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Article  in  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin · February 2018


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5 authors, including:

Dolja K Pavlova Donaltina Vila

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Agricultural University of Tirana


Kalina Vila Aida Bani

Agricultural University of Tirana Agricultural University of Tirana


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:


Erasmus + Programme, KA1, 2015/2016 ; Faculty of Agriculture and Environment at Agricultural University of Tirana and Faculty of Biologjy at Sofia University View

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© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin


Dolja Pavlova1,*, Donaltina Vila2, Kalina Vila2, Aida Bani2, Besmira Xhaferri2
Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Agro-Environmental Department, Faculty of Agronomy and Environment, Agricultural University of Tirana, Koder-Kamez,
Tirana, Albania

ABSTRACT seeds [5]. The information on the presence and Ni

localization in seeds is important for better under-
The aim of this work was to compare the effect standing of plant reproductive strategies and seed
of Ni on seeds of Alyssum markgrafii and A. murale, germination. Nickel localization patterns have been
an obligate and a facultative Ni hyperaccumularors determined for ten Alyssum Ni-hyperaccumulator
respectively, distributed on the Balkans. Seeds col- species/ecotypes [6] but data for the localization of
lected from natural populations of the species in Al- Ni in seeds are scarce. Munzuroglu and Geckil [7]
bania were germinated with standard solutions of considered the effects of metal on germination of
0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 mM Ni as NiCl2 6 H2O in distilled seeds depend on differences in seed structure and
water and compared with germinated seeds in dis- particularly seed coats. Nickel distribution in seeds
tilled water. The results showed that Ni influenced and seedlings during germination studied in Ni hy-
the germination process and differences were found peraccumulator Berkheya coddii was demonstrated
not only between the species but also between the by Groeber et al. [8].
populations. The germinability decreased with ele- High Ni levels exert toxic effects on seed ger-
vation of Ni concentrations. The relative frequency mination and information on the seed germination
of germination in A. markgrafii was more spread out contributes to better understanding of plant adapta-
through time. The seeds of A. murale displayed tion to habitats but literature investigating the same
greater homogeneity and higher synchrony of germi- on hyperaccumulators is rather scarce. The few pub-
nation. The seeds of A. murale were less sensitive (or lished works are restricted to the germinability as-
tolerant to) when treated with higher metal concen- sessment [9, 10, 11]. Seed germination is one of the
trations and germination was less influenced com- most important stages in crop development that pre-
pared to A. markgrafii. Lower concentrations of Ni determines establishment of healthy crop, better
stimulated hypocotyl elongation but inhibited root growth and yield [12, 13, 14]. The seed germination
elongation in both species. The roots were more sen- and the root elongation tests are the most appropriate
sitive to Ni compared to the hypocotyl. The abnor- and commonly used to prove the phytotoxicity in
malities at early stage of seed germination found in vascular plants [15, 16, 17].
both species disturbed the normal growth of the The work presented in this paper aims to com-
seedlings. pare the effect of Ni phytotoxicity with different con-
centrations on seed germination, root and hypocotyl
elongation in two Ni hyperaccumulator species (A.
KEYWORDS: markgrafii O.E. Schultz and A. murale Waldst. &
Alyssum, nickel, hyperaccumulators, phytotoxicity, seed Kit.), both of economic importance in Albania.


Study material and sites. The plant material
The Balkan Peninsula is a region with numer- was collected from Ni-hyperaccumulator species A.
ous obligate and facultative Alyssum hyperaccumu- murale and A. markgrafii distributed on serpentine
lator species of potential utility for extracting Ni terrains in Albania. Seed material from A. murale
from soil [1, 2, 3]. Suitable species must be relatively was collected from two localities: Prrenjas-Do-
easy to collect as bulk seed accessions and have high mosdova (P) 41°00′08″N, 20°33′11″E (400 m a.s.l.)
success rates of germination, establishment and and Pojske-Pogradec (Po) 40°59′55,″ N 20°38′09″E
growth [4]. (700 m a.s.l.) in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Seeds
Nickel is a highly mobile trace metal that tends from the serpentine endemic species A. markgrafii
to accumulate in newly formed plant organs and were collected from Gjegjan (G), 41°55′47″N

