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M ay 9, 2023 N u m b e r 946

Course Correction
Charting a More Effective Approach to U.S.-China
B y C l a r k P ac ka r d and S cot t L i n c i co m e


ver the past several years the U.S.-China counterproductively weakened the U.S. economy and
economic relationship has soured and become alienated allies that Washington needs to rally in defense of
subordinated to broader concerns about market-based democracy against 21st-century mercantilism.
national security and geopolitics. After a This analysis explains that instead of mimicking China’s
decades-long reform agenda in China that lifted hundreds of increasingly interventionist economic policies, the
millions out of grinding poverty, Chinese president Xi Jinping United States should focus on promoting the competitive-
has increasingly turned inward—reembracing Maoist ness of the American economy and the economies of our
socialism and heavy-handed central planning. Washington’s allies. Policymakers should rely on the market-oriented
response to these worrisome developments has been reflex- policies that propelled the United States to unprecedented
ively hawkish economically, scattershot, and woefully wealth and power, including openness to international trade
inadequate for the economic challenge that China presents. and investment; liberalized immigration; lighter-touch
Fearing that China is inexorably poised to become the regulation, particularly in the burgeoning technology
world’s leading economy, policymakers in the United States industry that sits at the epicenter of the economic competi-
have embraced tariffs, investment restrictions, export tion with China; and smarter tax policies. These policies are
controls, and massive domestic subsidies to favored indus- not a panacea with respect to all that ails the U.S.-China
tries such as semiconductor manufacturing. These moves economic relationship, but they would be much more
have failed to change Beijing’s behavior, but they have successful than the failed status quo.

CLARK PACKARD is a research fellow at the Cato Institute’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies.
SCOTT LINCICOME is vice president of general economics and the Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies.
INTRODUCTION Xi Jinping’s embrace of heavy intervention in the tech
The U.S.-China relationship is increasingly complex and industry has paralyzed a once dynamic and growing sec-
is the top geopolitical issue facing the world today. How tor of the economy.2 The country’s real estate sector is
the two countries manage this relationship will greatly overinflated and has led to a debt default by giant prop-
affect global peace, prosperity, and stability in the 21st erty developer Evergrande.3 And China’s ever-expanding
century. Concerning economic and trade policy specifically, bureaucracy has been paralyzed by the inevitable conflict
the United States should focus on affirming the market between eradicating COVID-19 and hitting Beijing’s pre-
incentives that boost the performance and competitiveness determined growth targets.4
of American companies and those of our allies. Unfortu- These forecasts are notoriously difficult, especially
nately, Washington policymakers have instead embraced given the uncertainties caused by the pandemic and
economically hawkish rhetoric and policies that are at best China’s recent reopening.5 However, China’s longer-term
superficial and at worst counterproductive. As former trea- headwinds are more certain and daunting. Productivity is
sury secretary Henry Paulson astutely observed, “We have slowing and has been for quite some time.6 China also has
a China attitude, not a China policy.”1 an enormous demographic problem, exacerbated by its
cruel, now abandoned One Child Policy, that will both slow
“China faces a significant brain growth and strain government social spending.7 China
faces a significant brain drain among technology workers
drain among technology workers and other entrepreneurs, most of whom prefer the freedom
and other entrepreneurs, most of offered by the United States and other Western coun-
whom prefer the freedom offered tries.8 Likewise, China has seen its international standing
by the United States and other erode in recent years for myriad reasons, including human
rights abuses such as forced labor in the Xinjiang region;
Western countries.” effectively annexing Hong Kong in 2020 with the passage
of the national security law meant to quash dissent and
The bipartisan consensus in policymaking circles around criticism of Beijing; an aggressive foreign policy posture
Washington today is that China is an economic jugger- in the region, including threatening Taiwan’s sovereignty;
naut, inexorably poised to overtake the United States as the and its misinformation about the origins of COVID-19. This
world’s leading economy. To many policymakers, Beijing’s analysis will focus almost exclusively on the U.S.-China
increasingly interventionist and mercantilist policies economic relationship. China engages in several repressive
have supercharged its economy and promise to displace practices, which deserve a straightforward U.S. response,
the United States at the top of the global order unless but those are beyond the scope of this analysis.
Washington matches China’s economic interventionism. That is not to say that the United States should do nothing
This consensus is rife with problems. For starters, about China’s economic practices. There are legitimate con-
China’s economic rise has a lot more to do with its brief cerns about numerous international trade and investment
abandonment of heavy central planning decades ago than policies pursued by Beijing, its increasingly brutal human
it does with today’s reembrace of industrial policy and rights practices, and its geopolitical bellicosity and coziness
Maoist socialism. Indeed, the Chinese economy today with Russia and rogue regimes, which all demand attention.
is not the powerhouse many believe it to be. Short-term Yet concerning the challenges that China poses economi-
issues and longer-term systemic trends will further con- cally, U.S. policymakers seem intent on rejecting the very
strain future economic growth and dynamism in China— policies that have propelled the United States to enormous
obstacles created in no small part by China’s relatively wealth and global influence and instead are mimicking
recent shift away from economic liberalization. Beijing’s heavy-handed industrial policies and intervention-
Beijing’s draconian “zero-COVID” policy shuttered ism. That would be a mistake. There is a better way: one that
large portions of the Chinese economy in 2022. President relies on America’s traditional strengths.

