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Doubts About The Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution

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Doubts about the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution

Author(s): Frank B. Salisbury

Source: The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 33, No. 6 (Sep., 1971), pp. 335-338+354
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the National Association of Biology
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Accessed: 20/06/2014 05:16

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Doubts About the Modern
Synthetic Theory of Evolution


C ould our modern synthetic theory of evolution be emphasizes the importance of genetic recombina-
wrong, as were its predecessors, evolution through tions but ultimately rests upon mutations as the
the inheritance of acquired characters (Lamarck) source of the variability acted upon by natural selec-
and instant new species by mutations (De Vries) ? tion. This is where I run into problems.
What will scientists say a hundred years from now First, let me emphasize that it is quite foolish to
about Neodarwinism, the current theory? doubt most of the evolutionary story. The fossils are
I have my doubts about one point in the concept. there, and their mute testimony is overwhelming
Of course, that isn't bad; it is how science progresses. evidence that numerous forms of life have existed on
Someone doubts an accepted point, and other sci- earth over immense spans of time. Furthermore, the
entists, being fundamentally conservative about the most primitive ones existed at earliest times, the
things they have learned, immediately pounce on the most complex ones most recently. Fundamentalist
doubter (providing the point he brings up can be writers and others have tried to provide reasonable
taken seriously). Eventually this leads to one of two alternative explanations for the fossils, but these are
situations, both of them good for science: either the never convincing. Furthermore, Ahe mechanism of
doubter is proven wrong or he is proven right. If natural selection as described by Darwin and the
he is wrong, much will have been learned in marshal- modern embellishments upon it provided by popula-
ing the facts required to settle the question. If he is tion geneticists can hardly be questioned. Gene
right, whole new areas of understanding may have frequencies do change in populations as a result of
been opened. My particular doubt has been pub- selection pressures. This has been observed in the
lished (Salisbury, 1969), scientists have taken their field and duplicated in the laboratory. No scientific
shots at it (Smith, 1969), and it has been defended fact could be demonstrated more clearly.
(Spetner, 1970). But will changes in gene frequencies in response
to selection pressures account for evolution in the
The Originof Variability broadest sense: life originating in the ancient soupy
The problem is the origin of variability. Both seas and developing over eons of time until the earth
Lamarck and De Vries put forth their theories to is covered with flowering plants and thinking men?
account for this. Darwin was fully aware of the Only if there is a continual source of new genes for
seriousness of the problem, and he retreated with selection to act upon. If, somewhere back in the dim
misgivings to Lamarck's ideas. The modern theory reaches of time, a cell evolved the process of photo-
synthesis, it is because, according to the present
theory, the proper genes and their enzymes were
The author prepared this essay for his textbook of botany there for selection to act upon. Could random
(of which William A. Jensen, of the University of California changes in the nucleotide sequences of DNA (muta-
at Berkeley, is senior author), to be published by Wadsworth tions) provide these genes and ultimately the en-
Publishing Co., Belmont, Calif. Salisbury is professor of plant
physiology, Plant Science Dept., College of Agriculture, Utah zymes? At the moment, I doubt it, and my reasons
State University, Logan 84321. for doubting are based upon discoveries during the


