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Anaesthesia - 2021 - Kelly - Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Guidelines For Intensive Care Units and Operating

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 doi:10.1111/anae.15511


Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines for

intensive care units and operating theatres: for use in the
event of fire, flood, power cut, oxygen supply failure,
noxious gas, structural collapse or other critical incidents
Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists and the Intensive Care Society

F. E. Kelly,1 C. R. Bailey,2 P. Aldridge,3 P. A. Brennan,4 R. P. Hardy,1 P. Henrys,5 A. Hussain,6

M. Jenkins,7 A. Lang,8 N. McGuire,9 A. McNarry,10 M. Osborn,11 L. Pittilla,12 M. Ralph,13
S. Sarkar14 and D. Taft15

1 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation
Trust, Bath, UK
2 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK and Association of
Anaesthetists Board Member
3 Head of Fire, Security and Corporate Affairs, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and General Secretary, National
Association of Healthcare Fire Officers, UK
4 Consultant Surgeon, and Honorary Professor, Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust, Portsmouth, UK
5 Quality and Regulatory Affairs Technical Manager, BOC Ltd and Chairman, British Compressed Gas Association
Medical Gas Committee
6 Fire Engineer, AH Fire Ltd and member of the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers, UK
7 Matron, Intensive Care Unit, Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bath, UK
8 Assistant Professor, Human Factors Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
9 Senior Clinician, Devices, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
10 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
11 Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Department of Oncology, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath,
12 Lead nurse, North of England Paediatric Critical Care Network and Paediatric Critical Care Society
13 Principal Engineer and Senior Policy/Strategy Lead, NHS Improvement (Department of Health) and Chair, Medical
Gas Association
14 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, Nottinghamshire, UK and Standards Committee representative, Intensive Care Society
15 Policy Advisor, Health and Safety Executive

The need to evacuate an ICU or operating theatre complex during a fire or other emergency is a rare event
but one potentially fraught with difficulty: Not only is there a risk that patients may come to harm but also that
staff may be injured and unable to work. Designing newly-built or refurbished ICUs and operating theatre
suites is an opportunity to incorporate mandatory fire safety features and improve the management and
outcomes of such emergencies: These include well-marked manual fire call points and oxygen shut off valves
(area valve service units); the ability to isolate individual zones; multiple clear exit routes; small bays or side
rooms; preference for ground floor ICU location and interconnecting routes with operating theatres;
separate clinical and non-clinical areas. ICUs and operating theatre suites should have a bespoke
emergency evacuation plan and route map that is readily available. Staff should receive practical fire and
evacuation training in their clinical area of work on induction and annually as part of mandatory training,
including ‘walk-through practice’ or simulation training and location of manual fire call points and fire

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

extinguishers, evacuation routes and location and operation of area valve service units. The staff member in
charge of each shift should be able to select and operate fire extinguishers and lead an evacuation.
Following an emergency evacuation, a network-wide response should be activated, including retrieval and
transport of patients to other ICUs if needed. A full investigation should take place and ongoing support and
follow-up of staff provided.

Correspondence to: F.E. Kelly
Accepted: 26 April 2021
Keywords: fire; evacuation; intensive care; anaesthesia
This is a consensus document produced by expert members of a Working Party established by the Association of Anaesthetists
of Great Britain and Ireland and the Intensive Care Society (ICS). They have been seen and approved by the Board of Directors of
the Association of Anaesthetists and by the Council of the Intensive care Society. The following organisations have contributed
to these guidelines: the Paediatric Intensive Care Society (PICS); the National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO);
the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC); NHS Improvement; the British Compressed Gas Association; the Chartered Institute for
Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF); the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA); and the Health
and Safety Executive (HSE).
Twitter: @fionafionakel; @drcrbailey; @brennansurgeon; @margijenkins

What other guidelines are available on fire safety, emergency evacuations and the safe use of
this topic? oxygen have become especially relevant, and these are
Previous guidance for dealing with a fire on an ICU has been discussed in more detail in online Supporting Information
published by the Intensive Care Society (ICS) within its Appendix S1.
Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services in
2019 [1]. Guidance for dealing with a fire in the operating How and why does this statement differ
theatre [2] and evacuation of an operating theatre [3] is from existing guidelines?
included in the Quick Reference Handbook, published by These guidelines are the first of their kind to include input
the Association of Anaesthetists ( from such a broad group of experts. They contain
Home/Resources-publications/Safety-alerts/Anaesthesia- educational materials and resources which we hope will be
emergencies/Quick-Reference-Handbook). used by hospitals to improve fire safety and evacuation
procedures. Existing government guidance states the
Why were these guidelines developed? following: first, ICU design should be based on the
At least three fires have occurred in UK ICUs over the last prevention of a fire occurring within the hospital spreading
10 y, all of which required full-scale emergency evacuation into the ICU; and second, the ICU should be divided into
of patients, staff and relatives [4, 5]. Many changes were put clinical and non-clinical fire-rated zones to prevent a fire in a
in place following the fire in Bath [4] in 2011. While writing non-clinical area impacting on clinical areas [6]. Little
the Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services, consideration to date has been given to a fire starting within
a number of outstanding issues became apparent which an ICU clinical area.
needed addressing by a multidisciplinary Working Party These guidelines include new recommendations for
made up of clinicians, healthcare fire officers and frontline clinical staff in ICUs and operating theatre suites to
representatives from industry, the Fire and Rescue Services, be trained to select and safely use fire extinguishers, and to
NHS Improvement and the Health and Safety Executive receive their annual mandatory fire training in their place of
(HSE). The Association of Anaesthetists and ICS therefore work, ideally as a multidisciplinary team. While the latter is
set up an expert Working Party as a joint venture, and these recommended every 2 years in existing Department of
guidelines have been produced as a result of the work of Health guidelines [7], it is something that is rarely done in
this group. During the COVID-19 pandemic, issues around practice.

