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Crown Dependencies
The Crown Dependencies[1] are three island territories in the
British Islands that are self-governing possessions of the British Crown Dependencies
Crown: the Channel Islands of the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Dépendances de la
Bailiwick of Jersey, in the English Channel and the Isle of Man in Couronne (French)
the Irish Sea. They are not part of the United Kingdom (UK) nor Croghaneyn-crooin (Manx)
are they British Overseas Territories.[2][3] They have the status of
"territories for which the United Kingdom is responsible", rather
than sovereign states.[4] As a result, they are not member states of
the Commonwealth of Nations.[5] However, they do have
relationships with the Commonwealth and other international
organizations, and are members of the British–Irish Council.
They have their own teams in the Commonwealth Games. Anthem: "God Save the King"
Each island's political development has been largely independent
from, though often parallel with, that of the UK,[6] and they are
Sovereign state United
akin to "miniature states with wide powers of self-government".[7] Kingdom
As the Crown Dependencies are not sovereign states, the power to Largest Isle of Man
pass legislation affecting the islands ultimately rests with the territory
King-in-Council (though this power is rarely exercised without
Official English
the consent of the dependencies, and the right to do so is languages
disputed). However, they each have their own legislative
assembly, with power to legislate on many local matters with the Government
assent of the Crown (Privy Council, or, in the case of the Isle of • Monarch[a] Charles III
Man, in certain circumstances the lieutenant-governor).[8] In
Jersey and the Isle of Man, the head of government is called the
chief minister. In Guernsey, the head representative of the • Total 768 km2
committee-based government is the President of the Policy and (297 sq mi)
Resources Committee. Population
• 2021 Census 252,719 (exc.
Terminology estimate Sark)
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The term 'Crown Dependencies' has been disputed by Gavin St Pier, former Chief Minister of
Guernsey. He argues that the term was an administrative invention of Whitehall, which incorrectly
implies that the Islands are dependent upon the Crown, and advocates instead the use of the term
'Crown Dominion'.

List of Crown Dependencies

Title of
Name Location Area Population Island Arms Capital Airport

Saint Alderney
Anne Airport

Peter Guernsey
Guernsey Port[c]

Bailiwick King in right

English 78 km2
of the 67,334[12] (none) (none)
(30 sq mi)
Guernsey Bailiwick[9][b]

(de facto;
Sark does (none)
Sark not have a

King in right
Bailiwick English 118.2 km2 Saint Jersey
of Jersey Channel
of 107,800[15] Helier Airport
(46 sq mi)
Jersey[13][d][b] Jersey

Isle of Man
Isle of 572 km2 Airport
Irish Sea Lord of Mann
(221 sq mi) 83,314[16] Isle of
Man Airport)

Channel Islands

Since 1290,[17] the Channel Islands have been governed as:

the Bailiwick of Guernsey, comprising the islands of Alderney, Brecqhou, Guernsey, Herm, Jethou,
Lihou, and Sark;
the Bailiwick of Jersey, comprising the island of Jersey and uninhabited islets such as the
Écréhous and Minquiers.

Each Bailiwick is a Crown dependency and each is headed by a Bailiff, with a Lieutenant Governor
representing the Crown in each Bailiwick. Each Bailiwick has its own legal and healthcare systems
and its own separate immigration policy, with "local status" in one Bailiwick having no validity in the 2/17
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other. The two Bailiwicks exercise bilateral double taxation

treaties. Since 1961, the Bailiwicks have had separate courts of
appeal, but generally, the Bailiff of each Bailiwick has been
appointed to serve on the panel of appellate judges for the other

Bailiwick of Guernsey

The Bailiwick of Guernsey comprises three separate jurisdictions:

Alderney, including smaller surrounding uninhabited islands.

Guernsey, which also includes the nearby islands of Herm,
Jethou, Lihou, and other smaller uninhabited islands.
Sark, which also includes the nearby island of Brecqhou, and
other smaller uninhabited islands.