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past 20 years that have indicated to us how really red light to come on! Of course, the light could have
complex living systems are. We have known for a come on during the first second of the billion-year
long time that man's body is an intricate and com- period or during the last, but to try all possible
plex machine. Now we know that the cell itself is combinations requires all the computers on all the
far more complex than we had imagined. It includes planets and all the time. Such an example helps one
thousands of functioning enzymes, each one of them realize that 1067 is a truly large number.
a complex machine itself. Furthermore, each enzyme Yet it is small compared to the possible numbers
comes into being in response to a gene, a strand of of genes and enzymes. A medium protein might in-
DNA. The information content of the gene (its com- clude about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene con-
plexity) must be as great as that of the enzyme that trolling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in
it controls. One might begin (as I did) to get the its chain. Since there are four kinds of nucleotides
intuitive feeling that genes and enzymes are too in a DNA chain, one consisting of 1,000 links could
complex to originate by randomly changing nucleo- exist in 41,000 different forms. Using a little algebra
tide sequences. But intuitive feelings are often (logarithms), we can see that 41,000 = 10600.Ten mul-
wrong and never really satisfying. How can we pin tiplied by itself 600 times gives the figure 1 followed
it down? by 600 zeroes! This number is completely beyond our
comprehension. Assume, for example, a cubic uni-
HowManyGenesCouldExist? verse with dimensions of 20 billion (2 x 1010) light-
It is possible to get a numerical idea of the com- years on each side. In angstroms, the smallest unit
plexity of genes and enzymes by considering the used by scientists, this becomes about 1039 A on a
possible number that could exist. This is easy. Pro- side, with a volume of "only" 10117 A3. Since our
teins (enzymes) consist of 20 different kinds of DNA chain requires over half a million A3 of space,
amino acids. If the "protein" consisted of only one imagine how many universes it would take to ac-
amino acid, then there could be 20 kinds; if two commodate 10600 DNA chains!
amino acids, then each of the first 20 could combine
with any of another 20, so there could be 20 x 20 = A Mechanism of Chemical Evolution
400 kinds. Each time we add an amino acid link to Norman Horowitz (1945) proposed a mechanism
the chain we have 20 possibilities to choose from, of chemical evolution of metabolic systems. Imagine
and so we multiply by 20. If there are 10 amino that the primeval ocean contained virtually all of
acids in the chain, then there can be 2010 (20 mul- the common precursors for life processes: sugars,
tiplied by itself 10 times = 204.8 trillion) kinds of amino acids, fats, nucleotides, etc. Imagine that a
amino acid chains. cell containing a reproducing DNA chain had come
The same thing applies to language, which, in a into being and that this could control the synthesis
general sense, is any form of information consisting of specific enzymes; that is, that life had come into
of individual information bits. In the English lan- being. But imagine this to be a highly heterotrophic
guage, we can imagine that there might be 30 dif- form of life, able to synthesize none of the precursors
ferent characters (26 capital letters, a space, quota- required for its existence but obtaining them all
tion marks, a colon, and a period, for example). from the primeval ocean. Our original cell will mul-
Choosing from these characters, we can write the tiply until this ocean is overpopulated and the food
following sentence from Shakespeare: "THIS ABOVE supply limited. The fittest cell will then survive;
ALL: TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE." Could we write namely, one that contains an enzyme capable of con-
this sentence by allowing monkeys to pound type- verting a molecule present in rich abundance into
writers randomly or by blowing up a printshop and one that has become depleted by the excessive popu-
then searching for the sentence among the bits of lation. Here is natural selection at the enzyme level.
type on the street? Let's build small computers in- As each precursor becomes limiting, there is a selec-
stead. Each one occupies a volume of 1 1, and all tion pressure favoring any enzyme that can synthe-
are connected. They cover all the earth to a depth size the molecule in short supply. Eventually the
of 2 km. Each one changes a character in a sequence metabolic systems of living things might be built up
of 45 characters and compares the result with the this way until a completely autotrophic, photo-
sentence above. It does this a trillion times each synthesizing plant comes into being-provided that
second, and no two computers ever duplicate their there will be genes and their enzymes for the selec-
efforts. To try more sentences, we cover 1020 identical tion process to act upon.
planets to a depth of 2 km with such computers, Say that the gene comes into being by mutations
still programming them so that no two ever duplicate consisting of random rearrangements in the nucleo-
the same sequence of characters. Now we let the tide chains, as suggested by Neodarwinism. What are
computers on all these planets run for four billion the chances that a suitable gene can be produced?
years, the time required to form all possible 45 Imagine a primeval ocean uniformly 2 km deep over
character-sequences ("sentences"), using 30 char- the entire earth, containing DNA molecules at a con-
acters: 1.3 x 1007 sequences. One of these will be centration of about 0.001 M (about 700 grams of
our Shakespearean sentence-causing the proper DNA per liter of ocean water). Each double-stranded


