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QUT Law Library - AGLC4 Quick Reference Guide

Please note: This guide provides examples for selected common references. AGLC4 is the definitive guide for the rules and procedures to follow in
referencing primary and secondary sources and QUT cite|write - AGLC provides additional examples.

Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Primary Materials
Cases - Reported Decisions - AGLC4 Rules 2.1-2.2
Case Name (Year)/[Volume] Law Report Series Starting Page, Short Title (n
Pinpoint (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth (1953) 92 Australian Woollen Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth
CLR 424 (‘Australian Woollen Mills’). Mills (n 3) 424. (1953) 92 CLR 424
Aldrick v EM Investments (QLD) Pty Ltd [2000] 2 Qd R 346, 347 Aldrick (n 4) 348. Aldrick v EM Investments (QLD) Pty Ltd [2000] 2 Qd R
(‘Aldrick’). 346
Cases - Unreported Decisions with Medium Neutral Citation -
AGLC4 Rule 2.3
Case Name [Year] Unique Court Identifier Judgment Number, Short Title (n
[Pinpoint] (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Howarth v Miotti [2009] QSC 96 (‘Howarth’). Howarth (n 5) Howarth v Miotti [2009] QSC 96
Cases - Unreported Decisions without Medium Neutral Citation
- AGLC4 Rule 2.3
Case Name (Court, Judge/s, Day Month Year) Pinpoint (‘Short Short Title (n
Title’). Footnote Number)
Ross v Chambers (Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, Ross (n 10) 79. Ross v Chambers (Supreme Court of the Northern
Kriewaldt J, 5 April 1956) 77-8 (‘Ross’). Territory, Kriewaldt J, 5 April 1956)

