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A. Background of Study

Human beings are the most perfect beings compared to other creations of

God. Human is given the mind to distinguish between good and bad. To do

every human activity need to think to make a decision. Each individual has a

different way of thinking. Some think fasts there are those who think full

consideration (excessive).

Think too much commonly called overthinking and often also called

paralyses. Overthinking people are called overthinkers. Overthinking can have

a positive impact as well as a negative impact depending on the intensity in

how much it occurs.

Overthinking is common in anyone involving the thought processes

commonly experienced by humans. If a person constantly has excessive

thoughts, the consequences will not hinder progress in his life. Overthinking

will also have a bad impact on one's health and can make a person become

more depressed and stressed, and without realizing having excessive thoughts

can cause problems. Surely this will have an impact on the disruption of

creativity and also productivity in one's self.

There are many factors that cause overthinking, such as family problems,

work, study, friendship and so on. Overthinking people are more prone to

experiencing sadness and also ongoing negative thoughts, so this can also make

a person unable to make peace with himself. Most overthinking people feel that

they have progress in thinking about something while contemplating it

endlessly, but in reality, they absorb negative thoughts that arise and develop a

pessimistic view on the problem being thought of.

In Assalaam there are so many activities performed by students, from so

many activities students can feel overthinking, overthinking those students

usually experience differently depending on what they are feeling. And

overthinking can have a positive and negative impact for those students.

Thus, based on phenomena above, the writer would like to find number of

Assalaam female students who feel overthinking, the reason and the impact of

it for Assalaam female students’ life. This paper is entitled “Overthinking

Impact for Assalaam Female Students”.

B. Purpose of Study

In conducting this paper, the writer has some purposes to be achieved.

They are:

1. To know the definition of overthinking.

2. To know the characteristics of Assalaam female students who are

feeling overthinking.

3. To know the reason of Assalaam female students feel overthinking.

C. Formulation of Problems

In conducting this paper, the writer has some problems to be solved. They


1. What is the definition of overthinking?

2. What are the characteristics of Assalaam female students who feels


3. What are the reasons of Assalaam students that feel overthinking?

D. Limitation of Problems

In conducting tis paper, the writer has some limitation of problem. They


1. The number of Assalaam female students that feel overthinking

2. The positive impact of feeling overthinking for Assalaam female students

3. The negative impact of feeling overthinking for Assalaam female students

4. Dealing with overthinking for Assalaam female students

5. Assalaam female students of MA Assalaam 2020/2021

E. Method of Writing

To write this scholarly paper, the writer gives the methodology of the

writing included:

1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is defined as research instrument that consist of asset of

question that aims to collect in formation form a respondent. In this

scholarly paper the writer will create some question related the research.

The data can be used to answer the formulation of problem written in the


2. Library Research

Library research is a kind of methodology that is used by the writer in

supporting the data by taking the references from article books, magazines,

journal, internet source writing, etc. In this library research, the writer will

find supported information from article books, magazines, and internet

articles related to the research.

F. System of Writing

At the beginning consist of page of title, page of legalization, page of

motto page of respectful words, page of acknowledgement.

In the content section, consisting of 4 chapters, namely:

Chapter I (Introduction), consisting of: Background of Study,

Purpose of Study, Formulation of Problem, Limitation of Problem,

Methodology of Writing, and Systematic of Writing.

Chapter II (base of theory), consisting of: find the e definition of

overthinking according to psychologists, find the caracteristics of

Aassalaam female students who are feeling overthinking, find the reason

of Assalaam female students who are feeling overthinking.

Chapter III (discussion), consisting of: the number of Assalaam

female students feel overthinking, the positive impact of feeling

overthinking for Assalaam female students, the negative impact of feeling

overthinking for Assalaam female students, dealing with with overthinking

for Assalaam female students.

Chapter IV (closing), consisting of: conclusion and suggestion.



A. The History of Assalaam Islamic Modern Boarding School

Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam Assalaam is a boarding school

located in Pabelan District of Kartasura Sukoharjo Regency of Central

Java. PPMI Assalaam is a private Islamic educational institution

established by the Surakarta Islamic Studies Council Foundation (MPI)

founded by H. Abdullah Marzuki and Hj. Siti Aminah Abdullah.

It was founded on 17 August 1402 H to coincide with 7 August

1982. Before PPMI Assalaam established educational activities that were

carried out with Madrasah Diniyyah Awaliyah, then at the demands of the

people YMPI established Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) with a dormitory

system that was the forerunner of the establishment of Pondok Modern

which was then named Pondok Pesantren Punggawan, borrowed the name

of the village where the educational activities were centered.

On July 20, 1985 the name Assalaam was officially used, and at

the same time marked the beginning of the use of a new campus in

Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Village. The building at the time consisted of

classrooms, sports halls (GOR), student dormitories, teacher and nanny

housing, kitchens etc. At the same time, Madrasah Aliyah (MA) was

established as a continuation of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Assalaam.

