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Section 12 - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

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1 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

Low Alloy Steels

Section 12 - Welding Consumables

Low Alloy Steels 1

Welding of Low Alloy Steels 2

Low Alloy & Creep Resistant Electrodes for Manual
Metal Arc Welding
Low Alloy & Creep Resistant Wires for Gas Metal Arc
Welding & Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Submerged Arc Wires 45

Submerged Arc Fluxes 49

Submerged Arc Flux Wire Combinations 54

Low Alloy & Creep Resistant Wires for Flux Cored Welding 58

Cored Wires for High Strength Steels 68

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 2

Welding of Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables
Low alloy steels differ from plain carbon steels in that their For practical purposes the resistance to creep is expressed by:
characteristic properties are due to elements other than carbon
and manganese, e.g. chromium, nickel, molybdenum, etc. Creep strength - The stress which, at a given temperature
and after a given time, causes failure.
From the above statement, it is obvious that a wide range of
steels, having different compositions and heat treatments, Creep limit - The stress which, at a given temperature and
are available.  Afrox welding consumables are available for after a given time, causes a certain amount of deformation,
welding three types of low alloy steels, with widely varying e.g. 1%.
uses, i.e. creep resisting steels, high tensile steels and steels
for use at low temperatures. The welding consumables, steels Creep Resisting Steels
and procedures for welding these steel types are discussed When materials are subject to elevated temperatures, the
separately. following properties are of major importance – the resistance of
the materials to oxidation and the maintenance of an adequate
Steels for Elevated Temperature Service level of tensile strength and creep resistance. Furthermore,
Creep is a property of great importance in materials used for the steels must be capable of operating at these elevated
elevated temperature applications. Creep is defined as the plastic temperatures for an indefinite period. It is a well-known fact
deformation of steel occurring at an elevated temperature under that chromium increases the strength and oxidation resistance of
constant load. Creep is a time dependent failure and occurs at steel while molybdenum increases the red hardness of steel and
stresses below the yield strength for the particular temperature its elevated temperature tensile properties. It is not surprising,
to which the material is subjected. therefore, that these two elements are the major alloying
additions to these steel types. A wide range of creep resisting
Creep occurs in three stages: steels containing between 0,5 and 1% molybdenum and up
to 12% chromium have been developed for use in the power
Primary creep (transient stage) – In this stage the creep generation and petroleum refining industries.
rate is initially high and gradually decreases due to the
effect of work hardening. While the addition of chromium and molybdenum improves
the elevated temperature properties of the steel, they also
Secondary creep (steady state creep) – The stage in which significantly increase the hardenability of the steel. It is therefore
deformation continues at a constant rate, which results of the utmost importance that these steels be preheated prior
from a balance being maintained between the competing to welding and maintained at the preheat temperature for the
processes of work hardening and recovery. duration of welding. Immediately after welding, the fabrications
Tertiary creep – If the stress is sufficiently high in this stage, should be stress relieved before cooling below the preheat
the creep rate accelerates until fracture occurs. temperatures. Typical preheat and stress relieving temperatures
are given in the table which follows:

Table 1  Typical Preheat and Stress Relieving Temperatures

Nominal Composition Alloy Preheat Interpass PWHT

Name (ºC) Temp (ºC) (ºC)
0,5% Mo P1 100 - 250 100 - 250 630 - 670 1 hr
1,25% Cr 0,5% Mo P2, P11, 200 - 300 200 - 300 690 1 - 2 hr
1,25% Cr 0,5% Mo 0,25% V CrMo V 200 - 300 200 - 300 690 1 - 2 hr
2,2% Cr 0,2% Mo 1,6% W Nb V N B Ni P23 150 - 200 150 - 200 Not always required
ASME 715-740 1 hr
2,5% Cr 1,0% Mo V Ti B P24 150 - 200 150 - 200 Not always required
ASME 715 - 740 1 hr
5,0% Cr 0,5% Mo P5 200 min 200 min AWS 732 - 760 1 hr
EN DIN 725 - 745 2 hr
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo T9 200 min 200 min AWS 732 - 760 1 hr
BS EN 740 - 780 2 hr
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo Nb V, N P91 150 min 200 - 300 AWS 760 2 - 3 hr
BS EN 770 2 - 3 hr
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 1,0% W Nb V N P911 200 - 300 200 - 300 AWS 760 2 - 3 hr
BS EN 770 2 - 3 hr
12,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 0,5% W 0,3% V X20 Up to 400 best Up to 500 Slow cool to 120 and hold for
200 - 350 1-2 hr prior to PWHT.
BS EN 750-770 3 hr
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 1,7% W Nb V N P92 200 min 350 max Slow cool to 100 prior to PWHT.
BS EN 730-770 4 hr 12
3 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Table 2  Typical Application for Creep Resistant Alloys

Welding Consumables

Nominal Composition Alloy Operating Applications

Name Temp (ºC)
0,5% Mo P1 450 Vessels and piping
1,25% Cr 0,5% Mo P2, P11, 550 Steam generators, piping, turbine castings, steam
P12 chests, valve bodies, boiler superheaters, corrosion
resistant to sulphur bearing crude oil at 250 - 450ºC,
resistance to hydrogen attack, coal liquefaction plant
and NH3 pressure vessels
1,25% Cr 0,5% Mo 0,25% V CrMo V 580 Valve casings, steam turbines, boilers, pressure
2,25% Cr 1,0% Mo P22 600 Steam generators, piping, turbine castings, steam
chests, valve bodies, boiler superheaters, corrosion
resistant to sulphur bearing crude oil at 250 - 450ºC,
resistance to hydrogen attack, coal liquefaction plant
and NH3 pressure vessels
2,2% Cr 0,2% Mo 1,6% W Nb V N B Ni P23 580 Water walls in ultra-super-critical boilers, power
generating plants
2,5% Cr 1,0% Mo V Ti B P24 580 Water walls in ultra-super-critical boilers, power
generating plants
5,0% Cr 0,5% Mo T5 600 Boiler superheaters, heat exchangers, piping,
pressure vessels in oil refineries, corrosion resistance
in superheated steam, hot hydrogen gas and high
sulphur crude oils
9,0% Cr 1,0 Mo T9 600 Reasonable corrosion resistance in superheated
steam, hot hydrogen gas and high sulphur crude
oils where higher performance than 5% Cr 0,5% Mo
steels is required. Boiler superheater tubes, piping,
pressure vessels in oil refineries and power plants
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo Nb V, N P91 600 Headers, main steam piping, turbine casings in fossil
fuel power plants. Coal liquefaction and gasification
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 1,0% W Nb V N E911 600 Headers, main steam piping, boiler tubes, turbine
casings in fossil fuel power plants. Coal liquefaction
and gasification plants
12,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 0,5% W 0,3% V X20 550 High pressure steam piping, headers, heat
exchangers, turbine components
9,0% Cr 1,0% Mo 1,7% W Nb V N P92 600 Headers, main steam piping, turbine casings in fossil
fuel power plants
Basic hydrogen-controlled electrodes and wires of matching compositions are used for welding creep-resisting steels.  A
number of steels and matching Afrox consumables suitable for use at an elevated temperature, are given in Table 3

Table 3 Afrox Electrodes and Wires Suitable for Welding High Temperature Steels According to DIN, BS and ASTM Specifications

Electrode Base Metal Alloy Steel Plates Alloy Steel Tubes and Pipes Steel Castings Alloy Steel Forgings
Afrox KV2 0,5% Mo DIN 17155 17Mn4 DIN 17175 17Mn4 DIN 17245 GS-22 Mo4 DIN 15Mo3
MIG/TIG G2Mo DIN 17155 19Mn6 DIN 17175 19Mn5 BS 3100 BI DIN 16Mo5
FCW TM811-A1 DIN 17155 15Mn3 BS 3059 243 ref CEW BS 1504 245 DIN 10MnMo 4 5
ASTM A204 A, B, C BS 3606 243, 245, 261 ASTM A217 WCI DIN 11MnMo 4 5
ASTM A302 A, B ASTM A209 TI, TIa, TIb ASTM A352 LCI BS 10028-2 16Mo3
ASTM A250 TI, TIa, TIb ASTM A204 A, B, C
Afrox KV5 and 1,25% Cr DIN 17155 13 CrMo 44 DIN 17175 13 CrMo 44 DIN 17245 GS-17 CrMo 55 BS 3604 620-440
KV5L 0,5% Mo BS 1501 620 BS 3604 620-440 BS 3100 B2 BS 3059-620-540
Chromet 1X BS 1501 621 BS 3604 620-460 ref HFS, CFS ASTM A217, WC6, WCII Class 1, 2 ASTM A182 F2, FII, F12, Class 1 and 2
MIG/TIG/SAW B2 ASTM A387 2, 12, 11 BS 3604 621 ref HFC CFS, ERW, CEW and 3 ASTM A336 F12, F11 FIIa, FIIb
FCW TM811-B2 ASTM A213 T2, TII, T12 ASTM A199 TII
ASTM A356 6
ASTM A335 P2, PII, P12
Afrox KV3 and 2,25% Cr DIN I7155 I0 CrMo 9I0 DIN 17175 10 CrMo 910 DIN 17245 GS-18 CrMo 910 BS3100 BS 3059 622-490
KV3L 1,0% Mo BS I50I 622/515 BS I50I 622/51 5 BS 3059 622-490 B3 BS 1503 622-560
Chromet 2X ASTM A387 21, 22 ref SI, S2 ASTM AI99,T4,T22 BS 1504 622 ASTM A 182 F22 Class I and 2
Chromet 2L ASTM A213 T22 ASTM A217 WC9 ASTM A336 F22, F22a
FCW TM911-B3
Chromocord 5 5,0% Cr ASTM A387 5 DIN 12CrMo 195 ASTM A217 C5 BS 1503 625-520, 590
MIG/TIG/SAW B6 0,5% Mo DIN X7CrMo 6 I ASTM A336 F5, F5a ASTM AI82 F5, F5a
DIN X I I CrMo 6 I ASTM A336 F5, F5a
BS 3604 625 HFS, CFS
ASTM A213 T5,  T5b,
ASTM A335 P5, P5b
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

Welding Consumables
Table 3 (continued)

Electrode Base Metal Alloy Steel Plates Alloy Steel Tubes and Pipes Steel Castings Alloy Steel Forgings
Chromet 9 9,0% Cr ASTM A387 9 ASTM A335, 9 DIN GS-12CrMo 10 I ASTM AI82 F9
1,0% Mo ASTM A234, WP9 ASTM A217 CI2 ASTM A336 F9
ASTM A 199, T9 BS 1504 G629
ASTM 213, T9 BS 3100 G B6
BS 3604, CFS & HFS 629-470,
CFS 7 HSF 629-590
DIN X7CrMo 9 I
Chromet 9MV-N 9,0% Cr ASTM A387, 91 ASTM A213, T91 ASTM A217, CI2A ASTM  AI82I,  A336, F91
1,0% Mo DIN/BS EN XI OCrMoVNb 9 I ASTM A335, P91 ASTM A234, WP91
Nb BS 1503, 91 ASTM A369, FP91
V AFNOR NF A-492 I 3/A-492 I 8
N TU Z 10 CDVNb 09-0 I
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 6

Steels with High Tensile Strength Hydrogen Cracking

Welding Consumables
High tensile alloy steels can be divided into two distinct groups, Hydrogen-induced cold cracking, which occurs during the
i.e. the low carbon quenched and tempered or low carbon welding of high tensile steels can be divided into two distinct
martensitic types and the high carbon content alloy steels, which areas:
transform to high carbon martensite during quenching. In this
section, only the first group will be discussed. Cracking in the weld metal
Cracking in the heat affected zone.
Low Carbon Martensitic Steel Types
Generally, when the tensile strength of the deposited weld
The low carbon martensitic steel types exhibit an excellent metal exceeds that of the parent material, cold cracking is most
combination of high strength (yield strength in the vicinity of 700 likely to occur in the weld metal. These cracks can either be
MPa), toughness, abrasion resistance, excellent HAZ structure longitudinal centre bead cracks or transverse cracks running
resistant to hydrogen-induced cracking coupled with good perpendicularly through the weld bead into the base material.
weldability. These properties have led to steels of this type being The direction of the cracks are perpendicular to the stresses
used extensively in industries such as earth moving, mining, imposed upon the joint by restraint and shrinkage of the weld
pressure vessel construction and for military applications. metal during solidification.
These steels are low in carbon, e.g. 0,10% to 0,23% and are Manufacturers of high tensile steels invariably provide adequate
alloyed with elements such as nickel, chromium, vanadium, data on the preheat and maximum heat input necessary to
molybdenum, boron and in some cases titanium. The elements avoid heat affected zone cracking of the base material. These
are balanced carefully to obtain the optimum hardenability and requirements will be discussed briefly below. In many instances,
excellent mechanical properties with relatively low cost. In many however, the minimum preheat and interpass temperatures may
cases, these steels are sold on the basis of their mechanical be insufficient to avoid weld metal cracking.
properties under a wide variety of proprietary brand names such as
ROQ-TUF, T1, etc. The American Welding Society Structural Welding code D1.1
indicates that preheat and interpass temperatures should be
high enough to prevent crack formation in highly restrained
joints and provides the following temperatures which should be
Table 4 Preheat and Interpass Temperatures employed:

Steel Types Thicknesses Minimum Preheat Maximum Preheat

(mm) Temp (°C) Temperature (°C)
ASTM Up to 19 10 205
A514 19 - 38 50 205
A517 38 - 64 80 230
A709 Over 64 107 230

In order to limit heat input, it is important that weld beads be

deposited using the stringer technique and that weaving be limited
to less than 2,5 times the electrode diameter (i.e. where the stringer
bead technique is not possible).  A general guide for maximum heat
input values is as follows:

Table 5 Allowing Heat Input

Preheat Maximum Heat Input (kJ/mm)

Temperature (°C) 6 mm 12 mm 15 mm 32 mm
20 1,25 1,9 4 5
65 Unnecessary 1,65 2,4 4,3
95 Unnecessary 1,4 2,2 3
150 Unnecessary 1,3 2,1 2,6
200 Unnecessary 1,2 2 2,5

Notes on Welding High Carbon High Tensile Steels

Steels of this type can form very hard structures in the heat
affected zone when welded. To avoid possible cracking problems,
preheat temperatures up to approximately 300°C may be required,
followed in some instances by post weld heat treatment. With
regard to these steels, precautions similar to those for carbon-
manganese steels should be followed. Steels in this category with
a carbon equivalent above 0,5 may be welded with Afrox 309Mo,
312, 98 and 118.
Where high carbon, high tensile steels are to be welded with one
of the austenitic type consumables recommended above, a lower
preheat temperature would be required.
Welding Consumables
Table 6 Afrox Consumables for Welding Low Alloy Steels 7

Product Materials to be Welded Application

Tufmet I Ni.B ASTM A333 Gr 6 For welding higher strength steel structures where PWHT is impracticable so that welds must possess an appropriate
MIG/TlG Ni-I ASTM A334 Gr 6 degree of toughness and crack resistance. The addition of about 1% Ni promotes microstructural refinement, with improved
FCW TM811-Ni ASTM A350 Gr LF2 & LF5 tolerance to procedural variations compared to plain CMn weld metal. Ni also increases the atmospheric weathering
ASTM 352 Gr LCB & LCC (cast) resistance and improves the electrochemical balance between weld metal and base metal, thus minimising preferential weld
area corrosion in marine environments. For offshore oilfield sour service, a minimum of 1% Ni is commonly required.
API 5L, X65
BS 4360 Gr 43E, 50E, 55C, 55EE, 55F
Tenacito 70B ASTM A203 Gr A & B Plate Fabrication of storage tanks, process plant and associated pipework where good fracture toughness from as-welded joints is
TIG ASTM A333 Gr 6 pipe demanded down to temperatures in the region of -60°C. The addition of about 2,5% Ni improves microstructural refinement
80Ni2 ASTM A350 Gr LF I & LF2 forgings and tolerance to procedural variations compared to plain CMn weld metal. It also promotes the formation of a stable patina
ASTM A352 Gr LC2 casting as required for matching the characteristics of weathering steels, and is an alternative to using matching consumables.
BS 1501-224 Gr 490B plate
Hyplus 29
Afrox 75 BS 150 I Gr 503, plate Construction of cryogenic plant and associated pipework e.g. petrochemical industry, demanding resistance to weld brittle fracture
ASTM A203 Gr D, E & F plate when operating at temperatures down to -80°C in the manufacture, storage and distribution of volatile liquids and liquefied
ASTM A333 Gr 3 pipe gas. It can be used for welding CMn and low alloy steel for critical applications demanding a combination of strength and
BSI503 Gr 503 forging reliable toughness down to temperatures in the region of -600°C.
ASTM A350 Gr LF3 forging
BS 1504 Gr 503 LT60 casting
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

ASTM A352 Gr LC3 casting

Afrox 98 ASTM A553-BO Gr A C1.1 High yield strength quenched and tempered steels,  alloy steel plate, structural steels for bridges, high tensile quenched
ASTM A67B-75 Gr C and tempered steels, pressure vessel plates, alloy steel MnMo and MnMoNi quenched and tempered steels, quenched and
ASTM A656-79 type 1-7 tempered CMn steel plates for structural applications, hot rolled structural steel plates and pressure vessel plates CMnSi type,
ASTM A537-BO C1.2 fine grained structural steel, high temperature fine grained steel, low temperature fine grained steel and steels for general
structural purposes, high strength roller quenched and tempered structural steel plates.
DIN StE500, WstE 460, WstE 500,
TstE 420, TstE 460, TstE 500
DIN 17100 5t 50-2
MIG/TlG D2 AISI 4130, 4140, 8630 Fabrication of higher strength steels for use in the stress relieved condition. For offshore oil well head process pipework and
BS 970 Gr 709M40 (EN 19) fittings, these low nickel consumables satisfy NACE MRO 175 requirements intended to ensure resistance to sulphide-induced
DIN 42CrMo4, 34CrMo4 stress corrosion cracking in sour service, combined with good sub-zero toughness.
ASTM A487 Gr 4B, 4D, 6A cast
Table 6 (continued)

Product Materials to be Welded Application

Afrox 118 ASTM A514-77 High yield strength quenched and tempered steels,  alloy steel plate, structural steels for bridges, high tensile quenched
Hoballoy 11018M ASTM A709-80 Gr 100, 100W and tempered steels, pressure vessel plates, alloy steel MnMo and MnMoNi quenched and tempered steels, quenched and
MIG 6048 ASTM A533-80 Gr CI.2 tempered CMn steel plates for structural applications, hot rolled structural steel plates and pressure vessel plates CMnSi type,
DIN WstE460, WstE500, TstE 420, fine grained structural steel, high temperature fine grained steel, low temperature fine grained steel and steels for general
structural purposes, high strength roller quenched and tempered structural steel plates.
TstE 460, TstE 500
DIN 17100St60-2
OE-N127 HY 80, Q I(N) Possibly HY I00 & For welding a range of high strength low alloy steels, in particular for military applications by the MoD and US Navy for
MIG/TlG 120 Q2(N) the construction and repair of naval craft and submarines. The consumable also has applications in general structural steel
FCW fabrications in HSLA steels, which may be used for cranes, earth-moving equipment, and other highly stressed structural
BI21 T5 K4 components.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

9 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Steels for Low Temperature Service A number of these factors can be combined in steels to give the
Welding Consumables

low temperature notch toughness required. In some cases carbon

As the temperature decreases the resistance to impact of steels manganese steels, such as BS 4360 grades 40E and 43E, have
decreases. This may be gradual in some cases or can occur in a specified minimum impact values at -50°C and below. Nickel
narrow transition band. The ductile to brittle transition of steel, bearing steels, however, are normally required to have impact
subject to impact loading, is influenced by a number of factors, properties at temperatures below -60°C. Acceptance criteria for
which include: low temperature steels with regard to impact properties are as
The carbon content – which should be as low as possible follows:

The degree of deoxidation – the steel should be fully killed

The grain size – should be fine grained
The alloy content – particularly the nickel level.

Table 7 Acceptance Criteria for Low Temperature Steels with Regard to Impact Properties

Minimum average impact value at these temperatures are 27 J

Charpy V-Notch Impact Test at Temperature (°C)
Specification Grade
-20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -80 -100 -110 -196
Structural Steel Plate
BS 4360-79 40E X
43E X
50D X
50E X
50F X
50E X
50F X
ASTM A633-79 Grade D X
DIN 17102 TStE 255-500 X
Steel Plate for Boiler and Pressure Vessels
BS 1501 Part I 164 Grade 360 LT 20 X
164 Grade 400 LT 20 X
223 Grade 460 LT 30 X

225 Grade 490 LT 50 X

ASTM A662-79 Grade A X
Grade B X
503 3,5 % Ni X
BS 15012 Part 2-70 509 9,0 % Ni X

Generally, these steels are supplied in the normalised, controlled Afrox Electrodes for Welding Steels for Low Temperature
rolled, normalised and tempered or quenched and tempered Service
Afrox 76S and Afrox 75 are basic coated hydrogen-controlled
Notes on Welding Steels for Low Temperature Service 1,0 and 3,5% nickel steel electrodes respectively; suitable for
welding carbon-manganese and nickel bearing low temperature
When low temperature steels are to be welded, a number steels, suitable for service down to -100°C (see Table 8 overleaf).
of factors should be kept in mind to ensure the metallurgical
integrity of the joint, these are:
Preheating is not generally required
Consumables must be selected which will ensure
adequate strength and impact properties at the lowest
recommended temperature. In all cases, the consumables
should be of the basic coated hydrogen-controlled type
Excessive heat inputs should be avoided as these may lead
to coarse grained weld metal deposits and heat affected
zones. High heat input positions such as vertical-up should
be avoided where possible.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 10

Table 8 Steel Grades for Welding with Afrox 75 and 76S

Welding Consumables
Specifications Afrox Transarc® 75 Afrox Transarc® 76S
BS BS 1501-LT 50 BS4360 BS I50 I-LT 50
Grade 40E, 43E, 50E, 55E, BS 4360 Grade 50E
ASTM A203 Grade D and E A203 Grade D and E
A333 Grade 6 A333 Grade 6
DIN I0 Ni 14. I2 Ni 19 10 Ni 14. 14 Ni 6
16 Ni 14 16 Ni 14.13 MnNi 14
Commercial Grades Corten A, Corten B Corten B

Table 9 Afrox Consumables for Welding SSAB Domex Cold Forming Steels

Steel Type Description Afrox Consumable

Domex 80W Hot rolled weather Afrox 76S

resistant steel Tufmet INi.B
MIG/TlG 80 Ni I
Domex 100XF Hot rolled extra high Afrox 7018-1
Domex 240YP strength cold forming MIG 6000
Domex 315MC steel TM 791
Domex 355MC Coremax 71 Plus
Domex 420MC Afrox TIG 70S-6
Sub 70-2HPF-N90
Domex 460 MC Hot rolled extra high Afrox 98
Domex 500MC strength cold forming Tenacito 70 B
steel Tufmet INi.B
MIG/TlG 80 Ni I
Subarc S2Mo/HPF-NIIX
Domex 550MC Hot rolled extra high Afrox l18
Domex 600MC strength cold forming Hoballoy 11018M
Domex 650MC steel MIG 6048
Domex 700MC TIG 100
Metalloy 110
Domex Wear Wear plate Afrox 7018-1
MIG 6000
TIG 70S-6
TM 791
Coremax 71 Plus

Table 10  Afrox Consumables for Welding Mittal Low Alloy Steels

Steel Type Description Afrox Consumable

Wearplate 200 Hot rolled high carbon steel plate for hardening On account of the high carbon content, which
(Bennox) and wear resistance increases the hardenability, high carbon steels
SAE/AISI 1055 (Cr, 30) are not readily weldable. Rapid cooling in the
MCR 24 heat affected zone results in the formation of
hard, brittle phases, which are susceptible to
High carbon steels should only be welded using
special procedures. An Afrox welding engineer
should be consulted for advice on welding
RB 390 Armour plate Afrox 307, 309L, 312
RB 500 MIG/TIG 307Si, 309LSi, 312, 309MoL
Coremax 309L, 309MoL
Subarc 307Si, 309L/MK-SS

11 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Table 10 (continued)
Welding Consumables

Steel Type Description Afrox Consumable

ROQ-Last TH400 Hot rolled quenched abrasion resistant steel Afrox 7018-1 - depending on joint design
ROQ-Last 500 Afrox l18
Hoballoy 11018M
Metalloy 110
MIG 6048
TIG 100
ROQ-TUF AM700 Hot rolled roller quenched and tempered Afrox l18
structural and pressure vessel steel Hoballoy 11018M
Metalloy 110
MIG 6048