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

20°00′09″E (700 m a.s.l.) and from Kukës (K), [20] and Ranal et al. [21]. All treatements were per-
42°00'35"N, 20°17'44"E (1300 m a.s.l.) in 2014. The formed with three replications.
soil chemical composition of these sites was previ-
ously analyzed [1, 18] and reflected their ultramafic Data analysis. The data were analysed with
origin, i.e. between 1100-2150 mg kg-1 of Cr, 1080- one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to deter-
3100 mg kg-1 of Ni and 104 -280 mg kg-1 of Co. Seed mine which treatments differed from each other
material was collected from 50 individuals per pop- when germinability, root and hypocotyl elongation
ulation. The seeds were extracted manually from were used as variables. The data for both species and
fruits and those of bad quality (damaged, empty and their population were analysed separately. In cases
immature) were rejected. The received seeds from A. when the ANOVA showed significance of differ-
markgrafii were low in comparison to A. murale, ences (P < 0.05), pairwise mean comparisons of var-
probably due to lower seed production. The material iables, a least significant difference (LSD) test was
was collected and stored according to international performed. The statistical analysis was performed
guidelines [19]. Vouchers were deposited in the Ag- using Microsoft Excel 2010.
ricultural University of Tirana.

Seeds germination, root and hypocotyl elon- RESULTS

gation. Seed germination abilities were evaluated in
laboratory conditions following the method of Mun- Seeds germination. The germinability of both
zuroglu and Geckil [7]. According to the authors this Alyssum species was significantly different (Table 1)
method reduces the effect of counteranions associ- and the results demonstrated that Ni concentrations
ated with other metals or other metal cations nor- influenced the germination process. In general, the
mally present in the soil. Standard solutions of 0.5, germinability decreased with elevation of the Ni
1, 2, 4, 6, 8 mM Ni as NiCl2 6H20 were prepared with concentrations used for seed treatments for all stud-
250 ml distilled water. The range of concentrations ied populations. Alyssum murale demonstrated
is based on metal concentrations commonly encoun- higher germinability compared to A. markgrafii. The
tered in non-serpentine soil to their several-fold percentage of germinated seeds in the controls for A.
higher concentrations measured in the serpentine murale populations (87.33% and 68%, respectively)
soils. Distilled water was used as a control. The and for A. markgrafii populations (51.55% and 50%,
seeds were surface-sterilized in 2% (w/v) calcium respectively) was higher than in Ni treatments. The
hypochlorite solution for 10 min, then washed and effective concentration causing ~50% inhibition of
soaked for 24 h in distilled water before treatment germination was not reached during the experiment
following Ghaderian et al. [11]. Harvested seeds of with seeds in both populations of A. murale. This
A. murale and A. markgrafii were tested for their ger- concentration for A. markgrafii was 6 mM Ni for the
minability without exposing them to any dormancy- seeds from Kukës. There was a significant effect of
relieving treatments. For each treatment 50 seeds treatments on seed germination in both A. murale
from A. murale were used while from A. markgrafii populations (LSD = 7.62, P < 0.05 and LSD = 16.77,
they were 30 seeds because of lack of enough mate- P < 0.05, respectively). Significant differences were
rial received. The seeds were germinated in sterile 9 found between the germinability of seeds from the
cm Petri dishes on filter paper moistened with Ni so- control and in some cases between seeds treated with
lutions following Munzuroglu and Geckil [7]. Seed lower concentrations Ni (0.5 and 1 mM) (Table 1).
incubation was in a temperature-controlled growth The concentration of 8 mM Ni decreased the germi-
cabinet set at 21/21o C (day/night cycle). Petri dishes nability in A. murale with 9% and 11%, respectively
were exposed to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. The for both populations. No significant differences in
illumination was provided by white fluorescent germinability were shown between the seeds of A.
tubes with mean photon flux density of 220 mmol-2 murale treated with 2, 4, 6 and 8 mM Ni. The results
m-1 s-1 at seed level. Roots were considered germi- of germinability of seeds in populations of A.
nated when 1 mm radicle has appeared. The number markgrafii demonstrated also significant effect of Ni
of seeds germinated was counted daily till the end of (LSD = 15.5, P < 0.05 and LSD = 16.11, P < 0.05
the experiment (three consequent days with constant respectively). The highest Ni concentration de-
germinated seeds). Seed root and hypocotyl length creased the germinability with 13% and 29%, re-
were measured using stereomicroscope STEMI spectively for A. markgrafii.
2000-C, Zeiss. The germinability (G%), mean ger- The mean germination time (MT) was clearly
mination time (MT), coefficient of variation of the different between the species and populations (Table
germination time (CVt) and mean germination rate 1). It was higher for A. markgrafii where MT was
(MR), uncertainty of germination (U), and synchro- ~11-12 days while for A. murale it was ~3 and ~5
nization index of germination (Z) were used to de- days, respectively for both populations. The seeds of
scribe germination process for both species and their A. murale started their germination ~2 days after
studied populations following Ranal and Santana treatment while for A. markgrafii it was after 4-5
days. The relative frequency of germination in A.

