ +
tors in an industrial environmental, may generate high
voltage pulses, either isolated or burst, through the
A2 A2
– – main line.
The voltage level of those pulse may be high enough to
affect the isolation of the coil.
A1 A1 A2
A2 A1 A1
A2 A2
R X≤12V
A1 A1
WoR 2.1 | 9
1 Relays & Contactors
General Information
10 | WoR 2.1
1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors
General Information
Standards, conformities Main technical approvals and standards Further information and tips
All ComatReleco relays feature the CE mark to indicate The main operational criteria for relays such as number
Country Technical approval
that CE standards apply e.g. 2kV surge resistance of cycles, switching frequency, ambient conditions,
according to EN 61000-4-5. reliability requirements, load type, switch-on current,
Authority: CQC
A significant and not generally available characteristic China Specification load switch-off energy must be clarified in order to
is that the coils and in particular the connections are GB14048.5-2001 ensure reliable operation and long service life.
able to withstand the voltage spikes that may occur
in practice. KORPORATSIA Example
In addition, the relays feature various technical approv- Russia STANDART If the number of cycles is expected to exceed several
als depending on the respective relay code, and they TP TC 004/2011 100.000 operations per year (e.g. clock generators,
comply with further standards and guidelines. The fast running machines), an electronic solution is no
Authority: UL
main technical approvals include cURus, CCC, Lloyd‘s Wordwide / doubt more appropriate, although we also offer solu-
Register, cULus and EAC.The associated information is USA / Canada C 22.2; UL 60947 tions for this type of application. In AC applications
provided in the data sheets. crosstalk caused by long control leads is often a prob-
United Authority: GB lem and can result in constant humming of the relay or
Lloyd´s Register of
Switching classes Kingdom Shipping
even inadvertent triggering due to interference.
EN 60947 defines different switching classes that
specify the suitability of contacts for different load Different harmless loads may lead to very high switch-
types. Europe / on currents or switch-off energy values, resulting in an
Railway EN 50155
unacceptable reduction in service life.
Example: Particularly tricky are DC inductive loads.
AC-1 = Ohmic AC load Utilisation categories according to
AC-3 = Motor loads EN 60947-4-1/-5-1 Characteristics of various loads:
AC-15 = Power contactors, solenoid valves,
solenoids Pollution category Heating circuits
DC-1 = Ohmic DC load Cat. 1 No higher switch-on currents, no higher switch-off
DC-13 = DC contactors, solenoids Dry, non-conductive contamination without further loads.
UL60947 contains different technical approval criteria Incandescent lamps, halogen lamps
such as general purpose, control application etc. Cat. 2 Switch-on currents during a few ms in the range 10 …
Switching classes are defined based on the electrical Occasional conductive contamination, short duration 18 x rated. Switch-off at rated load.
switching capacity, e.g. B600 etc. due to moisture condensation
Low-energy lamps
Choosing the right Socket Cat. 3 Very high, but very short switch-on cur-
For plug-in industry, interface, time, and monitoring Dry, non-conductive and conductive contamination rents due to built-in decoupling capacitors.
relays, we offer sockets with the corresponding pin with moisture condensation Contacts have a tendency to fuse.
configuration and various layouts for the terminal
connectors. For easy identification, you'll find those Cat. 4 Transformers, AC contactors
symbol referring to the matching socket. Contamination with persistent conductivity through Switching on during zero-transition may lead to
conductive dust, rain switch-on currents of 8 … 15 x rated values.
High inductive switch-off energy is possible. The load
Protection class IP according to EN 60529 and other must be connected.
standards. Industrial relays and their sockets can be
classified as follows:
Socket IP20: Contact safety
Relay IP40/IP50: not watertight, but protected against
ingress of coarse contaminants.
WoR 2.1 | 11
1 Relays & Contactors
Full Features System
DX Freewheeling diode, LED
BX Bridge rectifier, LED
FX Polarity protection,
freewheeling diose, LED
Five colours for an easier identification of coil voltage Comprehensive technical label
AC red: 230 V AC If you don´t want to have the lockable function, you can
(North America 120 V AC) use the orange button.
Part number
AC dark red: Orange button, no lockable function,
others V AC push only DC 0.9 W Coil details
10 A / 250 V AC-1 Maximum
Black button, no function µ 10A / 30 V D C-1 switching
UC grey:
V AC/DC capacity
A2 A1 according to
8 7 EN 60947
DC blue: B A (IEC 947)
24 V DC
6 21 11 5
DC dark blue: 4 24 14 3 circuit dia-
others V DC gram for coil
2 22 12 1 Electric dia-
gram showing
all additions
to the coil
Wiring dia-
gram with
and DIN num-
12 | WoR 2.1
1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors
Select the correct Relay
AgNi + Au
Low-level signals, double contact
100 mV…5 V 10 uA…1 mA Standard signals
Signal relays ( 0…10 V / 4…20 mA ) Gold-plated
AgNi + Au
Single Contact
( utilisation cat. AC-15 / Single Contact AgSnO2
30 V …400 V 100 mA…16 A
Power relays DC-13 )
WoR 2.1 | 13