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

Throughout these guidelines, ‘ICU’ refers to ICU, high that they can be followed in the event of an emergency
dependency units, ICU escalation areas, respiratory high evacuation.
care areas and other areas of the hospital where non- 7 Each ICU bed space and operating theatre should have
invasive respiratory support is provided. ‘Theatre operating appropriate and sufficient evacuation equipment
suite’ refers to operating theatres and theatre recovery stored in an easily accessible location, including
wards/post-anaesthesia care units. evacuation aids, evacuation boxes and a torch.
Although this guidance is specific to ICUs and Intensive care units and theatres should have sufficient
operating theatre suites, the general principles may be numbers of appropriately trained staff working on each
applicable to any ward using non-invasive respiratory shift to enable an emergency evacuation to occur at
support and in particular high-flow nasal oxygen. any time.
8 Oxygen cylinders should be stored, handled and used

Recommendations according to the gas supplier’s instructions, using the

Preparation, planning and training correct sequence of actions when administering

oxygen and using an oxygen cylinder bed bracket at all
1 Clinical staff of all grades should receive
multidisciplinary training in their place of work as part
9 Major incident planning should include plans for
of annual mandatory training, covering the
internal incidents, where the staff themselves are
management of a fire and evacuation of their work
victims and unable to work and where ICU and
area. This should include the location and operation of
operating theatre suites become unusable for
manual fire call points, oxygen shut off valves (area
patient care. Critical care networks should have plans
valve service units), evacuation aids, evacuation routes
in place to enable emergency retrieval, transfer and
and procedures as well as the importance of keeping
ongoing care of critically ill patients from one
evacuation routes clear. Practical ‘walk-through’
hospital to another in the event of a fire or similar
training and/or simulated evacuations should be
practised every 2 y.
2 Nominated clinical staff should be trained to select and
During a fire or life-threatening emergency
safely use fire extinguishers.
3 ICUs and operating theatre suites should be designed 10 Staff safety must be the priority. If staff find themselves
to incorporate the latest fire safety features and have dealing with a fire or other potentially life-threatening
individualised evacuation policies and evacuation emergency situation, they should make an emergency
route plans. Intensive care units and operating theatre ‘dynamic risk assessment’ weighing up their
suites should be divided into zones, each with its own responsibilities to their patients against the risk to their
oxygen shut off valve (area valve service unit), so that own life and using the best information they have
oxygen supply to an area affected by a fire can be available at the time.
stopped without affecting oxygen delivery to other
areas. Following an emergency evacuation
4 Ventilation of ICUs and clinical areas where high-flow 11 All staff involved in a fire or similar emergency should
nasal oxygen, facemask continuous positive airway be supported following the event, attend a short
pressure and non-invasive ventilation are in use should operational debrief, be assessed by their
be > 10 air changes per hour to prevent oxygen occupational health department before re-starting
enrichment of the ambient atmosphere. work and have access to confidential counselling
5 ICU and operating theatre fire alarms should be services. The use of peer-support tools, such as
audible throughout the department unless a specific trauma risk management, has been shown to be
decision is made by clinicians to turn the sound feature beneficial.
off in that area. A computerised fire alarm handler 12 A full investigation of any critical incident should
system should be installed in hospital switchboards to be carried out looking at all relevant contributory
make it quicker and easier to liaise with the Fire and factors, ideally by an independent team and using a
Rescue Services. human factors and ergonomics investigative tool,
6 Laminated action cards, specific for that clinical area, and lessons identified embedded into future
should be placed next to all manual fire call points so planning.

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

Introduction the time, there were six patients in the 16-bed ICU and three
Over the past 15 years there have been at least three patients in the operating theatres. All ventilated patients
fires in UK ICUs; each fire required a full-scale emergency were transferred to the ICU of the neighbouring Royal
evacuation of patients, staff and relatives [1, 4, 5]. Fires Brompton Hospital. No patients or staff were injured. The
have occurred in operating theatres during the use of unlikely need for complete evacuation of the building had
lasers [8], including in combination with high-flow nasal not been included in the hospital’s major incident plan, but
oxygen (HFNO) [9] and with dental implants [10], and the timing (2 January at 1pm) was fortunate in that both
have also been caused by diathermy interacting with hospitals had relatively low occupancy as their work-load is
chlorhexidine [11]. Evacuation of other UK ICUs has mainly elective [1, 5].
occurred following flood, power cut and air conditioning
malfunction with noxious gases being unintentionally ICU fire, Royal Stoke Hospital, 2017
pumped into an ICU (T. Clutton-Brock, personal A fire at the Royal Stoke University Hospital in 2017 occurred
communication). when a fire was started deliberately in a shared corridor
between theatres and the ICU [1]. Although the fire was
ICU fire, Bath, 2011 dealt with promptly, smoke permeated into the ICU
An ICU fire at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, was caused resulting in poor visibility and an acrid odour. Twenty-four
by an oxygen cylinder in 2011 [1, 4, 12]. The oxygen ICU patients were evacuated immediately and transferred
cylinder was laid on a patient’s bed ready for transfer, to PACU and operating theatre suites elsewhere in the
caught fire as it was turned on and appeared to explode. hospital building. No patients or staff came to harm.
Flames were seen rising up from the bed and the A key difference between a fire or other emergency that
mattress and bedding burnt violently, resulting in the ICU necessitates the evacuation of an ICU or operating theatre
being filled within seconds with noxious, thick, black and suite, and a similar situation occurring in a standard hospital
irritant smoke: This reduced visibility to 1 metre and ward, is that ICU patients and those within an operating
made breathing extremely difficult for staff, patients and theatre suite are likely to be critically unwell, with a
their visitors. The fire rapidly spread to the patient’s legs, significant oxygen requirement and dependent on
bedding and mattress, then the curtains surrounding the respiratory and/or other system support. These patients are
bed space and finally the flooring beneath the bed. The therefore entirely dependent on staff to evacuate them. As a
patient on the burning bed was pulled to safety, 10 other result, emergency evacuation of these areas requires
patients were evacuated within 7 min, and a 12th patient different guidance and a more focused approach
(ventilated in a side room and not immediately affected) compared with the rest of the hospital. On a standard
15 min later. The fire was put out by two doctors using hospital ward, staff are advised to evacuate all patients, shut
five fire extinguishers. The patient on the bed suffered the fire doors and wait for the hospital internal fire response
burns to her lower legs but no other patient was harmed; team and the Fire and Rescue Services to arrive to deal with
two members of staff suffered smoke inhalational injury the firs. However, ICU and theatre staff may be faced with
requiring hospital admission [1, 4]. Twenty-five consultant difficult decisions as to whether they can safely evacuate
anaesthetists arrived within 30 minutes to help deal with their patients without compromising their own safety. The
the aftermath of the fire, transfer five patients to same may be true for staff in emergency departments,
neighbouring ICUs and set up a temporary overnight high coronary care units and other monitored beds elsewhere in
dependency unit in the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) the hospital. In addition to the need for different evacuation
for the remaining seven patients. The oxygen cylinder was guidance, staff themselves may be injured and unfit to work
almost completely destroyed in the fire, hampering following such an emergency, meaning that incident
subsequent investigations, but it is believed that the fire response plans to guide management of the aftermath of
started within the oxygen cylinder valve [1, 4, 13]. such an event need to be adjusted to take this into
ICU fire, Royal Marsden Hospital, London 2008
In 2008, a fire started in the roof of the Royal Marsden Design of operating theatre suites and
Hospital, London, which spread very rapidly and resulted in ICUs
the destruction of the ICU [1, 5]. A complete and successful The best strategy to improve fire safety and ensure
evacuation of the building occurred within 28 min [1, 5]. At emergency evacuations run without complication is to

