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Challenges, Difficulties, and Effective Enactment of Remedial Reading Programs A Qualitative-Phenomenological Approach

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Volume: 5
Pages: 553-564
Document ID: 2022PEMJ348
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-16-11
Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Challenges, Difficulties, and Effective Enactment of Remedial Reading Programs:

A Qualitative-Phenomenological Approach

Daryl G. Acita*,
Mariamae M. Egtob, Susano A. Cabus, Crisanta P. Luceñara, Danica P. Luceñara, Jeffry M. Saro
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Reading is a process that helps you understand, feel, and know what the book is about. When people
read, they have the opportunity to learn a great deal about the subject matter. This study aimed to
evaluate and determine the challenges, difficulties, and effective enactment of the remedial reading
program in San Luis National High School in the Division of Agusan del Sur. The study used a
qualitative research design, also having a phenomenological approach. The participants of the study
were the teachers of the aforementioned school handling the remedial reading program activity from
the school year 2021 to 2022. This enables the researchers to collect more reliable information and
data on the challenges, difficulties, and effective enactment of the teachers in the remedial reading
program. Based on the findings, a significant theme was revealed that related to the objectives and
purpose of the study. According to the study's findings, students who are strong at learning languages
may readily absorb English lessons from students who are less intellectual, and non-readers have the
chance not to properly interact in the discussion. Therefore, the teacher's approach needs to be
effective, and the teachers who were the participants in the study had the teaching strategies applied
to the remedial reading program followed by the school.

Keywords: remedial reading program, challenges, phenomenological approach

Introduction series 2018). Herein, one of the macroskills that should

be taught and developed to students is reading. It is a
The school's face-to-face education was switched to fundamental learning tool and the starting point for all
home study during the COVID-19 epidemic. The other learning. It makes it easier for a person to reason
World Health Organization (WHO) said on May 8, things out, think critically, make judgments about what
2020 that because the coronavirus spreads quickly
they've read, and solve analytical difficulties. More so,
from person to person, it is exceedingly dangerous to
teachers constantly look forward to realizing their
congregate a large number of people in one location.
greatest wish for their learners, which is to gain the
Because teacher-student and student-student contact
knowledge, abilities, and understanding necessary to
happens often, the likelihood of the virus spreading in
meet the demands of the modern world. It is possible
the learning streams of the classroom is highest. The
to determine knowledge in a variety of subjects
amount of time spent learning in a classroom can
through the teaching of reading.
significantly raise the chance of virus transmission.
The assurance of preventing the coronavirus at home, By giving Filipino students enough time to grasp
in their environment, and even on the way to school is concepts and abilities, the new curriculum hopes to
inaccessible to pupils who come from different prepare them for tertiary education when the time
locations (Setiawati & Budiasih, 2021). The setting for comes. To make sure that the emphasis in education is
teaching and learning is flexible and can take into on preparing today's youth for the future of where they
account the resources available to the pupils. The will live and work, rather than for our current world,
facilities also involve the use of technology for educators must adopt cutting-edge tactics. This brings
education because some learning platforms must be about the realization of the institution's success, which
installed on electronic devices like computers, tablets, is dependent on the Department of Education's vision,
and mobile phones. The evolution of teaching mission, and core values. Therefore, reading is a very
techniques from in-person instruction to online important instrument in a child's life to use to learn the
learning and even modular education should be fundamentals about the world he lives in. Reading is
understood by both teachers and students (Anjulo, not merely a skill that comes naturally to children. It is
2017). a collection of abilities that the child gradually
acquires while they undergo formal education
The K-12 Basic Education Program aims to provide
provided by the school, which serves as the institution
every Filipino child with the education she/he needs to
in charge of the child's formal education (Calhoon,
compete in the global context (DepEd Order No. 6
2005; Cristobal, 2015).

