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By Sir Obiero Amos 0706 851 439




Not all syllables in a word are given equal emphasis. By the same token, not all
words in a sentence are said with equal length.
The relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or certain
words in a sentence is what we refer to as stress.
You say a syllable or a word is stressed when it is said louder or longer than the
Stress is studied in two levels:
(a)Word level; and
(b) Sentence level.
Stress at the Word Level
A part of a certain word when said louder or longer then it is stressed.

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Rules of Word Stress

1. For two-syllable nouns and adjectives, stress the first, for example
Cloudy carton table
2. For verbs with two syllables and prepositions, emphasize the second syllable,
for example
3. Words with three syllables.
(a)Those ending in –er, -ly, emphasis put on the first syllable, for example,
(b) Stress the first, for those ending in consonants and in –y, for example,
(c)Stress the last syllable if the word ends in –ee, -ese, -eer, -ique, -ette, for
(d) Look at the ones with the suffixes below, where stress is placed on the
-ary: library
Cial: judicial, commercial
-cian: musician, clinician
-tal : capital, recital
Stress is important in studying the heteronyms. A pair, or group of words is referred
to as heteronym when those words are spelled the same way but have different
pronunciation and meaning. We have two main categories of heteronyms:
(a)Noun- verb pairs; and
(b) Verb -and-adjective pairs.
We stress the first syllable if noun and the second if verb.
Examples of noun-and-verb pairs are included in the table below:
Noun Verb Noun Verb
Abuse Graduate
Record Cement
Convert Wind
Abuse Sin
Contest Produce
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Duplicate Excuse
Polish Insult
Rebel Permit

In sentences;
(a)Many factories produce the produce we import.
(b) Allan became a convert after deciding to convert to christianity.
Sentence Stress
Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence.
Most sentences have two basic word types:
(a)Content words which are the key words carrying the sense or meaning-

(b) Structure words which just make the sentence grammatically correct.
They give the sentence its structure.

Look at the sentence below:

Buy milk feeling tired.
Though the sentence is incomplete, you will probably understand the message in it.
The four words are the content words. Verbs, nouns, adjectives, are content words.
You can add words to the sentence to have something like:
Will you buy me milk since I am feeling tired?
The words: will, you, me, since, I, are just meant to make the sentence correct
grammatically. They can also be stressed to bring the intended meaning.
Now let’s study the sentence below:

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Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my green skirt.

Each word in the sentence can be stressed to bring the meaning as illustrated in the
Sentence Meaning
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my She doesn’t think that, but
green skirt. someone else does.
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my It is not true that Joan thinks that.
green skirt.
Joan doesn’t thinkAkinyi stole my Joan doesn’t think that, she knows
green skirt. that.
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my Not Akinyi, but someone else.
green skirt. Probably Njuguna or Adhiambo.
Joan doesn’t think Akinyistole my Joan thinks Akinyi did something
green skirt. to the green skirt, may be washed
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my Joan thinks Akinyi stole someone
green skirt. else’s green skirt, but not mine.
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my She thinks Akinyi stole my red
green skirt. skirt which is also missing.
Joan doesn’t think Akinyi stole my Joan thinks Akinyi stole my green
green skirt. shirt. She mispronounced the word.

Exercise 1

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1. The words that follow can be nouns or verbs dependingon the stressed
syllable. Use each as both the verb and noun in a single sentence.
(b) Address
(d) Content
2. Underline the part of the word in boldface you will stress in each of the
following sentences.
(a)The boy has been asked to de.sert the de.sert.
(b) My handsome es.cortwilles.cort me to the dance.
(c)After updating my re.sume, I will re.sume my job search.
(d) They have to con.testin the annual Math con.test.
(e)If you con.vict me, I will remain a con.vict for 5 years.
Exercise 2
Each word in the sentences below can be stressed to bring the meaning. What
will be the meaning when each word is stressed?
(a)I love your sister’s handwriting.
(b) You came late today.

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➢ It is the rise and fall of voice in speaking.
➢ Intonation is crucial for communication.
➢ In English there are basically two kinds of intonation: rising and falling.
➢ We can use arrows to show the intanotion – whether rising or falling. ↘
represents falling intonation while ↗ represents the rising one.

Falling Intonation
➢ Falling intonation is when we lower our voice at the end of a sentence.
➢ This usually happens in:
(a)Statements, for example,
• I like↘ bananas.
• It is nice working with ↘you.
• She travelled to↘ Eldoret.
(b) W/H Questions
• What is your ↘name?
• Where do you ↘live?
• How old are↘ you?
• Who is this young↘ man?
• Get out ↘now.
• Give me the ↘money.
• Close your ↘books.
(d) Exclamatory sentences e.g.
• What a wonderful ↘present!
• How ↘nice of you
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Rising intonation
➢ When we lower our voice.
➢ Used in:
• General Questions e.g.
Do you visit them↗ often?
Have you seen ↗her?
Are you ready to ↗start?
Could you give me a↗ pen, please?
• Alternative questions e.g.
Do you want ↗coffee or ↘tea?
Does he speak↗ Kiswahili or ↘English?
• Before tag questions e.g.
This is a beautiful ↘place, ↗isn’t it?
She knows↘ him,↗ doesn’t she?
• Enumerating e.g.
↗One, ↗two,↗ three, ↗four,↘ five.
She bought ↗bread, ↗cheese, ↗oranges, and ↘apples.

Using an arrow, determine whether rising or falling intonation is used in the
(a)This music sounds good.
(b) I love watching horror movies.
(c)My sister’s name is Amina.
(d) Blue is my favourite colour.
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(e)Is that tv good?

(f) Do you like that movie?
(g) Are you hungry?
(h) Get me my shoes.
(i) Study your lessons now.
(j) Are you insane?
(k) How many more hours before you are done with your work?
(l) Which novel is the best for you?
(m) He is a little bit nervous, isn’t he?
(n) You should listen to your parents’ advice.
(o) Did you finish your homework?
(p) Water is good for the body.
(q) This is good!
(r) What a crazy show.

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➢ Rhythm is the recurrence of a beat.
➢ In poetry, it is the recurrence of a pattern that gives a distinct beat to a line(s) in a
➢ Rhythm is something that happens with regularity.
➢ To create rhythm in a poem, a poet can use:
i. Consonance which is the repetition of consonant sounds within the nearby words.
ii. Assonance which is defined as the repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words.
iii. Repetition. A word or phrase recurring.
iv. Alliteration. This is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more words
within a line.
v. Rhyme which is the repetition of ending sounds, especially in two or more lines.
➢ Study the poem below and identify ways in which rhythm has been achieved.

A sunshiny shower
Won’t last an hour.

Rain before seven

Clear by eleven.

March winds and April showers

Bring forth May flowers.

Won’t wash dishes.

Early to bed and early to rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
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• Rhyme has been used. Several pairs of words rhyme. Examples include:
Shower and hour
Seven and eleven
Showers and flowers
• Alliteration. Won’t and wash are alliterative (the sound /w/.
• Consonance in the words “healthy” and ”wealthy”
Read the poem below and identify how rhythm has been achieved in it.
My dog has a special twist,
She can’t go a day unkissed

She’s not a normal dog,

Her furs the colour of a log

Her tails as pointy as a stick,

She’d get a 10 from a critic.

Her body is as long as a telephone pole,

She’s the total opposite of a troll.

Her name is Roxie,

Also known as a Doxie.

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Assonance and alliteration are sound patterns used in the poem. While assonance
makes use of vowel sounds, alliteration makes use of consonant sounds. These sounds
are repeated in the words close to one another.
Now read the poem below aloud by Steven Henderson.
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Path Choices
Best, Boy, Believe
That, There, Two
Placed, Possible, Paths
Willing, Wanting, Waiting
Appraising, Asking, Applying
Lessons, Learned, Leads
Compass, Chosen, Course
Fools, Find, Fate
Sin, Street, Set
Driven, Determine, Destiny
Searching, Seeking, Seeing
Offering, Openly, Often
In the poem you realize there is repetition of the beginning consonant sounds. Look at
the illustrations:
➢ Best, Boy, Believes – sound /b/ has been repeated.
➢ Placed, Possible, Paths – sound /p/ is repeated
This repetition of initial consonant sounds is alliteration. Illustrate other instances of
alliteration in the poem.
There is also repetition of vowel sounds in the words close to each other. Examples
we have seen are:
➢ Seeking, seeing – the sound /i:/ has been repeated.
➢ Openly, Often – the sound /e/ has been repeated.
This repetition on vowel sounds in the nearby words is assonance .

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Further Practice
Pick out all the instances of assonance and alliteration in the poem that follows.
My Puppy Punched Me in the Eye
My puppy punched me in the eye
My rabbit whacked my ear
My ferret gave a frightful cry
And roundhouse kicked my rear

My lizard flipped me upside down

My kitten kicked my head
My hamster slammed me to the ground
And left me nearly dead

So my advice? Avoid regrets;

No matter what you do
Don’t ever let your family pets
Take lessons in kung Fu


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Just like alliteration, consonance makes use of consonant sounds, only that these
sounds are in in the inner parts of the words (middle or end, but not beggining).
There are illustrations for this in the two poems we have read. In the poem ‘My
Puppy Punched me in the Eye’ there are the illustrations as follow.
➢ rabbit, wacked – the sound /t/ has been repeated.
➢ hamster slammed – there is repetition of the sound /m/
Note: Alliteration, assonance, and consonance don’t have to have the same letters – it
is the sound that must be repeated.
Role Played by Alliteration, Assonance, and Consonance
1. Provide musical rhythm.
2. Make poem interesting.
3. Make the poem easier to memorize.
Read the poem below and then identify, with illustrations, instances of
alliteration, assonance and consonance.
By John Chizuba
Black breweries braveness
In ink incorporative individualism
Those tinny tracers ticking Time
Be-little black braveness baselessly
Mirror my motion moves momentously
Directed diagonal deeply
Hurt humans heart heavy
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Because better black believes

Dedication, determined destinies
Of our oddity, obviously occupied
We welcome world words with warrant
Blacks built braveness buxom butterflies
Enlightment enchanting ego enlarged
Decade braveness debut delightfully.

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➢ Register denotes the choice of language, whether that be formal or informal.

➢ It is the choosing of appropriate language for the context.
➢ There are factors that determine the language we use.
➢ It is important to select the right language for the right situation.
➢ The choice of register is affected by:
(a)The setting of the speech;
(b) The topic of the speech;
(c)The relationship that exists between the speakers; and
(d) The age.
The Setting
There are words we use depending on the field. There are those we use in the field of
medicine, in the field of law etc. they are also those that we use at home when talking
to family members. A chemist, for example, will ask for ‘sodium chloride’ while at
the laboratory, while at home she will request for ‘salt’. At work place, people tend to
use formal language while informal language at home.
➢ If, for example, you want to ask for something valuable from a brother you
would say: ‘I was wondering if you could lend me….’. This is a formal
language even though it is your family member you are talking to.
➢ When offering your boss tea or coffee, you will still use formal language for
example: ‘Would you mind being served tea or coffee? ’ and to a friend you
will say: ‘Tea or coffee?’
There are words you use when speaking to different people in different situations.
More often than not, an intimate couple will use words like ‘darling’, ‘honey’, etc.

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These words cannot be used to address your colleague at work place; or even your
There are ways to speak to a child and those of speaking to adults. To a baby, we use
words like ‘popopoo’ while to an adult ‘long call’, etc.
The Words used in Different Fields
Field of Medicine
Some words used in the hospitals, clinics and other health stations include: X-ray,
syringe, paracetamol, doctor, nurse, mortuary, patient, etc.
Police Station
Lockup, cell, bond, etc.
Aircraft, flight, air hostess, etc.
Information Technology
Computer, laptop, CPU, Monitor, software, hardcopy, hard disk, etc.
The words used by the teachers, students and others at school are: chalk, ruler,
blackboard, senior teacher, deputy principal, dean of studies, etc.

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Technical terms used by lawyers and in the courts of law include: adult probation,
affidavit, alimony, Amicus Curiae brief, annulment, appeal, appellant, appellee, arrest,
plaintiff, defendant, dismissal, oath, revocation hearing, learned friend, etc.
Read the conversation below and then answer question that follow.
Caller:Is this the Credex?
Receptionist:Yes, how may I be of help to you?
Caller:It’s Dorothy calling.
Receptionist:Oh, Dorothy! How is the going?
Caller: Lunch today?
Receptionist: Of course..
Caller: what time then?
Receptionist: After I have seen the deputy principal. There are packets of chalk I am
supposed to deliver.

(a)Giving the reasons, where is the Credex?

(b) What is the relationship between the caller and the receptionist?
(c)Explain the formality of the language the receptionist and the caller use.
(d) Give illustrations for (c) above.

