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Modean tecchcng


Ihe leachng melbod mhcch

et e
CCLeD moxe on
Sluclens to C o p O vcng

cotelle ct behavio
CDCoq Vaso

conoNatve cole) R
XLc tt e
nec ancl

han makinq e n Xec le the Sllabu

the examiNatton wc t the

to cle a
Same old Style cs Moclean teacbinq
methocl3 1 dsnoe ackae hy
based and Centoe b e leaane S
c d Concch Cvolves VeD enttdely

cole e PoOC S lead nc

Toths, CuaiCulc1m teacheng 3
plannenq de olone keept leaane C
pamosy tadqet.
Deerent Leachpg moclels:
De ol leachng ncelel3
have been olevelopecl, om Vau U
a v e oluterern Slard
SoudCCS Ihey
POCn abocut gøcl o eclu Ccutn
eachng oelheol. Sevez al eclucatro
lke Hilgadel, lateason, Dececco 3

Cacofoad ated to claasc e

Bmonq hese, hee c l a s s i c o t i a n

CDecl hy Joyce and wecl P's Considezed

CCL Cmpoat omt hey claascP ec au the

eocning models cotooua Cotegoace

O1oomatton bocesseng moolels

SoCaal Iotedocte on oole l3

(7 lenSonal Deve loprment models

eravcus Moaluf Cotten mcclels.

O Tofosmaton Processc heoay:
d3 a Coqnc tve eheoay h a t
bcuses on how cmama tton es entocdecd

Cmto The theo2y olaubes

hocu ou boainS l e s Cmo mat a n ,
om cunat we Ooe paueng
e pRDeN moment, t oai

gels stoaed co
u shoat -
teso O
COodl q memoay anel l t m a t e l y crto

team menNDOSY The boDtC

gemArAUy OCc c
Coqnc v e Cange

eve Oaea

11Me mody
in) PoocesSSenq Speed
V) Onqazonltoo o thnku
V) Melacognetton
hs nool el aim a t dleelopnq

C Stucleos abeu t e Such cu

Caeattavchy, lo cal tvcNki9, analyzira
anat Oganc Ztnq cHon O t t o n amd

etaOdg e D Co nmeODY

be Leococg mcley obxck

Cetde uecndl conless rookOOO Ce3 Str

he Cuc,

IonovatImportarnb goala o
the moclel.

Irctucne Hida loha Descaned ton cleelocq nduckve

Seasoi madel 2 easoncrq 3 loge
e Seuojed Conten TmedDe
abtut e aae weul ed
achieig peasoml oocoellas
Sociad g o c

Toaure Suchman Sudkmaattt Cmqueay

Mcod el

3. Seence Joseph Desqnecd to teach the eseaac

equt9 Jchunh etocty cna
sqnad mainle lro deelcpcg
4 Concept eaomE
Colucltve decpnq 3tacuqb
Pilcurmen acneia
celel hat shopn mead (nCcpls5
aly rS a CcnCort olevelcpmert

5. Devcleo Jamliaqet Dexaned to cmpmcve

Iavingacnellecttual ddevelopnmemt
Tdmud pottculonly loce Cal
Adanced Dord De iqneal le COcaae ee
Odqancser usubel Ceney CnpeomCtta
mod poOcesScnq abdtkey to

meaninqfally ohsoahe the

poe sent CnJeomattar 8

Xebte ct te the oiecce

oCc wo ouwleol
Stodec co tNe
Soaial Interacton Models.
nmool elD
Tnes kind a leachc
geve cmpoatane
abcu ts to Conkegnolle
Nelatrand ame

o t e a s anol
Socual lo LD ese
aa moncauL)y c o a
moclel3 ane baecl on te aiciple
eouucatton cs Sociau zatt md
n he
Ka olernoOettc paactca)

