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Industrial Practice Outline

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Ambo University

Institute of Technology
Hachalu Hundessa Campus
School of Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department of Computer Science

Guide lines for Industrial Project

Real life project is an essential part of the university curriculum for the students of B.Sc.
Computer Science or IT to give them soul sanctity of the technology. Following guidelines
are designed for the students of Computer Science and IT for their final year Industrial
Project it will serve for uniformity and consistency in project proposals and main project
writing by the target student.


All students are required to submit their Practical report by the next year when you are coming for
4th year 1st semester registration. The report is will be submitted to computer science department
(i.e., Industrial project coordinator).
Students are advised to follow a prescribed sequential format for writing practical reports given
1. The sequence in which the practical report should be arranged and bound should be as
i. Cover page (sample copy attached as annexure-A).
ii. Certificate by company (if exist)
iii. Preface (sample copy attached as annexure-B)
iv. Acknowledgment (sample copy attached as annexure-C)
v. Candidate Declaration (sample copy attached as annexure-D)
vi. Abstract
vii. Contents with title & subtitle, page no. (Breakup of sections according to explanation is
Industrial Project Guideline
viii. List of Figures
ix. List of Tables
x. Notations/nomenclature (if any)
xi. Report (with Chapters & sections)
xii. Appendix / Annexure/Data sheets (if exist)
2. For text in the of the report a proper format must be followed i.e.
Chapter heading: 16 font-Times New Roman-Bold
Section heading: 14 font-Times New Roman-Bold
Rest of the text: 12 font-Times New Roman
Line spacing: 1.5

3. There should be Separator sheets between the chapters mentioning chapter no. & the
title & should also carry one transparency with each separator sheet.
4. The report must consist of following chapters:
• Chapter 1- Introduction
1.1. Company Profile
1.1.1. History of the organization
1.1.2. Main functions/ core activities of the organization
1.1.3. Vision, mission statement and core values of the organization
1.2. Organization Design and Structure
1.3. Responsibilities of the Department
1.4. Statement of the report
 If there are problems you identified and solved (like network design, web
development database design etc.) detailed description of the problem has to
be discussed here.
1.5. Objectives
1.5.1. General objective
1.5.2. Specific objectives [objectives have to be SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound)
1.6. Scope of the Project/Report
1.7. Significance and beneficiaries of the attachment
1.8. Methodology (used methods in problems that you might solved)
 Data source, Fact Finding Techniques, Development Tools, Required
Resources with estimated Costs, Implementation, Testing Procedure,
Installation and Configuration
1.9. Limitation of the Project/Report
1.10. Constraints and recommendations

• Chapter 2- Project work [Industrial Practice] Activities (It can span in two or three
subchapters depending on type & volume of work. This contains the text & related to

Ambo University
Department of computer science
Industrial Project Guideline
hardware & software implementation. This section should follow the software
engineering approach)
2.1. Key functions/activities of the department
2.2. Assignments and responsibilities of the students
2.3. Assigned routine duties at the technical department
2.4. Evaluation of the attachment report period
2.4.1. Benefits of the attachment exercise
2.4.2. Achievements during the attachment exercise
2.5. knowledge and skills/ learning experience acquired
2.5.1. Socially
2.5.2. Personally
2.5.3. Professionally
2.6. Challenges encountered during the project/training activities period
2.7. How you cope-up with the challenges

• Chapter 3- Conclusion and Recommendation

3.1. Conclusion
3.2. Recommendation
3.3. Special remarks (if exist)
• References (Provide a bibliography of reference material and list of websites visited).
-There is 8 WEEKS in 2 month’s Industrial practice, so every student expected
to attach the summery of activities in each week separately.
 WEEK 1 summary report
 WEEK 2 summary report
 WEEK 3 summary report
 WEEK 4 summary report
 WEEK 5 summary report
 WEEK 6 summary report
 WEEK 7 summary report
 WEEK 8 summary report
5. Minimum No. of pages in report should be 20 (excluding starting pages and annexure)
6. Numbering of pages up to List of tables should be in (ROMAN -8 font) and the text, beginning
with the Introduction, or of Chapter 1, should be numbered consecutively with Arabic
numerals. Page numbers must be placed 1.5cm from the bottom center of each page.
7. Numbering of Tables, Figures and Illustrations must be done sequentially, including the
Chapter number in which it is placed (for example, Figure 2.1, 3.2, etc).
8. Captions for Figures, Tables and Illustrations must be placed at the bottom of each, and
9. Two sets of reports per student need to be submitted. one Hard copy & one Soft-copy
10. Students are advised to prepare a 10 min. power point presentation
11. All the students who had made the project/report in group should prepare the presentation
completely. The students have to give their presentation separately or any student from the
Ambo University
Department of computer science
Industrial Project Guideline
group may be asked to present any portion of the presentation. This decision will be taken by
the examiners sitting during the presentation.
12. soft copy of the report and power point presentation along with the project needs to be
submitted before the presentation.

(Annexure -A)

13. Format for title/Cover page for Senior Project

“Title BOLD”

Group members name and Id no.

Advisor: (Advisor’s name)

Practical Attachment (Report)

Submitted to Department of Computer Science, Institute of Ambo University,

Ambo, Ethiopia

Ambo University
Department of computer science
Industrial Project Guideline
(Annexure -B)
Industrial project is an integral part for the students of B.Sc. Computer Science and each and every
student has to undergo the practice for 2 months in a company.

This record is concerned about our practical training during the Summer Vacations after the 3rd
year. We have taken our Practical training in ____________________________________ During
this training, we got to learn many new things about the industry and the current requirements of
companies. This training proved to be a milestone in our knowledge of present industry. Every say
and every moment was an experience in itself, an experience which theoretical study can’t provide.

(Annexure -C)

It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly contributed in the

development of this work and who influenced my thinking, behavior and acts during the course of

I express my sincere gratitude to ……………………..worthy director for providing me an

opportunity to undergo Industrial training at……………..

I am thankful to ……………......... for his support, cooperation, and motivation provided to me

during the training for constant inspiration, presence and blessings.

I also extend my sincere appreciation to …………………………who provided his valuable

suggestions and precious time in accomplishing my practical report.

Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my friends
with whom I shared my day-to day experience and received lots of suggestions that my quality of

Name of student
(Roll No. …………)

(Annexure –D)

Ambo University
Department of computer science
Industrial Project Guideline

I(we), ……NAME………., Roll No. …………, BSc in computer science (3rd year) of the
Computer Science department, Institute of Technology, Ambo University, hereby declare that
the Practical Report entitled “……………TITLE………………….” is an original work and data
provided in the study is authentic to the best of my knowledge. This report has not been submitted
to any other Institute for the award of any other degree.

Name of Student
(Roll No. …………)

Place: ……………
Date: …………...

Ambo University
Department of computer science

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