Have you ever stood in front of a big group of people to present your talk? Well here
we shall learn how to prepare your speech and deliver it effectively.
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Preparation for Speech Delivery

There are steps any speaker should follow in preparation for presentation of speech.
They include:
1. Doing some research on the topic to present. Get the facts about the topic. If you
do enough research, your confidence level will be boosted.
2. Practice in front of a group of friends or relatives. This can also be done in front
of a mirror, or videotaping your rehearsals. You will be able to correct your
gestures, postures etc.
3. Write down the points about the topic on a note pad. You can refer to them
when giving the speech.
4. Plan on how to groom and dress decently. You should appear presentable to feel
Grabbing and Keeping Audience Attention
Your opening determines how long your audience will listen to your presentation. Of
they are bored from the beginning; the chance that your message will effectively get
across is very little.
The most commonly used methods are:
1. Asking a question. The question should make them think about the topic. For
example, ‘How many of you would like to be millionaires?’
2. Stating an impressive fact connected to the topic of your presentation. For
example: ‘About 30% of Kenyans are millionaires.’
3. Telling a story closely connected to the topic. It should neither be too long nor
intended to try to glorify the speaker. For example: “Dear audience, before I
begin I would like to tell you a short story about Maina Wa Kamau became
a millionaire. Don’t worry, it’s not too long. …..”

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Other methods of beginning a speech are:

➢ Using humour
➢ Starting with a quote that ties with your topic.
➢ Using sound effect.
Presentation of Speech
There are various techniques of delivering speech. They are what will ensure
understanding of your message. Some of these techniques include:
1. Use gestures effectively to reinforce the words and ideas you are trying to
communicate to your audience. For example, when talking about love, you can use
your hands to form a cup shape to indicate how tiny something is.
2. Make eye contact with your audience members to study their reactions to you. If
you sense boredom, you need to improve and if you sense enthusiasm, it will help
pump you up.
3. Use movements to establish contact with your audience. Getting closer to them
physically increases their attention and interest, as well as encouraging response if
you are asking questions.
4. Your posture should be upright. The way you conduct yourself on the platform will
indicate you are relaxed and in control. Do not lean or slouch.
5. Wear appropriate facial expressions to show feelings and emotions. Smile to show
happiness, for example.
6. Speak loud enough to be heard by all your audience members.
7. Pronounce the words correctly and speak clearly for your message to be
8. Pause at key points to let the message sink.
Stage Fright

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Almost all speakers are nervous. Even the most experienced do. Fear of addressing a
group is not wrong, but how we deal with it is what is possibly not good enough.
Those speakers who seem relaxed and confident have learnt how to handle anxiety.
Symptoms of Nervous Speakers
An anxious speaker can be identified in case of:
➢ Shaking hands
➢ Sweating palms
➢ Dry mouth
➢ Rapid heartbeat
➢ Squeaky voice
➢ Knocking knees
➢ Facial flushes
➢ Watery eyes
➢ Mental confusions
➢ jitters

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Causes of Fear
1. Past failures during presentation. Plan to succeed instead.
2. Poor or insufficient preparation. Nothing gives you more confidence than being
3. Discomfort with your own body and movement.
Dealing with Anxiety
A speaker can try the suggestions below to deal with anxiety before and on the day of
Before the day;
1. Know your topic by doing adequate and thorough research. You will be sure of
presenting accurate information and be able to answer questions asked by
audience members.
2. Practice delivering your speech several times. This helps you be sure of your
organization of the main points.
On that day;
1. Do some physical exercises like press ups, push walls, etc. to reduce anxiety.
2. Use simple relaxation techniques like taking deep breath, tightening and
relaxing your muscles, etc.
3. Wear clothes that you feel confident in. when you feel good about of you feel,
your confidence level is boosted. You don’t need to adjust your clothes or hair
during your speech.
4. Spot friendly faces in the crowd. These are people who give you positive
feedback (e.g. nodding, smiling). Such faces give you encouragement to speak.
5. Come up with ways to hide your anxiety. For example,
➢ When mouth goes dry, drink some water
➢ Incase of excessive sweating, wear clothes that will not allow your
audience detect
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➢ If your hands shake, use gestures to mask the shaking.

Exercise 1
In the next three days, you are presenting a speech on the topic: Effects of
(a)Write down any three ways you would prepare for the speech delivery.
(b) State the techniques you would employ to ensure your audience listens to
you throughout and that they understand the message during the presentation.
Exercise 2
Makufuli is presenting his speech. Your friend, Makwere claims that Makufuli is not
(a)What could have warranted this claim?
(b) State four reasons that could be behind Makufuli’s state?
➢ Discussion is a process where exchange of ideas and opinions are debated upon
in a group.
➢ A group which comprises a small number of people is given a topic to discuss.
Preparation for Group Discussion
Do the following before you start the discussion:
1. Select/choose group leaders. Choose the secretary to write the points down and
the chair to lead the discussions.
2. Research round the topic to make sure you have the points. You can get the
points from the sources including:
• Newspapers and magazines
• Friends, relatives and teachers
• Text books
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• Internet
• Television
3. Arrive early for discussions. It is advisable you do so so that you start early and
finish early.
4. Gather writing materials – pen and note book.
5. Prepare with questions to ask.
Participating in a Group Discussion
Remember the tips below for success during the discussion:
1. Learn to listen to each other and respond to what other people have to say.
2. Speak with moderation. What you say is usually more important than how much
you say. Quality is needed rather than the quantity.
3. Back up each point you put across. You can explain your points in a number of
ways including:
➢ Providing facts or statistics to support it;
➢ Quoting expert opinion;
➢ Explain why said what you said; and
➢ Referring to your own experience.
4. Stay calm and polite. Use polite words like ‘May I ….?, please …, etc.’
5. Take notes of important words and ideas.
6. Speak clearly.
7. Speak loud enough to be heard by all the group members.
The Common Discussion Mistakes
Having learnt what you should do during the discussion, let us now learn what under
no circumstances y do. You should never:
➢ Dominate the discussion;
➢ Interrupt abruptly;
➢ Be inaudible;
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➢ Carry out mini-meetings; or

➢ Talk over each other.
You and your group members have been assigned the topic: ‘Responsibilities of a
Good Citizen’ by your teacher of History and Government. You are supposed to
discuss this before you give the presentation in two days.
(a)State three ways in which you would prepare before you start discussing the
(b) How would you ensure your group members and yourself benefit from this

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➢ It is a form of art verbalized, dramatized and performed.

➢ Oral literature can be categorized as either fiction or nonfiction.
➢ Nonfiction is informational text that deals with an actual, real-life subject.
➢ Fiction is a text that deal with non factual subject.


➢ There are various genres of literature.

➢ These genres include:
1. Oral narratives
2. Oral Poems/Songs
3. Proverbs
4. Riddles
5. Tongue-twisters
6. Puns

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➢ Proverbs, riddles, tongue twisters, and puns are short forms of oral literature. This
is because of their length.


Study of oral literature is important to a student since he/she :

1. Is able to understand his/her culture and appreciate the culture of others.

2. Is able to appreciate his/her history.
3. Appreciates the creativity in oral literature as a means of understanding other
African arts.


Definition of Fieldwork

❖ It refers to the process of collecting oral literature material from the field.
❖ Field study can be carried out by anyone including a student.

Importance of Fieldwork

1. Since oral literature is a performed art, a student can witness and experience the
performance. When this written, the live aspects are lost.

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2. It enables a student to have a contact with the community and the culture of that
3. A student is equipped with research skills.
4. It also enables for recording of history of a community.

Stages in Fieldwork

There are five key stages in fieldwork:

1. Preparation
Adequate preparation should be taken in to consideration for a meaningful
research. You can do the following:
❖ Identify the narrator or informant.
❖ Identify the location of the informant.
❖ Plan when to visit the informant.
❖ Plan the necessary tools for recording the materials.
❖ Get the administrative permission to conduct the research.
❖ Decide on the method of data collection to use.
❖ Budget for the fieldwork.
2. Material collection
❖ This is where the actual information is gathered.
❖ There are different methods of collecting oral literature materials:
i. Observation
ii. Interviews
iii. Participation
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iv. Use of questionnaires, etc.

❖ Do this carefully.
3. Recording of information
You can record the material collected by:
i. Writing the information;
ii. Taping the information; or
iii. Filming it.
4. Processing the information
❖ In preparation for interpretation, analysis and dissemination, scrutinize the
❖ Put down the recorded information in writing. You can do this word for word.
This is called transcription.
❖ You can translate it in the language you would like it to be shared. This is
5. Analysis and Interpretation of material
At this stage:
i. Classify the material into genres and sub-genres using particular criteria.
ii. Identify the themes.
iii. Identify styles used.
iv. Identify functions of the item.
v. Interpret the information.
vi. Draw conclusions.

Methods of Collecting Oral Literature Materials

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1. Interviews
❖ An interview involves meeting the respondent face to face and verbally
asking questions in order to seek the required information.

2. Recording performance
First hand information on things like performance and chanting can be recorded
using tape recorders, etc. during the festivals in which they are performed.
3. Observation
❖ This is a way of gathering information or data by watching behavior, events,
or noting physical characteristics in their natural setting.
❖ Observation can either allow one know he/she is being observed, or without
him/her not being aware.
4. Participation
❖ The collector of the material can also participate in the enactment of the oral
forms like dance and song, etc. if he/she has the skills to.
❖ It is important to note that his/her participation should not distract him/her
from her investigative roles.
5. Administering Questionnaires
❖ A questionnaire is a research instrument containing series of questions and
prompt given to the informant for the purpose of gathering the information.

Methods of Recording Oral Literature Materials

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1. Memory of the Researcher. There are individuals who can remember all the
information collected especially if it is not long.
2. Use of tape recorders.
3. Videotaping
4. Written records. You can have writing materials to put down the information

Challenges Likely to be Encountered during the Fieldwork

❖ An oral researcher can encounter problems while in the field.

❖ Some of the challenges one is likely to face in an attempt to seek the required
information are:
1. Language barrier. If the researcher is unable to understand the language of the
informant, and vice versa, no information is likely to be collected.
2. Hostility of the informant community.
3. Transport challenges.
4. It might be expensive.
5. The informant might ask for payments.

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Definition of an Oral Narrative

❖ A narrative is a prose that recounts events, people, and places.

❖ A narrative can either be fictional (non factual) or nonfictional (factual).
❖ The terms used to mean the same as a narrative are tale, folktale, or a story.
❖ At its essence, an oral narrative is a story spoken to an audience.
❖ An oral narrative is handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.
❖ As we learnt earlier, an oral narrative is one of the genres of oral literature.
❖ A person who tells a story is known as a narrator.

Qualities of a Good Narrator

A good narrator :

1. Is confident.
2. Is able to use the non-verbal skills like gestures, facial expressions, etc.
3. Uses stage well.
4. Involves their audience in the narration.

Classification of Oral Narratives

❖ Narratives are categorized into different classes.

❖ These classes are:
(b) Legends
(c)Ogre or monster stories
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(d) Trickster stories

(e)Etiological Narratives
(f) Dilemma stories
(g) Fables
(h) Spirit tales
(i) Allegory
(a) Myths
❖ Deal with origins.
❖ There is a supernatural being involved.
❖ They explain the origin of death, origin of a group of people, etc.

Characteristics of Myths

1. A story that is or was considered a true explanation of the natural world (and
how it came to be).
2. Characters are often non-human – e.g. gods, goddesses, supernatural beings,
first people.

3. Setting is a previous proto-world (somewhat like this one but also different).

4. Plot may involve interplay between worlds (this world and previous or original

5. Depict events that bend or break natural laws (reflective of connection to

previous world).

(b) Legends

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❖ A legend is a story about an outstanding person who has participated in the

historical events of a community.
❖ A legend is a story of a hero known to people.
❖ Based on fact but also includes imagination material.
❖ There is also an element of exaggeration.
❖ There are also historical events.
❖ Some well known legends are:
i. Koome Njue
ii. Wangu wa Makeri
iii. Mugo wa Kibiru
iv. Mekatilili wa Menza
v. Fumo Liyongo
vi. Luanda Magere
❖ The target audience of legends are usually the youth so that they can emulate
the hero or heroine.

Main Features of Legends

❖ There are extraordinary actions done by the hero.

❖ Facts in such stories are historical.
❖ Features mentioned are actual ones.
❖ In some, there is an aspect of betrayal.
❖ Element of exaggeration is common.
❖ Birth or death is associated with some mystery.

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❖ Events are in the present world; the one we live in.

(c)Ogre Stories
❖ An ogre usually represents an evil.
❖ Ogre are usually destroyed at the end.
❖ They have happy ending.
Functions of Ogre Stories
1. They warn against strangers.
2. They caution youth against marrying the people they don’t know.
(d) Trickster Stories
❖ A character makes up for a physical weakness with cunning and subversive
❖ The trickster alternatives between:
i. Cleverness and stupidity;
ii. Kindness and cruelty;
iii. Deceiver and deceived; and
iv. Breaker of taboos and creator of culture.

(e)Etiological Narratives
❖ They explain the origin of a certain phenomenon.
❖ An etiological narrative is an imaginative story triggered by question “how or
why” something came to be in the world.
❖ Examples are:
i. Why rainbow appears in the sky after it rains.
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ii. Why hare has a short tail.