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Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Legislative Materials
Acts and Regulations - AGLC4 Rules 3.1.1 -3.1.7
Title Year (Jurisdiction) Pinpoint (‘Short Title’). Short Title (n
Footnote Number)
Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (Qld) (‘PIP Act’). PIP Act (n 63) s 2. Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (Qld)
Bills - AGLC4 Rule 3.2
Title Year (Jurisdiction) Pinpoint (‘Short Title’). Short Title (n
Footnote Number)
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 (Cth) (‘CPRS Bill’). CPRS Bill (n 13) cl Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill 2009 (Cth)
Explanatory Memorandum - AGLC4 Rules 3.7
Explanatory Memorandum, Bill Citation Pinpoint (‘Short Title’). Explanatory
Short Title (n
Footnote Number)
Explanatory Memorandum, Administrative Decisions (Judicial Explanatory Explanatory Memorandum, Administrative Decisions
Review) Bill 1977 (Cth) (‘ADJR Bill’). Memorandum, (Judicial Review) Bill 1977 (Cth)
ADJR Bill (n 105).
Hansard - AGLC4 Rule 7.5.1
Jurisdiction, Parliamentary Debates, Chamber, Full Date of Short Title (n
Debate, Pinpoint (Name of Speaker) (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Queensland, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative Assembly, 31 Human Rights Bill Queensland, Parliamentary Debates, Legislative
October 2018, 3183 (YM D’Ath, Attorney-General and Minister Explanatory Speech Assembly, 31 October 2018
for Justice) (‘Human Rights Bill Explanatory Speech’). (n 8) 3185.
Treaty - AGLC4 Chapter 8
Treaty Title, Parties’ Names, Date Opened for Signature or Short Title (n
Signed, Treaty Series (Date of Entry into Force) Pinpoint (‘Short Footnote Number)
Title’). Pinpoint.
Convention on the Rights of the Child, opened for signature 20 Convention on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, opened for
November 1989, 1577 UNTS 3 (entered into force 2 September Rights of the Child signature 20 November 1989, 1577 UNTS 3 (entered
1990) (‘Convention on the Rights of the Child’). (n 2) art 3(1). into force 2 September 1990)
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Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Secondary Sources
Journal Articles - AGCL4 Rule 5.1-5.7
Author, ‘Title‘ (Year) Volume(Issue) Journal Starting page, Author Surname (n
Pinpoint. Footnote Number)
Madeline Baker, ‘Blue Sky Mine: Environmental Risk Disclosure in Baker (n 12) 525. Baker, Madeline, ‘Blue Sky Mine: Environmental Risk
Australia’ (2018) 35(5) Environmental and Planning Law Journal Disclosure in Australia’ (2018) 35(5) Environmental and
519, 519. Planning Law Journal 519
Books including ebooks - AGCL4 Rule 6.1-6.9
Author(s), Title (Publication Details) Pinpoint. Author Surname (n
Footnote Number)
Linda Fisher and Mieke Brandon, Mediating with Families Fisher and Brandon Fisher, Linda and Mieke Brandon, Mediating with
(Lawbook, 3rd ed, 2012) 115. (n 22) 120. Families (Lawbook, 3rd ed, 2012)
Chapters in Edited Books - AGCL4 Rule 4.1.3 and Rule 6.1-6.9
Author, ‘Chapter Title’ in Editor (ed/s), Title (Publication Details) Author Surname (n
Starting Page, Pinpoint. Footnote Number)
John Sanderson, ‘The Paradigm Shift in The Global Construct: Can Sanderson (n 29) Sanderson, John, ‘The Paradigm Shift in The Global
a Nineteenth-Century Australian Constitution Cope with Twenty- 68. Construct: Can a Nineteenth-Century Australian
First Century Chaos?’ in Rowena Maquire, Bridget Lewis and Constitution Cope with Twenty-First Century Chaos?’ in
Charles Sampford (eds), Shifting Global Powers and International Rowena Maquire, Bridget Lewis and Charles Sampford
Law: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge, 2013) 64, 66. (eds), Shifting Global Powers and International Law:
Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge, 2013) 64
Reports - AGLC4 Chapter 7 - Reports
Author, Title (Document Type/Series No Document Number, Full Short Title (n
Date) Pinpoint (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Review of the Law of Negligence (Final Report, September 2002) Ipp Report (n 2) 25- Review of the Law of Negligence (Final Report,
37-57 (‘Ipp Report’). 26 [1.4]-[1.6]. September 2002)

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Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Online Dictionaries - AGLC4 Rule 7.6
Dictionary Title (online at Date of Retrieval) ‘Entry Title’ (def Short Title (n
Definition Number) (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary (online at 20 February Encyclopaedic LexisNexis, Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary
2018) ‘duty of care’ (def 1) (‘Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Australian Legal (online at 20 February 2018)
Dictionary’). Dictionary (n 2)
Hardcopy Dictionaries - AGLC4 Rule 7.6
Dictionary Title, (Edition Number ed, Publication Year) ‘Entry Short Title (n
Title’ (def Definition Number) (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
Macquarie Dictionary, (7th ed, 2018) ‘demise’ (def 4) (‘Macquarie Macquarie Macquarie Library, Macquarie Dictionary (7th ed, 2018)
Dictionary’). Dictionary (n 4)
Online Legal Encyclopedias - AGLC4 Rule 7.7
Publisher, Title of Encyclopaedia (online at Date of Retrieval) Title Short Title (n
Number Name of Title, ‘Chapter Number Name of Chapter’ Footnote Number)
[Paragraph] (‘Short Title’). Paragraph.
Thomson Reuters, The Laws of Australia (online at 15 February The Laws of Thomson Reuters, The Laws of Australia (online at 15
2018) 2 Administrative Law, ‘2.3 Access to Information’ [2.3.10] Australia (n 28) February 2018)
(‘The Laws of Australia’). [2.3.15].
Printed/Hardcopy Legal Encyclopedias- AGLC4 Rule 7.7
Publisher, Title of Encyclopedia, vol Volume Number (at Full Date) Short Title (n
Title Number Name of Title, ‘Chapter Number Name of Chapter’ Footnote Number)
[Paragraph] (‘Short Title’). Paragraph.
LexisNexis, Halsbury’s Laws of Australia, vol 15 (at 25 May 2009) Halsbury’s Laws of LexisNexis, Halsbury’s Laws of Australia (at 25 May
235 Insurance, ‘2 General Principles’ [235-270] (‘Halsbury’s Laws Australia (n 16) 2009)
of Australia’). [235-290].