In 1986/1987 Madrasah Takhasush established a preparatory class

for prospective students who will continue to MA Assalaam which

originated from the general high school outside Assalaam. In 1988/1989,

Assalaam High School was established in order to meet the needs of the

community and keep up with the development of education that occurred

outside Assalaam. Entering the 2005/2006 school year, Vocational High

School (SMK) was established. computer and networking skills programs

and graphics preparation. SMK intends to print professionals by staying

insightful on the values of The Islam.

PPMI Assalaam has scored thousands of alumni spread throughout

Indonesia and various countries around the world. In the past, Assalaam

alumni were housed in an organization called IKMAS (Ikatan Keluarga

Ma'had Assalaam Surakarta) and have played an active role in various

fields in people's and country life. But as the situation developed, as well

as alumni of Assalaam Community.

B. The Definition of Overthinking According to Psychologists

The definition of overthinking according to psychologists varies,

including the following:

1. Ahmadi – 2009

According to Ahmadi, overthinking is a process of solving

problems or thinking processes that are too excessive, so that it

provides benefits and losses that depend on the intensity that is carried


2. Helmond – 2014

According to Helmond, overthinking is a cognitive distortion of

problematic behavior or habits. Cognitive distortion is generally due to

a person's emotional reaction as a sign that his mind is less rational.

3. Burn – 1991

According to burn overthinking, it is a cognitive distortion in

humans, especially in thinking processes that are not in accordance

with the existing reality.

In general, the definition of overthinking in theory has something

in common, namely a situation where someone spends too much time

thinking about something. The continuous thinking process is not

accompanied by a problem-solving or problem-solving process, so it is

considered not to solve the problem.

C. Characteristics of Assalaam female students who are feeling overthinking

There are various characteristics of Assalaam students who feel

overthinking. The following are some of the characteristics of Assalaam

students who feel overthinking:

1. Difficulty sleeping

Contemplating the same thing over and over again can cause

anxiety and keep the brain active. So, when you go to bed, your mind can't

calm down and ends up making it hard for you to sleep.

2. Difficulty making decisions

People who mostly think are too focused on analyzing problems.

As a result, decision making will be more difficult to do, especially it can

also be a waste of time.

3. Can't stop thinking about mistakes

An overthinking person will never stop thinking about the mistakes

he made. They will tend to remember all events from the beginning,

ducking the steps taken at that time, until the point of error occurs. After

that, they would blame themselves repeatedly.

4. When faced with a problem, don't focus on finding a solution

In people who think a lot, they don't focus on finding ways to

overcome the problem. And they instead focus on the problem itself and

allow things that shouldn't be thought of to be thought of.

5. Often blame yourself when you make the wrong decision.

When we are wrong in making decisions often, we blame

ourselves, feel sorry for the decisions that have been taken and it is very

difficult to move on from the decisions that have been made.

D. The reason Assalaam students feel overthinking

There are various reasons that cause Assalaam students feel

overthinking. The following are some of the reasons Assalaam students feel


1. Pessimistic about what they want to do

This is one of the most influential factors in overthinking, a person

feels overthinking about things that have not happened. Before doing

the activities, he wants to do, he will think about the possibilities that

will happen. Be it a good thing or a bad thing.

2. Insecure

Many teenagers today feel less confident, inferior because other

people are more perfect, and there are many other activities that cause

us to feel insecure. This insecurity will cause us to think about the

possibilities that will happen in the future.

3. Excessive fear and anxiety about something excessive

Worry and anxiety about what is thought is not necessarily the

case. Thoughts that we must be able to control. Because these

thoughts can make us overthinking and will cause us to become


4. High expectations of something

Having expectations that are too high is not always good. Because,

it makes someone who is never satisfied with what he gets always

feels lacking, even has unreasonable ambitions. This causes them to

become overthinking and become depressed.


In the preparation of chapter III, the writing is based on the results of

chapter II research conducted by the author sinch July 2021. The author

conducted the study using questionnaire. Chapter III is based on the main chapter

of the questionnaire created. Questionnaire are distributed to 100 female students

of Islamic Senior High School to have uniformity of degrees in the results of the

study, the author will detail into the following percentages:

A. Number of Assalaam Female Students that feel overthinking

From the table above, we can conclude that many Assalaam female

Students that feeling overthinking.

According to a questionnaire filled out by 100 of Assalaam Female

Students, there are 68% Assalaam Female Students feeling overthinking and 32%

students never feel overthinking.

Some of the reasons for the diagram above are as follows:

1. 68% choose yes, the reason because they feel pessimistic about

what they want to do, insecure, excessive fear and anxiety about

something excessive, high expectations of something.

2. 32% choose no, the reason because they feel confident in their

abilities, feel grateful for what they have, always optimistic and

confident in what they have, because they do things according to

their ability.