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

use the design of new and refurbished ICUs and Intensive care units and ICU escalation areas should
operating theatre suites as an opportunity to incorporate have ventilation systems that ensure > 10 air changes occur
recommended fire safety features: These are well per hour to prevent oxygen enrichment of ambient air [14].
described in existing national guidance and include This level of ventilation is also that recommended for good
designing ICUs and operating theatre suites with multiple infection prevention and control and is especially important
exit points, and ICUs with small fire-rated bays (ideally for when high levels of HFNO, facemask continuous positive
no more than six patients) or side rooms, ground floor airway pressure (CPAP) and non-invasive ventilation are in
location, interconnecting routes with operating theatre use [15].
suites to facilitate an evacuation, smoke control systems At the time of writing, any healthcare areas that were
and misting fire suppression systems. If a ground floor affected by the outcomes of the national cladding review
location is not practical, evacuation lifts with a dual following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 have been
electrical supply should be provided. Low-level ICU addressed or are in the final stages of remediation.
emergency lighting may be very beneficial but there However, uncontrolled external spread of fire by
are currently no recognised standards for this in the UK combustible cladding systems may still need consideration
[6]. Design of a new or refurbished ICU/operating when looking at the overall delivery system of care within a
theatre suite must be according to national guidance hospital but would not fall within the immediate remit of this
[1, 6], include factors listed in Table 1 and must comply document.
with current Department of Health regulations
concerning fire retardant bedding, mattresses, curtains Fire safety equipment
around bed spaces and flooring [1, 6]. Fire safety of Fire and smoke detection and alarm systems
existing ICUs and operating theatre suites is individual When a fire alarm system is activated, a signal is sent to an
and unique to each area; any fire safety issues in these alarm receiving centre, usually located within the hospital
areas should be identified in that area’s annual fire risk switchboard, which alerts switchboard staff to call the Fire
assessment [6]. and Rescue Services and bleeps internal fire response

Table 1 Factors to be prioritised when designing or refurbishing a new ICU or operating theatre suite.

Well-marked fire manual call points, fire extinguishers and oxygen shut-off valves (AVSUs) [16, 18]
Location of AVSUs that allows individual areas or zones of the ICU or operating theatre suite affected by a fire to be isolated without
necessarily shutting off the oxygen supply to the whole ICU/theatre suite [18]
Multiple exit routes: ideally each department should have three separate exits [6, 16], with two of the three exits allowing for horizontal
evacuation [6, 16]
Adopting smaller fire-rated bays (ideally six beds or less) or side rooms, rather than large open areas, to assist with smoke control and
help prevent spread of fire [1, 2, 6, 7]
Sufficient ventilation to ensure that ICUs have > 10 air changes per hour to prevent oxygen enrichment of the ambient atmosphere
when HFNO, facemask CPAP and non-invasive ventilation are used [15, 33]. Operating theatres typically have 25 air changes per
hour, anaesthetic rooms 15 and operating theatre recovery areas 10 [14]
Consideration of ground floor location for ICUs, and easy interconnecting routes between ICU and operating theatres to make
evacuation easier [1, 6]. If a ground floor location is not practical or realistic, then vertical evacuation lifts with a dual electrical supply
should be installed
Separating clinical and non-clinical areas [1, 2, 6]
Door widths on bays and side rooms should be big enough to allow bariatric beds to pass through without adjustment [1, 2, 7]
Automatic smoke control systems in ICU and consideration for low-level emergency lighting to assist with emergency evacuations
Consideration of modern sprinkler and misting systems [6, 20, 29]
Operating theatres should be arranged in zones so that > 50% of operating theatres remain unaffected by a fire should one occur, for
example, an operating theatre complex of 8 theatres in a row can be divided into two blocks of four theatres, separated by a 30-min
fire-rated sub-compartment
Operating theatres should have an override and control of smoke control and ventilation system
A ceiling void, with removable ceiling tiles and electrical cabling located here, should only be included in the design of an
ICU/operating theatre suite if no other alternatives are possible [18]
ICU pendants improve the electrical safety [43], are likely to reduce fire risk [43] and are recommended
AVSU, area valve service units; HFNO, high-flow nasal oxygen; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure.

