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An Ecotoxicological Perspective of Microplastics Released by Face Masks

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Journal of Hazardous Materials 443 (2023) 130273

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An ecotoxicological perspective of microplastics released by face masks

Urpi Cabrejos-Cardeña a, Gabriel Enrique De-la-Torre b, *, Sina Dobaradaran c, d, e,
Selvasembian Rangabhashiyam f
Faculty of Engineering, San Ignacio de Loyola University, Lima, Peru
Biodiversity, Environment, and Society Research Group, San Ignacio de Loyola University, Lima, Peru
Systems Environmental Health and Energy Research Center, The Persian Gulf Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr,
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health and Nutrition, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and Centre for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU), Faculty of Chemistry, University of Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr. 5,
Essen, Germany
Department of Biotechnology, School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur 613401, Tamil Nadu, India


• Face mask microplastics (FMP) ecotox­

icity assays present several
• There is an uncontrolled release of tiny
FMP (<10 µm) that could generate an
• Determining environmentally-realistic
concentrations of FMPs is extremely
• We are far from understanding the
contribution of FMP to the microplastic


Editor: Dr. R. Teresa The accelerated use, massive disposal, and contamination with face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic have
raised new questions regarding their negative impact on the environment emerged. One major concern is
Keywords: whether microplastics (MPs) derived from face masks (FMPs) represent an important ecotoxicological hazard.
COVID-19 Here, we discussed the shortcomings, loose ends, and considerations of the current literature investigating the
Personal protective equipment
ecotoxicological effects of FMPs on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Overall, there are multiple uncertainties
regarding the true impact of FMPs at a certain concentration due to the presence of uncontrolled or unknown
degradation products, such as MPs of various size ranges even nano-sized (<1 µm) and chemical additives. It is
apparent that FMPs may induce endocrine-disrupting and behavioral effects in different organisms. However, the
results of FMPs should be carefully interpreted, as these cannot be extrapolated at a global scale, by taking into
account a number of criteria such as face mask manufacturers, providers, consumer preferences, and type of face
masks. Considering these uncertainties, it is still not possible to estimate the contribution of face masks to the
already existing MP issue.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.E. De-la-Torre).
Received 16 August 2022; Received in revised form 22 October 2022; Accepted 25 October 2022
Available online 27 October 2022
0304-3894/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
U. Cabrejos-Cardeña et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443 (2023) 130273

1. Introduction 2. Ecotoxicity of microplastics expelled from face masks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several methods have been estab­ Upon disposal, face masks make their way into natural environments
lished to stop the spread of the virus, such as wearing face masks, facial and release MPs, which are likely ingested or inhaled by multiple or­
protectors, and other types of personal protective equipment (PPE). ganisms (Fig. 1). Ecotoxicological techniques have been widely applied
Since these measures became mandatory worldwide, the use and to evaluate the impact of contaminants on flora and fauna. This field
disposal of single-use PPE increased tremendously. It is no surprise that focuses on the toxicological effects of certain contaminants on wildlife at
the occurrence of a wide range of PPE products and plastics associated different levels, ideally conducted at biological organization levels, from
with the COVID-19 pandemic has been reported in natural environments biochemical to ecosystem alterations (Belden, 2020). Ecotoxicological
all around the world, thus, contributing to the already critical state of research has been applied to MPs derived from face masks aiming to
plastic pollution. Furthermore, since most face masks, either reusable or understand the biological impacts generated by these unprecedented
single-use, are made of synthetic polymers, such as polypropylene (PP), contaminants (Table 1).
polyethylene (PE), and polyester blends, they are likely to chemically Face mask-derived MP (FMP) exposure assays have been investi­
and physically degrade upon entering the environment leading to the gated in both aquatic and terrestrial organisms, as summarized in
release of secondary contaminants (e.g., organic chemicals) that can be Table 1. Most FMPs used in these studies are PP-based, fiber-like, and are
inhaled or ingested by organisms (Wang et al., 2021), possibly causing a few tens of micrometers in length. Lethality is not observed in any
detrimental effects. On the other hand, microscopic pieces of plastic, organism from terrestrial or aquatic origin, even at high FMP concen­
namely microplastics (MPs; plastic particles smaller than 5 mm), may trations, which is in agreement with previous ecotoxicological research
easily detach from the fibrous layers of face masks (De-la-Torre et al., (Vázquez and Rahman, 2021). Based on the recent literature, it is
2022). Several studies reported that the number of MPs expelled from apparent that reproduction and growth effects are primarily induced by
used face masks is estimated in the tens of thousands up to hundreds of FMPs. Regardless, multiple studies found no significant effects on the
millions depending on their size and environmental conditions, such as reproduction and growth of various aquatic invertebrates exposed to
agitation, UV exposure, and mechanical stressors, among others (see different types of MPs (e.g., Redondo-Hasselerharm et al., 2018), sug­
Kutralam-Muniasamy et al., 2022). gesting that MP exposure may present higher risks for sensitive species
In the last decade, significant efforts have been made to elucidate the under highly contaminated environments.
sources, behavior, fate, and environmental relevance of MPs in the Although FMPs exposure studies in terrestrial organisms provided
environment. As multiple studies confirmed that face masks are, indeed, some interesting insights, there are still some loose ends. Firstly, MP
a significant source of MPs, their arrival to natural environments in large uptake and translocation in plants have been reported to occur with MPs
numbers became a subject of concern. To date, it is still unclear the that are tens or a few hundreds of nanometers in size (e.g., Lian et al.,
extent to which face masks are contributing to the already widespread 2021), while those used in the FMP studies are considerably larger.
MP issue. Several recent studies have evaluated the ecotoxicity of face Thus, FMP translocation is unlikely to be the main toxicity pathway in
mask-derived MPs on model organisms from various taxa, which pro­ the study by Mészáros et al. (2022). Overall, the majority of MP
vided the first insights into the ecological implications of face mask phytotoxicity studies reporting physiological and genetic changes are
contamination. In this perspective article, we presented the current carried out with MPs that are measured in nano- or micrometers.
knowledge regarding the ecotoxicological effects induced by the MPs However, almost no previous study investigated PP fiber-like MPs, like
expelled by face masks in both aquatic and terrestrial environments and those expelled from face masks. It should be noted that the source of MPs
provided a critical discussion on the identified loose ends and un­ plays an important role in the accuracy and comparability of the studies
certainties, as well as the long-term environmental implications of this (for both FMPs and conventional MPs). For instance, in most ecotoxicity
unprecedented type of plastic pollution. studies, MPs are purchased from suppliers providing certified MPs beads
with specific size ranges, shapes, and polymeric composition. MPs