C H I N A’ S T R O U B L I N G I N T E R N AT I O N A L to Chinese companies” as a condition of accessing the
ECONOMIC PRACTICES Chinese market. This is done, for example, through require-
There is an emerging awareness in Washington and ments that U.S. companies establish a China-based joint
other Western market-oriented democracies that China’s venture partner. Pressure is then exerted on the foreign
international trade and investment practices pose signifi- manufacturers to turn over cutting-edge and core technolo-
cant challenges to the United States and the rules-based gies to their Chinese joint venture partners.13
trading system.
In 2017, then president Donald Trump directed his “Despite identifying many of
United States Trade Representative (USTR) to begin an
investigation into Chinese commercial practices pursu-
the problems with China’s
ant to Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.9 Over the next international trade and
seven months, USTR compiled a 301 Report that served as investment practices, the U.S.
an indictment of China’s international trade and invest- approach to addressing these
ment practices. The overarching theme of the report is that
China uses a number of unfair and malicious methods to
challenges has been woefully
acquire U.S. technology in service of Beijing’s high-tech inadequate across the last two
indigenous innovation policies known as “Made in China presidential administrations.”
2025.”10 According to USTR, these policies inhibit U.S.
exports; undermine American innovation, manufacturing, Beijing also uses opaque and unevenly applied licensing
and services; and bolster jobs in China at the expense of restrictions to discriminate against American firms that are
American workers. seeking to operate in China and reach consumers in its mar-
The list of complaints is long, and it encompasses both ket. The 301 Report describes how the Chinese government
major problems as well as smaller irritants. First, China often requires firms to turn over sensitive technical informa-
engages in widespread and unauthorized state-sponsored tion to secure approval to operate in the country but does
cyber espionage into U.S. commercial networks in order to not require the same of domestic Chinese firms.14
steal trade secrets and abuse intellectual property. These Likewise, there is a “pervasive” state-sponsored effort to
stolen materials include “trade secrets, technical data, direct and facilitate investment in, and acquisition of, U.S.
negotiating positions, and sensitive and proprietary infor- companies and assets by Chinese companies. Such invest-
mation internal communications.” Many of these cyber ments and acquisitions have strategic and military goals.
intrusions target American firms that operate in markets These transactions are often undertaken by China’s numer-
and industries deemed strategic by Beijing, including those ous SOEs and state-supported banks and investment funds,
with a national security nexus. which are not subject to market disciplines.15
Next, China uses hidden industrial policy and foreign In total, the 301 Report casts doubt on Chinese interna-
discrimination, including via its numerous state-owned tional economic practices—essentially 21st-century high-tech
enterprises (SOEs), that hurt American competitors. This is industrial policy on a massive scale—and demonstrates how
done on a massive scale and in a completely nontransparent such policies undermine the U.S. economy, both workers
way. It is worth noting that the International Monetary Fund and firms. These are real challenges and require a concerted
(IMF) estimates that Chinese SOEs are about 20 percent less response, one that has thus far failed to materialize.
productive than private sector competitors in the same mar-
ket.12 Beijing’s increasing reliance on SOEs will slow growth in
China over the long run, but it hurts U.S. firms in the short run T H E FA I L I N G A P P R O A C H
and erodes business confidence in foreign trade. Despite identifying many of the problems with China’s inter-
Next, China uses foreign ownership restrictions “to national trade and investment practices, the U.S. approach
require or pressure technology transfer from U.S. companies to addressing these challenges has been woefully inadequate

across the past two presidential administrations. First, the In January 2020, Washington and Beijing signed a truce
United States levied a series of tariffs, which triggered pre- informally known as the Phase One Agreement. The two
dictable retaliation from Beijing, in the past few years. Then, sides agreed to forgo additional tariffs, but the existing
in 2022, policymakers decided to copy Beijing’s inefficient tariffs remain in place. China agreed to purchase large
industrial policy by establishing our own subsidies for favored quantities of American exports over a two-year period and
industries. Neither tariffs nor domestic subsidies are up to the promised to make certain structural changes to its eco-
serious task of outcompeting China in the 21st century. nomic practices. Now, after more than two years, the status
In total, tariffs now cover about 70 percent of all imports quo—tariffs and the Phase One Agreement—has failed on
from China and the average rate is nearly 20 percent, which multiple levels.
is more than six times higher than before the trade wars First, despite Trump’s repeated statements to the
began. Meanwhile, retaliatory tariffs cover about 60 percent contrary, countless academic studies have found that
of American products and services sent to China, at an average Americans, not the Chinese, paid the tariffs (and con-
rate above 21 percent, which is up from about 7 percent before tinue to do so).18 As a result, the tariffs’ economic harms
the trade wars.16 Together, the tariffs and reprisals constitute to the U.S. economy were significant. The New York
an even larger share of GDP than the infamous Smoot-Hawley Federal Reserve, for example, estimates that the tariffs
tariffs, which exacerbated and prolonged the Great Depression increased costs for average American households by about
according to recent research by Pablo Fajgelbaum of Princeton $830 per year, accounting for direct costs and efficiency
University and Amit Khandelwal of Columbia University. losses, and resulted in approximately $1.7 trillion in lost

Table 1
Selected estimates of the cost of Section 301 and other tariffs
Average annual
Study Tariffs covered Costs considered cost per household
Section 301 tariffs (25 percent on $250 billion
American Action Forum of imports and 7.5 percent on $112 billion of Higher tax burden $379 (gross)
(2022) imports)
Amiti, Redding, and Tariffs imposed from February 2018 to May Higher tax burden and
Weinstein (2019) 2019 deadweight (ef ciency) losses $831 (gross)

Congressional Budget Tariffs imposed between January 2018 and Loss in output and higher
Of ce (2020) January 2020 consumer prices $1,277 (net)

Gross: higher tax burden and $894 (gross)

Fajgelbaum et al. Tariffs imposed from February 2018 to deadweight (ef ciency) losses
(2021) September 2019, plus foreign retaliation Net: loss in output $194 (net)
Tariffs Hurt the Tariffs imposed from February 2018 to April
Heartland (2022) 2021 Higher tax burden $737 (gross)

Section 301 tariffs (25 percent on $250 billion

Tax Foundation of imports and 7.5 percent on $112 billion of Loss in output $405 (net)
Trade Partnership Tariffs imposed or announced as of November
(2019) 2018, plus foreign retaliation Loss in national income $574 (net)

