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2023 IABO Scientific Paper - Template

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The potential of insulin as antidiabetic mellitus and prevention

by binding insulin

Kayla Jihan Namiro

International Standard Schhol of Amanatul Ummah

Glucose is a substance that is used to produce energy but goes through various stages so
that it can become energy in the form of ATP. Glucose itself has 4 stages in order to
become energy namely, glycolysis, oxidative decarboxylation, Krebs cycle, oxidative
phosphorylation. When normal conditions, high glucose levels will trigger the pancreas to
secrete insulin. Insulin will help excess glucose levels in the blood to be stored in the liver
in the form of glycogen. If the level of glucose in the blood decreases, then to get glucose
glycogen will be broken down back into energy. The hormone insulin is a hormone
produced by pancreatic beta cells from the islets of Langerhans. Insulin secretion also
consists of the first several stages, namely, the process when glucose passes through the
cell but in passing through the glucose cell requires a special gate that only glucose can
pass through, namely GLUT (glucose transporter) ( Hasanah, 2013).
This insulin is usually used for patients with diabetes mellitus because basically diabetes
mellitus is a condition when the body experiences hyperglycemia or other substance
metabolism disorders which are associated with decreased insulin secretory performance.
The International Diabetes Federation states that the prevalence of DM in the world
reaches 1.9%, making DM the seventh leading cause of death in the world. Insulin
deficiency can occur through 3 things, namely damage to the beta sex of the pancreas
originating from external influences, damage to insulin receptors in peripheral tissues, and
decreased glucose receptors in the pancreas gland. Apart from insulin deficiency, another
cause of DM is insulin resistance. This occurs when insulin target cells fail or are unable to
respond to insulin or even do not recognize insulin receptors (Fatimah, 2015).
Insulin also has various types, depending on how fast the insulin works, the maximum
working time, and the duration of insulin action in the body. The types of insulin are
regular insulin, fast-acting insulin, medium-acting insulin, and long-acting insulin. In this
case, insulin has an insulin delivery system that uses a syringe, insulin pen, high pressure
needleless injector to push a fine spray of insulin through the skin. After that, insulin
storage can be stored at room temperature, insulin is also prohibited from being placed in
direct sunlight, and in the refrigerator (Afifah, 2016).

Regarding the work of insulin, one of its functions is as an antidiabetic, but those who
usually use insulin as an antidiabetic are type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. insulin. As a
result of insulin deficiency, DM can cause various complications, both short and long
term. Short-term complications include hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis. Type 1 DM is
usually characterized by experiencing (KAD) diabetic ketoacidosis with a percentage of
86.7% (Himawan, 2016). So that patient 1 has type 1 diabetes mellitus because of
problems with insulin secretion.
Based on data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association in 2018, there were 1,220
children with type-1 DM in Indonesia. Environmental factors associated with type-1
DM include viral infections and diet. Congenital rubella syndrome and human
enterovirus infection can cause type-1 DM. Symptoms of type 1 DM, namely pliuria

International Applied Biology Olympiad (IABO)

and nocturia, polyphagia, polydipsia and weight loss. Other symptoms that can arise are
tingling, weakness, wounds that are difficult to heal, blurred vision, and behavioral
disturbances (Pulungan, 2019).
In addition to type 1 DM, type 2 DM is diabetes caused by the body's failure to utilize
insulin, which leads to weight gain and decreased physical activity. According to WHO,
in 2030 there will be an increase in DM at least 366 million people. According to the
Ministry of Health, prevention of DMT 2 can be done by knowing the risk factors. Risk
factors have 2 types, namely those that can be changed by our bodies and cannot be
changed by themselves. Factors that can be changed such as lifestyle such as food
consumed, rest patterns, physical activity, and stress management. The factor that
cannot be changed is age (Utomo, 2020). Management of diabetes mellitus has 4 pillars
namely, education, diet, exercise, and pharmacology (Putra, 2015). Thus, it can be
concluded that patient 2 has diabetes mellitus 2 because the target cells are unable to
recognize insulin receptors.

