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Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science

Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021

p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772



Engelina Salainti1*, Widya Rizky Pratiwi2

Universitas Bosowa Makassar;
Universitas Terbuka;

The collaboration of Digital Technology and learning has become one
great topic recently. Many people try to search for good ways to support
their teaching and learning process through digital technology.
Technology has offered many kinds of applications that can help students
and teachers. The Music platforms and podcasts consist of many things
that can help the students improve their English, especially their English
skills. In this literature review, I would like to find and share the role of
Digital Technology in supporting students’ Listening through music
platforms and podcasts. And the methodology that I would like to use is
the qualitative method in which there will be some interviews and videos
in collecting the data. And reading through all the results of the
interviews and drawing some connections between digital technology
and the learning process to analyze the data, the participants are from X
Grade students of Makassar Adventists Senior High School. As a result,
those students who are active with digital technology, especially the
music platforms and podcasts, have better listening skills than those who
are not. Here the writer found out that digital music platforms and
podcasts can support students’ listening skills.

Keywords: Digital technology, Music Platform, Podcast, listening skill

In this modern life, English has become an essential role in education,
especially to the youth. Even though English is not the only most spoken
language globally, we cannot deny that English has become an official language
of the world. And due to globalization time, English has become an essential
language in the world. English has a vital role in the lives of the youth because it
can help them for communication, not only for that, but English is also the
primary language for studying many subjects all over the world. It means English
can help the youth to broaden their minds, develop some skills, and it can also
improve the youths’ quality of life in many circumstances.

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 72

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

In this modern life, we must be thankful for technology because it has

become one of the tools that support the youth in developing their English skill.
It is so rare to find a student without some technology because it is needed.
Through technology, the students can benefit from improving their English skills
because technology enables them to learn, communicate, and even increase their
productivity. Jobirovich, Y. M (2021) stated that Digital technologies contribute
to the formation of knowledge, skills, qualifications, and compensation in
students and provide relief to the work activities of the teacher.
One of the skills of English that is important is listening. English listening
skills can help the youth and students build relationships, support their careers,
ensure understanding, resolve any conflicts.
Having good listening skills is crucial in avoiding miscommunication.
Technology can offer many kinds of platforms in supporting students listening
skills, such as Digital Music Platform and Podcast; these two things have kept
students’ communication skills.
There are many kinds of music platforms, one of them is Spotify. It is a
music platform that is full of songs. And we can also improve our listening skills
by watching some podcasts. So these two digital platforms can help the youths
and students support their English Listening skills.

Listening Skill
Listening skills are needed in our daily speaking life; we can understand
someone speaking by listening. With exemplary listening skills, then there will be
no misunderstanding between other people. As we all know, we spend a lot of
time listening; the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to
listen. “Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is
our attention” (Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen).
We can deliver an excellent message to others by having good listening
skills. Still, if we don’t have good listening skills, the message we want to deliver
sometimes will be misunderstood. According to Marleni (2016) “listening is a
language skill to understand the spoken text and build the language skill to
communicate in the actual situation”.
Digital Technology
Digital Technology is a kind of tool which is famous and essential for a
couple of past years. Since the world knows digital technology, many people,
from the young to the adult-use this kind of tool. The tool is valuable and exciting
because it contains many exciting parts. Digital Technology has become
increasingly crucial to human's everyday life in daily speaking for
communication, workplace, education, and many more.
Digital Technology is one tool that uses human power as a manual but
more to the automatically operating system. Digital Technology has transformed
nearly every aspect of modern life. Travel, work, shopping, entertainment, and
communications are just some of the areas that have been revolutionized in recent

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 73

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

decades. It is now rare to find an electronic device or machinery that does not
incorporate digital technology somehow.
Digital technology enables the storage of massive amounts of information
in relatively small pieces.
A large number of media, such as photos, music, videos, contact
information, and other documents, can be carried around on small devices like
mobile phones ( There are many examples of digital
technology. Some are websites, buying and selling online, smartphones, smart
TV, video streaming, digital music, and many more. Therefore, Digital
Technology has an essential role in people's life of living.
Digital Music Platform
A digital music platform is where we can stream some music or songs. So
on the music platform, we can hear as many songs as we want because so many
kinds of music and song are included in the music platform.
Many lists of the top music streaming platforms; Spotify is trendy.
Spotify is a digital music and video service that gives us access to millions of
songs and other content from creators worldwide. So we can listen to as many
songs as possible, besides it can increase our immune by the motivation words in
each song. We can also improve our listening skills by hearing and practicing our
listening skills through the words sung by the singers.