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

markgrafii was more spread out through time, with a Root and hypocotyl elongation. The root and
peak of germination at ~12th and 14th days respec- hypocotyl elongation of seeds treated with Ni was
tively for both populations. The germination was also affected by elevated concentrations in both spe-
less spread out in time in A. murale and a strong ger- cies (Fig. 1). In general, the length of root treated
mination peak occurred at the 4th day for seeds from with different Ni concentrations decreased compared
the first population and at the 6th day after beginning to the control. The length of the root after Ni appli-
of the experiment for the second population (Table cation was significantly different from the controls
1). in A. murale (LSD = 2.88, P < 0.05 and LSD = 2.10,
The mean germination rate (MR) calculated as P < 0.05, respectively) and A. markgrafii (LSD =
the reciprocal of the mean germination time (MT) 4.39, P < 0.05 and LSD = 7.72, P < 0.05, respec-
was the highest for A. murale (Prrenjas) and lowest tively) populations (Figs. 1A and C). The effect of
for A. markgrafii (Kukës). The seeds of A. murale inhibition on the root growth was higher after treat-
presented greater homogeneity (lower value of CVt) ments with ≥ 2 mM Ni in both species. The concen-
and higher synchrony of germination (lower value of tration of 1 mM Ni reduced root length about 50%
U and higher value of Z) compared to A. markgrafii. for A. murale and A. markgrafii from Gjegjan. For
The differences of the germination process were the seeds of A. markgrafii (Kukës) this concentration
found not only between the species but also between was 0.5 mM Ni. The root length was more or less
their populations, higher between A. murale popula- equal when the seeds were treated with 6 and 8 mM
tions. Ni and no significant differences were found.

The calculated values for germinability (G%), mean germination time MT (days), coefficient of variation
of the germination time (CVt%), mean germination rate (MR), uncertainty (U) and synchronization of
germination (Z) for A. murale and A. markgrafii populations. Values are the means of three replicates per
population ± SD (n=6). Different letters show significant differences based on one-way ANOVA and LSD
test (P < 0.05) performed separately for each population.

