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Agricultural Crop
Grade 7/8

Module # 1-2:
Prepare the Farm Tools for Agricultural
Farm Operations
What I Need to Know

This Learner’s Materials on Conducting Pre-Agricultural Farm Operations

contains various Learning Competencies designed to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitude of Grade 9 Technology and Livelihood (TLE)
students. The lesson deals with the identification and classification of farm
tools, and materials according to use.
Conducting pre-agricultural farm operations is one of the Core
Competencies in Agricultural Crop Production NC I. Students must be able to
take the three (3) core competencies to finish the module. The teacher must
conduct an assessment towards the end of this module to evaluate the
underpinning knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the students based from the
set of criteria in the Training Regulations/prepared by Technical Education
and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the tools and materials for agricultural farm operation.
2. Classify the farm tools and materials according to their use.
3. Apply the appropriate use of tools and materials in agricultural farm


Let’s check how much you already know about use of farm tools and
equipment. Take this test.

I. Directions: Read the questions carefully and identify the letter of the
correct answer. Write only the letter on your answer sheet.
1. Farm tools, implements and equipment are very important in
agricultural crop production because:

A. They make work faster

B. They make work easier
C. They save time and effort
D. All reasons above are correct
2. Use the appropriate tool for a specific task will result to quality
performance. Which of the following tools is least used for digging
garden plots?
A. Bolo
B. Grub-hoe
C. Pick mattock
D. Light hoe
3. Small seeded vegetable crops are usually pre-germinated to attain
quality seedlings. Which among the following methods of seedling
production is not applicable for planting in a wide production area?

A. Seed box
B. Seedling tray
C. Seedbed
D. Individual plastic bags
4. Which among the following are not classified as digging tools?
A. Shovel, spade
B. Bolo, knife
C. Pick-mattock, grub-hoe
D. Crowbar, post hole digger
5. Which among the following is not a cultivating tool?
A. Hand fork
B. Spading fork
C. Hand trowel
D. Hand cultivator
II. Direction: Open the tool box by unscramble the following classification
of farm tools and materials.




The availability of farm tools, implements, and simple

equipment is one of the important factors needed to make farm work easier,
better, and faster. These make tools, implements, and equipment play a very
important role in successful agricultural crop production operations.
However, their availability alone does not guarantee success in production if
the farmer/owner does not know how to use them. For the farmer/owner to
perform agricultural operations successfully, he/she must have a good
working knowledge of tools, implements, and equipment prior to use.


Farm tools and


Hi! I am George. I am here to discuss the use

of farm tools and materials in agricultural farm
operation. These are very useful if you have a
good working knowledge of these tools and
materials. Let’s start!

Classification of Tools
The following are the farm tools classified according to use:


Crowbar is used for digging

big holes and for digging out
big stones and stumps.

Pick-mattock is used for

digging canals, breaking hard
topsoil and for digging up
stones and tree stumps.

Grab-hoe is used for breaking

hard topsoil and pulverizing

Spade is used for removing

trash or soil, digging canals or
ditches and mixing soil media.
Shovel is used in removing
trash, digging loose soil,
moving soil from one place to
another and for mixing soil

Spading fork is used for

loosening the soil, digging out
root crops and turning over
the materials in a compost

Bolo is used for cutting tall
grasses and weeds and
chopping branches of trees.

Pruning shears is for cutting

branches of planting
materials and unnecessary
branches of plants.

Axe is for cutting bigger size


Knife is for cutting planting

materials and for performing
other operations in horticulture

Sickle is a hand-held
agricultural tool with a
variously curved blade
typically used for cutting


Shovel is used in removing

trash, digging loose soil,
moving soil from one place to
another and for mixing soil
Rake is used for cleaning the
ground and leveling the

Light hoe is used for loosening

and leveling soil and digging
out furrows for planting

Hand trowel is used for

loosening the soil around the
growing plants and putting
small amount of manure
fertilizer in the soil.

Hand cultivator is used for

cultivating the garden plot by
loosening the soil and
removing weeds around the

Hand fork is used for inter row



Bolo is used for cutting tall

grasses and weeds and
chopping branches of trees.

Pruning shears is for cutting

branches of planting
materials and unnecessary
branches of plants.

Knife is for cutting planting

materials and for performing
other operations in horticulture

Sickle is a hand-held
agricultural tool with a
variously curved blade
typically used for cutting

Hammer is used to draw

and remove nails and to
drive nails into wood .

Cross cut saw is used to cut

wood when doing some
repair of tools,
constructing compost piles
and fixing vicinity fence.

Pliers are used in repairs of

tools and other carpentry

Screw drivers are used

tighten and loosen knots and

Chisel is used smoothen

wooden handle of garden
tools and implements.


Weighing balance is used for

weighing harvests and

Meter stick is used for

measuring garden plots and
heights of plants.

Steel tape is used for

measuring distance of
planting in lay outing an area.

Foot rule is used for

measuring the height of seedlings.