The parliament of Guernsey is the States of Deliberation, the The Channel Islands located in the
parliament of Sark is called the Chief Pleas, and the parliament of English Channel
Alderney is called the States of Alderney. The three parliaments
together can also approve joint Bailiwick-wide legislation that
applies in those parts of the Bailiwick whose parliaments approve
it. There are no political parties in any of the parliaments;
candidates stand for election as independents.[18]

Bailiwick of Jersey

The Bailiwick of Jersey consists of the island of Jersey and a

number of surrounding uninhabited islands. Brecqhou island

The parliament is the States Assembly, the first known mention of

which is in a document of 1497.[19] The States of Jersey Law 2005
introduced the post of Chief Minister of Jersey, abolished the
Bailiff's power of dissent to a resolution of the States and the
Lieutenant Governor's power of veto over a resolution of the
States, and established that any Order in Council or Act of the
United Kingdom proposed to apply to Jersey must be referred to
the States so that the States can express their views on it.[20] There
are few political parties, as candidates generally stand for election
as independents.
Aerial view of Saint Clement, Jersey

Isle of Man

The Isle of Man's Tynwald claims to be the world's oldest parliament in continuous existence, dating
back to 979. (However, it does not claim to be the oldest parliament, as Iceland's Althing dates back to
930.) It consists of a popularly elected House of Keys and an indirectly elected Legislative Council,
which may sit separately or jointly to consider pieces of legislation, which, when passed into law, are
known as "Acts of Tynwald". Candidates mostly stand for election to the Keys as independents, rather
than being selected by political parties. There is a Council of Ministers headed by a chief minister.[21] 3/17
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Unlike the other Crown Dependencies, the Isle of Man has a

Common Purse Agreement with the United Kingdom.

Constitutional status
According to the 1973 Kilbrandon Report, the Crown Dependencies
are 'like miniature states'.[22][23] According to a 2010 Commons
Justice Committee, they are independent from the UK and from each
other and their relationship is with the Crown. The UK's
responsibilities derive from that fact.[22]

All "insular" legislation has to receive the approval of the "King in

Council", in effect, the Privy Council in London.[24] Certain types of
domestic legislation in the Isle of Man, however, may be signed into
law by the Lieutenant Governor, using delegated powers, without
having to pass through the Privy Council. In Jersey, provisional
The Isle of Man located in the
legislation of an administrative nature may be adopted by means of
Irish Sea
triennial regulations (renewable after three years), without requiring
the assent of the Privy Council.[25] Much legislation, in practice, is
effected by means of secondary legislation under the authority of prior laws or Orders in Council.

A unique constitutional position has arisen in the Channel Islands as successive monarchs have
confirmed the liberties and privileges of the Bailiwicks, often referring to the so-called Constitutions
of King John, a legendary document supposed to have been granted by King John in the aftermath of
1204. Governments of the Bailiwicks have generally tried to avoid testing the limits of the unwritten
constitution by avoiding conflict with British governments. Following the restoration of King Charles
II, who had spent part of his exile in Jersey, the Channel Islands were given the right to set their own
customs duties, referred to by the Jersey Legal French term as impôts.

The Crown

The monarch is represented by a Lieutenant Governor in each Crown dependency, but this post is
largely ceremonial. Since 2010 the Lieutenant Governors of each Crown dependency have been
recommended to the Crown by a panel in each respective Crown dependency; this replaced the
previous system of the appointments being made by the Crown on the recommendation of UK
ministers.[26][27] In 2005, it was decided in the Isle of Man to replace the Lieutenant Governor with a
Crown Commissioner, but this decision was reversed before it was implemented.

The Crown in the Isle of Man

"The Crown" is defined differently in each Crown Dependency. Legislation of the Isle of Man defines
the "Crown in right of the Isle of Man" as being separate from the "Crown in right of the United
Kingdom".[28] In the Isle of Man the British monarch is styled Lord of Mann, a title variously held by 4/17
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Norse, Scottish and English kings and nobles (the English nobles
in feudality to the English Crown) until it was revested into the
British monarchy in 1765. The title "Lord" is today used
irrespective of the gender of the person who holds it.