CloasaO EeluColeas Cmalpy cholog St

have olo>caOed
Sever cl types
eoche'ng mccleb C o c c hpaovcole

Sculale geu d e t n e s
te he teache

the behovcos a the

oo oolluenq
teaching mecleG ovve
Oeen olevelopecl bowecl on

C eackoom): Tmpodiomt ecchenq

oclOLD Ce
Innova Iopoatont Cwels
of he moclel.
Heshant Deqned ton cleveloping the Skill
heloaml paattcpatron in leroC'atrc
JBbo eucy o c al pacCOSS, co clcli ton te
CCaclemce E cOADY
Cla SSaOom Willtao Developmernt a
Sell o n D
odel Glaaes 3lanelu og 23 2eporSCu
Sela the social nocup
to codc he elongs
3. Social B aon MasSals Devalopeng abelity to selhve
Inquy and Social pacolemS patmoBty
oolel Becomin(cx thaouah academ tOUO
Cnol legi c a zea NCOg
s labcaboy Notomal Thaoua b elevelcpment
rooclel Focuocq Skrlls cn Socrad cotexactons
hehoakey emol qpocup fcnct am skilu|
Bethel Mine Cmpnovc aCUadeness
ano lexibittu

Developeng t e Skil to Sthe

S. JaS Donol
audeolal Oltves odScal paablemseqa
Mcclel Jamcy P.
ad luq Sclutony.
G Role ennce Tooltcing slclonts to
Saftd Cngu de peSonal 3 Scciol
p Genage
Vculu0), CNg thon OCun

Shajlel De NCOLU 2 VoUO C) h e

Seraene -

elpcnq 3tuclenb t
SmclaHo) Bonocls CXpecento V a u o Soual
pocceS es a o l e a u t t e
examune oeid oon
3eachaN to themD

Soctal Ioteractcon staategtes.

otezacthon begeo cwcth om harlucho
O the tepcc bu teache
SAudlens aae
aalomaecl c
Onel ey iscD S amona
t h e o Sevea

leacber 3houulol ConttDcete Monctex

At oe ed e lepxesent attve a
eoch team cocl PAEsent the xe uadel
S o be Stuuclomls be actwve,
Respornschle fo» thec7 leaoNeng,
able lo explaun h e topro, Compomise

neqoltatan 2 mototeao get


ole velcpeal

Steps Ho Cmple mentng soctal

Iolaoluct cn Concept by ecltasie
Sluolemts qaoup e t o tearng

stuolonS negøtaLe, CompoComi se

exploo Concopt3 te a o t h e onohele

tacililatera moncteOS

A)S4uoems asseas *heig Cwodks.

(Suolams pxesent inolung

Teache e
rplaun the et u
ecLS 2 Concapls B Comple le tthe
leaane a the tepce
Polvant aqes aro eusacantoge.

Adwant ages usocwantcae3.|

Sclent Can texeo .tcnme ConScD g
Htghea level of hinkim D C l t e ieachal
Content Ohectves.
Meancnq tul leaant Sonoe Sluclemi may

Wodk well cn a CocpeiaheOt pauttapeue

Settts Hanol CopS Stualents
Pornole lecalo Shcp maytnd cl oufhcult
leam CoOdk
Paoblem Solvinq Skills

De umt tgpes o- Soctal

Interackon moolels.

Jus spoudenttal cngruby

uo p envestqattON.

Socca Cnqudy
ahozotody Metto
Role play
Social coeuD
Social Sttmuulat C

3) Pezsonal oleveloprnerot mode ls

The's oodel 9eve
Cmpoot anco to t e
e cectve
emphascza thoat Stuclents
ese nDcclel
Sholdl levelop posctte onol
cocth h e i a
e l a t msbeP
a o Shape
aol e CaDeaue cnelividualty

fo ealiscog toe peasonal qeals.