Why Turtles Live in Water

Turtles used to live on the land, they say, until the time a clever
turtle was caught by some hunters. They brought him to their village
and placed the turtle before the Chief, who said, “How shall
we cook him?”
“You’ll have to kill me first,” said the turtle, “and take me out of
this shell.”
“We’ll break your shell with sticks,” they said.
“That’ll never work,” said the turtle, “Why don’t you throw me
in the water and drown me?!”
“Excellent idea,” said the Chief. They took the turtle to the river
and threw him into the water to drown him.
They were congratulating themselves on their success in drowning
the turtle, when two little green eyes poked up in the water and the laughing turtle
said, “Don’t get those cooking pots out too
fast, foolish people!” As he swam away he said, “I think I’ll spend
most of my time from now on, safely in the water.”

And it has been that way ever since.

(f) Dilemma Stories

❖ A dilemma story shows a character or a group of characters faced with two or
more alternatives, none of which is easy to make.
❖ The conflicting situation arises for a character to choose from.
❖ A dilemma story is a morally ambiguous story, thus allows the audience to
comment or speculate upon the correct solution to the problem posed in the

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❖ A dilemma story has a perplexing situation, which presents different

possibilities, and both of them seem practically acceptable.

Functions of Dilemma

1. Dilemma gives the audience an insight into characters’ lives.

2. It also creates suspense. This is because the audience will be left wondering
which choice the character will make.
(g) Fables
❖ Feature animal characters.
❖ Animals speak as human beings.
❖ Now read the story below.

Once upon a time, there was a hare who loved to boast of his speed in front of the
other animals. He asked the tortoise to take up the challenge in the next competition
with him.

All the animals were surprised that the tortoise took up the challenge. He was known
to be a very slow animal. However, a day was fixed for the great race and all the
animals looked forward to it.

On the day of the race, no animal went to the market. No one went hunting; all the
animals gathered together, excited to watch the race between the tortoise and the hare.
Both animals were ready, each of them felt confident and everyone wondered why the
tortoise was so confident since they felt he was no match for the hare.

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The elephant started them off when he blew his big whistle and the sound rang across
the entire jungle. Every year was alert, every eye fixed on the two competitors. Who
will win the greatest animal race in history?

The hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped. In order to show that
the tortoise was no match for him and should not have accepted his challenge in the
first instance, he lay down to have a nap.
Slowly but surely, the tortoise plodded on. He had a goal, he had a focus and he never
looked back. When the hare awoke from his sleep, he saw the tortoise near the finish
line. He jumped up and tried to catch up with him but it was too late. The deed had
been done.

To the amazement of all the animals, the tortoise had crossed the finish line. It was
unbelievable. The hare
was humbled. He had no choice but to congratulate the tortoise and accept him as the
winner. All the animals learnt a very important lesson from the tortoise.

(h) Spirit Tales

Ghosts or spirits feature in such stories.
(i) Allegory
❖ Real life is represented by characters and events.
❖ Though embodies real life, it is presented as if it is fictional.

Setting in Oral Narratives

❖ Through a community’s oral narrative, we can learn a lot about them.

❖ An oral narrative give information on the following:
1. The physical environment. Features like lakes, mountains, forests, etc. are

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2. Economic activities.
✓ These are the activities or occupations through which the community
earns its livelihood.
✓ These activities include:
• Hunting
• Livestock keeping
• Crop farming or cultivation
• Bee-keeping, etc
✓ the mention of products like honey, tools, sorghum, milk, etc will lead
us know the economic activities of that community.
3. Social activities
These are activities like ceremonies, religious practices and forms of
4. Political activities
Here we learn:
✓ The power structure
✓ War activities


Oral narratives have many features. The main ones include:

➢ Use of opening formula. This is used to indicate the beginning of a story. It also
removes the audience from the world of reality and take them to the world of
fantasy. A world of fantasy is where bones speak, a king is the lion, etc. some
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commonly used opening formula phrases are ‘ a long time ago…’, ‘once upon a
time’, ‘there once was ….’, and ‘long, long ago…’
Opening Formula serves the following functions:
1. Announces the coming of a narrative.
2. Gets the attention of the audience.
3. Removes the audience from the world of reality.
4. Identifies the narrator.
➢ Use of Closing formula. It makes the end of a story. It also removes the audience
from the world of fantasy and take them back to the world of reality. Here are
examples of closing formulae:
• And that is why …
• And there ends my story.
• From then onwards …
• To come to the end of my story …

A closing formula serves such functions as:

1. Announcing the end of the narrative.

2. Momentarily releases the audience from concentration.
3. Brings back the audience to the world of reality.
4. Clears the way for the next narrative or activity.
➢ Use of idiophones. There is the use of words that imitate the movement or sounds
made by characters in the story. For example,
• The bees flew buzz buzzbuzz.

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• The woman laughed hahahahaha.

• The branch was cut kacha.
➢ Repetition. A word, phrase, a song, or even a sentence can occur more than once in
a story. The repetition is meant to:
i. Bring out the meaning.
ii. Emphasize a point.
iii. Maintain the rhythm.
iv. Sustain the mood in the story.
➢ Use of songs. Many narratives have songs. The songs perform the following
(a)Brings out the character traits.
(b) Brings out the theme.
(c)To entertain.
➢ Fantasy. Imaginary and factually impossible things are created in the story.
➢ Allusions.
i. Familiar objects or persons well known are referred to.
ii. Complex problems are explained and clarified by referring to something the
audience is familiar with, eg.
✓ The bible
✓ History
✓ Famous people
➢ Use of suspense.
• Here the audience is left wondering what will happen next.
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• The climax is delayed.

➢ There is also the use of dialogue. A character speaks directly to the other. Dialogue
is used to bring out the theme, character traits as well as to develop the plot of the


➢ There are several story telling devices a narrator can decide to use when delivering
an oral narrative.
➢ The techniques a narrator can use include:
• Use of gestures. Gestures are meant to reinforce the idea. For example when
talking about a character going, you can stretch your arm to show that.

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• Altering your facial expressions according to the emotion and feelings in the
story. Do not frown when the emotion happy.
• Varying the tone of your voice depending on what you are saying and who is
saying it. The tone should be low when for example a small animal talks, and
high when a big one speaks.
• Changing the pace of narration. There are those unimportant details that can
be said faster.
• Involving the audience in the narration. Asking them to join you when
singing will be okay.
• Use of mimicry. Here a narrator imitates the speech, action or other mannerisms
of the character, for example, the walking style of a character, etc.

Read the story below and then answer questions after it.
A long time ago, there was a pregnant woman whose husband had gone to work in a
distant place. The husband was a blacksmith. At the woman’s delivery, an ogre played
mid-wife to her. Apart from that the ogre also assisted her in gathering firewood from
the forest and also cooked her food.
Every time the ogre came back from the forest, he would pretend to offer her food
saying, “wagaciari nduke tuhiuhio” (Translated as: Newly delivered mother, take this
delicacy). He then munched down the food himself. He would repeat this with
whenever offering her gruel saying:”Wagaciari nduke gacuru. Wrega nganywa.” And
drank it himself.
This continued for a while, and while the ogre became fat and sleek, the nursing
mother became very thin and weak.

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During those days, women used to put castor seeds out to dry in the sun. While the
seeds dried,the doves could come and steal those seeds. One day, the woman spotted
a dove and said to him:
“You dove, you have eaten all my castor seeds. Now, if I send you on an errand, will
you carry it out?”
“Yes, I can,” the dove answered.
“Right, I would like you to fly to the land of blacksmiths and once you get there, pass
the following message:
Muthuri uguturai blacksmith I say, oh you
Cangarara-il-ca Ciangarara-I-ca
Taratura narua-il Hasten to finish whatever you are doing.
Cangarara-il-ca Cangarara-I-ca
Mukaguo niaachiarire-I your wife is with child
Cangarara-i-ca Cangarara-i-ca
Agiciaithio ni irimu-I An ogre is playing nurse to her
Cangarara-i-ca Cangarara-i-ca
Ekwiruo nduke tuhiuhio-I She is being offered food
Cangarara-i-ca Cangarara-i-ca
Na warega ngaria-I But the ogre eats eats it all
Cangarara-il-ca Cangarara-i-ca
The dove delivered the message as requested. When she got to the land of the
blacksmiths, she sang the song. The blacksmiths heard the dove singing and asked
each other, “Whose wife is expecting a baby?”
One of them confessed he had an expectant wife and he was asked by the rest to find
out what was happening at home. When he got home, the wife told him the whole

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All this while, the ogre was in the forest gathering firewood. The husband sharpened
the knife in readiness to face the ogre. The ogre came back and dropped the firewood
with a thud,thu. He then rebuked the mother saying: “Wagaciairi urogua na
mururumo ucio.” (Newly delivered mother, may you fall with the same thud!)
The nursing mother responded back, “O nawe urogu.”(You too!)
The ogre was surprised. He said, “You surprise me with your arrogance today. Could
it be that the blacksmith is back?”

The blacksmith got angry and even before the ogre finished talking, he speared him.
Shortly, before the ogre died, he cried with aloud voice saying, “It is just as I had
thought. The sojourners have come back. Oh dear me I am dying because of my
greed!” And with these words, he died.
There ends my story.

(a)What features of this story qualify it as an oral narrative?
(b) If you were the one narrating the story, how would you have performed the last

Read the narratives below and then answer questions that follow.
Girl and the King

Long ago there was a wealthy king who started off on a journey to visit the king of a
neighbouring country. On his way he was accompanied by his bodyguard and a large
group of ministers. Owing to the nature of the landscape, the only means of transport
was by camel. Somewhere along the way, he found a group of girls fetching water
from a well. At once he was struck by the resemblance of the girls, but on closer
observation he identified one girl he had fallen in love with. He at once decided that
he would do something to engage her. He gave the girl his blazer, which he instructed

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her to wear always as a sign of identify. He further promised that once he was back in
his country, he would send for her and the emissary would identify her by her jacket.

After the king's departure, the other girls begun to envy the lucky girl and constantly
begged her to let them try the blazer on, but she wouldn't budge. Days passed into
weeks and the girl still faithfully kept wearing the king's coat. Over time she begun to
wonder whether the king had forgotten his promise but still she kept wearing the coat.

One day she went to collect firewood in the company of the other girls. As she was
moving about in the bush she saw a pirate monkey admiring her and she stopped to
give it the time. The pirate greeted her and commented on the beauty of the blazer she
was wearing. She immediately told the pirate the story behind her acquisition of the
coat. The pirate then requested that she let him try it on so that she could see how
beautiful it was.

The girl reluctantly agreed to let the pirate try the coat on and no sooner had it done
so than it jumped into a tree and left the girl in wonder. The girl begun to climb the
tree and the pirate jumped to the next tree. As the girl ran from tree to tree, the pirate
kept jumping and soon disappeared from the girl's sight. The girl returned home
miserable but consoled by the thought that after all the king had forgotten his

Shortly after that incident the king sent his messengers to collect the girl and
reminded them that they would find several identical girls and that they would identify
the bride by a blazer bearing his seal which she would be wearing When the
messengers came to the village where the girls lived they were unable to identify the
one they were looking for, as all of them resembled one another. The particular girl
tried to explain that she was the one but the messengers did not take her because she
did not have the king's coat.

They searched the whole village without finding the girl and eventually gave up, and
were on their way home when one of them spotted the pirate in the tree.

The messengers then ran after the pirate and managed to arrest it and take it home to
the king.

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(a) Classify this narrative.

(b) Identify the features of oral narratives present in it.