The Crown in the Channel Islands

The Channel Islands are part of the territory annexed by the

Duchy of Normandy in 933 from the Duchy of Brittany. This
territory was added to the grant of land given in settlement by the Elizabeth II, the former Lord of
King of France in 911 to the Viking raiders who had sailed up the Mann, on Isle of Man stamps
Seine almost to the walls of Paris. William the Conqueror, Duke of
Normandy, claimed the title King of England in 1066, following
the death of Edward the Confessor, and secured the claim through the
Norman conquest of England. Subsequent marriages between Kings of
England and French nobles meant that Kings of England had title to more
French lands than the King of France. When the King of France asserted
his feudal right of patronage, the then-King of England, King John,
fearing he would be imprisoned should he attend, failed to fulfill his

In 1204, the title and lands of the Duchy of Normandy and his other
French possessions were stripped from King John of England by the King
of France. The Channel Islands remained in the possession of the King of
England, who ruled them as Duke of Normandy until the Treaty of Paris
in 1259. John's son, Henry III, renounced the title of Duke of Normandy
by that treaty, and none of his successors ever revived it. The Channel
Islands continued to be governed by the Kings of England as French fiefs,
distinct from Normandy, until the Hundred Years' War, during which
they were definitively separated from France. At no time did the Channel
Islands form part of the Kingdom of England, and they remained legally "La Reine, Notre Duc" (The
separate, though under the same monarch, through the subsequent Queen, Our Duke): title of a
unions of England with Wales (1536), Scotland (1707) and Ireland (1801). Diamond Jubilee exhibition
at the Jersey Arts Centre in
Charles III reigns over the Channel Islands directly, and not by virtue of 2012
his role as monarch of the United Kingdom. No specific title is associated
with his role as monarch of the Channel Islands. The monarch has been
described, in Jersey, as the "King in right of Jersey",[13] and in legislation as the "Sovereign of the
Bailiwick of Jersey" and "Sovereign in right of the Bailiwick of Jersey".[14]

In Jersey, statements in the 21st century of the constitutional position by the Law Officers of the
Crown define it as the "Crown in right of Jersey",[29] with all Crown land in the Bailiwick of Jersey
belonging to the Crown in right of Jersey and not to the Crown Estate of the United Kingdom.[30] In
Guernsey, legislation refers to the "Crown in right of the Bailiwick",[9] and the Law Officers of the
Crown of Guernsey submitted that "The Crown in this context ordinarily means the Crown in right of
the république of the Bailiwick of Guernsey"[31] and that this comprises "the collective governmental
and civic institutions, established by and under the authority of the Monarch, for the governance of
these Islands, including the States of Guernsey and legislatures in the other Islands, the Royal Court 5/17
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and other courts, the Lieutenant Governor, Parish authorities, and the Crown acting in and through
the Privy Council."[32] This constitutional concept is also worded as the "Crown in right of the
Bailiwick of Guernsey".[31]

Distinction from Overseas Territories

Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories

(BOTs) share a similar geopolitical status. They are both
categories of self-governing territories which fall under
British sovereignty (the Head of State being the King of
Aerial view of Castletown, Isle of Man
the United Kingdom) and for which the UK is
responsible internationally. Neither Crown
Dependencies nor BOTs are part of the UK and neither
send representatives to the UK Parliament.[33]

However, Crown Dependencies are distinct from BOTs. Unlike BOTs, which are remnants of the
British Empires, the Crown Dependencies have a much older relationship with the UK, springing
from their status as 'feudatory kingdoms' subject to the English Crown. The self-governing status of
the BOTs evolved through Acts of Parliament and the creation of fairly homogeneous political
structures. On the other hand, the political systems of the Crown Dependencies evolved in an ad hoc
manner, resulting in particular and unique political structures in each dependency.[33]