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

teams. A continuous fire alarm indicates a fire in that charge: This would allow the member of staff in charge to
particular zone: In an ICU or operating theatre suite, this lead an evacuation and direct operations.
should prompt immediate investigation as to whether there
is an actual fire, tackle the fire with fire extinguishers if staff Oxygen shut off valves (area valve service units)
are trained and feel safe to do so and start an evacuation [6]. Each area of an ICU or operating theatre suite should have
An intermittent alarm indicates a fire in an adjacent zone oxygen shut off valves, also known as area valve service units
and should prompt staff to prepare for an evacuation [6]. A (AVSU), which allow the pipeline oxygen supply to each area
fire alarm system that meets UK standards and is to be isolated. Operating an AVSU in the event of a fire will
appropriate for each individual ICU or operating theatre stop the flow of oxygen to the area affected by fire, thereby
suite is mandatory [6]. If a department is large and/or has a reducing its impact and spread and extending the time
complex layout, more than one fire alarm repeater panel available to safely evacuate patients [18]. Of note, operating
may be required to help quickly determine the location of a the AVSU will stop the flow of oxygen to all patients in that
fire [6]. area, many of whom may be dependent on oxygen for
Staff respond better to a combined audible and visual survival. This is a clinical decision which can only be taken by
fire alarm compared with an alarm with only a visual alert the most senior clinical member of staff present. If
[16]. The Working Party recommends that the audible alarm necessary, oxygen cylinders can be used to administer
feature is not inactivated in ICUs as has been standard oxygen to patients as an alternative to pipeline oxygen in
practice in the past [17]. Discussions with clinicians in this situation. Ideally, an ICU or operating theatre suite
operating theatres should guide any decisions to inactivate would be divided into different areas, each with their own
audible alarms where this may be dangerously distracting AVSU, enabling oxygen to be shut off to one area without
for staff. disrupting oxygen supply to another. If oxygen is not a
direct contributory factor to the fire, that is, if a ventilator or
Computerised fire alarm handler systems oxygen cylinder has not ignited, this should be the last
Installing a computerised fire handler system in hospital action before the ICU or operating theatre suite is
switchboards, or other alarm receiving centres, makes it evacuated of patients.
quicker and easier for hospital switchboard operators to Area valve service unit locations should be included in
contact Fire and Rescue Services and potentially reduce fire safety and evacuation drawings [18]. Oxygen training for
their response times for a confirmed fire [6]. all healthcare professionals within the ICU or operating
theatre suite should include information as to where AVSUs
Fire extinguishers are located, how to operate them and the implications for
Firefighting equipment can reduce the risk of a small fire patients of operating AVSUs as above [1, 5, 6, 12, 18]. Dual
developing into a larger one [7]. The safe use of an oxygen circuits are recommended in ICUs to improve
appropriate fire extinguisher to control a fire in its early oxygen supply resilience [18], meaning that two AVSUs may
stages may reduce the risk to others by allowing staff more need to be turned off to isolate one zone [18].
time for evacuation of patients and aid staff past a fire [7].
We recommend that nominated staff in ICUs and Automatic smoke control systems
operating theatre suites should be trained to select and Provision of automatic smoke control systems should be
safely use the appropriate type of fire extinguisher, considered during the design and refurbishment of ICUs [6,
depending on the likely cause of the fire, with such]. These increase the time
training organised by the hospital Fire Safety Officer. available for an emergency evacuation to take place by
Practical fire extinguisher training is recommended where reducing the temperature and concentration of smoke and
possible. Some fire experts recommend the use of by improving visibility [6].
‘universal’ type fire extinguishers (P50s or misting type) as
these can reduce the issues around fire extinguisher Automatic fire suppression systems
selection and fire source identification: however, this is Partial sprinkler/water mist protection systems can help
controversial, and we recommend that local hospital Fire mitigate localised fire risks in non-clinical areas [6,
Safety Officers make decisions about such equipment.]. In the past, they have not been
Each shift should ideally have one member of staff who recommended in ICU and operating theatre clinical areas
has been trained to select and safely use a fire for the following reasons: water ingress into electrical
extinguisher and who is ideally not the member of staff in sockets and medical devices resulting in total power

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

Table 2 Factors which should be included in ICU and operating theatre suite emergency evacuation policies.

Environment Other locations within the hospital where ICU care can be provided and anaesthetised patients looked after
temporarily, ideally which can be reached by evacuating patients in a horizontal manner. Possibilities would
include other ICUs, operating theatre suites and the emergency department [6]
Evacuation routes, both primary (main exit route) and secondary (alternative route should the primary route be
obstructed or not safe to use) [6, 16]
Design of ICUs and operating theatre suites which allow patients to be compartmentalised [6]
Possible co-existing power or equipment failure [6]
Layout of the building and the need to negotiate stairs during an evacuation [6, 16]
In a major fire, serial evacuation may be required with a staged move to the outside and eventual evacuation of the
whole hospital [1, 5, 12]
Patients Triage of patients in the following order:

1 Evacuate patients nearest a fire first

2 Then evacuate the least unwell patients
3 Then evacuate the most unwell patients
4 Evacuate patients within side rooms last
Ensure that bariatric beds fit through the relevant doorways in evacuation routes, and that plans are in place for
evacuation of bariatric patients in upstairs wards with the possibility of lifts being inaccessible [12, 16]
Consider nursing patients receiving ECMO or other therapies involving bulky and relatively immobile equipment
furthest from the exit, to prevent bulky equipment hampering the evacuation of other patients
Clinical Provision of ventilatory support (transport ventilators or hand ventilation if necessary) with accompanying oxygen
cylinders [1]
Requirement for drug infusion pumps (with fully charged battery power) and a supply of emergency medications
Likely need for continuation of invasive monitoring [1]
Temporary discontinuation of renal replacement therapy or ECMO [1]
Communications Transfer of patient notes if paper notes are used
Staff Consider the fact that staff may themselves be harmed by a fire and therefore unfit to continue working [1, 5, 12]
ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

failure; generation of large quantities of steam; risk of lighting is ineffective [7, 21–23]. Fire alarm systems which
water pooling and subsequent electrocution; potential automatically trigger emergency low-level lighting, smoke
temperature shock to patients; cooling of toxic smoke; control systems and fire suppression systems for clinical
risk that the weight of water can exceed the loading for areas would reduce the cognitive load of clinical staff
the building leading to structural collapse and/or involved in an emergency evacuation.
flooding of wards below [19]. However, many fire safety
experts now believe that modern sprinklers or water mist Emergency evacuation policies
systems are extremely reliable in limiting fire growth and Each ICU and operating theatre suite must have a bespoke
extinguishing fires [20]. We recommend that such evacuation policy in place, specific for a fire but also
systems are considered in conjunction with the overall applicable for other types of emergency evacuation
package of fire safety precautions for the hospital’s fire (Table 2) [1, 3, 6, 12, 16]. These policies must be reviewed
safety strategy ( and updated regularly.