➢ Derivation is a word formation process in which there is addition of affixes to
create new words.
➢ A noun can be derived from the following categories:
(b) adjective
(c)another noun

Deriving Nouns From Verbs
To derive a noun from a verb, add one of the following suffixes to the verb:
Verb Suffix Noun
Carry Age Carriage

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Arrive Al Arrival
Dominate Ance /ence Dominance
Write ing Writing
Manage Ment Management
Separate Tion Separation
Motivate Motivation
Divide Sion Division
Close Ure Closure
Defend Ant Defendant
Market Er Marketer
Sail Or Sailor
Type ist Typist

Deriving Nouns from Adjectives

To derive a noun from an adjective, add to that adjective, one of the following
Adjective Suffix Noun
Active Ion Action
Ity Activity
Lazy ness Laziness
Strong th Strength

Exercise 1
Create nouns from the words listed in the table below.
Word Noun

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Exercise 2
Use the correct form of word in brackets to complete the sentence.
a) Your _______________ to this job has been recognized. (commit)
b) _______________ of this word is difficult. (pronounce)
c) What is the ________________ of this table. (measure)
d) There has been great ______________ in her language. (develop)
e) I have heard this ______________ over and over. (narrate)
f) I prefer ___________________ course to medicine. (engine)
g) They should improve their level of __________________. (concentrate)
h) This professor is a great _____________. (history)
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i) I will pay for this phone in ________________. (install)

j) He can’t walk alone because of his _______________. (blind)


➢ Gender sensitive/neutral language is that which is free of stereotypes and biases.
➢ Avoid using gender-specific titles like poetess. Instead use “poet”.
➢ Avoid using expressions with generic term man. For example, don’t say “layman”.
Use ‘lay’ in stead.
➢ Make sure you use parallel constructions in correspondence. For example, Mr. and
Mrs. Gyle, but not, Alice and Mr. Gyle.
➢ The table below shows the gendered nouns and gender-neutral nouns.
Gendered Nouns Gender-Neutral Nouns
Man Person/individual
Freshman First-year student
Mankind People/human beings/humanity
Man-made Machine-made/synthetic
The common man Average person/ordinary person
To man To operate
Postman/mailman Mail carrier/letter carrier/postal
Policeman worker
Steward/stewardess Police officer
chairman Flight attendant
Congressman Chair/chairperson/coordinator
Dear sir Congress person/legislator
Cattleman Dear sir or madam
sportsman Cattle rancher
Cowboy Sportsperson
Workman Cowhand
Newspaperman Worker
Businessman Journalist
Foreman Business person
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Salesman Shift boss/ foreperson/ supervisor

Craftsman Salesperson
Clergyman Craftsperson
Fisherman Clergy/ clergyperson
Clansman Fishes folk
Watchman Clan member
Spokesman Security officer/security guard
headman Spokesperson
Chief/ head/leader

With Pronouns;
➢ Use sex-neutral third person as appropriate.
➢ Write both pronoun options.
➢ Use “she or he” or “she/he”
➢ A pronoun can be effective when we use an appropriate case (form). If this does
not happen, the reader may remain puzzled or distracted.
➢ There are three common pronoun cases:
• Subject pronouns (subjective case)
• Object pronouns (objective case)
• Possessive pronouns (possessive case)
(a) Subjective Case
➢ Used as the subject of a sentence or of a subordinate clause.
➢ The pronouns used in this position are:
• I
• We
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• You
• He
• She
• It
• They
➢ Also referred to “nominative case”. Examples,
(i) You called me the new student.
(ii) We are ready for the race.
(iii) I like it.
(iv) He runs faster.
(v) They never appreciate anything.
(b) Objective Case
➢ Pronouns in this case function as the recipients of the actions.
➢ They are used as objects of verbs or prepositions.
➢ The pronouns in this form include:
• Me
• Us
• You
• Him
• Her
• It
• Them
Examples in sentences
(i) It never rains on me.
(ii) Moraa bought him a flower.
(iii) She showed us around the town.
(iv) The baby has been named after you.
(c)Possessive Case
➢ They show who or what owns something.

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➢ The pronouns used in the possessive case include:

• Mine
• Ours
• Yours
• Hers
• His
• Its
• Theirs
Examples in Sentences
(i) The new phone is mine.
(ii) Of all the songs, it is yours I enjoyed the most.
(iii) His son is coming soon.
➢ All efforts should be made not to confuse one pronoun case with another.
In each sentence below, replace the underlined word(s) with an appropriate pronoun
(a)I sold my bike to Abdi.
(b) I sold my bike to Abdi and Yussra.
(c)I sold my bike to Abdi and Yussra.
(d) The bike’s brake was bad.
(e)Abdi gave the bike to Abdi and Yussra’s son.
(f) The son promised to pay his parents for the bike.
(g) The son’s girlfriend rode the bike into a fish pond.
(h) The pond belongs to me and my family, and my family and I are unhappy.
(i) The fish’s temper is almost as bad as my temper.
(j) Abdi and Yussra have offered to pay me and my family for the damage.

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➢ To demonstrate is to show, to indicate, or to point to.
➢ A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things:
(a)Near in distance or time, for example,
• This
• these
(b) Far in distance or time, for example,
• That
• Those
➢ Look at the examples in sentences
(a)This lasts longer.
(b) Have you seen that?
(c)Those were the days.
(d) Look at these.
Fill the blanks with: this, that, those, these.
1. _____________ one here is my friend.
2. I hate ____________ books over there. They lack so much.
3. Could you bring me _____________ chair I left outside.
4. ___________ bananas are sweet! Could you add me more?
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5. How could you buy a thing like __________? Get me the other one.

Transitive Verbs
➢ A transitive verb has two features:
• It is an action verb that expresses a doable activity. For example, eat, jump,
click, etc.
• It must have a direct object. A direct object is something or someone who
receives the action of the verb.
➢ A n indirect object can also be there but it preceds the direct object.
➢ Look at the sentences below and say whether the verbs in them have direct objects.
(i) Joan bought him an handkerchief.
(ii) Colman drew the picture.
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(iii) I eat bananas and mangoes.

(iv) My wrist watch costs a lot of money.
(v) Did you make coffee this morning?
(vi) My niece called me earlier yesterday.
➢ In the sentences that follow, the direct objects are in boldface while the indirect
objects are underlined.
(i) We can call you Martha.
(ii) Our parents teach us poems.
(iii) Alice wrote June a love poem.
(iv) Bring me a cup of tea please.
Intrasitive Verbs
➢ They can be followed by a complement.
➢ The complement is usually an adjective or an adverb.
➢ Study the sentences below.
(i) The athletes ran fast.
(ii) The food tastes insipid.
(iii) The rain rains every morning.
➢ In the three sentences above, the actions or states denoted by the verbs ‘ran’,
‘tastes’, and ‘rains’ are represented as remaining in the subjects ‘athletes’, ‘food’,
and ‘rain’, and not as passing over to an object.
➢ The three verbs do not require objects to complete the sense. They are called
intransitive verbs.
➢ An intrasitive verb is one that does not require an object to complete the sense.
➢ Some verbs are used both as transitive and intrasitive. For example,
• The bird flies. intransitive verb
• The boy flies his kite. Transitive verb

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Say whether the verb(s) in the sentence are transitive or intransitive.

a) Junior likes phones.
b) Jenifer brushes her teeth every morning.
c) I smile whenever I play games.
d) Richard sleeps 8 hours a day.
e) My boss offered me a new job.
f) The horse runs faster.
g) She promised me she would visit.
h) The family works in the field everyday.
i) Njeri cooks me dinner.
j) The food smells good.
k) I owe you hundred shillings.
l) All the candidates passed the test.

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➢ An infinitive is a type of verbal consisting of the word ‘to’ plus a verb. Examples
• To fly
• To enter
• To catch
• To belong
• To become
• To draw
• To stand etc
➢ The verb here should be in its simplest stem form.
➢ An infinitive functions as a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
Examples in Sentences
(i) Everyone wanted to leave.
(ii) To swim is my hobby.
(iii) You lack the strenth to resist.
➢ An infinitive has the following functions in a sentence:
a) As a subject of a verb, for example,
To cry is what I hate most.
b) As an object of a verb, for example,
She wants to go.
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c) As a subject complement, for example,

My dream is to fly.
d) As an adjective, for example,
He lacks the skill to swim.
Rewrite each of the following sentences using the verb in brackets. Be careful not to
change the meaning of the sentence.
a) I started reading. (read)
b) He stopped smoking. (smoke)
c) Writing is more difficult than reading. (write, read)
d) Jogging is a good exercise. (jog)
e) I like cycling. (cycle)
f) I enjoy swimming. (swim)

➢ A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb, or a combination of both, and
which creates a different meaning from the original verb.
➢ There are transitive phrasal verbs. They are those that can be followed by an object.
I ran into my old friend.
“my old friend” is the object of “ran into”
➢ There are also intransitive phrasal verbs. They cannot take an object. Example
Did he show up?
➢ Some transitive phrasal verbs have the object placed before the preposition.
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• We kept our relationship from my friends for sometime.

➢ Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object is only placed after the
preposition. For example,
• I always hand in my assignment in time.
• She is looking forward to mid term break.
➢ Some transitive phrasal verbs can take an object at both places – before and after
the preposition. For example,
• The brothers put out the fire before the firemen came.
• The brothers put the fire out before the firemen came.

The Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs

1. Ask (somebody) out – invite on a date
2. Ask around – ask several people the same question.
3. Add up to (something) – equal
4. Back (something) up—reverse
5. Back (somebody)up – offer support
6. Blow (sth) up – explode
7. Break down – stop working/functioning (of a machine, or a vehicle)
8. Break down – to be upset
9. Break (sth) down – divide it into smaller parts
10. Break in – enter a building forcibly
11. Break in – to interrupt
12. Break into (sth) – enter forcibly (house, etc)
13. Break out – escape
14. Break out in (sth) – develop a condition (skin)
15. Break up – end a relationship
16. Break up – start laughing
17. Bring (sbdy) down – cause the person to be unhappy
18. Bring (sbdy) up – raise a child
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19. Bring (sth) up – start talking about a topic

20. Bring (sth) up – vomit (one can bring the food up)
21. Call around – make phone calls to several people
22. Call (sbdy) back – return a phone call
23. Call (sth) off – cancel
24. Call on (sbdy) – ask for an opinion or an answer from someone
25. Call on (sbdy) – visit someone
26. Call (sbdy) up – phone the person
27. Calm down – after being angry, one calms down
28. Catch up – get to the same place/point as someone else
29. Check in – arrive, and register at a hotel or airport
30. Check out – leave a hotel
31. Check out(sbdy/sth) – to look at
32. Cheer up – become happier than before
33. Cheer (sbdy) up – make someone happier
34. Chip in—help
35. Clean (sth) up – to clean, or tidy something
36. Come across (sth) – unexpectedly find something
37. Come apart – separate
38. Come down with (sth) – become sick
39. Come forward – to give evidence or volunteer do something
40. Count on (sbdy/sth) – rely on
41. Cross (sth) out – draw a line through
42. Cut back on (sth) – consume less
43. Cut (sth) down – make something fall to the ground
44. Cut in – interrupt
45. Cut in – start operating(engine or an electrical device)
46. Cut (sth) off – stop providing (electricity, water, etc)
47. Cut (sth) off – remove with something sharp
48. Cut (sbdy) off – take out of a will
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49. Cut (sth) out – remove part of something (usually with a razorblade, or scissors)
50. Do away with (sth) – discard
51. Do (sth) up – close, or fasten
52. Dress up – wear nice clothing
53. Drop back – move back in a position
54. Drop by/in/over – come without an appointment
55. Drop (sbdy/sth) off – take someone/something somewhere and leave them/it
56. Drop out – quit a class, school, college, etc
57. Eat out – eat at a restaurant
58. End up – eventually decide/do/reach
59. Fall apart – break into pieces
60. Fall down – fall on the ground
61. Fall out – separate from an interior (pocket, for example).
62. Fall out – become loose and unattached (hair, teeth, etc)
63. Figure (sth) out – find an answer, understand
64. Fill (sth) in– to write information in blanks (eg on a form, questionnaire)
65. Fill (sth) up – fill to the top
66. Find out – discover
67. Get (sth) across/over – communicate, make something to be understood
68. Get along/ on – like each other
69. Get around – have mobility
70. Get away – go on a holiday
71. Get away with (sth) – do something without being punished
72. Get back – return
73. Get (sth) back – receive something you had before
74. Get back at (sbdy) – take revenge
75. Get back into (sth) – become interested in something again
76. Get on (sth) – step onto a vehicle
77. Get over (sth) – recover from an illness, loss, or difficulty
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78. Get over (sth) – overcome a problem

79. Get together – meet (for social reasons)
80. Get up – get out of bed
81. Get up – stand
82. Give (sbdy) away – reveal hidden information about someone
83. Give (sth) away – ruin a secret
84. Give (sth) away – give someone something for free
85. Give (sth) back – return a borrowed thing
86. Give in – stop fighting or arguing reluctantly
87. Give (sth) out – give something to many people (normally for free)
88. Give (sth) up – quit a habit
89. Give up – stop trying
90. Go after – follow someone
91. Go after (sth) – try to achieve something
92. Go against (sbdy) – compete, oppose someone
93. Go ahead – start, proceed
94. Go back – return to a place
95. Go out – leave home to on a certain social event
96. Go out with (sbdy) – date
97. Go over (sth) – review
98. Go over – visit somebody who is nearby
99. Grow apart – stop being friends over a period
100. Grow up – become an adult
101. Grow into (sth)– grow big enough to fit
102. Hand (sth) down– give something that has been used to someone else
103. Hand (sth) in – submit
104. Hand (sth) out – to distribute to a group of people
105. Hand (sth) over – unwillingly give something
106. Hang on – wait a short time
107. Hang out – spend time relaxing
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108. Hang up – end a phone call

