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Statement Date: 05/23/23

Account Number: 5463 1669 1000 9164
Page 1 of 2

Write In Amount
New Balance Past Due Amount Minimum Amt. Due Payment Due Date Of Payment Enclosed

$61.16 $0.00 $51.00 06/17/23 $ .

Send Payments to:

PO BOX 660702


To make a payment by mail, insert the top portion in the enclosed envelope. Be sure the mailing address shows through the envelope window.

MERRICK ACCOUNT SUMMARY Account Number 5463 1669 1000 9164

An amount with a minus sign (-) is a credit unless otherwise indicated. Billing Cycle Closing Date 05/23/23

Summary of Account Activity Payment Information

Previous Balance $72.00 New Balance $61.16
Payments - $623.07 Minimum Payment Due $51.00
Other Credits - $0.00 Payment Due Date 06/17/23
Purchases + $110.17
Cash Advances + $452.00 Late Payment Warning:
Fees Charged + $40.00 If we do not receive your minimum payment by the date listed above, you may
Interest Charged + $10.06 have to pay a late fee up to $40.00.
Minimum Payment Warning:
New Balance $61.16 If you make only the minimum payment each period, you will pay more in interest
Past Due Amount $0.00 and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example:
Credit Limit $500.00
If you make no additional You will pay off the And you will end
Available Credit $28.00
charges using this card balance shown on this up paying an
Days in Billing Cycle 32
and each month you pay... statement in about... estimated total of...

Customer Service 1-800-253-2322 . Our office hours are 24/7. Only the minimum
payment 2 months $62

If you would like information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-316-6322.

Transactions, Payments and Credits

Trans Date Item Description Amount

04/21 55308763GFXE096TR SHELL OIL 10014583008 CHOCTAW OK 11.28

04/21 55308763GFXE0985L SHELL OIL 10014583008 CHOCTAW OK 0.98
04/22 15422023H00BN1ZBS QUALITY MART-418536 CHOCTAW OK 63.00
04/22 15422023H04E0W5DM QUALITY MART-418536 CHOCTAW OK 123.00
04/26 85463163M00XTMJGM ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 72.00 -
04/26 F8182003T000Q1044 ADJUSTMENT-PAYMENTS 72.00
04/28 15422023P05BW7E87 QUALITY MART-418536 CHOCTAW OK 143.00
04/28 15422023P05EQMWGT QUALITY MART-418536 CHOCTAW OK 123.00
04/28 55308763PFYBDPGL9 SHELL OIL 10014583008 CHOCTAW OK 7.93
04/28 52704873PBLK83L58 PIZZA HUT 029430 CHOCTAW OK 8.00
05/10 85463164300XTMJGP ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 35.00 -
05/13 85463164600XTMJGL ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 72.00 -
05/17 85463164900XTMJGV ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 72.00 -
05/18 85463164A00XTMJGS ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 35.00 -
05/19 85463164B00XTMJGT ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 35.00 -
05/20 55308764DFXKXHZ9X SHELL OIL 10014583008 CHOCTAW OK 4.99
05/20 85463164D00XTMJGM PHONE PAYMENT - THANK YOU 42.75 -
05/20 85463164D00XTMJGM ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 35.00 -
05/21 55308764EFYAANSXB SHELL OIL 10014583008 CHOCTAW OK 4.99
05/21 85463164D00XTMJGM PHONE PAYMENT - THANK YOU 45.32 -
05/21 85463164D00XTMJGM ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 72.00 -
05/22 85463164E00XTMJGL ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 72.00 -
05/23 85463164F00XTMJGX ONLINE ONE TIME PAYMENT 35.00 -

Interest Charged
05/23 Interest Charge on Purchases 0.00
05/23 Interest Charge on Cash Advances 10.06

2023 Totals Year-to-Date

Total fees charged in 2023 $112.00
Total interest charged in 2023 $10.06

5242 0000 ZRD 1 7 15 230523 Page 1 of 2 8182 6900 NA59 O1FK5242 87707
Statement Date: 05/23/23
Account Number: 5463 1669 1000 9164
Page 2 of 2

See "Error Resolution Notice" on Reverse

Interest Charge Calculation
Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual rate on your account.
Percentage Balance Subject to Interest
Type of Balance Rate (APR) Interest Rate Charge
Purchases 30.20% (v) $0.00 $0.00
Cash Advances 35.20% (v) $326.19 $10.06

(v) = Variable Rate



5242 0000 ZRD 1 7 15 230523 Page 2 of 2 8182 6900 NA59 O1FK5242 87707
Has your Contact Information Changed?