Automatic emergency low-level lighting Strategies to improve safe emergency

Smoke can significantly reduce visibility in the event of a evacuation of patients
fire within an ICU or operating theatre suite and hamper Accessible evacuation policies and action cards
an emergency evacuation [4, 12]. Many fire experts Local evacuation policies should be readily available
recommend that low-level emergency lighting should be digitally as well as printed and laminated in a folder in a
installed when ICUs and operating theatre suites are built central area of the ICU or operating theatre suite. In
and refurbished to improve visibility even when ceiling addition, an emergency evacuation route map should be

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

Figure 1 Example of an ICU fire and emergency evacuation action card (RUH Bath).

displayed on the wall [1, 12, 16]. Laminated evacuation options would require taking two oxygen cylinders)
action cards, summarising steps for staff to take in an or using a Mapleson C (Waters) circuit.
emergency, specific for that clinical area and with clearly • Step 6: Establish patients in safe areas and follow major
defined roles for each staff member, should be attached to incident policy.
the wall next to emergency fire manual call points (Fig. 1) [1,
○ Assess patients for burns, smoke inhalation and
12]. In the event of a fire or other situation requiring
carbon monoxide poisoning.
emergency evacuation, these action cards can be removed
○ Direct staff to the emergency department for
from the wall by staff and the steps followed. An example of
such an evacuation action card for an ICU is shown in
Figure 1 and includes the following points: • Step 7: Staff involved should stop work once all patients
are safe.
• Step 1: Activate manual fire call point. If this fails, call
○ One staff member to lead a team immediate debrief
2222 or the local emergency switchboard number.
Write list of all staff involved to help support them

Step 2: Stop HFNO or facemask/nasal cannulae oxygen
following this event, with more senior doctor and
delivery to any patient affected by the fire and move
nurse present to keep this list in a safe place.
patient(s) in immediate danger to a place of safety.
Ensure staff involved are safe to return home before

Step 3: Attempt to tackle fire using a fire extinguisher – if
they do so.
safe to do so and you are trained to do this.
• Step 4: Operate oxygen shut off valves to zone affected The evacuation of an operating theatre complex should
by fire (decision to be made by the most senior doctor be done using the steps detailed in the Quick Reference
and/or nurse present) and provide oxygen to other Handbook emergency evacuation section (online Supporting
patients in that zone using an oxygen cylinder. Information Appendix S2) which follows these principles.
• Step 5: Prepare patients for immediate evacuation, Intensive care units and operating theatre suites should
allocate roles, contact a nominated co-ordinator and be appropriately staffed at all times to allow an emergency
plan evacuation routes and assembly points. evacuation to take place should that be necessary. In
operating departments that do not provide a 24-h service,
○ Patients receiving HFNO or other non-invasive
fire doors should be shut as a matter of routine before
respiratory support may be difficult to evacuate
closing the department.
safely: options include transferring to a non-
Intensive care units should be arranged in a way that
rebreathing oxygen mask with reservoir plus oxygen
avoids bulky and relatively immobile equipment blocking
cannulae, continuing current oxygen therapy (both

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

emergency exits. For example, some ICUs are arranged so zone. It is possible that staff may need to use specialised
that patients receiving extracorporeal membrane evacuation aids [24] for evacuations from non-ground floor
oxygenation (ECMO) are cared for furthest from the locations: These should be suitable for bariatric patients,
emergency exits: this prevents the movement of other and include the following different types:
patients to the emergency exit being obstructed by ECMO
equipment, should an emergency evacuation be required • Evacuation sheets which can be fitted on to hospital
beds and allow patients to be slid safely along corridors
(M Ralph, personal communication).
and/or down stairs.

Evacuation boxes • Evacuation chairs (‘stairchairs’) which can be used for the
evacuation of mobility-impaired patients. These look
Each ICU bed space and operating theatre should have
like a deckchair with skis and wheels underneath: They
equipment to enable an emergency evacuation, including
glide downstairs on the skis and use the wheels to move
evacuation aids and evacuation boxes, in an easily accessible
along flat surfaces, but are only suitable for conscious
location. If individual hospitals feel that the resource
patients who can hold themselves in a sitting position
implications of having one emergency evacuation box per
and understand instructions. They can also be difficult
ICU bed space and one box per theatre are too great, then
and slow to use.
they may consider having one emergency evacuation box
shared between ICU bed spaces or operating theatres in • Evacuation mats: these look like thin mattresses and can
be used for patients who are bed-bound.
close proximity. The contents of these boxes will depend on
individual ICUs and operating theatre suites, taking into All equipment should be regularly maintained and
account the level of the building that they are on [3]. An tested, should only be used by staff trained in their use and
evacuation box should contain the following [3]: may not be suitable for some patient groups (e.g. post
spinal surgery). In the case of a fire, any aids reliant on mains
• Propofol or other sedative agent
electricity must not be used.
• Neuromuscular blocking drug
• Reversal agent Smoke hoods
• Analgesic Smoke hoods are used by prison officers attending a fire to
• Intravenous fluids give them temporary but immediate respiratory protection
• Vasopressor from the effects of smoke and fumes during an evacuation
• Torch [25]. Some fire experts believe that such equipment could
• Paper anaesthetic charts or ICU charts to enable be considered in ICUs and operating theatres to protect
observations and note recording during an evacuation. staff from smoke inhalation and extend the time available to
Oxygen cylinders should be kept in a central designated safely evacuate patients. Smoke hoods are classed as
store and fetched in the event of an emergency evacuation personal protective equipment and their introduction
[6]. If a paper record system is in use, the patient’s notes and would therefore require training of selected clinical staff in
drug chart should be evacuated with the patient if possible their application, operation and limitations, plus regular
and safe to do so. If the hospital has electronic patient inspection and maintenance and regular physical training.
records and/or an electronic prescribing system, then a
system should be put in place to enable staff to rapidly print Specific measures for use in operating theatres when
paper drug charts, possibly in a remote location, and allow using lasers or other potential fire hazards
for continuity in medication administration. Fires within operating theatres represent a serious safety
risk for patients undergoing surgery [26]. The incidence of
surgical fires can be significantly reduced by prevention,
Evacuation aids
education, training, planning, good communication within
Evacuation of patients on their beds in a horizontal fashion is
the operating theatre and positively separating the three
likely to be the safest and quickest option. The local
elements of the fire triangle (oxygen, ignition source and
evacuation policy should be followed: for ICUs and
fuel. The risk of a fire in an operating theatre can be reduced
operating theatre suites that are not on the ground floor,
by the following strategies [27]:
recommended evacuation routes may include a
combination of horizontal evacuation to a nearby zone, • Safe use of diathermy, lasers and fibreoptic light
followed by vertical evacuation using evacuation lifts in that sources: regular inspection for evidence of insulation