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Additionally, the K–12 Basic Education Curriculum proportion of children who achieved reading
and our spiral curriculum have both led to an increase competency dropped from 27 to 34 percent (Cristobal,
in reading difficulty, which presents a challenge for 2015). Globally, the research by Hock & Deshler
reading teachers. If a youngster struggles with reading, (2003), which was cited in the study by Nichols
it's likely that this will also impair their performance in (2014), showed that more than 5 million high school
other subjects, which will ultimately hinder their students lack the necessary grade-level literacy skills
ability to learn (Dacalos et al., 2016). Hence, it is to understand their textbooks or other written
critical to back up students' reading abilities while also materials, supports the aforementioned observations
demonstrating the effectiveness of these initiatives. and reports. The Alliance for Excellent Education
Establishing evidence-based programs would (2003) identified reading proficiency as a significant
encourage the continuation of these activities for risk factor for dropping out of school. The likelihood
school counselors because it is usual for them to be of dropping out of school is twice as high for students
requested to help with administrative tasks rather than who read below grade level as for those who can. The
offer counseling programs to improve student Alliance for Excellent Education published a report
performance. Additionally, as revenue for education assessing the severity of teenage reading impairments
decreases, it is crucial for school counselors to be able in the country (Biancarosa & Snow, 2004).
to back up their programs with data from program
evaluations that show how their initiatives have The Department of Education (DepED) is launching
improved student performance. programs to encourage reading and literacy among
pupils and students, inspire our youth to learn from the
According to Snow (2002), reading comprehension is lives and works of eminent Filipinos, uphold one's
a process where meanings are looked into and created own heritage and values, and make reading a shared
while interacting with written language. Reading physical experience, particularly among the youth, in
comprehension is one of the most important reading support of the Ten-Point Basic Education Agenda of
abilities that must be taught, claims Woolley (2011). the Aquino Administration and the institutionalization
To successfully complete each exercise, students must of the "Every Child a Reader" Program (ECARP)
be able to have a strong understanding of the meaning (DepEd Memorandum No. 244, series of 2011).
of the text they read. According to Klingner, Vaughn, Policies and directives were set forth in order to
and Boardman (2007), reading comprehension is a enhance these DepEd programs that had already been
complicated process that includes readers' motivation started to satisfy the reading requirements of Filipino
to read the text, their opinions about the text, the students. A school-based remedial reading program
information they learn from reading other texts, and was put into place, and November was designated as
their comprehension of the genre of the text. The National Reading Month. Despite the implemented
ability of a student to comprehend the entirety of a programs and interventions, teachers note that many of
text, including understanding implicit and implied our students are still enrolled in grade 7 as slow
meanings, different types of reading texts, the readers, if not non-readers, and thus still reach
knowledge or information present in the text, the secondary level. According to this policy, no student
purposes of reading, and the student's ability to employ will be advanced to the next grade level unless they
strategies for reading comprehension, is another can demonstrate that they have mastered the
definition of reading comprehension. Reading fundamental reading abilities for that grade level. To
comprehension is a difficult task that requires a help the youngster learn to read, every encouragement
number of cognitive abilities and skills, including and support mechanism at our disposal must be used.
word recognition, decoding, and text-specific language In light of this, all schools are mandated to create a
proficiency, according to Oakhill, Chain, and Elbro school-based reading program that includes assessing
(2015). Cracking the author's codes, which are students' reading proficiency, identifying those who
frequently employed in texts by the author through the require further reading instruction, and implementing
use of idioms, synonyms, and antonyms, is the reader's effective strategies to increase reading comprehension
task. It implies that in order to comprehend the text (DepEd, 2011).
and be able to identify words and decode the text,
readers must be fluent in the language. In the Philippine educational community, remedial
reading has long been in the spotlight. In fact, Genero's
A survey conducted on functional literacy, education, (1976) study demonstrates how local elementary and
and mass media (FLEMMS) (2020) found that 20.1 high schools created their own remedial reading
million Filipinos between the ages of 10 and 64 do not programs to help struggling readers. He argues that in
comprehend what they read. Additionally, the order to give pupils the appropriate interventions,