Table 11 Consumables for Welding SSAB Wear Resistant and Structural Steel Plates

Steel Type Description Afrox Consumable

Hardox 400 Abrasion resistant plate Afrox 7018-1

MIG 6000
TIG 70S-6
TM 791
Coremax 71 Plus
Sub 70-2/HPF-N90
Hardox 450 Abrasion resistant plate Tufmet INi.B
Hardox 500 Tenacito 70 B
MIG/TIG 80 Nil
Sub 70-2/HPF-A72
Subarc S2Mo/HPF-NIIX
Weldox 355 High strength structural plate Afrox 7018-1
MIG 6000
TIG 70S-6
TM 791
Coremax 71 Plus
Sub 70-2/HPF-N90
Weldox 420 Extra high strength structural plate For butt welds For other joints
Weldox 460 Tufmet INi.B Afrox 7018-1
Tenacito 70 B MIG 6000
MIG/TlG 80 Nil TIG 70S-6
TM 811-NI TM 791
Subarc S2Mo/HPF-NIIX Coremax 71 Plus
Sub 70-2/HPF-N90
Weldox 500 Extra high strength structural plate For butt welds For other joints
Afrox 98 Afrox 7018-1
MIG 6000
TIG 705-6 TM 791
Coremax 71 Plus
Sub 70-2/HPF-N90
Weldox 700 Extra high strength structural plate For butt welds For other joints
Afrox l18 Tufmet INi.B
Hoballoy 11018M Rockweld CI
MIG 6048 MIG/TIG 80 Nil
TIG 100 TM 811-NI
Subarc S2Mo/HPF-NIIX
Weldox 900 Extra high strength structural plate For butt welds For other joints
Weldox 960 OE-N127 Afrox 118
Weldox 1100 MIG/TlG 120 Hoballoy 11018M
BI21 T5 K4 MIG 6048
TIG 100

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 12

Classification for Low Alloy EN ISO 2560 Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc

Welding Consumables
Welding of Non-Alloy and Fine Grained Steels
EN ISO 14341 Wire Electrodes, Wires, Rods and Deposits for
Welding consumables are commonly classified under either the Gas Shielded Arc Welding of Non-Alloy and Fine
American (AWS) or European (EN) systems. The following is a Grained Steels
summarised outline of the classifications for low alloy electrodes.
EN ISO 636 Rods, Wires and Deposits for Tungsten Inert Gas
Under AWS, the following classifications apply: Welding of Non-Alloy and Fine Grained Steels
AWS A5.5 Low Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielding Metal EN ISO 17632 Tubular Cored Electrodes Gas Shielded Metal
Arc Welding Arc Welding of Non-Alloy and Fine Grained
AWS A5.28 Low Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Steels
Shielded Arc Welding EN ISO 756 Solid Wires, Solid Wire-Flux and Tubular Wire-
AWS A5.29 Low Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Flux combinations for welding of Non-Alloy and
Welding Fine Grained Steels

AWS A5.23 Low Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for For detailed information about the classification of consumables
Submerged Arc Welding to the above specifications, please contact the product manager
at Afrox MPG marketing on +27 (0) 11 490 0400.
Under the Euronorm classifications, low alloys can fall under
three types of classification: Creep Resistant Steels, High AWS A5.01 Filler Material Procurement Guidelines
Strength Low Alloy Steels, and Non-Alloyed Fine Grained Steels: The specification covers the testing and classification of welding
EN ISO 3580 Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc consumables from a procurement point of view and outlines
Welding of Creep Resistant Steels how customers should specify what product testing and quality
control they require. The first section covers the classification
EN ISO 21952 Wire Electrodes, Wires, Rods and Deposits for of ‘lots’ or batch sizes and testing.  The second section covers
Gas Shielded Arc Welding of Creep Resistant product testing. In all instances when a customer orders a
Steels product, they should state on the order the lot classification and
testing schedule they require.
EN ISO 17634 Tubular Cored Electrodes Gas Shielded Metal
Arc Welding of Creep Resistant Steels Lot Classification
EN ISO 24598 Solid Wire Electrodes, Tubular Cored Electrodes This covers electrodes, solid wires and tubular wires with
and Electrode Flux Combinations for Submerged the suffix ‘C’ for covered electrodes, ‘S’ for solid wires, ‘F’ for
Arc Welding of Creep Resistant Steels submerged arc welding, brazing and braze welding and ‘T’ for
tubular wires. See Table 12 below for details.
EN ISO 757 Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc
Welding of High Strength Steels
EN ISO 16834 Wire Electrodes, Wires, Rods and Deposits for
Gas Shielded Arc Welding of High Strength Steels

Table 12 Lot Classifications

Lot Classification Requirements

Covered Electrodes
C1 Manufacturer’s standard lot as defined in its quality system
C2 A lot of one size not exceeding 45 350 kg of any size produced in 24 hrs of consecutively
scheduled production
C3 A lot of one size not exceeding 45 350 kg produced in 24 hrs of consecutively scheduled production.
The flux to be identified by wet mix or controlled chemical composition and core wire identified by heat
number or controlled chemical composition
C4 A lot of any one size produced from one wet mix and one heat of core wire
C5 A lot of one size produced from one dry blend of flux and one heat of core wire
Solid Wire
S1 A lot as defined in the manufacturer’s quality assurance programme
S2 A lot not exceeding 45 350 kg of one size, form and temper produced in 24 hrs of consecutively
scheduled production from one heat or from material identified by controlled chemical composition
S3 A lot of one size produced from one heat in one production cycle
S4 A lot not exceeding 45 350 kg of one size, form and temper produced under one production schedule
from one heat or from material identified by controlled chemical composition
Tubular Electrodes
T1 A lot as defined in the manufacturer’s quality assurance programme
13 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Table 12 (continued)
Welding Consumables

Lot Classification Requirements

T2 A lot not exceeding 45 350 kg of one size produced in 24 hrs of consecutively scheduled production. The
strip to be identified by one heat or from material identified by controlled chemical composition. The core
ingredients to be identified by dry blend
T3 A lot of one size produced from one heat and one dry batch or dry blend of core ingredients
T4 A lot not exceeding 45 350 kg of one size produced under one production schedule from tube or strip
identified by heat number or controlled chemical composition the core ingredients to be identified by dry
blend or controlled chemical composition
Submerged Arc Fluxes
F1 A lot as defined in the manufacturer’s quality assurance programme
F2 A lot produced from the same combination of raw materials in one production cycle

Testing Schedule
AWS A5.01 specifies the level of testing as follows:

Table 13 Testing Schedule for Low Alloy Electrodes

Schedule Requirements
F The manufacturer’s standard testing level
G Test of the material from any production run of the product within the 12 months preceding the data of
the purchase
H Chemical analysis only for each lot shipped
I See Table 14
J All tests called for in the AWS filler metal specification, for each lot shipped. See Table 15
K All tests specified by the purchaser, for each lot shipped

Table 14 Schedule I Tests for Low Alloy Electrodes

AWS Chemical Tensile Impact Soundness Moisture

Classification Analysis Test Test X-Ray Test
A5.5 MMA Y Y Y Y Y
A5.23 SAW Y Y Y Y N
A5.29 FCW Y Y Y Y N

Table 15 Schedule J Tests for Low Alloy Electrodes

AWS Chemical Tensile Impact Soundness Fillet Weld

Classification Analysis Test Test X-Ray Test
A5.5 MMA Y Y>3,2 mm Y>3,2 mm for flux N Y>3,2 mm
type 18
A5.28 MIG/TIG Y Y N - CrMo Y N
Y - Others
A5.23 SAW Y - Solid wire Y - Wire flux Y - Wire flux Y - Wire flux N
and flux wire combination only combination only combination only
N-composite, test
weld metal
A5.29 FCW Y Y - Except G N - CrMo Y - Except G Y for EXIT
Y - Others N - Others
Except K5

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 14

Low Alloy & Creep Resistant Electrodes

Welding Consumables
for Manual Metal Arc Welding
Afrox KV2

Afrox KV2 is a basic coated hydrogen controlled electrode for

all position welding of high tensile low alloy steels and creep
resisting steels containing 0,5 molybdenum for service up to
450ºC. The ease of operation and stability of the arc make this
electrode eminently suitable for use in difficult to weld positions.
The electrode deposits weld metal of high metallurgical and
radiographic qualities in all positions.

AWS A5.5 E7018-A1
EN ISO 3580-A E Mo B H 5
EN ISO 3580-B E4915-IM3 H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,05 - 0,09 % Sulphur 0,025 max
% Manganese 0,75 - 0,9 % Phosphorous 0,025 max
% Silicon 0,45 max % Molybdenum 0,4 - 0,6

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Stress 390 MPa min
Tensile Strength 480 MPa min
% Elongation on 50 mm 25 min
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 120 J min

Packing Data
(DC+ only)
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 65 - 95 300 3 x 4,0 W075512
3,15 85 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075513
4,0 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075514
2,5 (DriPac) 65 - 95 300 3 x 4,0 W075516
3,15 (DriPac) 85 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075517
4,0 (DriPac) 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075518

15 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox KV5
Welding Consumables

Afrox KV5L
Afrox KV5 and KV5L are basic coated DC type, hydrogen controlled
all position electrodes depositing weld metal containing 1,25%
chromium and 0,5% molybdenum. The deposits from these
electrodes are characterised by excellent radiographic and
metallurgical qualities which, together with exceptional weldability,
make these ideally suited for positional welding. The product was
developed to weld a wide variety of 1,25 Cr, 0,5 Mo creep resisting

Classifications Afrox KV5

AWS A5.5 E8018-B2
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo1 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E5515-ICM H5

Classifications Afrox KV5L

AWS A5.5 E7018-B2L
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo1L B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E5215-ICML H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

Afrox KV5 Afrox KV5L Afrox KV5 Afrox KV5L
% Carbon 0,05 - 0,1 0,05 max % Phosphorous 0,025 max 0,025 max
% Manganese 0,5 - 0,9 0,5 - 0,9 % Chromium 1,0 - 1.3 1,0 - 1,3
% Silicon 0,45 max 0,45 max % Molybdenum 0,04 - 0,6 0,04 - 0,6
% Sulphur 0,025 max 0,025 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

(All weld metal in the stress relieved condition to AWS A5.5)
Afrox KV5 Afrox KV5L
Stress Relieving Temp. 690ºC for 1 hr 690ºC for 1 hr
0,2% Proof Stress 460 MPa min 390 MPa min
Tensile Strength 550 - 650 MPa 520 MPa min
% Elongation on 50 mm 22 min 19 min
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 90 J min -
Charpy V-Notch at 0ºC 70 J min -
Vickers Hardness 190 - 200 HV -

Packing Data
(DC+ only)
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg) Afrox KV5 Afrox KV5L
2,5 65 - 95 300 3 x 3,0 W075542 W075572
3,15 80 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075543 W075573
4,0 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075544 W075574
5,0 185 - 250 450 3 x 6,0 W075545 W075575
2,5 (DriPac) 65 - 95 300 3 x 3,0 W075546 W075576
3,15 (DriPac) 80 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075547 W075577
4,0 (DriPac) 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075548 W075578
12 5,0 (DriPac) 185 - 250 450 3 x 6,0 W075549 W075579
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 16

Metrode Chromet 1X

Welding Consumables
Chromet 1X is designed for prolonged elevated temperature
service up to 550ºC, depositing a weld metal containing
1,25% Cr and 0,5% Mo. The electrodes have improved temper
embrittlement resistance with prolonged exposure at 400 - 600ºC.
Relevant trace elements such as P, Sn, As and Sb are controlled to
ensure low Bruscato X and Watanabe J factors.

AWS A5.5 E8018-B2
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo1 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E5515-ICM H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,06 % Molybdenum 0,055
% Manganese 0,70 % Copper <0,05
% Silicon 0,25 % Tin 0,002
% Sulphur 0,012 % Arsenic 0,003
% Phosphorous 0,009 % Antimony 0,002
% Chromium 1,25

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

PWHT PWHT PWHT 690ºC/5 hr +Step
690ºC/1 hr 690ºC/5 hr Cooled
0,2% Proof Stress 570 MPa 515 MPa 490 MPa
Tensile Strength 660 MPa 610 MPa 595 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 21 25 25
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 160 J 200 J 200 J
Charpy V-Notch at -30ºC 100 J 160 J 140 J
Hardness HV As Welded 300 220 - 250 220 190
- 320 HV

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass
Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
3,2 80 - 140 380 3 x 5,0 W078260
4,0 100 - 180 450 3 x 5.6 W078262

17 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox KV3
Welding Consumables

Afrox KV3 is a basic coated DC type hydrogen controlled all position

electrode depositing weld metal containing 2,25% chromium
and 1% molybdenum. The deposits from these electrodes are
characterised by excellent radiographic and metallurgical qualities
which, together with exceptional weldability, make these
electrodes ideally suited for positional welding. Afrox KV3 is
recommended for welding a wide variety of 2,25 Cr, 1 Mo creep
resisting steels.