Relationship with the UK

The United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies and British Overseas
Territories collectively form 'one, undivided realm' under the
British monarchy.[34][35] Crown Dependencies have the
international status of "territories for which the United Kingdom
is responsible" rather than sovereign states.[4] The relationship
between the governments of the Crown Dependencies and the UK
is "one of mutual respect and support, i.e. a partnership".[36]
There is a significant gap between the official and operational
relationship between the UK and the islands.[37]

Until 2001, responsibility for the UK Government's relationships

with the Crown dependencies rested with the Home Office, but it Sir John Chalmers McColl as
was then transferred first to the Lord Chancellor's Department, Lieutenant Governor of Jersey
then to the Department for Constitutional Affairs, and finally to
the Ministry of Justice. In 2010, the Ministry of Justice stated that
relationships with the Crown Dependencies are the responsibility of the United Kingdom Government
as a whole, with the Ministry of Justice holding responsibility for the constitutional relationship and
other ministries engaging with their opposite numbers in the Crown Dependencies according to their
respective policy areas.[5]

The UK Government is solely responsible for defence and international representation[3] (although, in
accordance with 2007 framework agreements,[38] the UK has elected not to act internationally on
behalf of the Crown Dependencies without prior consultation). The Crown Dependencies are within
the Common Travel Area and apply the same visa policy as the UK, but each Crown dependency has
responsibility for its own customs and immigration services. 6/17
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As in England, but not the United Kingdom as a whole, the Church of England is the established
Church in the Isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey.[39][40]

The constitutional and cultural proximity of the islands to the UK means that there are shared
institutions and organisations. The BBC, for example, has local radio stations in the Channel Islands,
and also a website run by a team based in the Isle of Man (which is included in BBC North West).
While the islands now assume responsibility for their own post and telecommunications, they
continue to participate in the UK telephone numbering plan, and they have adopted postcode systems
that are compatible with that of the UK.

The growth of offshore finance in all three territories led to a "conflictual relationship" with the UK
Governments of the 2000s.[37]

The Crown Dependencies, together with the United Kingdom, are collectively known as the British
Islands. Since the British Nationality Act 1981 came into effect, they have been treated as part of the
United Kingdom for British nationality law purposes.[41] However, each Crown dependency maintains
local controls over housing and employment, with special rules applying to British citizens without
specified connections to that Crown dependency (as well as to non-British citizens).

International representation

Before 1950, the islands were considered part of the British metropolitan territory. In 1950, a
declaration was agreed such that the three territories would henceforth be each considered distinct
from the UK and each other for the purposes of international laws.[22]: 19 

In 2007–2008, each Crown Dependency and the UK signed agreements[38][42][43] that established
frameworks for the development of the international identity of each Crown Dependency. Among the
points clarified in the agreements were that:

The UK has no democratic accountability in and for the Crown Dependencies, which are
governed by their own democratically elected assemblies;
The UK will not act internationally on behalf of the Crown Dependencies without prior
Each Crown Dependency has an international identity that is different from that of the UK;
The UK supports the principle of each Crown Dependency further developing its international
The UK recognises that the interests of each Crown Dependency may differ from those of the UK,
and the UK will seek to represent any differing interests when acting in an international capacity;
the UK and each Crown Dependency will work together to resolve or clarify any differences that
may arise between their respective interests.

While the Parliament of the United Kingdom has the power to legislate for the Crown Dependencies
without prior consultation, the United Kingdom is expected to seek permission from the
dependencies before doing so.[44][45] 7/17
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Generally speaking, the British government will only extend international agreements to the Crown
Dependencies with their permission. Under international law, the British government is responsible
for ensuring the dependencies comply with any treaties that extend to them.[46]

Legislative independence

The United Kingdom Parliament has power to legislate for the Islands, but Acts of
Parliament do not extend to the Islands automatically, but only by express mention or
necessary implication [...] 'it can be said that a constitutional convention has been
established whereby Parliament does not legislate for the islands without their consent on
domestic matters'.

— Baroness Hale, R (Barclay) v Secy of State for Justice [2014] 3 WLR 1142, at para 12.