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

school administrators push teachers to evaluate their Literature Review

students' reading levels. Although the Philippines has
long performed remediation for struggling readers, it
wasn't until the Department Order (DO) 45, series of In the Philippines, a remedial reading teacher is a
2002 - Reading Literacy Program in the Elementary qualified educator with experience and training in
Schools and DO 27, s. that this technique was enhancing students' reading skills generally and
optimized. Programs for Remedial Instruction in High helping struggling readers become better readers
Schools of the Philippine Department of Education, (International Reading Association [IRA], 2018). A
2005. remedial reading teacher's primary responsibility is to
teach struggling readers, but he or she also has the
In accordance with directives from the Department of responsibility of acting as a focal point for other
Education, the Agusan del Sur Schools Division will teachers as they continue to develop their pedagogical
set up a remedial reading program in all secondary strategies for teaching literacy.
schools to address reading issues, diagnose reading
levels using the 2018 Revised Philippine Informal The difficulty with student reading is not a recent
Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) (DepEd Order 14, s. phenomenon in the Philippines. In fact, several
2018), and provide reading strategies appropriate to research show that Filipino students' reading
learners' reading needs, which will help remedial difficulties appear to be enduring (Alayon, 2014;
reading teachers create an appropriate response to Habagat & Rizon, 2012; Lalunio, 1994; Miguel, 2007;
intervention plan. In connection, the difficulties they Montalban, 2010; Umali, 2016). Reading and literacy
face along the route cannot be eliminated in their goal teaching have always been given top priority in all
to create remedial reading programs in response to the Philippine curricula as a result of these issues.
Department's major causes. Best practices are used, According to Umali (2016), there are two types of
but feedback from remedial reading coordinators in reading instruction in the Philippines: (1) the regular
San Luis National High in the Division of Agusan del reading class, which is a part of the core curriculum,
Sur revealed that teachers in that school still had slow and (2) the remedial reading class, which is a separate
readers and nonreaders in grades 8 and 9. It is obvious subject offered to students who require assistance with
that there is a gap in the implementation of such their reading issues. Since it is not included in the
programs just based on these factors. Due to this students' normal reading lesson, the Philippines'
urgent circumstance, school administrators were under remedial reading program is a pull-out model.
even more pressure to improve and develop instructors
in order to raise reading achievement levels among In the Philippine educational system, remedial reading
students, in line with the idea of accountability. has long been a controversial practice. In fact, the
Principal leadership and teacher effectiveness may be research of Genero (1976) demonstrates how high
toned down in relation to student achievement. The schools and elementary schools in the nation created
researcher sees the necessity to perform a study that their own remedial reading programs to help
attempts to highlight the challenges, difficulties, struggling readers. He argues that in order to give
effective enactment and of the remedial reading pupils the appropriate interventions, school principals
program in the said school for the aforementioned encourage instructors to assess the reading levels of
reasons. their students. Even while remediation for struggling
readers has been done in the Philippines for years, it
Research Questions wasn't until the Department Order (DO) 45, series of
2002 - Reading Literacy Program in the Elementary
This study aimed to evaluate and determine the Schools and DO 27, s. that it was optimized to its full
challenges, difficulties, and effective enactment of the potential. Remedial Instruction Programs in Philippine
remedial reading program in San Luis National High DepEd High Schools, 2005.
School in the Division of Agusan del Sur. Specifically,
it answered the following questions: According to Almutairi (2018), one strategy for
helping students achieve the goals and standards of
1. What are the challenges and difficulties encountered education is to help them become proficient readers
in the remedial reading program at San Luis National who can successfully run the class on their own.
High School? Understanding the concepts contained in a paragraph
2. What are the effective enactments and processes in and how they co n n e ct to one a n o t h e r is
the remedial reading program at San Luis National comprehension, according to McNamara's definition
High School? from 2007. Comprehension is the act of fully

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

understanding a word, a sentence, or a body of related of a thoroughly thought-out instructional program with
text. The ability to study and comprehend a text, notice evaluation as a crucial element. The Goal of Reading
implicit and explicit information within a text, and Despite the fact that reading is taught throughout the
draw links between the reader's understanding of what school years, it appears that there is a crucial turning
the author is saying and their own, according to point in reading development that occurs between the
McKee (2012), are all examples of comprehension. third and fourth grades. This is contrary to Jeanne
Chall's (1983) Reading for Purpose Theory. Between
Reading is an active activity where readers engage third and fourth grade, there seems to be a transitional
with the text to rebuild the author's meaning and apply period where pupils are no longer expected to read for
it to their own lives (Alcantara et al., 2001). Reading is enjoyment but are instead expected to start reading for
one strand of literacy, according to the Professional purpose (Bowen, 1999).
Development Service for Teachers (PDST). Wolf
(2007) counters that the foundational reading skills This study aims to fill in any gaps about the
required to become literate do not naturally emerge; underappreciation of the crucial professional tasks
rather, we have to learn to adapt the area of our brains remedial reading teachers play in Philippine schools.
that detects images in order to be able to distinguish Every school must encourage its teachers to work as
written letters and words. According to Cao (2010), remedial reading instructors given the Philippines'
findings from a Save the Children survey in the significant emphasis on reading and literacy
Philippines show substantial geographical inequalities, instruction. To provide readers a solid understanding
with a relatively small percentage of kids not being of what remedial reading teachers deal with, this
able to read in either English or Filipino in Manila (1% review aims to make clear all issues related to the
and 2%, respectively), compared to 24% and 30% of nature of their profession. Finally, it is hoped that by
students in Mindanao. discussing this pertinent literature, more research will
be done to concretely identify remedial reading
According to Zunguze (2011), factors that may teachers in the Philippines. Therefore, specific
contribute to low level reading include parent policies.
education levels, the child's entry into school, home
reading habits, family socioeconomic status, preschool
experience, and similarity between the language of
initial instruction and the language spoken at home.
The latter appears to be in conflict with Chapman's Research Design
(2003) claim that there isn't just one reason of reading
difficulties. Language development, not phonemic This study used a qualitative type of research design,
awareness, is the skill that most strongly correlates also having a phenomenological approach. In Berg
with literacy success. The best indicator of success in (2007), he defines that a phenomenological approach
learning to read, in accordance with Scalon & refers to the exact meaning, ideas, and qualities of
Velluntino (2003), is a child's knowledge of written certain objects involved in the study. The
language at the time of enrollment in school, not ph enom eno log ical study, which employs
phonemic awareness. Alcantara, Villamin, and characterization and shared experiences of the
Cabanilla (2006) cite a number of important variables participants, in continuation, the researcher utilized
that influence reading ability, including interest, this method of research to examine remedial reading
language proficiency, auditory discrimination, program challenges, difficulties, and effective
intelligence, motivation, visual discrimination, enactment of the involved school.
motorocular, home background teaching strategies,
attitudes, and motivation. Participants and Research Locale of the Study