AWS A5.5 E9018-B3
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo2 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E6215-2CIM H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,05 - 0,1 % Phosphorous 0,025 max
% Manganese 0,5 - 0,9 % Chromium 2,0 - 2,5
% Silicon 0,45 max % Molybdenum 0,9 - 1,2
% Sulphur 0,025 max

Typical Mechanical Properties

(All weld metal in the stress relieved condition to AWS A5.5)
Stress Relieving Temp. 690ºC for 1 hr
0,2% Proof Stress 530 MPa min
Tensile Strength 630 - 720 MPa
% Elongation on 50 mm 20 min
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 120 J min

Packing Data
(DC+ only)
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 60 - 95 300 3 x 3,0 W075522
3,15 85 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075523
4,0 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075524
5,0 185 - 250 450 3 x 6,0 W075525
2,5 (DriPac) 60 - 95 300 3 x 3,0 W075526
3,15 (DriPac) 85 - 130 350 3 x 4,0 W075527
4,0 (DriPac) 120 - 180 350 3 x 4,0 W075528
5,0 (DriPac) 185 - 250 450 3 x 6,0 W075529

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 18

Metrode Chromet 2X

Welding Consumables
Chromet 2X is designed for prolonged elevated temperature
service up to 600ºC depositing a weld metal containing
2,25% Cr and 1,0% Mo. The electrodes have improved temper
embrittlement resistance with prolonged exposure at 400 - 600ºC.
Relevant trace elements such as P, Sn,  As, and Sb are controlled to
ensure low Bruscato X and Watanabe J factors.

AWS A5.5 E9018-B3
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo2 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E6215-2CIM H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,06 % Molybdenum 1,05
% Manganese 0,7 % Copper <0,05
% Silicon 0,25 % Tin 0,002
% Sulphur 0,012 % Arsenic 0,003
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Antimony <0,002
% Chromium 2,25

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

PWHT PWHT PWHT 690ºC/5 hr +Step
690ºC/1 hr 690ºC/5 hr Cooled
0,2% Proof Stress 620 MPa 560 MPa 550 MPa
Tensile Strength 700 MPa 660 MPa 650 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 19 24 20
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 140 J 70 J 170 J
Charpy V-Notch at -30ºC 80 J 140 J 110 J
Hardness HV As Welded 300 220 - 250 195 205
- 320 HV

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
3,2 80 - 140 380 3 x 5,0 W078294
4,0 100 - 180 450 3 x 6,0 W078296

19 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Metrode Chromet 2L
Welding Consumables

Chromet 2L is designed for prolonged elevated temperature

service up to 600ºC. Main areas of application are associated
with steam generating power plant, e.g. piping, turbine castings,
steam chests, valve bodies and boiler superheaters. Some of the
consumables will also find service in refineries where they are
used for corrosion resistance to sulphur bearing crude oil at 250 -
450ºC. Some of the consumables will also find applications in the
chemical and petrochemical industries where they are used for
resistance to hydrogen attack in the fabrication of hydro-crackers,
coal liquefaction plant and NH3 pressure vessels operating at up to
450ºC. In the as welded condition, the consumables also provide
a useful source of 300 HV hardness weld deposit for build-up or
hardsurfacing to resist metal-to-metal wear and heavy impact.

WS A5.5 E8015-B3L
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo2 L B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E5515-2CML H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,04 % Phosphorous 0,015
% Manganese 0,8 % Chromium 2,25
% Silicon 0,3 % Molybdenum 1,05
% Sulphur 0,025 max % Copper <0,1

Typical Mechanical Properties

(All weld metal in the stress relieved condition)
PWHT 690ºC/1 hr
Tensile Strength 630 MPa
0,2% Proof Strength 540 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 24
Impact Energy at +20ºC 160 J
Impact Energy at -10ºC 90 J

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 70 - 110 4,0 W078288
3,2 80 - 140 5,0 W078290
4,0 100 - 180 5.8 W078292

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 20

Metrode Chromet 9

Welding Consumables
Chromet 9 is designed for prolonged elevated temperature service
up to 600ºC. The electrode deposits a weld metal containing 9,0%
Cr and 1,0% Mo with a reasonable degree of corrosion resistance
in superheated steam, hot hydrogen gas and high sulphur crude
oils and is used where higher performance than the 5% Cr 0,5%
Mo alloys are required.

AWS A5.5 E9015-B8
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo9 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E6215-9CIM H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,06 % Chromium 9,0
% Manganese 0,75 % Molybdenum 1,0
% Silicon 0,35 % Copper <0,05
% Sulphur 0,012 % Nickel 0,2
% Phosphorous 0,015

Typical Mechanical Properties

(All weld metal in the stress relieved condition)
740ºC/2 hr 746ºC/3 hr
0,2% Proof Stress 600 MPa 550 MPa
Tensile Strength 710 MPa 680 MPa
% Elongation 5d 20 25
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 90 J 130 J
Charpy V-Notch at 0ºC 50 J -
Charpy V-Notch at -10ºC 25 J 90 J
Hardness HV As Welded 300 235 220
- 320 HV

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 70 - 110 350 3 x 3,9 W078334
3,2 80 - 140 380 3 x 5,0 W078336
4,0 100 - 180 150 3 x 5,8 W078338

21 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Metrode Chromet 9MV-N

Welding Consumables

Chromet 9MV-N is designed for welding equivalent ‘Type 91’

9CrMo steels modified with additions of niobium, vanadium and
nickel to give improved long-term creep properties.

AWS A5.5 E9015-B9
EN ISO 3580-A E Cr Mo91 B H5
EN ISO 3580-B E6215-9CIMV H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Nickel 0,7
% Manganese 0,6 % Vanadium 0,2
% Silicon 0,25 % Nitrogen 0,05
% Sulphur 0,008 % Copper 0,05
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Tin 0,003
% Chromium 9,0 % Nobium 0,05
% Molybdenum 1,0 % Ni + Mn 1,3

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the stress relieved condition)
755ºC/3 hr 550ºC/3 hr 600ºC/3 hr 650ºC/3 hr
0,2% Proof Stress 640 MPa >360 MPa >255 MPa 175 MPa
Tensile Strength 770 MPa >450 MPa >375 MPa >285 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 19 >15 >17 >21
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 65 J - - -
Lateral Expansion +20ºC 1,0 mm - - -
Hardness HV As Welded 250 - - -
450 HV

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 350 70 - 110 - W078365
3,2 380 80 - 140 3 x 5,0 W078366
4,0 450 100 - 180 - W078367

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 22

Afrox 76S

Welding Consumables
Afrox 76S is a basic coated hydrogen controlled CMnNi (normally
0,8% Ni) electrode developed for offshore and other demanding
areas of fabrication. It is capable of excellent impact results in
the root area of welds at temperatures down to -50°C. High CTOD
values in heavy joints are obtained without need for excessive
back gouging, stress relieving or low temperature heat treatment.
In common with other Afrox electrodes for offshore and other
demanding structural work, Afrox 76S has the extra security of
a low moisture content coating and high resistance to moisture

AWS A5.5 E7018-G
EN ISO 2560-A E 42 6 INi B H5
SANS 2560 E 422 B12 H10

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,035 - 0,075 % Silicon 0,2 - 0,4
% Manganese 1,4 - 1,8 % Sulphur 0,025 max
% Nickel 0,7 - 1,0 % Phosphorous 0,025 max

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 520 - 640 MPa
0,2% Proof Strength 420 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 28
Charpy V-Notch at -30°C 120 J
Charpy V-Notch at -60°C 60 J

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min DC- for root runs)
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
2,5 70 - 100 3 x 4,0 W075242
3,15 80 - 130 3 x 4,0 W075243
4,0 120 - 180 3 x 4,0 W075244

23 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Metrode Tufmet INi.B

Welding Consumables

Tufmet 1Ni.B is designed to weld higher strength structures where

PWHT is not practicable so that welds must possess an appropriate
degree of toughness and crack resistance. Also recommended
where design requirements specify toughness testing of higher
strength low alloy steel welds down to -50°C.

AWS A5.5 E8018-C3
EN ISO 2560-A E 46 6 INi B42
EN ISO 2560-B E5518-N2 A U

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,05 % Chromium 0,05
% Manganese 1,0 % Molybdenum 0,1
% Silicon 0,3 % Nickel 0,9
% Sulphur 0,015 % Vanadium 0,01
% Phosphorous 0,015

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 610 MPa
0,2% Proof Strength 520 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 25
Charpy V-Notch at -20°C 150 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40°C 120 J
Charpy V-Notch at -50°C 80 J
Charpy V-Notch at -60°C 65 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 70 - 110 350 3 x 4,0 W078214
3,15 80 - 130 380 3 x 4,5 W078216
4,0 120 - 180 450 3 x 5,6 W078218

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 24

Afrox 75

Welding Consumables
Afrox 75 is a basic coated hydrogen controlled electrode,
depositing a weld metal which contains 3,0 - 3,5% nickel. The
electrode features good striking characteristics and a smooth
stable arc with excellent slag removal and bead appearance.
The nickel content of the weld metal ensures excellent impact
properties at temperatures below -60°C with radiographic
qualities which are consistently high. The electrode is suitable for
use in all positions. This electrode has been designed primarily for
welding fine grained low alloy steels containing 1,5 - 3,5% nickel,
intended for service at temperatures to -100°C. It is also eminently
suitable for welding fine grained structural steels having a tensile
strength of up to 650 MPa and for welding weathering steel such
as Corten.

AWS A5.5 E8016-C2
EN ISO 2560-A E 46 6 3Ni B H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,04 - 0,07 % Sulphur 0,025 max
% Manganese 0,45 - 0,75 % Phosphorous 0,025 max
% Silicon 0,2 - 0,5 % Nickel 3,0 - 3,5

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 460 MPa min
0,2% Proof Strength 550 - 620 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 24 min
Charpy V-Notch at -60°C 60 J min
Charpy V-Notch at -73°C 50 J min
Charpy V-Notch at -101°C 40 J min

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (kg)
3,15 90 - 135 3 x 4,0 W075413
4,0 120 - 175 3 x 4,0 W075414

25 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Oerlikon Tenacito 70B

Welding Consumables

Oerlikon Tenacito 70B is a basic all position electrode containing

2,5% nickel for welding notch tough steels. It has good slag
removal and a regular bead appearance. It is recommended for
use in applications requiring low temperature toughness down to
-60ºC and is also suited for welding weathering steels.

Only dry electrodes should be used. Re-drying should be carried
out at 300 - 350ºC for 2 hours.

AWS A5.5 E8018-C1
EN ISO 2560-A E 42 6 2Ni B H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,06 % Nickel 2,4
% Manganese 1,0 % Copper <0,09
% Silicon 0,4

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

As Welded PWHT
580ºC/15 hr
Yield Strength 440 MPa 420 MPa
Tensile Strength 520 - 620 MPa 500 - 600 MPa
% Elongation on 5d >24 >26
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC >160 >160
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC >90 >80
Charpy V-Notch at -60ºC >70 >50
Charpy V-Notch at -80ºC >40 >30
Charpy V-Notch at -100ºC - -

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 65 - 95 350 5,0 W112022
3,15 90 - 135 350 5,0 W112023
4,0 140 - 185 450 5,0 W112024
5,0 185 - 240 450 5,0 W112025

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 26

Afrox 88 (88D3)

Welding Consumables
Afrox 88 (88D3) is a basic coated manganese molybdenum
electrode recommended for use in all positions with the exception
of vertical down. The electrode features a smooth and stable arc
and gives excellent penetration. The slag release in all positions
is excellent and the electrode operates with minimum spatter
levels on both AC and DC. The product is used for the construction
of boilers, pressure vessels and reactors commonly used in the
petrochemical industry.

AWS A5.5 E8018-D3
EN ISO 2560-B E5516-3M3 H10

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,12 max % Sulphur 0,03 max
% Manganese 1,0 - 1,8 % Phosphorous 0,03 max
% Silicon 0,8 max % Molybdenum 0,4 - 0,65

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld wetal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Stress 460 MPa min
Tensile Strength 550 MPa min
% Elongation on 50 mm 19 min
Charpy V-Notch at -51°C 27 J min

Packing Data
(DC+ AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
3,15 90 - 135 350 3 x 4,0 W075453
3,15 135 - 200 380 3 x 6,0 W075454
4,0 180 - 260 450 3 x 6,0 W075455

27 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox 98
Welding Consumables

Afrox 98 is a basic coated hydrogen controlled electrode for all

position welding of high tensile low alloy steels. The electrode
deposits a weld metal containing approximately 1,5% nickel
and 0,3% molybdenum which apart from having good tensile
properties, is extremely tough and ductile. Afrox 98 produces
weld metal of the highest radiographic and metallurgical qualities
in all positions. The product is recommended for welding a
range of fine grained structural steels, low temperature steels
and quenched and tempered steels, having an ultimate tensile
strength of up to approximately 750 MPa.

