Aman Kumar, enrolled in the B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing and Virtual Technologies at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, received his grade card for Semester 3. He failed 5 courses and needs to repeat them, but passed 2 courses and qualified in 2 others. His SGPA did not meet the qualifying criteria so he will need to reappear in low scoring courses to improve his SGPA.
Aman Kumar, enrolled in the B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing and Virtual Technologies at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, received his grade card for Semester 3. He failed 5 courses and needs to repeat them, but passed 2 courses and qualified in 2 others. His SGPA did not meet the qualifying criteria so he will need to reappear in low scoring courses to improve his SGPA.
Aman Kumar, enrolled in the B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing and Virtual Technologies at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, received his grade card for Semester 3. He failed 5 courses and needs to repeat them, but passed 2 courses and qualified in 2 others. His SGPA did not meet the qualifying criteria so he will need to reappear in low scoring courses to improve his SGPA.
Aman Kumar, enrolled in the B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering with a specialization in Cloud Computing and Virtual Technologies at the University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, received his grade card for Semester 3. He failed 5 courses and needs to repeat them, but passed 2 courses and qualified in 2 others. His SGPA did not meet the qualifying criteria so he will need to reappear in low scoring courses to improve his SGPA.
Energy Acres, PO Bidholi,Via Prem Nagar,Dehradun-248007
Date 23.06.2023 GRADE CARD
Enrollment No:500091904 Name:Aman Kumar Program:B.TECH(CSE - SPL. CC&VT) Academic Session:2021-2025 SEMESTER:3 Course Code Course Name Credits Grade Result CSEG2008 Software Engineering & Project Mgmt. 3 F Repeat CSEG2020 Object Oriented Programming 3 F Repeat CSEG2021 Design & Analysis of Algorithm 3 F Repeat CSEG2120 Object Oriented Programming Lab 1 B CSVT2001 Intro. to Virtualiza. & Cloud Computing 3 F Repeat CSVT2004 Dynamic Paradigm in Cloud Computing 1 0 Q Qualified CSVT2101 Intro. to Virtualiza. & Cloud Compu. Lab 1 C+ SLLS0201 Design Thinking 2 A SLLS2001 Social Internship 0 Q Qualified SLSG0201 Ethical Leadership in the 21st Century 3 B+ SOL20B001 Constitution and Indian Polity 3 C
TotalCredits: 22 Semester Result : SGPA Qualifying Criteria Not Met SGPA NC
Candidate in consultation with the Dean/Program Co-ordinator SOCS - DDN
needs to reappear in one or more low scoring courses to meet SGPA criteria. This grade supercedes all grade cards issued previously. **Appeared in Supplementary/Improvement RPM/RPF/Repeat:Repeat Term-end Examination SGPA:Semester Grade Point Average CGPA:Cumulative Grade Point Average NC:Not Calculated