Sources: Tom Lee and Jacqueline Varas, “The Total Cost of U.S. Tariffs,” American Action Forum, May 10, 2022; Mary Amiti, Stephen J. Redding, and
David E. Weinstein, “New China Tariffs Increase Costs to U.S. Households,” Liberty Street Economics (blog), Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 23,
2019; Congressional Budget Office, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030,” January 28, 2020, p. 33; Pablo D. Fajgelbaum et al., “Updates
to Fajgelbaum et al. (2020) with 2019 Tariff Waves,” January 21, 2020; “New Data Shows Trade War Has Cost Americans Nearly $94 Billion, Including
Close to $14 Billion in First Four Months of 2021,” press release, Tariffs Hurt the Heartland, June 18, 2021; Erica York, “Tracking the Economic Impact
of U.S. Tariffs and Retaliatory Actions,” Tax Foundation, April 1, 2022; and "Estimated Impacts of Tariffs on the U.S. Economy and Workers," Trade
Partnership Worldwide, LLC, February 2019, p. 10.
Notes: The average annual cost per household was obtained by dividing the total cost of the tariffs reported by each study by the number of households in
the United States in 2018 (127.6 million). For the Congressional Budget Office (2020), the average annual cost per household was obtained directly from
the report. “Gross” refers to costs considering higher tax burden and deadweight (efficiency) losses resulting from the tariffs, while “net” refers to costs
that also contemplate offsetting factors (i.e., producer gains and tariff revenues).
market capitalization for firms through investment slow- Second, in a Sisyphean attempt to close the bilateral
downs. Meanwhile, Moody’s Analytics estimates that trade deficit, the United States spent considerable politi-
the trade wars cost about 300,000 jobs. Table 1 sum- cal capital to get the Chinese to agree to specific purchase
marizes academic research on the tariff’s economic costs. requirements over a two-year period. This distorted mar-
Figure 1 shows that these costs erased up to half of the kets, angered allies, and empowered Chinese SOEs, which
average household’s savings from the tax cuts enacted by were used to make the purchases. Moreover, by the end of
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. the two-year period, China was well short of the level of

Figure 1
Annual savings from Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 minus annual costs of Trump tariffs in 2018, averaged by

$1,500 $1,466


srallod .S.U lanimoN


-$194 –$194


–$1,500 –$1,277
-$1,277 –$1,277

Tax Policy Center estimate Joint Committee on Taxation estimate

Average TCJA savings Lower-bound cost of Trump tariffs Upper-bound cost of Trump tariffs

Sources: The lower-bound estimate for the impact of Trump tariffs is from Pablo D. Fajgelbaum et al., “Updates to Fajgelbaum et al. (2020) with 2019
Tariff Waves,” January 21, 2020. The upper-bound estimate for the impact of Trump tariffs is from “The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030,”
Congressional Budget Office, January 28, 2020, p. 33. For alternative estimates on the impact of Trump tariffs, see Table 1 in this paper. Estimates for
the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 are from “Distributional Analysis of the Conference Agreement for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” Tax Policy
Center, December 18, 2017; and “Distributional Effects of Public Law 115-97,” JCX-10-19, Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress of the United States.
Author’s calculations are described in the note below.
Note: Estimates of the impact of Section 301 tariffs also include the effects of other tariffs imposed by the Trump administration from January 2018, but
the Section 301 tariffs account for the largest share of the observed effect. The aggregate impact of Trump tariffs is divided by the number of U.S.
households in 2018 (approximately 127.6 million). The Tax Policy Center divides the aggregate impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 by “tax
units,” which is defined as an “individual, or a married couple, that files a tax return or would file a tax return if their income were high enough, along with
all dependents of that individual or married couple.” The Tax Policy Center estimates that the amount of tax units in a given year exceeds the number of
households reported by other sources. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports the aggregate change in federal taxes and a distinct number of taxpayer
units. Thus, aggregate savings from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation’s estimates, are divided by the
committee’s number of taxpayer units (177 million) to obtain the average.

American products it had promised to buy. As Chad Bown Yet there are compelling reasons to be circumspect about
of the Peterson Institute for International Economics noted, the transformative power of these subsidies. If history is any
“In the end, China purchased only 57 percent of the total US guide, this bout of industrial policy will be no more suc-
goods and services exports over 2020–2021 that it had com- cessful than previous iterations.26 Indeed, it is likely that
mitted to” under the Phase One Agreement.21 inefficient semiconductor subsidies will dampen innovation,
Third, and perhaps most importantly, Beijing has done enrich rent seekers, and trigger trade tensions with the very
little to overhaul its troubling economic and trade practices, allies the United States needs to rally to exert pressure on
as U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai herself admit- Beijing to curtail its predatory commercial practices.
ted before Congress. Instead, as the U.S.-China Economic Mimicking Beijing’s 21st-century industrial policy is
and Security Review Commission’s 2021 report to Congress simply not a panacea in the economic competition between
highlighted, Beijing’s pursuit of industrial policy continues the United States and China. Likewise, the U.S.-China trade
apace. The Wall Street Journal recently reported, in fact, that war—easily the most aggressive bout of unilateral, tit-for-
“China has doubled down on the state-led economic model tat protectionism in decades—is imposing enormous costs
the Trump administration had set out to change. Chinese on innocent bystanders in a misguided effort to fundamen-
authorities increased their use of subsidies—including cash tally change Beijing’s mercantilism and nationalism. Indeed,
infusions, discounted loans and cheap land—to dominate it most likely has made things worse.
high-technology industries.” And the U.S. approach may
have hardened attitudes in Beijing and among the Chinese
public. As former U.S. trade representative Charlene SMARTER POLICY RESPONSES
Barshefsky noted, Chinese leaders “did not change their There is a far better approach to China than ineffec-
economic model one iota, reinforcing to Xi Jinping that tive bellicosity and sclerotic protectionism. This approach
their economic model can withstand even aggression by the focuses less on trying to change Chinese government behav-
United States.” Recent research also found that the trade ior, which seems unlikely, and more on using time-tested
war reduced Chinese citizens’ support for both trade with policy tools to supercharge the U.S. economy and reassert
the United States and international trade in general. America’s global leadership.

“Mimicking Beijing’s 21st-century International Trade Tools

industrial policy is simply not First, policymakers should lift the Section 301 tariffs,
a panacea in the economic which are doing significantly more harm than good to the

competition between the United United States. They have utterly failed to discipline China’s
mercantilism and instead have imposed significant costs
States and China.” on the American economy, especially American manufac-
turers. Other tariffs should also be liberalized, particularly
Likewise, Congress recently passed the Chips and Science those on industrial inputs. More than half of all imports
Act of 2022 on a bipartisan basis. At the center of the legisla- in the United States are capital goods, raw materials,
tion is about $80 billion in federal grants and tax credits for or intermediate inputs used by American firms to make
semiconductor production. The supposed purpose of the products here. Tariffs on these goods raise manufacturers’
trade-distorting subsidies is to induce firms to produce more production costs and instantly make them less globally
semiconductors and related technologies domestically. Poli- competitive than foreign competitors who have freer
cymakers argued that such subsidies are necessary because access to the same inputs. Policymakers should unilater-
China heavily subsidizes its own industrial production of ally eliminate existing duties on such capital goods, raw
semiconductors and it could invade Taiwan, a U.S. ally and a materials, and intermediate inputs, which would strongly
major supplier of chips to the U.S. and global markets. enhance America’s global competitiveness.