Mengenai kerja insulin, salah satu fungsinya yakni sebagai antidiabetes, namun yang biasanya
menggunakan insulin sebagai antidiabetes adalah diabetes mellitus tipe 1 dan 2. DM tipe
adalah kelainan metabolic yang disebabkan oleh autoimun yang diakibatkan oleh kerusakan
pada sel beta pankreas yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemik kronik akibat kekurangan insulin.
Akibat kekurangan insulin, DM dapat menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi baik jangka pendek
maupun jangka Panjang . Komplikasi jangka pendek antara lain hipoglikemia dan
ketoasidosis. DM tipe 1 bisanya ditandai dengan mengalami (KAD) ketoasidosis diabetic
dengan presentase 86,7 % (Himawan, 2016). Sehingga pasien 1 mengalami diabetes mellitus
tipe 1 karena bermasalah pada bagian sekresi insulin.
Berdasarkan data Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia pada tahun 2018, tercatat 1220 anak
penyandang DM tipe-1 di Indonesia. Faktor lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan DM tipe-1
antara lain, infeksi virus dan diet. Sindrom rubella kongenital dan infeksi human enterovirus
dapat menyebabkan DM tipe-1. Gejala DM tipe-1, yaitu pliuria dan nocturia, polifagia,
polydipsia dan penurunan berat badan. Gejala lain yang dapat timbul yakni
kesemutan,lemas,luka yang sukar sembuh, pandangan kabur, dan gangguan perilaku
(Pulungan, 2019).
Selain DM tipe 1, DM tipe 2 ialah diabetes yang disebabkan oleh kegagalan tubuh
memanfaatkan insulin sehingga mengarah pada pertambahan berat badan dan penurunan
aktivitas fisik. Menurut WHO, tahun 2030 akan terjadi peningkatan DM minimal 366 juta
jiwa. Menurut kemenkes, pencegahan DMT 2 dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui faktor
risiko. Faktor risiko memiliki 2 tipe yakni yang dapat diubah oleh tubub kita dan tidak dapat
diubah dengan sendirinya. Faktor yang bisa diubah seperti gaya hidup seperti makanan yang
dikonsumsi, pola istirahat, aktifitas fisik, dan manajemen stress. Faktor yang tidak dapat
diubah yaitu usia (Utomo, 2020). Penatalaksanaan diabetes mellitus memilki 4 pilar yakni,
edukasi, pola makan, olah raga, dan farmakologi (Putra, 2015). Sehingga, pasien 2 dapat
disimpulkan mengalami diabetes mellitus 2 karena sel sel sasaran tidak mampu mengenali
reseptor insulin.

In this section, it is explained the results of research and at the same time is given the
comprehensive discussion. Results can be presented in figures, graphs, tables and others that make
the reader understand easily [2, 5]. The discussion can be made in several sub-chapters.

3.1. Sub section 1


3.2. Sub section 2

International Applied Biology Olympiad (IABO)



so it can be concluded that patient 1 has type 1 diabetes mellitus due to insulin secretion
problems, patient 2 has type 2 diabetes due to problems with insulin receptors


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[1] Hasanah, U. “Insulin sebagai pengatur kadar gula darah,” Jurnal Keluarga Sehat
Sejahtera, vol. 2, pp. 42-49, 2013.
[2] Fatimah, R. N.” Diabetes melitus tipe 2,” Jurnal Majority, vol. 4.pp. 5, 2015
[3] Afifah, H. N. “Mengenal jenis-jenis insulin terbaru untuk pengobatan diabetes.” Majalah
Farmasetika, vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 2016.
[4] Himawan, I. W., Pulungan, A. B., Tridjaja, B., & Batubara, J. R. “Komplikasi jangka pendek
dan jangka panjang diabetes mellitus tipe 1,” Sari Pediatri, vol. 10 pp. 367-371, 2016.
[5] Pulungan, A. B., Annisa, D., & Imada, S.” Diabetes Melitus Tipe-1 pada Anak: Situasi di
Indonesia dan Tata Laksana,” Sari Pediatri, vol. 20 pp. 392-400. 2019.
[6] Utomo, A. A., Rahmah, S., & Amalia, R. “Faktor Risiko Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2: A Systematic
Review,” AN-NUR: Jurnal Kajian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat, vo. 1 pp. 44-53.
[7] Putra, I. W. A., & Berawi, K. “ Empat pilar penatalaksanaan pasien diabetes mellitus tipe
2.,”Jurnal Majority, vol.4 pp. 8-12. 2015


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Name: Kayla Jihan Namiro
Place, date birth: Indonesia, east java 08 september 2007

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