109. Hold (sbdy/sth) back – prevent from doing or going
110. Hold (sth) back – hide an emotion
111. Hold on – wait a short time (formal)
112. Hold onto (sbdy/sth) – hold firmly using hands or arms
113. Hold (sbdy/sth) back – rob
114. Keep on doing (sth) – continue doing
115. Keep (sth) from (sbdy) – not tell
116. Keep (sbdy/sth) out – prevent from entering
117. Keep (sth) up – continue at the same rate
118. Let (sbdy )down – disappoint, fail to help
119. Let (sbdy) in – allow to enter
120. Look after (sbdy/sth) – take care of
121. Look down on – consider inferior, think less of
122. Look for (sbdy/sth) – try to find
123. Look forward to (sth) – be excited about the future
124. Look into (sth) – investigate
125. Look out – be careful, be vigilant, or take notice
126. Look out for (sbdy/sth) – take notice
127. Look (sth) over – check, examine
128. Look (sth) up – search and find information about something
129. Look up to (sbdy) – have a lot of respect for
130. Make (sth) up – invent, lie about something
131. Make up – forgive each other
132. Make (sbdy) up – apply cosmetics to someone
133. Mix (sth) up – confuse things
134. Pass away – die
135. Pass out – faint
136. Pass (sth) out – give the same thing to several people
137. Pass (sth) up – decline (normally something good)
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138. Pay (sbdy) back – return owed money

139. Pay for (sth) – be punished for doing something bad
140. Pick (sth) out – choose
141. Point (sbdy/sth) out – indicate using a finger
142. Put (sth) down – put what you are holding on a surface or floor
143. Put (sbdy) down – insult, make someone feel stupid
144. Put (sth) off – postpone
145. Put (sth) out – extinguish
146. Put (sth) together – assemble
147. Put up with (sbdy/sth) – tolerate
148. Put (sth) on – put clothing or accessories on your body
149. Run into (sbdy/sth) – unexpectedly meet
150. Run over (sbdy/sth) – drive a vehicle over a person or thing
151. Run over/ through (sth) – rehearse, review
152. Run away – escape, leave unexpectedly
153. Run out – have none left
154. Set (sth) up – arrange, organize
155. Set (sbdy) up – trick, trap
156. Shop around – compare prices
157. Show off – act as though special.
158. Sleep over – stay somewhere for the night
159. Sort (sth) out – organize, resolve a problem
160. Stick to – continue doing something, or limit yourself to a particular thing.
161. Switch (sth) off – stop the energy flow, turn off
162. Switch (sth) on – start the energy flow, turn on
163. Take after (sbdy) – resemble a family member
164. Take (sth) back – return an item
165. Take off – start to fly
166. Take (sth) off – remove something (especially clothing)
167. Take (sth) out – remove from a place or a thing
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168. Take (sbdy) out – pay for someone to go somewhere with you
169. Tear (sth) up – rip into pieces
170. Think back – remember
171. Throw (sth) away – dispose of
172. Turn (sth) down – decrease the volume or strength (of heat, light, etc)
173. Turn (sth) down – refuse
174. Turn (sth) off – stop the energy flow, switch off
175. Turn (sth) on – start the energy flow, switch on
176. Turn (sth) up – increase the volume or strength (of heat, light, etc)
177. Turn up – appear suddenly
178. Try (sth) out – test
179. Use (sth) up – finish the sipply
180. Wake up – stop sleeping
181. Warm (sth/sbdy) up – increase the temperature
182. Warm up – prepare body for exercise
183. Wear off – fade away
184. Work out – exercise
185. Work out – make a calculation
186. Work out – be successful

Examples in Sentences
1. I want to blow this balloon up now.
2. My wife and I broke up last month.
3. The thief broke out of the crowd without anyone noticing.
4. We are going to a far off place so you have to dress up.
5. We wanted to surprise her about the wedding but she found it out.

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Fill in the blank with a phrasal verb beginning with the correct form of verb in
1. ___________ the blanks with appropriate words. (fill)
2. His child’s teeth started to ____________ at the age of six. (fall)
3. I would advise we _____________ this syllabus. It has lost its meaning. (do)
4. Do not ________________ me _____________ when I am listening to the music.
5. Kimutai ___________________ malaria last week. (come)
6. Akinyi is trying to ___________ her point ___________ but the other students are
making noise. (get)
7. All the students have ____________ from their long December holidays. (get)
8. She ___________ free books to young children every month. (give)
9. The bad boy has finally ____________ drinking. (give)
10. They __________ their dog _________ whenever the visitors come. (hold)

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1. She was tickled pink by the good news.

Made very happy

2. You were hands down the best player on the team.

There was no competition

3. I've been feeling pretty down in the dumps lately.

Sad or depressed

4. I'm feeling sick as a dog!

Very sick

5. I've been feeling under the weather.

Not well

6. Rise and shine!

Wake up and be happy!

7. Close, but no cigar.

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You were very close, but you did not make it.

8. I could play outside till the cows come home.

For a very long time

9. Acid Test:

Acid test proves the effectivenes of


10. Cut the ground from under feet :

When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which
weakens their position.

11. Chase your tail:

Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too

12. Whole bag of tricks -

Means trying all the clever means to achieve something.

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13. Deliver the goods -

Do what is expected or promised.

14. Fine-tooth comb -

Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.

15. Explore all avenues

Trying out every possibility to get a result.

16. Fast track something -

Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result.

17. Get ducks in a row -

Getting your things well organized.

18. Get the show on the road -

Putting up a plan or idea into action.

19. Keep your fingers on the pulse -

Being constantly aware of the most recent developments.

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20. Mean business -

Being serious about what you announce.

21. Think on your feet -

Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.

22. Sail through something -

- Being successful in doing something without difficulty.

23. Tricks of the trade :

Meaning - Clever or expert way of doing something.

24. Not let grass grow under feet -

Meaning - Don't delay in getting something done.

25. Work like a charm -

Works very well or has the desired effect.

26. Back-room boys -

People who perform important work but have no contact with the public.

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27. Dead wood -

People or things which are no longer useful or necessary.

28. Get the axe -

Meaning - lose the job.

Example - The projects team was undergoing a major restructuring, recruitment

executives were the first to get the axe.

29. Plum job -

Desirable position which is well-paid and considered relatively easy .

Example - This looks like a plum job but it has its own bunch of complications.

30. Shape up or ship out -

This expression is used to warn someone that if they do not improvetheir ways, they
will have to leave their job.

31. Golden handshake -

Meaning - Big sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire.

32. Separate sheep from goats -

Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability

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33. Waiting in the wings -

Waiting for an opportunity to take action, mostly to replace someone else in their job.

Examples in Sentences
1) Since the teacher is about to retire, there are five other teachers in the waiting
wings to take his position.
2) At his retirement, he will be offered a golden handshake.
3) Teaching, to many, seems to be plum job to many young youths.

➢ A participle is a type of verbal.
➢ A verbal is a verb form that looks like a verb but does not act as the verb in a
➢ A participle functions as an adjective to modify a noun or a pronoun.
➢ There are three types of participles:
(a)Present Participles which is the “-ing” form.
(b) Past Participles. Regular verbs end in “-ed”, while irregular ones end in –
en, -n, -t, or various other endings.
(c)Perfect participle
• Used to shorten or combine clauses that have the same subject.
• One action is completed before the next one starts.
Examples in Sentences
Present Participle

• I am running.
• The lesson is boring.
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• He is afraid of swimming.
Past Participle

• The door was opened.

• I have written the letter.
• He was really bored.
Perfect Participle

• She bought a pen and ran to school.

• She arrived home and ate her lunch

➢ They are adjectives and adjective phrases that give approximate answers to the
questions like:
• How much?
• How many?
Examples of Quantifiers
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‘A few’ versus ‘A little’

➢ A few (for countable nouns) and a little (for uncountable nouns) describe the
quantity positively.
➢ These words can be used in the following ways:
• I have a few pens. This means perhaps not many, but enough.
• There is a little money left. It means there is enough to live on.
Few versus Little
➢ They describe quantity in a negative way.
➢ They can be used in the following ways:
• Few students visited the site last weekend. Almost none visited the site.
• I have little money left. Almost no money
A great number of/a large number of/a large quantity of are also quantifiers.
Cardinal Numbers versus Ordinal Numbers
➢ The cardinal numbers like one, three, ten, etc refer to the quantity.
➢ The ordinal numbers like first, third, tenth etc refer to distribution.
➢ In the sentences below, we can learn how they are used.
Number Cardinal Number Ordinal Number
3 Three days are enough. We will be through by the third
13 Call me the thirteen The thirteenth girl will be
girls. punished.

33 There are thirty three The thirty-third student will have

students who sat for the to resit the exams.

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➢ A predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and the subject of
the linking verb.
➢ A predicate adjective contrasts with an attributive adjective, which typically sits
immediately before the noun it modifies.
➢ Study the two sentences below.
(i) The dress is expensive.
(ii) The expensive dress has been bought.
➢ In the first sentence, adjective ‘expensive’ comes after the linking verb “is”. It is
therefore predicative.
➢ In the second sentence, it sits before the verb . it has been used attributively.
➢ Look at the sentences and phrases below. The adjective in boldface has been used
attributively, while the one underlined, predicatively.
• This sea is blue.
• The blue will be visited.
• The boys are happy.
• The happy boys are coming.

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➢ There are rules that help one form adverbs. These rules are:
1. Adverbs are formed by mostly adding –ly to an adjective. Examples

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Adjective Adverb
Cheap cheaply
Slow slowly
Quick quickly
• If the adjective ends in –y, replace the “y” with “i” and add “-ly”. For example,
Adjective Adverb
Easy Easily
Lucky Luckily
Happy Happily
Angry Angrily
• If the adjective ends in –able, “-ible”, or “-le”, replace the “-e” with “-y”.
Adjective Adverb
Probable Probably
Terrible Terribly
Gentle Gently
• If the adjective ends in “-c”, add “-ally”. Examples,
Adjective Adverb

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Basic basically
Tragic tragically
Economic economically
2. Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective, for example,
Adjective Adverb
Early Early
Fast Fast
Hard Hard
High High
Wrong Wrong
Staright Straight
Near Near
Late Late
Read the sentence and note whether the word has been used as an adjective or as an

• It is a fast car.
• The car was driven fast.
• It is a hard assignment.
• The assignment is hard.
3. “Well” and “good”
Well is just an adverb correspondent of the adjective “good”.
Look at the sentences below:
• She is a good pianist.
• She plays piano well.
• They are good writers.
• They write well.

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➢ Adverbs are words which describe or modify other verbs. For example,

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• The athlete ran quickly.

• The new student acts stupidily.
• He left yesterday.
➢ Adverbs also modify other adverbs. For example,
• The student very easily wrote the answers.
• The student behaves really stupidly.
➢ Adverbs also modify adjectives. For example,
• The very beautiful girl won his heart.
• This tea is extremely hot.
➢ An adverb can also modify prepositional phrase, for example,
• The boy was punished just outside the staffroom.
➢ An adverb at times modifies the whole sentence, for example,
Luckily, we met the man we have always wanted to see.

Underline the adverbs in the sentences below and then identify how each functions in
the sentence.
a) The girl hardly ever believes what she is told.
b) The very tall tree was cut this morning.
c) Certainly, the man chose the wrong way.
d) We noticed that the cow was almost in the water.
e) The new student gladly followed all the instructions given.
f) This wall was frantically painted.

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The three are all used in joining ideas.
➢ Connectors join separate ideas in two sentences or paragraphs.
➢ Connectors usually come at the start of a sentence.
➢ Examples are:
❖ Firstly, next, meanwhile, consequently, etc
Examples in Sentences
1. I like dancing. Furthermore, I enjoy skating.
2. John was on the way to my home. Meanwhile, my son was busy preparing them

➢ They join ideas in a single sentence.
➢ Examples of conjunctions are:
❖ Even if
❖ Because
❖ Even though, etc

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Example in a Sentence
I like him because he is kind to me.
➢ They express relations between parts of a sentence.
➢ The following are examples of prepositions:
❖ Above
❖ Against
❖ Before
❖ At etc

➢ They connect two equal grammatical items.
➢ They must always connect two elements that are grammatically similar, meaning
same structure applies.If, for instance, a noun follows “either”, then a noun will
also follow “or”. Look at these examples,
(i) In the evening, Kilonzo will either wash the clothes or clean the house.
(ii) Neither the boy nor the girl has visited their parents in the past one week.
➢ Below are some common correlative conjunctions pairs.
• As—as
• Both – and
• Either – or
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• Neither – nor
• Not only – but also
• Whether – or
➢ When using correlative conjunctions, be careful about:
• Verb agreement;
• Pronoun agreement ; and
• Parallel structure.
(a)Verb Agreement
The second subject must agree with the verb that follows it when you connect two
subjects with a correlative conjunction. For example,
(i) Neither Kamau nor the two girls come to school late. Or
(ii) Neither the two girls nor Kamau comes to school late.
It is incorrect to say:
(i) Neither Kamau nor the two girls comes to school late. Or
(ii) Neither the two girls nor Kamau come to school late.
(b) Pronoun Agreement
When you connect two antecedents with a correlative conjunction, the second one
must agree with the pronoun that follows it. For instance,
(i) Neither Kamau nor the two girls understood why their teacher punished them.
(ii) Neither the two girls nor Kamau understood why his teacher punished them.
(c)Parallel Structure
➢ Maintain parallel structure when you use the correlative conjunctions. This is
because the two connected elements must be balanced.
➢ Most often you can correct any mismatched grammatical items that prevent parallel
structure by simply adding a word to create the same type of phrase or by
rearranging how a sentence is worded. The two sentences below are incorrect,
(i) It was both a long name and difficult to pronounce.
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(ii) Valentine is a time not only for exchanging flowers, but also for spending
time with the loved ones.
➢ When corrected they will be:
(i) The name was both long and difficult to pronounce. Or
It was both a long name and a difficult one to pronounce.
(ii) Valentine is a time not only for exchanging flowers, but also for spending
time with the loved ones.