According to Kinberg (2006), scaffolds offer pupils This study is confined to the San Luis National High
assistance with their learning. Additionally, he notes School, San Luis District I, Division of Agusan del
that the purpose of these supports is to help students Sur, DepEd. The participants of the study were the
until they are able to accomplish the work on their teachers of the aforementioned school handling the
own. Scaffolds can come in a variety of formats, remedial reading program activity from the school
including handouts, wall charts, graphic organizers, year 2021 to 2022. This enables the researchers to
and vocal reminders. According to Boom (1991), who collect more reliable information and data on the
is cited by Alumbro (2001), good reading does not challenges, difficulties, and effective enactment of the
develop overnight. It can only come about as a result teachers in the remedial reading program.

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Research Article

Research Instruments and Sampling giving it to the researchers. Following that, the
participants will be given a list of interview questions,
The researchers specified the study of questions from a to which they must respond completely truthfully and
phenomenological perspective on the difficulties, sincerely. After selecting a time and day that works for
challenges, and successful execution of the teachers in them, the interview will be performed physically
the remedial reading program at San Luis National between the researchers and the respondents. Once all
High School. It would first go through the evaluation respondents have done responding to the interview
and affirmation process, which was carried out by the questions, the researchers will also compile the data.
experts and validators. After the validation enactment, The interviewees' responses will be interpreted
the pilot study would be approved. Consequently, the objectively by the researchers. The findings need to
qualitative phenomenological study was consulted, and give teachers' thoughts and experiences on a particular
the instrument that the researchers used has been school's remedial reading program a strong foundation.
clearly recorded and acknowledged for authenticity
functions. This approach focuses on using interviews Research Ethics and Considerations
to get information on the teachers' perspectives on the
remedial reading program administered at the Agusan Bryan and Bell (2007), researchers will abide by the
del Sur Division, which is the study's main goal. The following ethical considerations while handling the
materials that will be used in this study include the ethical concerns portion of a research dissertation,
following: an informed consent form that will be given thesis, or any other research effort. To begin with, the
to the involved teachers before the actual interview; an subjects must never suffer any kind of pain or damage
interview guide and interview questions that will be at the hands of the researchers. The replies will also be
used in the interview session with the participants; informed about the study, and before being selected as
and, finally, a personal data sheet that the participants a participant, they will be requested for their full
have the option of filling out or not if they want to consent. Additionally, the research participants'
maintain their anonymity. The participants' comments privacy and identities would be maintained. There
will be taped and typed up for use in later procedures, must never be any exaggeration or misrepresentation
like data gathering and analysis. of the research's intentions or goals. Any kind of
affiliation will also be avoided in order to eliminate
Purposive sampling was used at the study's inception. any potential ethical problems. Researchers will act
Selecting people to represent some specified, transparently and will not tolerate bias. Last but not
established qualities or conditions is known as least, researchers must constantly respect the worth of
purposeful sampling. In probability-based techniques, their subjects.
stratified samples are comparable to this. In order to
explore and describe the conditions and meanings Results and Discussion
present in each of the research conditions, it was
important to allow for a roughly equal number of
various elements or individuals. The participants were The findings, implications, and significant themes that
chosen using a technique known as "purposeful emerged after a detailed assessment of the
selection" in which specific environments, individuals, interviewees' comments are presented in this section.
or activities were chosen consciously in order to offer The answers from a hypothetical interview with
information that could not be obtained from other teachers conducting a remedial reading program at San
options (Lumauag, 2015). Luis National High School during the academic year
2021–2022, together with other responses, are
Data Gathering Procedure principally used to address the study questions in this
section. It specifically addressed the following
The researchers sent a letter to the indicated school or questions: What are the challenges and difficulties
the study sample site asking for permission to conduct encountered in San Luis National High School's
the study there. The purpose of this examination will remedial reading program? What are the effective
also be discussed by the researchers. The researchers enactments and processes in the remedial reading
will decide on the sample that is needed to support the program at San Luis National High School? This
data required for this study. A consent form will be chapter will also discuss the relevance and
sent to the teachers in charge of a remedial reading interpretation of the results that follow.
program so they are aware of the research project in
which they will participate. They must read and Theme 1: Remedial Reading Program: Teacher's
understand the consent form before completing it and Challenges and Difficulties