Species &
popula- G (%) MT (day) CVt (%) MR (1/day) U Z
0 87.33±1.15a 3.00±1.06a 33.95±15.47a 0.35±0.10a 1.04±0.13ab 0.63±0.05a
0,5 80.67±5.03ab 2.78±0.85ab 24.53±3.23a 0.37±0.09a 1.13±0.33a 0.52±0.15b
1 86±4a 2.97±0.92bc 24.47±1.18a 0.34±0.09a 1.36±0.50bc 0.45±0.18b
A. murale
2 82±2ab 3.28±0.82c 28.05±4.51a 0.31±0.07a 1.67±0.17cd 0.31±0.04bc
4 84±7.21ab 3.26±1.00c 31.74±11.28a 0.32±0.08a 1.64±0.23c 0.35±0.07bc
6 83±5.03ab 3.57±0.80c 31.55±4.67a 0.28±0.05a 1.95±0.18d 0.26±0.04c
8 78±4b 3.58±0.99c 30.27±6.12a 0.29±0.07a 1.85±0.25d 0.30±0.07bc
0 68±4a 4.15±0.14a 22.13±1.35a 0.23±0.05a 1.77±0.13ab 0.31±0.06a
0,5 64±11.13ab 4.52±0.29a 24.19±0.43a 0.21±0.01b 2±0.08ab 0.24±0.01bc
1 55±17.00abc 4.94±0.27a 20.96±4.14a 0.19±0.01bc 1.87±0.24ab 0.29±0.03ab
A. murale
2 51±10.06bc 5.15±0.42a 20.14±2.37a 0.18±0.01c 1.96±0.14ab 0.25±0.02bc
4 55±1.15abc 5.07±0.25a 22.81±3.85a 0.19±0.01bc 2.00±0.13a 0.24±0.05bc
6 43±7.02c 5.27±0.48a 22.26±0.75a 0.18±0.02c 1.99±0.08b 0.23±0.02bc
8 57±9.86abc 5.3±0.1a 22.20±1.48a 0.18±0.05c 2.13±0.03b 0.21±0.01c
0 51±5.13a 10.52±0.75abc 27.65±1.05a 0.09±0.01ab 2.63±0.19ab 0.08±0a
0,5 48±5.03ab 9.59±0.82ab 41.69± 0.87ab 0.10±0.01a 2.86±0.51ab 0.09±0.06a
A. 1 49±5.54ac 9.77±0.77a 44.67±9.42b 0.09±0.01ab 2.75±0.27ab 0.08±0.02a
markgrafii 2 30±3d 11.61±0.40bc 38.43±4.93ab 0.08±0.00ab 2.61±0.20ab 0.04±0.02a
(G) 4 26.33±11.54d 10.75±2.18abc 29.19±4.54aa 0.09±0.02ab 2.19±0.61a 0.09±0.06a
6 34±4.04bcd 12.41±0.92c 32.32±5.41ab 0.07±0.01b 2.68±0.35b 0.08±0.04a
8 38.00±15.58bad 12.63±2.65c 31.24±18.29ab 0.07±0.02ab 2.63±0.48b 0.07±0.02a
0 50±5.77a 8.87±1.13a 38.87±9.76a 0.11±0.01a 2.62±0.50abc 0.12±0.07a
0,5 38.67±5.13ab 10±1a 32.05±6.29a 0.10±0.01ab 2.71±0.13abc 0.08±0.01ab
A. 1 45.67±14.01ab 9.90±1.26a 38.47±6.23a 0.09±0.01ab 2.99±0.31a 0.06±0.02ab
markgrafii 2 33±10b 11.27±0.45a 29.60±5.29a 0.08±0.01b 2.62±0.25abc 0.06±0.04ab
(K) 4 31±7.21b 11.64±2.12a 31.89±13.89a 0.08±0.01b 2.49±0.39b 0.01±0.04ab
6 21±13.32b 11±1.80a 32±8.07a 0.09±0.01b 2.15±1.01c 0.03±0.02b
8 21.00±8.54b 11.76±0.48a 34.11±13.26a 0.08±0.00b 2.00±0.10c 0.12±0.07ab

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Root and hypocotyl length in Alyssum murale (A and B) and Alyssum markgrafii (C and D) populations.
Values are the means of three replicates per population ± SD (n=6). Abbreviations are used to indicate
different populations: Prrenjas (P), Pogradec (Po), Gjegjan (G) and Kukës (K). Different letters show
significant differences based on one-way ANOVA and LSD test (P < 0.05) performed separately for
each population.