The most obvious place to start in this regard is the Trump Trade Organization Agreements, the United States and its
administration’s tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, like-minded allies should pursue dispute settlement in the
which were implemented on bogus “national security” Geneva-based tribunal. Many of the practices highlighted
grounds and have harmed both metal-consuming American by the United States in the 301 Report are prohibited by
manufacturers and relations with key trading partners. WTO rules, including forced technology transfer, while
The tariffs also triggered predictable retaliation, ensnar- there is an affirmative—and enforceable—obligation to
ing unrelated industries like agriculture into the morass. protect intellectual property.32 Research from the Cato
The tariffs’ big winners have been a handful of politically Institute finds that China has an imperfect but decent
connected U.S. companies and unions and American manu- record of complying with adverse decisions by the WTO.33
facturers’ global competitors who pay far less for these critical Third, the United States should rejoin the Trans-Pacific
industrial inputs. The United States should also reform its Partnership (TPP), which was subsequently renamed the
trade remedy system, which has resulted in duties on hun- Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership
dreds of imported products—primarily industrial inputs— (CPTPP) after the Trump administration’s ill-advised
that are imposed with no regard to their potential harms to withdrawal from the partnership at the beginning of
downstream consuming industries. Trump’s term in office. The TPP was a U.S.-led effort to cre-
ate a major trading bloc in the Asia-Pacific region, which was
launched in the waning days of the George W. Bush admin-
“The tariffs’ big winners have been istration and finalized in October 2015. It was signed by the
a handful of politically connected 12 Pacific Rim countries in February 2016. The agreement’s
U.S. companies and unions and objectives were threefold:
American manufacturers’ global
y Economics: the TPP/CPTPP reduced a number of
competitors who pay far less for trade barriers between the parties to the agreement.
these critical industrial inputs.” This would lead to increased efficiency, productivity,
and economic growth for the members. The Peterson
Removing these tariffs would not only make American Institute found that, if implemented, the TPP would
manufacturers more competitive vis-à-vis their Chinese have raised real incomes in the United States by
competitors, but also provide some relief for inflation- $131 billion annually by 2030 and increased U.S.
weary American families. While today’s historic inflation exports by nearly $360 billion over that span, more
has been primarily caused by loose fiscal and monetary than 9 percent above the 2014 baseline used by the
policy and various supply-side bottlenecks, recent research authors of the study.34 The U.S. International Trade
from the Peterson Institute finds that eliminating the Commission found that by 2032, the TPP would
Trump administration’s trade war tariffs (both on China have raised real incomes by $57.3 billion, increased
and metals) could save American families hundreds of dol- gross domestic product by $42.7 billion, and created
lars per year. Eliminating tariffs will not completely solve 128,000 jobs, while exports to new trading partners
inflation or fix U.S.-Sino commercial relations, but it is a would have grown by nearly 20 percent.35 These are
good and obvious place to start. small but significant gains for the United States.
Second, the United States should end its blockade of y New Trade Rules: the TPP/CPTPP also included
new appointments to the World Trade Organization’s new rules covering various aspects of the modern
(WTO) Appellate Body, the highest court of interna- economy that were not captured by previous trade
tional trade. As a result of U.S. intransigence, the WTO’s agreements, including the North American Free Trade
dispute settlement system is paralyzed. Where there Agreement (NAFTA) and the WTO Agreements. Such
are legitimate grievances about Chinese protectionism disciplines included digital trade, industrial subsidies,
in violation of Beijing’s commitments under the World and SOEs. Even though it was not a member of TPP,

China loomed large in the agreement’s negotiations: The TPP’s original motivations, moreover, have since
these rules targeted a lot of Beijing’s “state capitalist” proven sound. Unfortunately, American exporters are on
trade and investment practices. The goal was to write the outside of the agreement looking in: they face signifi-
new rules and eventually “multilateralize” them at cantly higher trade barriers than their competitors within
the WTO. The TPP thus established a high bar for any the TPP bloc. Lost market access is an especially acute
eventual Chinese accession to TPP and helps WTO problem for American farmers and ranchers attempting to
members to pressure China into accepting the new reach notoriously closed Asian agriculture markets, which
rules on a multilateral level. were pried open in TPP negotiations. Likewise, American
y Geopolitics: although the TPP made economic consumers face higher tariffs and other trade barriers
sense, foreign policy benefits drove the agreement. than consumers in TPP countries—relief that would have
At its core, TPP was designed to counter China’s been welcome during a period of high inflation and supply
growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region. First, chain chaos. And perhaps most tragically, the United States
TPP members would have an alternative market to forfeited its economic leadership role in the Asia-Pacific
China: the United States. Countries tend to trade region, ceding the ground to China. Beijing is working hard
with large nearby countries under what’s known to fill that void. At the beginning of 2022, the China-led
as a “gravity model.” The TPP’s elimination of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)—a
trade barriers was intended to offset China’s mas- large, albeit lower-quality trade agreement than TPP—
sive gravitational pull in the region. This could went into effect. The imperative to rejoin CPTPP grows
help reorient supply chains out of China and into every day as China’s influence and assertiveness in the
neighboring TPP member countries as well as the region grows. Figure 2 shows the parties to the CPTPP and
United States. The TPP also provided a forum to the RCEP, as well as countries currently applying to join
promote regional cooperation, consultation, and the former agreement.
dispute settlement, similar to the WTO, albeit in a
nimbler form. Finally, TPP was intended to be an “The Indo-Pacific Economic
ever-growing platform for new members to join,
especially close allies in the region like South Korea
Framework is simply no substitute
and Thailand. (Seoul recently applied to join CPTPP.) for rejoining the CPTPP and
Adding members would give the agreement extra expanding its membership to
heft and increase the leverage of the United States include longtime allies like South
while bolstering the “TPP supply chain.” China
would be faced with a choice: raise its commercial
Korea, Taiwan, and the post-Brexit
standards to join the ever-growing TPP bloc or face United Kingdom.”
competitive disadvantages in its own backyard.
The Biden administration is now seeking to reassert
But the TPP was far from perfect: it contained a fair amount American international economic leadership in the Asia-
of special-interest protectionism (e.g., on intellectual Pacific region with its Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
property and textiles), while certain laudable provisions (IPEF) initiative. The IPEF negotiations recently began, but
(e.g., constraining subsidies and state-owned enterprises) the administration’s refusal to put market access issues on the
were diluted to appease certain signatories. But, as the Cato table means the impact of the agreement will be extremely
Institute’s chapter-by-chapter analysis of the agreement limited.37 The IPEF is simply no substitute for rejoining the
concluded in 2016, it was on-net liberalizing—by a sig- CPTPP and expanding its membership to include longtime
nificant margin—and deserved support. This conclusion allies like South Korea, Taiwan (a high-tech manufacturing
has since been bolstered because CPTPP signatories have hub), and the post-Brexit United Kingdom, all of whom have
removed some of the most offending provisions. expressed an interest in joining the pact.