B. Positive impact of feeling overthinking for Assalaam female students

From the table above, we can conclude that many Assalaam female

students feel that overthinking has a positive impact, including the


The most positive impact felt by Assalaam female students was attention

to the little things, namely as many as 29%, then easy to notice mistakes namely

as many as 22%, care about other people namely as many as 16%, always be

careful in everything namely as many as 14%, trying to be better namely as many

as 12% and trying to do the best namely as many as 7%.

Some of the reasons for the diagram above are as follows:

1. 29% choose was attention to the little things, the reason because

they are always careful for fear of repeating the same mistake in

the future.

2. 22% choose easy to notice mistakes, the reason because they are

always afraid to do the things they want to do so they are careful in

their actions and when they do something wrong they will

immediately realize that it is wrong.

3. 16% choose care about other people, the reason because when they

overthink they will feel guilty to themselves and to others then they

become more considerate and careful with others.

4. 14% choose always be careful in everything, the reason because

they may have a treaum to what happened and then they are more

careful about everything.

5. 12% choose trying to be better, the reason because because of that

feeling of overthinking they can use it as a way to become

someone who is good in everything, both in education or whatever

they want to achieve.

6. 7% choose trying to do the best, the reason because they want what

they do to be perfect so they always want to be the best.

C. Negative impact of feeling overthinking for Assalaam female students

The most negative impact felt by Assalaam female students was insecure

namely as many as 32%, then interfere with body health namely as many as 21%,

stress namely as many as 17%, decreased learning concentration namely as many

as 15%, feel uneasy namely as many as 8% and insomnia namely as many as 7%.

Some of the reasons for the diagram above are as follows:

1. 32% choose insecure, the reason is because usually students feel

insecure in terms of education, beauty or even the achievements they


2. 21% choose interfere with body health, the reason because when they

feel overthinking they become moody and lazy to do activities so they

make them sick.

3. 17% choose stress, the reason because they think too much about

things that don't need to be thought about excessively and continuously

so that they become stressed.

4. 15% choose decreased learning concentration, the reason

because they think too much about the feeling of overthinking so that

when they study they don't concentrate on the lesson.

5. 8% choose feel uncomfortable, the reason because they always think

about their overthinking and make them feel uncomfortable and


6. 8% choose insomnia, the reason because they think too much about

they feeling of overthinking they feel and when they overthink they

will think about it until late into the night which has an impact on poor

sleep hours and makes them suffer from insomnia.

D. Dealing with Overthinking for Assalaam Female Students

From the table above, we can conclude that many Assalaam female

students are able to deal with overthinking, including the following:

The most dealing the overthinking by Assalaam female students are sleep,

namely as many as 34%, then praying namely as many as 24%, to do activities

you like namely as many as 17%, self-healing namely as many as 9%, to do

something positive namely as many as 8% and always think positive namely as

many as 8%.

Some of the reasons for the diagram above are as follows:

1. 34% choose sleep, the reason is because sleep can rest the brain

so they can forget for a moment the burden of thoughts that

make them feel overthinking.

2. 24% choose praying, the reason is because praying can help

them not to feel overthinking because when we are praying our

minds only focus on Allah so that it makes the heart calm and

we will be more able to control the feeling of overthinking.

3. 17% choose to do activities you like, the reason is to do

activities they like they can forget the feeling of overthinking

they are feeling because they enjoy the activities they are


4. 9% choose self healing, the reason because self healing is

booming lately so many of them follow this method to get rid

of the feeling of overthinking they are feeling, one way that can

be done for self-healing is to be alone, listen to music, read a

book or it can be a walk with friends.

5. 8% choose to do something positive, the reason because to do

positive things they can forget for a moment the problems that

make their minds overthinking and these activities can make

them happy.

6. 8% choose allways think positive, the reason because with

positive thinking they can feel calmer, their minds can be more

controlled and can think clearly.


A. Conclusion

At the end this scholarly paper entitled “Overthinking Impact for

Assalaam Female Students” the author concludes from the contents

previously described as follows:

1. The positive impacts of feeling overthinking are was attention to the

little things, easy to notice mistakes, care about other people, always

be careful in everything, trying to be better and trying to do the best.

2. The negative impacts of feeling overthinking are insecure, interfere

with body health, stress, decreased learning concentration, feel uneasy

and insomnia.

3. Dealing with overthinking are sleep, praying, to do activities you like,

self-healing, to do something positive and always think positive.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions can be made as


1. Don’t overthink too much,

2. Overthink about positive things,

3. Don’t get stress because of overthinking,

4. Always grateful with what we have.

The writer would like to give some suggestions to the writer and to

everyone who reads this paper. For all readers, I hope this paper can be a

helpful the readers.


Widia, Ratna. 2020. You Are Overthinking. Yogyakarta: Psikologi corner.

Manson, Mark. 2018. Sebuah Seni Untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat. Jakarta: PT.
Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.


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