In general, the hypocotyl length in the control in both species and populations were more sensitive
was lower compared to the length of hypocotyl for to Ni compared to hypocotyl. Although the length of
seeds treated with lower concentrations of Ni (0.5 the roots in the controls was higher compared to the
and 1 mM) (Figs. 1B and D). After treatment with length of the hypocotyl, it decreased quickly and
such concentrations the length of the hypocotyl de- reached lower values in samples treated with 6 and 8
creased and reached 50% inhibition for seeds treated mM Ni.
with 8 mM Ni compared to the control in both pop-
ulations of A. markgrafii. For A. murale 50% inhibi- Nickel impact on seedlings. Seeds of both spe-
tion was not reached in both populations. The statis- cies and populations treated with different Ni con-
tical analysis and pairwise mean comparisons of var- centrations showed abnormalities in their germina-
iables demonstrated significantly differences be- tion, including chlorosis, necrosis, coiling of the root
tween the control and seeds treated with lower Ni and the hypocotyl, lack of hairs in the zone of root
concentrations only in A. murale from Prrenjas (LSD hairs, a short zone of root elongation and the appear-
= 1.94, P < 0.05). In the population of A. murale from ance of root deviation very near to the root tip, brown
Kukës the hypocotyl length in the control was sig- cotyledons and hypocotyl of the seedlings or three
nificantly different from seeds treated with higher cotyledons instead of a pair (Fig. 2). These abnor-
concentrations (LSD = 0.85, P < 0.05). For both pop- malities varied considerably for each Ni treatment.
ulations of A. markgrafii the hypocotyl length in the Soon after germination in 0.5 mM Ni, the root and
control was significantly different from seeds treated hypocotyl started coiling (Figs. 2D and E) and brown
with higher concentrations (LSD = 2.08, P < 0.05 color of the hypocotyl and the cotyledons appeared
and LSD = 2.14, P < 0.05, respectively). (Figs. 2G and H). The root coiling was more than
The effect of Ni on root and hypocotyl length 70% of the seedlings of A. murale treated with 0.5
was different in both species and their populations. mM Ni while for A. markgrafii it was more than
Lower concentrations of Ni stimulated hypocotyl 50%. The percentage of the root coiling increased
growth but inhibited root elongation. Root seedlings and varied between 90% and 100% when the seeds

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

were treated with 8 mM Ni in both species and pop- Most often roots without hairs appeared in both spe-
ulations. The percentage of the hypocotyl coiling (in cies when treated with Ni concentrations above 1
the area near to the cotyledons) was lower compared mM. The seed germination stopped soon after the
to the root coiling in both species and all Ni treat- appearance of radical in higher Ni concentrations
ments. Frequently, cotyledons with curved margins (Fig. 2I). Also, a short zone of root elongation (Fig.
were found (Fig. 2F). The cotyledons demonstrated 2J) and the appearance of root deviation very near to
also chlorosis and necrosis when Ni concentrations the root tip (Fig. 2K) were found in seeds treated
were higher (Figs. 2B and C). The percentage of the with 6 and 8 mM Ni. Rarely, three cotyledons in-
cotyledons with chlorosis was higher in A. murale. stead of a pair were observed (Fig. 2L).

Different patterns of abnormally germinated seed of Alyssum species after Ni application. A: normally
germinated seedling; B-C: chlorosis and necrosis on the leaves; D-E: coiling root and hypocotyl; F: cot-
yledons with curved margins; G-H: brown color of hypocotyl and cotyledons; I: seed germination
stopped after the appearance of radical in higher Ni concentrations; J: short zone of root elongation;
K: root deviation very near to the root tip; L: appearance of three cotyledons instead of a pair. Scale in
millimeters (mm).