Figure 2
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Countries (RCEP)
Applicants Partners


Ecuador Canada
Costa Rica
United Kingdom Uruguay Peru

Malaysia Australia

China Japan
New Zealand Brunei

Cambodia Laos
Hong Kong

South Korea


Sources: Jeffrey J. Schott, “Which Countries Are in the CPTPP and RCEP Trade Agreements and Which Want In?,” Peterson Institute for International Economics,
March 2, 2023; “CPTPP Accession,” New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; and “Hong Kong Applies to Join RCEP Trade Agreement,” Nikkei Asia,
February 23, 2022.
Notes: South Korea and Thailand have publicly indicated their interest in applying to join CPTPP, but they have not initiated the process yet. Bangladesh is
reportedly considering applying to join RCEP.
Fourth, the United States should pursue more trade- has received newfound attention following Russia’s invasion
liberalizing agreements with other partners, either through of Ukraine.38 The T-TIP has the potential to be a high-quality,
the CPTPP or outside of it. It has now been more than 10 comprehensive modern trade agreement between economic
years since the United States entered into a new trade agree- superpowers. Cutting trade and investment barriers and
ment (the last bilateral agreements were with South Korea, streamlining regulatory recognition would be a boon on
Panama, and Colombia, respectively). The rest of the world both sides of the Atlantic. (Just imagine, for example, if the
has moved on while the United States has dithered. As men- FDA had accepted European regulatory practices before the
tioned, RCEP went into effect in early 2023 and the African U.S. infant formula crisis.) Like TPP, T-TIP would strengthen
Continental Free Trade Agreement is now in place. Over the important geostrategic ties in the face of an increasingly
long term, a stagnant U.S. trade agenda will lead to a less aggressive Russia and reaffirm the United States’ commit-
dynamic and slower-growing U.S. economy, not to mention ment to the transatlantic relationship. It would also provide
a decline in American prestige and influence over foreign the United States with another trading bloc committed to
policy decisions made around the globe. high-quality commercial rules that could be leveraged to help
The most obvious place to start is the Transatlantic Trade discipline Beijing’s trade and investment transgressions.
and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) with the European Another trade tool available to policymakers concerned
Union, which stalled during the Trump administration but about U.S.-China trade and investment is the Generalized

System of Preferences (GSP), the authorization for which increase demand for alternative forms of transportation,
lapsed at the end of 2020. The GSP cuts tariffs on certain including trucking, rail, and pipeline services, which raises
products coming to the United States from about 120 devel- those modes’ rates and increases business costs throughout
oping countries, including several of China’s competitors, the supply chain, especially in manufacturing. Likewise, the
including Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Indone- Jones Act is a source of constant irritation to several trading
sia. As the Wall Street Journal recently documented, after the partners, thus discouraging U.S. exports in those markets.
Trump administration’s tariffs, many companies relocated
manufacturing out of China and into GSP-beneficiary
countries to take advantage of the tariff disparity.39 Now Sanctions, Investment Screening,
that GSP has lapsed and tariffs have increased on products and Export Controls
from GSP countries, however, several of those companies The United States should employ other tools of economic
are moving production back into China—at the same time a statecraft, but in a far more narrowly tailored way than has
bipartisan chorus of policymakers is urging producers to exit been recently proposed. For example, lawmakers recently
the Chinese market. As Dan Anthony, the executive direc- bolstered the government’s ability to monitor and restrict
tor of the Coalition for GSP, and Steve Lamar, the president potentially malicious foreign investment in domestic
and CEO of the American Apparel and Footwear Association, firms through the Committee on Foreign Investment in
wrote in the Wall Street Journal in late 2022 urging renewal of the United States (CFIUS). But CFIUS reviews should be
GSP, “Companies are looking to Congress for a signal. So far scrutinized because they often lack transparency and could
Congress is telling them to go to China.” Thus, Congress be (and arguably have been) used as a protectionist cud-
should quickly reauthorize and expand the GSP. gel in industries with a tenuous national security nexus.
Nevertheless, limited restrictions on Chinese investment
“The United States should (especially by SOEs) applied in a transparent and consis-
tent manner can ensure that American trade secrets and
employ other tools of economic sensitive technologies are not controlled by or transmitted
statecraft, but in a far more to the Chinese government.
narrowly tailored way than has Narrow sanctions on specific bad actors—individuals
been recently proposed.” or firms—can also be a legitimate policy tool. Sanctioning
SOEs controlled by the Chinese Communist Party or target-
ing Chinese firms that engage in cyber espionage to steal
Finally, the United States should repeal the Jones Act American trade secrets may be justified in certain cases.
(i.e., Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920), which These measures would be dramatically better than the
restricts domestic shipping services to vessels that are built blanket tariff regime currently in place, but—as with CFIUS
in the United States, owned by Americans, U.S.-flagged, and actions—they must be narrowly tailored, thoroughly docu-
U.S.-crewed. As a result of this act, our shipping laws are mented and supported, and fully transparent.
some of the most protectionist in the world. The Jones Act Likewise, export controls can be a useful tool to protect
was once justified as necessary to ensure adequate domestic and advance American foreign policy and technological
shipbuilding capacity and a supply of merchant mariners interests, but they can also be misapplied to the detriment
in times of war or other national emergency, but over the of important U.S. companies and national interests. It is
last 100-plus years it has become apparent that the act fails reasonable, for example, to restrict the export of materials
to bolster national security, while it serves as a drag on the used exclusively to make nuclear weapons. However, it is
economy. The Jones Act inflates shipping costs because the a muddier calculus when the product in question has both
transport of cargo between U.S. ports and inland waterways civilian and military applications, such as semiconductors.
is off-limits to foreign competition. These higher shipping Policymakers considering deploying export controls should
costs have ripple effects throughout the economy: they implement some basic guardrails to ensure a proper balance