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Research Article

Since teachers constantly strive to realize their English on a daily basis. For reading comprehension
ultimate goals and vision for their students, which are based on inference, the opposite was found. Although
to acquire knowledge, skills, understanding, and the improvement was equivalent to the control group,
comprehension of a specified attribute, the teacher's extended reading with printed books enhanced
role as facilitator in remedial reading is extremely students' deep reading comprehension substantially
crucial. The demands of the world are met by the more than extended reading with tablets. Renandya
challenges of being a teacher. Reading is a and Jacobs (2016) claim that reading frequently
fundamental learning skill and the foundation for all encourages readers to consistently consume language
other learning. It makes it easier to reason things out, and understand its context, which improves their
think critically, make judgments about what has been familiarity with sentence structures in everyday
read, and solve analytical difficulties. In relation to the situations. Learning the target language naturally
former Department of Education Secretary, Bro. differs greatly from traditional grammar training,
Armin A. Luistro (2016), he stressed and indicated that which consists of presenting, practicing, and creating
in assessing and evaluating the reading capability and the target rules.
comprehension of the students is the basic foundation
of all the academic learning activities. Therein, if the School districts are finding it difficult to raise the
learners fail to master the reading skills at the outset, necessary funds to invest in the resources their schools
then it will be a constant struggle and challenging part need in various parts of the world. The majority of the
of their lives through other disciplines in reading. time, schools struggle in communities with high rates
of poverty. Less school taxes are paid by those who
Subtheme 1.1: Lack of Learning Resources for live close to the school. Schools in communities with
Reading significant levels of poverty are struggling to locate
resources. The students are impacted by the lack of
Teacher 2 mentioned that, resources in various ways. It implies that they are not
“As a teacher who is having this remedial reading maximizing the value of their education (Maffea,
activity with my students, it is very difficult for me to 2020). According to the study by Brozo, which Conde
teach and guide them without an advanced learning (2008) mentioned, there is some correlation between
resource for reading. I think that in our school there bad reading and the issues with our schools, the rise of
poverty, and the decline in family values. A growing
are some learning materials we might use for the
amount of research, according to Goldenberg (2004),
reading session with my students. But I suggest that
indicates that reading issues can be avoided for the
the department of education would provide more vast majority of pupils who struggle with reading if
learning materials that something important and has a they receive additional assistance in the form of an
great impact in innovating learning outcomes at the early intervention program. According to Zunguze
school and for the students to have the ability to be (2011), factors that may contribute to low test scores
more competent in reading undertakings.” include parents' educational levels, children's entry
into school, reading habits at home, family
Teacher 5 mentioned that, socioeconomic status, preschool experience, and
"In our school, which is the San Luis National High similarity between the language of initial instruction
School, we provide more encouragement and, aside and the language spoken at home.
from that, it imposes more school-based training at the
Subtheme 1.2: Problem in Identifying the Purpose
school, particularly in reading, which is something
of Reading
important for the students' learning. However, as a
teacher and a facilitator in a remedial reading Teacher 4 mentioned that,
program, we demand to have more updated learning "Based on my observation, there are some or few of
materials in reading for us teachers to be motivated in my students who have a problem with reading since
helping our young minds.” they do not have the understanding of why they need to
focus or find the purpose of reading. The pandemic
The study by Part et al. (2021) found that reading on
caused some changes in how lessons are delivered; as
various technologically advanced devices was the most
efficient method for improving students' a result, many students are unable to be guided by
comprehension of reading or their ability to think their teachers as a result of the pandemic's barriers.
critically about what they have read. Reading books is Reading is usually used everywhere, so as a teacher I
a common way for teachers and students to learn need to inculcate in the minds of my students the