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DNA molecule has 1,000 nucleotide pairs and repro- hydrogen bonds and more than 40 somewhat weaker
duces itself one million times per second. Each time contacts (Chipman and Sharon, 1969). Because there
it reproduces, it mutates by changing one nucleo- is much to learn about enzymes, this is probably the
tide pair in the sequence. To make the calculation best area to watch for a solution to my doubts. So
easier, we'll assume that no two DNA molecules far, however, the enzyme chemist has not provided
are ever alike. In four billion years, 7.74 x 1064 dif- us with much comforting information.
ferent kinds of DNA molecules will be produced.
These are not nearly enough, so we will allow it to Religious Convictions Aside ...
happen on 1020 similar planets, producing 7.74 x 1084 We are entitled to think about another solution:
(say 1085) different molecules. If we are trying to an intelligent Creator of life. We can try to write
get one DNA molecule for natural selection to act Shakespeare by piling computers on top of each
upon-and only one will be suitable-then the other and letting them rearrange letters of the lan-
chances of producing it under these conditions are guage, but a much better way is to let Shakespeare
1085/10600, or 1 in 105'1. Say instead that 10100dif- apply his intelligence to the job. Could God apply
ferent kinds of molecules would each be suitable for his intelligence to the ordering of nucleotides in
our act of natural selection. Still only one molecule DNA chains, providing the genes for selection to act
out of every 10500would be acceptable; and, after upon? Certainly, if He exists. I believe in such a God
four billion years on 1020 planets, 10415 of the first for reasons quite independent of the discussion here.
10500possibilities remain to be synthesized. So the But scientifically this solution is not satisfying, be-
chances are still unimaginably small that a proper cause it does not (to me, at least) suggest reason-
DNA molecule will appear-and if it does, the prob- able scientific tests; indeed, it might even lead to a
lem comes up again the next time a precursor be- complacent loss of desire to use science in the first
comes limiting! place. The idea may be an important part of my
How can we solve the problem? We can reduce personal life, but so far I see no suitable way to
its magnitude, perhaps, but only because I may have make it a part of my scientific life.
exaggerated things in the above example. It may Perhaps the mutations upon which natural selec-
be that some enzymes require 300 amino acids, all tion acts are not really random at all. Perhaps there
arranged in a specific order if they are to be active, is some feedback from the environment to enzymes
but we don't really know of any good examples- and genes, directing the mutation process. Here at
which isn't saying much, considering how little we least is an idea that might be tested.
know about enzyme activity and the arrangement of
amino acids. If most of the amino acids in an en- Questions About Mutation
zyme were superfluous-that is, if only a few of An argument that I encounter is that the theory of
the amino acids actually were necessary for the ac- mutations has been demonstrated, so my doubts are
tive site then the problem might be easier to deal in vain. I am not convinced. Most textbooks (for
with. Henry Quastler (1964), in worrying about example, Stebbins, 1966) suggest that, while the vast
these matters, calculated that the active site might majority of mutations may be bad, some are good-
require only two amino acids and that seven amino perhaps "one in a thousand." The number is pretty
acids should be sufficient in any case. If only two much a wild guess, but there are some experimental
amino acids are required, then one out of every 400 data suggesting that it could be close. Apparently
combinations ought to be suitable for any reaction; potentially adaptive ("good") mutations have ap-
if seven, then one out of every billion. If this were peared after irradiating corn or some microorganism.
true, then the gene is not so unique after all, and Still I'm not convinced. My doubts are confined to
random mutations might be an adequate mechanism. occasions when we must produce a gene de novo,
This answer seems too simple. If only two amino as in the example given above. This gene had to
acids produce an active site, there can only be 400 have certain capabilities because a certain precursor
kinds of active sites, and every protein would be was limiting. In many other cases, genes might arise
covered by many, if not most, of them. But enzymes by slight changes in preexisting genes, improving
are highly specific, containing as a rule only one slightly the activity of the controlled enzyme. This
active site. This suggests that most amino acid could account for a lot of apparently good mutations
sequences are without catalytic activity. If only a that don't fit my example. Or perhaps a good gene
small percentage of amino acid sequences are active, has mutated to become deleterious. It might mutate
although there is a legion of active sites (implied by back to the original, producing an apparently good
all the reactions in the myriad life forms), then the mutation.
number of amino acids in the minimal sequence Most examples cited to prove the modern syn-
must be quite high- perhaps 15 or 16. Actually, we thetic theory of evolution don't depend upon muta-
have determined the structure of a few enzymes, and tions at all. The peppered moths of England are often
it does not appear that the sequence numbers for an mentioned. Before the Industrial Revolution, most
active site are small. In lysozyme, for example, the were a mottled gray color similar to the lichen-
substrate binds to the enzyme through at least six covered bark of English trees. As these trees became