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

failure before use (devices, wires and connections), ○ liaise with ICU and actions as described in the QRH
keeping tips of cautery instruments clean and free of (online Supporting Information Appendices S2 and S3).
char and tissue, and placing devices in a holster or safety
Minimising the risk of an airway fire when using lasers
cover when not in use rather than placing directly on the
and diathermy requires meticulous preparation and this
patient or surgical drapes.
includes the use of the lowest tolerated FiO2, matt black
• Allowing alcohol-based cleaning solutions (e.g.
laser instruments, the lowest laser energy possible and
chlorhexidine) time to dry before using diathermy,
avoiding the use of monopolar diathermy. Of note, no
avoiding pooling of such solutions and removing alcohol-
laser-tracheal tube presently manufactured is laser proof;
soaked materials, drapes and gowns before diathermy.
instead, they are laser resistant and must not be presumed
• Using closed oxygen delivery systems wherever
to be a perfect barrier. Wrapping tubes in metal foil to
possible: if an open delivery system is used, additional
reduce the risk of a fire is a historical practice and is actively
precautions should be made to exclude oxygen from
discouraged. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be
the operative field.
available in theatre when lasers are being used, and staff
If a fire occurs, staff should use a bespoke operating should have received training in its use [27].
theatre emergency evacuation action card and follow the Of note, HFNO is not recommended by some
guidance within the Association of Anaesthetists’ Quick manufacturers when lasers or diathermy are in use [28],
Reference Handbook [2], which includes the following although some expert centres have reported it as being
actions: possible [29–31]. These studies are small and the use of
HFNO with lasers or diathermy should not be considered
• Step 1: Stop the laser or diathermy.
without further evidence, utmost caution and following
• Step 2: Call for help.
close liaison with local laser protection supervisors, laser
• Step 3: Activate the fire alarm and fetch a carbon dioxide
protection advisors and clinical laser experts as appropriate.
fire extinguisher.
Some hospitals have adapted their Surgical Safety
• Step 4: Airway fire – stop ventilation of the patient and
Checklist or team briefing document to include an ‘airway
stop fresh gas flow, reduce the FiO2 to 0.21, flood airway
fire’ risk assessment tool, where an additional fire risk is
with sterile water or saline, remove tracheal tube if on
predicted if two or more of the following are present:
fire, follow QRH actions for further management (online
surgical site is above the xiphoid, an open oxygen source is
Supporting Information Appendices S2 and S3)
in use and diathermy is planned [27]. This encourages
including re-intubation, transfer to ICU and
planning, risk reduction strategies and procedures to follow
consideration of bronchoscopy.
if an airway fire should occur.
• Step 5: Non-airway fire – remove all drapes and burning
material, flood fire with saline or saline-soaked gauze,
Fire training
use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and consider risk
Fire evacuation training
of patient inhalational injury with potential need for
All staff working in ICU and operating theatres should
intubation and ventilation and transfer to ICU.
receive annual mandatory fire training in their place of work
• Step 6: If fire continues, consider operating the oxygen
and ideally as a multidisciplinary team, covering the
shut off valve (AVSU) for that operating
following: location of fire manual call points; location and
theatre/operating theatre suite area.
safe use of fire extinguishers; evacuation routes and the
• Step 7: Liaise with anaesthetic co-ordinator and
importance of keeping such routes clear at all times;
operating theatre co-ordinator, who should do the
assembly points; evacuation aids; oxygen shut off valves
following and aim to evacuate within 30 min:
(AVSUs) [1, 5–7, 12, 16]. This training should be specific to
○ delegate one staff member to update all theatre their workplace and take place on induction and annually as
teams and ask them to stop anaesthetising where part of mandatory training [16]. Practical ‘walk-through’
possible. Consider whether to stop operating/how to training and simulated evacuations should be practised as a
safely suspend operation and prepare for evacuation, multidisciplinary team every 2 y, with staff using emergency
await instructions regarding timing/evacuation site. evacuation cards (e.g. Fig. 1) to guide their actions and
○ stop theatre reception sending for new patients, liaising with their hospital switchboard or other alarm
send patients from the operating theatre recovery receiving centre [1]. Training should allow improvements to
ward back to the wards if possible. be made to the emergency evacuation cards if needed.

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

Evacuation at night should also be practised [1, 16]. Training

should cover the potential need for staff to make an
• Step 3: Select the oxygen flow rate, using the flowmeter
on the top of the CD oxygen cylinder.
emergency assessment of whether it is safe to evacuate
patients or whether they need to place their own safety first.
• Step 4: Once the oxygen is flowing freely, start
administering oxygen to the patient.

Fire prevention training Always use a bed bracket (online Supporting

Strategies to prevent fire should be covered during staff Information Figure S1) and avoid placing the cylinder on
training [16] and include the following: caution when the bed unless there is no alternative. If placing the cylinder
charging mobile phones and digital devices; caution when on the bed, ensure the cylinder has been set up and the gas
using extension leads; avoiding charging multiple electrical is flowing freely before placing it on the bed.
devices on one electrical socket; ensuring that alcohol hand Integral valved cylinders (e.g. CD oxygen cylinders) are
gel has dried before using oxygen cylinders; avoiding recommended for use within ICUs and operating theatre
petroleum-based products (e.g. lip moisturisers) in patients suites as they do not require an additional regulator to be
receiving oxygen therapy; ensuring clean hands when using fitted before use, making them ideal in an emergency.
oxygen cylinders [32]. The importance of fire doors and fire Sufficient oxygen cylinders should be stored in specific
warden-led checks within departments should be oxygen cylinder storage racks (online Supporting
emphasised [16]. Systems should be in place for staff to Information Figure S2) within the local cylinder storage area
raise concerns regarding equipment or practices which may so that each patient in the ICU or operating theatre suite
constitute a fire hazard and the need for immediate could be given a portable oxygen cylinder during an
replacement and/or maintenance. evacuation.