between protecting national security and ensuring the rela- As an example of the danger of these policies, overbroad
tive free flow of goods across borders, which is instrumental export controls caused certain Chinese firms to hoard
to American prosperity and security. In particular: semiconductors in recent years. That exacerbated a grow-
ing global shortage in semiconductors that became acute
y Policymakers should clearly define national security during the pandemic.43
concerns tied closely to defense and defense-related
goods and services. The Trump administration’s flagrant
abuse of tariffs on imported steel and aluminum shows Liberalize Immigration
the dangers in loosely defining “national security.” If the United States is going to outcompete China in the 21st
y Policymakers should also be required to balance the century, particularly in the fields that are likely to drive future
security and economic ramifications of export controls. growth, Washington needs to welcome far more immigrants
Like import tariffs, export restrictions can harm domes- into the country. Unique among the most powerful nations of
tic exporters, who lose foreign sales, or harm import- the world, the United States is a nation of immigrants, and they
ing firms that are denied access to inputs by foreign are one of our greatest assets. Yet in recent years policymakers
retaliatory “copycat” export control measures. An overly have unwisely restricted immigration. For example, it is esti-
restrictive export control regime could dissuade foreign mated that legal immigration fell by about 50 percent between
firms from even opening operations in the United States. fiscal years 2016 and 2021, spurred by the false belief that
y When there is a legitimate national security product or immigrants somehow reduce Americans’ living standards.44
service involved and the threat outweighs the poten- Such zero-sum thinking is antithetical to American values and
tial economic costs of the export restriction, unilateral conflicts with both historical evidence and economic research.
sanctions should be avoided in all but the rarest of It risks undercutting an asymmetric advantage the United
circumstances. In a globalized world with various sup- States has over China: the ability to attract and retain talented
pliers of virtually every product, unilateral controls can foreigners. Although immigration levels have returned to their
lose their effectiveness and simply deny sales to a U.S. pre-pandemic levels during the last two years, given the aging
firm by diverting trade to a less-efficient producer while population in the United States, more needs to be done to
doing nothing to enhance national security. increase immigration.45 Indeed, immigration levels remain mil-
y Policymakers should establish transparent pro- lions behind where we should be today.
cedures before and after export controls are
implemented to ensure they are not unduly burden- “If the United States is going to
some. The executive branch should work with the
private sector to determine if there are ways to miti-
outcompete China in the 21st
gate potential national security risks associated with century, particularly in the fields
the export of a product or service in question and that are likely to drive future
to understand the full economic effect of the pro- growth, Washington needs to
posed control. Likewise, there should be a robust and
timely judicial review process that allows appeals to
welcome far more immigrants
be heard quickly. A time-limited sunset for proposed into the country.”
export controls also makes sense.
y Finally, export controls should be tailored as narrowly First, the academic literature is clear that immigrants
as possible. There is a high potential for sanctions to are net job creators because they tend to be more entre-
hurt people without achieving the desired policy aims. preneurial than nonimmigrants.46 Some of America’s most
Serious scholars have questioned the efficacy of vari- innovative and globally competitive firms were founded by
ous sanctions, including export controls, when they immigrants, including Google, Uber, Qualcomm, Tesla, eBay,
remain in place for long periods of time. Yahoo, and Pfizer.47

Immigration is crucial if the United States is to continue 30% and 50% of the aggregate productivity growth” in the
leading the technology sector, which is at the nexus of United States.51 Immigrants are about twice as likely to be
the geopolitical competition with China. As economist granted patents as nonimmigrants because they dispropor-
Kimberly Clausing notes in her recent book, Open: The tionately have degrees in science and engineering. The same
Progressive Case for Free Trade, Immigration, and Global study found positive spillover effects from skilled immigra-
Capital, “As of 2014, 46 percent of Silicon Valley’s work- tion: “A 1 percentage point rise in the share of immigrant
force was foreign-born. The share is even larger for workers college graduates in the population increases patents per
between the ages of 25 and 44, and it rises to a whopping capita by 9–18 percent.”52 In other words, skilled immigrants
74 percent of workers hired for their math and computer provide a direct benefit to the United States, but they also
expertise in that age bracket.” spur innovation among nonimmigrants.
Figure 3 depicts the increase in the U.S. foreign-born America’s colleges and universities have long been breed-
STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathemat- ing grounds of innovative research and technology. Students
ics] workforce from 2000 to 2019. Research shows that who hold visas make up a disproportionate number of
immigrants are particularly prevalent in, and essential for, graduate-degree-seeking students in science, computer
important technology industries such as semiconductors science, and engineering.53 Yet research by David Bier of the
and artificial intelligence.49 Openness to immigration is Cato Institute found that the Trump administration oversaw
therefore essential to keeping R&D-intensive multination- an enrollment decline of about 700,000 students in U.S. col-
als in the United States and out of China, which has long leges and universities.54
struggled to retain or attract skilled human capital.50 At the same time, the United States remains a far more
Furthermore, it is estimated that between 1990 and 2010, attractive spot than China for international scientists and
the “inflows of foreign STEM workers explain between engineers.55 Yet instead of capitalizing on China’s woes in

Figure 3
U.S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce by nativity, selected years 2000–2019