Please update your address, phone number or email address by:

Logging in to the Cardholder Center at

Calling us at 1-800-204-5936. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Other Account Requests or Need assistance? You can:

Call us: 1-800-204-5936. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
Write to us at:
Merrick Bank, P.O. Box 9201, Old Bethpage, NY 11804-9001

Please note any requests or information sent with your payment will not be reviewed or processed.

Thank you for choosing Merrick Bank.

Information On Purchases and Cash Advances: If the New Balance Paying Interest: Your Payment Due Date is at least 25 days after the You must contact us within 60 days after the error appeared on your
is a credit balance, it will be applied to future amounts you owe us or close of each Billing Cycle. We will not charge you any interest on statement.
refunded to you within 7 days after receipt of your written request for Purchases if you pay your entire balance by the Payment Due Date each
a refund. Send your refund requests to the address for receiving month. We will begin charging interest on Cash Advances on the You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us,
inquiries about your Account appearing below. If a credit balance transaction date. but if you do we are not required to investigate any potential errors and
persists, we will mail a check to you for the amount of the credit you may have to pay the amount in question.
balance within the time frame required by law. If we are unable to locate Trailing Interest: If you carry a balance from month-to-month you may
you, any credit balance in your Account will be escheated pursuant to While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the
see interest charged on your next statement even if you pay the New
applicable law. following are true:
Balance in full, on time, and make no new charges. This interest is called
“trailing interest.” Trailing interest is the interest charged on your • We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as
How Interest Is Calculated: We use the Average Daily Balance delinquent on that amount.
balance from your last statement date to the date you paid in full.
method (including new transactions) to calculate interest on your
Account. The Average Daily Balance for Purchases and Cash • The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we
Annual Fees: If your Account has an Annual Fee, you agree to pay the may continue to charge you interest on that amount. But, if we
Advances are calculated separately. To calculate the Average Daily Annual Fee for each year the Account is open and for each year in
Balances, we start with the beginning balance for each day in the determine that we made a mistake, you will not have to pay the
which there is an outstanding balance on the Account. Annual Fees amount in question or any interest or other fees related to that
Billing Cycle. For Purchases, the beginning balance includes billed but are payable whether or not you use your Card, and do not assure you
unpaid interest on Purchases, Annual Fees (including Additional Card amount.
are in good standing on your Account. If you obtain an Additional • While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are
Fees), Late Payment Fees, Returned Item Fees, Over the Limit Fees, Card, you agree to pay an Additional Card Fee for each year the
Copying Charges, Currency Conversion Charges related to Purchases, responsible for the remainder of your balance.
Account is open. • We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit.
Phone Payment Fees, Replacement Card Fees, the Account Set-up Fee
and Fees for Other Services. For Cash Advances, the beginning balance Annual Fee Billed Monthly: If your Account has an Annual Fee and/or
includes billed but unpaid interest on Cash Advances, Cash Advance Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card
an Additional Card Fee that is billed monthly, one twelfth of the Purchases: If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you
Transaction Fees and Currency Conversion Charges related to Cash Annual Fee/Additional Card Fee will be billed each month (as shown
Advances. We then add any new charges and subtract any payments have Purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith
on the front of this statement). If you do not wish to pay future to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not
or credits. This gives us the daily balance for each day, except that monthly portions of the Annual Fee, you must pay off the New Balance
if the daily balance is negative, we treat it as zero. We then add up all to pay the remaining amount due on the Purchase.
by the Payment Due Date shown on the front of this statement and any To use this right, all of the following must be true:
of the daily balances for each balance and divide by the number of other charges appearing on your Account since the date of your
days in the Billing Cycle. This gives us the Average Daily Balance for Billing Statement, in full and close your Account (by calling us at
each balance. The Interest charged for each balance equals the Average 1. The Purchase must have been made in your home state or within
1-800-253-2322). An y fee s a lr e ad y b i l led c an no t be avoided. 100 miles of your current mailing address, and the Purchase price must
Daily Balance for that balance times the applicable Daily Periodic Rate Any use of your Account after you close your Account or your failure
(DPR) times the number of days in the Billing Cycle. The results are have been more than $50. (Note: Neither of these are necessary if your
to pay off your Account in full by such date will indicate your intent Purchase was based on an advertisement we mailed to you, or if we
then added together to determine the total interest charge for the to keep your Account (and pay the monthly portion of the Annual