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➢ An adjective phrase tells us something about the noun it is modifying.
➢ The principal word in an adjective phrase is an adjective. Examples,
• Cheap but nice
• Unhappy with
• So hot
➢ The examples in sentences are,
• This dress looks cheap but nice.
• Linet is unhappy with her boss.
• This is so hot.
➢ At times, a word group work as an adjective. Read the sentences below:
• He is a doctor with a lot of experience.
• He is an experienced doctor.

➢ In the first sentence, ‘a lot of experience’ is an adjective phrase. In the second,

‘experienced’ has served the same purpose as the phrase in the first.
Replace the underlined adjective with an equivalent adjective phrase. The first one has
been done for you.
a) He has bought a metallic door.
He has bought a door made of metal.
b) Husband wore a golden ring.
c) A white cow was slaughtered.
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d) He lives in a stone house.

e) I have passed several sleepless nights.
f) The white used the Ugandan railway.
g) Heroic deeds are worth praises.
h) Theirs was a brave act.
i) It was a horrible movie.
j) Many Kenyans talk about English league.
k) This teacher is a wealthy person.

➢ A prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun,
gerund, or clause, which is the object of the preposition.
➢ The object of the preposition usually has one or more modifiers descrbing it.
➢ Below are patterns for prepositional phrases:
• Preposition+Noun, for example, at home, on time
• Preposition + Pronoun, for example, with him
• Preposition + Gerund, for example, by dancing
• Preposition + Clause, for example,
He is telling us a story about the lion who killed my cat
Preposition Noun Clause
• Preposition + modifier + noun/pronoun/geund/clause, for example,
Under the big table
preposition modifiers noun
➢ The sentences that follow have prepositional phrases. Underline them and identify
their parts.

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• I received this letter from my sister.

• Before break, the teacher asked us to collect our books.
• The pen on the floor is new.
• He drove the car along the busy, two-lane highway.
Complete the sentences below with appropriate prepositions. From the completed
sentence, write the prepositional phrase in it.
(a)Do your parents live _____________ Nairobi?
(b) We will go out to dinner ___________ Friday night.
(c)The keys are _______________ the kitchen cupboard.
(d) He drove the car __________________ excessively worrying.
(e)He is stiff ____________ yesterday’s long exercise.
(f) Angela has been diognosed ___________ malaria.
(g) The plane touched down ____________ difficulty.
(h) A matatu transported them ___________ their hotel comfortably.
(i) We all laughed when Njuguna came to school ___________ his pyjamas.
(j) I would rather have coffee ________________ of porridge.
(k) He is standing here_________ his friend.
(l) ____________ fire, use the emergency window.
(m) _______________ the rains, we went out.
(n) ___________ the whole, they like that teacher.
(o) We are pleased with your perfomance _________ general.

➢ A dependent clause that acts as a noun is the noun clause.
➢ A noun clause can begin in any of the following words:
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• When
• How
• What
• Where
• Whoever
• Whichever
• Whomever
• Whom
• Whether
• Whatever
• Why

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➢ Noun clauses perform the following functions in sentences:

i. Act as subjects, for example,
✓ Whoever wishes the king death is a big fool.
in above, “whoever wishes the king death” is the noun clause and acts as
the subject.
This clause contains “whoever” which is the subject, and a verb “wishes”.
✓ That he is a polygamist is known to you.
ii. Act as objects of verbs. Consider the sentence below.
✓ The king ordered that the man should be stoned to death.
The noun clause in boldface is the object of the verb “ordered”.
✓ Remember to buy whoever loves you a flower.
The clause in bold is the indirect object.
iii. Act as objects of the prepositions, for example,
✓ Give the pen to whomever you like to.
It is the object of the preposition “to”.

Exercise 1
Underline the noun clause in each sentence.
1. That you hate him is your own problem.
2. You cannot rely on what David says.
3. It is true that his father has passed on.
4. The news that more than 100 soldiers were killed is a big lie.
5. It was unfortunate that the terrorist escaped.
6. He wondered whether the King learnt of the news.
7. I will punish whoever fails this test.
8. I can give this to whomever pleases me most.

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Exercise 2
Put the words in brackets in their correct order to fill the blank space.
1. I wonder _____________________ wait for her. (should how we long)
2. Do you know ________________ ? (be will what weather the )
3. He told me _________________ . (not would that go he)
4. I don’t know _____________ . (he gone has where)
5. Mr. Moris asked _____________ . (was my how family )
1) I wonder how long we should wait for her.
2) Do you know what the weather will be?
3) He told me that he would not go.
4) I don’t know where he has gone.
5) Mr. Moris asked how my family was.

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➢ Also referred to as adjectival or relative clause.
➢ An adjective clause must meet such requirements as:
• It contains a subject, and a verb.
• It begins with a relative pronoun (like who, whom, whose, that, or which) or
with a relative verb (for example, when, where, or why)
• It functions as an adjective. The adjective in this case answers the questions,
‘Which one?’, ‘How many?’, or ‘What kind?’
➢ There are two patterns followed by an adjective clause:
(i) Relative pronoun/adverb + subject + verb, for example,
• Whose bag was stolen.
relative subject verbs


• Why Kim cannot stand that smell.

relative subject verbs

(ii) Relative pronoun (which is the subject)+ verb, for example,
• Who jumped over the fence.
relative pronoun verb

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➢ In a sentence, we can have something like,
• Juma is the boy whose bag was stolen.
• He is allergic to bad smell is one reason why Kim cannot stand that smell.
Punctuating an Adjective Clause
➢ Before you decide to use a comma, you have to decide whether the clause is
essential or nonessential.
➢ Essential ones require commas while the others do not.
➢ The first example has an nonessential clause, while the second, a n essential
• Transline Galaxy, which people don’t like, is often fast.
• The new boy who everyone likes is my favourite student.

Combine the pair of sentences to make one sentence using an adjective clause.
The first one has been done for you.
(a)I met Akinyi in town. Akinyi is a thief.
I met Akinyi, who is a thief, in town.
(b) The man was sick. He looked very pale.
(c)He was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded.
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(d) A nurse was nearby. The man called to her.

(e)The nurse called the doctor. The doctor came quickly.
(f) The doctor asked him to lie down. The doctor looked very worried.
(g) The doctor gave the man an injection. The injection made him go to sleep.

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➢ They are used to express that the action in the main clause can only take place if a
certain condition is fulfilled.
➢ There are various subordinating conjunctions used in joining the clauses. Some of
them are:
• If
• Unless
• Only
• Until
“If” Clauses
➢ It consists of two parts.
➢ The first part is the condition. It is the half with the word “if”.
➢ The other part is the action to occur if the condition is fulfilled. This half is the
main clause.
➢ Consider:
What will happen when you see the president?
If I see the president I will be very happy.
The action that will occur when this person sees the president is being happy.
Examples in Sentences
(i) You will have to walk if you miss the 6 am bus.
(ii) If you find the door open, kindly close it.
(iii) If the Israelites had not broken the covenant, the covenant wouldn’t have
been renewed.
(iv) If I have a problem, he always help.

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Unless Clauses
➢ Basically, it means the same thing as,”if ….not.”
➢ Example in a sentence.
You will fail unless you work hard. Or
Unless you work hard, you will fail.
The first sentence means, “you will fail if you don’t work hard.”
The second means, “If you work hard, you will not fail.” Or “if you work hard, you
will pass.”
More Examples
(i) I will arrive at 9 unless I wake up late.
(ii) Unless I am very busy, I will write you a letter.
(iii) You will remain unhappy unless you stop seeing her.

Use the correct form of words in brackets to complete the sentences below.
1. She _______________ (forgive) unless you tell her the truth.
2. We _____________ (pass) the exams if we don’t work harder.
3. _______________(if/unless) she ____________ (take) a painkiller, she
_________ (feel) much better soon.
4. _________ (if/unless) they __________ (be) here next week, they _________
(try) to go to Warda’s party.
5. _____________ (you/go) to the party __________ (if/unless) she __________
(send) you an invitation card?

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➢ We often have to give information about what people say or think.
➢ To give such information, one has to use direct (quoted) speech, or indirect
(reported) speech.
(a)Direct/Quoted Speech
➢ This is the saying of exactly what someone has said.
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➢ What a person says is within quotation (“….”)

➢ What is said is word for word. For example,
• “I will take you out tomorrow,” Timothy said.
• He complained, “your phone is always off.”
(b) Indirect/Reported Speech
➢ There is no use of quotation to enclose what the person said.
➢ What is said doesn’t have to be word for word.
➢ The verb usually changes when reporting. This is because we normally report
something said in the past.

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➢ The past tense is used as what was originally spoken was done in the past
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
She said, “It is going to rain.” She said it was going to
The singer said, “I have been singing since 2010.” The singer said he had been
singing since 2010.
The teacher said, “I will teach tomorrow.” The teacher said he would
teach the next day.

➢ Expressions of Time if Reported on a Different Day

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
This (evening/afternoon/month etc) That
Today That day
These (days/months etc) Those
Now Then
(a day/a month etc) after (a day/a week/ etc)Before
Last weekend The weekend before or the
Here previous weekend
Next (week/year etc) There
Tomorrow the following
Day after tomorrow the next day/ the following day
Yesterday in two days time
The day before yesterday the day before/ the previous day
two days before

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Exercise 1
Word Noun
Clean Cleaner
Teach Teacher
Advise Advisor
Animate Animator
Audit Auditor
Govern Governor/ governance /government
Operate Operator/operation
Conduct Conductor
Negotiate Negotiator/ negotiation
Play Player/play/playwright
Supervise Supervisor
Determine Determination
Supply Supplier
Drum Drummer
Publish Publisher
Observe Observant/observation
Build Builder/building
Materialize Materialism
Capture Captive
Move Movement

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Exercise 2
a) Commitment
b) Pronunciation
c) Measurement
d) Development
e) Narrative
f) Engineering
g) Concentration
h) Historian
i) Installment
j) Blindness


a) I sold my bike to Abdi. him

b) I sold my bike to Abdi and Yussra. us
c) I sold my bike to Abdi and Yussra. it
d) The bike’s brake was bad. its
e) Abdi gave the bike to Abdi and Yussra’s son. their
f) The son promised to pay his parents for the bike. he
g) The son’s girlfriend rode the bike into a fish pond. his
h) The pond belongs to me and my family, and my family and I are unhappy. Us, we
i) The fish’s temper is almost as bad as my temper. Its, mine
j) Abdi and Yussra have offered to pay me and my family for the damage. They, us

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1. This
2. Those
3. That
4. These
5. That

a) Junior likes phones. Transitive
b) Jenifer brushes her teeth every morning. Transitive
c) I smile whenever I play games.
Smile: intransitive
d) Richard sleeps 8 hours a day. Intransitive
e) My boss offered me a new job. Transitive
f) The horse runs faster. Intransitive
g) She promised me she would visit. Transitive
h) The family works in the field everyday. Intransitive
i) Njeri cooks me dinner. Transitive
j) The food smells good. Intransitive
k) I owe you hundred shillings. Transitive
l) All the candidates passed the test. Transitive


1) Fill in
2) Fall out
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3) Do away with
4) Cut, in
5) Came down with
6) Get, across/over
7) Gotten back
8) Gives out
9) Given up
10) Hold, back


(a)I started reading.

I started to read.
(b) He stopped smoking.
He stopped to smoke.
(c)Writing is more difficult than reading.
To write is more difficult than to read.
(d) Jogging is a good exercise.
To jog is a good exercise.
(e)I like cycling.
I like to cycle.
(f) I enjoy swimming.
I enjoy to swim.