AWS A5.5 E9018-G
EN ISO 757 E55 5 2B 42
EN ISO 2560 AE 505 1Ni Mo BH10

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,04 - 0,08 % Phosphorous 0,025 max
% Manganese 0,7 - 1,2 % Molybdenum 0,2 - 0,35
% Silicon 0,5 max % Nickel 1,4 - 1,8
% Sulphur 0,025 max

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Stress 540 - 620 MPa
Tensile Strength 620 MPa min
% Elongation on 50 mm 24 min
Charpy V-Notch at -51°C 45 J min

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
3,15 90 - 135 350 3 x 4,0 W075423
4,0 120 - 175 350 3 x 4,0 W075424
5,0 170 - 245 450 3 x 5,0 W075425

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 28

Metrode E10018-D2

Welding Consumables
E10018-D2 is designed to weld higher strength materials with
tensile strength requirements of 690 MPa such as AISI 4130, 4140
and 8630. These low nickel consumables satisfy NACE MR0175
requirements intended to ensure resistance to sulphide-induced
stress corrosion cracking in sour service, combined with good sub-
zero toughness.

AWS A5.5 E11018-D2
EN ISO 757 E62 4 MnMo B

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Chromium 0,15
% Manganese 1,8 % Molybdenum 0,35
% Silicon 0,4 % Nickel 0,6
% Sulphur 0,001 % Copper 0,05
% Phosphorous 0,015

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the PWHT condition)

620ºC/1 hr 645ºC/4 hr
0,2% Proof Stress 690 MPa 620 MPa
Tensile Strength 760 MPa 700 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 21 22
Charpy V-Notch at 0ºC - >100 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC >27 J >60 J
Hardness HV 250 230

Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Length Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (A) (mm) (kg)
2,5 70 - 110 350 3 x 4,0 078240
3,2 80 - 140 380 3 x 4,2 078242
4,0 100 - 180 450 3 x 5,6 078244

29 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox 118
Welding Consumables

Afrox 118 is a basic hydrogen controlled electrode for all position

welding of high tensile low alloy steels. The electrode deposits
a weld metal containing approximately 2% nickel and 0,4%
molybdenum which, apart from having good tensile properties,
is extremely tough and ductile. Afrox 118 produces weld metal
of the highest radiographic and metallurgical qualities in all
positions. Afrox 118 is recommended for welding a range of fine
grained structural steels.

AWS A5.5 E11018-G
EN ISO 757 E62 5 Mn2NiMo H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,06 - 0,1 % Phosphorous 0,025 max
% Manganese 1,3 - 1,8 % Molybdenum 0,25 - 0,5
% Silicon 0,5 max % Nickel 1,70 - 2,5
% Sulphur 0,025 max

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Strength 670 MPa min
Tensile Strength 760 MPa min
% Elongation on 50 mm 20 min
Charpy V-Notch at -51°C 45 J min

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg)
3,15 350 90 - 145 3 x 4,0 W075443
4,0 380 135 - 200 3 x 4,0 W075444
5,0 450 180 - 260 3 x 5,0 W075445

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 30

Hobart Hoballoy 11018M

Welding Consumables
Hoballoy 11018M is designed for use in military applications
which require weld joints with 100 000 psi minimum tensile
strength. This electrode provides excellent puddle control with
good wetting action and tie in. The electrode offers good arc
characteristics and easy slag removal.

AWS A5.5 E11018M H4R
EN ISO 757 E62 5 Mn2NiMo H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Chromium 0,04
% Manganese 1,44 % Molybdenum 0,38
% Silicon 0,40 % Nickel 1,89
% Sulphur 0,007 % Vanadium 0,01
% Phosphorous 0,012

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Yield Strength 687 MPa
Tensile Strength 747 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 23
Charpy V-Notch at -51°C 71 J

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Current Deposition Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) Rate (kg/hr) (kg)
3,2 350 135 1,10 1 x 22,7 (can) W075463
4,0 350 175 1,77 1 x 22,7 (can) W075464
4,8 350 250 2,31 1 x 22,7 (can) W075465

31 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Oerlikon OE-N 127

Welding Consumables

Oerlikon OE-N 127 is a basic, low hydrogen, low alloy CrNiMo

type electrodes with high strength for cast steels up to 1 000
MPa tensile strength. Good weldability in all positions. Low
splatter loss. Easy slag removal. Smooth bead appearance.
Suitable for similar steels that require heat treatment after
welding. Observe the requirements for preheating and post
weld heat treatment of the base material to avoid cracking.

Only dry electrodes should be used. Re-drying should be
carried out at 300 - 350ºC for 2 hours.

AWS A5.5 E12018-G
EN ISO 757 E89 A Z H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Chromium 2,2
% Manganese 1,2 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Silicon 0,3 % Nickel 1,2

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld wetal in the as welded condition)

0,2% Proof Strength >900 MPa
Tensile Strength 1 000 - 1 100 MPa
% Elongation on 5d >12
Impact Strength at +20ºC ISO-V >25 J

Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Length Current Pack Mass Pieces per Item Number
(mm) (mm) (A) (kg) Carton (approx)
4,0 450 140 - 180 5,0 65 W112074
5,0 450 190 - 230 5,0 47 W112075

Back to contents
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 32

Low Alloy & Creep Resistant Wires

Welding Consumables
for Gas Metal Arc Welding & Gas
Tungsten Arc Welding

MIG/TIG D2 is a low alloy solid wire, with Mn and Mo additions,

designed for welding low alloy steels with high tensile strength.
For use in the stress relieved condition. Often used in oil process
pipework and fittings where resistance to sulphide-induced stress
corrosion cracking is important.

AWS A5.28 ER 90S-D2/ER 80S-D2 (depending on gas used)
EN ISO 14341-A G 50 5 M G4Mo
EN ISO 14341-B G57 P 5 M G4 M31 (nearest)
EN ISO 636-A W 50 2 WO
EN ISO 636-B W 57 P 2 W4M3 (nearest)

Typical Mechanical Properties Typical Chemical Analysis

(All weld metal in the as welded condition)
% Carbon 0,08 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 1,8 % Molybdenum 0,5
Tensile Strength 650 MPa 630 MPa
% Silicon 0,7 % Copper 0,12
Yield Strength 560 MPa 520 MPa
% Phosphorous 0,01
% Elongation on 5d 22 26
Charpy V-Notch at +20°C 150 J 200 J
Charpy V-Notch at 0°C 120 J -
Charpy V-Notch at -20°C 90 J -

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

0,8 140 22 15,0 W078207

0,9 180 24 15,0 W078208
1,0 230 25 15,0 W078210
1,2 280 26 15,0 W078212

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 100 12 5,0 W078202

2,0 100 12 5,0 W078204
2,4 100 12
Suggested gas for welding:  Argoshield® 5 (MIG), Argon (TIG)
5,0 W078206
33 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

MIG/TIG 80 Ni1
Welding Consumables

MIG/TIG 80 Ni1 is designed for welding low alloy steels with 1%

Ni and fine grain steels as well as for low temperature applications
that require good sub-zero toughness.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-Ni1
EN ISO 14341-A G 46 4 M G3 Ni 1
EN ISO 14341-B G49 A 4 GN 2 (nearest)
EN ISO 636-A W 50 4 W 3Ni 1
EN ISO 636-B W 57 A 4 WN2 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 1,1 % Nickel 1,0
% Silicon 0,6 % Molybdenum 0,1
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,12

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 600 MPa 600 MPa
Yield Strength 530 MPa 500 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 26 26
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 130 J 130 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 80 J 80 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078224

1,2 280 26 15,0 W078226

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 120 14 5,0 W078228

2,0 120 14 5,0 W078230
2,4 120 14 5,0 W078232
Suggested shielding gas:  Argoshield® 5 (MIG), Argon (TIG)

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 34

TIG 80Ni2

Welding Consumables
TIG 80Ni2 is designed for welding low alloy steels with 2% Ni and
fine grain steels as well as for low temperature applications that
require good sub-zero toughness.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-Ni2
EN ISO 636-A W 50 6 W2Ni2
EN ISO 636-B W 57 A 6 WN5 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 1,0 % Nickel 2,3
% Silicon 0,55 % Copper 0,12
% Phosphorous 0,01

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 620 MPa
Yield Strength 530 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 26
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 130 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 80 J
Charpy V-Notch at -60ºC 50 J

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
1,6 5,0 W078234
2,0 5,0 W078236
2,4 5,0 W078238
Suggested gas for welding:  Argon

35 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

TIG 100
Welding Consumables

TIG 100 is suitable for the welding of low alloy steels with high
yield strength higher than 650 MPa.

AWS A5.28 ER100S-1
EN ISO 16834-A W 69 5 Mn3Ni1.5Mo
EN ISO 16834-B W 69 A 4 N3M2 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Chromium 0,05
% Manganese 1,5 % Nickel 1,6
% Silicon 0,5 % Molybdenum 0,45
% Phosphorous 0,007 % Copper 0,12
% Sulphur 0,007

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 830 MPa
Yield Strength 670 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 19
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 120 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 80 J
Charpy V-Notch at -60ºC 40 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 120 14 5,0 W078184

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 36

MIG 120

Welding Consumables
MIG 120 is a solid wire suitable for welding of low alloyed steels
and high yield strength Cr-Ni-Mo steels. Excellent mechanical
properties, with tensile strength is 840 MPa. Not recomended for
applications that require PWHT.

AWS A5.28 ER 120S-I
EN ISO 12534 G 79 4 M Mn4Ni 2 Mo

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Chromium 0,10
% Manganese 1,7 % Nickel 2,3
% Silicon 0,5 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Phosphorous 0,007 % Copper 0,08
% Sulphur 0,007

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 840 MPa
Yield Strength 790 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 16
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 140 J
Charpy V-Notch at -30ºC 100 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 90 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,20 280 26 15,0 W078196

Suggested gas for welding:  Argoshield 5

37 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox MIG 6048

Welding Consumables

Afrox 6048 is a low alloy steel welding wire containing nickel,

molybdenum and vanadium. The wire which is copper coated, is
suitable for use in all positions. Afrox 6048 is recommended for
welding a range of fine grained structural steels and low alloy
quenched and tempered steels having an ultimate tensile strength
of up to 930 MPa. The wire may be used with Argoshield® 5,
Argoshield® Light, Argoshield® Heavy and Argoshield® Universal
as well as CO2 at flow rates of 14-16 l/min. Argon-based shielding
gases are recommended.

AWS A5.28 ER 110S-G and ER 100S-G
EN ISO 16834-A W 69 4M Mn3Ni1 CrMo
EN ISO 16834-B W 76 A 4M N4M2 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,08 - 0,1 % Chromium 0,3 - 0,4
% Manganese 1,6 - 1,8 % Nickel 1,4 - 1,6
% Silicon 0,5 - 0,7 % Molybdenum 0,25 - 0,3
% Phosphorous 0,15 max % Copper 0,35 max
% Sulphur 0,018 max % Vanadium 0,09 - 0,11

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength >690 MPa
0,2% Proof Stress >770 MPa
% Elongation on 5d >17
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC >47 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)
1,0 230 25 15,0 W078192
1,2 280 26 15,0 W033188
1,2 280 26 350,0 W033189
Suggested shielding gas:  Argoshield® 5, Argoshield® Light, Argoshield® Heavy, Argoshield® Universal, 100% CO2

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 38


Welding Consumables
MIG/TIG G2Mo is a low alloy solid wire, with 0,5% Mo, designed
for welding low alloy steels such as type ASTM A335 grade P1 and
similar. Suitable for pipelines and pressure vessels with operating
temperatures of approximately 500ºC.