Acts of the UK Parliament do not usually apply to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, unless
explicitly stated. UK legislation does not ordinarily extend to them without their consent.[5] For a UK
Act to extend otherwise than by an Order in Council is now very unusual.[3] The States of Jersey Law
2005[47] and subsequently the 2019 amended version of The Reform (Guernsey) Law, 1948,[48]
established that all Acts of Parliament and Orders in Council which have application to either island
were to be referred to their respective States assemblies for debate before registration in their Royal

When deemed advisable, Acts of Parliament may be extended to the islands by means of an Order in
Council (thus giving the UK Government some responsibility for good governance in the islands). An
example of this was the Television Act 1954, which was extended to the Channel Islands, so as to
create a local ITV franchise, known as Channel Television. By constitutional convention this is only
done at the request of the insular authorities,[49] and has become a rare option (thus giving the
insular authorities themselves the responsibility for good governance in the islands); the islands
usually prefer nowadays to pass their own versions of laws giving effect to international treaties.

Each dependency retains its own distinct law and legal system. The Channel Islands' law systems are
founded in the traditions of Norman law. For all three states, there is a right of judicial appeal to The
Crown via the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, whose judgements are binding once approved
and promulgated by The King via an Order-in-Council.[37]

Westminster retains the right to legislate for the islands against their will as a last resort, but this is
also rarely exercised, and may, according to legal opinion from the Attorney-General of Jersey, have
fallen into desuetude — although the Department for Constitutional Affairs did not accept this
argument. The Marine, Etc., Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967 was one recent piece of legislation
extended to the Isle of Man against the wishes of Tynwald.

There are many highly authoritative assertions of Parliament's sovereignty over Jersey, such as the
1861 Civil Commissioners. According to the Kilbrandon Report, the long-standing convention against
Parliament intervening in domestic matters did not limit Parliament's authority to legsilate for the
Crown Dependencies without consent. Baroness Hale further asserted this legal opinion in 2014
(quotation above), though she did not hear arguments from Crown Dependency governments in that
case.[50] 8/17
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Conversely, Professor Sir Jeffrey Jowell argues that Parliament's powers are 'of last resort' and do not
therefore constitute paramount power to intervene in the Dependencies' internal affairs. He argues
that as the powers have always been used within the limits of their justification, these have become
constitutional law. Henry John Stephen argued that, as the Duchy of Normandy conquered England
and its territory has never been annexed into England, the level of parliamentary sovereignty
exercised elsewhere in the British Empire may not apply to the Channel Islands.[50]

Royal prerogative

The UK Government has a monopoly on advising how the royal prerogative – such as giving royal
assent to Channel Islands' legislation – should be exercised in the Crown Dependencies.[50] Gavin St
Pier, former Chief Minister of Guernsey, has called for the Channel Islands to reconsider their
constitutional relationship with the UK, 'making us less susceptible to whimsical breach of
conventions should the UK continue to convulse politically'. He called for the Islands to have more
power of the exercise of the royal prerogative by their appointment of Privy Counsellors.[51]

International relations


While their constitutional status bears some resemblance to that of the Commonwealth realms, the
Crown Dependencies are not independent members of the Commonwealth of Nations. They
participate in the Commonwealth of Nations by virtue of their relationship with the United Kingdom,
and participate in various Commonwealth institutions in their own right. For example, all three
participate in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the Commonwealth Games.