Knapsack sprayer is used

for applying insecticides,
herbicides, and foliar

Trigger sprayer is used in

insecticides/fungicides in seed
boxes/seed trays/seedbeds

Sprinkler is used for watering

seedlings and other plants,
such as vegetables and

Wheel barrow is used for

hauling and transporting
growing media, fertilizers,
and farm supplies.

Crate is used for carrying

harvests (fruits, vegetables,
and cut flowers) from the
point of production to the

Seed tray is a container

used for raising or growing

Seed box is container used

in growing vegetable

Farm Implements Hi! I am Carrie. I am here to discuss the

different examples of farm implements.
These are very useful not only in land
preparation but also in crop production.
Before you start using them it is important for
you to know their uses.

These are accessories which are

being pulled by working
animals or mounted to
machineries (hand tractor,
tractor) which are usually used in
the preparation of land. These are usually made of a special kind of metal.
Examples are:

1. Plows. They refer to farm implements used in land preparation for

agricultural crop production. They are either pulled by a draft animal or a
tractor. The plow is specifically used for tilling wide areas, making furrows, and
for inter- row cultivation.

Plows pulled by draft animals are made of either pure metal or

wood and their combination of metal and wood.

Native Plow Native Plow

2. Harrow. The native wooden harrow is made up of wood with metal

teeth and pulled by draft animals while disc harrow is made up of metal
mounted to a tractor. Harrows are used for pulverizing the soil.

Native Wooden Harrow Native Harrow

3. Rotavator. The rotavator is an implement mounted to a tractor also

used for pulverizing the soil.

Farm tools and implements play very important role in
agricultural operations. Their availability makes the work
much easier and faster. However, even if one may have the
most sophisticated tools and implements, but does not
know how to use them, they are useless. In order to do
What is it? horticultural operations successfully, one must have a good
working knowledge of the tools and implements before
using them.


I. Direction: Match the following examples of farm implements in

column A with their meaning/function in column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number.

__________1. Plow a. These are accessories which are
being pulled by working animals or
mounted to machineries which are
usually used in the preparation of
__________2. Harrow b. It is specifically used for tilling large
areas, making furrows and inter row
__________3. Farm Implements c. It is an implement mounted to a
tractor also used for pulverizing the
__________4.Rotavator d. It is made up of wood with metal
teeth and pulled by draft animals
__________5. Native Wooden Harrow e. It is used to pull a disc plow and a
disc harrow in preparing a much
wider area of land
f. It is used for tilling and pulverizing
the soil.



The availability of farm tools and implements is one of the important factors
needed to make farm work easier, better, and faster. These make tools and implements
play a very important role in successful agricultural crop production operations.
However, their availability alone does not guarantee success in production if the
farmer/owner does not know how to use them. For the farmer/owner to perform
agricultural operations successfully, he/she must have a good working knowledge of
tools and implements prior to use.

I. Direction: Read the questions carefully and identify the letter of the
correct answer. Write only the letter on your answer sheet.

1. 1 Which of the following harvesting tools is seldom used in

harvesting cucurbits and solanaceous crops?

A. Harvesting knife
B. Harvesting scissors
C. Pruning shears
D. Scythe
2. Which among the following are not classified as digging tools?
A. Shovel, spade
B. Bolo, knife
C. Pick mattock, grub-hoe
D. Crowbar, post hole digger
3. It is a tool with one end flattened and the other pointed at a right
angle toward its handle.

A. Bolo

B. Crowbar
C. Pick mattock
D. Spade

4. Using the appropriate tool for a specific task will result to quality
performance. Which of the following tools is least used for digging
garden plots?

A. Bolo
B. Grub-hoe
C. Pick-mattock
D. Light hoe
5. This is specifically used for tilling wide areas, making furrows, and
for inter- row cultivation.

A. Plow
B. Harrow
C. Rotavator
D. Seed driller
6. Which among the following is not a cultivating tool?
A. Hand fork
B. Spading fork
C. Hand trowel
D. Hand cultivator
7. Farm tools, implements and equipment are very important in
agricultural crop production because:

A. They make work faster

B. They make work easier
C. They save time and effort
D. All reason above are correct
8. It is a tool with tines used to loosen the soil, dig out root crops, and
turn over materials in a compost heap.

A. Hand fork
B. Spading fork
C. Pick mattock
D. Tooth harrow

9. Small seeded vegetable crops are usually pre-germinated to

attain quality seedlings. Which among the following methods of
seedling production is not applicable for planting in a wide
production area?

A. Seed box
B. Seedling tray
C. Seedbed
D. Individual plastic bags
10. The inventory of tools and implements is conducted for the
following reasons except:

A. To find out lost items

B. To segregate and repair damaged tools
C. To check the items that are present
D. To determine available tools and implements for use

II. Identify the following farm implements and define their uses.

1 _____________________________________________


3 _____________________________________________

4 _____________________________________________

5 _____________________________________________

Congratulations! You did a great job!

Rest and relax a while then move on
to the next lesson. Good luck!


 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Technology and livelihood

Education learning Module Exploratory Course Grade 7 & 8
orag e_areas_for_fresh_vegetables_-_version_3.0.pdf /

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