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

DISCUSSION compared to the controls when a concentration of 1

mM Ni was applied. Similar effects were reported
Both Alyssum species and populations showed for Eruca seeds [27]. The results confirm the data of
differences in the germination process, probably re- Vinterhalter and Vilterhalter [28] that tolerance to Ni
lated to the species physiology. The germinability is a specific feature to the cells and tissues of certain
was higher for the seeds of A. murale. The difference species and not only a result of metal translocation.
in germinability between the two studied popula- Even in concentrations below 1 mM a stimulation
tions of A. murale was possibly in relation to the seed effect in root elongation was not found at the oppo-
age. In previous studies on dormancy and germina- site of the data for Eruca [26]. The stimulation effect
tion percentage of Alyssum bertolonii and A. argen- of Ni was demonstrated in hypocotyl elongation for
teum it was demonstrated that the highest germina- all studied populations when the seeds were treated
tion percentage occurred when seeds were 8-10 with Ni concentrations below 1 mM. In all species
months old [9, 10, 22]. The same authors consider and populations the roots were more sensitive to Ni
that the seeds have lost their viability rather early (af- compared to hypocotyl and their length was lower.
ter 20 months). The germinability of the seeds of The applied concentrations of 8 mM Ni in our
both studied species was similar to that observed in study reduced significantly both root and hypocotyl
A. bertolonii and A. argenteum [9]. elongation which was evident effect of metal toxicity
The decrease in germinability could be due to in plants. The pattern of growth in root and hypo-
loss of viability because of decreased energy gener- cotyl were different in both species. Seed hypocotyl
ation by the embryo [23]. The values of the parame- growth was less pronounced compared to the root.
ters used for evaluation of the germination process Seed root exhibited slowed elongation highly ex-
(MT, CV, MR, U and Z) also confirmed low germi- pressed with the increase of Ni concentrations when
nability and differences in germination process be- elongation almost stopped. Cell division at the root
tween the populations of the two Ni-hyperaccumula- tip and cell elongation in the extension zone are con-
tors. The clearest difference between species and sidered two different mechanisms in root growth
studied populations was found in the mean germina- both affected by the presence of Ni [7]. The lack of
tion time and the related with this parameter mean root hairs, found as most frequent abnormality, could
germination rates. They were probably related to the be considered as one of the reasons for lower nutrient
specifics in physiology of the seeds in both species. absorption already mentioned for plants treated with
These specifics possibly include two groups of fac- Ni and smaller size of seedlings of Alyssum species
tors - environmental (temperature, water, light, in- treated with Ni higher than 1 mM [12]. The physio-
hibitors, etc.) and factors within the seed itself, i.e. logical regulation of nutrient uptake in serpentine
its dormancy which needs future detailed analyses. plants is in relation to Ca and Mg. In serpentine
The asynchronous germination process spread plants cessation of cell wall extension, disintegration
through time in A. markgrafii was at the opposite of of cell walls and tissue collapse (necrosis) due to
quick and synchronous germination in A. murale pectin breakdown, which is most apparent in actively
populations. The gradual germination process for A. growing tissues like root meristem, are also consid-
markgrafii appeared as one of the main differences ered typical symptoms of Ca-deficiency [29]. Excess
between the species and could be considered a type Ni also affects plant metabolism, inhibits photosyn-
of relative dormancy as mentioned for some species thesis and transpiration, and causes ultrastructural
from Malvaceae distributed in dry regions of Brazil modifications [12, 30].
[24]. Also, altitudinal differences in the distribution
of both species and the ecological conditions pro-
vided by the environment could be the reason for CONCLUSIONS
these results as mentioned for other plant groups [25,
26]. Similarly to the data for A. argenteum [9], a con- In this study for the first time are demonstrated
centration of 1 mM Ni slightly stimulated the germi- differences in the effects of nickel on seed germina-
nability in both species while the higher concentra- tion, root and hypocotyl elongation of the facultative
tions (2-8 mM Ni) induced a marked inhibition of the nickel hyperacumulator A. murale and the obligate
germination process. The inhibition was different nickel hyperaccumulator A. markgrafii, both with
not only between the species but also between their potential in green technologies such as phytoremedi-
populations. The seed germination in Ni-hyperaccu- ation and phytomining. The laboratory tests for seed
mulator A. murale was less influenced compared to germination showed that in spite of their hyperaccu-
Ni-hyperaccumulator A. markgrafii. mulation abilities toxic Ni levels inhibited the seed
A comparison between the root lengths in A. germination process. The process of elongation was
murale populations showed that the population from almost completely inhibited when 8 mM Ni was ap-
Prrenjas was more tolerant as the mean root length plied. Even when treated with low concentrations of
in all treatments was higher while for A. markgrafii Ni some abnormalities appeared at an early stage of
it was the population from Gjegjan. Seeds root elon- seed germination. They disturb the normal growth of
gation in both species decreased approximately 50%

© by PSP Volume 27 – No. 3/2018 pages 1345-1352 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

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