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Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Online Looseleaf Services (Commentaries) - Author - AGLC4 Rule
Author, Publisher, Title (online at Date of Retrieval) [Pinpoint]. Author Surname (n
Footnote Number)
JW Carter, LexisNexis, Carter on Contract (online at 20 February Carter (n 20) [05- Carter, JW, LexisNexis, Carter on Contract (online at 20
2018) [04-001]. 001]. February 2018)
Online Looseleaf Services (Commentaries) – No Author - AGLC4
Rule 7.8
Publisher, Title, (online at Date of Retrieval) [Pinpoint] (‘Short Short Title (n
Title’). Footnote Number)
CCH Australia, Australian Intellectual Property Commentary, Australian IP CCH Australia, Australian Intellectual Property
(online at 20 February 2018) [¶7-000] (‘Australian IP Commentary (n 6) Commentary, (online at 20 February 2018)
Commentary’). [¶7-090].
Online Newspaper - AGLC4 Rules 7.11
Author, ‘Title’, Newspaper (online, Full Date) [Pinpoint] <URL> Author Surname (n
(‘Short Title’). Footnote Number).
Owen Bowcott, ‘Trolling Legislation Needs to Be Simplified, says Bowcott (n 8). Bowcott, Owen, ‘Trolling Legislation Needs to Be
Law Commission’, The Guardian (online, 13 July 2016) Simplified, says Law Commission’, The Guardian
< (online, 13 July 2016)
legislation-needs-to-be-simplified-says-law-commission>. <
Printed Newspaper - AGLC4 Rules 7.11
Author, ‘Title’, Newspaper (Place of Publication, Full Date) Author Surname (n
Pinpoint. Footnote Number)
Kay Dibben, ‘An Unhealthy Culture Tribunal’s Chief Sacked for Dibben (n 6) 4. Dibben, Kay, ‘An Unhealthy Culture Tribunal’s Chief
Speaking Out’, The Courier Mail (Brisbane, 29 December 2018) 4. Sacked for Speaking Out’, The Courier Mail (Brisbane,
29 December 2018)

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Footnote Template Subsequent Bibliography Example

Internet Materials – Author - AGLC4 Rules 7.15
Author, ‘Document Title’, Web Page Title (Document Type, Full Author Surname (n
Date) Pinpoint <URL>. Footnote Number)
Jeremy Gans, ‘News: The Court Reveals a Legal Scandal’, Opinions Gans (n 3). Gans, Jeremy, ‘News: The Court Reveals a Legal
on High (Blog Post, 3 December 2018) Scandal’, Opinions on High (Blog Post, 3 December
< 2018)
the-court-reveals-a-legal-scandal/>. <
Internet Materials – Authored by a body - AGLC4 Rules 7.15
Author, ‘Document Title’, Web Page Title (Document Type, Full Short Title (n
Date) Pinpoint <URL> (‘Short Title’). Footnote Number)
‘Unlawful Operators’, Legal Services Commission (Web Page, 18 Unlawful ‘Unlawful Operators’, Legal Services Commission (Web
January 2019) Operators (n 31). Page, 18 January 2019)
< <
relevant-regulatory-decisions/unlawful-operators> (‘Unlawful and-other-relevant-regulatory-decisions/unlawful-
Operators‘). operators>

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Last modified: 18 November 2019 AGLC4 Quick Reference Guide QUT Law Library

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