Fire extinguisher training Risk of oxygen enrichment in clinical areas where HFNO,
Fire extinguisher training should be provided for clinical facemask CPAP and non-invasive ventilation are in use
staff as described above. Oxygen enrichment of air above 20.9% will aid a fire and
have an accelerant effect on its fire growth rate, and at levels
Oxygen safety of 23% materials will be more combustible than in ambient
Safe use of pipeline oxygen air [15, 33].
As oxygen can accelerate the rate of a fire, it is important for To prevent oxygen enrichment of air in ICU and other
staff in charge to know where the oxygen shut off valves clinical areas where HFNO and facemask CPAP are carried
(AVSUs) are located in their ICU or operating theatre suite, out, the ventilation should be > 10 air changes per hour [14];
when to use them, how to operate them, who should operate electrical equipment that could act as a source of ignition,
them and the implications for patients of doing so [18]. including ventilators should be carefully designed and
maintained; the use of emollients and oil/alcohol-based
Safe use of oxygen cylinders products should be avoided where possible; and placing a
All staff in ICUs and operating theatre suites should be given plastic barrier apron on patients receiving HFNO/facemask
basic training regarding the safe use of oxygen cylinders [1, CPAP to prevent oxygen enrichment within clothing and
5, 12, 18, 32]. The training should include the correct bedding should be considered [33].
procedures to be followed when setting up the cylinder: this
includes ensuring hands are clean and dry, setting up the Nominated fire safety and emergency
cylinder away from the patient, opening the valve slowly to evacuation lead
limit the effects of adiabatic compression within the valve and Each department should have a nominated lead for fire
avoiding the use of oil-based creams when administering safety and emergency evacuations with the following roles:
oxygen to patients. It is important to follow the instructions for Liaise with the hospital Fire Safety Officer, hospital
use provided by the gas supplier (Table 3) [4, 12, 32]: Emergency Response lead and major incident response

team; carry out any preventative and protective measures;
Step 1: Set up cylinder in an upright position and
keep abreast of local and national initiatives; be a focal point
pointing the cylinder away from the patient and the
for dissemination of relevant information; signpost topical

issues; and be responsible for liaising with appropriate
Step 2: Open the cylinder valve (on the side of the CD
bodies [16]. Such nominated leads should have appropriate
oxygen cylinder) slowly.
training and support to carry out this role, with time and

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

Table 3 Recommendations for the safe use of oxygen cylinders.

Oxygen cylinder brackets Oxygen cylinder brackets for beds or wheelchairs should always be used. Oxygen cylinders should not
be laid on a patient’s bed unless there are no other alternatives. If this is the case, the oxygen cylinder
should be set up and turned on (as described below) before placing on the bed [1, 12, 32]
Oxygen cylinder brackets should be stored in the same place as oxygen cylinders
Safe storage of oxygen Local oxygen cylinders storage areas should be located in designated areas, away from combustible
cylinders in ICU and materials [18, 32]
operating theatre suites Smaller oxygen cylinders should be stored in a rack or on wall mounted brackets.
Larger oxygen cylinders should be stored in a wall mounted pen or in specially designed trolleys [18,32]
Local storage areas should have signs to indicate oxygen storage [32]
Full and empty oxygen cylinders should be stored separately with signs visible to distinguish between
the two [32]
Oxygen cylinders should be stored with their tamper evident seal in place to show that they have not
been used [32]
Oxygen cylinders must be stored with the shut-off valve (on the side) turned off and the flowmeter set to
zero [1, 32].
Cylinder stock should be maintained at a level to ensure that there are sufficient cylinders available to
deal with emergencies.
Cylinder numbers should take account of how many patients may need to be evacuated from the ICU or
operating theatre suite and the number of cylinders required by each patient [32]
Recommended sequence 1 Set up oxygen cylinder away from the patient in an upright position, pointing the cylinder outlet away
for turning on an oxygen from the patient and operator
cylinder and providing 2 Check that flow rate selector is set to zero
oxygen for a patient [1, 3 Slowly open cylinder shut-off valve (on the side of the cylinder) with the oxygen outlets facing away
11, 26] from the patient and operator
4 Place oxygen cylinder in the cylinder bed bracket
5 Connect oxygen tubing to the flow outlet and select flow rate on the flow selector (on the top of the
6 Attach oxygen to the patient only once oxygen is continuously flowing
Recommended sequence 1 Close the oxygen shut-off valve (on the side)
for turning off an oxygen 2 Once the flow of oxygen has stopped, turn the flow rate selector to zero
cylinder after use 3 The cylinder can now be safely stored
Reporting oxygen If an issue with a medical gas cylinder is identified, this must be reported to the medical gas supplier and
cylinder issues the MHRA [1, 32]
Post-fire oxygen cylinder If oxygen cylinders are stored within an area where a fire has occurred, it is recommended that:
1 Staff are not allowed to go into that area
2 Fire and Rescue Services should be informed of the exact location of the oxygen cylinders within the
ICU/operating theatre suite and an indication of the number of cylinders present
3 When the fire has been brought under control, request that the supplier arranges collection of the
incident cylinders. Cylinders should be labelled to indicate potential fire damage so they can be
tested to ensure they are safe for further use

resources allocated accordingly. The nominated lead may they think that patient safety is or may be compromised
not be physically present when a fire or emergency and offer help if an emergency arises in a clinical setting,
evacuation is required so it is recommended that there is at taking account of their own safety, competence and the
least one person per shift trained to the level required level availability of other options for care [34]. If staff have shown
to lead an emergency evacuation. Non-employees, such as negligence in their approach to patient safety before an
contract workers, locum doctors and agency nurses, should event, such that material risk developed as a result of that
be provided with information regarding who the fire safety negligence, then they may find themselves open to
leads are and the fire safety procedures for that area of scrutiny by the GMC. However, if a fire or other life-
work. threatening emergency arises, staff would need to make a
swift risk/benefit analysis, balancing their responsibilities
Staff duty of care to their patients against the risk of personal harm and
General Medical Council (GMC) Good Medical Practice ensuring their own safety and that of their team comes first
guidance states that a doctor must take prompt action if [34-36].