AWS A5.28 ER 70S-A1
EN ISO 21952-A G/W MoSi
EN ISO 21952-B G/W 52 M IM3 (nearest)
EN ISO 636-A W 2Mo

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,09 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 1,2 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Silicon 0,6 % Copper 0,15
% Phosphorous 0,01

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Tensile Strength 620 MPa 630 MPa
Yield Strength 500 MPa 520 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 25 26
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 150 J 200 J
Charpy V-Notch at 0ºC 130 J -
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 90 J 80 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W033187

1,2 280 26 15,0 W033186

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 100 12 5,0 W030533

2,0 100 12 5,0 W030534
2,4 100 12 5,0 W030535
Suggested gas for welding:  Argoshield 5 (MIG), Argon (TIG)

39 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

MIG CrMo1 is a low alloy solid wire, with 1,2% Cr and 0,5% Mo,
designed for welding low alloy steels and creep resistant steels,
for service up to 500ºC.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-G
EN ISO 21952-A G CrMo1Si
EN ISO 21952-B G 55 M ICM (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Phosphorous 0,01
% Manganese 1,1 % Chromium 1,2
% Silicon 0,6 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Sulphur 0,01 % Copper 0,12

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Yield Strength 460 MPa
Tensile Strength 570 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 23
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 150 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078270

1,2 280 26 15,0 W078272
Suggested shielding gas:  Argoshield 5

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 40


Welding Consumables
MIG/TIG B2 is a low alloy solid wire, with 1,25% Cr and 0,5% Mo,
designed for welding low alloy steels with high tensile strength
and creep resistant steels. For welding ASTM A387 grade 11 and
12 and similar types employed for pipelines and pressure vessels
with operating temperatures of approximately 500ºC.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-B2
EN ISO 21952-A G/W CrMo1Si (nearest)
EN ISO 21952-B G/W 55 M ICM3

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,08 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,6 % Chromium 1,3
% Silicon 0,6 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,12

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Tensile Strength 570 MPa 590 MPa
Yield Strength 460 MPa 490 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 23 25
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 150 J 250 J
* After PWHT of 1 hour at 690°C

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

0,8 140 22 15,0 W078280

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078282
1,2 280 26 15,0 W078284
1,6 300 26 15,0 W078286

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 100 12 5,0 W078274

2,0 100 12 5,0 W078276
2,4 100 12 5,0 W078278
Suggested shielding gas:  Argoshield 5 (MIG), Argon (TIG)

41 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

TIG B2L contains 1,25% Cr and 0,5% Mo, and is designed for
welding low alloy steels with high tensile strength and creep
resistant steels. For welding ASTM A387 grade 11 and 12 and
similar types for pipelines and pressure vessels with operating
temperatures of about 500ºC. This low carbon version of the B2
type is preferred where as welded repairs are done or where
PWHT is not viable.

AWS A 5.28 ER 70S-B2L
EN ISO 21952-B W 52 M CML 1

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,03 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,6 % Chromium 1,3
% Silicon 0,6 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,15

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Tensile Strength 550 MPa
Yield Strength 470 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 23
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 250 J

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
1,6 5,0 W078275
2,0 5,0 W078277
2,4 5,0 W078279

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 42


Welding Consumables
MIG/TIG B3 is a low alloy solid wire, with 2,5% Cr and
1% Mo, designed for welding low alloy steels with high tensile
strength and creep resistant steels. For welding ASTM A387 grade
21 and 22 and similar types employed for pipelines and pressure
vessels with operating temperatures of approximately 550ºC.

AWS A5.28 ER 90S-B3
EN ISO 21952-A G/W CrMo2Si (nearest)
EN ISO 21952-B G/W 62 M 2CIM2

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,08 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,6 % Chromium 2,5
% Silicon 0,6 % Molybdenum 1,0
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,15*
* For MIG 0,12%

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Tensile Strength 670 MPa 650 MPa
Yield Strength 570 MPa 570 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 20 22
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 170 J 230 J
* After PWHT of 1 hour at 690°C

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078310

1,2 280 26 15,0 W078312
1,6 300 26 15,0 W078314

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 100 12 5,0 W078304

2,0 100 12 5,0 W078306
2,4 100 12 5,0 W078308
Suggested shielding gas:  Argoshield® 5 (MIG), Argon (TIG)

43 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Welding Consumables

MIG/TIG B6 is a low alloy solid wire, with 5% Cr and 0,5%

Mo, designed for welding creep resistant steels, for service
temperatures up to 600ºC. For welding ASTM A335 grade P5 and
similar types that are employed in the chemical industry and in
the ammonia synthesis process.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-B6
EN ISO 21952-A G/W CrMo5Si
EN ISO 21952-B G/W 55 M 5CM (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Sulphur 0,008
% Manganese 0,5 % Chromium 5,8
% Silicon 0,4 % Molybdenum 0,55
% Phosphorous 0,008 % Copper 0,10*
* For MIG 0,12%

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Tensile Strength 620 MPa 620 MPa
Yield Strength 500 MPa 500 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 25 25
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 70 J 200 J
* After PWHT of 1 hour at 745°C

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078322

1,20 280 26 15,0 W078324

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)
1,6 100 12 5,0 W078326
2,0 100 12 5,0 W078328
2,4 100 12 5,0 W078330
Suggested gas for welding:  Argoshield® 5 or Stainshield® Plus (MIG), Argon (TIG)

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 44


Welding Consumables
MIG/TIG B8 is a low alloy copper coated solid wire, with 9%
Cr and 1% Mo, designed for welding creep resistant steels, for
service temperatures up to 600°C. For welding ASTM A387 grade 9
and similar types that are employed in the chemical industry and
in the ammonia synthesis process.

AWS A5.28 ER 80S-B8
EN ISO 21952-A G/W CrMo9
EN ISO 21952-B G/W 55 M 9CIM (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Sulphur 0,008
% Manganese 0,5 % Chromium 9,0
% Silicon 0,004 #
% Molybdenum 1,0
% Phosphorous 0,008 % Copper 0,1*
For MIG 0,008% * For MIG 0,12%

Typical Mechanical Properties (In PWHT condition)

Tensile Strength 670 MPa 670 MPa
Yield Strength 530 MPa 530 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 24 24
Charpy V-Notch at +20ºC 60 J 250 J
* After PWHT of 1 hour at 745°C

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,0 230 25 15,0 W078346

1,2 280 26 15,0 W078348

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

1,6 100 12 5,0 W078340

2,0 100 12 5,0 W078344
2,4 100 12 5,0 W078342
Suggested gas for welding:  Argoshield® 5 or Stainshield® Plus (MIG), Argon (TIG)

Back to contents
45 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Submerged Arc Wires

Welding Consumables

Subarc S2Mo

Subarc S2Mo is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc

welding with 1% Mn and 0,5% Mo content to be used for the
welding of creep resistant low alloy Mo steel keeping high yield
values even after heat treatment. Generally used on boilers and
pressure vessels.

AWS A5.23 E A2
EN ISO 24598-A SMo
EN ISO 24598-B SU I M3 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,1 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 1,1 % Molybdenum 0,55
% Silicon 0,1 % Copper 0,15
% Phosphorous 0,01

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 27,0 W078122

3,2 450 28 27,0 W078124
4,0 600 30 27,0 W078126
Suggested flux:  Afrox Flux HPF-N11X

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 46

Subarc EB2

Welding Consumables
Subarc EB2 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc
welding with 1,1% Cr and 0,5% Mo content to be used with basic
fluxes for the welding of creep resistant steel type ASTM A 387
grade 11 and similar.

AWS A5.23 EB2
EN ISO 24598-A S CrMo1
EN ISO 24598-B SU 1 CM1 (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,12 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,8 % Chromium 1,1
% Silicon 0,15 % Molybdenum 0,5
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,15

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 27,0 W078130

3,2 450 28 27,0 W078128
4,0 600 30 27,0 W078129
Suggested flux:  Afrox Flux HPF-N11X

47 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Subarc EB3
Welding Consumables

Subarc EB3 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc

welding with 2,5% Cr and 1,0% Mo content to be used with basic
fluxes for the welding of creep resistant steel of a similar type as
ASTM A 387 grade 22.

AWS A5.23 EB3
EN ISO 24598-A S CrMo2 (nearest)
EN ISO 24598-B SU 2C1M

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,12 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,6 % Chromium 2,5
% Silicon 0,15 % Molybdenum 1,0
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,15

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 27,0 W078132

3,2 450 28 27,0 W078134
Suggested flux:  Afrox Flux HPF-N11X

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 48

Subarc EB6

Welding Consumables
Subarc EB6 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc
welding with 5,5% Cr and 0,6% Mo. To be used along with
low hydrogen fluxes in the welding of creep resistant steel of
consistent composition; employed in quality steel structural works,
in the chemical industry and in the ammonia synthesis process.
Preheating and interpass temperatures of about 200 - 300ºC are

AWS A5.23 EB6
EN ISO 24598-A S CrMo5
EN ISO 24598-B SU 5CM (nearest)

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,07 % Sulphur 0,01
% Manganese 0,5 % Chromium 5,5
% Silicon 0,4 % Molybdenum 0,55
% Phosphorous 0,01 % Copper 0,15

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 27,0 W078136

3,2 450 28 27,0 W078138
Suggested flux:  Afrox Flux HPF-N11X

Back to contents
49 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Submerged Arc Fluxes

Welding Consumables

Afrox HPF-N90 and N90F Submerged Arc Flux

Afrox HPF-N90 and N90F are semi-basic agglomerated fluxes Storage and Re-drying
producing weld deposits with good mechanical properties at low
temperatures. HPF-N90 and N90F have excellent weldability, The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
easy slag removal in deep grooves, good resistance to cracking hygroscopic such a flux would be.  All agglomerated fluxes
and porosity and excellent bead appearance. HPF-N90 and should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
N90F flux can be used on multi-pass applications on unlimited relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
thickness, with very little change in the chemical composition of Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done for
the weld metal. approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of about
25 mm.
Afrox HPF-N90 and N90F can be used on structural steel, CrMo
steel, high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels and quenched and
tempered steels. The N90F grade has a finer particle size to
the N90 and can be used to rebuild small diameter shafts and
journals such as those found on crankshafts.

AWS A5.17/ASME SFA 5.17
F6A2-EL12 F7A2-EM13K F7A8-EC1 Metalloy EM12KS
F7A2-EM12K F8A2-EA 2-A2 F7A8-EC1 Metalloy EM13KS
F6A2-EM12K F9A2-EA 3-A3
F7P2-EM13K F9P2-EA 3-A3

Typical Weld Metal Data

Product Chemical Composition (%) Tensile Test Charpy V-Notch
Ys Us E Temp Mean
C Mn Si S P Mo Cr Cu
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (ºC) (J)
EM12 0,7 0,91 0,13 0,03 0,024 - - - 393 476 30 -29 61
EM12K 0,05 1,3 0,36 0,022 0,02 - - - 426 519 29 -29 66
EM13K 0,08 0,51 0,57 0,019 0,015 - - - 410 525 30 -29 98
EA2 0,03 1,17 0,23 0,03 0,03 0,52 - - 499 577 27 -29 57
EA3 0,05 1,70 0,33 0,021 0,029 0,58 - - 565 655 26 -29 56
EB2 0,08 1,38 0,35 0,013 0,019 0,4 1,0 - 655 720 23 -18 51
-51 96
EM12KS 0,03 1,02 0,22 0,009 0,012 - - 0,027 408 490 27,8
-62 56
-51 110
EM13KS 0,067 1,08 0,321 0,011 0,015 - - 0,083 430 530 26,5
-62 84

Flux Characteristics Packing Data

Maximum Welding Current 800 A Pack Mass (kg bags) Item Number
Polarity DC or AC 25,0 W071401
Basicity 1,4 25,0 W071402

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 50

Afrox HPF-A72 Submerged Arc Flux

Welding Consumables
Afrox HPF-A72 is an agglomerated flux with Mn and Si additions. Storage and Re-drying
HPF-A72 is a versatile flux with excellent weldability and easy
slag removal; it is highly resistant to cracks and porosity and The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
has a very good bead appearance. HPF-A72 is ideal for one- hygroscopic such a flux would be. All agglomerated fluxes
sided welding, double-sided welding, square edge joints, fillet should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
welds and lap welds in structural and general engineering relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
applications. It is recommended for welding inside grooves but Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done for
is limited to material thicknesses below 25 mm. Due to the high approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of about
oxidisation potential, it does not require any special base metal 25 mm. For many applications it is not necessary to re-dry the
preparation and cleaning prior to welding. flux.

Afrox HPF-A72 is used to weld gas bottles, truck wheels,
structural shapes, pipes, joining plates, light boilermaking and
parts with small diameters.

AWS A5.17/ASME SFA 5.17

Typical Weld Metal Data

Product Chemical Composition (%) Tensile Test Charpy V-Notch
Ys Us E Temp Mean
C Mn Si S P
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (ºC) (J)
EM12K 0,05 1,5 0,8 0,025 0,018 426 519 29 -29 23

Flux Characteristics
Maximum Welding Current 1 000 A
Polarity DC or AC
Welding Speed 1 300 mm/min

Packing Data
Pack Mass (kg bags) Item Number
25,0 W071403

51 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox MK-N Submerged Arc Flux

Welding Consumables

Afrox MK-N is totally neutral agglomerated flux, designed for Storage and Re-drying
welding with solid and tubular wires of the 400 series stainless
steels. It can also be used with low alloy steel wires. It features The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
clean slag removal with wires containing Nb and V, excellent hygroscopic such a flux would be. All agglomerated fluxes
recovery of the alloying elements from the tubular wires, such should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
as Cr, Ni, Mo, Nb and V and accepts welding with twin-arc and relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
oscillating technique, with currents up to 1 000 A. Afrox MK-N Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done for
flux should be used with wires containing at least 0,2% Si, in approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of about
order to avoid porosity. 25 mm.