All three Crown Dependencies regard the existing situation as unsatisfactory and have lobbied for
change. The States of Jersey have called on the British Foreign Secretary to request that the
Commonwealth Heads of Government "consider granting associate membership to Jersey and the
other Crown Dependencies as well as any other territories at a similarly advanced stage of autonomy".
Jersey has proposed that it be accorded "self-representation in all Commonwealth meetings; full
participation in debates and procedures, with a right to speak where relevant and the opportunity to
enter into discussions with those who are full members; and no right to vote in the Ministerial or
Heads of Government meetings, which is reserved for full members".[52] The States of Guernsey and
the Government of the Isle of Man have made calls of a similar nature for a more integrated
relationship with the Commonwealth,[53] including more direct representation and enhanced
participation in Commonwealth organisations and meetings, including Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meetings.[54] The Chief Minister of the Isle of Man has said: "A closer connection with
the Commonwealth itself would be a welcome further development of the Island's international

European Union

The Crown Dependencies have never been EU member states, including during the period when the
UK was. During that time, their relationship with the EU was governed by Procotol 3 of the European
Communities Act 1972. The Dependencies were part of the EU customs territory[56] (though only the
Isle of Man was in the VAT area)[57] and took part in the free movements of goods, but not the free 9/17
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movement of persons, services or capital.[56] The Common Agricultural Policy of the EU never applied
to the Crown Dependencies, and their citizens never took part in elections to the European
Parliament. Although they were still European citizens, British citizens who had a connection to the
Crown Dependencies only were not entitled to freedom of movement rights.[58][59]

With the Brexit negotiations, the House of Lords produced a report titled "Brexit: the Crown
Dependencies," which stated that the "UK Government must continue to fulfil its constitutional
obligations to represent the interests of the Crown Dependencies in international relations, even
where these differ from those of the UK, both during the Brexit negotiations and beyond."[60] In the
Great Repeal Bill white paper published on 30 March 2017 the UK government stated, "The
Government is committed to engaging with the Crown Dependencies, Gibraltar and the other
Overseas Territories as we leave the EU."[61]: ch.5 

Common Travel Area

All three Crown Dependencies participate in an open borders area,
along with the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. An
informal memorandum of understanding exists between the
member countries of the Common Travel Area (CTA) whereby the
internal borders of each country are expected to have minimal
controls, if any, and can normally be crossed by British and Irish
citizens with minimal identity documents (with certain
exceptions). Under Irish law, Manx people and Channel
Islanders  – who were not entitled to take advantage of the
European Union's freedom of movement provisions – are exempt
from immigration control and immune from deportation in the
Republic of Ireland.[62]
Map of the Common Travel Area
In May, 2019 the British and Irish governments signed a
Memorandum of Understanding in an effort to secure the rights of
British and Irish citizens after Brexit.[63] The document was signed in London, England before a
meeting of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, putting the rights of both countries'
citizens, that were already in place under an informal agreement, on a more secure footing.

The agreement, which is the culmination of over two years' work of both governments, means the
rights of both countries' citizens are protected after Brexit whilst also ensuring that the Republic of
Ireland can continue to meet its obligations under European Union law. The agreement took effect on
31 January 2020 when the United Kingdom left the European Union. The maintenance of the CTA
involves considerable cooperation on immigration matters between the British and Irish authorities.

See also
European microstates
List of the leaders of the Crown dependencies
Royal charters applying to the Channel Islands 10/17
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United Kingdom–Crown Dependencies Customs Union


a. As the King in right of the Bailiwick in the Bailiwick of Guernsey

As the King in right of Jersey in the Bailiwick of Jersey
As the Lord of Mann in the Isle of Mann
b. On the Chanel island the monacrch is informally known as the Duke of Normandy. The title is,
however, not used in formal government publications, and, as a matter of Channel Islands law,
does not exist.[10][11]
c. St Peter Port is also the de facto capital of the whole Bailiwick
d. Also known in legislation as the "Sovereign of the Bailiwick of Jersey" and "Sovereign in right of
the Bailiwick of Jersey".[14]

1. (French: Dépendances de la Couronne; Manx: Croghaneyn-crooin)
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original ( on 2
September 2006. Retrieved 31 July 2008. "The legislature passes primary legislation, which
requires approval by The King in Council, and enacts subordinate legislation in many areas
without any requirement for Royal Sanction and under powers conferred by primary legislation."
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External links
Official webpage of HM King Charles III (
States of Jersey (
States of Guernsey (
Isle of Man Government (
Ministry of Justice UK (

Retrieved from "" 17/17

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