Billing Cycle. To the extent interest comprises any part of your Average own the company that sold you the goods or services.)
Daily Balance, compounding of interest will occur.
Charges are added as of the date of the transaction. If a transaction 2. You must have used your credit card for the Purchase. Purchases
Minimum Interest Charge: In any Billing Cycle in which your made with Cash Advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses
occurs in one Billing Cycle but is not posted to your Account until the Account has a balance, you were not charged a Cash Advance
next Billing Cycle, the transaction is added or subtracted on the first your credit card Account do not qualify.
Transaction Fee and the total interest charged for the Billing Cycle
day of the Billing Cycle in which the transaction is posted to your would otherwise be less than $1.00, a Minimum Interest Charge of
Account. If the DPR for Purchases or Cash Advances changes during a 3. You must not yet have fully paid for the Purchase.
$1.00 may be charged to your Account.
Billing Cycle, the new DPR will take effect as of the first day of the
Billing Cycle. If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the
Annual Percentage Rate (“APR”): If your Account has a variable
You may contact Customer Service at 1-800-253-2322 to obtain Purchase, contact us in writing at: Merrick Bank, P.O. Box 9201, Old
rate, your APR for Purchases and your APR for Cash Advances are
further information on calculations of Balance Subject to Interest Rate. Bethpage, NY 11804.
determined by adding a margin to the index. The index is the Prime
Rate published on the last business day of each month in The Wall Street While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as
State Disclosures: If you have a Past Due Amount on your statement, Journal (or comparable publication if the Wall Street Journal ceases
you reside in a state which requires this notice, and you are not currently discussed above. After we finish our investigation, we will tell you our
publication). Any changes in your APRs resulting from a change in decision. At that point, if we think you owe an amount and you do not
subject to an automatic stay in a bankruptcy proceeding, this statement the index during a Billing Cycle will take effect as of the first day of
is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be pay we may report you as delinquent.
the Billing Cycle. An increase in the Prime Rate may result in an
used for that purpose. increase in the amount of interest charged, the Minimum Payment or
Send Inquiries and Court Notices to:
both. If the index increases, your APR will increase accordingly, with
Payments: You must make the required Minimum Payment Due on P.O. Box 9201, Old Bethpage, NY 11804
no cap.
your Account by the Payment Due Date to avoid delinquency. YOU
MAY PAY YOUR TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS AT ANY TIME. For Customer Service call: 1-800-253-2322
Foreign Currency Transaction Fee: For each Purchase or Cash
Payments should be sent to the address on the front of the statement Advance made in a foreign currency, we may add a Foreign Currency
and include the top portion of your statement. All payments must be Outside U.S. call: 1-516-224-1762
Transaction Fee of 2% of the amount of the Purchase or Cash Advance
made in U.S. Dollars with a check, draft or money order drawn on a after its conversion into U.S. Dollars.
U.S. bank or the U.S. Postal Service, or through an automated clearing Lost/Stolen Card call: 1-877-727-6881
house acceptable to us in our sole discretion. Please do not send cash. Transaction Fee for Cash Advances: There may be a transaction fee for
Payments received with the payment coupon and received from the For online Account access go to
each Cash Advance transaction in the amount stated in your Pricing
postal or other delivery service by 5:00 p.m. local time at the payment To ensure quality service, phone calls may be randomly selected for
address indicated on the most recent Billing Statement will be posted monitoring or recording.
to your Account as of that date. If you send payments to any other Error Resolution Notice:
address or fail to include the payment coupon, the payment may be Telecommunication Device for the Deaf: For any questions or other
What To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake On Your
lost or there may be a delay in posting the payment. Either event communications about your Account, please provide your relay
Statement: If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us
could result in a Late Payment Fee and/or additional interest charges. service representative our TDD number: 1-800-253-4563.
at: Merrick Bank, P.O. Box 9201, Old Bethpage, NY 11804. In your
If you do not know where to send your payment or if you wish to confirm letter, give us the following information:
that a payment has been received, please call us at: Unauthorized Use: If you notice the loss or theft of your credit card or a
• Account information: Your name and Account number. possible unauthorized use of your credit card, you should contact us
1-800-253-2322 or go to • Dollar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error. immediately at 1-877-727-6881. You will not be liable for any
• Description of problem: If you think there is an error on your bill, unauthorized use that occurs after you notify us. You may, however, be
Notice to Customers Making Payment by Check: When you provide a
check as payment, you authorize us to use information from your check to
describe what you believe is wrong and why you believe it is a liable for unauthorized use that occurs before your notice to us. In any
make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process
mistake. case, your liability will not exceed $50.
the payment as a check transaction. O1FK5242 - 10 - 09/30/20

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