The main application of Afrox MK-N flux is the rebuilding of steel
mill roll with tubular and solid wires of the 400 series stainless
steels. It can also be used to rebuild shafts, wheels and journals.

Typical Weld Metal Data

Product Chemical Composition (%) Hardness
C Mn Si S P Mo Cr Ni Nb W V HRc
McKay TA887-S 0,12 1,0 0,6 0,01 0,015 1,5 12,5 2,5 0,15 - 0,2 40
McKay TA8620-S 0,12 0,8 0,4 0,01 0,015 0,2 0,5 0,4 - - - 21
McKay TA861-S 0,15 0,9 0,5 0,01 0,015 0,6 1,7 - - - - 32
McKay TA242-S 0,14 2,0 0,8 0,01 0,015 0,7 3,0 - - - - 40
McKay TA258-S 0,34 1,2 0,5 0,01 0,015 1,5 6,0 - - 1,4 - 54
McKay TA410-S 0,08 1,0 0,6 0,01 0,015 - 12,8 - - - - 36
McKay TA250-S 0,19 1,0 0,5 0,01 0,015 - 12,3 - - - - 50
McKay TA865-SMod 0,18 1,1 0,4 0,01 0,015 1,0 13,5 2,3 0,15 - 0,15 48
WASA 414MM-S 0,15 0,9 0,5 0,013 0,022 1,2 12,5 2,0 0,17 - 0,18 42 - 45
Lincore ER423L 0,15 1,2 0,4 0,01 0,02 1,0 11,5 2,0 - 0,15 42 - 45
0,15 1,2 0,5 0,012 0,022 1,0 11,7 2,0 - 0,15 43 - 45
Thermaclad 423L
EB3 0,1 0,96 0,16 0,01 0,019 1,08 2,15 - - - -
EM-12K 0,1 0,88 0,19 0,019 0,02 - - - - - -

Packing Data
Pack Mass (kg bags) Item Number
25,0 W071406

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 52

OP 121TT

Welding Consumables
OP 121TT is a fully basic agglomerated submerged-arc welding resistance to moisture pick up during exposure under workshop
flux that is widely used for the welding of structural and fine conditions. The flux promotes a very stable arc characteristic
grained low alloy steels requiring high integrity welds with low during use with excellent slag detachment. The weld is of a
temperature impact and CTOD fracture toughness properties. OP uniform even profile with regular fine ripple formation and
121TT flux, in combination with a range of Oerlikon submerged- smooth toe blending. OP 121TT flux is suitable for use with DC+
arc wires, in particular with OE-SD3, is established for the or AC and is ideal for single wire, tandem arc (DC+/AC) and other
welding of offshore structures such as oil platform jackets, multi-arc systems using up to 1 000 A with single wire welding.
piles, decks and modules giving a high level of consistency and Grain size according to EN760: 2 - 20.
mechanical property performance. The flux is widely used for
the welding of thick section components in the offshore, nuclear Re-drying
and pressure vessel industries. The flux exhibits a low hydrogen
content in the as manufactured condition and gives a high 300 - 350°C x 2-4 hr

AWS A5.23 F11A8-EG-EG
OE SD3 2NiCrMo

Chemical Analysis
% Carbon 0,07 % Chromium 0,6
% Manganese 1,4 % Nickel 2,2
% Silicon 0,4 % Molybdenum 0,5

Typical Mechanical Properties (As welded)

Tensile Strength MPa 760 - 900
Yield Strength MPa ≥720
% Elongation on 5a ≥18

Packing Data
Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
25,0 W124503

53 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Afrox HPF-N11X Submerged Arc Flux

Welding Consumables

Afrox HPF-N11X is an agglomerated flux for submerged Storage and Re-drying

arc welding. It is a basic neutral type and gives excellent
mechanical properties at low temperatures. Due to its neutrality, The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
HPF-N11X can be used for multi-pass welding with unlimited hygroscopic such a flux would be.  All agglomerated fluxes
thickness with very little change in the chemical composition should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
of the weld metal. Even though it gives excellent properties at relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
low temperature with EM12K wire, it also gives excellent results Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done for
when welded with low alloy steel wires such as CrMo, EB-2, approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of about
EB-3, MnMo, EA2 and EA3. It is ideal for welding procedures that 25 mm.
require impact values at -40ºC.

Afrox HPF-N11X can be used to weld heavy equipment, pressure
vessels and components for offshore construction. It can also be
used on class 40 steels resistant to ageing.

AWS A5.17/ASME SFA 5.17

Weld Metal Data

Product Chemical Composition (%) Tensile Test Charpy V-Notch
Ys Us E Temp Mean
C Mn Si S P Cr Mo
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (ºC) (J)
EM12K 0,05 1,06 0,39 0,025 0,0180 - - 450 550 31 -40 151
EB2 0,05 0,85 0,36 0,007 0,0013 1,19 0,49 750 850 22 -18 213

Flux Characteristics
Maximum Welding Current 1 200 A
Polarity DC or AC
Bacisity 2,8
It is recommended that the base metal is cleaned before welding commences

Packing Data
Pack Mass (kg bags) Item Number
25,0 W071405

Back to contents
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 54

Submerged Arc Flux Wire Combinations

Welding Consumables
Subarc S2Mo/HPF-N11X

Subarc S2Mo is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc

welding with 1,0% Mn and 0,5% Mo content to be used for the
welding of creep resistant low alloy Mo steel keeping high yield
values even after heat treatment. Generally used on boilers and
pressure vessels.

Classifications (Wire)
AWS A5.23 E A2
EN ISO 24598-A S Mo
EN ISO 24598-B SU 1M3

Typical Chemical Analysis (Wire)

% Carbon 0,109 % Sulphur 0,04
% Manganese 1,08 % Molybdenum 0,48
% Silicon 0,13 % Copper 0,123
% Phosphorous 0,01

Typical Chemical Analysis (Weld metal)

SA 516 GR 70 plate
Flux HPF-N11X Flux HPF-N11X
% Carbon 0,06 % Sulphur 0,005
% Manganese 1,065 % Molybdenum 0,35
% Silicon 0,365 % Copper 0,087
% Phosphorous 0,017

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

As Welded PWHT 1 hr @ 690ºC
Flux/Wire Combination F7A4-EA2 F6P4-EA2
Tensile Strength 587 MPa 436 MPa
Yield Strength 486 MPa 346 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 31 33
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 108 J 141 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 27,0 W078122

3,2 450 28 27,0 W078124
4,0 500 30 27,0 W078126
For more detail on the fluxes used, please refer to the relevant flux data sheet

55 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Subarc EB2/HPF-N11X
Welding Consumables

Subarc EB2 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc

welding with 1,25% Cr and 0,5% Mo content to be used with
basic fluxes for the welding of creep resistant steels of the ASTM A
387 grade 11 type and similar.

Classifications (Wire)
AWS A5.23 EB2
EN ISO 24598-A S Cr Mo1
EN ISO 24598-B SU 1CM1

Typical Chemical Analysis (Wire)

% Carbon 0,11 % Sulphur 0,007
% Manganese 0,73 % Chromium 1,33
% Silicon 0,17 % Molybdenum 0,524
% Phosphorous 0,008 % Copper 0,178

Typical Chemical Analysis (Weld metal)

SA 516 GR 70 plate
Flux HPF-N11X Flux HPF-N11X
% Carbon 0,057 % Sulphur 0,004
% Manganese 0,715 % Chromium 1,1
% Silicon 0,36 % Molybdenum 0,42
% Phosphorous 0,018 % Copper 0,32

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

As Welded PWHT 1 hr @ 690ºC
Flux/Wire Combination F8A0-EB2 F8P0-EB2
Tensile Strength 704 MPa 630 MPa
Yield Strength 630 MPa 546 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 26 27
Charpy V-Notch at -80ºC 82 J 163 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 25,0 W078130

3,2 450 28 25,0 W078128
4,0 500 30 25,0 W078129
For more detail on the fluxes used, please refer to the relevant flux data sheet

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 56

Subarc EB3/HPF-N11X

Welding Consumables
Subarc EB3 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc
welding with 2,25% Cr and 1,0% Mo content to be used with
basic fluxes for the welding of creep resistant steels of the ASTM A
387 grade 22 type and similar.

Classifications (Wire)
AWS A5.23 EB3
EN ISO 24598-A S Cr Mo2
EN ISO 24598-B SU 2C1M

Typical Chemical Analysis (Wire)

% Carbon 0,113 % Sulphur 0,012
% Manganese 0,66 % Chromium 2,5
% Silicon 0,205 % Molybdenum 0,985
% Phosphorous 0,013 % Copper 0,178

Typical Chemical Analysis (Weld metal)

SA 516 GR 70 plate
Flux HPF-N11X Flux HPF-N11X
% Carbon 0,078 % Sulphur 0,006
% Manganese 0,835 % Chromium 2,29
% Silicon 0,504 % Molybdenum 0,836
% Phosphorous 0,02 % Copper 0,111

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

As Welded PWHT 1 hr @ 690ºC
Flux/Wire Combination F12AZ-EB3 F11P0-EB3
Tensile Strength 922 MPa 873 MPa
Yield Strength 785 MPa 726 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 19 24
Charpy V-Notch at -80ºC 18 J at -29ºC 53 J at -18ºC

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 25,0 W078132

3,2 450 28 25,0 W078134
Suggested flux:  HPF-N11X. For more details on the flux used, please refer to the relevant flux data sheet

57 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Subarc EB6/HPF-N11X
Welding Consumables

Subarc EB6 is a copper coated solid wire for submerged arc

welding with 2,25% Cr and 1,0% Mo content to be used with
basic fluxes for the welding of creep resistant steels of the ASTM
A 387 grade 22 type and similar.

Classifications (Wire)
AWS A5.23 EB6
EN ISO 24598-A S Cr Mo5
EN ISO 24598-B SU 5CM

Typical Chemical Analysis (Wire)

% Carbon 0,09 % Sulphur 0,008
% Manganese 0,49 % Chromium 5,38
% Silicon 0,42 % Molybdenum 0,56
% Phosphorous 0,005 % Copper 0,14

Typical Chemical Analysis (Weld metal)

SA 516 GR 70 plate
Flux HPF-N11X Flux HPF-N11X
% Carbon 0,081 % Sulphur 0,005
% Manganese 0,71 % Chromium 4,28
% Silicon 0,57 % Molybdenum 0,37
% Phosphorous 0,017 % Copper 0,081

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

PWHT 1 hr @ 690ºC
Flux/Wire Combination F9PZ-EB6
Tensile Strength 681 MPa
Yield Strength 540 MPa
% Elongation on 4d 23
Charpy V-Notch N/R

Packing Data
Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)

2,4 350 28 25,0 W078136

3,2 450 28 25,0 W078138
Suggested flux:  HPF-N11X. For more details on the flux used, please refer to the relevant flux data sheet

Back to contents
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 58

Low Alloy & Creep Resistant

Welding Consumables
Wires for Flux Cored Welding
Trimark TM811-A1

TM 811-A1 deposits a weld metal containing 0,5% Mo, and is

designed for welding creep resistant steels for service up to
500ºC. TM 811-A1 offers good weldability in all positions, with a
fast freezing slag that removes easily. The wire is recommended
for single and multi-pass welding in all positions using either
100% CO2 or Fluxshield® shielding gases.

AWS A5.29 E81T1-A1
EN ISO 17634-A T Mo P C2 H10
EN ISO 17634-B T 55 T1-2M3-H10

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,04 % Sulphur 0,016
% Manganese 0,83 % Phosphorous 0,014
% Silicon 0,26 % Molybdenum 0,48

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Yield Strength 572 MPa
Tensile Strength 648 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 26
Charpy V-Notch N/A

Packing Data
Diameter Current Deposition Rate Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/hr) (kg)

20 115
1,2 28 275 1,2 - 6,6 15 (spool) W081018
30 325
Bold indicates optimum parameters for welder appeal.
Suggested shielding gas: 100% CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®

59 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Trimark TM811-B2
Welding Consumables

TM811-B2 deposits a weld metal containing 1,25% Cr and

0,5% Mo and is designed for welding creep resistant steels for
service up to 550ºC. TM811-B2 offers good weldability in all
positions, with a fast freezing slag that removes easily. The wire
is recommended for single and multi-pass welding in all positions
using either 100% CO2 or 75/25 Ar/CO2 shielding gases.