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covered with soot, the moths became black-a pro- do so because of secondary (allosteric) sites on the
tective coloration against predators. This is a mar- enzyme that influence the primary active site. This
velous example of a change in population gene is pretty fancy engineering.
frequency in response to selection pressures, but the Consider something as complex as the photosyn-
black moths were known to be present before the thetic apparatus. We can shine light on a mixture of
Industrial Revolution (albeit in very small num- chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide to our heart's
bers). Nor am I convinced by the oft-cited answers content, but nothing happens. We need chlorophyll
to the work of Wilhelm Johanssen (1903). Johans- attached to a suitable protein in a granum embedded
sen's bean plants were not changed by selection after in the stroma and with all the necessary enzymes for
the first few generations, but the protein and oil the entire photosynthetic process. Are there halfway
contents of corn plants were changed for many steps along the way to this, each with a selective
generations (Hopkins, 1899). This says nothing value of its own? This is the restriction that Darwin-
about mutations for protein and oil content. It merely ism and Neodarwinism place upon us. No step in
says that the bean plants had already been highly evolution can last unless it has value.
selected before Johanssen used them and that the And how many times in our evolution of photo-
corn plants had not been so selected. It also says synthesis, respiration, etc., do we encounter the
that protein and oil contents may depend upon a problem of a required enzyme that does not exist
large number of genes and that many generations at all, as in the example above? How many shiny
are required to "collect" these in single individuals. new genes are required to produce the phloem trans-
It is a fine demonstration of selection changing gene port system or a wing or an eye? Are there really
frequencies, but it has nothing to do with the ques- intermediate steps with selection value along the
tion that bothers me. way to these final forms?
Organisms are really complex. Counting the num-
Some Further Doubts ber of nucleotide pairs, the nucleus of a man con-
Doubting can get to be a bit of a habit-as it tains about 109 bits of genetic information. Written
should be with more students of science. I feel that in normal-sized type, this would fill about 1,000
the doubts expressed above are based on solid normal-sized, bound volumes. We are learning that
grounds, but I have other doubts remaining more much of the genetic information in a nucleus is
at the intuitive level. Here are a few, for what they redundant (repeated). If 90% is redundant, then
are worth: the "formula of a man" could be written in 100
Surely our ideas about the origin of life will have volumes. Could we really write those 100 volumes
to change radically with the passage of time. Not in a mere four billion years by rearranging nucleo-
only is the gene itself a problem: think of the sys- tides and selecting? Peas are apparently even more
tems that would have to come into being to produce complex than men. They have 1011 information bits
a living cell! It's nice to talk about replicating DNA per nucleus. Perhaps this is because they are nutri-
molecules arising in the soupy sea, but in modern tionally much more complex; they must synthesize
cells this replication requires the presence of suitable their own basic foodstuffs from water, carbon di-
enzymes. Furthermore, DNA by itself accomplishes oxide, minerals, and the energy of light. But the
nothing. Its only reason for existence is the informa- really complex production of life is the human
tion that it carries and that is used in the production brain. Will Neodarwinism account for its origins?
of a protein enzyme. At the moment, the link be- My last doubt concerns so-called parallel evolu-
tween DNA and the enzyme is a highly complex one, tion. In the angiosperms the same features of flower
involving RNA and an enzyme for its synthesis on a structure have apparently appeared independently
DNA template; ribosomes; enzymes to activate several times in unrelated evolutionary lines. In-
amino acids; and transfer-RNA molecules. Yet selec- deed, the problem is so severe that no satisfactory
tion acts only upon phenotypes and not upon genes. classification scheme for flowering plants has yet
At this level, the phenotype is the enzyme itself. been devised. Even something as complex as the
How, in the absence of the final enzyme, could selec- eye has appeared several times; for example, in the
tion act upon DNA and all the mechanisms for squid, the vertebrates, and the arthropods. It's bad
replicating it? It's as though everything must happen enough accounting for the origin of such things
at once: the entire system must come into being as once, but the thought of producing them several
one unit, or it is worthless. There may well be ways times according to the modern synthetic theory
out of this dilemma, but I don't see them at the makes my head swim.
moment. So there are my doubts. Shoot me down if you
Some enzymes are known to be incredibly com- can.
plex. Phosphofructokinase in glycolysis is promoted
by ADP and inhibited by citrate and ATVP-even REFERENCES
though ATP is a normal substrate. These inhibitions CHIPMAN, D. M., and N. SHARON. 1969. Mechanism of lysozyme
and promotions accurately regulate the rate of action. Science 165: 454-465.
glycolysis in relation to oxygen concentrations. They (Concluded on p. 354)


