•Ventral root
• Peripheral Nervous System
• Endoneurium
surrounds each fiber
• Dorsal
• Lateral • Commissures:
• Gray: Central canal
• White
Functional Organization of the Nuclei
within the Gray Matter
of the Spinal Cord
Location of Ascending and
Descending Tracts of the Spinal Cord
•See ANS
•The cervical
enlargement contains the
neurons that innervate the
upper limbs
•The lumbar
enlargement contains
the neurons that
innervate the lower
•The tapering end
of the spinal cord is
called the conus
•The conus
medullaris is
surrounded by L1
in and adult and
L2 in a child.
•The adult spinal cord
terminates at the level of
the first lumbar vertebra
•sensory motor •motor sensory
• Sensory information has to be passed on from the spinal cord to the brain
• ascending pathways (red)
•(e.g. pain receptor in skin)
•Light touch
•Sensory information travels to the brain via 3 main pathways:
To somatosensory cortex
1) Spinothalamic system (lateral and anterior tract):
somatosensory information to brain:pain and temperature, light touch,
pressure, tickle, itch
To cerebellum:
3) Spinocerebellar system (posterior and anterior):
proprioception, for comparator function
Basic Organization of a
Reflex Pathway
Terms Associated with
Reflex Pathways