AWS A5.29 E81T1-B2-H4
EN ISO 17634-A T CrMo 1 PM2 H5
EN ISO 17634-B T55-T1-1M-1CM-H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,05 % Phosphorous 0,004
% Manganese 0,57 % Molybdenum 0,46
% Silicon 0,39 % Chromium 1,22
% Sulphur 0,005

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

100% CO2 75% Ar/25% CO2
Yield Strength 591 MPa 763 MPa
Tensile Strength 682 MPa 687 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 20 19
Charpy V-Notch N/A N/A

Packing Data

Diameter Current Deposition Rate Pack Mass Item Number

(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/hr) (kg)

1,2 175 24 2,3

Flat & Horizontal
250 28 4,2
300 30 58
15,0 (spool) W081144
1,2 175 24 2,3
Vertical &
200 26 2,9
225 27 3,4
1,6 300 28 4,2
Flat & Horizontal
350 29 5,7
400 33 7,1
15,0 (spool) W081145
1,6 200 24 4,2
Vertical &
225 25 2,8
250 26 3,2
Bold indicates optimum parameters for welder appeal.
Suggested shielding gas: 100% CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 60

Trimark TM911-B3

Welding Consumables
TM911-B3 deposits a weld metal containing 2,25% Cr and 1,0%
Mo and is designed for welding creep resistant steels for service
up to 600ºC specifically ASTM A387, grade 21 and 22. TM911-B3
offers good weldability in all positions, with a fast freezing slag
that removes easily. The wire is recommended for single and
multi-pass welding in all positions using either 100% CO2 or
75/25 Ar/CO2 shielding gases.

AWS A5.29 E91T1-B3M-H8
EN ISO 17634-A T CrMo 2 PM2 H5
EN ISO 17634-B T62 T1-1M-2C1M-H5

Typical Chemical Analysis

% Carbon 0,05 0,05 % Phosphorous 0,011 0,01
% Manganese 0,64 0,92 % Molybdenum 0,93 0,97
% Silicon 0,27 0,38 % Chromium 2,04 2,3
% Sulphur 0,013 0,011

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

100% CO2 75% Ar/25% CO2
Yield Strength 641 MPa 690 MPa
Tensile Strength 738 MPa 777 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 20 18,5
Charpy V-Notch N/A N/A

Packing Data
Diameter Current Deposition Rate Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/hr) (kg)

1,2 115 20 1,2 15,0 (spool) W081146

Flat & Horizontal to
275 28
325 30
1,2 115 21 1,2
Vertical & 200 26 to
Overhead 4,0
250 28
1,6 150 21 1,8 15,0 (spool) W081147
Flat & Horizontal 350 29 to
425 31
1,6 150 22 1,8
Vertical & 225 25 to
Overhead 3,4
275 27
Bold indicates optimum parameters for welder appeal.
Suggested shielding gas: 100% CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®

61 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Coremax 81K2
Welding Consumables

Coremax 81K2 is a Titania type flux cored wire designed for

welding 400-490 MPa high tensile steel for low temperatures.
The weld metal contains about 1,5% nickel and has excellent
notch toughness at temperatures down to -60ºC under as welded
conditions. It provides excellent usability and efficiency in all
positions welding with CO2 gas. It is suitable for butt or fillet
welding on offshore structures for low temperature areas, LNG and
LPG carriers, and storage tanks.

AWS A5.29 E81T1-K2
EN ISO 17632-A T50-6-1.5Ni-B-C-2-H5
EN ISO 17632-B T57-6-N3-C-T4-1-H5

Chemical Analysis
% Carbon 0,03 % Sulphur 0,009
% Manganese 1,37 % Phosphorous 0,014
% Silicon 0,47 % Nickel 1,58

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal in the as welded condition)

Yield Strength 580 MPa
Tensile Strength 620 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 28
Charpy V-Notch -60ºC 49 J

Packing Data

Diameter Current Pack Mass Item Number

(mm) (A) (kg)
130 - 300
Flat & Horizontal
1,2 15,0 (spool) W081149
Vertical & 130 - 240
200 - 350
Flat & Horizontal
1,6 15,0 (spool) W081150
Vertical & 160 - 220
Suggested shielding gas: 100% CO2

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 62

Hobart FabCO 115

Welding Consumables
FabCO 115 is a high strength, flux cored wire that is comparable to
a low alloy E11018M electrode but with higher deposition rates.
It is used primarily for welding A514, A517, HY100 and similar
quenched and tempered high strength, low alloy steels, producing
a low hydrogen deposit with basic slag which helps to minimise
cracking. FabCO 115 has high impact values at low temperatures
and provides a modified globular metal transfer. For use with
100% CO2 shielding gas only.

AWS A5.29 E110T5-K4

Chemical Analysis
% Carbon 0,04 % Sulphur 0,014
% Manganese 1,5 % Chromium 0,42
% Silicon 0,41 % Nickel 2,37
% Phosphorous 0,012 % Molybdenum 0,42

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal PWHT 48 hr @ 104ºC)

Tensile Strength >690 MPa
0,2% Proof Stress >770 MPa
% Elongation on 5d >17
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC >47 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Stick Out Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (mm) (kg)

2,4 290 - 525 25 - 32 25,0 27,2 W078188

Suggested gas for FCW welding: 100% CO2

63 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

B121 T5 K4
Welding Consumables

Low hydrogen cored wire for welding CrNiMo low alloy steels used
in the construction of earth moving machines, overhead travelling
cranes, jib cranes and structures requiring high mechanical
properties. Easily removable slags. Very good efficiency.

AWS A5.29 E121T5-K4

Chemical Analysis
% Carbon 0,07 % Sulphur 0,012
% Manganese 1,4 % Chromium 0,55
% Silicon 0,5 % Nickel 2,0
% Phosphorous 0,012 % Molybdenum 0,4

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

Tensile Strength 875 MPa
0,2% Proof Stress 775 MPa
% Elongation on 5d 18
Charpy V-Notch at -20ºC 90 J
Charpy V-Notch at -40ºC 65 J

Packing Data
Diameter Current Stick Out Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (mm) (kg)

1,2 110 - 340 16 - 34 15 - 20 15,0 W078200

Suggested gas for FCW welding:  Fluxshield®

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 64

Trimark Metalloy 110

Welding Consumables
Trimark Metalloy 110 is a gas shielded metal cored wire designed
for use in semi-automatic applications requiring high strength
weld deposits, particularly those in which high resistance to
cracking and good toughness is a requirement. It is recommended
for single and multi-pass welding in the flat and horizontal
positions using Fluxshield® as a shielding gas at flow rates of
17-24 l/min.
Trimark Metalloy 110 is recommended for welding quenched and
tempered steels such as ROQ-TUF and T1.

AWS A5.29 E110C-G

Chemical Analysis
% Carbon 0,07 % Nickel 2,22
% Manganese 1,63 % Molybdenum 0,59
% Silicon 0,48 % Chromium 0,21

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal PWHT 48 hr @ 104ºC)

Yield Stress 753 MPa
Tensile Strength 827 MPa
% Elongation on 50 mm 22
Charpy V-Notch at -51ºC 53 J

Packing Data
Diameter Position Current Optimum Settings Deposition Rates Electrode
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/hr) Stick Out (mm)

1,6 Flat/Horizontal 275 - 500 29 - 40 350 30 3,6 - 9,3 20 - 30

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
1,6 15,0 (spool) W081027

65 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Fluxofil M10
Welding Consumables

Fluxofil M10 is a seamless copper coated metal cored wire with welds can be made without inter-run cleaning. Due to an easily
outstanding welding properties in the short arc and spray arc controllable weld pool in the short arc range, Fluxofil M10 is well
ranges depositing slag free weld metal. Almost spatter-free suited for root and positional welding.
when welding in the spray arc range. Good restriking, even
with a cold wire tip, thus being suitable for robotic applications. Storage
Characteristic features: good side wall fusion, smooth and
finely rippled welds without undercut into the base metal. Keep dry and avoid condensation.
Little formation of silicates on top of weld, so that multi-pass

AWS A5.18 E70C-6M H4
EN ISO 17632-A T 46 4 M M 1 H5

American Bureau of Shipping Germanischer Lloyd
Bureau Veritas Lloyds Register of Shipping
Det Norske Veritas UDT

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,06 % Silicon 0,6
% Manganese 1,3

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

Heat Treatment As Welded PWHT 580°C x 2 hr/furnace
Yield Strength N/mm 2
≥460 ≥460
Tensile Strength N/mm 2
550 - 660 550 - 660
% Elongation on A5 ≥24 ≥24
Impact Energy at -20ºC ≥47 J ≥47 J

Gas Test Afrox Fluxshield®

Shielding Gas Afrox Fluxshield®
Materials S(P)460-S(P)500, S550, HY 80

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,6 W125412

Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 66

Fluxofil 20 HD

Welding Consumables
Fluxofil 20 HD is a seamless copper coated rutile flux cored < 5 ml per 100 g deposited weld metal. Low spatter loss, easy
wire and the enhanced degree of fill results in a higher current slag removal producing finely rippled, pore-free welds without
carrying capacity and deposition rate. Thus, welding speed may undercut.
be increased which leads to a saving of time and costs. It can be
welded in all positions using only one parameter setting (24 V, Storage
wire feed 9 m/min, wire diameter 1,2 mm). Fluxofil 20 HD is also
ideal for fully mechanised welding. Keep dry and avoid condensation.

The weld metal produced features excellent mechanical-

technological properties and a hydrogen content of hydrogen

AWS A5.29 E81T1-Ni1M JH4
EN ISO 17632-A T 46 4 1Ni P M 1 H5

American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping
Bureau Veritas RS
Det Norske Veritas UDT
Germanischer Lloyd

Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,05 % Silicon 0,5
% Manganese 1,2 % Nickel 0,9

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

Heat Treatment As Welded PWHT 580°C x 2 hr/furnace
Yield Strength N/mm 2
≥490 ≥490
Tensile Strength N/mm 2
570 - 670 570 - 670
% Elongation on A5 ≥22 ≥22
Impact Energy at -20ºC ≥60 J ≥47 J

Gas Test Afrox Fluxshield®

Shielding Gas Afrox Fluxshield®
Materials S(P)275-S(P)460

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,2 W125211
1,6 W125212

67 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels

Fluxofil 35
Welding Consumables

Fluxofil 35 is a seamless copper coated basic flux cored wire suit- Storage
able for the welding of creep resistant boiler and pipe steels for
operating temperatures up to 530°C, as well as fine grain structural Keep dry and avoid condensation.
steels. Quiet and stable arc with low spatter loss and easy slag
removal produce a uniform and smooth weld bead surface which is
free from porosity.

AWS A5.29 E80T5-G H 4
EN ISO 17634-A T MoL B C 3 H5


Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,05 % Silicon 0,4
% Manganese 1,4 % Molybdenum 0,5

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

Heat Treatment As Welded PWHT 580°C x 2 hr/furnace
Yield Strength N/mm 2
≥490 ≥470
Tensile Strength N/mm 2
550 - 650 520 - 620
% Elongation on A5 ≥22 ≥22
Impact Energy at -20ºC ≥40 J ≥40 J

Gas Test CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®

Shielding Gas CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®
Materials S(P)235-S(P)460, 16Mo3

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,2 W125351
1,6 W125352

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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Low Alloy Steels 68

Cored Wires for High Strength Steels

Welding Consumables
Fluxofil 41

Fluxofil 41 is a seamless copper coated basic flux cored wire for Storage
the welding of high strength fine grain structural steels. Operating
features include low spatter loss, easy slag removal and uniform Keep dry and avoid condensation.
bead appearance.

AWS A5.29 E90T5-G H4
EN ISO 12535 T 55 6 1NiMo B C 3 H5


Typical Chemical Analysis (All weld metal)

% Carbon 0,05 % Nickel 1,2
% Manganese 1,4 % Molybdenum 1,4
% Silicon 1,4

Typical Mechanical Properties (All weld metal)

Heat Treatment As Welded PWHT 580°C x 2 hr/furnace
Yield Strength N/mm 2
≥560 ≥540
Tensile Strength N/mm 2
650 - 750 630 - 710
% Elongation on A5 ≥20 ≥20
Impact Energy at -20ºC ≥80 J ≥47 J

Gas Test CO2

Shielding Gas CO2 or Afrox Fluxshield®
Materials S(P)460-S(P)500, S550, HY 80

Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,6 W125412


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