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

purpose and importance of reading. " so they can catch up with the lessons and be motivated
A variety of reading-related activities should be
required at school so that pupils understand the Teacher 6 mentioned that,
importance of reading and the advantages of "We all know the fact that this pandemic contributed a
understanding the words and phrases they have read. lot to why some students or several of the learners are
According to the study's findings, students who are not able to read and even the sounds of the letters;
strong at learning languages may readily absorb
they are quite hesitant about it due to lack of
English lessons from students who are less intellectual,
knowledge or lack of guidance when they are at
thus the teacher's approach needs to be effective.
Anjulo (2017) has studied reading comprehension elementary level. For almost 2 years of the pandemic,
teaching methods and put particular emphasis on the teachers have been just sending out a module as a
application of an extensive reading strategy. As a learning resource that their students could continue
result, students frequently employ an intensive reading learning from. However, it has a disadvantage since
strategy, whereas an extensive reading method has a there are no teachers at their side to help them,
significant favorable impact on students' reading particularly for those who are non-readers.
comprehension. Additionally, Kung and Aziz (2020)
carried out research while utilizing metacognitive Numerous students were identified as being
reading techniques. As a result, metacognitive reading nonreaders. In order to implement the proper
techniques can increase students' reading intervention and satisfy the needs of the learners, it is
comprehension and give them lots of chances to read crucial for every reading program to have identified
independently. The emphasis of this study is on the learners' reading levels. This is supported by a
reading comprehension instruction during the study by Alcantara, Villamin, and Cabanilla (2006),
COVID-19 epidemic. which demonstrates that a variety of factors, including
interest, language proficiency, auditory discrimination,
Subtheme 1.3: Challenges based on Unfamiliarity intelligence, motivation, visual discrimination,
with Letters, Sounds, Words, and Correct motorocular, home background, teaching strategies,
Pronunciation and attitudes of parents, siblings, teachers, and peers,
influence the acquisition of reading ability.
Teacher 3 mentioned that,
"During the remedial reading program at the school, I According to Alcantara, Villamin, and Cabanilla
have noticed that some students are hesitant to read. (2006), there are several ways to identify a child who
And then we found out that the reasons why they are is not ready, including readiness tests, physical
hesitant to read are because they are unable to deliver examinations, and observation. They advise teachers to
the words or they are worried about pronouncing the develop a child's readiness to read by giving them a
variety of experiences, exposing them to reading tools
words incorrectly since they are not familiar with the
and strategies, helping them learn to distinguish
sounds of the letters. As we go along with the remedial
between similar and dissimilar words, word forms, and
reading program, we teachers conclude that we need other forms, and teaching them to pay close attention
to be more active in guiding our students since some of as they form work habits.
them at junior high school level still cannot read.
Maybe it was the effect of the pandemic that happened The preliminary investigation that produced the data
that is why students nowadays are unable to read or on the students' reading comprehension challenges
do not have any confidence to read and write their served as the basis for this study. In the classroom,
thoughts. where many students have more trouble grasping the
reading comprehension content than in online learning,
Teacher 1 mentioned that, the teacher also faces a challenge. Additionally, the
"I really started my lesson from the very basics, which students' desire to read literature wanes. It is a
challenge for English teachers to implement novel and
was all about the English alphabet and its sounds, for
creative reading comprehension teaching methods so
almost two years of handling the remedial program
that students will like learning (Setiawati et al., 2021).
and facing these immeasurable learners who struggled Renandya and Jacobs (2016) claim that reading
a lot in reading and found out that many of them were frequently encourages readers to consistently consume
non-readers. Therefore, the school must find a better language and understand its context, which improves
way to help the students who do not know how to read their familiarity with sentence structures in everyday