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Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391

Investigation of critical incidents solution for such an emergency situation is having a reliable
Following a fire or similar critical incident, a full investigation and immediate means of summoning additional hospital
should be carried out at the earliest opportunity: This staff to assist and replace those affected [4, 12]. In addition,
should examine all contributory causes, appraise the the structure and clinical equipment of the ICU or operating
response of the hospital and identify lessons to be learned. theatre suite is likely to be damaged, rendering the area
An initial investigation would usually be conducted by the unavailable for patient care [12]. Major incident planning
Fire and Rescue Services, the Police and the Health and should involve external agencies including the Ambulance
Safety Executive (if the incident meets the HSE’s Incident service and the local Fire and Rescue Services.
Selection Criteria), followed by an internal investigation by A hospital’s internal incident policy should define an
the hospital and involving the coroner in the event of a appropriate clinical area in which evacuated patients can be
death. Ideally, an external investigation would then be safely cared for temporarily. Suitable alternative clinical
carried out by a responsible body such as the Healthcare areas should be identified within Business Continuity and
Safety Investigation Branch. Both internal and external Incident Response Plans before an incident occurring. Local
investigations should be performed using a human factors Fire and Rescue Services should be involved in this planning
and ergonomics investigative tool, such as the Yorkshire and awareness of the organisation’s fire evacuation
Framework model [37], which considers all possible processes. Patients will be cared for in these alternative
contributory factors: an investigation should not simply clinical settings until ICU beds in neighbouring hospitals can
scrutinise the actions of the healthcare workers involved at be identified and transportation arranged. Regional critical
the time of the event. Investigators should be mindful that care networks are central to this process and all networks
the patients, families and staff involved are likely to be should put in place a system whereby ICUs can provide
affected by such an event and should take necessary steps emergency beds and a transfer service to retrieve patients
to ensure that investigations are completed in a timely from hospitals affected by an ICU fire or similar emergency
fashion. Lessons learned should be embedded in future [1, 5, 6, 12]. Such systems should be incorporated into
planning for such incidents, and shared with other NHS network-wide policies to support and plan for major and/or
organisations, their fire safety officers and estates teams internal incidents in any hospital within the region. We
plus patients and staff affected by the event. recommend that critical care network lead consultants
establish a method of communicating with each other
Major incident planning and role of rapidly in the event of such an emergency (for example, a
critical care networks WhatsApp or Siilo group). A checklist for clinical directors,
The timing of an evacuation is crucial: if an evacuation regarding staff training and other factors related to major
occurs too early then patients may be harmed by a transfer, incident planning, is available in online Supporting
but if an evacuation occurs too late then patients and staff Information Appendix S4.
may be harmed by fire and smoke [1, 5]. Wherever possible,
evacuation policies should include liaison with the Bronze Staff welfare and well-being: dealing
(Operational), Silver (Tactical) and Gold (Strategic) with the aftermath of a fire or
commanders, in conjunction with the senior Fire and Rescue emergency evacuation
officer on scene [1, 5]. However, in reality, most emergency A short operational debrief should be held immediately
evacuations will have taken place long before this command after a fire and/or emergency evacuation [38]. Staff should
structure has been implemented, so any incident response then be given the chance to talk through what happened
plans must reflect this and support clinical staff to make with their peers, ‘decompress’ and debrief before going
immediate life-saving decisions. In this situation, the home, and be given information about ‘psychological first
Bronze/Silver/Gold command structure will be essential for aid’ and the range of normal reactions following a
guiding plans for ongoing care of patients and services potentially traumatic event.
affected. All staff involved in a fire or similar emergency should
Hospitals, working closely with their own ICUs and be screened for acute trauma-stress symptoms and
operating theatre teams and alongside their incident supported following the event using a recognised,
response plans, must construct plans for dealing with protocol-based, critical incident procedure that is
internal incidents. These are situations where hospital staff compliant with the most recent national guidance on post-
themselves become victims of a fire or other emergency, traumatic stress disorder [1, 39, 40]. One example is the
and so are unable to care for patients [1]. The short-term TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) system [1, 41, 42]. It is

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Anaesthesia 2021, 76, 1377–1391 Kelly et al. | Fire safety and emergency evacuation guidelines

important to support and screen all staff involved in an Executive; A. Green, Senior Estates Officer, Royal United
incident, however, small or peripheral their involvement Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath; Dr E. Jackson,
may seem, as pre-morbid and comorbid experiences can trainee rep, ICS standards and guidelines committee; Dr L.
be significant. All staff involved in a serious event should be Jordan, member of the UK Expert Working Group for
assessed by a member of the occupational health Prevention and Management of Surgical Fires; ICS Legal
department before re-starting work. Key aspects of a and Ethical Advisory Group, including Drs D. Harvey, S.
meaningful staff welfare system include the following: Webb and V. Metaxa; National Fire Chiefs Council
representatives; S. Jack, Emergency Response Lead, Royal
1 Good staff training and awareness of acute trauma-
United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust; S. Mather,
stress reactions, ideally during normal working life and
Intensive Care Society; R. Nowak, National Association of
before a critical event
Healthcare Fire Officers; K. Pappenheim, Association of
2 An established critical incident response team to
Anaesthetists; A. Pitcher, Senior Fire Safety Advisor, NHS
support and screen all staff for trauma-stress symptoms.
Wales Shared Services Partnership – specialist estates
3 An effective communication system to ensure that all
services; Dr G. Suntharalingum, Intensive Care Society; M.
those involved know the facts about the incident at the
Taylor, Interim Head of Estates, Royal United Hospitals Bath
earliest opportunity
NHS Foundation Trust, Bath; Dr S. Welham, British Thoracic
4 A system that proactively informs staff involved in a
Society; Dr T. Wigmore, Consultant in anaesthesia and
critical event of changes and improvements that are
intensive care medicine, The Royal Marsden NHS Trust. CB
made to avoid a similar event occurring in the future. It
is an Editor of Anaesthesia. No other competing interests
is important that this process is treated as a confidential
and standard operational procedure and is
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personal experiences and this needs to be handled care services - Edition 2.
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© 2021 The Authors and the Intensive Care Society. Anaesthesia published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association of Anaesthetists. 1391

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