The podcast is well known in modern life. People tend to learn many
things from podcasts in real life. There are three types of podcasts. The first is
audio means sound only and is most prevalent in MP3. The second is enhanced
Audio, which means sound with images, and the last is video means movies and
my other forms, MPEG 4
The podcast is originally from "pod," which means iPod, one of the most
popular audio devices. Nowadays, the podcast can be played on any portable
digital media device. The term 'podcasting' is a combination of the words' iPod"
and "broadcasting" refers to the distribution of audio content. An audio podcast is
like a radio broadcast, except those listeners don't have to tune in at a particular
time. Instead, users can subscribe to a podcast and automatically receive a
download copy of each new episode. Users can listen to a podcast through their
computer or an MP3 player such as an iPod.
In education, podcasts can increase students' listening skills and improve
their listening skills for some vocabularies. By watching some videos material in
podcasts, the students can learn many things and increase their listening skills.
Umida. B.B (2021) said that the use of audio and video materials to develop
listening comprehension effectively and enhance students' listening
comprehension due to the combination of visual images and sound, which
stimulate students' perceptions. In addition, we should acknowledge the
importance of the tone and speed of speech which is spontaneous, similar to that
in daily-life situations.

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 74

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

This literature review research study discussed a review of some previous
articles about their concepts, theories, and findings. A literature review is a piece
of academic writing demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the
academic literature on a specific topic placed in context. A literature review also
includes a critical evaluation of the material; therefore, it is a literature review
rather than a literature report. The purpose of this literature review is to create a
viewpoint and give the full understanding of the findings related to the field of
this study.
The literature review surveys of the research use some data sources, such
as articles, journals, books, observation, surveys, interviews, and other sources.
The researchers reviews the literature article based on the situations that
happened in the classroom by describing students’ English listening
comprehension in using digital platforms. The researchers presented the concept
of developing students’ listening skills through digital music platforms and
podcasts. By having an observation, the researchers will find out the relationship
of digital music platforms and podcasts with the student's English listening
After doing some research and examining the result, the researchers
combined them into one frame of conclusion by collecting some kinds of
literature and doing some research in which this process will help expand some
knowledge. Finally, the conclusion would be presented as the consideration for
educators, students, and other education departments that will be helpful to solve
some problems in education, especially in English listening comprehension.


Digital Technology in Teaching and Learning Process
There are a few or even many ways to show how useful digital technology
is in the teaching and learning process in the classroom or even outside the
classroom. Using digital technology in the learning process can change the way of
the teachers and students for their teaching and learning process. The author finds
from the school of Edu (2020), it is stated that “The effective use of digital
learning tools in classrooms can increase students’ engagement, help teachers
improve their lesson plans, and facilitate personalized learning.” It also helps
students build essential 21st-century skills. Virtual classrooms, video, augmented
reality (AR), robots, and other technology tools can not only make class livelier.
They can also create more inclusive learning environments that foster
collaboration and curiosity and enable teachers to collect data on student
performance. (School of Education, 2020)
Besides having technology for entertainment, it can also be used for
education, such as students can collaborate with a group project using technology.
The walls of the classrooms are no longer a barrier as technology enables new
ways of learning, communicating, and working collaboratively. Technology has
also begun to change the roles of teachers and learners. Sarker, Wu & Alam

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 75

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

(2019) said that technology should be integrated at all levels of curriculum

development, the input of the learning process, procedure of the learning process,
and delivery method for getting full benefits from technology leveraged learning
method. Continuous reform and transformation are necessary for the teaching-
learning process through using modern technology for ensuring a better education

Technology Changed Education

Since the world knows technology, many things have changed.
Technology changed people’s lifestyles in many aspects. One of them is in
education. The technology has helped the students by providing some
information, literature for studying, knowledge related to their subjects, and
some fun activities. There are many new technologies being used in classrooms
today: social networking, online teaching, class blogs and wikis, podcasting,
interactive whiteboards, and mobile devices. There are many ways that we can
get some benefit from the new technologies that are being developed today.
Technology can help education in many ways. One of them is when we
must do some distance learning, it can make the learning process become easier.
The students can learn by themselves too when they can’t attend the class, the
students can learn by podcasts and websites, they will help the students to learn
and participate in discussion even when they miss classes due to sickness. The
class blogs and wikis can give students a chance to participate outside the
classroom. Interactive whiteboards that make teaching easier, giving students
better visual aids and teachers an easier time in presenting lessons; mobile
devices that allow teachers to deliver some information in a fast way.

Modern Technology in education

In modern life, technology has the most significant role in life. People may
say that it was the gift by God that held a crucial thing in life. That is why we say
that this era of the 21st century is often regarded as an era of technology.
Technology has made everything easier. The impact of technology can be felt in
every possible field. One such field is education. Technology has become an
integral part of human life, and it has made inroads in the sphere of education.
Digital technology is essentially reshaping the nature of learning in the classroom
(Singh, 2021)
As revealed by Nagasubramani (2018), he argues that “According to the
latest insights as to how exactly modern students of today prefer to use technology
and how does their learning get an impact if they use technology, it was revealed
that the use of modern equipment technology and tools, the learning and
interactivity of students increases .”They also find it much more interactive and
full of exciting areas when aided by technology. The transfer of knowledge
becomes very easy and convenient, and effective. It means that our minds now
tend to work faster when assisted with modern technology.
In this modern life, technology has helped a lot. Jack Lynch (2021) states,
“we’ve heard a lot about the role of technology in pandemic education. And for a

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 76

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

good reason, digital solutions enabled school communities to maintain learning

through uncertainty and interruption.