Total: 10.8M
snoitapucco METS ni srekroW

8M Total: 7.7M
Total: 7.5M




2000 2010 2019

Foreign-born Native-born

Source: “Foreign-born STEM Workers in the United States,” American Immigration Council, June 14, 2022.
Notes: STEM = Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM occupations are defined by the American Immigration Council according to the
list of STEM occupations from the U.S. Census Bureau. The American Immigration Council report is based on data from the American Community Survey.
attracting and retaining top scientists, Washington’s hostil- creating a start-up entrepreneur visa, and prioritizing visa
ity toward Beijing is driving some of the top talent out of applications in high-tech sectors.61
the United States.56 Recent research found that nearly 1,500 Over the long term, immigration restrictionism would
U.S.-trained Chinese engineers and scientists dropped their lead to a less dynamic and innovative economy and under-
U.S. academic or corporate affiliations and exchanged them cut the United States vis-à-vis China. A recognition of the
for Chinese affiliations in 2021, which represents a more than positive-sum results of liberalizing immigration would spur
20 percent increase from the prior year. This trend acceler- innovation from nonimmigrants, bolster our technology
ated due to the Trump administration’s so-called “China sector, and reduce the number of talented workers and inno-
Initiative,” which the Justice Department intended to use to vators in China. It is a no-brainer.
counter espionage and national security threats from China.
Yet it became apparent that many of the cases were weak
and those were quickly dismissed. Additionally, there were Tech Optimism and Light-
charges of racial profiling, which led the Biden administration Touch Regulation
to drop the program in 2022.59 Indeed, there is recent evidence A primary goal for both Washington and Beijing is to set
that Washington’s hostility toward China is pushing scientists standards and dominate the commanding heights of tech-
away from the United States and toward China. If this trend nology. As noted, U.S. policymakers’ concerns about China’s
continues it risks undermining the asymmetrical advantage embrace of industrial policies—focused on alternative ener-
the United States has over China: the ability to attract and gy vehicles, information technology, telecommunications,
retain talented foreigners. robotics, and artificial intelligence—are understandable.
Policymakers should reverse course and liberalize Yet U.S. trade and immigration policy have become increas-
immigration, particularly for high-skilled immigrants. ingly hostile to the very American firms that are pushing the
Specific ideas to attract and retain top-notch foreign talent envelope in terms of research and development (R&D) and
include exempting STEM graduates from green card caps, high-tech products. Simply put, populist outrage toward
providing Chinese nationals who hold college degrees superstar technology firms may be smart politics, but it is no
with work permits or green cards without numerical caps, way to “outcompete China.”

Figure 4
When measuring the percent of total market capitalization for the top 100 global firms, the United States
outcompetes China in every sector, especially technology

U.S. market capitalization as a percentage of total market

capitalization for global top 100 firms in the technology sector

3.8% 4.3%
83.9% 75.6% 7.8% 58.3% 27.2% 58.9% 19.8% 18.7% 69.9% 7.1%
Technology Consumer Financials Consumer staples Energy All sectors

United States China

Source: “Global Top 100 Companies by Market Capitalisation,” PricewaterhouseCoopers, November 18, 2022.
Specifically, lawmakers in Congress and lawyers at the of COVID-19. Cracking down on U.S. tech firms will mean less
Department of Justice are increasingly skeptical of major investment in R&D in cutting-edge technologies.
U.S. technology firms simply because of their size and not The American tech giants already face heavily subsidized
for any anti-consumer concerns. They are looking at using foreign competition and discriminatory treatment abroad,
antitrust tools to crack down on them, including by upend- particularly from China. Despite this, the American tech-
ing a century of predictable rules that center on consumer nology industry pushes the envelope on exactly the types
welfare. Antitrust is beyond the scope of this analysis, but it of R&D that policymakers should welcome: those current
is worth considering the geopolitical and economic impli- and next-generation technologies the United States will
cations of severely cracking down on America’s leading need to outcompete Beijing. Kneecapping America’s most
technology firms given the ongoing struggle with China over influential and successful technology companies will not
technological supremacy. only dim their R&D intensity but will also benefit Chinese
competitors like Tencent and Alibaba.
“Kneecapping America’s most The U.S. technology industry is the envy of the world. That
is why China, the European Union, and others are trying to
influential and successful mimic it through subsidies and discrimination. Yet those
technology companies will not only policies are simply no match for a relatively free and dynam-
dim their R&D intensity but will ic economy fostered by economic openness and light-touch
also benefit Chinese competitors competition policies. Making the United States less efficient
and less dynamic through misguided efforts at targeting
like Tencent and Alibaba.” high-performing American tech companies is a nonsensical
way to counter China’s economic rise.
With its historically more-liberal regulatory policy,
dedication to the rule of law, and embrace of openness, the
United States has led the way in creating the type of envi- Smarter Tax Policies
ronment necessary to cultivate technological innovation. Finally, policymakers should bolster U.S. competitive-
In 2022, four of the top five global firms based on market ness by improving the tax treatment of R&D investment
capitalization were American technology firms (Apple, and capital-intensive manufacturing in the United States.
Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet [the parent company of As part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA), which passed in
Google]). Further, 63 of the top 100 global firms based on 2017, domestic firms making investments in R&D are cur-
market capitalization were American firms. Of the total rently allowed to deduct those costs from their tax liability
market capitalization of the top 100 firms, 70 percent is for the year in which the investments occur instead of amor-
U.S.-based. In 2021, China was second, with 11 of the top 100 tizing those deductions over many years. This is a potent
firms based on market capitalization, including tech giants incentive for economic growth.
Tencent and Alibaba. As Figure 4 shows, U.S. firms hold a Unfortunately, that provision began to be phased out at
higher share of total market capitalization than Chinese the end of 2022 and it phases out entirely by 2026, return-
firms across all sectors, especially technology. ing firms to amortizing over a period of years. Likewise, the
A recent report from the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) tax code requires firms to amortize deductions for nonresi-
highlights how six of the largest American tech firms— dential buildings, such as manufacturing facilities, over
Amazon, Alphabet, Intel, Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple—are a 39-year period. Because of inflation and the time value
driving large-scale investments in research and technology. of money, a dollar today is worth a lot more than a dol-
The Progressive Policy Institute estimates that these six firms lar in 5—or 39—years from now. Over time, this will raise
made nearly $90 billion in private investment in 2020, which the cost of R&D, resulting in less innovation and fewer
was up about 6 percent over 2019. That is remarkable given new technologies. This is a recipe for slower growth, lower
that the economy in 2020 was lagging because of the outbreak productivity, and lower wages—and a less competitive

economy vis-à-vis China. Instead, policymakers should outcompete their Chinese counterparts in the years to come.
make the immediate expensing of R&D permanent and The policies laid out in this analysis will.
expand it to include structures in order to ensure that the Policymakers need to understand that many of Beijing’s
United States remains the best place in the world to inno- decisions are beyond Washington’s control and, moreover,
vate and create. will be self-defeating for China in the long run. Rather than
mimicking Chinese interventionism, policymakers should
trust America’s traditional strengths: openness to interna-
CONCLUSION tional trade and immigration and a devotion to dynamic
Policymakers are rightly concerned about Chinese policies market-based innovation. A reembrace of these policies will
that distort international trade and investment. But copy- ensure that America’s next 50 years are as prosperous and
ing these policies won’t ensure that American companies harmonious as the last.