Thee mool e l accodl palodC'hy teo the
developroent Seeteem, Sel Cac
CAnkelanolug Se One s Oon teelim
T t s -lamily a oolols, Coal Roqer's
Non- ouxecHve Leach9 meclel s

C p o o E and
Cthe basis o self- developnent
Cnoli vcolucl), Selesal teachcC
mocloly beve been olevelop hey aw

Si Mocld Exponentt) ropoetant Groals

the odel.
o-ciroek Caal Roqeds Eophos(Zinq tfoe olevelcpment
Medel ael f- auoarenes
Copept 3 Cutoom
uoENeSFatz Peoais EmphaacZig tfa olevelopmerd ol
Moole COe peronal auCBenes s
Ctndldcnolig uell as Hhe
phuacoal 3 Sernbay Q enes.
3 Sunecttc) wi|liar)
-Development a} Cieetnitys
GoolenSolving pocbdema Cnronktve

A ntapuo Dnvid lunl Empheubi s on cmOneoLscme

Mocle penou Competency amol
The pocmady qals ane

cOCCLDe e Sluclent s Selu Ooath.

o be lp slucsms Cuoolostamol thermselve

lo help stuloms Recoq s e

lo elp toenn olevelep 9aal leoau

To help Stuolamls oleuelop plans
CnCeeLDcr tNaiT oDpeenco

.To nCLcLe theSttuclems CIecLtuh

mel playlunesS.

l o coCAeey e h e stuclot s openneis

lo neco expeuente
Behavcoud Mooliftcatton Moclels
B e r c u meoltcalton c's o e

eld e paydegy CnCeoned cOctrb

amltstina h an hehavoLB
ehvcom mocliiCoton Ree tethe
techotoLes Csecl to tay arol olecaocue
Od CDCLceee a patccilout e
benaNtau Reactom. BenovioUuis
e Gf Slupne empnaatzed t al
ecucctomal acttvettes ano mnt too
oel 9 pupe behaveaw.
odlels Come CuolOA

SMoclel Exponent Impootant oals a he Mode

Opebmt By efoacmq elojiiaHe Acponde),
CcdniirgF Sime wlpt mo enOxolaoloje, ab'the.
leacumq atfholes 3 shilUls
Mocl el

2 FocLunm BF skama eve leormq

psychamo hen shily
aa Soccl sbil.
characteqisEccs of Behavouu
Moolr colton.
Hoc on behoviou
2) aocecltnes baJedl on behavtoual pâindple
)Emphaat 3 oD Cunemi envõONmentcu


A) Poecse oleiptton cO} behavt a u

moouCaton pROcec ues.

5 Taecutment Coplernertec by pewplo co

evesyoley He

6) Meaxuement ehavauu com

)De- emphaat's On post events a3

CCLsey ebehauiouw

8) Rejectkan eypoteltcal
Carolelyen e af behevtauo
* Teachinq of Behavioua Moelukcakon
he peupose beod et Os
TO eCLeD On ChangerDa behovc a u
t t h e n ano oluf Ard methool)

C ec hey e

Poscve RecnBeacenrent
Neqeutve Reioloocermernt


looolug Exposig peoples o Siuatan)

o t c oleserttzeLtoo
( Rernoun calm hile locusing on fecy)
vexscon åheapy (deve lopinc
Extenctton:Gel APel a umanled
Ihe technologecal Revoluta

helps teaceng beCorne conovetinne

Andl mode

Suolemts aha belede. Cfeema

Cmovottve teachng Styles helps
StuelOm5 stau annectecd amel
C OVe thet ecooical knouoledla

o e begen ing Thw Moclean

eaccg moolels cS a o naMOa
COCL Cleaant eabling Stuolen
to ecun a Lot testee
.bof Naganajan k (o 22) Leaancnq
teachcoq, chennot, Sacoam Pubsheas

kalainwc M koctotkas C2co91)

eacncna 2 lead nia
Samyule elha Pab&cott e
3 btp3: ecluvotte tnlmoclen- teccne
Meboole \|

hltps:// aujBorlinere Seazch. tles.

wooctpze»s. Coo201|o1l21 -125-129
Yogeshlumeu P-Pateliya pe

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