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Research Article

situations. Learning the target language naturally strategies that are distinctive and cutting-edge. The
differs greatly from traditional grammar training, main individuals required for the implementation of
which consists of presenting, practicing, and creating any reading program are teachers. The teacher's
the target rules. creativity and strong initiative are highly useful in
ensuring the program is implemented consistently.
Subtheme 1.4: Problems and Difficulties in the
Strategy of Analyzing Vocabulary Reading is a crucial talent to master because it is
essential for one to function in society today, including
Teacher 8 mentioned that, carrying out daily tasks and responsibilities. Reading
“Yesterday, I asked the students to prepare a list of fosters the development of critical thinking since it
words that they thought were unfamiliar or whose enables the learner to use their imagination, deduce,
meanings they were unsure of. They should then predict, conclude, and make judgments, among other
abilities. The learner can also learn new things thanks
discover their purpose after that. They write
to it. The students will learn about the most recent
extensively. Because they are unfamiliar with the
advancements and discoveries in a variety of subjects
majority of the vocabulary, it suggests that they do not through reading books, magazines, and articles from
comprehend the text's meaning. They don't strive to the internet (Anonat, 2011).
memorize the terms' meanings, despite my requests
that they do." Subtheme 2.1: Innovation for Remedial Reading
Students' lack of vocabulary mastery was the issue
with vocabulary analysis. Additionally, it might be Teacher 4 mentioned that,
challenging for the teacher to ensure that the language “As the participant in this study, I therefore conclude
that the class is studying is actually known, that there is a lack of support from the parents and
understood, and retained by the students. The way the other stakeholders. For the remedial reading program
teacher encourages the pupils to analyze terminology to be successful and to be innovative, it needs the
is diminished by online learning. heart-kind support by the parents, including the LGU,
for the said activity to be activated and to continue its
The teacher has a problem when the students don't
comprehend the subject because they don't want to purpose, because it is very useless to initiate a certain
read. Emergent literacy, word recognition accuracy, activity with regards to an educational project without
reading fluency, understanding, and language meaning the help of the parents, stakeholders, and local
vocabulary are issues with teaching reading government. For the purpose of helping our students
comprehension, according to Jennings, Caldwell, and or learners, we should work hand in hand to improve
Lerner (2014). By making the students complete more and innovate our learning processes. "
exercises, the teacher fosters their earnestness. The
instructor is also demonstrating how to scan a Once shared values have been established, interested
manuscript for the main ideas. Teachers sometimes parties should work together to solve problems within
have difficulties while analyzing vocabulary because a framework of data-based decision-making. In other
students occasionally do not know the words. The words, the relevant interdisciplinary team members
COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way that must collaborate on the process of connecting
teachers approach teaching reading, and some teachers evaluation to intervention. Determine student ability
believe that online learning sometimes makes students' levels, identify instructional environment
commitment to learning lessened. characteristics, target suitable interventions, track
student progress as a result of interventions, and
Theme 2: Effective Implementation of the Remedial evaluate outcomes are all responsibilities that must be
Reading Program at the School shared by team members. Data-based intervention
strategies are used to carry out these duties. This is
To better meet the needs of the reading learner and to corroborated by the Nicholls (2000) study, which
enhance the learner's ability to read and comprehend, underlines that it might be difficult to get pupils
remedial reading programs need creative teaching excited about reading, especially in upper elementary
tactics and approaches. To pique students' interest in and secondary schools. Children in kindergarten and
reading, teachers must innovate in their techniques and first grade are more inclined to attempt reading even if
methods for teaching reading. Each student is they fail, according to study. According to Jacobson,
different, and they all require remedial reading Lowery, and Ducette (2001), older pupils, particularly

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 553-564, Document ID: PEMJ348, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7325200, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

those who have learning issues, are less motivated to familiarity with the texts is the range of topic choices.
work hard if they don't succeed.
The major factor in the success of the execution of the
Subtheme 2.2: Effective and Innovative Strategies, remedial reading program is the school, which consists
Approaches, and Styles of teachers and a school head, the parents,
stakeholders, and donors. These individuals ought to
Teacher 7 mentioned that, cooperate with one another. The clear assistance of
“As the teacher who guided my students and the these individuals surprisingly indicates significant
facilitator of this remedial reading program, I must be improvement in the students' overall performance and
able to explore more strategies to be an effective reading proficiency. It not only encourages students to
learn to read, but also provides them with the chance
teacher and to find teaching styles that suit the level of
to develop, learn, and boost their self-esteem. Since
my students. The school would encourage us to be
kids can read and generally understand what is being
manually adaptable approach that we can share with taught in school, it boosts their self-esteem.
our fellow teachers since the purpose of this is to help Innovations are the product of innovative teaching.
the learners in their reading career so that, as a result, The most effective teaching methods are those that
all the non-readers would be great readers soon." result from the creative thinking of the educators who
actually carry out the reading program. Since they are
Teacher 9 mentioned that, the ones who know the remedial reading customers
“I was able to collect donations for the students from better than anyone else, teachers are extremely
teachers and other community members, and they were important in the execution of any program. Effective
given school supplies like paper, ballpoint pens, and cutting-edge learning strategies should take
notebooks, and envelops for their assignments. learners' progress into consideration. While older
Additionally free and paid for by the administration students who struggle with reading frequently blame
were all worksheets. I always draw the parents' variables like task difficulty and false teacher views
for their failures, young children are more inclined to
attention to the situation and let them know how their
blame insufficient effort (e.g., the student feels the
child is doing academically. For these students, I also
teacher does not like him or thinks he is incapable).
visited them at home. I did everything because I According to Ross (2012), learners are extremely
needed to be creative in my teaching methods, such as driven when they realize they are supported, and when
looking for the best learning resources that would be their progress is tracked, applauded, and valued, they
excellent in my class or in a remedial session.” often grow in self-confidence and desire to learn more.