Fig. 1. Graphic representation of the environmental implications of face masks during the pandemic. * : Photographs of MPs expelled from surgical face masks.

U. Cabrejos-Cardeña et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443 (2023) 130273

expelled from face masks show great variability in terms of size and distribution) per gram of extracted FMPs is uncertain because face masks
shape depending on the shredding or milling method, among other are able to release particles as small as 1–10 µm, and even nanoplastics
variables, such as manufacturing characteristics and layer selection (<1 µm), as reported by Ma et al. (2021). In their study, the analysis of
(middle layers generally display thinner fibers and larger surface area scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy
than the inner and out layers). MPs found in the environment display an (AFM) micrographs was applied to quantify MPs and NPs from 100 μL
even greater physical variability, although fiber-like MPs are generally samples of face mask leachates. While there was a notorious occurrence
the most abundant. Considering that environmentally relevant studies of particles compared to the controls, this method exhibits some short­
must not only assess realistic MP concentrations but also MPs that are comings. For instance, the reduced volume of the subsamples generates
similar in terms of morphology, size distribution and polymeric some uncertainty when extrapolating the data obtained and the chem­
composition, it is imperative to understand whether face mask degra­ ical composition of the particles counted in the micrographs cannot be
dation and FMP release are significantly changing the composition of confirmed, which may overestimate the number of NPs and small MPs
environmental MPs. Evidently, achieving this may be a rather difficult upon extrapolation (assuming that not all the expelled particles are
task, requiring baseline pre- and post-pandemic MP data and sufficient polymer-based). Although it is clear that advanced quantification tech­
chemical-analytical power to determine the source of MPs with cer­ niques are required to estimate the number of very small MPs or NPs
tainty. All in all, several barriers remain to achieve environmental rel­ found in face mask leachates, there are still notable analytical limita­
evancy in ecotoxicological studies, particularly during times of unusual tions to achieving accurate data. Despite this, it is fairly likely that FMPs
large-scale plastic and MP inputs, like the COVID-19 pandemic. prepared for ecotoxicological assays include a significant number of
Expelled FMP size distribution may be another important barrier in unquantified nano-size particles, possibly inducing an uncontrolled
ecotoxicological studies. The number of particles (and their size toxic effect.