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consider it a reaction to the dissolved oxygen dif-
ference? GreatMen. . . from p. 347
To answer this question, begin by organizing the scientific community. Historically, we should honor
both important men and important ideas, but it
data and making a determination of X1, X2, S12, and
S22 (fig. 2). The calculations in fig. 2 supply the would be well for us to build more realistic monu-
values X1 = 25, X2 = 19, S12 = 1.5, and S22 2.5. ments to the earlier biologists (and perhaps final
Since in our example ni = n2 5, we will use n = 5 resting places for dead paradigms). We should not
in the simplified formula (fig. 3). allow present-day science students to become the
victims of the ghosts of paradigms-past or present.
Using a probability table for T value at (n1 - 1)
Today, ecology has the spotlight in biology. Of
+ (n2 - 1) degrees of freedom, we get a probability
less than 0.001. In other words, there is only one course this is important, even vital, to us all; but-
chance in 1,000 that the differences in extension re- given the concept of paradigms-we should look
corded are due to chance alone. This indicates a ahead to where the spotlight is likely to fall next.
highly significant difference and gives good reason (Personally, I'd bet on the behavioral sciences.) Our
to consider the differences in extension to be due job as biology teachers entails, then, two responsi-
to the difference in dissolved-oxygen level. bilities to our students: to teach some "normal sci-
ence," framed in old paradigms, while leaving room
Drawing a Conclusion for, and even encouraging, the challenging of para-
The statistical analysis I have used to analyze the digms. As effective teachers it becomes our mandate
relationship of oxygen concentration to extension to promote both technical competency and free
length can also be applied to an investigation of the thinking.
relationship between the concentration 3f dissolved REFERENCES
oxygen and the rate of oscillatory movements of the CARLYLE, T. 1841. Heroes and hero worship. Hall Publishers,
extended portion of a worm. My own investigations London.
and those of a student in an individual project have KUHN, T. S. 1962. The structure of scientific revolutions.
shown a reliable inverse relationship between dis- Phoenix Books, University of Chicago Press.
MERTON, R. K. 1961. Singletons and multiples in scientific dis-
solved-oxygen concentration and worm extension. I
covery. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
have found no statistically acceptable relationship 105: 470-486.
between oscillation rate and dissolved-oxygen con- ROOK,A. 1964. The origins and growth of biology. Pelican
centration. Books, Inc., Baltimore.
From this investigation students should have no WATSON, J. D. 1968. The double helix. Atheneum Press, New
trouble concluding that T. tubifex uses posterior ex-
tension as a means of presenting a greater-oxygen-
absorption area in oxygen-poor water. The fact that
a mathematical relationship can be demonstrated
Theoryof Evolution. . . from p. 338
HOPKINS, C. G. 1899. Improvement in the chemical content of
gives students a good example of the use of bio- the corn kernel. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station
statistics as an aid to reaching conclusions. Bulletin 55.
HOROWITZ, N. H. 1945. On the evolution of biochemical syn-
Further Study theses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Interested students may try raising Tubifex worms 31: 153-157.
JOHANNSEN, W. 1903. UTber Erblichkeit in Populationen und
for studies of their life cycle (Dobrowolski, 1967), in reinen Linien. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena.
diet (Coler and Gunner, 1967), or burrowing and QUASTLER, H. 1964. The emergence of biological organization.
tube-building habits. Very little research has been Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
done on these matters. The worms can be maintained SALISBURY, F. B. 1969. Natural selection and the complexity
of the gene. Nature 224: 342-343.
for years in the mud of a small aquarium. SMITH, J. M. 1969. Natural selection and the concept of a
protein space. Nature 225: 563-564.
SPETNER, L. M. 1970. Natural selection versus gene unique-
BRINKHURST, R. 0. 1965. The biology of the Tubificidae with ness. Nature 226: 948-949.
special reference to pollution. In Biological problems in STEBBINS, G. L. 1966. Processes of organic evolution. Prentice-
water pollution, U.S. Public Health Service, Division of Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Water Supply and Pollution Control, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ence: interaction of experiments and ideas. Prentice-Hall,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. ChannelizationStopped
COLER,R. A., and H. B. GUNNER.1967. Selective feeding of
Conservationists stopped the channelization of
tubificids on bacteria. Nature 216 (5120): 1143-1144.
DOBROWOLSKI, J. 1967. The influence of x-rays on the de- Dry Creek, in Georgia's Seminole County, which
velopment of embryos of Tubifex. Folia Biologica 15 (3): would have decimated fish and wildlife values to
353-365. reclaim unneeded $100-an-acre farmland at a cost
FOWLER,D. J., and C. J. GOODNIGHT. 1965. The effect of en- of $119 per acre. The victory is an encouraging ex-
vironmental factors on respiration of Tubifex. American
Midland Naturalist 74 (2): 418-428. ception to the channelization of natural streams that
LAVERACK, M. S. 1963. The physiology of earth worms. Mac- is spreading like a cancer across the southeastern
millan Co., New York. United States.


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