(e)Idiomatic Expressions

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a) The students worked around the clock. They completed the project.
Working around the clock, the students completed the project.
b) The student was frustrated by lack of progress. The student dropped out of
Frustrated by the lack of progress, the student dropped out of school.
The student frustrated by lack of progress dropped out of school.
c) The dog was wounded. The dog stumbled through the muddy field.
The wounded dog stumbled through the muddy field.
Wounded, the dog stumbled through the muddy field.
d) The man threw out the television. The television was broken.
The man threw out the broken television.
e) Martha was listening to loud music. Martha could not hear her parent calling.
Listening to the loud music, Martha could not hear her parent calling.
f) The man was sitting in the library. He was reading a newspaper.
Sitting in the library, the man was reading a newspaper.
g) She walked home. She met an old friend.
Walking home, she met an old friend.
h) The dog wagged its tail. It bit the thief.
Wagging its tail, the dog bit the thief.
i) The technician was working in the lab. He cut his finger.
Working in the lab, the technician cut his finger.
j) Njoroge was relaxing on his chair. Njoroge fell asleep.
Relaxing on his chair, Njoroge fell asleep.
k) The man was disappointed. He stomped his foot and left angrily.
Disappointed, the man stomped his foot and left angrily.


a) The girl hardly ever believes what she is told.
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It modifies the adverb ‘ever’.

b) The very tall tree was cut this morning.
It modifies adjective ‘tall’.
c) Certainly, the man chose the wrong way.
It modifies the sentence, ‘The man chose the wrong way.’
d) We noticed that the cow was almost in the water.
It modifies prepositional phrase ‘in the water’.
e) The new student gladly followed all the instructions given.
It modifies the verb ‘followed’.
f) This wall was frantically painted.
It modifies the verb ‘painted’.

a) He has bought a metallic door.
He has bought a door made of metal.
b) Her husband wore a golden ring.
Her husband wore a ring made of gold.
c) A white cow was slaughtered.
A cow with white skin was slaughtered.
d) He lives in a stone house.
He lives in a house built of stone.
e) I have passed several sleepless nights.
I have passed several nights without sleep.
f) The white used the Ugandan railway.
The white used the railway running through Uganda.
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g) Heroic deeds are worth praises.

Deeds of heroism are worth praises.
h) Theirs was a brave act.
Theirs was an act of bravery.
i) It was a horrible movie.
It was a movie full of horror.
j) Many Kenyans talk about English league.
Many Kenyans talk about the league of England.
k) This teacher is a wealthy person.
This teacher is a person of great wealth.

a) In , in Nairobi
b) On, on Friday night
c) In, in the kitchen cupboard
d) Without, without excessively worrying
e) From, from yesterday’s long exercise
f) With, with malaria
g) Without, without difficulty
h) To, to their hotel comfortably
i) In his pyjamas
j) Instead of, instead of porridge
k) on behalf, on behalf of his friend
l) in case of, in case of fire
m)in spite of, in spite of the rains
n) on, on the whole
o) in, in general

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Exercise 1
1) That you hate him is your own problem.
2) You cannot rely on what David says.
3) It is true that his father has passed on.
4) The news that more than 100 soldiers were killed is a big lie.
5) It was unfortunate that the terrorist escaped.
6) He wondered whether the King learnt of the news.
7) I will punish whoever fails this test.
8) I can give this to whoever pleases me most.
Exercise 2
1. I wonder how long we should wait for her.
2. Do you know what the weather will be?
3. He told me that he would not go.
4. I don’t know where he has gone.
5. Mr. Moris asked how my family was.

(a)I met Akinyi in town. Akinyi is a thief.
I met Akinyi, who is a thief, in town.
(b) The man was sick. He looked very pale.
The man who was sick looked very pale.
(c)He was sitting in the emergency room. It was very crowded.
The emergency room, where the he was sitting, was very crowded.
(d) A nurse was nearby. The man called to her.
The man called the nurse who was nearby.
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(e)The nurse called the doctor. The doctor came quickly.

The doctor, who was called by the nurse, came quickly.
(f) The doctor asked him to lie down. The doctor looked very worried.
The doctor, who looked very worried, asked him to lie down.
(g) The doctor gave the man an injection. The injection made him go to sleep.
The doctor gave the man an injection, which made him go to sleep.
1. She will not forgive you unless you tell her the truth.
2. We will not pass the exams if we don’t work harder.
3. If she takes a painkiller, she will feel much better soon.
Unless she takes a painkiller, she will not feel much better soon.
4. If they will be here next week, they will try to go to Warda’s party.
Unless they will be here next week, they will not try to go to Warda’s party.
5. Will you go to the party if she sends you an invitation card?



➢ Cohesion refers to how a group of sentences "hang together."

➢ Consider the paragraph below:

Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by
scientists studying black holes in space. A black hole is created by the collapse of a
dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble. So much matter compressed
into so little volume changes the fabric of space around it in puzzling ways.


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➢ Transitions are words or phrases that specify a relationship between sentences and
between paragraphs.
➢ They help direct the reader from one idea to another.
➢ Below are some common transitional words:

To Specify again, also, and, and then, besides, finally, first . . . second . . .
Sequence third, furthermore, last, moreover, next, still, too

To Specify Time after a few days, after a while, afterward, as long as, as soon as,
at last, at that time, before, earlier, immediately, in the
meantime, in the past, lately, later, meanwhile, now, presently,
simultaneously, since, so far, soon, then, thereafter, until, when

To Specify again, also, in the same way, likewise, once more, similarly

To Specify Contrast although, but, despite, even though, however, in contrast, in

spite of, instead, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on
the one hand . . . on the other hand, regardless, still, though, yet

To Specify after all, for example, for instance, indeed, in fact, of course,
Examples specifically, such as, the following example, to illustrate

To Specify Cause accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason,

and Effect hence, if . . . then, since, so, then, therefore, thereupon, thus, to
this end

To Specify Place above, adjacent to, below, beyond, closer to elsewhere, far,
farther on, here, near, nearby, opposite to, there, to the left, to
the right

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To Specify although it is true that, granted that, I admit that, it may appear
Concession that, naturally, of course

To Specify as a result, as has been noted, as I have said, as mentioned

Summary, earlier, as we have seen, in any event, in conclusion, in other
Repetition, or words, in short, on the whole, therefore, to summarize

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The Colon

➢ The colon expands on the sentence that precedes it, often introducing a list that
demonstrates or elaborates whatever was previously stated.


• There are three things I hate: eating while walking, being late for the lesson, and
being abused.
• She brought various fruits: bananas, mangoes, guavas, and apples.
• Your problem is one: talking too much.

➢ The colon is also used to divide the hour from the minutes in writing a time in


• 12:30
• 11:10


➢ The semicolon is somewhere between a full stop and a comma.

➢ Semicolons can be used to join phrases and sentences that are thematically linked
without having to use a conjunction, for example,
I did not go out; it was raining.
Jane is tall; Albert is short.

➢ Dashes can be used to add parenthetical statements or comments in much the same
way as you would use brackets.
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➢ In formal writing you should use the bracket rather than the dash as a dash is
considered less formal.
➢ Dashes can be used to create emphasis in a sentence.


• He might emerge the winner – you can’t tell..

• She might come to the party - you never know.


➢ We keep track of everything we need to do.
➢ Your reminder will help you get things done by including relevant information like
phone numbers.
➢ A reminder helps one remember important occasions and appointments.
Sample Reminder 1
DATE: 11th February, 2016
TIME: 4.15 p.m.
PLACE: Staffroom
I will be having an appointment in the staffroom with
Mr. Kanjira. To carry with me are:
• Two pens (blue and black)
• Notebook
I should be punctual.

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Sample Reminder 2
Saturday 13th 3.00 pm Pschology Room 45
March Lectures
Friday 19th 2.00 pm Appointment St
March with Dr Joseph’s
James Hospital
Monday 22nd 8.00 am Guidance College
March and chapel
Tuesday 23rd 4.30 pm Shopping TRM

(b) Personal Journals

As discussed earlier.

➢ A Thank You Note is thoughtful way to express your gratitude and appreciation for
someone who has done something great for you.
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➢ The note doesn’t have to be long to be meaningful. Your thoughts count more.
Elements of a Thank You Note
1. Date
2. Salutation
3. Personalizing the note. Think of one or two specific instances when you were
helped by the person.
4. Concluding the note. Say thank you again to the person.
5. Sign
Sample Thank You Note
9th April, 2016

Dear Ms Becky:

I am writing to thank you for everything you did last

year to help me prepare for my exams.

I really appreciated when you asked me to be

coming to see you whenever I had difficulty in your
subject. You also advised me to work harder in class.
But more than that, you guided me on how to answer
questions in the exams.

All the support you gave me helped me receive the

grade I have received. I could have never received
anything near this grade without you. Thank you.

Murkomen Abdi

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➢ We always recognize the accomplishments by others.
➢ Writing a congratulatory note adds warmth to the relationships.
➢ We write congratulations notes incase of the following achievements:
• Promotion(job, class)
• Retirement
• Graduation
• New title
• New job
• Scholarship
• Successful speech
• Birth
• Engagement
• Marriage
• Winning competition
The Dos when Writing Congratulations Note
➢ Write soon after hearing the news.
➢ Use the word “congratulations” early.
➢ Tell the person how impressed you are.
➢ Express your wishes for the person’s continued success.
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Steps to Writing Congratulatory Note

Writing The person might like see Dear Aliow,
Salutation their own name written.
Offering • Done early. Congratulation on
Congratulations • Mention the occasion. your promotion to
deputy principal!
Express your Tell them how impressed I was thrilled when I
happiness. you are. heard the news!
Relate the Relate something about the Ever since we worked
person’s person that could have led to together at Maragua
achievement their achievement. Muslim Girls’ School,
with something. I knew you were one
of the best. I am very
glad that your passion
for teaching has been
Sending wishes • Assure them that there Best of luck in your
for continued achievement is just one of new position. I hope
success. the many others on nthe that this is just the start
way. of the many more
• Wish them the best. successes to come.
Closing • Add a closing remark. Best Wishes,
• Choose from the list:
(i) Sincerely, Fardoly Mohamed
(ii) Sincerely yours,
(iii) Regards,
(iv) Warm regards,
(v) Yours Truly,
(vi) Cordially,
(vii) Best wishes,
• Write your name after
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Juma Maxwel, your elser brother has just got a new job after working in another
company for two years. In his new place of work he will be receiving twice the salary
he used to be offered in the previous company. Write him a note congratulating him.
(c)Condolences Notes
➢ Writing a condolence note is not an easy thing to do. This is because we often don’t
know what to say. Because of this, we may even put the task off until the time to
write has seemingly passed.
➢ In a condolence note, we reflect our genuine thoughts and feelings.
➢ Keep your message short yet thoughtful.
➢ Try as much as possible to mention a fond or funny memory of the deceased if you
knew them.
Steps to Writing Condolence Note
(i) Introduce your note. Example,
I was deeply saddened when I learned about Joan’s passing.
I was deeply saddened by the news of Joan’s passing.
We are very saddened to hear your recent loss of Joan.
(ii) Express your condolences, referring to the person’s death as a “loss”. For
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. My thoughts are with
you and your family during this difficult time.
(iii) Share a short story or memory you have about the deceased. It will allow the
bereaved know how much their loved ones meant to you. Probably it will give
them a reason to at least smile if not to laugh. If possible, tell them that the
deceased will be missed. For example,
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Joan was a source of inspiration to me. I will never forget her!

Joan spent her time serving others. I am very grateful o have known her.
If you don’t know the person who has passed, you may say:
I will always remember your stories about…..
I will always remember how much you loved ….
(iv) Acknowledge the cause of death especially if it comes after a long period of
suffering or illness. For example,
I know Joan experienced a great deal of suffering since she was diognosed
with cancer. I pray that you find comfort in knowing that she is no longer in
any pain.
(v) Offer some assistance. Give specific ways in which you would like to help. For
In this stressful moment, please let me know whether I can help in any way.
I would like to ……….
(vi) Sum up your note using an appropriate phrase. You can choose from the list
• You are in my thoughts
• With Deepest Sympathy
• With Heartfelt Condolences,
• Thinking of you
• My sincere sympathy
• I’m praying for you

Your friend’s sister has passed on following the road accident on the eve of the new
year. That same day you spend most of the time with her before she meets her

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tragedy. Write a note to Angela expressing how you feel about the sudden death of
Mary, her sister.

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➢ A telegram is a text message sent by wire using Morse code.
➢ The codes are transcribed into language and printed.
➢ Telegrams can be sent all over the world within a couple of hours.

1. Wording telegrams
• The right way of wording is economical, while the wrong way is wasteful.
• Avoid unnecessary words—words that might be omitted without impairing
the sense of the message.

2. Writing figures
• The suffixes ‘th’, ‘rd’, ‘nd’ appended to figures are counted as words.
• Spell the words as ‘fourth’ instead of ‘4 th ’etc.
3. Get rid of small connecting words such as ‘a’, ‘the, etc’.
4. Make use of sharp sentences and phrases.

Sample Telegram
Sender’s Name:
Sender’s Address:
Receipient’s Name:
Receipient’s Address:

Dear Allan,
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Your sister who lives in Chicago, USA, has delivered of a baby girl. Write her a
telegram congratulating her on arrival of the new baby.