Teacher 2 mentioned that, In terms of similarities, high school students serve as

“The school has good facilities for the library; there the sample in the bulk of the evaluated research,
are many different kinds of books there. They can including Acheaw (2014), Cekiso (2012), Chenge
borrow the book and return it within a week, giving (2012), Fealy (2013), Vogel (2013), and the current
study. While Tizon (2013) employed sixth-grade
them the opportunity to practice how to read longer
children and Fajardo (2015) used college freshmen,
selections of texts. I give exercises and send texts to
none of the studies used experimental research
the students; the title of the text is different for each methodologies; instead, most of them were descriptive,
meeting. It is a short text that aims to encourage similar like the current study. Remedial reading
student engagement.” instruction is a shared duty. When those involved in
the implementation cooperate toward a single
The English teacher needs to put in more effort if she objective, it becomes more effective. Any reading
wants to implement ways to teach reading program's main objective is to increase the number of
comprehension during the COVID-19 pandemic. The students who can read and eventually comprehend
best way to improve pupils' capacity to recognize the what they have read. The implementation of the
goal of reading is to give them more practice. curriculum might be significantly impacted by the
Feedback from the teacher should be included with remedial reading teachers' lack of sufficient training
each new text and exercise that is sent to the students. and seminars. The teachers who are directly
Students will understand that their teacher is paying participating in the program are key to its
attention to them when the teacher goes over their sustainability. To properly fulfill the learner's
work and provides comments. Another crucial factor demands, training and seminars on practical tactics are
for grabbing students' interest and increasing their essential.

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Research Article

According to Almutairi (2018), one strategy for they have read. According to the study's findings,
helping students achieve the goals and standards of students who are strong at learning languages may
education is to help them become proficient readers readily absorb English lessons from students who are
who can successfully run the class on their own. less intellectual, thus the teacher's approach needs to
Understanding the concepts contained in a paragraph be effective. Students will understand that their teacher
and how th ey c o n n e c t to one an o t h er is is paying attention to them when the teacher goes over
comprehension, according to McNamara's definition their work and provides comments. Another crucial
from 2007. Comprehension is the act of fully factor for grabbing students' interest and increasing
understanding a word, a sentence, or a body of related their familiarity with the texts is the range of topic
text. The ability to study and comprehend a text, notice choices.
implicit and explicit information within a text, and
draw links between the reader's understanding of what The English teacher should examine the contributing
the author is saying and their own, according to elements to the issues in order to find solutions.
McKee (2012), are all examples of comprehension. Giving the pupils more practice and guiding them to
For instance, when students can absorb textual discover exercises online utilizing technology can help
material, find information related to the text, and them develop into autonomous learners who can study
identify important information that was offered in the at home. Another crucial strategy for solving the issue
text. is choosing themes that excite the students' age groups.
The pupils' knowledge with the subjects will aid in
The result is comparable to the study of Baron et al. their comprehension of the material.
(2017), which found that a reader could find various
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Affiliations and Corresponding Information

Daryl Acita, LPT, MAEdEM-Ongoing
Ticgon Elementary School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur
Mariamae Egtob, LPT, MSTM-Ongoing
Duangan National High School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur
Susano Cabus, LPT, MAEdEM-Ongoing
Maharlika National High School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur

Crisanta Luceñara, , LPT, MAEdEM-CAR

San Luis National High School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur
Danica Luceñara, MAEd-Filipino (Ongoing)
Ulanguan National High School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur
Jeffry Saro, LPT, MSciEd-Ongoing
San Vicente National High School
Department of Education - Agusan Del Sur

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