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The Black Hole of National Security by James Bacchus, Policy Analysis no. 936 (November 9, 2022)

Unfair Trade or Unfair Protection? The Evolution and Abuse of Section 301 by Scott Lincicome, Inu
Manak, and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon, Policy Analysis no. 930 (June 14, 2022)

Biden and Trade at Year One: The Reign of Polite Protectionism by James Bacchus, Policy Analysis
no. 926 (April 26, 2022)

The (Updated) Case for Free Trade by Scott Lincicome and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon, Policy Analysis
no. 925 (April 19, 2022)

Questioning Industrial Policy by Scott Lincicome and Huan Zhu, White Paper (September 28, 2021)

Protectionism or National Security? The Use and Abuse of Section 232 by Scott Lincicome and Inu
Manak, Policy Analysis no. 912 (March 9, 2021)

Manufactured Crisis: “Deindustrialization,” Free Markets, and National Security by Scott Lincicome,
Policy Analysis no. 907 (January 27, 2021)

Testing the “China Shock”: Was Normalizing Trade with China a Mistake? by Scott Lincicome, Policy
Analysis no. 895 (July 8, 2020)

Disciplining China’s Trade Practices at the WTO: How WTO Complaints Can Help Make China
More Market‐Oriented by James Bacchus, Simon Lester, and Huan Zhu, Policy Analysis no. 856
(November 15, 2018)

945. The Right to Financial Privacy: Crafting a Better Framework for Financial Privacy in the
Digital Age by Nicholas Anthony (May 2, 2023)

944. Balance of Trade, Balance of Power: How the Trade Deficit Reflects U.S. Influence in the
World by Daniel Griswold and Andreas Freytag (April 25, 2023)

943. Streamlining to End Immigration Backlogs by David J. Bier (April 20, 2023)

942. Transforming the Internal Revenue Service by Joseph Bishop-Henchman (April 11, 2023)

941. Central Bank Digital Currency: Assessing the Risks and Dispelling the Myths by Nicholas
Anthony and Norbert Michel (April 4, 2023)

940. Uncle Sucker: Why U.S. Efforts at Defense Burdensharing Fail by Justin Logan (March 7,

939. A Shaky Foundation: The Myth of Authoritarian Stability in the Middle East by Jon Hoffman
(December 20, 2022)

938. Keeping North Carolina’s Housing Affordable: A Free Market Solution by Michael D. Tanner
(December 7, 2022)

937. How Guest Workers Affect Illegal Immigration: Mexican Visas and Mexican Border
Apprehensions, 1943–2022 by David J. Bier (December 1, 2022)

936. The Black Hole of National Security: Striking the Right Balance for the National Security
Exception in International Trade by James Bacchus (November 9, 2022)

935. Reining in the Unreasonable Executive: The Supreme Court Should Limit the President’s
Arbitrary Power as Regulator by William Yeatman (November 1, 2022)

934. Jawboning against Speech: How Government Bullying Shapes the Rules of Social Media by
Will Duffield (September 12, 2022)

933. The Self‐​Imposed Blockade: Evaluating the Impact of Buy American Laws on U.S. National
Security by Colin Grabow (August 16, 2022)

932. Revising the Bank Secrecy Act to Protect Privacy and Deter Criminals by Norbert Michel
and Jennifer J. Schulp (July 26, 2022)

931. How to Pick a President: A Guide to Electoral Count Act Reform by Andy Craig (June 28, 2022)

930. Unfair Trade or Unfair Protection? The Evolution and Abuse of Section 301 by Scott
Lincicome, Inu Manak, and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon (June 14, 2022)
929. Drug Paraphernalia Laws Undermine Harm Reduction: To Reduce Overdoses and Disease,
States Should Emulate Alaska by Jeffrey A. Singer and Sophia Heimowitz (June 7, 2022

928. End the Tax Exclusion for Employer‐Sponsored Health Insurance: Return $1 Trillion to the
Workers Who Earned It by Michael F. Cannon (May 24, 2022)

927. False Alarm over the Retreat of the Himalayan Glaciers by Swaminathan S. Anklesaria Aiyar
and Vijay K. Raina (May 3, 2022)

926. Biden and Trade at Year One: The Reign of Polite Protectionism by James Bacchus (April 26,

925. The (Updated) Case for Free Trade by Scott Lincicome and Alfredo Carrillo Obregon (April 19,

924. Universal Preschool: Lawmakers Should Approach with Caution by Colleen Hroncich
(March 29, 2022)

923. The National Flood Insurance Program: Solving Congress’s Samaritan’s Dilemma by Peter
Van Doren (March 2, 2022)

922. Competition and Content Moderation: How Section 230 Enables Increased Tech
Marketplace Entry by Jennifer Huddleston (January 31, 2022)

921. How Wealth Fuels Growth: The Role of Angel Investment by Chris Edwards (September 29,

920. Common-Sense Policy Reforms for California Housing by Lee Ohanian (August 31, 2021)

919. A Brief History of U.S. Immigration Policy from the Colonial Period to the Present Day by
Andrew M. Baxter and Alex Nowrasteh (August 3, 2021)

918. Trade Is Good for Your Health: Freeing Trade in Medicines and Other Medical Goods during
and beyond the COVID-19 Emergency by James Bacchus (June 30, 2021)

917. China: Rise or Demise? by John Mueller (May 18, 2021)

916. Entrepreneurs and Regulations: Removing State and Local Barriers to New Businesses by
Chris Edwards (May 5, 2021)

Packard, Clark, and Scott Lincicome. “Course Correction: Charting a More Effective Approach to U.S.-
China Trade,” Policy Analysis no. 946, Cato Institute, Washington, DC, May 9, 2023.

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and should not be attributed to the Cato Institute, its trustees,
its Sponsors, or any other person or organization. Nothing in this paper should be construed as an attempt to aid or hinder
the passage of any bill before Congress. Copyright © 2023 Cato Institute. This work by the Cato Institute is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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