Technology in Listening Skill

Technology has supported students’ listening skills, which can provide a
multitude of opportunities for listening to spoken language. Good teachers will
improve themselves to support their learning process, especially listening skills.
Technology has a crucial role in teaching listening. Due to listening being used
most frequently then developing this skill is needed.
Shapran and Lyudmila (2011) stated that “Songs can be highly useful for
the developmental process of listening skills of a student. As music is
everywhere in human life to change or boost emotions and feelings, we can
include music and songs in language learning.
In technology, there are some applications that the students can use to
improve their listening skills. Music platforms and Podcasts are some of them.
This time, I would like to share one music platform that can support students’
listening skills; Spotify has many songs that can be listened to anytime. Spotify is
a digital music, podcast, and video service that gives you access to millions of
songs and other content from creators worldwide.
Listening to music in English will enhance our language comprehension.
English music improves our listening skills and increases your vocabulary.
Music even helps our pronunciation. As we listen to the lyrics, we will be
exposed to new English words (Lacie Burke)
The media of the teaching and learning process, in this case, songs, help
the teacher teach listening and provide an exciting way for the students to
achieve the learning goals. The content of the songs may become one of the
influential factors which may determine the improvement of the students’
listening ability. The use of songs also should consider students’ needs to help
students learn and achieve the learning objective.
Next is a podcast. It is usually original audio or video recordings but can
also be recorded broadcasts of a television or radio program, a lecture,
performance, or other events. Podcasts usually offer each episode in the same file
format, such as audio or video, so that subscribers can enjoy the program the
same way each time.
Podcasts are a great way to learn English. Not only can you hear real
English conversation, so you can tell how words are pronounced, but you can
listen to them anywhere and pause or rewind them whenever you like. There are
many English podcasts that we can watch on YouTube channels. It is beneficial
for improving our English. There are five podcasts to help you improve your
English: the first is podcasts in English, features conversations between the
native English speakers on a variety of topics, with lessons divided by language
level and type, the second is the English we speak, the third is ESP pod, the
fourth is better at English, and the last is Voice of America Learning English.
And many more podcasts that can help us improve our English, especially in

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan 77

Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

Podcasts allow students to practice their listening comprehension of

complex texts that are both conversational and formal. The corresponding
transcript enables students to confirm their success, so podcasts are not only for
entertainment, but they can help us learn English better, especially in listening.
By listening to podcasts, we can improve not only our listening skills, such as
enhancing Vocabulary, allowing listeners to learn new words, improving
Grammar. Students who engage in extensive listening tend to see an improved
understanding of grammar rules, improving pronunciation. When we listen to
native speakers pronounce words, we improve ourselves and improve Fluency.
Research has found that creating your podcast significantly impacts speaking
ability. The podcast helps us improve our English better, and we can practice
some other skills by it.

We cannot deny that technology has changed people’s life to a better
thing, in many aspects, especially in education. Teachers and students have been
helped a lot by the invention of this greatest gift by God. It has changed the
world into an easier life.
In English listening skills especially, by some applications created by the
technology the teachers and students can improve themselves to a better one. By
listening to some songs on Spotify and watching some English Podcast videos,
the students will get entertainment and a better future in English.
Music platform such as Spotify delivers millions of songs and podcasts.
Young people like to listen to songs and watch them. In Spotify, there is a text
for every song that can make it the students easier to practice their English,
especially listening skills. Anggraini & Fauzy stated that Listening to English
songs could enhance the listening skill because the song is one of the media that
is interested in improving listening skills.

Anggraini, R. R., & Fauzi, M. A. (2019). Students’ perceptions: The use of Joox
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Bustang, B., Fansury, A. H., & Rahman, A. W. (2021). Digitalization Of Nursing
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Fansury, A. H., Januarty, R., & Ali Wira Rahman, S. (2020). Digital content for
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Jack Lynch (2021). The new era of education is high-tech and high touch. Tech
Jobirovich, Y. M. (2021). Advantages of the Introduction of Digital
Technologies into the Educational Process. Pindus Journal of Culture,

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Universitas Bosowa Makassar
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science
Volume 3 Issue 3 Desember 2021
p-ISSN: 2656-9914 e-ISSN: 2656-8772

Literature, and ELT, 7, 17-20.

Lacie Burke. Learn English By Listening to Music English Live
Lutfin, N., & Fansury, A. H. (2020). The Implementation Of Students Facilitator
And Explaining Model Through Video Blog (Vlog) To Enhance
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N.L.G. Lestary & S.L.N Seriadi (2019). The use of songs to improve students’
listening comprehension Ability
Ranisay Lewis. Listening to Podcasts will help you speak English Better.
Leonardo English (May 10th, 2020)
R. Raja, P.C Nagasubramani (2018), Impact of Modern Technology in education.
Sarker, M. N. I., Wu, M., Cao, Q., Alam, G. M., & Li, D. (2019). Leveraging
digital technology for better learning and education: A systematic
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Singh, M. N. (2021). Inroad of Digital Technology in Education: Age of Digital
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