(a) Letters of Application
➢ Also known as cover letter, a letter of application is a document sent together
with your curriculum vitae to provide additional information on your skills to
your prospective employer.
➢ Detailed information on why you are qualified for the job should be provided.
➢ This letter will let your prospective employer know what position you are
applying for.
Letter of Application Format
In the table that follows, all that should be included in a letter of application are
Item Explanation Example
Sender’s Address • Write the KIMITI NJERI
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name(yours or an P.O. BOX 777 –

institution’s) 40400
• Postal address SUNA-MIGORI
• Write the name
of the city after.
Date In full 23RD July, 2016
Receiver’s Address • Start with the
position of the
• Write the name
of the institution.
• Add the box
• Lastly, write the
town or city.
Salutation Let it be formal.
In regards to (written
First Paragraph Here:
• Mention the job
you are applying
• Mention where
you found the
Middle Paragraphs • Mention why
your skills and
experience are a
good fit for the

Last Paragraph • Say thank you to

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your recipient for

considering your
• Note how you
will follow up.
Signature • End your letter
with your
• Write your name
after it

Sample Letter of Application

Vijana Werevu High School

Box 888 – 30200


January, 2016

The Director
Makusudi Secondary School
P.O. Box 434 – 50000

Dear Sir/Madam:

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I am writing to express my interest in the position of teaching English

and Literature that has arisen with your school and that was listed in the
Wednesday Nation on 31st December, 2015. I believe I am an excellent
fit for this position, given a chance. Besides teaching the two, I also
teach History and Physical Education. I am a 2013, diploma graduate
from Nikufunze Teachers’ Training College.

I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to

details. I am also quick to learn new skills as well as to learn from
others. I am keen to work for a school with a great reputation like
Makusudi Secondary School. I have the enthusiasm and determination to
make ensure that I make success of the position when offered it.

I enjoy training students and helping them build confidence in their

ability to achieve, both academically and socially. In addition, I have
computer skills that will be a great asset when developing class

Find my curriculum vitae attached.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look
forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,
[sign here]

Seen Later


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A job has just been advertised. You have been a doctor for three years. When you see
this advert you feel like you have to apply for the job. Write your curriculum vitae
you will attached in your letter of application.

➢ Synopsis answers the question: What is the story of the novel, play, etc?
➢ Just write what happens in the book.
➢ Often not long, so try to capture only pertinent details.
➢ Go into the detail about the setting.
The River and the Source Synopsis

The novel begins with the birth of a girl child.


Assume you are the author of “Caucasian Chalk Circle”. The play has not been
published. When you ask the publishers to publish it, they tell you to write the
synopsis of the play before they consider publishing it. Write its synopsis.

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➢ A report is a systematic, well organized document which defines a problem, and
analyses it.
➢ Reports are written following research or study on a currently trending topic.
➢ There are short and long reports.
➢ A report has sections, and sub sections
➢ There are elements found in both the short and the long reports. They include:
• Heading
• Introduction. Here we include things such as:
(i) Date
(ii) Officer to whom the report is presented
(iii) Committee members (if done as a group)
(iv) Terms of reference. This is where we write the objective of the study.
• Methods of data collection. How the information was gathered is discussed
here. The different methods of collecting data are use of:
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(i) Questionnaires
(ii) Observation
(iii) Interviews

• Findings. State what you learned.

• Conclusions
• Recommendations. State how the findings can help improve the situation.

➢ Reports are always:

• Accurate;
• Concise;
• Clear; and
• Well structured.
Sample Report
The principal asked a group of students to find out the reasons why there
is high drop out among girls at Naivasha School. The committee
1. Njagi Cool
2. Kimotho Macha
3. Jane Kilonzo
The study started on 3rd February and ended on 10th of the same month.

The group used different methods to gather the information. The
following are the methods used collect data:
(a) Questionnaire
About five students, among them three girls were issued with
questionnaires that they filled with ease. At first they were not ready to
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do so but when they were assured a token, they were more willing to
respond. They took approximately ten minutes each to provide response
to the questions and prompts.

(b) Interviews
One of the committee members, Kimotho Macha, was appointed to lead
in interviewing two students. The two students gave several reasons for
the high drop out. One of them even wanted to have been included in the
committee. The interviews were conducted at the school quadrangle.

One week was enough for the committee members to study the other
students. It was noted, in the way they talk in small groups, why they
drop out. In fact one of the female students left the school before the
actual day of submitting this report.


It was found out that:

(a)Since most girls are idle during the weekends, they yield to
pressure from the fellow students who push them into leaving the
school. While at home, majority fail to get admission in other
(b) Some of the students are not satisfied with the quality of the
meals cooked . They feel they don’t match the amount of money
they pay.
(c)Add other two

The committee concluded that:

(a)Some of the girls do not know how to make use of their free time.
(b) Some of the students value food more than education services
offered at the school.
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(a)The students should be guided on how to benefit from their free

(b) The quality of meals should be improved or at least provide
alternative diet to those not satisfied.
Report compiled by: Amos Ngotho
Position: FORM 2 STUDENT

It has been noted that students at Kinya High abuse drugs. The deputy principal calls
you one day and asks you to form a committee to investigate the causes of drug abuse
at your school. Write the report to contain:
(i) Introduction
(ii) Three methods of data collection
(iii) Four findings
(iv) Four conclusions
(v) Four recommendations.


➢ The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to

investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a
position on the topic in a concise manner.
➢ The structure of the argumentative essay is held together by the following.

• A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first
paragraph of the essay.

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In the first paragraph of an argument essay, students should set the context by
reviewing the topic in a general way.

• Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and


Without logical progression of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s
argument, and the structure will collapse. Transitions should wrap up the idea from
the previous section and introduce the idea that is to follow in the next section.

• Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

Each paragraph should be limited to the discussion of one general idea.

• Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).

The argumentative essay requires well-researched, accurate, detailed, and current

information to support the thesis statement and consider other points of view.

• A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in
light of the evidence provided.
Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize the
information presented in the body of the essay. Restate why the topic is important,
review the main points, and review your thesis. You may also want to include a short
discussion of more research that should be completed in light of your work.

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➢ A notice of meeting is sent to members of a particular group to inform them of the:
(i) Time of the meeting
(ii) Date of the meeting
(iii) Location of the meeting
(iv) Information to be discussed. This is where the agenda come.
Writing a Notice of Meeting
To write a good notice of meeting, follow the steps that follow:
• Write the name of the organization/institution at the top of the page.
• Write “Notice of Meeting” a few lines down. Write “Notice of Public Meeting” if
your meeting will be open to the public.
• Below write the name of the group.
• In the body of the notice, include such things like:
(i) Time of the meeting
(ii) Date of the meeting
(iii) Location of the meeting
(iv) Agenda of the meeting
(v) Any pertinent information
• Sign off

Sample Notice of Meeting

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To All Drama Club Members:


This is to inform all members that the club will hold a meeting on 2 nd
February,2016 from 4.20 p.m. at the school chapel.
The following business will be transacted during this meeting:
• Preliminaries;
• Confirmation of previous minutes;
• Matters arising;
• Rehearsals for drama festival;
• Welcoming the trainer;
• Raising money to buy costumes;
• Any other business; and
• Adjournment.
You are requested to be punctual for the meeting and to come with
writing materials. Refreshments will be served.

Yours Sincerely
[sign here]
Kijiko Kirefu

You are the school head prefect. You want to call for the urgent prefects’ meeting.
Notify them of the meeting.

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➢ An agenda is the list of activities in a meeting and the order in which they should
be taken up.
➢ Any organized meeting requires a well written agenda.

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➢ If the agenda is not clearly written, the result will be that the meeting will become
over-long, inefficient, or even slog.
➢ Agenda is written and handed to the members participating in a meeting prior to
the meeting.
➢ Most secretaries prefer including the agenda in the notice of meetings.

Steps to Writing an Agenda

(i) Write the name of the institution. If possible, have a the institution letterhead.
(ii) Give your agenda a title. Write “AGENDA”, “MEETING” and the name of the
group to hold the meeting.
(iii) Include the date, time, and venue of the meeting.
(iv) Introduce your agenda.
(v) List the items to be discussed. Start with preliminaries, then reading and
confirmation of previous minutes, followed by matters arising(some people
write: unfinished business), then list all the other items to be discussed. From
there add “any other business” and lastly, “adjournment”.
Sample Agenda Note to Group Members
TIME: 9.00 AM

There will be the second meeting of the year with the following items to
be discussed:
• Preliminaries
• Reading and confirmation of previous minutes
• Matters arising

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• Camping trip
• Planting flowers
• Any other business
• Adjournment

Denis Benjam

➢ Minutes of what is discussed is written soon after the meeting.
➢ During the meeting, the secretary only takes notes.
➢ Minutes are the official records of a group in an organization.
➢ It is crucial that they be accurate as they are legal record of the proceedings of that
Minutes Format
Heading The heading comprise:
• Name of the group;
• Date of the meeting;
• Time of the meeting; and
• Place where the meeting was held.
Present We write the names of all the members present
Not Present • Members who fail to attend the meeting.
• At times they are classified first, as Absent
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with Apology, then, as Absent.

• In other organizations, secretaries only write
“Members Absent”. They write in brackets
“Pre-Arranged” for those who send their
• Either ways seem acceptable.
In Attendance Name(s) of people who attend the meeting but are
non members of the group are written under this.
Preliminaries • It is the introductory remark made before
the meeting.
• Included are prayers, welcoming members
by the chair, and congratulating members on
being punctual.
Confirmation of We include:
Previous Minutes • Reading of the minutes;
• Confirmation of the minutes by a member,
and seconding by another;
• Approval of the minutes.
Matters Arising • Problems or questions arising from the
previous meeting are discussed here.
• It is also referred to as “unfinished
New Business Key to be captured are:
• The issue discussed as a problem.
• The solution reached.
Any other Business Subjects that members mention after the main
subjects have been discussed. Not discussed
exhaustively as the main ones.
Adjournment When meeting ends. Date and time of the next
meeting is usually announced.
Approval of • The minutes of one meeting are normally
Minutes approved at the next meeting.
• Once approved both the secretary and the
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chair append their signatures.

Sample Minutes



1. Noisemaker Awuor – Chair
2. Beaker Laboraory – Secretary
3. Catherine Njagi – Treasurer
4. Sukuma Wiki – Member
5. Kijiko Povu
6. Jemimah Akinyi
7. Jeremy Kanyari
1. Alot Manumu
2. Kiny Abiro
Kibaki Akello – Club Patron
MIN 1/2/2016: Preliminaries

Meeting was called to order at 4.01 pm by the club chair. She welcomed
all members and congratulated everyone on keeping time.

MIN 2/2/2016: Confirmation of the Previous Minutes

Minutes from the meeting on 12th January, 2016 was read. It was
confirmed as the true records of what was transacted by Annabel and
seconded by Felix Kimutai. It was therefore approved without

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MIN 3/2/2016: Matters Arising

1. A member wanted the date for commencing trees planting be
2. A member asked that drinks should be served whenever a meeting
is held.
MIN 4/2/2016: Registration of New Members

It was discussed that new members was to be registered. This was a

result of many students who had completed school last year. Registration
was to start in a week’s time. Each new member was to pay sum of sh.
250 before being registered.
MIN 5/2/2016: Trip to Mau Forest

Members discussed the trip to Mau Forest scheduled for 1 st March. Each
registered member was requested to remit their Sh. 300 contribution
through the club patron before the end of February. A member requested
that the school management be asked to assist in making the trip a

Other things to carry included:

• Toiletries
• Snacks
• Enough clothing
MIN 6/2/2016: Any Other Business
1. A member asked whether new members were eligible to visit the
Mau Forest.
2. A member wanted to know when the rabbits owned by the club
could be sold in order to supplement their budget for the trip.
MIN 9/2/2016: Adjournment
12th March,2016 5.00 pm and school refectory were fixed as the date,
time and place for the next meeting. There being no other business, the
meeting was adjourned at 6.13 pm.

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➢ A memorandum is a brief written message sent from one person or department, to
another person or a group in an organization.
➢ A memo has twofold purpose:
• It brings attention to a problem; and
• It solves that problem.
➢ They inform the reader about new information such as price increases, or by
persuading them to take an action.
Memo Format
Institution/Organization’s If possible add the HABA NA HABA
Name letterhead. MIXED SECONDARY
Heading • State that this is a Internal Memo
• The words “internal
memo” are usually
written then underlined.
Reference Written differently Ref 3/2015
depending on the
“To” field • Write the job title of the TO: All Teachers
person you are sending
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the memo.
“Cc” field • Indicate who will receive CC: Principal
a “Courtesy Copy” of the
• It is directed to a person
who should remain
“From” field Write your job title. FROM: The Deputy
Date Write the complete date, DATE:11th January,2016
spelling out the month or
DATE: January 11th,
“Subject” field • It is a line that gives the SUBJECT:
reader an idea of what the SUBMISSION OF END
memo is about. TERM EXAMS
• Be specific but concise. RESULTS
Body • Two issues are discussed: As of 3rd August, 2015,
the problem and the only two teachers had
solution. submitted the end of term
• Introduce the problem in two examination results.
the first paragraph. The results were
• Give the solution to the supposed to have entered
problem in the second into the computer by 3rd.
paragraph. Suggest the
actions that should be You are requested to
taken. increase your speed in
• The third marking the remaining
paragraph(normally the papers. Before 7th of this
last) close the memo with month, ensure you have
a positive and warm entered the marks.
We will be glad to see all
that done by the newly
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set deadline. We wish all

the best as you work
towards meeting that
Signing off • Sign Yours Sincerely,
• Write your name [signature]
Mr. Mamboga Japheth

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