Table 1
Summary of the ecotoxicity studies on MPs derived from face masks.
Type of mask Type of Species Growth Fiber Fiber length Exposure Effect Reference
organism stage concentration time
Surgical face Aquatic Danio rerio Larvae 10 mg L− 3.10 mm 10 d Downregulation of genes associated with (Sendra
mask (poorly reproduction (more pronounced in highly et al., 2022)
degraded) degraded masks). No effects on survival were
Surgical face 10 mg L− 1.25 mm observed.
mask (highly
Surgical face – –
Surgical face Aquatic Daphnia Neonates 1 mg L− 1 42.0–55.6 24–48 h The organisms ingested MPs. No effects on (Jemec
mask magna 10 mg L− 1 µm survival were observed. Kokalj et al.,
100 mg L− 1 2022)
Surgical face Aquatic Tigriopus Nauplii 1 MP L− 1 < 10 µm ~10 d Maturity time and birth spacing were (Sun et al.,
mask japonicus 10 MP L− 1 (33%) significantly longer at higher concentrations. 2021)
100 MP L− 1 10–50 The length of the droppings was greater at
(42%) medium and high concentrations.
> 50 µm
White face masks Terrestrial Folsomia Juveniles 1000 mg kg− < 300 µm 28 d Significant reduction in the ratio of (Kwak and
(middle layer candida reproduction and growth. No effects on An, 2021)
was used) survival, esterase activity, oxidative stress,
and behavior were observed.
Terrestrial Eisenia andrei Adults 21 d Intracellular esterase activity and
spermatogenesis in the seminal vesicles were
significantly reduced. No effects on survival
or other pathological effects were observed.
Lysosomal stability and oxidative stress in
coelomocytes were not affected.
Surgical face Terrestrial Enchytraeus Adults 0.02% (w/w) 42.0 µm 21 d No effects on reproduction and survival were (Kokalj
mask (Inner, crypticus 0.06% (w/w) 45.1 µm observed. et al., 2022)
middle, outer 0.17% (w/w) 55.6 µm
layers used) 0.5% (w/w)
1.5% (w/w)
Porcellio 0.06% (w/w) Significant reduction in hemocyte viability at
scaber 0.5% (w/w) high concentrations depending on layer type.
1.5% (w/w) No effects on survival were observed.
Tenebrio Larvae Significant alterations in available energy
molitor (equivalents of lipids, carbohydrates, and
proteins) and activity of the electron transfer
system. No effect on survival.
Surgical face Terrestrial Brassica Seedlings 0.5% (w/w) 2.5, 2, 1, 0.5, 14 d Inhibition of root length depending on the (Mészáros
mask napus L. 1% (w/w) < 0.5 cm size of the plastics. Increase in the number of et al., 2022)
leaves and alterations in the length of the
shoot. No significant changes were observed
in leaf size and shoot/root ratio. No changes
in catalase and dehydrogenase activity were
observed. Significant increase in the number
of heterotrophic bacteria.
Seed 0.5% (w/v) 5d Inhibition of root elongation.
1% (w/v)

U. Cabrejos-Cardeña et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443 (2023) 130273

Like most plastics, PP-based face masks include several chemical Writing – original draft. Gabriel Enrique De-la-Torre: Conceptualiza­
additives in their polymer matrix. The type of additive and concentra­ tion, Methodology, Project administration, Investigation, Data curation,
tion may vary among manufacturers and are not generally considered Software, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. Sina Dobaradaran:
but are crucial to understanding the toxic effects of FMPs. For instance, it Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. Selva­
has been reported that the toxic effects of face mask leachates containing sembian Rangabhashiyam: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
endocrine-disrupting degradation products induced a similar effect to Writing – original draft.
FMPs alone (Sendra et al., 2022). Although many of the leachable
chemicals are recognized for their toxic effects on a wide range of
aquatic and terrestrial organisms, they are not always accounted for in Declaration of Competing Interest
ecotoxicological studies. On the other hand, as the pandemic progressed,
several unconventional face masks became widely available to the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
public. Some included metal-based antimicrobial agents, such as Zn-, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Cu- and Ag-nanoparticles (NPs), claiming to be more effective against the work reported in this paper.
SARS-CoV-2. However, these types of face masks have been found
abandoned in the environment, expressing concern due to the possible Data availability
leaching/detachment of NPs into the environment. Overall, the multiple
types of face masks and manufacturing processes specific to each brand No data was used for the research described in the article.
could alter the ecotoxicological effects that degradation products, such
as FMPs and leachates, induce. In this sense, the results from previous Acknowledgments
studies should be interpreted with care.
It is still premature to say that FMPs are more toxic than conven­ The corresponding author is thankful to Universidad San Ignacio de
tional MPs. This is mainly due to the several uncertainties and uncon­ Loyola for financial support.
trolled variables involved during experimental procedures. Considering
the great variability of FMPs in terms of physical characteristics (e.g., References
size-distribution) and NPs (apparently, several orders of magnitude
higher than FMPs), ecotoxicological studies must carry out significant Belden, J., 2020. Introduction to ecotoxicology. In: Pope, C.N., Liu, J. (Eds.), An
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Toxicology. Academic Press, pp. 381–393.
efforts to account for the smallest MP fractions (including NPs), which
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normally pass undetected. Although there are still significant technical Keshtkar, M., Akhbarizadeh, R., Tangestani, M., Abedi, D., Javanfekr, F., 2022.
difficulties to quantify the smallest MPs, studies could seek methodo­ Release of phthalate esters (PAEs) and microplastics (MPs) from face masks and
logical strategies. For instance, an additional control group can be gloves during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environ Re 215, 114337.
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